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Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

Modelling of traffic flow and air pollution emission

with application to Hong Kong Island
Liping Xia*, Yaping Shao
Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China
Received 22 November 2003; received in revised form 16 July 2004; accepted 9 August 2004


In this study, we propose a Lagrangian model for the simulation of traffic flow on a complex road network. This simple approach
is quite efficient if adequate road network data are available and statistical constraints are applied to confine the model behavior. We
have established a traffic information database for Hong Kong Island and applied the model for traffic flow simulation. It is shown
that by specifying three types of traffic routes (random turn, preferred turn and shortest path) and providing traffic flow data at
selected stations, the model is capable of simulating traffic flow on the road network. This is confirmed by comparing model
simulated and observed traffic flow patterns at several monitoring stations. The simulated traffic flow is then used as the basis for the
estimation of traffic induced emission of air pollutants on the island. Using empirical emission factors for a number of vehicle
categories, the emission rates of major air pollutants, CO, NOx and PM10, are estimated. The predicted emission rates are compared
with measurements for several air quality monitoring stations.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Traffic; Traffic flow model; Road network; Traffic emission; Urban air pollution

1. Introduction In order to provide a viable method for quantifying

the contribution of traffic emission to regional air
Traffic generated air pollution is of great concern to quality, we develop an integrated Traffic Emission
the general public. Motor vehicles emit nitrogen oxides Information System (TEIS) which allows the prediction
(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic com- of traffic induced air pollution in real-time. More details
pounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM), which on TEIS are given in Section 3.4. As the key components
constitute a major source of air pollution in large cities, of TEIS, the traffic flow model and traffic emission
such as Hong Kong. Traffic generated air pollutants, model are developed and presented in this study.
such as NO2 and PM, are of health concern; and traffic The emission factor based approach is widely used in
generated greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide modelling traffic-related pollution emission (e.g. Salles
(CO2), may contribute to global warming. As motor et al., 1996; Mensink et al., 2000; Lin and Lin, 2002;
vehicles are the major contributor to urban air Jensen et al., 2001). The accuracy of this approach
pollution, controlling strategies need to be developed depends very much on the reliability of traffic data
that minimize the environmental impacts but maximize (traffic volume and velocity, their temporal and spatial
the efficiency of motorized transport. variations, on road vehicle composition etc.) and the
choice of emission factors. The methodology to derive
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C852 27889482; fax: C852
these two types of data is consequently critic to
27887830. emission factor based modelling of traffic pollution
E-mail address: (L. Xia). emissions.

1364-8152/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1176 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

