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Rsgadliy las) FRX Wh 5 hy ally, ple (byline = i pleyues JES#! aa ALY: aa Sed} Mees) DE)r 94.10 lbs EWM 4”, ’ aaerh BP Sp Meus.s iil PLD dandy Gol GE: Ys! ey = td Linas al ge Cp VU Ball) edie cil lal Lay Ub Oy CS Le Lad eat Clb ght aay Gad § pVI0T, VITA AI CAM Say gh) AG] bss ebsl WLS! I neatly Ould ll GLeliay gy GaN) Lali, AL ALY cereal Say Gig e Si as Aaa Lely Heed Gis Nalowl Bob VI Se iy Os All OU pd Seay on Ad eed Sp dl ni MIS y lar] Lee ce ele EA) ULL eo pall teh Lele ge SLA) Gey cy Al Olle Gam Sad J (pVO* Gall) LS Gl aan Jul Gay = Seu yi aby Sy Pp aasel Lt, U das ing go Hib tiles WEN die pi all JE by de all BAU acy gb Wor de by OGAl IMS Lad w idl Je as ct Coy RUN RI ee Al Gal WWV0 die ad ob pl iL Abl! Lo Od gall pt go) Uy IA b ll awl Be ge itil ee doy Saeed ZOU Gab) GJ) VANE le 3 3 seed Dg al oy All GULLS VAs dee al pb (de LS ys 138 Lo ai!) J.FUcK,DIE Lgl fie pall Leal ld lay, GLE jG. Jacobus Golius Gye iny Ast () arabischen Studien in Europ, pig 1955. AV op oli clay, jbl Edward Poowek IsSy stole (1) NeV Ge Glell gall jail Albert Schuttens 323}, opige 0) VV+ Ge Gplell eA BIJ Jacob Reiske Sant) cine Slay ce (EY WY oe Gell eel Bl (0) AN iy otetll dye ASLAM U5 amy Oyaby rin Gabi J] ppyll Ide HVAT) SA woblien Ln cay (PAV G8) 55) Ghd Gee A (NAEN) ole il dale S95 pet AS /(NAET) Ga sly (VAYY RAN BU A te ell OM gw Jy Gall § Onby cl J OS RY Objbe, VANE) eae OLLE Gee Gall dl ge OL LH# jue COOVAT a gh) dentaw CLL, (VATA Gay Jb) AGM SS All gy abn J Ate VAEA = VAEY dias die Slime 59 gars LO at AN Rela) Nope Dyce petty 18 Crag AN A cst gala Golo Ly pte Ql oa uae Gy PALI IS Gaby YP OVATV ye 3) OMe 59 ay Goal gal oped Geo OO Sd ad ge sleall GW. Freytag, Darstellung der arabischen verskunst rahe () NV 053 Ged GUM eel jI. Flick uli olay Lani js! re (Y) 3. Humbert, Anthologie arabe ou choix de poesies arabes inkdites, Pars 1819. railye Gb ye (A) G.De Lagrange, Anthologie arabe, Paris 1828. peeks ye (A) F. 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Wa J Lilet LIKAY! he ahem ge) I ey OP ONE ae db Gall SLA LU Weal ge Sb Vcd all GUL tidy ae Se GS ply AIS Hale gad gS bees CaS ope aT ai og peel de 5 Hey ce OAS Jol Galle § eal! ahs Pal Lastly gpl Leldy pill iy OlamoW, OlLail Liz lady al ad § Jil Wi oad, dla ay Ml GES pee (NAOT) Sete AD B95 OES oo 55 slnll sah ey BB oF tay gh da Op ae Dal ay Pestle Ad ody adil geo fol pb 555 CUS) LeSY Be Le ts ae yi ty (All we) oi cles AW) Gly Gal OL pe WS aa, all Gog OP All otal rl Dhol Je Olin Men aS / OP UVAV: gal) Cela Gad dal Fell oldl ul Gals lee OF) J.von Hammer-Purgstall, iteraturgeschichte der Araber, Wien 1850-58 dng ANNO Je sas Fick Ai bay's V Uo Sal) LI! Ee Al §Grunedaum gli x asl Eyogll Nin Jyo Ail ANNO Ge Gt eet! rod ae all gly pall Gai OLS alge (ML) W. Ahlwardt, Uber Poesie und Poetik der Araber, Gotha 1856 BEY! @ Cay GUY del, prea gall Gall rl Gla aad ge yl GUS ysl (No) SS Sleey ode A LAL Gj Leena they pls ogb Gary py ig thd jslee 'W. 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Aeball oie gle (14) Maria Nallino, an-Nabiga al-Ga'dfe le sue poesie | VY SH Gl! ell GG.E.vonGrunebaum pliyz a (f+) lpm ESN viene lindas ell oe go Jian ALS Jie all Hall JI Seley eo cory (*) VAAN cy gy AS al sysctl et RF alee oe 2 agrcty ll Gall gg ll pal Jy walle sA.Bloch Cbg G. Richter 25, 4 «1. Lichtenstadter : o SS (WY Ge Ail)G.v.Grunebaum pyle yey eth ts gt All Ad ele JE pee hee ab Laill oe Ele Gy SW pat) Gal JSS Leal Min a oy OY tale yey pd alae] owe wal) appt GLOW dns ly te LS ASI UW OS tae ental ue Al ol thy dy heal SN a ot ee La Ise ob ty lal Lie Ge Gl Je Naleel saga oy glyill aoa Gale] J] Gish OYsLal WT Go pred agg! Lee pe pl VILE (oy hdd CaS GB Ugte Lel] chery (gall Lally abil! legal) olpte Comel gl Lp agbl oda Col ay Le Lal YW Le ge wi ab Uybal lly de al OLLI gb dab! alll of oye ile & a! Shay lye [SS Lars Ll poe G Col Chel Ww dob ti, ee A pall pol) «gall atl slaw CLS Yur psill yw iS Spy valely yall Ad) pub Sead Jyo ult ode OLS Juril yay 40 AS oh ate Jo EY gts oe al Ol ge GUI Gall Ely by Se pale 8 Se all te i oA a elt ot ge ll oh lie LAL § aabell ap5y g i ad GOLA Geasly ALLS! 5b wh Ladle ge lee Ge Y tbl bpd Je ould oo Gg Soll, dell el a fee GALS ge Olle GH AE sel wy si OW PAN 2 Ge oe ad stg baba ode 5 ger Gilde oly CVAIT A V901) Sante pall SAY Ile ody Srl Goll ig abl GUI 9 fll Gears Npey fall pl dase Sy coh eel Leo sb ape ede ge eS oul ell Unsll eil(*) AN MYA Sy ae soe Ine Updo ley A. Fischer und E. Brdunlich, Die Schawahid-Indices : Jaa!! 