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Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarket in India. As of June 2, 2012

there are 214 stores across 90 cities and towns in India covering around
16 million sq.ft. of retail space. Big Bazaar is designed as an
agglomeration of bazaars or Indian markets with clusters offering a wide
range of merchandise including fashion and apparels, food products,
general merchandise, furniture, electronics, books, fast food and leisure
and entertainment sections.

Big Bazaar is part of Future Group, which also owns the Central
Hypermarket, Brand Factory, Pantaloons, eZONE, HomeTown,, KB's Fair Price to name a few and is owned through a
wholly owned subsidiary of Pantaloon Retail India Limited
(BSE: 523574 523574), that is listed on Indian stock exchanges.

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Big Bazaar was launched in September, 2001 with the opening of its first
four stores in Calcutta, Indore, Bangalore and Hyderabad in 22 days.
Within a span of ten years, there are now 161 Big Bazaar stores in 90
cities and towns across India. By September 2012 BIG BAZAAR will
have two more stores in North east namely SILCHAR and JORHAT in

Big Bazaar was started by Kishore Biyani, the Group CEO and Managing
Director of Pantaloon Retail India. Though Big Bazaar was launched
purely as a fashion format including apparel, cosmetics, accessory and
general merchandise, over the years Big Bazaar has included a wide
range of products and service offerings under their retail chain. The
current formats includes Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Electronic Bazaar and
Furniture Bazaar. The inspiration behind this entire retail format was
from Saravana Stores, a local store in T. Nagar, Chennai

The stores are customized to provide the feel of mandis and melas
while offering the modern retail features like Quality, Choice and
Convenience. As the modern Indian family's favorite retail store, Big
Bazaar is popularly known as the "Indian Walmart".

On successful completion of ten years in Indian retail industry, in 2011,

Big Bazaar has come up a new logo with a new tag line: ‘Naye India Ka
Bazaar’, replacing the earlier one: 'Isse Sasta Aur Accha Kahin Nahin'.

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3-C Theory

According to Kishore Biyani's 3-C theory, Change and Confidence

among the entire population is leading to rise in Consumption, through better
employment and income which in turn is creating value to the agricultural
products across the country.[4] Big Bazaar has divided India into three

1. India one: Consuming class which includes upper middle and lower
middle class (14% of India's population).
2. India two: Serving class which includes people like drivers, household
helps, office peons, liftmen, washermen, etc. (55% of India's population)
3. India three: Struggling class (remaining 31% of India's population).

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While Big Bazaar is targeted at the population across India one and India
two segments, Aadhaar Wholesale is aimed at reaching the population in
India three segment. With this, Future Group emerged as a retail destination
for consumers across all classes in the Indian society.


The Big Bazaar Store in Nagpur.

Most Big Bazaar stores are multi-level and are located in stand-alone
buildings in city centers as well as within shopping malls. These stores
offer over 200,000 SKUs in a wide range of categories led primarily by
fashion and food products.

Food Bazaar, a supermarket format was incorporated within Big Bazaar

in 2002 and is now present within every Big Bazaar as well as in
independent locations. A typical Big Bazaar is spread across around
50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) of retail space. While the larger
metropolises have Big Bazaar Family centres measuring between 75,000

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square feet (7,000 m2) and 160,000 square feet (15,000 m2), Big Bazaar
Express stores in smaller towns measure around 30,000 square feet
(2,800 m2).

Big Bazaar has the facility to purchase products online through its official
web page, and offers free shipping on some of their products.[5]

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The objectives of my study are:

1) To understand marketing strategy on BIG BAZAR in India.

2) To understand how BIG BAZAR product created completely new

market segment and become a huge success in the Indian market.

3) To study of the first more advantageous product quality and

hygiene value for money products rich cultural heritage.

4) To study the market structure of substitute product in Big Bazar.

5) To understand brand identity system of the product in Big Bazar.

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Meaning :-
Reserch is an art of scientific investigation; research is the
systematic method consisting of the enunciating the problem, formulating
the hypothesis, collecting the facts and data, analyzing the facts amd
reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the
concerned the problem or in certain generalization for some theoretical
For systematic research, scientific approach is necessary. It is
therefore essential to follow the systematic methodology to arrive at a
proper conclusion.