Traffic data are generally obtained by either in-situ numerical solution of Eqs. (1) and (2) requires their
observation or numerical modelling. The former most discretization for complex road networks. The numer-
accurately reflects traffic conditions in real-time, but is ical treatments for the diffusion and advection terms are
usually carried out on selected road links only, e.g. rather cumbersome.
highways and artery roads. The amount of observed As an alternative, some researchers established
data is often insufficient for adequately quantifying the equilibrium relations between traffic density and traffic
traffic on a road network. Further, in-situ measurements flow velocity for the closure of Eq. (1) instead of using
are usually done on a daily or even a monthly basis. This Eq. (2). By definition, traffic flow is the product of traffic
temporal resolution is insufficient for refined (usually density and velocity. If traffic density is zero, then traffic
hourly) emission modelling. A complement is to make flow is also zero; and when traffic density reaches the
temporal and spatial extrapolation with many assump- maximum, i.e., traffic is congested, traffic velocity
tions to allocate traffic volume, e.g. Salles et al. (1996) decreases to zero, so traffic flow is also zero. Newell
and Jensen et al. (2001). Another approximate method- (1993), Daganzo (1994) and Wong and Wong (2002)
ology previously adopted, as pointed out by Cohen et al. suggested piecewise-linear flow–density relationships.
(2004), is to distribute traffic emission over model grid De Angelis (1999) studied nonlinear hydrodynamic
cells, resulting in improper grid-based averaging emis- modelling of traffic flow in theory. The linear diffusion
sion rate instead of that along actual mobile source. Lin term was taken into account in the governing equations.
and Niemeier (1998) used observed traffic data to De Angelis found that a second order flow–density
estimate hourly allocation factors and disaggregated relation gives a satisfactory fitting to the experimental
traffic volume into hourly values. These indirect results of Leutzbach (1988). Critical analysis on a similar
methods inevitably lead to inaccuracies in emission model but with additional phenomenological relation
modelling. In theory, numerical modelling of traffic flow between density and velocity was presented by Bonzani
on road can provide every detail required for the (2000) and Marasco (2002). Velan and Florian (2002)
calculation of traffic emissions. Unfortunately, previous explored the implications of nonsmooth equilibrium
efforts failed to do this because of road network flow–density relationships. However, all these studies
complexity and, as we will see below, difficulties in were concerned with traffic flows on individual high-
solving the traffic flow equations. ways. We are not aware of traffic model applications to
Continuum hydrodynamics was firstly introduced to complex road networks.
traffic flow theory in the 1950s (Lighthill and Whiteman, Our approach is different. In contrast to the
1955). Prigogine and Herman (1971) applied statistical continuum hydrodynamic approach, we consider the
methods, as in classic fluid dynamics, to traffic flow motion of individual vehicles and determine the macro-
studies. The work of Prigogine and Herman, known as scopic traffic flow quantities on the basis of vehicle
the kinetic theory of traffic, considered vehicles on road movement. Although the problem of traffic on network
as interacting particles in traffic flow which can be is highly complicated, the movement of individual
described by one-dimensional compressible fluid equa- vehicles is quite simple. Vehicle movement is analogous
tions. Suppose there is neither creation nor destruction to that of gaseous molecules. However, while molecules
of vehicles on road, the continuity equation and the move randomly, vehicles are confined to the road
equation of motion for traffic flow can be written as: network and follow certain designated paths. Hence,
the movement of individual vehicles is predictable.
vr vr
Cv Z0 ð1Þ We are therefore motivated to track vehicles on road
vt vs network using the Lagrangian methodology. This
approach requires no predefined velocity–density re-
      lationship. Instead, we introduce a critical traffic density
vv vv 1 v vv vp
Cv Z m  CI ð2Þ and two time scales. The motion of an individual vehicle
vt vs r vs vs vs
is governed by a first-order ordinary differential equation
where r is density (number of cars per unit road length), which can be solved by using, for example, the Runge–
n is traffic flow velocity, m is viscosity, and p is local Kutta method. Macroscopic traffic flow quantities, such
pressure. The first term on the right hand of Eq. (2) as traffic flow velocity and traffic density, can be esti-
models viscosity, a presumed tendency to adjust vehicle mated once the velocity and position of individual
speed to that of the surrounding traffic (Nagatani, 1998). vehicles are known. The Lagrangian approach is very
The last term I is all inner forces due to interaction simple in theory and involves little mathematical diffi-
between individual cars (Kerner and Konhauser, 1993). culties. However, we recognize that the implementation
In practice, the continuum hydrodynamic approach is of such a model on a road network requires the knowl-
difficult to implement for two reasons. One is that the edge of designated paths for individual vehicles. For
quantities such as m, I and p are not well defined and a given road network, we may be dealing with millions
cannot be readily determined, and the other is that the of vehicles and it is impossible to determine the
L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188 1177

designated paths for all vehicles. However, it is possible

where ta and tb are vehicle acceleration and deceleration
to force the designated paths to comply with certain
response times, respectively. These response times are
statistical conditions.
mainly functions of traffic density, as they do not differ
Another difficulty in modelling traffic in practice is
to a great degree among vehicles.
the requirement for data, in order to quantify the road
Suppose a road length is L and the minimum allowed
network, including road type, junctions, traffic lights
separation (on average) is D, then the maximum allowed
and the sources and sinks of vehicles. In TEIS, coupled
number of vehicles on L in free traffic mode is N Z L/D.
with a traffic GIS (geographic information system), the
Therefore, the critical traffic density rc is:
integration of dynamic models with vehicle and road
network data is achieved. N 1
The traffic emission simulation presented in this study rc Z Z ð4Þ
is on the basis of the traffic flow simulation for Hong
Kong Island. Since the emission factors specifically for Eq. (3) is a first-order ordinary differential equation,
Hong Kong are yet to be determined, those derived which can be easily solved (e.g. using the Runge–Kutta
from COPERT II emission inventory programme method), assuming initial traffic density r0j and speed v0j
(Ahlvik et al., 1997) are used in this study. COPERT on road segment j and vlim,j are known.
II was recommended by the European Environment By definition r is the number of vehicles per unit road
Agent and widely adopted in Europe for emission length. Suppose we start counting vehicle number at
estimates from road transport (e.g. Mensink et al., 2000; time t on road segment j of length Dsj. If the counting
Reynolds and Broderick, 2000). interval is dt, then over a time period Dt, m ( Z Dt/dt)
The modelling results of traffic flow and major counts N1, N2,.,Nm are made. The average traffic
pollutant emission rates in Hong Kong Island network density over Dt at segment j is:
are compared with the traffic data obtained at several X
counting stations and air quality monitoring at roadside
Ni Dt dt X m
rj ðtCDtÞZ = Z Ni ð5Þ
stations, as presented in Section 4. iZ1
Dsj dt Dsj Dt iZ1