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Gjlall PUN tall lpi § Olea ode cag By acy bi ws ar Sal all ag ll Gol Gb olga iy all all Qh LSU Lia ws) A NAVE YE NGOT jetty Sill lo ISI pala 950) cap pe -\We- ml el aol: Gu Kl, ols 89 ba itl din age Ltt Upto pale ia pl og all A Jol GE Gd gd ad dey all poland bod thay gl AI LUT gl PW TAY pene iy OP ys aad Se goal Gaal oll Gam gall zl Orally ALE pal See se Oly lay Ly gat — aL = 5 gla AS Gy all hing ML O+ Sei Lend Neel goes deal on sats das or Jules le lai’ 050 dT Me ely b= St Wy Nylase IS gd Sy ad ey at Vin ee By gels Be SG yy ppedtl bytes HEY Sad Lytle dat lt (325 ye) ¢ Ae cnly (38 0) B55 Gp see ae heed Suey WS sey atl abel g aht ye bualy ob os BAN A 5 SAU AL op pail Gy sly dhe yall ol by (PEO = pEEY gale cy isl!) deeiSH} fey JU G(Sozmmen0s) Ke piety jy 3 Ei gah all ae i GW ot oe IS GL es L yl (LT) S.De Sacy, Mémoire sur l'origine et Les anciens monuments de la littérature Paienne des Arabes. Paris 1806, PN dy AN oF MAG IVY pall ad gl 20,8) AVL AVE/T all pel ull (8) tpl ae 'W. 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ISL Lh ad dre Bly SL SF lg) Angd SEY MeN due claty delat! del Mee sey ab ge i pli! ull a sled gels pall old Si SB Smead por Jol al gh WIS ahi load Des Gad Lol OP cay gla 00 gop Oe po gl Cow AA by oe tal OA ge GW! all Jolly Ay OM all yA AD Upad US Goll ye sat sea of Jgbey aya By deal ably Agi) Aly J dela lal O99 doy pall LLaill Je Wd, at BA BU dD OM Nin Lay I gad ae doles cle Woda te of aise! had sty Lyme) Baten pl all Led yad Nie gay til Cilye ge UKALI Geschichte der arabischen Literature, in: Handbuch der Orientalistik, 3 Bd, Semitstk, Leiden 1984. 5.(+¥) 256, G. LeviDella Vida, Pre Islamic Arabia in: The Arab Heritage, hsg. von. (\ + $) IN. F. Fatis, Princeton 1944, P.41-48 5 3g A TYVIIVE So Gl et ae gall pot bil, R. Blachére, Histoire de a ltterature arabe, Paris 1952. p.83-117.(\+8) AO oe Gletl el (VY) Ne aS Ge Je Nn Gast ly Late by AV Ge Gell! geyll (VY) A. Musil, Arabia Petraea, Bd IIL, Wien 1908 1 heal dy ‘The Manners and Customs of the Rewala - Bedouins. New York 1928. ~¥- (all Aa) ¥ 6 BLD / Gta by go cide glad ily 3) ALL Joe ail Ji 5 gt Jeolist! 21 LOM LAN ge LS ge AS Qe (FO OL pall Geb at EG 2 Bly pall > OU URL Al GI ol Sct oe gall ge dag SI aes te Se LO Lead SLY Sat oe B98 Det RS ty slg, Gab al) Cade Lie gy gall JA ay a pel IS sxbl JM OANA by OV dle OLE sl dye Ollbery Bey | OPT ASI Lp ay ee ae by ROU at gw S91 ey Ul pall ell A ce SU pel of al ail de Ks) LLY! PPB IA PSY pat GEIS, obi dale} y haw i LI ON aging he pen ENT ange GE JL pa ALS EI A LY HII Ca Sy Spel ge sts Hae Se oy MUG A OW ge sat sty pill abs cal, US aay LUE bayae LIST pay og yall Lie J ay 9 OLY 3, pt! cel pel idle Oe Jal ac jsleaay GUS gh ati! 0b pS Coy 4b LB te AB SI egy aby tall OLS has Ss ol ne ol jay y aed AIL yc hageny BAS Bale glans y SAM Gb Cilghl Goons Lalo aed OLS, WS y dade doe DNs WL ua y dole oi Ate Le ball ay ill «LT R. Bluchtre, Histoire 93. (\+A) R. Bluchdre, Le Coran,. Paris 974, vol..p.2. 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Sezgin, Bu nin kaynaklasthakkinds arajtirmalar, Istanbul 1956.(\\%) ATT AAYV LTT ATS YY NYE Ge pales te SE gyal pot pb (VY) ANY go Gilad eal eT gyal pol NY pail al ad et asl (NA) Ahtwardt, Aecitheit 63 aplll sgt on el had, a5 ce are SS oy ATV ATA Ge GS! ed ae all jo oil (V8) ENV Ge lel pA WW tS al J pnally VUE Y/Y coy oll be tt sel (VY) NVA WBS Jo spl Se te sill ge ola ol anne J) Jey AY LY pS oe ane olf ON) 2lS til ok el yy OA/NY GES yl dl oy quill Goi a age WU Jl eed aged WY gh oe SIS spemilyey ANIA GEN abel diy Jy pall db gail 2s OY) Goldsiner, Muh. Stud. 11,8 VV YTA Jatt Godt g (MYT) Abiwardt, Aechtheic62. (YE) YY glad gel el gull jot -Yo- Ay OM glad Ad sit IIS IM ol Deb 25 5 pall Glas A A oy gai [elena SOUL gay I IS of JH ol W jy Y ol aSsll yb YY Eh Jal jy8 ¥ ol Lyi yay 5 GUI gay any n LS OMS JS Le pat oe SM ll glad & idl) SLE ope 206 Sle peel pall J pill og all atl daly y Glee (iy Dek peal ob ay cea ae PUL oS atl Ue ono of dt Gall OM tet LUT pth poe Gb gUatl go eee Jb Lats dda! CAA ae BY ELS Call al ge GURL! ey ne 5 SE yo Le Gases ode I ee 7 Ab! pd bad JyM OLA gf OM als, Ad ge by ae ob bt RS ~ ey ol gy se OU gy pe AS dy ipl OM ona ga BLL As Je Ge ge at Je Nb AOU pt ge ILS legs ol Yor Ga ile els) Jay B S36 Je saad byes se 59} All IS al) LY! paall GU Raye AW ote I Sl lene ab Gi A AT ee oe eet OT Cy BAT US cow § La at ol iS by OV ae AE mall Gal ph $3 ay (WYO) ip ably esol oe Bab el ee sa MS My ge gy wd Lasely Vee (E+) a Bek, UU del gar jon send) Jide J ly abel j ne Le (VOA/E GEM) lacl We oye IE G5 ae thy ol Je