Data Sources :-
1) Primary Data
2) Secondary Data

Primary Data :-
The first hand information bearing on any research which has been
collected by the researcher may be called primary data. These are
original observation collected for the first time, such data facilitate
original observation and investigation leading to useful and valuable
result. The result that are based on the primary data are bound to be
empirical and of great utility value. The primary data collected and

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competed without any bias are more reliable and dependable and are
accurate once the primary data have been put to use the original
character disappear and data become secondary.
Primary data is collected from any employee of marketing and general
secretory department of Big Bazar’s company.

Secondary Data :-
The secondary data on the other hand, is based on the second hand
information. The data which have been collected, compiled and
presented earlier by any agencymay be used for the purpose of
investigation, such data may be called as the secondary data.
It is collected from company document, internet and with the help
of questionnair which are asking to the all employee of marketing and
general secretory and books.

Secondary data is collected from following medias :-

1) News paper

2) Magazines

3) Internet

4) Television

5) Radio

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A hypothesis is tentative generalization, the validity of which has

got to be tested. The hypothesis, at initial stage may be an imaginated idea or
more given. A hypothesis is made in order to find out correct explaination of
the phenomenon to investigate.
On the basis of hypothesis, facts are observed and collected when
by investigation.

Hypothesis of my study :-

1) That Big Bazar adopted various marketing strategies.

2) That Big Bazar is popular brand name in Maharashtra.

3) That Big Bazar adopted various sales promotional activities.

That Big Bazar project gives the special reference to the

consumer’s satisfactioin.

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- Marketing Strategy -

Marketing without strategy is distributing the strategy make the

difference between the winning and the losing in the market place.
There is no good or bad(consumers) products : It is a marketing
strategy which it’s good or bad.
In marketing, competitive postures are either aggressive or
defensive when a market product already established in market, there is strong
temptation to ad of defensive posters that is to maintaining and holding action
the danger of defending the status this means yielding the initiative to
competitor if competition develop important product innovation is necessary.
Running a successful business is not like a field of dreams we can
build it but they might not come. Marketing is about letting people know about
the product or service that we offer, and persuading them to buy or use it. And
for the effective marketing we have to let people know about our product or
service repeatedly.
To do this, we are going to have to come up with both a marketing
strastegy and a marketing plan.

“What’s the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan ?”

The marketing strategy is shaped by our overall business goals. It
includes a definition of our business, a description of our products or services, a
profile of our target users or clients, and defines our company’s role in
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relationship to the competion. The marketing strategy is essentially a document
that we use to judge the appropriateness and effectiveness of our specific
marketing plans. The “CCH Business Owner’s Guide Book “ has an excellent
explanation and checklist that we can use to work through our marketing
To put it another way, our marketing strategy is a summary of our
company’s products and position in relation to the competition; our sales and
marketing plans are the specific actions that we are going to undertake to
achieve the goals of our marketing strategy.
Thus, the both terms such as marketing strategy and marketing
plans are related with each other. So in effect, we can’t have a marketing plan
without a marketing strategy. But a marketing plan without a marketing
strategy is a waste of time. The marketing strategy provides the goals for our
marketing plans. It tells us where we want to go from here. The marketing plan
is a specific roadmap that’s going to get we there.

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Objectives Of Marketing Strategy

That Big Bazar company is popular brand in Maharashtra. That’s

why for developing a marketing strategy, the marketing plan is necessary.
Without marketing strategy, to make the marketing plan, is like a waste of time.
And hence, The Big Bazar adopted various types of marketing strategy.
The second and most important objectives of Big Bazar company
is that, it is very sincere about the promotional activities. Without promotional
activities, no one brand can get the expected success. But it is also true that,
The success is totally in our hands . For that success, we must need the
promotional activities which works as an effected. Advertisement is the key
element, which is very important and very essential for the publicity of our
company or company’s product. For all these purpose, that Big Bazar adopted
various sales promotional activities.
For any brand or company. The “Consumers Satisfaction”, is a
main motive or purpose. For the fulfillment of consumers, the company must
need to provide the “Right product at the right time in the right hand “. The
consumer gets full satisfaction when the company gives them some rights.
Through that rights, the consumers provide some suggestions about the
product. With the help of these suggestions, company must try to make their
product as the best of all. That’s why the Big Bazar must provided the
satisfaction of consumers. With the help of that activities, the satisfaction level
of consumers is going on at high level.
With the helpo of these some special but effective objectives, Big
Bazar company makes their attractiveness and effectiveness in the whole

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market. Every consumer must makes the comparison between Big Bazar
product to other company. That’s why, for staying in market is also important
Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to
concentrate it’s limited resources on the greatest opportunitie to increase sales
and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. A marketing strategy should
be centered around the key concept that consumers satisfaction is the main goal.
Meeting the marketing objectives should lead to sales. (If not, you
need to set the different marketing objectives.)