Substituting  rj into Eq. (3), the speed of car i on segment

2. Model description j, vi;j Zvi;j rj ; tCDt can be determined. The overall
traffic speed Vj and traffic flow Qj on segment j during t
Several databases are established for the modelling. to tCDt are:
These include (i) Hong Kong Island road network
Vj Zvi;j ð6Þ
database, in essence an attribution table for the specifi-
cation of network connectivities, speed limits and road
classes [roads in Hong Kong are classified into catalogues
Qj Zrj Vj ð7Þ
of Tunnel (TUN), Main road (MRD), Secondary road
(SRD) and Trail (TAL)]; (ii) vehicle database for the
specification of vehicle characteristics and probability This procedure is repeated for each vehicle on the
distribution of vehicle types; (iii) traffic emission factor road network from start time t0 to end time T.
database and (iv) air quality monitoring database. Combining the determined trips with statistic con-
straints to traffic assignment (see Section 3.2), traffic
2.1. Traffic flow model density, velocity and flow at each road segment in time
interval Dt are simulated over the entire network.
According to traffic density, we introduce two traffic
modes on a road network: a free traffic mode and 2.2. The traffic emission model
a congestion mode. Let rc be a critical traffic density,
separating the free traffic mode from the congestion Traffic emission rate is related to a number of vehicle
mode. If r ! rc on a road segment, then traffic is in the characteristics: model, engine size, age, annual mileage
free traffic mode and vehicles would accelerate to a speed by vehicle age and exhaust control equipment (Bachman
limit vlim. If r O rc, then traffic is in congestion mode et al., 2000). To estimate the emission of a vehicle fleet,
and vehicles would decelerate to zero speed. According- the vehicle population is divided into several categories.
ly, the equation of motion for a vehicle can be written as: Seven categories are used in this study:
( vlim  vi  Motor Cycle (MC): motor-propelled 2- or 3-wheeled
dvi r%rc
ta vehicle;
Z vi ð3Þ
dt rOrc  Private car & Taxi (PC, TX): gasoline passenger car
tb and taxi. 1.41 ! CC ! 2.01;
1178 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

 Public Light Bus (PLB): passenger carrying vehicle EURO II emission standards in 1995 and 1997,
with capacity of 17 seats. CC O 2.01; respectively. Furthermore, the government tightened
 Passenger Van (PV): dual purpose gasoline van with the emission standards for newly registered motor
capacity not exceeding 17 seats with weight less than vehicles (design weight less than 3.5 t) to EURO III
3.5 t; level in 2001.
 Bus (BUS): diesel urban buses and coaches; Three emission modes are taken into account for
 Light Goods Vehicle (LGV): four wheeled lorry or calculation of emission factors: (i) hot emissions, these
dual purpose van which is not provided with side are the emissions from vehicles after they have warmed
windows covering the full length of the vehicle body, up to their normal operating temperature; (ii) cold-start
with weight less than 3.5 t; emissions, these are the emissions from vehicles while
 Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV): lorry with more than they are warming up and the water temperature is below
four wheels, including fire engines, refuse vans, 70  C; and (iii) evaporative emissions, these are associ-
military trucks, petrol tanks and other similar ated with the relevant quantities for gasoline vehicles in
vehicles, with weight exceeding 3.5 t. the form of no-methane VOC (subtracting CH4 from
VOC) emissions.
For vehicle category i, the emission rate of pollutant j The resultant hot emission factors of CO, NOx and
on road k is calculated by: PM10 adopted in this study are listed in Tables 2–4.
‘Conventional’ vehicle category is applied for all except
Eijk ZCij Vik ð8Þ 93/59/EEC for LGV in the form of NOx emission in
Table 3 and 91/441/EEC for PLB in the form of CO and
where Vik is the traffic flow of vehicles type i on road k
NOx emissions in Tables 2 and 3. The cold emissions are
and Cij is the emission factor of pollutant j emitted by
taken into account as additional emissions per kilometer
vehicles type i. Further, Vik can be expressed as:
by introducing cold to hot ratio of emissions, ecold/ehot,
Vik ZPik Vk and the fraction of mileage, b, driven with cold engines
or catalyst operated below the light-off temperature.
where Pik and Vk are the fraction of vehicle type i and They are the function of ambient temperature and the
the traffic flow of all vehicle types on road k, average trip length. The calculation formula for these
respectively. The emission rate of pollutant j of the parameters can be found in Ahlvik et al. (1997).
vehicle fleet on road k can then be calculated by:
n X
n X
Ejk Z Eijk Z Pik Vk Cij ZVk Pik Cij ð9Þ 3. Model application to Hong Kong
iZ1 iZ1 iZ1
We have applied the models to the simulation of
where Vk is calculated using the traffic flow model, and
traffic flow and traffic-related emission on Hong Kong
Pik is estimated based on in-situ investigation conducted
Island. The road network on the island is shown in
by local government departments. Table 1 shows the
Fig. 1, which is represented by over 6000 line features in
proportion of various vehicles by counting at the exit of
ArcGIS. The traffic on the island is an isolated system
three cross-harbour tunnels of Hong Kong in year 2000
with only three harbour tunnels linking to the out-
(HKTD, 2001). The values listed are averages over 16 h
sidedi.e., Kowloon and the New Territory. This
(0700–2300). In the traffic census of Hong Kong, there
significantly simplifies the simulation. The traffic data
are 203 counting stations in total on the island, although
obtained in the three tunnelsdfrom left to right in
we only listed data from three stations.
Fig. 1, Western Tunnel, Cross Harbour Tunnel and
The emission factors Cij are estimated by COPERT II
Eastern Tunneldare used as boundary conditions for
methodology (Ahlvik et al., 1997). The reason we chose
the modelling.
COPERT II for Hong Kong is that Europe emission
standards have been implemented in Hong Kong since Table 2
1995 under Air Pollution Control Regulations. The Speed dependency of CO emission factors
Hong Kong government introduced the EURO I and Vehicle Vehicle Speed Emission factor
class category [km h1] [g km1]

