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A Master’s Thesis
presented to the
Faculty of the School of Graduate Studies
Laguna College of Business and Arts


In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Degree
Major in Administration and Supervision




May 2017


This thesis hereto entitled:



prepared and submitted by ABEGAIL V. DIAZ, in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education major in
Administration and Supervision has been examined and recommended for
acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of





Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Arts in Education major in Administration and Supervision


Dean, School of Graduate Studies


The outcome of this research truly inspires the researcher.

Although it is challenging and backbreaking but the fruit of thy labor is

priceless. To move from brilliant ideas to completion of this study

required the utmost support, encouragement, assistance, and

understanding of many individuals. The experience to work with these

people who have made her more enthusiastic and optimistic is one of a

kind. The researcher takes this opportunity to express her deepest

gratitude to these people who have given word or words of hope, jokes

that brought laughter, a piece of advice, solutions, comments and

suggestions and have shared their time and effort before and after the

development of this research. These are the individuals who in one way or

the other have touched her life in a special way which shall be

remembered and be thankful for.

The God Almighty, the father of heaven and earth, for He is the

foundation of all the knowledge, wisdom and strength. Because of HIS

greatest love, the researcher is able to surpass all the hindrances in the

progress of thesis writing;


Dharren M. Diaz, her husband, for giving words of encouragement

and for believing to her ability and perseverance;

Dr. Von Lizares Sarino, Vice President for Academics and Services,

Research Director, and SGS Dean, for uplifting the standard of quality of

education to produce competent and compassionate graduates, and for

also helping the researcher to come up with this brilliant idea for the title

for thesis writing;

Dr. Ma. Lorena M. Tagala, the researcher’s mentor who has given

invaluable support and guidance all throughout of the study. Her

encouragement and advice shall be forever be treasured from the bottom

of the researcher’s heart;

Mrs. Cora R. Ortiz, the School Head of Masaya Elementary School for

her undying support to the researcher;

Mrs. Charo Cosico and Sally S. Ramos, the researcher’s friends and

co teachers for motivation and for giving the words of encouragement.

Dr. Juanita B. Corre, Mrs. Sylvia P. Izon, and Dr. Edna M. Manaig, the

researcher’s panelists, for critiquing and for giving comments, and

suggestions for further improvement to have a well-presented manuscript;


Dr. Josilyn S. Solana, the school’s division superintendent of Laguna,

together with her DepEd staff, for being accommodating during the time

that the researcher asked for an approval of her request.






Degree : Master of Arts in Education

Major : Administration and Supervision

School : Laguna College of Business and Arts

Adviser : Ma. Lorena M. Tagala, Ed. D.

This study was conducted to look into the different lived experiences

of the outstanding educators and school leaders. The co-researchers of the

study were the selected five (5) outstanding educators and five (5)

outstanding school leaders in the Division of Laguna. Their dedication and

passion to their work cannot be questioned because it is tested by their

accomplishments and service to students. Using the guide questions were

equipped the researcher to further conduct her interviews in video-record


The findings revealed that school leaders and educators share

different situations on their unforgettable situations that make them more

motivated to do their best. Not all of the shared experiences were good

but they take them as a challenge to make themselves more effective and

efficient leaders and educators. School leaders give assistance not only to

the teachers but to the students as well. Most of them regularly observe

classes to give necessary feedbacks and advice for the betterment of

teaching style of the teachers. In addition, school leaders consider the legal

basis when it comes to decision- making and always remember their job

descriptions to avoid any mistakes. School leaders describe that every day

is a challenging day since they encounter different people with different

attitudes in their daily routine. On the other hand, educators reveal that

dealing with their students is one of the challenges they encounter every

day. In order to overcome them, they make sure that they have the heart

to face these challenges. The outstanding school leaders and outstanding

educators reveal that leadership with a heart is needed in order to bring

out the best among leaders. There are no particular characteristics and

qualities to have in order to be outstanding. Having a heart for the people

around you and love what you are doing are enough to do your best. The

outstanding school leaders and educators have not expected any rewards

for their hard work. For them, they are not the best or outstanding since

they believe that they are not doing any extraordinary thing aside from

enjoying and loving their job.

The researcher reflected that the unforgettable experiences of the

outstanding school heads and outstanding educators help them a lot to

become successful. Experiences either good or bad make them better

persons of today since they learn from those experiences. Regular

monitoring of classes helps the school leaders to provide the necessary and

appropriate assistance to the teachers. In that way, teachers are able to

improve their teaching style and strategy that will lead to the development

of the skills and ability of the students. Every day is a challenging day for the

outstanding school leaders since they come across different people with

different attitudes and different issues to solve. Dealing with students is the

challenging thing for the educators since they encounter individual

differences among their students. They overcome those challenges by

teaching with a heart for the educators and having the mindset of

leadership with a heart for the school leaders. There are no necessary

characteristics or qualities to be an outstanding leader. Having a heart for


the people around you and loving and enjoying what you are doing are

enough to come up with best accomplishments. Outstanding school

leaders and outstanding educators have not expected any rewards. They

are humble school leaders and educators who simply work not for any

reward, but for their schools and students.




Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract vi

Table of Contents x

List of Appendices xii

List of Tables xiii

List of Figures xiv



Introduction 1
Theoretical / Conceptual Framework 5
Central and Corollary Questions 9
Scope and Delimitations 10
Significance of the Study 10
Definition of Terms 11


Review of Related Literature and Studies 14

Synthesis 26

Research Design 29
Population and Sampling 29
Co-researchers of the Study 31
Data-Gathering Procedure 31
Instrumentation 31
Ethical Considerations 32
Treatment for Qualitative Data 35




Summary of Findings 69
Conclusions 71
Recommendations 70






A Research Ethics and Integrity Board Clearance 77

B Certificate of Grammar Editing 78
C Letter to Co-Researchers 79
D Sub-Questions 81

E Verbatim Transcription 82

F Letter to the Superintendent 102




1.1 Annotated Exemplars on Unforgettable Experience 37

of Outstanding School Leaders and Educators
1.2 Annotated Exemplars on Best Practices on 40
Outstanding School Heads and Educators
1.3 Annotated Exemplars on Challenges Encountered 42
by Outstanding School Heads and Educators, and
Hoe These are Handled
1.4 Annotated Exemplars on Characteristics and 45
Qualifies of Outstanding School Leaders and
1.5 Annotated Exemplars on Efforts Shown by 47
Outstanding School Heads and Educators
2.1 Positive and Negative Reinforcement 51
2.2 a Providing Technical Assistance 54
2.2 b Best Teaching Styles 57

2.3 Facing Daily Challenges and Overcoming Them 59

2.4 Leadership and Teaching with a Heart 63
2.5 Unexpected Reward 66



1 Research Paradigm 8

2 Emerging Themes 50

Chapter 1



“Human beings may not be born perfect, but they can be excellent
in their own way. For school leaders and educators, that’s called
dedication and commitment. Outstanding schools are a by-product of
outstanding school heads and teachers” (TAGALA, MLM).

Motivation is the essential element to become successful in

everything we do. Thus, in order to become successful we should be

motivated well. Motivation has moved the researcher to conduct this study

through the help of her school head. She would always say that motivation

plays a vital role in order to come up with the best accomplishments. She

also states that in order to finish this study, the researcher must have the

goal, focus and motivated. The school head has motivated the researcher

by telling her the possible outcome of this study and how this study can help

other educators and school leaders to be motivated and do their best and

soon be awarded as outstanding teachers and school heads.

The success of Department of Education schools in attaining its vision

and mission of providing quality education to Filipinos is largely influenced


by how school heads and teachers fully and correctly accomplish their

functions, duties and responsibilities. They achieve such by combining and

coordinating various kinds of resources by carrying out four basic leadership

functions: planning, organizing, leading and monitoring. They play a very

vital role in their school because they are solely responsible for all the

operations of the school. When they seriously play their part, it is possible

that they will be named by the department as outstanding school heads.

Typically, each school has a single administrative officer, a school

head, who is primarily responsible for administering all aspects of the

school’s operation. Aside from these responsibilities, principals also play an

important role in motivating their teachers to do their best, become a role

model to them and promote excellence in the profession, and in the

schools that they are connected with.

On the other hand, a teacher plays an important role in fostering the

intellectual and social development of children during their formative

years. In education, the teacher plays a key role in determining the future

of their students. Teachers provide the tools and the environment to

develop their students into responsible adults. The teacher also motivates

the students to explore the world of knowledge and translates these


learning expressions to norms and standards. It is then imperative to

recognize the value of the teacher as the best contributory factor to quality


In order to have such teacher, school heads are good motivators

and good leaders as well, leaders who can change people because

people are the heart of any organization, particularly a school, and it is only

through changing people–teachers in particular-nurturing and challenging

them, helping them grow and develop, a leader who listens, understand,

motivates, reinforces, and makes the tough decision for the betterment of

the organization. A leader passes out praise when things go well and takes

responsibility and picks up the pieces when things fall apart. Leaders create

a vision, and deal with external parties and inspire. They also execute

strategies that make the vision a reality, deal with the employees, and

follow through to ensure that the right things are done in the right way.

Indeed, leadership is about relationships.

In addition, since motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain

behavior. It gives the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. There

are two types of motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic


motivation is when the stimuli are coming from within while in extrinsic, the

stimuli come from outside.

Moreover, principals should understand that teachers are not all the

same, thus motivating them requires the principal to gain an understanding

of the different types of motivation. Such an understanding will enable the

principal to better categorize his/her teacher and apply the appropriate

type of motivation.

Furthermore, school heads will find each teacher different and each

teacher’s motivational needs will be varied as well. In this sense, the best

way to organize and manage people through motivation depends on the

nature of the situation. In order for an organization to run smoothly, there

should be a good leader who is also a good motivator. A leader knows how

to boost the confidence of his subordinates. Thus, a motivator influences

another person.

Finally, the researcher arrived at this study to further explain the

importance of motivation in school organizations to be effective and

likewise for school heads in their sphere of influence. Being an educator

herself whom she believes possesses dedication and commitment as well,

she also wants to be enlightened and inspired by how the outstanding


school leaders and educators have accomplished this in the past. She looks

into their qualities and best practices so that she can emulate their good

deeds and share with the rest of the teachers, leaders and readers of her


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on different points of view and theories of the

following well-known authorities which are closely relevant to the

researcher’s study. First is McKinsey 7S model which is based on the theory

that, for an organization to perform well, seven elements need to be

aligned and mutually reinforcing. This is a model that can be used to help

identify what needs to be realigned to improve performance, or to

maintain alignment (and performance) during other types of change.

Whatever the type of change–restructuring, new processes,

organizational merger, new systems, change of leadership, and so on -the

model can be used to understand how the organizational elements are

interrelated, and to ensure that the wider impact of changes made in one

area is taken into consideration.


Meanwhile, the Motivation Theory by Abraham Maslow (1943)

subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of human

innate curiosity. Maslow said in his theory that through the curiosity of

humans, they become motivated to do things in their own way. They are

motivated to finish and work harder. His theories are parallel to other

theories of human development psychology, some of which focus on

describing the stages of growth of humans.

In Educational Psychology, it is focused specifically on motivation for

learning rather than for behavior. The major types of motivation for learning

are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within the student

or from factors inherent in the task being performed. For example, students

who love to read are intrinsically motivated to read - there is something

about reading that they enjoy and that makes them want to do it even if

there is no "reward" for it.

