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Homeowrk: Chapter 12

Section 12.1
In each of Problems 1 through 10, evaluate the line integral.

Prob. 5 with C given by x = y = t, z = t2 for 0≤t ≤2

Prob. 12 Find the mass and center of mass of a thin, straight wire extending from
the origin to (3, 3, 3) if δ(x, y, z)=x + y +z grams per centimeter.

Prob. 13 Find the work done by F = x2i − 2yzj + zk in moving an object along the

line segment from (1, 1, 1) to (4, 4, 4).

Section 12.2
In each of Problems 4 through 11, use Green’s theorem to evaluate ∮ . All

curves are oriented positively.

Prob. 11 F = x2i − 2xyj and C is the triangle with vertices (1, 1), (4, 1), (2, 6)

Prob. 14 A particle moves once counterclockwise around the circle of radius 6

about the origin, under the influence of the force F = (ex − y + x cosh(x))i + (y3/2 + x)j.
Calculate the work done.

Section 12.3
In each of Problems 1 through 5, evaluate ∮ over any simple closed path in

the x, y-plane that does not pass through the origin. This may require cases, as in

Example 12.10.

Prob. 1 x 2y
Section 12.4
In each of Problems 1 through 10, determine whether F is conservative in the given
region D. If D is not defined explicitly, it is understood to be the entire plane or
3-space. If the vector field is conservative, find a potential.
Prob. 4 F=exyz(1+xyz)i+x2zj+x2yk

Prob. 10 F= yz cos(x)i+(z sin(x)+1)j+ y sin(x)k

In each of Problems 11 through 20, determine a potential function to evaluate

for C any path from the first point to the second.

Prob. 11 F=2xyi+(x2−1/y)j; (1, 3), (2, 2) (The path cannot cross the x - axis).

Prob. 20 F=(y cos(xz)−xyz sin(xz))i+x cos(xz)j−x2y sin(xz)k; (1, 0,π), (1, 1, 7)

Section 12.5
In each of Problems 1 through 10, evaluate ∬Σ , , .

Prob. 1 f (x, y, z)= y, Σ is the part of the cylinder z = x2 for 0≤ x ≤2, 0≤ y ≤3.

Prob. 3 f (x, y, z)=z, Σ is the part of the cone z= x y in the first octant and
between the planes z=2 and z=4.

Prob. 6 f (x, y, z) = x2, Σ is the part of the paraboloid z = 4−x2 − y2 lying above the x,
y - plane.

Section 12.6
In each of Problems 1 through 6, find the mass and center of mass of the shell Σ.
Prob. 2 Σ is the part of the paraboloid z =16− x2 − y2 in the first octant and between
the cylinders x2 + y2 = 1 and x2 + y2 = 9, with δ(x, y, z) = xy/ 1 4x 4y .

Prob. 8 Find the flux of F = xzi − yk across the part of the sphere x2 + y2 +z2 =4
above the plane z =1.
Section 12.8
In each of Problems 1 through 8, evaluate either ∬ or ∭ div ,

whichever is easier.
Prob. 2 F= x3i+ y3j+z3k, Σ is the sphere of radius 1 about the origin.

Prob. 5 F = x2i + y2j + z2k, Σ is the cone z = x y for x2 + y2 ≤ 2, together with

the top cap consisting of the points (x, y, √2) with x2 + y2 ≤2.

Section 12.9
In each of Problems 1 through 5, use Stokes’s theorem to evaluate ∮ or

∬ , whichever appears easier.

Prob. 5 F= yx2i−xy2j+z2k with Σ the hemisphere x2+ y2+z2 =4, z ≥0.

Prob. 7 Use Stokes’s theorem to evaluate ∮ , where C is the boundary of

the part of the plane x +4y +z =12 lying in the first octant, and
F=(x −z)i+(y − x)j+(z − y)k.

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