Table 1 1 MC 10–60 0.001V2 C 0.172V C 18.1

Counted fraction (%) of vehicles in cross-harbour tunnels of Hong 60–110 0.0001V2 C 0.05V C 21.5
Kong 2 PC, TX 10–130 0.000957V2  0.151V C 8.273
3 PV 10–130 0.01104V2  1.5132V C 57.789
Vehicle type MC PC, TX PV PLB BUS LGV HGV 4 PLB 10–130 0.00609V2  0.0793V C 3.45358
Cross Harbor Tunnel 3.6 59.6 1.7 0.6 7.8 22.4 4.3 5 BUS 0–50 59.003V0.7447
Eastern Tunnel 2.9 65.9 1.6 1.3 4.1 20.4 3.8 6 LGV 10–130 0.0002V2  0.0256V C 1.8281
Western Tunnel 1.5 70.1 1.7 4.1 8.0 11.9 2.7 7 HGV 0–100 37.28V0.6945
L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188 1179

Table 3 The observed traffic flow data is divided into two

Speed dependency of NOx emission factors main groups: one represents the average traffic flow on
Vehicle Vehicle Speed V Emission factor [g km1] working days (Mon–Fri) and the other average traffic
class category [km h1] flow on weekends (Sat–Sun).
1 MC 10–60 0.00003V2  0.002V C 0.064
60–110 0.00002V2 C 0.0049V  0.157 3.1.2. Traffic flow entering Hong Kong Island
2 PC, TX 10–130 0.000247V2 C 0.0014V C 1.387
3 PV 10–130 0.000094V2  0.0079V C 1.9391
Fig. 2 shows the averaged hourly inward (south
4 PLB 10–130 0.0001015V2  0.0107V C 0.4767 bound) traffic flow on weekdays in three tunnels. There
5 BUS 0–50 89.174V0.5185 exists a morning (0800 and 0900) and an afternoon peak
6 LGV 10–130 0.000127V2  0.01674V C 0.9037 hour (1800 and 1900) in both Western and Eastern
7 HGV !7.5 t 0–50 50.305V0.7708 Tunnel, while a relative steady daytime flow appears in
50–100 0.0014V2  0.1737V C 7.5506
Cross Harbour Tunnel from 0800 to 1900. All three
tunnels present minimum inward flow at dawn. In total,
3.1. Traffic data for Hong Kong the Cross Harbour Tunnel has the highest traffic flow
(61,816 veh day1), while the Western Tunnel has the
The year 2000 traffic data for Hong Kong Island, lowest traffic flow (22,165 veh day1) during weekdays.
published in the Annual Traffic Census 2000 by the Fig. 3 presents the average incoming traffic flow
Transport Department of Hong Kong (HKTD), are during weekend in the three tunnels. The variation
used for specifying the initial and boundary conditions pattern for Cross Harbour Tunnel is similar to
of the model. The data are also used for model weekdays with the lowest traffic flow occurring around
validation. 0500. The morning peak time is delayed until 1000. In
fact, traffic flow remains high from 1000 to 1900 before
becoming less at 2100. After that, a night peak hour
3.1.1. Traffic counting stations appears from 2200 to 2300. The traffic in both Western
In the Annual Traffic Census 2000, traffic flow is Tunnel and Eastern Tunnel show similar patterns to
surveyed at 806 counting stations over Hong Kong, of Cross Harbour Tunnel, but with much lower traffic flow
which 203 are on Hong Kong Island. In this census, the during daytime. Again, among the three tunnels, the
road network on the island is divided into four Cross Harbour Tunnel has the highest traffic flow
categories: (61,480 veh day1) and the Western Tunnel has the
lowest traffic flow (18,013 veh day1) at weekends.
(a) Urban 1: areas corresponding more or less to the
business district; 3.2. Vehicle behavior on network
(b) Urban 2 (major roads): areas including major road