They should :

- Be cleare.

- Be measurable.

- Have a stated time frame for achievement.

Examples of marketing objectives follows:

Increase the product awareness among the target audience by 30
percent in one year. Inform target audience about features and benefits of our
product and it’s competitive advantage, leading to a 10 percent increase in sales
in one year.
Decrease or remove the potential customers resistance to buying
our product, leading to a 20 percent increase in sales that are closed in 6 months
or less.
If we have multiple objectives, make sure they are consistent and
not in conflict with each other. Also, be sure that the remainder of our

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marketing plan components – the marketing strategy, budget and action
programs, controls and marketing objectives.
Setting our marketing objectives and finalizing the remaining
components of our marketing plan may serve as a reality check: Do we have the
resources necessary to accomplished our objectives ?
The marketing strategy section of our plan outlines our game, plan
to achieve our marketing objectives. It is, essentially, the heart of the marketing
plan. The marketing strategy section should include the information about :

 Product- Our product and services.

 Price- What we will charge customers for products and services
 Promotion- How we will promote or create awareness of our product
in the market place.
 Place(Distribution)- How we will bring our products together with our
 People- How we will gives the full satisfaction to the customers.

These are the “5Ps of marketing”.

1) Product 2) Price
3) Promotion 4) Place(Distribution)
5) People


Products may be described in terms of their features and benefits.

Features are product characteristics that deliver benefits;
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 Features are product characteristics such size, colour, functionality, horse
power, design, hours of business

 Benefits answer the customers question: why would I want to own it ?

A feature is :-
 Physical size
 Potented box spring design
 A 75 horse power motor

A benefit is :-
 Small enough to fit in your raincoat pocket.
 A mower that takes the work out of yard work.
 A result night’s sleep.
While product features are usually easy to detect and describe,
product benefits can be trickier because they are often intangible. The most
compelling product benefits are those that provide emotional or financial
To identify our products benefits, We need to consider the
customer’s viewpoint. Besides putting ourselves in our customer’s shoes
mentally, talk to or survey them asking them to tell us why they like the
product. They might see the benefits in the products that we had not
considered-or, conversely they may not be seeing the benefit in the product that
we had designed it for.
Look at the customers who have purchased our product in the past.
What does that customer profile tell us about our product’s benefits ? If we

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don’t have that information, in the future we might set up a few systems to
develop and track the following information:

  Ask the customers for suggestions

for improvement.

 Pay the attention to customer

complaints and prospects inquiries.
Listen to what our customer say.
Train and reward employees for listening to
customer’s and prospects to learn what
they want and what they don’t like
about our product. Analyze and learn from this input.

 Watch our competitors.

Do the changes in our product
offering suggest desired product benefits ?

  Understanding the product features and benefits helps us to

develop our marketing strategy to better:
  Describe our products in the Marketing Brochures,
Publication or in a Personal selling situation in a
way that is most relevant to customers.
 Differentiate- explain how our product is
differs from other products in the market.
 Use a variety of pricing and
positioning strategies effectively.

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Products may be highly unique (specialty products) or virtually the
indistinguishable from competitor’s product (known as the commodity
products). Specialty products are not necessarily better than commodity
products, but they do require different marketing strategies. An important
strategy for specialty products is differentiation. A company differentiates it’s
products when it sets them apart from the competitor’s products in the minds of
the customers. Having a through understanding of how our products benefits
compare to our competitors allows us to compete with them through

Pricing our product or service is one of the most important
business decisions we will make. We must offer our products for a price our
target market is willing to pay- and one that produces a profit for our company-
or we want to be in business for long. There are many approaches to pricing,
some scientific, some not. Here is one frame work for making pricing decisions
that takes into the account our costs, the effects of competition and the
customer’s perception of value.

Definitions :-

1) Cost is the total of the fixed and variable expenses to the manufacturer or
offer their products or service.

2) Price is the selling price per unit customers pay for product or service.