Jub Uda dy attly LUT Ablwardt, Aechtheit8.. (TV) apd op Mall dip op gil Je MBN VA eel pall pol Jal pl jal ol (VY) Brdunlich, in:O1Z gil gaa Le jl Ahlwardt, Poesied -§ : yi aS L gj AVY eV aladll dyad lib dsl (VTA) Je ory OWN GEM 3 ssi th, thy Ms Al OW ge bl Ging episl (NYA), Ae pall op Ad ey Let op Hall F. Krenkow, The 2650 placed of SUS 4S Lo sbiy OV call VON ane VV afel (WT) ‘Use of Writing, 266 NV Ws Ja ptt jalteny oY dane pV saad eds (VY) -¥1- = Be oy GSE iy b AL Ne oye pd gig yy OP OU oy we ae Dae ces Ah dll oy clad ob JWI BI tee GI Oe ae Ly! (PAV/9 W Spall) i SLI oly Gael oped Gb aiay Gall AU Gol ae Rapa Ny 9 OP GE Qdige Gop OLAS le @ abi vice! 24 Ball at ge sl) ce i gy lal ae / AS yy Se OL she hele oe J] WS shad vay ate Joly yo cae ley Jol platl a abyss OTV ase ly HSL Salyhl seedty easy ned Ge Go ytatl J} UY HL bps OM oped Se emery (Galall Gly le juaill Lia § JI) he oe ee ol gh UE OM bal, Jt Qe gst Gb tbeall Lag Lad oly Le bo J} Yo pan! G Gb ols dl gy ya ol YS YI POT ye Sie ol pe 5 ot oly pee peal UL} Jury oF OU yall ode oe OM sab ay Label oy of edt J ALS oly wails ALL pad pail ell Addl pis ahd Joly GU Je Gall Sey ge he¥ VEN VER/E GEM: sl (VT) AVY ge sl Orr) TENN oye pilly de ob) Fale Gall Slay AT AT) Ga Vs Gatladl Gk! (OTE) Blachdre, Histoire 6-97» nt aS Le: Land Jel (8) NW 2 A ge Gl ee fall ay TWN SS eS ly IT De GY al adll Jad clib ysl (VT) TeO/Y EM! SLL GALS Geta oS Lil (WY) Lamy Luh S38 Al) GLA yk as ily A/T GLI ge A as! (VTA) Ae Sill gpa GIR. Blacnbre, Hinire 7 pall aM GLU GALS Gone 985 ssl sid! of (OFA) YY eg SAL Al pte J LL, epley he NN Sue gyll liy ay YI Ula B — Lse oS pale lel Je pps Y shy ga lls aw, ow Bi ae ISU os Jo enn By caps oy yall placed: DM! deel wares eas AM, Syall At ae: ELI det! scp algal deseo : QI! Mell Wilbh ab eyadl ale GS yal gle Golde L GUI Jolt ode qty adel) oda Je . dyad LS) cya gp ya ¥ OM Sy ad Ggaat Se ce La api 5 Lay 5 pall Gal A gov ol eal os AAT yatl ye ey Seen lay SHE WI LS ar sla age Gi hay std oy ceed LST GOLF» (GUM Jeo 4038 Go il) ed Bt yy ee waly DL Sy (p WE /m OF ill) teal oy 2b 5 Wy valet, Ujlasi, 0325 yo sil) cybath, aS een (GMAW Gall) Gat EE Hay oy LEW Nin Gb / ColagLT pal Sad ol Ke SUI aay «(GUM Quod! ss abl GW OA Llas JY OA ale GAD aad pbially SU Jal ALES Nia 438 yo Jil) Lele Lilal Nip pte OS ye ox dell! ol sans crate aad ad tly, Se Las hago! es amy op sll ple suse! iy sel ce alga mall al paY yy 595 dl of Sy sy pall b sane da L al gared Lol Gaal gpl ad yy OM deme gy HE Sab 4S clea ZN pl Je Ube clalleall wie BUY LTT als ge g cal ce (Me) Naty late gly Aad Cys SN ar gmd Call oy gt cll Le Cask ALS ae ap TSS gl SN GU I bey bey 335 iat Jo eal Get lee Joe Haley oF Le Coted US, LET NA Geld pet 5 Stall aS Ly AV all GY Cong Jil 4033 gre) (8) ah JS sll al AVANT ths: pil (VEN) 7 25 26 AS OU, Ge eh sed ee ae GE OPEL Sal LI Nae ol ad BU yal ebsly all Loh Gyley elt oly Oa oy did oe oF Cn pad oe Ie ally Heal gy Lily op pill oly OP LMI Wo 59s SUall bin de Sy OEP GEL A sly Lay M93 Sy OM ashy Beh abe ad Bly OM (VAA/ VAY di god Gell) ee Ov le Grell ANY Ue gaSIH aly OM pT Jal ety SUL) Jal at on jones Che sine oly OP Tall GLI babe GU 2] lis Lay) mill A Sil be All ge nabs A gy ne al als hoes ORL £89 yo BN) 25, FL Sb ce all AM 599.2 Meal) oA!) gal raed) GAD ga pF ot pel tae Je Ue JS God ol gh Y, BUN oA tla, SIS) oA Bee milly OS GU ope 98 sa OIF Sig egs ye Aa AAU ADIL Oniie pplneryy senll Lie Stay AS a9 LE oy abl Baldy 277 ge all SLA Ge Waal pVIV/e VT Gall) Gal Ae BW) GRINS All SLI sb A) AVIV VA St) BoM) ASI SLI ey ney (0,280 ge all SL all Ge sb pail VEN / oe VE SU / SH ge Ge, QA OL 0 hil pV /9 V0 0,307 og al SL all Ge sU epbil pVVE/> VEY By LN abe cA oy 908 atl pte 2S G2 2 SAU ox a gtetll ell of ANTAL syll pol «fall poll shiny EA Ad GY celaally pall il OVEN) STV TVA SE GY dal Jad lab (VETD ATW) bela corel, oll (NEED AY AST call pod fall pall olay VEAL VEY te Vail! iil (V0) FAW ple salad Jy Slib yet (VE) YW YY Gell jana (EY) ANU Jab pull joliany A/T lei (NEA) TL /AW gM Obs Lbil (VE4) AYe Jol pall pala AVY ccd ole! yi! (0+) -¥4- 9 ile 3 ab sty gl JSAM ie ily gala oy J pill LS SALES led salad $404.2 1 abry Ol og a at od ppanly oe esl shall oe Tah Al LS Lat OU oy sat ol Gi ad ae pe ae well oF eh Sl daler Dace yl edaall talyts OW oy one ol sy yy ily Jl hd bi ON i bread Gall oe GS? I eS CIS, oR 1591 OPIS ial ONG sal ob dell ow 5 SSM se pl oe LS (ek GF pl Leda AN LE oe aay 1 sr3\ gl op § eM Saal Sy LLM ga glya Gb ble PALE ade Gp Si cabal oy bye Qa Je deal go py (G29! gall) SLs BOM gu sls Cede Je sd LeU gay leer! alls Je inte! ae hye oe meld gad le