links in other urban areas; Every vehicle on road has its own origin and
(c) Recreational: areas including much of the Peak and destination (O–D). The traveling route of the vehicle
the central part of the beach areas; depends on the driver’s need and traffic conditions.
(d) Remote: South-eastern part of Hong Kong Island. Numerous traffic assignment models have been de-
veloped aiming at determining the network flow patterns
We chose three counting stations on the island in order to provide route guides during times of concern
(Fig. 1) for model comparison (Section 4.1), each of (e.g. morning peak hours). A review of dynamic traffic
which represents a traffic category: assignment (DTA) models can be found in Peeta and
Ziliaskopoulos (2001). A discussion of DTA problems
(a) Station 1001: Harcourt Road, representing the was recently presented by Peeta and Yang (2003).
Urban 1 category; Existing DTA models generally involve high complexity.
(b) Station 1002: Victoria Park Road, representing the In some studies, the problem is much simplified with
Urban 2 category; and specifications (Papageorgiou, 1990) such as: steady-state
(c) Station 1011: Repulse Bay Road & Stanley Gap conditions (Sheffi, 1985); single destination (Sarachik
Road, representing the Recreation category. and Ozguner, 1982; Wie, 1988; Ziliaskopoulos, 2000);
fixed routes (D’Ans and Gazis, 1976) etc. The disad-
Table 4 vantage of the simplifications is that they do not
Speed dependency of PM10 emission factors adequately reflect vehicle behavior on road network.
Vehicle Vehicle Speed Emission factor [g km1] To overcome the problem, we propose a combination
class category [km h1] of deterministic and statistic constraints of three typical
5 BUS 0–50 7.8609V0.736 travel options for all vehiclesdrandom turning trip,
6 LGV 10–130 0.0000125V2  0.000577V C 0.288 preferred turning trip and shortest path. In this study,
7 HGV 0–100 4.5563V0.7070
we assume the origin of all vehicles be one of the three
1180 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

Fig. 1. Hong Kong Island network and locations of traffic counting and AQM stations.

cross-harbour tunnels, ignoring the sources on Hong option. A vehicle origins from the Western Tunnel and
Kong Island. ends the trip on South Lane, Sham Wan, a no-through
3.2.1. Random turning trip
In this travel option, a vehicle travels randomly on 3.2.2. Preferred turning trip
road, i.e., it turns randomly to any linked road when In this study, all roads are classified into four
encountering a traffic light or being at the intersection of categories: tunnels, main roads, secondary roads and
multiple roads, only subject to traffic rules. Among all trails. For the preferred turning option, a vehicle at an
vehicles on a road network, only a small proportion of intersection turns preferably to a higher class road. We
vehicles adopts this option of travel. We assume such assume 20% of the vehicles on road behave this way.
proportion to be 10%. Fig. 4 shows an example of this Fig. 5 shows the driving route of a vehicle making

Cross Harbour Tunnel
Western Tunnel
3500 Eastern Tunnel

Traffic flow (vh/hr)






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr)

Fig. 2. Incoming traffic flow in tunnels on weekdays.