Likewise, B.F. Skinner (1938) provided the reinforcement theory which

one of the oldest theories of motivation, as a way to explain behavior and

why they do what they do. The theory may also be known as Behaviorism

or Operant Conditioning, which is still commonly taught in psychology


The theory states that an “individual’s behavior is a function of its

consequences” (Management Study Guide, 2013). Behaviorism evolved

out of frustration with the introspective techniques of humanism and

psychoanalysis, as some researcher became dissatisfied with the lack of

observable phenomena that could be measured and experimented. In

their opinion, it would make the discipline of Psychology more scientific and

at par with the core sciences.

Reinforcement theories focus on observable behavior rather than

needs theories that focus on personal states. Reinforcement theory is a form

of operant conditioning and focuses on environmental factors that

contribute to shaping behavior. There are four primary approaches to

reinforcement theory: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement,

positive punishment, and negative punishment.

To further illustrate the flow of this study, this research paradigm is


Research Paradigm



Audio Field Notes

 Positive and Negative Reinforcement

 Providing Technical Assistance
 Best Teaching Styles
 Facing Daily Challenges and
Overcoming Them
 Leadership and Teaching with a Heart
 Unexpected Reward

IPA Symbolic

Outstanding School Heads and

Educators’ Lived Experiences

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm


As shown in Figure 1, the researcher considered and focused on the

lived experiences of outstanding school leaders and educators. She used

audio/video and field notes in recording and interviewing the outstanding

school leaders and educators in gathering essential information. Using the

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, she was able to extract

important responses and themes thru verbatim transcription.

Central and Corollary Questions

The main objective of this interpretative phenomenological inquiry

was to explore the essence of the lived experiences of outstanding school

leaders and educators of Laguna, or the school leader and educator

awardees of Laguna. This answers one central question that is -

What is the essence of the lived experiences of outstanding school

leaders and educators?

1. How do the outstanding school leaders and educators describe their


2. What themes emerged from the testimonies of the outstanding

school leaders and educators?


3. Based on the consolidated findings and reflections, what

motivational materials maybe crafted?

Scope and Delimitations

This study involved only the awardees for teacher excellence and

awardees for leadership as the co-researchers/participants of the study

particularly looking into the essence of their lived experiences coming from

the Division of Laguna public schools. Their views, opinions, insights,

observations and emotions on being outstanding were noted.

Significance of the Study

The researcher deems that the following will benefit from the result of the


The Pupils. They may able to have a lifelong learning using their home

language as a medium of instruction in the classroom and be proud of their

heritage. They will not be afraid to commit mistakes in articulating the word

that they are going to speak.

The Grade III Teachers. They have the foremost roles in the

implementation of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education as

medium of instruction in teaching Science. This study is vital in that it may


be able to improve the program and provide appropriate instruction

especially with respect to the implementation.

The DepEd Officials and Curriculum Makers. They would be given a

feedback with regard to the implementation of Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education as part of the K to12 Curriculum.

Parents. This study may help them encourage their children to

become more active in participating in class activities and be of help to

the teachers by motivating their pupils to do their homework and even do

some follow up to the lessons’ taught. Also this may enlighten them on what

MTB/MLE can give to their children in terms of improving their performance

in Science and other learning areas.

Future Researchers. This study will be important for them as this will

serve as reference to their study.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are

operationally defined as they are used in this research.

Essence. This refers to the importance of the outstanding teachers

and school leaders’ experiences.


Motivation. This refers to Internal and external factors that stimulate

desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to

a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal.

Outstanding. This refers to

having a quality that thrusts itself into attention.

Performance. This refers to the accomplishment of a given task

measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness,

cost, and speed. In a contract, performance is deemed to be the fulfillment

of an obligation.

Phenomenological. This is one of the qualitative research designs

providing light to actual situations, the experiences and perceptions of

individual perspective.

School Leaders. This refers to the head of a school.

School. This is an organization that provides instruction and institution

for the teaching of children. A group of persons who hold a common

doctrine or follow the same teacher (as in philosophy, theology, or

medicine) takes care of the school.


Society. This pertains to a community, nation, or broad grouping of

people having common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and

interests. A part of the community that sets itself apart as a leisure class and

that regards itself as the arbiter of fashion and manners.

Teachers. This refers to professional teacher who took four year

course program of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. In this

study they are major respondents who will evaluate the organizational

motivation employed by their school leaders.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies pertinent to

the study or research. The knowledge secured from these studies previously

conducted provided the researcher a wide range of information and

insight which furnish the background for the development of the study.this

review include: 1. Leadership.


Leadership, according to Young (2005), is an important part of the

human condition. It has been an indispensable and necessary factor in

defining civilization through the ages. To understand the past, one studies

the leaders who have shaped history. The present is comprehended by

looking backwards at great and small leaders, and by examining leaders

of today who influence the lives of trillions. Interestingly enough, but quite

logically, people look to today’s leaders for what lies ahead. The vision of

these contemporary leaders, it is believed, holds the keys to the future.

Individuals look to these leaders and their visions of tomorrow in hope of

better and more satisfying lives, not simply for themselves, but for their

children and future generations to come. As leadership is of great

importance and concern to humankind, then it is reasonable to desire to

understand what it is. And how leaders motivate and influence their

subordinates to do their best.

Meanwhile, leadership, according to McLaughlin (2006), is the builder

of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. They

present a challenge that calls for the best in people and brings them

together around a shared sense of purpose. They work with the power of

intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. Their eyes are on the

horizon, not just on the near at hand. They are motivators and change

agents, seeing the big picture and thinking strategically. A good leader

should be a good motivator who encourage and dream wonderful visions

of the future and articulate them with great inspiration. Motivator is good

with actions as well as words, and so can bring his/her vision into being in

the world, thus transforming it in some way. A good leader is effective in

manifesting his or her vision because s/he creates specific, achievable

goals, initiates action and enlists the participation of others. What are the

qualities and abilities of true leaders? What is the mysterious inner process

within leaders that enables them to work their magic and radiate the

charisma that motivates others for a higher purpose? Leadership is based

on a balanced expression of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical

dimensions. It requires core values, clear vision, empowering relationships,

and innovative action. When one or more of these dimensions are missing,

a leader cannot fully perform his/her tasks.

As such, the principal as a manager has to organize his faculty and

contribute to the total organization of his school. As educational manager,

always remember that managing and supervising people is not an easy

task. Variations of people should take into consideration in managing them.

With these, facing increased pressure to improve teaching and learning,

the duties and responsibilities of principals expanded further to include the

responsibility for leading school reforms that would raise student and

teacher achievement. Success in leading reforms to increase teacher

achievement often hinged upon a principal's ability to motivate and

create a shared vision within the school community and success in

implementing new organizational structures that engage teachers in

shared decision-making. Principals have discovered that engaging and

motivating the entire school staff in making decisions results in more


commitment to school reform initiatives according to Alva and Gegremosa


Likewise, Andrew (2011) reiterated that leadership is a quality that

often transcends industries. Effective leaders maintain a skill set that allows

them to guide and motivate a team or organization. Some aspects of

leadership can be taught, but a natural inclination to lead others always


Moreover, Mc Dunnigan (2011) described a good leader by their

uniting and charismatic attitude. In order for a good leader to be

successful, he must help unite or overcome differences that threaten to

break apart an organization. Engaging this natural cohesion helps

employees to work harder than they have before. Charisma, by its very

nature, is the understanding of how you appear to people. As a result,

visionary leaders must be resolute in the vision set forth for the organizations.

Leaders are individuals who seek to inspire others to follow them.

They need something that will make people want to do as they say. They

need to know how to motivate people to accept their ideas and do as


they say. They need to find appropriate motivational strategies that will help

them to encourage people to do their best.

In addition, Crawford (2008) mentioned that there is a growing

consensus by 2010 among those who deal with educational policy that the

leadership qualities of school principals are a critical factor in the success

of a school.

Meanwhile, nationally-known educator and professor of Education

at Stanford University Linda Darling-Hammond stated that "High-performing

principals are not just born, but can be made." Leadership training is a

complex business, but there are a few core skills that distinguish the school

principals who get results. A principal sees the ability to succeed in every

student---and runs a school on that belief. High-performing schools turn out

high-performing students who are challenged by an academically rigorous

curriculum, fully supported in their efforts to master advanced or unfamiliar

subjects, taken seriously and steered toward college and ongoing

education. School is for learning. That is its fundamental purpose and

everything about a school is aimed squarely at that goal. When school

leadership embraces learning as the overriding goal and refuses to be


distracted from it, the school becomes a learning community in which

teachers and students learn from the curriculum and from each other.

Furthermore, learning is a celebrated and a tremendous amount of

learning takes place. That’s why principals should think of how to lead the

school well toward the skill of being visionary in attaining schools objective.

In this connection, Silver (2009), divulged that school principals set the

tone for their schools and are ultimately responsible for all aspects of

running the school. They impact either negatively or positively on staff

morale, which impacts on student success. The principal, as the senior

leader of the school is usually the visionary who steers the direction of

change. And with the help of the teachers around her, they can lead into

success on attaining the visions and mission of the school.

Meanwhile, Bradley (2011), stated that the focus and success of any

organization can be attributed at least in part to the leadership of an

organization. The success of a school is largely dependent upon the leader

and the style of leadership of that individual. Although no one perfect style

of leadership guarantees success, some styles of leadership are more

effective than others at helping a principal facilitate the development of a


positive school climate. A shared leadership style sometimes referred to as

participative or democratic leadership tends to have a positive impact on

teacher morale and school climate, as they are inextricably related. The

faculty and staff are consulted and sometimes invited to participate in

decision making policy and procedures.

The principal who uses this style of leadership is making a statement to

faculty and staff of trust and respect. One style of leadership of this study

again is by being visionary. The school administrator creates atmosphere

that will help teachers or even people at the school free to share something

that will help to attain the visions and mission of school and by gaining

respect to each other. The development of mutual trust and respect

facilitates the mission of the school and increases morale by making the

faculty and staff feel respected and valued.

Moreover, Bolton (2011), expressed that teachers need to be

motivated. These roles of teacher currently involve teachers as curriculum

developers, mentors, staff development providers and team leaders.

Teachers in such decision-making processes require specific

characteristics. Teachers need to be motivated and inspired. This type of


leadership is by nature dynamic and involves three important steps. The

teacher needs to understand what the end result of their efforts will be.

Teachers in these executive positions also need to communicate their vision

to other role players and those that will be part of the process. Lastly, these

teachers need to find ways to empower their followers and team members

in order to enact the vision. Vision is a critical executive characteristic that

teachers in leadership positions must possess. Teachers will help the

principals in attaining their vision for school improvement.

Additionally, one of the initial steps a school leader must take towards

school improvement is to motivate his teacher for school improvement

(Rakiz & Sawnsen, 2005). The improvement of the school is a process, and it

is critical for the school leaders to involve both internal and external

stakeholders. Data analyses are a very pertinent part of developing the

school. A school improvement is much more than the articulation of

statements and beliefs. It reflects the continuous reflection, action, re-

evaluation, and communication among the principal and staff. It is

essential for school leaders to possess a vision for schools that is

communicated and shared by the faculty, staff, students, parents, and

school community. Inclusive of the school goals, the vision provides a


realistic perception of present functional levels of students - academic,

disciplinary, and all other aspects deemed critical for school improvement.