Je fake! FM ELSI placed AL! Gell de Y Gall salty} Gb BG Se EM rte 8 Sales of Lake Gi gee pall G planed ately CH) abl L5G alll alll ge Gb Retell Bk Ly goal Joel ge el od JG OLLI Gan of U3 ob Ge Bl Saad J LAL Sl adn Sy email gral all gy gat Ge LSI placa es otell choy oF (GAL ol) sd SII SA ge gid ol yas SY SAM op gall aed Bad GIS sab yah gle GALS Le ge deny de pee Set aS alle ob shy = bin oo pide = slay epley ale ail uo Jpn! rane tl ing Je WS jawed hs gee LT Tg LS oy, PLIES) Gied! cH (Ney) SE GY ole oli, Geta! hy Fay BUYS Mall on ane coon al ahs IT /Y cry Shall of Gail (VON) IVT Ve Sh yl old alll pill jolie lel dal! [Sal - tee 27 oi it ptiale WGEY od (gael eel) gpd) SII ga G Geld Gong Aa ged jolie oF iyy pally yds] pel iigae Bal OY Wiy ay ile pill duly, dole JS cla! gio3 ol jut Yy JES GAEL ya Je A Shae Gd ke Ae I Ge, SII ea ae SS yah SLE GF lal Jat Gyo Leas ol Ke Ldn aay yal Gat Jes Gabi fey Wy hard) OSA Jo Jey ec shsl 599 aad ees ple Gai Je LS atl oe otal Rel yd GU Sdiy wplall Jad G by yal cy all Jel ple LoS 3} AN oe li patsy (Linsey Lay 158 all SL ll we eh & Lopat os 31! 6325 dl Je Shares seelyy Galo g2 obs iSeolidl, dis pe i yal) ain gs jl ay iy anit, yr Ugo hd Byae ae3| heey ose ML, diy all yj db oS GAL ip Gail ily, ae IJ S3 old SB Liye oS ake of casi ae hag 9 sill 5 Sut) Jal! SL BG Aah) (GoM WLI) / og abl JY) OAN oo iW Gea A77 op SAM pall BL inal La CoS of ay Cot af pl gelay ct Vay S50 Ty DI alel CAS ASI an Gy le liga ga Ugsls Cel IW Hs 299 GLC82 Gg all SLA Ge Ai) Gedlbe ely GSI oy he CYL Dee by Th yp Lely et by OLY pall J 2rd tales cb ci Us Ot, yeat ake 257 US 5 pad Shiny MES al NEO NAY eM LL abS J pemiilye aS Le Ll (Nor) = AT ML SAM pte U el Je all le pagll jb J ge pail alpsll aby of (NOE) Fach well lal KG all) Goan Alan 5 Le gee ll ye Sl yall Uy aah G MAL TRO/V MAES ipl ast ty GB So Sasi xe ypeasll bie Jer oil By Uae Y OS iyo! Maa, Lgl 1S all G1 6 YBN pail yall atl ULel BypSe gepad RLU! Gal, pladcel sae Gad ol pyell Qekes y LW clad Alp ol Ride go Glhs ob kt oy Ghee LH, pelt Lagi pS, ak, b iad JIE Jiall aad opigan, IITs HLS 6 parler SEEN pay IE ge ea sy pall Hyp diay ol oe el Lad ila WAS goply vad ZL / hel ay atl Gately WIE pal Gedy tegll GLa! iin, sdb i ae ce tel Jet Leas aS GA gl LoL bale of Se BN) aS Ga ae be GIS) OP UALS, LEU pd ge add hee peed LSI aory Ul aS sel G ibe eg 50 aly 6°71366-368 UY ee Fay Shay OP silly Gall CaF LF 5 ox Ga Jal s La! Ball go SS al Jo SIs ohbea83 Gall SLA ob ybil) olbadl! Je SET LS pan! Jubiy cI pawl § AW! lent te § Geel Oe pt GE ay DSS Gb oF prysleat pe JJ O45 phaodl lS lily OM geld) pan! SElyly ye pan! cba ae OLLY! oie aii L WE BU, Js oe al thy J) WW J Lal WU aya GLY yy rel Sf Ueki dake ei cell pe geal pamy Digs US gay Laid Syl LOM plaid 959 Jou! SU/0 gett Let (N00) eS Ged Lindl jay, ges) go OS oe ISN yp! al Sh al! : Lal Jel (X01) ANP Ud) a9 dahl QT lal 7b Ga olay, SL Uy ANVA 5 aadl @ub fsl (NOV) VAL TV EY all pol). Jal! pail jolie bil (NOA) WA YAY TES TY SLIT gel fil (VON) ate 29 cb (salt LIN) Js aabl Jul oA Gb pdaiall SLAY ogy led Li aly i eat jae oo pail par Ul en AD ES tes lel el DN $3 399 AM Rhys oe ar le dla QS pl al, Sil LplS atl aly, OY Jae pd Cab ple Bday GS ll Bb Gb ol UP Laie yy he Sle cig GY] AMA JE Po Gets LAST aI BI pany Ob ey gall Ne I Gamat phe gu ld way LO) all ase olde sh egal ce ae Lye of oye lS J] OLS gy EM S35 spall A AS ee ot Jal ps alee ol gat SL ol 83 IH BIB GAS / Hy shph laLee of gases oh U5 pV Nia gay OP Heal See ah he Se is ht SU Ge ge Jal al sl atl gale ce Saln (MEN/w VTE GAM) aD pty Le IU pes oS GA roles apeaill oh cxdall phe plas Ly OP tyre seed go July OP egal os 1) GIB Je th ale Jul ol gl git ob ae saat al od SLI G55 LSU Cabld slo aisoy gt J CS GUL IS of Oleglall tua) gh pa) |_| ete aloy PY GB UG Ga pall Gall ad! db wal ae Uidle S GRID Oye ce Gall Lie by OWE pad dug lthn Dalal Jpnd Olah ot (1) OLA Ge BAUS b Say 4S by oe Go Gell ced 5 (VW) Nldeke, Geschichte des Qorans 116 Blachere, Histoire 100 yall al GU Gb pt te aad by 2 BSNS lbin aaggie jas (ge) ES ol ay WED) pre oY Salll poly VIN lle pV oplall oly gebe ost (VW 1ST Al Sia gtd GUY) Jel: Lad Jl, Ye pole oh pV seatlly CAI deals sl (VY) WA/£ Soild we VI okey! oda (VE) ie. Dy dae Dall sol 1S si dee Mal Yo Lat Ly ace Gopte cot al Gent lS sgt! ae gh yal Lb aaely ye pay Gb alll gh dealall Yo aS feel Je Gal af Se athe lay Mab sh gi lo ye aad etl aie ol Stl le Sy ote sith Ay I YY LAT Y el Ld Je aad gate PM SA be Ky II ale pli og Gopal BY Oe oe oan, WS all SNA Gy sb EL VAT/ 8 We dsl) spall IE oe ee Aad ol SA TEV /Y pe ond ceded BN) Mall ge 9 al oth dele yo (1310 