L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188 1181

Cross Harbour Tunnel
Western Tunnel
3000 Eastern Tunnel


Traffic flow (vh/hr)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr)

Fig. 3. Incoming traffic flow in tunnels during weekends.

a preferred turning trip. It also origins from the Western Shing. The shortest ways determined by the model are
Tunnel and, after exit from the tunnel, it travels along quite reasonable for given O–D.
Connaught Road West toward Central.
3.3. Air quality monitoring

3.2.3. Shortest path trip 3.3.1. Site information

Most drivers make a trip as short as possible to reach Air quality monitoring (AQM) in Hong Kong is
their destination. Our model is capable of finding the carried out regularly at monitoring stations by Hong
shortest path between the origin and destination of Kong Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD).
a trip using the Dijkstra algorithm, which is based on This network covers Hong Kong Island, Kowloon
the Bellman optimality principle (e.g. Kreyszig, 1988). and New Territory. The monitored pollutants include
Fig. 6 shows two shortest paths originating from the sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen di-
Cross Harbour Tunnel. One destination is located at oxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), respirable sus-
intersection of High Street and Western Street, Sai Ying pended particulates (RSP) and ozone (O3). We use the
Pun and another destination is at King’s Road, Taikoo hourly monitoring data of CO, NOx and RSP at three

Fig. 4. An example for random turning trip.

1182 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

Fig. 5. Typical preferred driving route.

roadside monitoring stations on Hong Kong Island for 3.3.2. Observed pollution concentration
validating the model estimates. The monitored hourly concentrations of CO, NOx
The site information of three monitoring stations is as and RSP (PM10) at the three stations in year 2000 are
follows (HKEPD, 2000): plotted in Fig. 7. The diurnal variation of the concen-
trations shows a degree of similarity with that of the
(a) Central/Western: located in a residential area and workday’s traffic flow observed in the same function
the sampling height is 18 m (4 floors) above ground; district (Fig. 7d). The concentrations in Fig. 7a–c
(b) Causeway Bay: located in a busy commercial area present the maximum values at 0800–0900 and 1700–
and the sampling height is 2 m above ground; 1800, corresponding to the morning and afternoon peak
(c) Central: located in a busy commercial/financial area hours of traffic in the area. This temporal feature is
and the sampling height is 4.5 m above ground. clearly observed at Central and Central/Western. At
Causeway Bay, although the morning maximum of CO
The locations of the stations are shown in Fig. 1. (Fig. 7a) and the afternoon maximum of NOx (Fig. 7b)

Fig. 6. Typical shortest path between specific origin and destination.

L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188 1183

2000 700
(a) (b)
Concentration (µg m-3)

Concentration (µg m-3)

1400 500
1200 400
1000 Central
800 Central 300
Causeway Bay
600 Causeway Bay 200 Central/Western
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr) t (hr)

(c) (d)

Normalized traffic flow

Concentration (µg m-3)

120 1

100 0.8
Central 0.4
Causeway Bay
20 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr) t (hr)

Fig. 7. Monitoring concentrations of (a) CO, (b) NOx and (c) PM10. (d) Diurnal variation of traffic flow.

are not observed, another maximum is still notable in 3.4. GIS and models
the plots. The minimum concentrations of pollutants
appear at 0300–0500, when the traffic flow is at the The models discussed in this study are the key
lowest as well. components of the Traffic Emission Information System

Fig. 8. Framework of TEIS.

1184 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

(TEIS). TEIS consists of three modules: a traffic flow 4000

Simulated (a)
model, a traffic emission model and a pollution disper- 3500

Traffic flow (vh/hr)

sion model. Together with the databases and post- 3000
processors, TEIS is integrated into a GIS framework. 2500
ArcGIS is used for the maintenance of model database 2000
and the visualization and analysis of model results. 1500
Fig. 8 illustrates the framework of the modelling system, 1000
in which the system database, including road network, 500
territorial data, traffic features and vehicle character- 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
istics as well as the meteorological and geographic data, t (hr)
and model output are stored, maintained and eventually
visualized and analyzed in ArcGIS. The external 4000
models, traffic flow model, traffic emission model and 3500 Simulated

Traffic flow (vh/hr)

air dispersion model coded in Fortran, are integrated 3000 Real-time

into GIS by ArcInfo AML. 2500

4. Results and discussions 1000
4.1. Simulation of traffic flow 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

4.1.1. Traffic boundary and initial conditions t (hr)

As Hong Kong Island is connected to the outside 2500
only with three cross-harbour tunnels, all vehicles Simulated (c)
Traffic flow (vh/hr)