On the other hand, Rakiz & Swanson (2010) described leadership as

being in a period of dynamic change. Principals will have to know more

and do more to meet the changing schools in a changing society. The

complexities of the school environments contribute to the changes in skills

and additional responsibilities required of educational leaders. Educational

leaders must facilitate “the development of a vision for the organization’s

mission and communicate that mission effectively”.

In addition, Weiss (2005) reiterated that there are many answers as to

why some schools succeed and some school don’t, but leadership

provided by the principals is a major aspect of the success. Principals must

have the will to succeed because it takes a great deal of time, effort,

planning and willingness to confront issues and people to get the job done.

Finally, in a study conducted by Hess (2007), it was cited that among

the essential qualities that any leader must have are energy, a sense of

direction, and a determination to succeed that inspire other to perform. A

leader may not personally possess every skill or expertise in organization, but

he or she must be able to convey a sense of urgency to those who do

perform the work. A leader must be able to define a goal and direct the

institution’s effort toward its realization. Thus, in the study of the

organizational motivation employed by school leaders, we can say that it

is important that the principal motivates and encourages teachers to do

their best for the attaining of the school’s mission and vision and for the

success of the school improvement.

According to Abad (2005), to educate Filipinos better, the school

needs to transform themselves into community-based educational

institutions that keep on improving the education they deliver and the

principals are the prime agents of its transformation as leaders of change

for school improvement. Abad believed that it is necessary to state the

objective of building a community of leaders. The principal has the sole

responsibility of incorporating such as objectives to teachers-leaders, who

must meet the good of all agreed upon by all.

As it is, principals need the cooperation of teachers as well as their

knowledge for the betterment of education. He or she must be ready and

highly motivated to impart his or her vision supplied by the principal that

leader-teacher will feel the need to create a community where everybody

is a “follower of the mandate of everyone”

Likewise, principals must see to it that teachers are involved in decision

making, especially on important matter. He or she must inculcate to the

teachers’ mind that they are important individuals that their opinions are

being valued and they are part of the education system itself. They must

also make it known that they view the teaching job as “something I have

to do” instead of something I want to do”. Principals, as agent of change,

must develop, mold and create teacher-leader who will work hand in hand

for the common good of the school, most importantly the students.

Moreover, a coherent vision specifies the particular values and beliefs

that will guide policy and practice within the school. Ideally, the school

board and superintendent set a broad vision for all schools in the district,

and, within that context, the principal coordinates the process of arriving

at a particular vision for each school. The creation of a vision is not a static

event, because the vision must change as culture changes. As Senge

(2006) noted, "At any one point, there will be a particular image of the

future that is predominant, but that image will evolve." The principal who is

able to adapt a vision to new challenges will be more successful in building

strong school cultures.

A vision for creating a healthy school culture should be a

collaborative activity among teachers, students, parents, staff, and the

principal. Fullan (2006) wrote "Whose vision is it?" "Principals," he says, "are

blinded by their own vision when they must manipulate the teachers and

the school culture to conform to it." A more useful approach is to create a

shared vision that allows for collaborative school cultures.

The most effective change in school culture happens when

principals, teachers, and students model the values and beliefs important

to the institution. The actions of the principal are noticed and interpreted

by others as "what is important." A principal who acts with care and

concern for others is more likely to develop a school culture with similar

values. Likewise, the principal who has little time for others places an implicit

stamp of approval on selfish behaviors and attitudes. Besides modeling,

principals should work to develop shared visions rooted in history, values,

beliefs of what the school should be, hire compatible staff, face conflict

rather than avoid it, and use story-telling to illustrate shared values. Finally

and most important, principals must nurture the traditions, ceremonies,


rituals, and symbols that already express and reinforce positive school


Based on the DepEd Memorandum No. 375 s. 2008, guidelines for the

2008-2009 Philippine Public School Teacher Association (PPSTA) Search for

outstanding Teachers, Personnel, School Heads and District Supervisor, this

search aims to recognize the exemplary and outstanding performance

and accomplishments of classroom teacher, non-teaching-personnel,

school heads and district supervisors who are active member of the PPSTA.

This further bestows honor on the teaching profession by giving recognition

to teachers who continue to devout their lives in the development of the

youth and achievement of quality education.


All of the above reviewed literature and studies serve as frames of

reference to the present study. The materials help the researcher in her

effort to clarify the problems investigated and the methods used in this


The present study is similar to the study of Weiss (2005) and based on

DepEd Memorandum No. 375 s. 2008 as it dealt with the aims to recognize

the exemplary and outstanding performance and accomplishments of

classroom teacher, non-teaching-personnel, school heads and district

supervisors who are active member of the PPSTA. Similarly, Abad (2005),

Hess (2007) and Bolton (2011) dealt solely with the different roles of the

school leaders to motivate their teachers. In connection, Bradly (2011),

Rakiz and Swanzon (2010) dealt that school leaders should be responsible

for motivating their teacher to their best.

On the other hand, Siver (2009) gave emphasis that the principals set

the tone for their schools and are ultimately responsible for all aspects of

running the schools. Dunnigan (2011) described a good leader by their

uniting and charismatic attitude. Alva and Gegremosa (2000) discussed

that principals have discovered that engaging and motivating the entire

school staff in making decisions results give more commitment to school

reform initiatives.

Moreover, leadership, according to Young (2005), is an important

part of the human condition. It has been an indispensable and necessary

factor in defining civilization through the ages. To understand the past, one

studies the leaders who have shaped history. The present is comprehended

by looking backwards at great and small leaders, and by examining

leaders of today who influence the lives of trillions. Interestingly enough, but

quite logically, people look to today’s leaders for what lies ahead. The

vision of these contemporary leaders, it is believed, holds the keys to the

future. Individuals look to these leaders and their visions of tomorrow in hope

of better and more satisfying lives, not simply for themselves, but for their

children and future generations to come. As leadership is of great

importance and concern to humankind, then it is reasonable to desire to

understand what it is, and how leaders motivate and influence their

subordinates to do their best.

With respect to similarities to the present study, both presented the

teacher awardees’ and school leaders’ experiences, however in the

present study, the focus is more on the essence of lived experiences of

outstanding teachers and school leaders in the elementary public schools.


Chapter 3


Presented in this chapter are the descriptions of research

methodology including research design, population and sampling, co-

researchers of the study, research instrument, data-gathering procedure,

ethical considerations, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study utilized the qualitative research in particular the

phenomenological approach. It illuminates the specific, and identifies

phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation

(Lester, 2011). The phenomenological method is particularly effective at

bringing to the fore the experiences and perceptions of individuals from

their own perspectives, and therefore at challenging structural or normative


Likewise, qualitative research involves careful observation of

participants involved in the study and often interacts with the researcher

and is accompanied by extensive note taking. Further, it involves observing

respondents, after which notes or data from the observation are


summarized in narrative reports that attempt to describe and interpret the

phenomenon being studied (Gravetter & Forzano, 2011). It is important to

see the phenomenon from the co-researchers’ own point of view rather

than utilizing a probabilistic interpretation.

In this study, the researcher used this design which is truly appropriate

since she explores the topic as well as experiences of the co-researchers

involved in this study. She used the Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis

(IPA) to explore in detail individual personal and lived experiences and to

examine how participants are making sense of their personal and social

world. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis is method in a qualitative

research that has its roots from Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. From

the phenomenology side, it focuses on understanding human experience

while from the hermeneutic side, its interpretative activity since the

researcher is also involved in the analytic process as doing research with


Population and Sampling

In the conduct of this qualitative research, the researcher made use

of purposive random sampling. This was the most appropriate sampling for

the study since this looked at a random sample and adds credibility to a

sample when the potential sample is larger than one can handle). While

this is a type of sampling that uses small sample sizes, its goal is to increase

credibility, not to encourage representativeness or the ability to generalize

(Clemente, Julaton, and Orleans, 2016).

Co-researchers of the Study

Phenomenology is concerned with the lived experiences of the

people involved, or who were involved, with the issue that is being

researched. The study covered the participation of five (5) outstanding

teachers and five (5) outstanding school leaders of the elementary public

school who were awarded by the Department of Education because they

passed the criteria set by the same.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The researcher personally requested permission from the Division

Superintendent regarding the teachers’ and school leader’s involvement


in the research study. She explained the purpose and objectives of the

research to the identifiable co-researchers before requesting them to sign

for their confirmation as participants in the research study. They identified

and signified their willingness and subjected to interview individually. In-

depth interview was conducted face-to-face and served as the data

gathering tools. To be able to obtain co-researchers’ perception in their

own words. Essential for presenting the meaningfulness of the experience

for the perspective of the participants. Interviews were appropriate in the

limited number of participants in this study. Interview data were recorded

with the permission of co-researchers and likewise summarized in notes to

obtain a comprehensive information, insights, encountered experiences,

answers that based on the questions to be answered by the participants.

Ethical Considerations

The researcher needed to protect her research participants, develop

trust, promote integrity of research, guard against misconduct and

impropriety, and cope with new and challenging problems. Qualitative

study, which involves human participation, should require ethical approval

prior to commencing on the proposed research study. Thus, ensure the


rights, dignity and privacy of the participants for their protection and

minimized potential risks. For the co-researchers’ information, they were

obtained through procedures imposed by the researcher such as on

potential co-researchers were given the information sheet explaining the

purpose of the study and detailed explanation of the procedure. It also

included information that the co-researchers can withdraw from the study

at any point in time with no repercussions and the researcher’s name,

contact number, details of the researcher and the adviser overseeing the

study if further information will be needed.

Confidentiality and inform consents are vital features of ethical

consideration in any research involving human subjects. Risk and concerns

are greater in qualitative research because of the sensitivity of the

questions that makes participants uncomfortable or may cause anxiety

might be encounter (Creswell, 2014). In order to maintain privacy of the

individuals involved in this study, the researcher explained that she was the

only one who could link the names of the co-researchers with the interview

and the audio recording were deleted after the transcriptions were

checked and validated so as to maintain anonymity. Direct quotes from

the co-researchers’ interview were incorporated into the research.


The researcher had the obligation to respect the right, needs, values,

and desires of the co-researchers. All selected co-researchers after reading

their information sheet detailing the study, the researcher answered all the

queries and clarifications in relation to the research study. They were asked

if they wish to participate in the study. They all agreed to participate having

the knowledge regarding the nature and aims of the study. Each

participant was given a consent form prior to the interview. The consent

was signed by each co-researcher with the respective details of the nature

and the purpose of the study, assurance that their participation remained

anonymous and the data obtain were kept confidential; they were free to

withdraw from the study at any point in time without consequences; and

could take part on this research study with no monetary payment, and the

interview was audio recorded.

The researcher set the schedule of the interview sessions at the

participant’s convenient time. The interview sessions were conducted in

various locations such as co-researcher’ school or residence which they

could choose the location where the interview sessions were conducted.

A face-to-face interview was used and was deemed useful because the

researcher was also able to observe non-verbal information necessary to

the research study.

Treatment for Qualitative Data

After gathering all the data coming from the interviews conducted,

the researcher transcribed the interviews verbatim with her five (5)

outstanding teachers and five (5) outstanding school heads, even used

color-coding to take note of these responses. Afterwards, she extracted

the relevant responses of co-researchers, categorized them by clusters or

exemplars aligned with the interview questions utilized by the researcher,

and organized them in tables. She also included her own observations of

every co-researcher asked. The emerging themes were finally extracted

from the similar responses per line. Thorough discussion and reflections were

included after each table and theme.