So, the price that we set is the cost to the customer. Ideally, it
should be higher that the costs that we incurred in producing the product.

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Promoting our business :-

Promotion refers to marketing activities that create awareness of
our business or product. These activities get the word out so potential customer
know that what we have to offer. Promotion also includes activities such as,
community involvement, sponsorship of special events and giving away
specialty items such as keychains, hats and pens. These activities allow us to
promote our product or company because the focus is on the event or specialty

Community Involvement And Special Events :

Because our community supports our business, it is a good
business practice to support our community. Community means more than just a
location. Community also can refer to specific group of people, such as
Hispanic Community.
Types of community involvement and special events :
Shows, displays and exhibits
The most typical of this is the trade show at which we host an
exhibit, speak and host an event.

Road shows
An exhibit or presentation that we take on the road or to several
locations in our town.


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Consumers job fairs, health fairs.

Athletic Competitions
Fun runs, bike races and sponsored walk.

Commercial Displays
If we have a store front, we might use our window display to tie
into seasonal themes or community activities.

D] PLACE (Distribution)
Place in the marketing model refers to how our product or
service reaches the customer. It involves not only how we make the sale, but
how our distribution system. There are many factors to consider in sales and
distribution, we need a well-thought-out plan for conducting sale and
distributing (delivering) our product to the customer.

Here some questions are to be considered:

 If our sales approach highly persuasive and emotional ? or, is it

informational and low- keyed?

 What is the average length of the sales cycle ?

 How many products can we produce in what time frame ?

 How many products can we store, or what is our inventoyr capacity ?

 How often will we “turn” or replenish our inventory ?

 How does this compare with the standards in our industry ?

 What are the cyclic fluctuations or seasonal changes that affect the
demand for or production of our products ?

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For Example :- If we produce “Christmas decorations”, then how will we
manage the peak production and sales periods as well as slow periods ?

 Described our distributional channel. In other words, how will our

products be delivered or distributed to the customer ?


The people is one of the most important factor in the marketing

organization. Without a customer, marketing of any product can’t be
possible. The customer is one, who gives the output to the manufacturer.
The output is in the form of satisfaction. Sometimes, the output is also in
the form of advice, suggestion and complaint. That’s why, to gives the
full satisfaction to the customer is the main motive of every organization.
So, to provide “The Right Product At The Right Time In The Right Hand ”, is
the responsibility of every marketing organization.
Every consumer want’s to get the maximum satisfaction from the
organization by using the particular type of product of the particular brand.
With the help of consumer’s suggestions, the company must use some
improvements to increase the perfectness of the product.

To identify the product’s benefit, the organization must need to

consider the customer’s viewpoint. To get some information about the product,
the organization makes the survey and asking some questions to customer.
With the help of that type of survey the organization gets the personal viewpoint
of the product in the mind of customer. With the help of these information, the
organization can get the benefits of their product that they had designed for the

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Wednesday Bazaar

Big Bazaar introduced the Wednesday Bazaar concept and promoted it as

“Hafte Ka Sabse Sasta Din”. It was mainly to draw customers to the
stores on Wednesdays, when least number of customers are observed.
According to the chain, the aim of the concept is "to give home makers
the power to save the most and even the stores in the city don a fresh look
to make customers feel that it is their day".[6]

Sabse Sasta Din

With a desire to achieve sales of Rs 26 Crore in a one single day, Big

Bazaar introduced the concept of "Sabse Sasta Din". The idea was to
simply create a day in a year that truly belonged to Big Bazaar. This was
launched on January 26, 2006 and the result was exceptional that police
had to come in to control the mammoth crowd. The concept was such a
huge hit that the offer was increased from one day to three days in 2009
(24 to 26 Jan) and to five days in 2011 (22-26 Jan).

Maha Bachat

Maha Bachat was started off in 2006 as a single day campaign with
attractive promotional offers across all Big Bazaar stores. Over the years
it has grown into a 6 days biannual campaign. It has attractive offers in all
its value formats such as Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Electronic Bazaar and
Furniture Bazaar - catering to the entire needs of a consumer.[7]

The Great Exchange Offer

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On February 12, 2009 Big Bazaar launched "The Great Exchange Offer",
through with the customers can exchange their old goods in for Big
Bazaar coupons. Later, consumers can redeem these coupons for brand
new goods across the nation.