SAS ge ny Shas (Cheat gl gl) AY bagead Poe od Sn ee ow IAI Saly OY plats pred acl ed, EG yd alsa ode patty GT gill B= (SM ANN sabl GW GA cdeeasin § ported go SS ol ail Je ot Lid cade ol fet ow Ele 99 SI a7 ol = Land oy All lo calle pS / aed oly gl Coe aid pail G UBL, Gerecasll AY ow Le YY 6 bal iy OW ea op SLY EK PS am ie Y OIF W IS He Go any ASI fo sare BY slammed pile yl ad by ieee ile Ul gree eatin JE oe seed opiale akin o parla Woe Uta Seb i a A hy By ge Lele pty ole dead Lad $5 ol Gay onal Ne by Nasi Ly 58 (GUY Je) All oldl @ Tormey 59 aid gare alah dyad Lil (VV) ZDMG 65/1911 500 AP ot cy Be BAW ip abl opts anly Jem any AT ye NOT ipl ta Gal ary aN ee yy gener Yl Jab al jaleaay MO Go NAGA jal) dab ely el clyeay MTs Sell « Gigmeeasll ye (VY) NAV ae all od NAV Jahl tl jaleay MY (5 Seal suis pally Giger! (VIA) - tb - Hv ONY pall cay AlN yy LAT NBS y ode ge Se I phpeel ea F oe dl cna! BEM Ae ge one BUG ge ult Jj Lai be BLY! Gan AFR play oll endl! il) igi! SIS (sa AlN) s pbh iI OSA § LS oy A poe GLI Be AN Ni ol Jo ab etl aby Gye IG (gold ell) gg pl PABA SS oe sty OM Dad pee Gb RAMI Ob AI Lys eral apy MEY aay oe bao SG ol Spill go al WUSS ol Ge AM aN OS eee coe LSE ly sp! US G oy All gal Zgue Gb Lat i WS 9) A alpll dae atl yall all SLE Gb plan! AN N3f sal gga Get, Laylall sili Lye iy TAU adn iy dino gh eg ghyo Ba esd nD Corgi G dere lela ogi Se ual Lip y yl sid GLE Jo Jae Leh assy y qqurn y agnon Jee Gg SM plea Bboy BIE SAN jay Jeet of abel ie i lal oe Gall J Jylny SAS RAM ob BUN Uhl pact pull Ne Jo Lal poe ae spt sl 7 Unsory Sgilcll dd, te a J candied BLL of Chaty! go 2all Le oo gel MI Gul edad Cell ope WS ay UE Qeagl GUS Joy WS pal gas G Ad! Ch. Pellat, Milieu 137-139 ky jks aa le see st (1A) sll ol Bh ce HbS J pall Lin po Qed (WV) Bluchdre, Hisoire 100 Seedy pe ing og ghpl shiny (QV / on VEN GAN) lS GL oy at oS Je ab pies Headly UD he kL Je ile Heh WS oy SE GD ary ppibee opts IIS spall Ga NTAIN all ll Gelin ab J OWS 2 oS Le J) nt Sled ats ISU came SC 55k ASH oh oe ge SN Je AVIV) VIET yNt iy Secluded! NAT Gell ge Sy alll Gantyad pr ile bLsiy GIT G aL DLs Ui Lay ain (NAV a Ve phe gos gl!) ell oath Ui dal pee ol! i WISH: 366060 ll JM liSy sola fa GUUS Lge Ll] Jy LS ead el 83 a ~to- Letst ead OS al Gb oF AU bys ct Uuleel bw ol ae ol, PAM pater ALN at ope eal) ary Le JS ol Noe gn, Wy ee 4 Ja Ay pill Nia led 3 facil LY! Ub Dyball ode GB pay Ly Snel cay pate I gate oe Jo Lasers HILAL GS EIJI ob Jolwl pall ty Blea) Ge A abl SE ay ad JEG ol oS ey Le ce STAY Ky SA op stl ow pis Je ay Jail, BE, -Ub5/, ae TIS oe Wal, aly chagae JL Wy Oly pall db Qos oF LLL Bed bod apt leery oF oth yn OY TY hee ee all Atl ou Wl CMe ola Ape OS Nil tee oe I Jeol ob play J) acl Wa Esta! Sp RILEY coe sal Geb ce YY ESE CST pd Whe ade ob eee gland U soa te Sl all cll Dol, Glare Vl Ys ssl Ge AL wal, Aad eed ob LSU RL oh) a5 eed eady yl phy ol pyle ze LON alae Fe at oe I oe Sa dy al AM Joe ge OM Wily & oN ale JI eed bb Saal dale] ge Wy al bce abl Db edediy all AW Soll on stl, Sail pe J Wy tla ge S0 VE oe (VAVA) baal 03 ey eae jE pepll ae J] ELEY ad Lo (WY) (Uy 5 VN 2 iil Sy vost HIS) ot pl eld Ghee pad OL piy Seal pe be deal |e AE SUSY Gol pil sae GIN AW aT oe Sled gu Je Sey yy ESIGN Gg chie GS, BIS ay gee Led die OLE gas Uni jy lginn dey ge ad ULE ala Sy UI ob RSA LaLa Je Sill PLAY! OW Lia Gly SSVI & oy Vp Ning Agni sta pele Laz cll Sle MN ctl piney, cinta tay siladll eda Sb gi tule Ge ol deaall od Cee le Min Olinda jy dps tabi JS Deb! Radl j WS dee gue ily hyd JSuch Used) phere eS BIS all A gush nal ge (WYN) G..¥. Grunebaum, Zur Chronologie der Fiiharabisehen Dichtung, in: Orientalia 8/1939/ 328-345 ppl Dhol oe ay Te eG ge al GUS: bs) (YT) Aniwardt, atafabAbmar, Ahlwardt, Aechteit S. 13-16 -t1- 32 2g be pth SWE ody egy, ll At) Ded Rye, Mat ge Joi LIS OM Sal,’ = Salgiy apg = MII IS of Gt gay cya gl Age 559 oe wha G ae Galas ttt Ugel| bale pI) ASI ONG Na gery aleall ge iS ge lois BASE SE or ple ite by Taare (ISA ope (ace Uy nel J AAU Hill LL soe pS JL BSL late Lei ssl ay ge Bale OY py ping lage ae ella yaa of bie could gt, Uy Oc al gst LN Rape yl oye by ale oy Je Pell S| ole Gd Baas Male ly FSD be Wy BL bale C8 AILS pd J LH 0} BAY Lead 1G al yl LE JE ye qemall Lela J eg GB cay ge age Gp lil any ASU SU oy yall gf lal JUN gall Bayly Lag cae pentalye AU VANY de be pull Yo Sai ode by Uys BUY, Geet artes BOA oy gle ge atu Ub} b uolall add of pe se pall bday IS LM! guste Ga al abel Ball) ab poles oy = (US Jad of pVAV 0 WVe die gos Gall) tall Bale itl i= (pVAV/ a VAs Lie pr Syl) ily (PVVV/» V00 ay) ARN y AE