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the findings on the phenomenological inquiry

concerning the lived experiences of the outstanding school heads and

educators of the Division of Laguna. Likewise, the researcher discussed in

this chapter the emerging themes which have arisen from the

phenomenological inquiry and how the testimonies of her co-researchers

were described based on the interviews conducted with them using a semi-

structured interview guide. The central question answered is:

What is the essence of the lived experiences of the outstanding school

heads and educators in the Division of Laguna?

Meanwhile, the corollary questions have been answered in the

tables provided.

Corollary Question Number 1. On the Co-researchers’ Description of their

Lived Experiences

Provided in the tables that follow are the responses of the

outstanding school heads and educators in the Division of Laguna on their

lived experiences:

Interview Question number 1: What were your unforgettable experiences

that made you motivated to do your best?

Table 1 exemplifies the responses of the co-researchers on their

unforgettable experiences.

Table 1.1
Annotated Exemplars on Unforgettable Experiences of
Outstanding School Leaders and Educators


School leader 4 3, 4 “…was to encounter a teacher who is School leader 4 showed
not easily to please…Lagi nalang positivism when she did not
nakakontra sa mga decisions and plans dwell on the resistance that
ko sa school…” her co-teacher showed,
instead turned it into

School leader 5 3, 6 “One of my unforgettable experience School leader 5 showed

was to handle a teacher na pasaway. assertiveness, but at the same
And meron talagang mga teacher na time followed the golden rule.
Educator 2 3 “Yung may naging estudyante ako na Educator 2 revealed a
sobrang pasaway…” change of mood from being
pissed off to being motivated.
Educator 4 3 “I think yung pinakacommon is yung Educator 4 exemplified strong
kailangan ko ng maraming patience will.
para sa mga SPED pupils ko…”

When asked about their unforgettable experiences, the outstanding

school leaders divulged that each one has a story to share. Some of which

are positive and negative. According to School leaders 4 and 5:

“…was to encounter a teacher who is not easily to please…Lagi

nalang nakakontra sa mga decisions and plans ko sa school…”

“One of my unforgettable experience was to handle a teacher na

pasaway. And meron talagang mga teacher na pasaway…”

On the other hand, Educators 2 and 4 gave different responses on

their unforgettable experiences, they divulged that –

“Yung may naging estudyante ako na sobrang pasaway…”

“I think yung pinakacommon is yung kailangan ko ng maraming

patience para sa mga SPED pupils ko…”

In the course of the interview, I have observed that the school leaders

4 showed positivism when she did not dwell on the resistance that her co-

teacher showed, instead turned it into motivation, and showed

assertiveness, but at the same time followed the golden rule. As for the

educators, they revealed a change of mood from being pissed off to being

motivated, and strong will.

In addition, Melissa Kelly, an educator stated that-

“I came to understand that students are people who have

feelings and who don't want to feel cornered. They want to learn but
they also want to feel as if they have some control over themselves.
I never made assumptions again about students before they came
into my class. Every student is different; no two students react in the
same way. It is our task as teachers to find not only what motivates
each student to learn but also what motivates them to misbehave. If
we can meet them at that point and take away that motivation, we

can go a long way toward achieving more effective classroom

management and a better learning environment.”

They have made a mark on the kind of leadership that they manifest,

and turned them into the kind of leaders that they are now. Looking back,

they consider them learning experiences as well, hence making them

better leaders. In addition, educators 2 and 4 are motivated more through

their student’s behavior. It gives them more energy and eagerness to teach

well and discipline those misbehave students.

According to Dunnigan (2011), leaders are individuals who seek to

inspire others to follow them. They need something that will make people

want to do as they say. They need to find appropriate motivational

strategies that will help them to encourage people to do their best.

Interview question number 2: What are your best practices inside the

classroom/in your school that have made you one of the best?

Table 2 exemplifies the responses of the co-researchers on their best

practices in the school and inside the classroom.


Table 1. 2
Annotated Exemplars on Best Practices of Outstanding
School Heads and Educators


School leader 1 8, 9 “Everyday monitoring and observation School leader 1 was a little bit
of classes. Come to school on time proud since she did
and give assistance to the teachers everything for the sake of the
and pupils in their teaching and teachers’ welfare in terms of
learning experiences.” teaching and for the
students’ welfare as well.
Educator 5 7, 9 “Integration of ICT in my teaching Educator 5 was eager to
style… kung gagamit ka ng mga integrate the use of ICT in her
videos at powerpoint presentation mo discussion because she
sa discussion.” believed that it will help her to
catch the attention of her

When asked about their best practices in their school, the

outstanding school leaders shared their best practices that will help them

for the improvement of the school. Most of which is technical assistance for

their teachers. According to School leader 1:

“Everyday monitoring and observation of classes. Come to school on

time and give assistance to the teachers and pupils in their teaching and
learning experiences.”

On the other hand, Educator 5 gave different scenarios on her best

teaching style, she divulged that –

“Integration of ICT in my teaching style… kung gagamit ka ng mga

videos at powerpoint presentation mo sa discussion.”

School leader illustrated her best practices as giving assistance to her

teachers and students as well. While the educators describe her best

teaching style as integrating the use of ICT in their daily instruction. As what

Rebecca Alber said –

“We teachers are always looking to innovate, so, yes, it's essential
that we try new things to add to our pedagogical bag of tricks. But it's
important to focus on purpose and intentionality -- and not on quantity. So
what really matters more than "always trying something new" is the reason
behind why we do what we do.”

This means that school leaders must give necessary assistance to their

teachers and give chances for their improvement. They also motivate the

teachers to do their best and do what is right for school improvement and


According to Bolton (2011), teachers need to be motivated and

inspired. One of the initial steps a school leader must take towards school

improvement is to motivate his teachers for the school improvement (Rakiz

& Sawnsen, 2005).

Interview question number 3: Do you encounter any challenges? How do

you handle these challenges?


Table 3 exemplifies the responses of the co-researchers on their

encountered challenges and how they handle these challenges.

Table 1. 3
Annotated Exemplars on Challenges Encountered by Outstanding
School Heads and Educators, and How
These are Handled


School leader 4 14, 15 “Once you are a leader expect School leader 4 was ready with
that araw–araw ay challenging her daily routine as a school
day. In a fact that you encounter leader since she expected that
she encountered different
different kind of people with
problems with different solutions
different issues to solve.”
every day.

Educator 2 15, 17 “Individual differences ng mga Educator 2 was hopeful to

bata is one of the challenges address the individual differences
talaga. Nag reremedial kami sa of her students since it is one of
the problems inside the
tanghali ng reading para ma
improve ang reading ability nila.”

When asked about their encountered challenges and how they

handled these challenges, the outstanding school leaders gave different

situations and shared how they overcome these situations. According to

School leader 4:

“Once you are a leader expect that araw–araw ay challenging day.

In a fact that you encounter different kind of people with different issues to

On the other hand, Educator 2 recited different situations about her

challenges and how she overcame those challenges, she divulged that –

“Individual differences ng mga bata is one of the challenges talaga.

Nag reremedial kami sa tanghali ng reading para ma improve ang reading
ability nila.”

It was observed that the school leader interviewed was ready with

her daily routine as a school leader since she is expecting that she

encountered different problems with different solutions every day while the

educator was hopeful to address the individual differences of her students

since it is one of the problems inside the classroom.

School leader 4 described that every day is a challenging day since

she encountered different people with different issues to solve in her daily

routine however she handled it by making decisions which have legal basis

to avoid any problems or issues. In addition, educator 2 said that individual

differences is really hard to address since she only using one teaching

strategy that might not be suited to all of her learners. Remedial teaching

during lunch break is one of her solution for the slow learners especially for

the non-readers.

Furthermore, Stephanie Carmichael shared her secret to

address the individual differences in her class, and she said that -

“Every student who walks through her door is different.

Some struggle with math and need extra help. Some learn
really well when they read the text, and others when they
listen to a lecture or when they work the problems out on their
own.There is a built-in way to handle this challenge that all
teachers use. It’s called differentiation —meaning to put as
many ways of learning into a lesson as you can. So w hen I
teach ionic compounds, I have the kids take notes, read a
few paragraphs, use buttons to simulate how electrons move,
use a computer simulation if I can get access to the
computers, and practice it in pairs and by themselves. I put
four or five different learning styles into one lesson so that the
student who learns best by reading isn’t left out. Neither is the
student who learns best by moving around.”

This implies that facing challenges in a school is common even inside

the classroom, hence school leaders need right and justifiable decisions to

avoid any inaccuracy in managing the school and even in the learning of

the students. Leading a school or teaching always encounters challenges

especially with the different issues in the educational setting. They are

considered spice of life to school administrators and teachers alike.

According to Weiss (2005), school leaders must have the will to

succeed because it takes a great deal of time, effort, planning and

willingness to confront issues and people to get the job done.


Table 4 exemplifies the responses of the co-researchers on the

characteristics and qualities shown by outstanding school leaders and


Table 1.4
Annotated Exemplars on Characteristics and Qualities of
Outstanding School Leaders and Educators


School leader 3 15, 16 “Always have a heart kase kung may puso School leader 3 believed that a
ka hindi lang sa mga tao mo pati sa school good leader should always have a
mo lahat magagawa mo.” heart in all the things that she does.

Educator 5 16 “Para sa akin magiging best teacher ka Educator 5 surely believed that
kung may puso ka para sa pagtuturo at sa having a heart in teaching and for
mga bata mo.” your students is enough to make
you one of the best.

When asked about the characteristics and qualities of an outstanding

school leader, the outstanding school leaders revealed some

characteristics that a good leader should have. According to School

leader 3:

“Always have a heart kase kung may puso ka hindi lang sa mga tao
mo pati sa school mo lahat magagawa mo.”

On the other hand, Educator 5 exposed some characteristics of

outstanding educators, she divulged that –

“Para sa akin magiging best teacher ka kung may puso ka para sa

pagtuturo at sa mga bata mo.”

School leader 3 and Educator 5 both agreed that one of the

characteristics of a good leader is a person having a heart for people,

students and for the school. Having a heart in what you do is the key to

becoming an outstanding leader.

I have observed that School leader 3 believed that a good leader

should always have a heart in all the things that she does while Educator 5

surely believed that having a heart in teaching and for your students is

enough to make you one of the best. However, Paul Greci stated that –

“In order to be an outstanding teacher you need to be committed

to doing the best job that you can do. For a teacher, that means staying
current on the research both in teaching methods and classroom content
and then implementing the new content and methods in the classroom.
And of course a great teacher takes a hand opens a mind and touches a

Successful leadership begins by having a heart. If you have a heart

for your students, it is easy for you to understand them and if you have a

heart for everyone, it is easy for them to make justifiable decisions.

Administrators who have a heart will work for their schools even if they

receive or do not receive an award. The same goes for educators, they do

their job without asking anything in return.


Meanwhile, Bradley (2011) mentioned that the focus and success of

any organization can be attributed at least in part to the leadership of an

organization. The success of a school is largely dependent upon the leader

and the style of leadership of that individual. Although no one perfect style

of leadership guarantees success, some styles of leadership are more

effective than others at helping a school leader facilitate the development

of a positive school climate.

Table 5 exemplifies the responses of the co-researchers on efforts

shown by Outstanding School Leaders and Educators.

Table 1.5
Annotated Exemplars on Efforts Shown by Outstanding
School Heads and Educators


School leader 2 33, 35, “No kase nga it is a calling. Hindi School leader 2 believed that
ako nag eexpect ng any reward being in the service is a calling
36 or anything. I’m just doing kung from God. He did not expect any
reward but still he did his job very
ano ang dapat kong gawin.”