entering our simulated domain are through the three 2000 Real-time

tunnels. Therefore, the incoming traffic flow in the

tunnels discussed in Section 3.1 is assigned as boundary
conditions for the simulation. Our aim is to simulate 1000
traffic flow on network over 24-h time span. The
simulation starts at 0:00 am, and the initial traffic flow
on the entire network is assumed to be zero. 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr)
4.1.2. Traffic flow in tunnels
We first examine the simulation of traffic flows in the Fig. 9. Simulated against real-time traffic flow in tunnels (weekdays):
tunnels, at locations about 200–900 m away from the (a) Cross Harbour Tunnel; (b) Eastern Tunnel; (c) Western Tunnel.
tunnel entries. Fig. 9a shows the simulated and observed
traffic flow on weekdays at the examination point in the
Cross Harbour Tunnel. The simulated traffic flow well traffic pattern satisfactorily although the traffic flow
reproduces the observations. Also, the simulations for from 1000 to 2400 is slightly underestimated.
the Eastern Tunnel and the Western Tunnel also show A similar comparison for Station 1002 is shown in
good agreement with the observed traffic flow (Fig. 9b Fig. 10b. Station 1002 falls into the Urban 2 category.
and c). The road links within this category are mainly used for
traveling to and from work on weekdays. They are also
4.1.3. Traffic flow at counting stations heavily used during weekends for recreational and social
We also simulated 24-h traffic flows for weekdays activities (HKTD, 2001). There are more obvious traffic
outside the tunnels. The simulated results are compared peaks observed between 0800 and 1700. The model
with traffic flow data obtained at three counting stations successfully simulated the bi-peak structure of the
described in Section 3.1. observed traffic flow although the first traffic peak at
Fig. 10 shows the simulated traffic flow (normalized 0800 is somewhat over predicted. Also, the simulated
by its maximum value) at counting stations for traffic flow at night (after 1800) is somewhat lower than
weekdays. The observed traffic flow is also plotted for the observed values. This discrepancy may be caused by
comparison. Station 1001 belongs to the Urban 1 ignoring the sinks and sources on the network in this
category. The daytime traffic flow during weekdays work, remaining as an important consideration to
(Fig. 10a) is characterized by the morning and afternoon improve the modelling performance in future.
rush hours around 0800–0900 and 1700–1800. Fig. 10a The simulated and observed traffic flow at Station
shows that the simulation reproduces the observed 24-h 1011 is compared in Fig. 10c. Station 1011 falls into the
L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188 1185

1.2 tunnels during weekends differ from those observed

Simulated during weekdays. In particular, no obvious traffic peaks
Normalized traffic flow

Real-time are observed in the Western Tunnel and the Eastern
0.8 Tunnel during the daytime. As most traffic travel for
different purposes on weekends, different traffic patterns
are also observed at the counting stations.
0.4 Fig. 11 shows the traffic flow patterns at three
0.2 stations on weekends. Both observed and simulated
traffic flow are plotted for comparison. Again, the
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 simulation reproduces the observed traffic pattern quite
t (hr) well. Unlike the weekday cases, there is no obvious
traffic peak during daytime at Stations 1001 and 1002
1.4 (Fig. 11a and b). This is understandable as there are less
Simulated (b)
business trips to these areas on weekends. The peak
Normalized traffic flow

1.2 Read-time
hour at Station 1011 is at 1600 (Fig. 11c). This
reasonably reflects the preferred time when the most


0.2 (a)
Normalized traffic flow 1
0 Real-time
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr)
Simulated (c) 0.4
Normalized traffic flow

1 Real-time
0.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
t (hr)
0.2 Simulated
Normalized traffic flow

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0.8
t (hr)
Fig. 10. Simulated against real-time traffic flow at counting stations
(weekdays): (a) 1001; (b) 1002; (c) 1011. 0.4


Recreational category. While most vehicles passing 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
through this station on weekdays are also used for t (hr)
work trips, the observed traffic flow presents a different
pattern in comparison to those at Stations 1001 and (c)
Normalized traffic flow

1002 (Fig. 10a and b). In contrast to Stations 1001 and 1 Real-time
1002, only one traffic peak is observed in the afternoon
(1600) at Station 1011, while the simulated traffic flow
presents the peak values during both morning (0800) 0.6
and afternoon (1600). It is shown in Fig. 10c that the
observation at this station is well produced by the
model. 0.2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

