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Your smartphone could replace hotel Keys

1. Complete the text with the words from the box:

iPhone standard develop digital plastic posted innovation year

Registration technology traditional

(CNN) -- Got a smartphone? Never lose your hotel key, or even have to stop at the r________________
desk, again.
That's the vision of a hotel chain that plans to send d____________ keys to guests' phones via an app
instead of making them check in and get the t______________ (and famously lose-able) p____________ plastic posted
swipe cards. Arriving guests could bypass the front desk and go straight to their rooms.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts, which owns more than 1,150 hotels in nearly 100 countries, plans to debut the
system in the next three months at two of its Aloft hotels -- in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City
and Cupertino, California.
Cupertino is likely no accident -- being, of course, the home of Apple's headquarters.
If all goes well, the company says it could have the feature in all of its hotels by next y_____________.
A spokeswoman said the app will initially be compatible with recent i____________ models (4S and newer)
and newer Android phones. The app will use Bluetooth t______________ to unlock the room with a tap.
"We believe this will become the new s______________ for how people will want to enter a hotel," Frits van
Paasschen, Starwood's CEO, told The Wall Street Journal. "It may be a novelty at first, but we think it will
become table stakes for managing a hotel."
Starwood, a chain that's heavy on boutique hotels, has a history of tech i_____________ and employs its
own digital team.
Just last year, the company launched a plan to d_____________ solar power at its hotels, offered
discounts during a "Cyber Monday" sale and premiered an iPad-specific mobile app. Starwood also
announced Instagram integration on its websites, which lets visitors see images that guests have

2. Match the words or expressions with the meanings:

a. Lose-able ___group
b. Straight ___on purpose
c. No accident ___common
d. Novelty ___performed for the first time
e. Table stakes ___easy to lose
f. Chain ___new thing
g. Premiered ___directly

3. Check True or False:

a) Just iPhones will run the app. (T) (F)

b) Apple is launching a hotel chain (T) (F)
c) The new feature is going to be implemented next year. (T) (F)
d) The article is about an app develop to find the customer´s plastic key. (T) (F)
e) You can watch videos on Instagram. (T) (F)
f) Starwood has used na app before. (T) (F)
g) Cupertino is a neighborhood in New York City. (T) (F)

4. Modals of certainty: must / might / could / may / can't

 must + infinitive
 might / might not + infinitive
 could / could not + infinitive
 may / may not + infinitive
 can't + infinitive

For example:

I am waiting for Julie with another friend, David.

I ask: 'Where is Julie?'

David guesses:

 She must be on the bus. (I'm fairly sure this is a good guess)
 She might come soon. (maybe)
 She could be lost. (maybe)
 She may be in the wrong room. (maybe)
 She can't be at home. (I'm fairly sure this isn't true)

Notice that the opposite of 'must' is 'can't in this case.

Will / won't

We use will and won't when we are very sure:

 She'll be at work now.

Can is used for something that is generally possible, something we know sometimes happens:

 Prices can be high in London.

For each sentence, choose between can't, might or must to fill each space.

1. Your mother __________ be a great cook. You are always so keen to get back home to eat!

2. I don't know why I am so tired these days. I __________

might be working too hard. Or maybe I am not
sleeping too well.
3. Do you know where Carl is? He __________
can't be out - his car keys are on the table.

4. You seem to know everything about the theatre. You __________

must go every week.

might know much about this company after only

5. To give the promotion to Harold was silly. He __________
a year working here.
6. Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They __________ be in there.

7. Oh, the phone is ringing. Answer it. It __________ be Kate. She always rings at this time.

8. Dan has been drinking that whiskey since early this afternoon. He __________ be totally drunk by

might think much of this film. They're leaving already - after only 20 minutes!
9. That couple __________

10. That's the second new car they have bought this year. They __________ be very rich!

5. Can you find the modals of certainty in the article above? List them here.


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