Educator 4 18 “Naku, hindi katulad nga ng sabi Educator 4 was determined to do

ko kanina ginawa ko lamang things for the sake of his students to
yung alam ko na makakabuti make them enhance their skills
and to learn well.
para sa mga bata ko.”

When asked about the efforts exerted by an outstanding school

leader, they cited some evidences of their hard work. According to School

leader 2:

“No kase nga it is a calling. Hindi ako nag eexpect ng any reward or
anything. I’m just doing kung ano ang dapat kong gawin.”

On the other hand, Educator 4 narrated his endeavor, he divulged

that –

“Naku, hindi katulad nga ng sabi ko kanina ginawa ko lamang yung

alam ko na makakabuti para sa mga bata ko.”

School leader 2 believed that God called him to be a teacher and

soon he became a school leader, but he did not expect anything. He did

his job properly and in accordance with his job description. On the other

hand, Educator 4 did not expect any reward, he just did what he thought

of what is good for his students and he just did her job well and being an

outstanding teacher is just a bonus for her. Likewise, Evelyn Caja awarded

as outstanding teacher way back 2009 said that-

“There is no greater satisfaction in my life than seeing my blind

students transform and succeed. Nothing is impossible when you love your
work, she added.”

All the hard work and endeavors that school leaders and teachers

have gone through will pay off in the right time. Just like what was

experienced by them. Loving and enjoying one’s job can make educators

one of the best or even outstanding in his/her chosen career. As it is, all they

wanted to do is to serve to the best of their abilities. The award that was

given to them was not even a goal really. It was given to them because

they were found to be deserving of these awards.

In a study conducted by Hess (2007), he cited that among the

essential qualities that any leader must have are energy, a sense of

direction, and a determination to succeed that inspire other to perform. A

leader may not personally possess every skill or expertise in organization, but

he or she must be able to convey a sense of urgency to those who do

perform the work.

Corollary Question Number 2. On the Emerging Themes Arising from the

Lived Experiences of the Outstanding School Leaders and Educators

The tables that follow provide the themes that emerged from the

different responses of the outstanding school leaders and educators of the

Division of Laguna. Figure 2 provides a visual representation of the themes.








Figure 2. Emerging Themes


Table 2.1
Positive and Negative Reinforcement



School leader 1 “When my immediate supervisor never send me to

seminars which is related to my coordinatorship and the
one she is giving opportunity is her favorite. But still I
perform well.”
School leader 2 “Kung magiging successful ba ang mga bata na
pinamunuan mo…”

School leader 3 “Yung my first year as a school head…Kase wala naman

akong experience pa how to handle the school.”

School leader 4 “…was to encounter a teacher who is not easily to

please…Lagi nalang nakakontra sa mga decisions and
plans ko sa school…”

School leader 5 “One of my unforgettable experience was to handle a

teacher na pasaway. And meron talagang mga
teacher na pasaway…”

Educator 1 “There are many unforgettable experiences that I have

in the past.”

Educator 2 “Yung may naging estudyante ako na sobrang


Educator 3 “Noong bagong teacher palang ako almost 4 times a

week inoobserve ako ng principal ko…”

Educator 4 “I think yung pinakacommon is yung kailangan ko ng

maraming patience para sa mga SPED pupils ko…”

Educator 5 “Siguro yung nagkaroon ako ng school head na not fair,

yung may pinapanigan…”

When asked about the positive and negative reinforcement, the co-

researchers mentioned that:


“When my immediate supervisor never send me to seminars which is

related to my coordinatorship and the one she is giving opportunity is her
favorite. But still I perform well.”

“Kung magiging successful ba ang mga bata na pinamunuan mo…”

“Yung my first year as a school head…Kase wala naman akong

experience pa how to handle the school.”

“…was to encounter a teacher who is not easily to please…Lagi

nalang nakakontra sa mga decisions and plans ko sa school…”

“One of my unforgettable experience was to handle a teacher na

pasaway. And meron talagang mga teacher na pasaway…”

“There are many unforgettable experiences that I have in the past.”

“Yung may naging estudyante ako na sobrang pasaway…”

“Noong bagong teacher palang ako almost 4 times a week

inoobserve ako ng principal ko…”

“I think yung pinakacommon is yung kailangan ko ng maraming

patience para sa mga SPED pupils ko…”

“Siguro yung nagkaroon ako ng school head na not fair, yung may

School leaders shared different situations on their unforgettable

situations that make them more motivated to do their best. Not all of the

shared experiences were good but they take them as a challenge to make

them more effective and efficient leader in their school. On the other hand,

most of the educators described their shared experiences as having


students who have attitude problem. They use it as motivation to grow as a

teacher and to help those students to improve and enhance their skills and


All of their experiences either good or bad have something to do with

what they are now. Experiences make the person become the better

version of themselves and they learn a lot through these experiences.

According to Young (2005,) leadership is of great importance and

concern to humankind, then it is reasonable to desire to understand what

it is, and how leaders motivate and influence their subordinates to do their


Table 2.2.a
Providing Technical Assistance

CO-RESEARCHER THEME: Providing Technical Assistance

School leader 1 “Everyday monitoring and observation of classes.

Come to school on time and give assistance to the
teachers and pupils in their teaching and learning
School leader 2 “Lahat iconsider para sa improvement ng kanilang
daily instruction. Para maging indigenized ang
kanilang materials o daily instruction.Saka lagi kong
sinasabi na laging ibigay ang best, dapat laging
transparent, dapat din lahat ng energy naka focus
lang sa iisa.”
School leader 3 “Implementation of different programs and projects
na ginagawa namin sa school. Yung reading
program, feeding at Gulayan sa Paaralan and the
different programs na iniimplement din sa loob ng
classroom like nung 10 words a day para lalong ma
enhance yung skill ng mga bata.”

School leader 4 “As a school head, I see to it that I made the

necessary supervision for my teacher and also gave
them the proper assistance to improve their
teaching style which is the key for the pupils’
excellence. And of course to manage our school in
accordance of the legal basis and that’s the best
practices in our school.”

School leader 5 “Ako kase laging in accordance of legal basis to

avoid problems and issues. Mahirap na kapag
gumawa ka ng decision na walang legal basis sa
panahon ngayon. Kaya whatever I do I always
remember my job description. I’ll see to it na
nakakapagobserve ako ng klase.”

When asked about technical assistance, the co-researchers

mentioned that:

“Everyday monitoring and observation of classes. Come to

school on time and give assistance to the teachers and pupils in their
teaching and learning experiences.”

“Lahat iconsider para sa improvement ng kanilang daily

instruction. Para maging indigenized ang kanilang materials o daily
instruction.Saka lagi kong sinasabi na laging ibigay ang best, dapat
laging transparent, dapat din lahat ng energy naka focus lang sa

“Implementation of different programs and projects na

ginagawa namin sa school. Yung reading program, feeding at
Gulayan sa Paaralan and the different programs na ini implement
din sa loob ng classroom like nung 10 words a day para lalong ma
enhance yung skill ng mga bata.”

“As a school head, I see to it that I made the necessary

supervision for my teacher and also gave them the proper assistance
to improve their teaching style which is the key for the pupils’
excellence. And of course to manage our school in accordance of
the legal basis and that’s the best practices in our school.”

“Ako kase laging in accordance of legal basis to avoid

problems and issues. Mahirap na kapag gumawa ka ng decision na
walang legal basis sa panahon ngayon. Kaya whatever I do I always
remember my job description. I’ll see to it na nakakapagobserve ako
ng klase.”

School leaders gave assistance not only to the teachers but to the

students as well. Most of them regularly observed classes to give necessary

feedbacks and advice for the betterment of teaching style of the teachers

and in the process students will benefit from the improvement of the

teaching style of the teachers. In addition, school leaders consider the legal

basis when it comes to decision making and always remember their job

description to avoid any mistakes.

Leaders play a vital role for the development of an institution

particularly in a school. School leaders will be the manager and supervisor

of the school so he/she must responsible enough to do all his/her task. Aside

from these roles, a school leader must be a good motivator as well. He/she

should know how to boost the confidence of the teachers and push them

to do their best.

According to Young (2005), leadership is an important part of the

human condition. As leadership is of great importance and concern to

humankind, then it is reasonable to desire to understand what it is, and how

leaders motivate and influence their subordinates to do their best.

Moreover, for McLaughlin (2006), a good leader should be a good

motivator who encourage and dream wonderful visions of the future and

articulate them with great inspiration. Motivator is good with actions as well

as words, and so can bring his/her vision into being in the world, thus

transforming it in some way.


Table 2.2.b
Best Teaching Styles


Educator 1 “The use of audio visual presentation in

teaching made my discussion interactive…”
Educator 2 “More on sa technologies kase naeenjoy
nila yung mga videos yung viewing. At the
same time para lang kaming
nagkukuwentuhan then sharing of ideas
and experiences.”
Educator 3 “Yung ginagawa namin na 10 words a
week. Kase talagang nataas ang MPS ng
mga bata.”
Educator 4 “I’ll make sure lang na I give the needs of my
pupils and the proper attention that they
Educator 5 “Integration of ICT in my teaching style…
kung gagamit ka ng mga videos at
powerpoint presentation mo sa discussion.”

When asked about the best teaching style, the co-researchers

mentioned that:

“The use of audio visual presentation in teaching made my discussion


“More on sa technologies kase naeenjoy nila yung mga videos yung

viewing. At the same time para lang kaming nagkukuwentuhan then
sharing of ideas and experiences.”

“Yung ginagawa namin na 10 words a week. Kase talagang nataas

ang MPS ng mga bata.”

“I’ll make sure lang na I give the needs of my pupils and the proper
attention that they need.”

“Integration of ICT in my teaching style… kung gagamit ka ng mga

videos at powerpoint presentation mo sa discussion.”

Educators described their best teaching style as integrating the use

of ICT in their daily instruction. They enjoyed the integration of technology

in their discussion since the students are enjoying it also. Students are more

focused and active during the discussion. Having technology in their daily

instruction, the students can cope up easily with the lesson. Most of the

educators create an atmosphere wherein the students feel more

comfortable and relaxed to learn and to listen.

The learning of the students depends on the strategy, style, and

instructional materials employed by teachers. All they need to do is to plan

for different strategies and innovative instructional materials during

discussion to get the attention of the students.

In the classroom, as noted by Bayocot (2014), the teacher carries a

big responsibility. A wide range and balanced teaching activities inside the

classroom promote active and meaningful learning. For the sake of

maintaining students’ attention, and facilitating meaningful learning, it can

be very helpful if the teacher employs varied teaching and learning

activities in the classroom. Some students enjoy in individual activities, some


involve groups, and some learn more from large group to individual, while

others might progress from individual to group activity.