Big Bazaar at Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway in Ahmedabad


 Three Big Bazaar stores launched within a span of 22 days in Kolkata,

Bangalore and Hyderabad[9]


 Big Bazaar - ICICI Bank Card is launched.

 Food Bazaar becomes part of Big Bazaar with the launch of the first store
in Mumbai at High Street Phoenix


 Big Bazaar enters Tier II cities with the launch of the store in Nagpur
 Big Bazaar welcomes its 10 million-th customer at its new store in

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 Big Bazaar wins its first award and national recognition. Big Bazaar and
Food Bazaar awarded the country’s most admired retailer award in value
retailing and food retailing segment at the India Retail Forum
 A day before Diwali, the store at Lower Parel becomes the first to touch
Rs 10 million turnover on a single day


 Initiates the implementation of SAP and pilots a RFID project at its

central warehouse in Tarapur
 Launches a unique shopping program: the Big Bazaar Exchange Offer,
inviting customers to exchange household junk at Big Bazaar
 Electronic Bazaar and Furniture Bazaar are launched
 Big Bazaar and ICICI Bank launched ICICI Bank-Big Bazaar Gold credit
card program to reward its loyal customers.


 Mohan Jadhav sets a national record at Big Bazaar Sangli with a Rs

1,37,367 shopping bill. The Sangli farmer becomes Big Bazaar’s largest
ever customer.
 Big Bazaar launches Shakti, India’s first credit card program tailored for
 Navaras – the jewellery store launched within Big Bazaar stores


 The 50th Big Bazaar store is launched in Kanpur

 Big Bazaar partners with to launch India's most
popular shopping portal
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 Big Bazaar initiates the "Power of One" campaign to help raise funds for
the Save The Children India Fund
 Pantaloon Retail wins the International Retailer of the Year at US-based
National Retail Federation convention in New York and Emerging
Retailer of the Year award at the World Retail Congress held in


 Big Bazaar becomes the fastest growing hypermarket format in the world
with the launch of its 101st store within 7 years of launch
 Big Bazaar dons a new look with a fresh new section, Fashion@Big
 Big Bazaar joins the league of India’s Business Super brands. It is voted
among the top ten service brands in the country in the latest Pitch-IMRB
international survey
 Big Bazaar initiated the Mega Saving "Monthly Bachat Bazaar"
campaign, to provide exceptional deals on groceries and food items
during the first week of every month.


 Big Bazaar opens its second store in Assam at Tinsukia

 Big Bazaar initiates Maha Annasantarpane program at its stores in South
India – a unique initiative to offer meals to visitors and support local
social organizations
 Big Bazaar captures almost one-third share in food and grocery products
sold through modern retail in India
 Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Asin, youth icons of India, were chosen as
the brand ambassadors of Big Bazaar

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 Big Bazaar announced the launch of 'The Great Exchange Offer'
 Formed a joint venture with Hidesign to launch Holii, a new brand of
handbags, laptop bags and other accessories.


 Future Value Retail Limited is formed as a specialized subsidiary to

spearhead the group’s value retail business through Big Bazaar, Food
Bazaar and other formats.
 Big Bazaar wins CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards for the third
consecutive year. Adjudged the Most Preferred Multi Brand Food &
Beverage Chain, Most Preferred Multi Brand Retail Outlet and Most
Preferred Multi Brand One Stop Shop
 Big Bazaar connects over 30,000 small and medium Indian manufacturers
and entrepreneurs with around 200 million customers visiting its stores
 Big Bazaar opens its third store in Kanpur at Z Square Mall
 Big Bazaar opens its fourth store in Kanpur at Jajmau which is the largest
leather tannery garrison of Asia
 Vidya Balan was chosen as the brand ambassador of Big Bazaar's Price
Challenge exercise
 Ranked 6 among the Top 50 Service Brands in India.[10]


 Big Bazaar forays into the rural wholesale and distribution business
through ‘Aadhaar Wholesale’ store at Kalol, Gujarat.
 Big Bazaar has come up a new logo with a new tag line: ‘Naye India Ka
 200th store opened in India ]

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 Future Group has launched its latest venture, Foodhall – a premium food
destination across 10 metros in India
 For the convenience of the online customers, Big Bazaar has started free
shipping on all orders above Rs. 1000
 Entered into an agreement with Hindustan Unilever to co-develop and co-
brand bakery products, which would be sold exclusively at Big Bazaar


 Big Bazaar entered into a five year multi-million dollar deal with
Cognizant Technology Solutions for IT infrastructure services that
support Future Group's network of stores, warehouses, offices, and data
 Partnered with Disney to launch "Kidz Cookies", exclusively for kids
across India.
 Big Bazaar is planning to add further value to its retail services by
offering Value added services like grinding, de-seeding, vegetables
cutting at free of cost.