UD apoter oly coe glyall a ge (lal) & alll al, Cae aly Lely deeeil Gye A (PATNA TV isis PVN Ja We ple Sb wl Jd call eal op Why WOM Els VE Le oF As LLB! Naldeke, Betrige S. VI: Saly ao Let (VE) spell ody sill of Ab pur ell ag pl ool dels ce ime i pale a aS Le yl (NYO) G.E. yon Grunebaum, Zum Stedium der arabischen Literature im Westen, in; Keitikund Diehtkunst, Wiesbaden 1955, 8.9 Blache, Histoire 99: jin aa Lal (WY) fag, ll LA op she Je CUR Ge petalye 5 Le bit (WY) |. Goldner, Some Notes on the Diwns of the A rabie Tribes, in: JRAS 1897 p. 325.334 Gesammetie Schriften IV, 119-128 a) MISS SEY cae Cond! Lin ay NYG WY ae asta Le jy deg ll AAU JY SUA in Lins cee pS SLA eZ aly (*) all 2 ey Ls cpmetlly Last asial / Nabe gh bere 350 by OM wlll ale dy ye 33 Se ES by ghd JS oS ol Mle oT gan y aeedy oF Boat lime wala, Ment S All in ol digin oyd § Sy PLY prey Lb by All alll 2 oth Sell Ne J tersll Sy pl sled aly O38 FO BY Je ogsi i = ell Judd aly Le SU Dy tig A Oday oulll op ASU gw soy OIE god Dates aegilentll yal tT Jubal! gy shyo WIS — Kale sity oy .D—rtiti—sS—S—sssSsaiCOsONOCisNUaCsisSONCO'CCi;z.iCiCN Bi eV als pest CE BK Gl Lal etsy Lay Ua ML ode yay AWS Solas Seo pty aot Hl IK] dace YG] ay Sooke go WS oe Nya ag ob Cyhsel db gait ob gts LeyLeall LL (ISS ada Joe G LS, LO doailie oF Tale CIS 13] ey LL pcdally jer ALUN Nia ge Magny Suite § doll Ue ol Gb agiee UY, wall ttl jolas Gill ae Oe Sey kesh oben gl tS ge al Gad a Ji ing ea Li § GUY Jol jay, (WA) wa by ra cles pall Sgt I opty All cally lylacly ll la tS oly ad le ace YE Yee Cool oats Yy cla ati WS GUS J ce wl Jue, yl ae atl UY inl ang, AA GNI ol sates by VV Go deal ill abl olbiail ain JL dade Gj Lind of5 ole yy BL LT Nain EVA 5 slate Ly PVA Jal pth ole j eM pall ol asey NA oo lai JU teats clad iil (WA) AN0 ENE, £06 a yall pols iil (VA) - tA - 34 PeM jaeey Lda) at Gb Cowl yale : Lely pees HA ab Bly) LLAd wos ab GLI all § Wye ol ae TID Wyle UO gat Gl lead) Le Lae pat of a July LY OF Byte let ot Wy icly GA IS Yy LG od Ul eal pal 2) iy any Boance hey EM pall oe Ul] clogs / at glgl OG) Ue Chey Bl aS tw oh Upeed Gb Byall SU) pal Cele ay By BAS Od aby Ge UU 9 Wy gy JR Ld] Choy il ipl oS! cabal gs J) GU of pI OL ye Lat pet babs Ole U Clie Aa pl Opatnainall gine y+ Geeall Comal nae etd Coed CaS! § pasa oaleall dahl LS Zeal Je SLI a ce pd Jo US b GF Lt paca Geol Mine ALS Nn cy gangs py Laat Ltd lS U LYS Upeeady teal ALE ef BLM Cay ASU jaball J] Riley OLLEM Gal ue edn Cy ELA ctype Cond ly spsell dl ane ov Je WAST eet HY aed tua SY bly y ladl @& JW pla! ppast Ub] § 159 ct dy ably Gaga poe dag des ial ne Jel G ad ue Gy DL salad UG ye Way dngreer big pay Sh pry yur pli a ile ae Ai Lads Gang ph pad pe LE J OWS WD ilgad oS al Bale) cal OLS hy pred yY Congill ge leglae Gites WSs 0 ead bay Lad guy ill > Gls fear lal JS oY PN UG Lead Wa atedbat Jylu Le yay GIL OLN Gey dely 5) dl ied JS — fea gd Ey all OL § Eadl Syrall of PSL Gj dasai of Lake y Spo Brsly det Ld ald Ny lea prope J heed Gade gb SF Lal Ge ag) all pW Syral WLS Jo OU! axis ctealgh Sie asl JIG2 Gel Sal IU BI) Jd gw Wah wd BSW LEM get ce Ga Me All SL gn lee oe OU gas LONP Geng pF JE spe pall GCS SOLA oy slye Taree Gf jalaall ge aad BAU N/a gad al slat ant ool date b teil abd od dae SUI I pele ese LLM add Gly Ske ge aS (PANV/ 9 11 J p03 SA gp shad let y 06 ol dane ol pete ppd ad 5 CO ct Fe ay Way OOP UA I gal pall ge CLAM g perl SH Slt gn UU aL Ske LS oll Nin beta 55 yO gi] desl Sa] Ley) ppg sing OM geld edad aie Ge eg shol Tetlh PUM op glys ge cola G tlad oe AS paid ¢ will fuaill Hey all gabeall GB say) pl USA ne dt pall LEW Gael) gil ing MM AS say aed I pple yu G vais Wiis bing Ahad oy slsey SSL gy slo oy OU clay 5 ale al gine y aie, LE pal Ugee sold Jat Gall acl pale ob sda nS a Jl cot Lashes 8 So By LL oy slyo JI Lal & oUt lb Lyle jt Se AF fey phy Ua ihe Se p54 gall LEM oye of SLM gu alo ASE Le Ning Nae teas oj I eke fF atl oa also Gan ob its Y Lid BUA, Cipa dl go WALI CIS yy con glyall ode ge pail gay solilall gly Led Gh Lpary all fal LY LSI lai! clam J} gill! OAV te |. Goldziner, Some Noteson the Dian othe A rabie Tribes poll bin gle (VAN) AVYV Ye Ge Gilad Cond Bil (VAN) NTE ge Gl ert (AT) (NTE go) seater Sab ISL JS gar ih Syl! San sptentale hey NTE Go GLa eet (VA) NW Gill eel! (NAe) ATV ge Gell ee tl (VAT) VANS Gee gla. SAS nate sl (NAV) 35 36 Hes GUE cal oy shay ELH gualys old ube Lee HE os epbe aIS Niky GL aes Je Inked dae ls J! @ WI oly Leg LS, pel JS pb ob 9S al SEY qalyall ob ge GUail wb pty dyn pass GAAS oy loos SLM oy ghee aay OST WL Jt GU gel 2aSiy vishal gy sky Rell