Table 2.3
Facing Daily Challenges and Overcoming Them

CO-RESEARCHER THEME: Facing Daily Challenges and

Overcoming Them
School leader 1 “If you are a leader, you consider that every
day is a challenging day because you are
handling different people with different
attitude every day.”
School leader 2 “Every day kung ikaw ay school head ay
challenging, kase para tayong shock
School leader 3 “Oo, madaming challenges. So I handle it
with proper coordination to the high
School leader 4 “Once you are a leader expect that araw–
araw ay challenging day. In a fact that you
encounter different kind of people with
different issues to solve.”
School leader 5 “So ako basta all of my decision have a legal
basis. And kung hindi ko na talaga kayang
solusyunan, I seek the advice of my superior
which is my District Supervisor.”
Educator 1 “Yes, but I always maintain my focus, mindset
and I am responsible in whatever decisions
that I made.”
Educator 2 “Individual differences ng mga bata is one of
the challenges talaga. Nag reremedial kami
sa tanghali ng reading para ma improve ang
reading ability nila.”
Educator 3 “Isa dito ay yung mga non-readers.
Nagreremedial teaching kami.”
Educator 4 “Kapag kase SPED Teacher ka whole year
kang macha challenge. I treated them as my
own child, kaya it’s easy for me na gawin
kung ano yung tama.”
Educator 5 “Basta ginagawa mo lang naman ang
trabaho mo with dedication at patience at
syempre dapat mahal mo ang mga bata mo
para mas lalo mo silang maintindihan at

When asked about the best teaching style, the co-researchers

mentioned that:

“If you are a leader, you consider that every day is a challenging day
because you are handling different people with different attitude every

“Every day kung ikaw ay school head ay challenging, kase para

tayong shock absorber.”

“Oo, madaming challenges. So I handle it with proper coordination

to the high authority.”

“Once you are a leader expect that araw–araw ay challenging day.

In a fact that you encounter different kind of people with different issues to

“So ako basta all of my decision have a legal basis. And kung hindi
ko na talaga kayang solusyunan, I seek the advice of my superior which is
my District Supervisor.”

“Yes, but I always maintain my focus, mindset and I am responsible

in whatever decisions that I made.”

“Individual differences ng mga bata is one of the challenges talaga.

Nag reremedial kami sa tanghali ng reading para ma improve ang reading
ability nila.”

“Isa dito ay yung mga non-readers. Nagreremedial teaching kami.”

“Kapag kase SPED Teacher ka whole year kang macha challenge. I

treated them as my own child, kaya it’s easy for me na gawin kung ano
yung tama.”

“Basta ginagawa mo lang naman ang trabaho mo with dedication

at patience at syempre dapat mahal mo ang mga bata mo para mas lalo
mo silang maintindihan at maunawaan.”

School leaders described that every day is a challenging day since

they encounter different people with different attitudes in their daily routine.

One of them said that they are “shock absorbers” since all of the problems

and issues of the school will be solved by them. However, when it comes to

decision making, they always consider the legal basis to avoid any mistakes

and to come up with a reasonable judgment and solution. One of them

said that “if you have an open ear to listen and open heart to love people”,

it is easy for you to solve the challenges that you encounter. In addition,

most of the educators agreed that dealing with their students is the most

challenging thing they encounter every day. Dealing with them, they are

able to discover the problems and issues some of them are individual

differences and non-readers. To address these problems, they have

intervention programs for the learners who do not get the lesson. One of

them said that “these challenges keep me motivated to do the best that I

can be for my pupils and our school”.

To be a school leader, you have to be strong enough to face all the

problems and you have the guts to solve these problems. Good leaders

need to be good in decision-making but always have basis for his/her


According to McLaughlin (2006), leadership is the builder of a new

dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. They present a

challenge that calls for the best in people and brings them together around

a shared sense of purpose.

In addition, Silver (2009) mentioned that school leaders set the tone

for their schools and are ultimately responsible for all aspects of running the

school. They impact either negatively or positively on staff morale which

impact on student success. The principal, as the senior leader of the school

is usually the visionary who steers the direction of change. With the help of

the teachers around her, they can lead to success in attaining the visions

and missions of the school.


Table 2.4
Leadership and Teaching with a Heart

CO-RESEARCHER THEME: Leadership and Teaching with a

School leader 1 “Isa lang ang sagot ko don “a leader with a
School leader 2 “Wala namang qualities, hindi nman
kailangan magaling ka. Just follow the heart,
be sensitive enough.”
School leader 3 “Always have a heart kase kung may puso ka
hindi lang sa mga tao mo pati sa school mo
lahat magagawa mo.”
School leader 4 “What’s important is to have a heart with the
people around you and love what you are
doing iyon lang para sa akin.”
School leader 5 “Do your best and God do the rest. And I think
if you love what you are doing you can come
up with the good achievements.”
Educator 1 “There are many qualities that an outstanding
teacher should possess.”
Educator 2 “Yung pagmamahal mo sa bata kase
nandon na lahat.”
Educator 3 “Discipline with proper motivation…”

Educator 4 “Basta I did my job and yung mga bagay na

makakabuti sa aking mga bata and siguro
magagawa mo lang iyon if you love your job
and your pupils as well.”
Educator 5 “Para sa akin magiging best teacher ka kung
may puso ka para sa pagtuturo at sa mga
bata mo.”

When asked about the leadership and teaching with a heart, the co-

researchers mentioned that:

“Isa lang ang sagot ko don “a leader with a heart.”

“Wala namang qualities, hindi nman kailangan magaling ka. Just

follow the heart, be sensitive enough.”

“Always have a heart kase kung may puso ka hindi lang sa mga tao
mo pati sa school mo lahat magagawa mo.”

“What’s important is to have a heart with the people around you and
love what you are doing iyon lang para sa akin.”

“There are many qualities that an outstanding teacher should


“Yung pagmamahal mo sa bata kase nandon na lahat.”

“Discipline with proper motivation…”

“Basta I did my job and yung mga bagay na makakabuti sa aking

mga bata and siguro magagawa mo lang iyon if you love your job and
your pupils as well.”

“Para sa akin magiging best teacher ka kung may puso ka para sa

pagtuturo at sa mga bata mo.”

Outstanding school leaders revealed that the most common

characteristic of a good leader is “leadership with a heart”. There are no

particular characteristics and qualities to have in order to be outstanding.

One of the outstanding school leader said “just follow the heart, and be

sensitive enough and accomplishment will follow.” Just love what you are

doing and have a heart to the people around you will make you one of a

kind. On the other hand, outstanding educators just simply teach with a

heart. They love teaching as well as their students and they enjoy it and

then comes up with a good result. Aside from producing best students, they

are also awarded as outstanding teachers.

Teachers touch the life of the student, but students touch the heart

of every teacher. Teaching is a noble profession since when you are in

teaching you have to give all you have including your heart. You cannot

touch lives if you are not teaching from the heart. Teachers are able to

understand their students if they love them, and have the patience and

courage to let them learn because they care for them. Teachers make all

the sacrifices because of love for their students and for the school as well.

Therefore, if you have a heart and passion for your chosen career, it will

bring best things in return.

Kinra (2010) added that teachers have a bond with their students

which are very similar to the bond of a mother at home. They nurture them

and see them growing in front of their eyes and give them immense

pleasure if their students grow up to be successful in life.


Table 2.5
Unexpected Reward

CO-RESEARCHER THEME: Unexpected Reward

School leader 1 “No it was not intentional. I just perform
my job well and everything follows.”
School leader 2 “No kase nga it is a calling. Hindi ako
nag eexpect ng any reward or
anything. I’m just doing kung ano ang
dapat kong gawin.”
School leader 3 “Hindi naman nasa puso ko lang
talaga katulad noong ako ay teacher
pa na matuto yung bata ngayon
naman gusto ko mapaunlad ko ang
School leader 4 “I always do my best and follow my
School leader 5 “No. I just enjoy what I am doing.”
Educator 1 “Hindi, ginagawa ko lang yung alam
ko na makabubuti sa aking mga bata
at sa paaralan at ginagawa ko ito ng
may pagmamahal sa kanila.”
Educator 2 “Hindi, Kase hindi ko naman alam na
magiging outstanding ako.”
Educator 3 “Hindi intensyon yun, bigla nalang.
Basta ginawa ko lang yung alam kong
Educator 4 “Naku, hindi katulad nga ng sabi ko
kanina ginawa ko lamang yung alam
ko na makakabuti para sa mga bata
Educator 5 “Hindi naman, basta nagfocus lang
ako sa mga bagay na makakabuti sa
mga bata ko.”

When asked about the unexpected reward, the co-researchers

mentioned that:
“No it was not intentional. I just perform my job well and everything

“No kase nga it is a calling. Hindi ako nag eexpect ng any reward or
anything. I’m just doing kung ano ang dapat kong gawin.”

“Hindi naman nasa puso ko lang talaga katulad noong ako ay

teacher pa na matuto yung bata ngayon naman gusto ko mapaunlad ko
ang school.”

“I always do my best and follow my heart.”

“No. I just enjoy what I am doing.”

“Hindi, ginagawa ko lang yung alam ko na makabubuti sa aking

mga bata at sa paaralan at ginagawa ko ito ng may pagmamahal sa

“Hindi, Kase hindi ko naman alam na magiging outstanding ako.”

“Hindi intensyon yun, bigla nalang. Basta ginawa ko lang yung alam
kong tama.”

“Naku, hindi katulad nga ng sabi ko kanina ginawa ko lamang yung

alam ko na makakabuti para sa mga bata ko.”

“Hindi naman, basta nag focus lang ako sa mga bagay na

makakabuti sa mga bata ko.”

Outstanding school leaders and educators do not expect any

rewards for the things they have done. For them, they are not the best or

outstanding since they believe that they do not do any extraordinary things

aside from enjoying and loving their job. They are humble school leaders

and educators who simply work not for any award, but for their school and

their students. Doing things correctly and loving them will come up with the

unexpected yet best result.

Rakiz & Swanson (2010) describe leadership as being in a period of

dynamic change. Principals will have to know more and do more to meet

the changing schools in a changing society. The complexities of the school

environments contribute to the changes in skills and additional

responsibilities required of educational leaders. Educational leaders must

facilitate “the development of a vision for the organization’s mission and

communicate that mission effectively”.

Corollary Question Number 3. On the Proposed Motivational Testimonies of

Outstanding School Leaders and Educators

As an output of this study, a compilation of motivational testimonies

of outstanding school leaders and educators has been created to inspire

and motivate other school leaders and educators to achieve what the co-

researchers have not intentionally achieved – to be outstanding.




Presented in this chapter are the consolidated findings of the study,

reflections and recommendations.


The following are the consolidated findings based on the interviews

with the co-researchers and emerging themes that arise from the

phenomenological inquiries on the testimonies of outstanding school

leaders and outstanding educators.

1. On the Co-researchers’ Description of their Lived Experiences

1.1 School leaders and educators share different situations on their

unforgettable situations that make them more motivated to do their best.

Not all of the shared experiences were good but they take them as a

challenge to make themselves more effective and efficient leader and


1.2 School leaders give assistance not only to the teachers but to the

students as well. Most of them regularly observe classes to give necessary


feedbacks and advice for the betterment of teaching style of the teachers

In addition school leaders and consider the legal basis when it comes to

decision- making and always remember their job descriptions to avoid any


1.3 School leaders describe that every day is a challenging day since

they encounter different people with different attitudes in their daily routine.

On the other hand, educators reveal that dealing with their students is one

of the challenges they encounter every day. In order to overcome them,

they make sure that they have the heart to face the challenges.

1.4 The outstanding school leaders and outstanding educators reveal

that leadership with a heart is needed in order to bring out the best among

leaders. There are no particular characteristics and qualities to have in

order to be outstanding. Having a heart for the people around you and

love what you are doing are enough to do your best.

1.5 The outstanding school leaders and educators have not

expected any rewards for their hard work. For them, they are not the best

or outstanding since they believe that they are not doing any extraordinary

thing aside from enjoying and loving their job.