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The task of data collection begins after research problem has been
defined and research plan checked out. Two types of data were studied core of
the research project that is primary data and secondary data.

The formulation of a sound marketing strategy is found essential to

make possible on opotimal development of marketing resources. The marketing
professionals bears the responsibility of developing the optimal marketing input
so that world class services reach to the different segment of customer in right
In the context, we concern about formulation of marketing
strategy for Big Bazar industry.

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Q.1 Do you aware that Big Bazar having all types of products in their Malls?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 70
No 30









Yes No

Analysis : Most of the consumers are aware about the products line of Big

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Q.2 Do you like to purchase the products from Big Bazar Malls in daily basis?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 60
No 40

% of Respondants




% of Respondants



Yes No

Analysis : Most of the consumer purchase the the good on daily or wekly
basis from Big Bazar.

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Q.3 Do you think the products of Big Bazar are upto the mark ?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 70
No 30

Series 1








Yes No

Analysis : The products of Big Bazar are up to the mark .

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Q.4 Do you get any promotion offers from the Big Bazar ?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 60
No 40

Series 1



Series 1



Yes No

Analysis : Most of the time consumers get promotional offers from the
Big Bazar.

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Q.5 Do you feel Big Bazar use some improvemental factors for the
betterment of the consumers purchasing in their malls ?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 70
No 30

Series 1








Yes No

Analysis : Big Bazar uses various factors for betterment of consumers

purchasing .

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Q.6. Dou you feel satisfaction while purchasing goods in Big Bazar malls ?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 70
No 30

Series 1








Yes No

Analysis : Most of the consumers get satisfaction while purchasing good

from Big Bazar.

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Q.7 Is price differentiation found in Big Bazar w.r. to other retailers ?

Response % of Responadants
Yes 90
No 10

Series 1

50 Series 1
Yes No

Analysis : There is price differentiation found in Big Bazar as compare to

other retailers.

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Marketing strategy is one of the most important factor in todays

world of cut throat competition in competitive world. Hence while research
work for this particular Big Bazar product’s marketing strategy it can conclude
that :

 From the market survey, it has been found that Big Bazar has overall 70
% of market share.

 The distribution channel is very strong for the product and stocks of Big
Bazar products are easily available to distributors.

 It has better quality and hygiene value for money products.

 Most of consumers gives the first preference to the Big Bazar product as
compared to other substitute product.

 Big Bazar is largest Malls in selling brand.

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According to the analysis of the data it is found that the Big Bazar
product is market leader and customer accept quality at the higher end. Big
Bazar product enjoy a good market share in Nagpur. But at to end no one is so
perfect and hence some drawbacks can be found. So, some of the suggestions
are as follows:

 Tricycle can be installed at various places like public part during the peak
house, important chowks and in the city’s commercial centers.

 Time to time survey about the company’s strength and weakness is very
much essential. So that it can be improve it’s service and quality

 The pricing strategy is weak for the Big Bazar products, as it has very
high price.

 Company should provide festive discount on the occasional of festival on

it’s products.

 Company should also starts scheme for consumers so that sale is

increase, like giving coupon on every packet of Big Bazar.

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As the data is collected mostly from the secondary sources their

may be some limitations. As per the primary data is concerned the data is
collected by only the questionery method. Hence the limitations are as

 The conclusion of analysis drawn is on the choosen sample size.

 The results may very if the sample size may get changed.

 The survey was conducted on overall preference of Big Bazar not on the
particular product.

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 Books Reffered :
Name of the Books - Author
1) Marketing Management - Philip Kotler
2) Marketing Research - Naresh Malhotra
3) Strategic Management - R. Shrinivas

 Websites Are :

 Magazins, Journals and Newspapers :

1) Experiential Marketing - Vaishalli Nikalse

2) Exploring new horizons - Prof. M. Guruprasad

3) INDIA TODAY (Magazins)

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