4.1.4. Sensitivity tests t (hr)

Model simulations are also made for weekend cases. Fig. 11. Simulated and observed weekend traffic flows at three
As discussed in Section 3.1, traffic patterns in the three counting stations: (a) 1001; (b) 1002; (c) 1011.
1186 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

traffic for recreational purposes are on roads to the correlation between the predicted emission rates and
recreational area. measured concentrations as a validation of the emission
4.2. Simulation of traffic emission The predicted hourly emission rates (kg h1 km1)
against the observed concentrations (mg m3) of CO,
Traffic emission rates (kg h1 km1) are calculated NOx and PM10 at Central, Causeway Bay and Central/
using Eq. (9). The predicted diurnal variations of CO, Western are shown in Figs. 13–15. The linear regression
NOx and PM10 at Central, Causeway Bay and Central/ equations and the correlation coefficients R2 are also
Western are plotted in Fig. 12. It is observed that the shown in the charts.
variation of traffic flow in Fig. 7d is completely reflected Figs. 13–15 indicate that the observed hourly
in the curves in Fig. 12. This means the linear relation pollution concentrations have a close linear correlation
between traffic flow and traffic induced emission rates. with the predicted traffic emissions at the three stations.
Figs. 7a–c and 12a–c are not directly comparable For CO, the correlation coefficients, R2, at both
because pollution concentrations are measured at the Causeway Bay and Central are larger than 0.8. The R2
monitoring stations while the model predictions are of NOx at Central is as high as 0.86. While it is
pollution emission rates. Instead, we analyze the somewhat lower at Causeway Bay and Central/Western,
it still has the value of 0.78 and 0.74. The R2 of PM10 at
the three stations are between 0.82 and 0.85. The
1.4 correlation coefficients are summarized in Table 5.
Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

1.2 These results confirm the good performance of both
the traffic flow model and the traffic emission model.


Central 5. Conclusions
0.4 Causeway Bay

0.2 A Lagrangian traffic flow model and an emission

factor based traffic-related air pollution emission model
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 have been developed in this study. The traffic flow model
t (hr)

CO : Central
Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

0.6 1.4
1.2 y = 0.0017x - 1.0037
R2 = 0.8446
0.3 Central
Causeway Bay 0.6
Central/Western 0.4
0.1 0.2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 600 800 1000 1200
t (hr) Concentration (µg m-3)

CO : Causeway Bay
Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

0.025 1.4
1.2 y = 0.0015x - 1.4317
1 R2 = 0.7997
0.015 Causeway Bay 0.8
Central/Western 0.6
0.005 0.2

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900
t (hr) Concentration (µg m-3)

Fig. 12. Modelling emission rates of (a) CO, (b) NOx and (c) PM10. Fig. 13. CO concentration vs. traffic emission rate.
L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188 1187

NOx : Central PM : Central

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

0.7 0.01
0.6 y = 0.001x - 0.0056 y = 0.0002x - 0.0055
0.5 R2 = 0.8638 R2 = 0.8482

0.4 0.006

0.3 0.004
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 20 40 60 80 100
Concentration (µg m-3) Concentration (µg m-3)

NOx : Causeway Bay PM : Causeway Bay

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

0.7 0.03
0.6 y = 0.0012x - 0.1745 y = 0.0004x - 0.0208
R2 = 0.7752 R2 = 0.8294
0.1 0.005

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Concentration (µg m-3) Concentration (µg m-3)

NOx : Central/Western PM : Central/Western

Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)
Emission rate (kg hr-1 km-1)

0.08 2.E-03

y = 0.0006x - 0.0209 y = 8E-05x - 0.003

0.06 R2 = 0.7408 R2 = 0.8228

0.02 4.E-04

0 0.E+00
0 50 100 150 30 40 50 60 70

Concentration (µg m-3) Concentration (µg m-3)

Fig. 14. NOx concentration vs. traffic emission rate. Fig. 15. PM10 concentration vs. traffic emission rate.

is simple, but has been found to be quite efficient. With correlated. This shows that the emission factor based
the specification of travel behavior, the model is capable approach for the prediction of traffic induced pollution
of simulating traffic flow on a road network. The model emission in urban area is adequate.
has been applied successfully to Hong Kong Island. The In addition to providing traffic flow data for traffic-
simulated traffic flows in three cross-harbour tunnels related pollution simulation, the traffic flow model
and at three counting stations on the island for presented in this work can also be used to predict the
weekdays and weekends have been compared with congestion cases at select traffic black points due to such
observations. Good agreement has been found. The impacts as vast traffic amount, design faults of signal
temporal variations of traffic flow in the cross-harbour system and management.
tunnels and at the counting stations are reproduced by
the model at satisfactory level. Table 5
Using the simulated traffic flow and empirical vehicle Summary of correlation between hourly concentrations and traffic
emission factors, the hourly emission rates of CO, NOx emissions
and PM10 are predicted and compared with the Station CO NOx PM10
corresponding pollution concentrations at three air Causeway Bay 0.80 0.78 0.83
quality monitoring stations. It is found through Central 0.84 0.86 0.85
a correlation analysis that the two data sets are well Central/Western – 0.74 0.82
1188 L. Xia, Y. Shao / Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2005) 1175–1188

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