1.6 A compilation of motivational testimonies of the outstanding

educators and school leaders is provided in this study to inspire other school

heads and teachers.


The researcher has come up with the following reflections based on

the findings of the study.

1.1 That the unforgettable experiences of the outstanding school

heads and outstanding educators help them a lot to become successful.

Experiences either good or bad make them better persons of today since

they learn from those experiences.

1.2 That regular monitoring of classes helps the school leaders to

provide the necessary and appropriate assistance to the teachers. In that

way, teachers are able to improve their teaching style and strategy that

will lead to the development of the skills and ability of the students.

1.3 That every day is a challenging day for the outstanding school

leaders since they come across with different people with different attitude

and different issues to solve. Dealing with students is the challenging thing

for the educators since they encounter individual differences among their

students. They overcome those challenges by teaching with a heart for the

educators and having the mindset of leadership with a heart for the school


1.4 That there are no necessary characteristics or qualities to be an

outstanding leader. Having a heart for the people around you and loving

and enjoying what you are doing are enough to come up with best


1.5 That outstanding school leaders and outstanding educators have

not expect any rewards. They are humble school leaders and educators

who simply work not for any reward, but for their schools and students.

1.6 That the compilation of motivational testimonies is necessary to

share with other school heads and educators.


The following are the recommendations offered:

1. For the school leaders, they need to attend different seminars and

refresher/mentoring courses related to supervision and management in


order to become updated in the latest leadership styles that will help them

to manage their school and to supervise their subordinates very well.

2. For the educators, they need to become innovative when creating

instructional materials and careful with the integration of ICT in their daily

instruction. They have to make sure that students learn something from the

videos and presentations integrated in their discussion.

3. The Department of Education is encouraged to create programs that will

provide more incentives for the hard work and sacrifices of school leaders

and teachers.

4. School leaders should give equal opportunities for the teachers to

showcase their skills and abilities in order to be awarded as outstanding


5. School leaders and educators must have the knowledge about the

qualifications of being outstanding. Information should be explained well

and disseminated to everyone by the designated authority.

6. The proposed compilation of motivational testimonies of the outstanding

school leaders and educators can be provided to the Division Office for

dissemination so that school heads and educators can be inspired and

motivated by the testimonies.

7. The research community is encouraged to pursue in-depth studies on the

lived experiences of outstanding school leaders and educators specifically

focusing on their hard work, and sacrifices that they have been through

before recognizing them as outstanding.



Aquino, G.V. (2005). Educational management, principles, functions and

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Bass B. M., (2006) Tranformational Leadership (Second Ed.) Mahwah, NJ:

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Bennis. W.G (2007) “The Seven Ages of the Leader”, Harvard Business

Review, 82 (1), pp 46-53,112

Crawford, M (2003), ‘Inventive management and wise leadership”, in

Bennett, N, Crawford, M, and Cartwright, M (Eds), Effective Vision.

Illinois: Charles C. Thomas

Hess, Frederick M. License to Head? A New Leadership Agenda for

Americas Schools. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute


Michael Cox and Michael E. Rock. The 7 Pillars of Visionary Leadership:

Aligning Your Organization for Enduring Success (w/CD).Toronto:

Dryden (Harcourt Brace & Company, Canada), 1997. ISBN 0-03-


Wallington, P. (2007) Total Leadership: The Ties that Bind. Journal. C1D-

Framingham Vol. 17 part 15 p. 30-35

Weiss, A.I “Why do some schools succeed?” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Salandanan, G. G. (2005) Teaching and the Teacher. Quezon City, Metro


Senge, P. (2004). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and the Practice of the

Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday best teaching experience




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Certificate of Grammar Editing

This certifies that the Master’s thesis entitled, “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF



conducted by Abigail V. Diaz, whose research design was qualitative,

had been subjected to Grammar Editing at Laguna College of Business

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Institutional Grammarian, Laguna College of Business and Arts
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Letter to the Co-researchers

Dear Co-researcher:

I am a Graduate School student of Laguna College of Business and

Arts, and currently undertaking a research study entitled “Lived Experiences
of Outstanding Educators and School Leaders: Basis for Compilation of
Motivational Testimonies” In this regard, open-ended questions and semi-
structured interview guide will be used as the research instrument. I’d like to
thank you once again for being willing to participate in the interview aspect
of my study. You are encouraged to take your time when you respond and
likewise advised to ask for any clarifications. Moreover, please be reminded
that this interview will be audio recorded for the accurate transcriptions of
your responses which will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Allow me
to extend my profuse thanks for your time and cooperation. Rest assured
that the information you will give me will be solely used for the study.
Once again, many thanks and more power.

Mrs. Abigail V. Diaz

Time of Interview: __________

Place: ____________________________________________

Name of Interviewee: ____________________Length of Service: ________

1. How long have you been in the service? When did you receive
your outstanding teacher/outstanding school leader award?

2. What were your unforgettable experiences that made you

motivated to do your best?

3. What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school
that have made you one of the best?

4. Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these


5. What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that

teachers/school leaders should have in order to become an
outstanding teacher/school leader?

6. How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding
teacher/school leader? Was it intentional?



To reach a common understanding of how both the physical and

social dimensions of learning environments influenced the quality of

learning processes, an exploration of the relationship between place and

process was needed. To understand this relationship, the following

questions must be answered:

 How long have you been in the service? When did you receive
your outstanding teacher/outstanding school leader award?

 What were your unforgettable experiences that made you

motivated to do your best?

 What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school
that have made you one of the best?

 Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these


 What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that

teachers/school leaders should have in order to become an
outstanding teacher/school leader?

 How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as

outstanding teacher/school leader? Was it intentional?



School Leader No. 1

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 25 years

2 last august 5, 2016

3 I was awarded as outstanding school head at division of Laguna.

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

My unforgettable experience was that when my immediate supervisor never send

me to seminars which is related to my coordinatorship

5 and the one she is giving opportunity is her favorite.

6 But still I perform well

7 believing that someday I will be awarded with my hardship and it all happened

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

8 Everyday monitoring and observation of classes

Come to school on time and give assistance to the teachers and pupils in their
teaching and learning experiences.

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

10 For me everyday is a challenging day

11 If you are a leader you consider that everyday is a challenging day

12 because you are handling different people with different attitude everyday.

But what makes me feel positive to feel the challenge is that I have an open ear
to listen and open heart to love people.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

14 Isa lang ang sagot ko don “a leader with a heart”

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

15 No it was not intentional

16 I just perform my job well and everything follows

School Leader No. 2

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 6 years na akong school head

2 3 years as principal 1 and 3 years as principal 2

3 Ito namang outstanding school head nagkaroong ng selection dito sa district last

4 and they selected me to represent the outstanding school head of district

nominee to the division

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

5 I believe kase na kung bakit ako nasa service it is a call

6 It should always meet the standards kung gagawa ka lang din

At kung wala sa standards, sayang lang ang oras, sayang lang ang panahon,
lahat saying

considering na lahat naman makikinabang ang school, ang bata, ang teacher
kaya dapat ibigay na ang best

I believe naman na hindi ang bata o achievement ng bata ang magiging

9 basehan kung nagawa mo ba ng tama ang trabaho mo para sa akin
pamayanan parin.

Kung pagdating ba ng panahon ay magiging successful yung mga bata na

pinamunuan mo

I believe na ang performance ng isang school head o ng mga guro ay hindi sa

end of school year o pag graduate ng mga bata

ito ay masusukat pa pagdating ng panahon kung magiging successful ba ang

mga bata na pinamunuan mo

13 Ito ang nagmomotivate sa talaga sa akin

Naniniwala tlaga ako na ang public education ay hindi source ng bread and

15 once you engaged in public education kasama na talaga ang buong puso mo

16 Although ngayon maganda na ang sweldo but still it is a vocation


What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

17 So hindi ko din alam kung ako ay one of the best

18 basta ang ginagawa ko lamang ay as mandated by job description

19 and also lagi kong sinasabi sa mga guro do not be aloof sa call ng community

20 Lahat iconsider para sa improvement ng kanilang daily instruction

21 Para maging indigenized ang kanilang materials o daily instruction

Saka lagi kong sinasabi na laging ibigay ang best, dapat laging transparent,
dapat din lahat ng energy naka focus lang sa iisa

23 para magkakaroon ng magandang accomplishment.

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

Everyday kung ikaw ay school head ay challenging, kase para tayong shock

25 Lalo na ngayon sa decentralization of basic education

wherein lahat na ng responsibility ay nasa school head, lahat ay sya na ang


27 So everyday is a challenging day

So ang ginagawa ko na lamang for example both party ay hindi sila mag meet
pagtatagpuin na lamang natin sila sa gitna

29 pero always consider the legal basis but doesn’t mean na pumabor sa isa.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

30 Wala namang qualities, hindi nman kailangan magaling ka

31 just follow the heart, be sensitive enough

32 magkaroon ka ng sense of belongingness, ayun lang and accomplishment will


How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

33 No

34 kase nga it is a calling

35 Hindi ako nag eexpect ng any reward or anything.

36 I’m just doing kung ano ang dapat kong gawin.

School Leader No. 3

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 15 years in the service napo ako.

2 Last year 2015-2016 ko po narecieve yun

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 Yung my first year as a school head

4 Kase wala naman akong experience pa how to handle the school.

5 So iyon yung critical year para saken na naging hamon para gawin ko yung best

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

6 Implementation of different programs and projects na ginagawa namin sa school

7 Yung reading program, feeding at Gulayan sa Paaralan

8 and the different programs na ini implement din sa loob ng classroom

9 like nung 10 words a day para lalong ma enhance yung skill ng mga bata

10 yung oral multiplication every morning sa flag ceremony.

May assessment din kami para malaman naming kung effective ba ang mga
11 programs naming or hindi para magkaroon kami ng improvement sa program to
make it effective

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

12 Oo madaming challenges

13 So I handle it with proper coordination to the high authority

14 kase hindi naman lahat ay alam natin.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

15 Always have a heart

16 kase kung may puso ka hindi lang sa mga tao mo pati sa school mo lahat
magagawa mo.

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

17 Hindi naman nasa puso ko lang talaga

katulad noong ako ay teacher pa na matuto yung bata ngayon naman gusto ko
mapaunlad ko ang school

School Leader No. 4

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 10 years as school head

2 I was selected to represent the district as outstanding school head.

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

Madami pero siguro one of my unforgettable experience was to encounter a

teacher who is not easily to please

4 Yung lagi nalang naka kontra sa mga decisions and plans ko sa school

5 Mahirap kac kapag ganon parang hindi ka makapag trabaho ng maayos.

6 So ang ginawa ko instead I take it negatively

I used that as motivation to do my best just to show to that teacher na wala akong
ibang hangarin
but the best for our school and to my teacher.

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

8 As a school head

9 I see to it that I made the necessary supervision for my teacher

10 and also gave them the proper assistance to improve their teaching style

11 which is the key for the pupils’ excellency.

12 And of course to manage our school in accordance of the legal basis

13 and that’s the best practices in our school.

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

14 Once you are a leader expect that araw – araw ay challenging day.

15 In a fact that you encounter different kind of people with different issues to solve.

16 So I think everyday is a challenging day

because you need to come up in the right decisions always to have a peaceful
and organize school and community.

And I handle those challenges or those situations by making decisions which have
legal basis to avoid any problems or issues.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

19 Wala naman in particular

20 what’s important is to have a heart with the people around you

21 and love what you are doing iyon lang para sa akin

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

22 I always do my best and follow my heart

23 and at the end of the day yun na they awarded me as outstanding school head.

School Leader No. 5

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 18 years na ako sa service

2 And I received my outstanding school head school year 2014-2015.

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 One of my unforgettable experience was to handle a teacher na pasaway

4 If sa mga bata meron tayong individual differences

5 ganon din sa teachers meron ding individual differences.

6 And meron talagang mga teacher na pasaway

7 Yung mga gumagawa ng bagay para lalo kang inisin

8 so I need to confront them para sabihin na mali ang ginagawa nila

9 But still ginagawa parin nila so hinayaan ko na lang sila and pinakitaan ko parin
sila ng mabuti.

10 But God is good

11 kase dumating yung time na need nila ang tulong ko as their superior

12 kaya sila narin ang naka realize na mali pala ang ginawa nila and they’ve
changed for the better.

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

13 Ako kase laging in accordance of legal basis to avoid problems and issues

14 Mahirap na kapag gumawa ka ng decision na walang legal basis sa panahon


15 Kaya whatever I do I always remember my job description.

16 When it comes to my teachers

17 I’ll see to it na nakakapag observe ako ng klase

18 to monitor their teaching style and to give some suggestions and


19 to improve more their teaching strategy and style.

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

20 Aba oo, napakadaming challenges ang kinahaharap ng isang school head


21 Because you need to interact with different people and address different

22 So ako basta all of my decision have a legal basis.

23 And kung hindi ko na talaga kayang solusyunan

24 I seek the advice of my superior which is my District Supervisor.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

25 Do your best and God do the rest


26 Kase nakikita naman talaga ni God yung hardwork natin

27 so Siya ang gagawa ng way para marecognize lahat ng hirap mo.

28 And I think if you love what you are doing you can come up with the good

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

29 No.

30 I just enjoy what I am doing

31 and iyon na pala ang magiging way para magawa ko ng tama ang trabaho ko,
just enjoy and love it.

Educator No. 1

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 I am 29 years in the service

2 and I received my outstanding teacher award last school year 2014-2016.

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 There are many unforgettable experiences that I have in the past

4 that made me motivated to be the representative of our school as outstanding

teacher in our district

5 and gave me a lot of motivation to be always the best Master Teacher in our

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

6 The used of audio visual presentation in teaching made my discussion interactive

7 that also made my students more active and it makes the learning easier for them.

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

Yes, but I always maintain my focus, mindset and I am responsible in whatever

decisions that I made.

9 These challenges keep me motivated to do the best that I can be for my pupils
and our school.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

10 There are many qualities that an outstanding teacher should possess

11 If teachers possess these qualities they can produce best pupils also.

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

Hindi, ginagawa ko lang yung alam ko na makabubuti sa aking mga bata at sa

paaralan at ginagawa ko ito ng may pagmamahal sa kanila

Educator No. 2

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 Ako po ay 7 years na sa service

2 Last October 6 pinasok po ni Sir ang name ko to be the outstanding teacher.

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 Yung may naging studyante ako na sobrang pasaway

4 na kung hindi mo aalamin ang background ng bata ay lagi mo nalang siyang


5 So one time kinausap ko siya tinananong ko kung anong problema nya.

6 Yun pala po ay laging napapagalitan sa bahay.

7 So lack of attention pala siya sa bahay kaya sa school sila nagpapansin

8 So dahil don naging motivated ako na in a simple way ay makatapos sila sa grade
level na handle ko.

9 So nagiging motivated ako dahil sa mga bata na ganon.

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

10 More on sa technologies kase naeenjoy nila yung mga videos yung viewing

11 At the same time para lang kaming nagkukuwentuhan

12 then sharing of ideas and experiences.

13 Kase ang mga bata ngayon ayaw nila ng authoritarian

14 dapat maki ride ka lang sa kanila but yung discipline nandon padin

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?


15 Individual differences ng mga bata is one of the challenges talaga

Dahil heterogeneous ang klase naming mapapansin mo talaga yung mga slow
learners naiiwanan.

So ang ginagawa namin nag reremedial kami sa tanghali ng reading para ma

improve ang reading ability nila .

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

18 Yung pagmamahal mo sa bata kase nandon na lahat.

19 Kase kung may puso ka sa kanila mas maiintindihan mo talaga sila .

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

20 Hindi, Kase hindi ko naman alam na magiging outstanding ako

21 kase ginagawa ko lang naman kung ano yung alam ko na dapat ginagawa ng
isang guro.

Educator No. 3

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 13 years.

2 Nareceive ko yung aking outstanding teacher school year 2014-2015

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 Noong bagong teacher palang ako almost 4 times a week inoobserve ako ng
principal ko

4 Kase inaabot ako ng paggagawa ng devices ng hatinggabi

5 kase biglaan ang pasok nya, hindi ko alam kung anong subject ang ioobserve

6 Pero nakatulong ng malaki sa akin yun, kase mas na enhance yung teaching style

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

7 Yung ginagawa namin na 10 words a week.

8 Kase talagang nataas ang MPS ng mga bata

9 talagang nareretain nsa kanila yung meaning and spelling ng mga salita

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

10 Yearly naman nakaka encounter ako ng challenges

11 Isa dito ay yung mga non-readers.

12 Nagreremedial teaching kami

13 at kinakatulong ko yung mga independent reader ko para magpabasa

14 at nakakatulong naman tlaga sila para ma improve yung reading ability ng mga

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

15 Discipline with proper motivation.

16 It brings up the pupils to have a better performance in academic.

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

17 Hindi intensyon yun, bigla nalang

18 Basta ginawa ko lang yung alam kong tama

Educator No. 4

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 na ako sa teaching profession

2 Nareceive ko yung award ko last October 5, 2016

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 Naku madami, as a SPED Teacher napakadami kong unforgettable experience

4 I think yung pinaka common is yung kailangan ko ng maraming patience para sa

mga pupils ko

5 Syempre tao lang ako kahit ang dami ko ng trainings how to handle my pupils
hindi parin maiwasan na paminsan mapuno na ako.

6 But still, ginawa ko na lamang iyon na motivation para lalo ko silang mahalin

7 kac kung talagang mahal mo sila mas mauunawaan mo sila


8 at iyon yung mag pupush sayo na gawin lahat para sa ikabubuti nila.

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

9 I’ll make sure lang na I give the needs of my pupils and the proper attention that
they need

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

10 Kapag kase SPED Teacher ka whole year kang macha challenge.

11 Kase I am not handling an ordinary pupils.

They need extra attention, extra care, and proper guidance para matuto talaga
sila and hindi madali iyon.

13 Kaya yung araw araw na interaction ko with my pupils is a challenging day

14 Na oovercome ko naman iyon kase mahal ko sila,

I treated them as my own child, kaya it’s easy for me na gawin kung ano yung

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

Sa totoo lang ndi ko alam, ako kase hindi ko ini expect na magiging outstanding
teacher ako.

Basta I did my job and yung mga bagay na makakabuti sa aking mga bata and
siguro magagawa mo lang iyon if you love your job and your pupils as well.

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

Naku hindi katulad nga ng sabi ko kanina ginawa ko lamang yung alam ko na
makakabuti para sa mga bata ko.

Educator No. 5

How long have you been in the service? When did you receive your outstanding
teacher/school leader award?

1 17 years na ako sa service

2 I was awarded as outstanding teacher way back 2014.

What were your unforgettable experiences that made you motivated to do your

3 Siguro yung nagkaroon ako ng school head na not fair, yung may pinapanigan

4 Mahirap kase yun parang lahat ng ginagawa mo mali

5 Pero sa halip na magdamdam sa kanya ginawa ko na lamang ang alam kong

tama, pinagbuti ko ang pagtuturo ko

6 at sa huli ang achievement ng mga bata ko ang nagpatunay na tama ang

ginagawa ko.

What are your best practices inside the classroom/ in your school that have made
you one of the best?

7 Integration of ICT in my teaching style

8 Ito yung trend ngayon eh mas na ca catch ang attention ng mga bata

9 kung gagamit ka ng mga videos at powerpoint presentation mo sa discussion

10 Mas nakikinig sila at mas madali yung learning.

Do you encounter any challenges? How do you handle these challenges?

11 Oo naman, Kapag kase teacher ka yung pagpasok mo araw araw will be


12 kase at the end of the day kailangan matuto ang istudyante mo

13 So challenging yun kase you need to do your best para matuto sila.

14 Basta ginagawa mo lang naman ang trabaho mo with dedication at patience

15 at syempre dapat mahal mo ang mga bata mo para mas lalo mo silang
maintindihan at maunawaan.

What do you think are the characteristics and qualities that teachers/school
leaders should have in order to become an outstanding teacher/school leader?

16 Para sa akin magiging best teacher ka kung may puso ka para sa pagtuturo at
sa mga bata mo.

17 Hindi naman mahalaga kung ano ang sasabihin ng mga tao sa ginagawa mo.

18 Para sa akin walang ibang makapagsasabi kung outstanding teacher ka kundi

ang mga bata mo

19 Dahil sila lang ang makapagsasabi kung ano ka ba talaga as a teacher.

How hard did you work so that you will be awarded as outstanding teacher/school
leader? Was it intentional?

20 Hindi naman, basta nagfocus lang ako sa mga bagay na makakabuti sa mga
bata ko

21 and I think sila na yung nagpatunay kung ano ba tlaga ako as a teacher.

Appendix F

Letter to the Superintendent

March 11, 2017


Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Laguna

Dear Madame:

The undersigned is a graduate student of Laguna College of Business and

Arts, Calamba City. She would like to request permission to conduct
interview to selected outstanding teachers and school leaders in Division of
Laguna relative to the study entitled “Lived Experiences of Outstanding
Educators and School Leaders: “Basis for Compilation of Motivational
Testimonies”. This will definitely provide the researcher the needed data for
the study.

Your much needed support is highly appreciated for the success of this

Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,





Institution : Laguna College of Business and Arts
Address : Calamba, Laguna
Home Address : 378 Masaya, Bay, Laguna
Phone no. : (049) 545 1968
Mobile no. : 09064561962
Email address :


She is a dedicated and hardworking Classroom Teacher I who is deeply

concerned with the welfare of her students.



Classroom Teacher /Local School Masaya Elementary

Board (LSB) School
Masaya Elementary
Classroom Teacher/Teacher I 2014-PRESENT


 Master of Arts in Education


Major in Administration and Supervision

Laguna College of Business and Arts

 Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in English
Laguna College of Business and Arts

 Secondary Education
Masaya Elementary School

 Primary Education
Bay Central Elementary School



2003 First Honorable Mention Masaya NHS

RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION (for the last 5 years ONLY.)







FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2016- Laguna

6/2/2016 DIVISION LITERACY TRAINING Los Baños, Participants


8/14/2016 SEMINAR ON LEARNING Sta. Cruz Laguna


Pila, Laguna

Sta. Cruz Laguna
Sta. Cruz Laguna

Bay, Laguna

8/5/2016 AWARDS AND


10/24/2016 Bay, Laguna

DISTRICT INSET 2016 Participants




ORIGAMI Bay, Laguna

Sta. Cruz, Laguna


5/17/2015 FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION Participants
OF K TO 12 Pila, Laguna

Bay, Laguna

8/4/2014 Bay, Laguna



Licensure Examination for Teachers 78.40







Dean, School of Teacher Education
Laguna College of Business and Arts
Calamba, Laguna
Telephone: (049) 545 1968


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