jalally dase WI jolall 4 a si)! Nay at Sp LW Sy SU Sy Lad Sy HU Gass LE Telly SUN Be hg polars UH oy ne ob J) IS oe Uiil ai SUAS Bie 5.99 Nay peat St Vy all GU by ll Baioy / Legal (paul ai 5, gl Hashes ge Ste bay il gt ol Qa pl ae of Gall ode Bulan ULL J BLY! agg (PVA /a V- = pVWV /o 8 1 (Se) ole ol oy Sy aS J] Leh pep Le LS Sy batt Sy al pl dale gle ed! AST lana GIS BG el! Atl, Lo OLY! all a IGM cat! of oll quiz, dag! dell Olle’ WI JM AN Ele i eth 5 gall Jas Ty rds dey asl dS Nab LYS pal Ages (GAM Gal) gdh GU ODI bby dy (GM GLI s pdl abl BS oD ease i lay ai Gall ce GSM py OVE Gp) ead Ge iy gage iF IB AS Gh witty atl AB (Go LU!) SN OM ge Jy Headly (AL! AW Gad! GU! ofl go gil ALAM LS oy All dae Gigs sgl ge bajo (dtl el cadl wae os de OL WW ~ Ove valpcdl on gla e 1a ST OLS sis oy pte oly IS at pnt Gh dad! ual ol BUSS ody adn sh warty oh de wales ah lps solyl Geey, Sy pl - aid PHY jteey SMALL bE ll oy Of SLE Ga GLI Jualll UW pa Y iil oda dat Led] Cheoy Al gy algal of SLAY) Le dey Gls SAN BUI SA boy AUT aoe Led eos Woe ala Gre! JS eel lia Gb ely (sad elt) grab I, (Gall WN) cabs? aed By All ASM JS Qe ob cabal We ge IU ly bbe Wysnney Yibiy sy Ladd S- EE SLM gash = ¥ PU past UI lee LS J} eel pt et CYL ul ef a hey ll Lilly opteiSy Ile oy ahaa! USM 3] / (LY! jaeey dee Mall Galydt of Lebbit Lbs 5S LL! LAU § Sleyenll ode ge Lal] 8d ee Lael ST LS 5 ye Le gue BABI, ogy sly GS LUIS Cals las cays) JOE Ole yamll ole gy gle Of one all LLaLL Sill fy jd jsLall 9 3h DASn gh lath gl wate Jo alyan wh gee well Sd pb clad wybsly slasin sh otsh si PAY Cay G25 9 pall Ne ge Te yet I pr! ge Gi ULE pail BE DB ekg Sy ge Lake Las ts OM SE ol ow ae Jatt SRG Lt Sy esigll Nie Ss i pete IS, (9 all I! OMS ae al Cob pate) LY jae Gy Lal paul Gal oat ww inst, Ja OA ge dd) AS A ad ee LOG Sy celal sel at Je Bale leas ge 555 (soMedl GLI) os abl Pe AS Uyigad ay Np by AF clo Gd phat eS ol bai yogi ie ol cp At spall Cull (AA) Sub Sy he ee US OV 00% Jal! pall oleae oil Yop pol Yeaid aoe aiy Ladd! jl) cally Ee aoe ay neta Soe ol (NAN) Goldziher. Some Notes on the Diwiny of the Arabic Tribes in: JRAS 1897. P. 328. Goldziher. Gesummelie Schrifien IV, 122 — oY - gla ad ge led ob Jaret yO gail ge Fab Dylace de perl ode cil Gb etie eed LE 3 Gai ity de gerd! ade LI ex cbell Joy ll ce lane oF aie bi, Oy ay dab WALVW/T) CAI pT GEN OLS SGA All Ag abl GUI oA ALE 3 GAN Chall ge DIE og wt Beye ge UH, 268 gall 1A! IG Awl) GLA 5 OLS abs ba at ge een orn ay Lila Lat gets iS, la jel, A OA fy 6 Bl) depart! ode UI) oN ale & 3 Gs si] Ud Gil {1,367 par oe pel A gu alae Geshe ge WS Sided IK Lal] Jum oly pda Jad CSI ad) cle ge Sab OW Gall Lda B53. pall ol Al gay aL Jan GLa 2I ge Nie qettny Uylare / SAN pas b gall aa Sl de all ion, Ae oe ee ly obs Gale U) ane cx sell Jeubo Lally AS gh Gop deity AF BD oe Y ly Yn cs. JW OO) acorn be gee ABE EE slatl ge We ade Co BL pall hee Geil of sos ple, OLAS CaS Lad slong bat (aes Lyle! Sey (1:257 GUM Jott gall Lal @& sb yb) cea Jey clase gb LI] choy ll Gopal Je slp Nie pais «tall Ges) eg hl Seal OU Oly WS Jee Gi el aS! ephM0/m TAG Ga sall) (gslad HID ak oy JE 083 iy (1248-249 og all OLA dy 4S Le WIS VEN VERE GEN ofl (V4) Poetry, in BSOAS 29/1965: slut La |W. Atatat, The Historical Significance of Late A eee eee spewilgh GLH cdl J} GUM Jet g abst Jat 04) | Goluziter, JRAS 1N97.423, und Gesammelte Sehriten IV, 12 2367 JM lal! ob Gl Geel Gill JL wh po haat Jy MEV JEM LS Gall bi Je Seal Jl Gall bole] G bacet yg rail 00A_ 00V Jal pall plas oY os 38 Gey y AE ey Ls LS 5(1,206-209 a all SL atl GU coop tte (FTA/Y EM aX QU al JBN) addjay CLS! La gobed 1! aa ey ott at SI He sy sh as Ge Gl Gell OLE! Vole SA fyb Bil gMo/a Vo Gall) dik oy JES LLG! dee La EE CaF Oy Ress ee syry SU) ge & pil Le 51263-2645 all APN Ee i tag uhglasly Valatly geal STG OLS» bl} hey ll BD OR ad eet OLS aaa aly (1.260 Gg all SLA @ LU BN) LS fost y LEST § Olgas GEE Lia ganas, 9 (SIT Gebel! ll) WK RD Ad op te ge dept LU! La etil o edd AY Seep OLS ge ple JS LE] LH ce ale Quake Gai GLa, LEW Bb ge tle ae IRE sl dade yale SS ce eats Wo jrkeae QL op hye GS (I) Oli! Sy do OLA aS Upilly Yar cots ELA cll clas atl pLEde (NOV Ge) wad onl 53 Deb date Cole 5 Sell ate wl OS sla bps op tes BSE Ow cas La cad By NA+ Leb dadby N08 wll AV Cue gill il) Clo on tes AOEV 080 de all pol and 2 Uge she gy sly! olay ow juel i (yy) (ry () (0) (ab pel ge eel OY SUI Ge el v) dine yy stl (M) - 00 - 7 a3 gu slash (4) 39 day gy staal (V+) i (NN) si (vy) ai (vy) i (v8) mays) i) ‘im (NA) i (V8) i (ve) ai (¥) i (ry) es ea ai (yyy Bh al (v8) SEE Ge shee (10) 5b jks tyre ee sbel (1Y) SS ge stash (1A) BN) sae my oe nel palit gal 3 Le WIS Lid gw ply cals gt hye ee gy gle Shp BS pl counall Lin gb (pAAN/ 2 TVN pete Qatigt YE Gage Ube VE Bae Jb S8y gee el ee ba) sae of Ln dae 6 ol phat 9 (Laaiey Ley OE A Lol yall) bl ae, GW Sy cael alyeo cetienl gileo si ale I en aball oda go Let pay Be oly Lb ke sl Sl Seed GU seal! Lin iy ng Sell we UL ul st slyall dacaes Sy AU pgs ob JS sh all WY I ee SUI ada gw BVI -ol- 2 ROW legend gue SI 55 3M si piel ous atl oy obs abl Obs ok bs th eS ar oul — oe BS a bs BS oy Shee (ol) GH OLS sete gt AS wal gy GLE eal obs req reres dhs OLS te HS AS gp yl gs OLS Sv ) (Y) (v) (8) (0) a) (Y) (A) (4) (N+) (WY) (YY) ar) (ve) (No) ™) (NY) (NA) (a) (Ye) (vy) (YY) (yyy (ve) (Yo) Deb Ol ‘ab es Hanoy pe gy jal nillane at Ole gy Mae gy LS oy bS pb oy SE gy at oF bes ots 318 (as sh) CLS pad steel Bg bs OS = OA = 40 DY oS3 beget feel, A gL ole sym yD ge GH Sh Sa ell at oe) 255k wh woh OLsl ObSy Gay PUI J OANA Vb ew ay Le iti Mg ASU abel ame LM Gn gly els Coy A Gey AS bial Qhily Jytd! Lam J} LLL ah ge TA LY TA/T) ilgine Ne Vi EM OLS bd She co PED sy EDN cla pla Sh ee 9417 083 ah) gay dl WE gl Soe peed atid ach aie gay (AVE / 0 V¥0 ~ AVVE/o +0) dla’ sgh 3 ado Ja SANG AE SN SI Set lel ox HIE GLU Olle ny ead cyl $3 (1, 249-258 yall SLA fe JU Bil) (QdKM LIND s zal Ode gly glen aly adnery a ISIN gpl GIS sulpletly day lS] OLS» (V-A Ge) I ISAS LI, day ee ed we Bet Gy oly Gb oe we Bl VY Abas, Gib aoley Jadll oe Ob JI jLsh g Caryyn sad! (MN) ed LH Obs ole Te al Eee b 2 Sill OLS! ab AI OOS ail pay NEN Go geil (VAT) — 04 - Uh ad soe ASI onl Rly ye clltgg LET Sr Gye Glenatie Thay OM WS 22 083 AL) pS on ne She das bat 083 Glew i ly laine! 3 gall CAF ell nit thy G30 083. AL) day ol Ge ote, OP (008 OS Sab SD AD IW OW poe oe LEM Cy SES (YY VI N08 die god ial) Hall gg a ne pVeclue gn Ul SAA Ay SE Ba pA V/ 6 TA) Gal) sal LE gy atl GES jleae O97 2 083 ihe) Iga) anol 65 Ley Jb call gl 983 4590374 Gall AS» gen LES = A ge 9 nl thd Lroler MSs — pt ge JE ll, LOM SL Aad cys hoa petty SIS «Soll asl So) ER ca oe (He oh) pie Lg GY os Seat LE 5(1,266-267 yA All Gy sl il pAT-/ a V4- abasbdly Gad Sy y dred hd) Sr (ME Ce ill) ll cel lpr $5 sil] aased ai Ubi UI al jig Lad BUM oy ghye Sy ASI Geel LSD UREN LT GF ON gael ase ab) legs gue cect y / gee Sel, Ugo Apel aay co Lael Sha Sy saad eye brigd plt JS eo - isle - Sis san a gl Lead gue Cat ZULU at ow alld | Gar ol 1B spp Le YEV/T JouS wel ger et (VAL) Beall op IS Mey) a edb OLS oe wy 3 ANY leXI js! (N40) gles ah, adayy (Sod! gl! /is mbt JVI oll go Js¥l ATV Gel eal VD Utne Lay ENV SL) dst LLL iy sLatey Ly BOT ee oy wall si (V4Y) eptilgey VV all GV ceygill dsl (NMA) 1. Goldeiber, in: Gesammelte Schriften, IV, 122 ENOTANON VEVAYVA ANT T AN AL AY AL YS FALE Gaba, Gilet sll (144) AE Aron 41 Wie ed GF Ua gl OS of ULM ge alya DG Lat ALA o Ba hey Lag Lat panting OSs (PANO Ve bal) Getnae oy ele BND pats palsl Lat Olal ge gS olylall Jol doy be COP thal dale Sal pA Baty SUBIN Gol A! ee fa « GEM OLS ce et geld 2S) GE ge yd lets wi Zl Gus Li AL (Gl QI is zbl IU) oll Stl b Gt) ed! Ulae 538 Go 23 (PAYY /o VoV sally PVN Je 4+ all) Ny ne gl gall Sy OT SN cee ib Ye agly ted Ov dy GE At 0) IES - ees er Ls Waly ag peal Salle gy slyall eae lel y ne Ul of dls ct Sheet 5 ne GAY chi lath, GUS oo salad plas aul, Lal} caey oy ML TAY die oy dies GUE gt ath Gana OO) SEM CLS bi het ne GN ae ge eth OLS ow abi sila g pol gM cused cg shetty cya (O0L/Y Shall pmne G) OL ail cay ae 3d VI ate UD OM Gs Qe Slth oo Ze onl ly aie UT Lad Ley capella BG GV VE yy deb EY) Gilg BA AEN) caieall Say (£20 2/1 Godt Bhd Jel) olaadl ple Tags Abe eget petty IS yy abil platy OLS (LY0/A Shih WAN -Y .00 Gilad elt dah (Ve) W/V ge! (YN) PAAINN PUATNG IVE TVI/V0 IYA/VE VUE OV/T YVAN SENT: ee Jl (11) OEY AM spall old «Jatbt pull jaline sa sUiy VA pel oe Y Seal! ASE OT) NYE/ ES GL eel i temtalgey YN Ge = UME Salat sls Gp alJY day ol (Vt) Np geld wih ally ETS LOVE NO WET /V ot BS pl (V0) AYO A NVE/E DLN cell i etalge 95 Lia NVO/E Oo BS ABI (TD AP AY/VA Sy ay dab TE TYAN VAT Ve bE - V70 SNE (THY) ANY ATYVT. FY0/¥ 2Ley! (YA) -We CS ORD el pact eked rp SIS IS ge sh egaall Silay aly CLS sted (SAM He CU) sed LU oa be JOO oy BEI AYN / a TV gh PANN TE isl) lS ant oy pita JLo Sy SH Hla OL BE aS 268 Ql LI fy 8 Uy acd (pI LS My Lat oye SD ole YT Jere Me Je Jar Ula, eg cain ES sae W $5 dala SLI os lyin g Al gi FEN Lol) eey Fl Dy GLa OLS, wees SG holy wah ol ayy LAU pasty aalial sae Cow ot HY (L270 Gall SLA fe 8 GIS AS GB (PAVO/@ VV bpatl) LU gy p50 TE yi ous des gl tS, Las] WS db peal al gan y Ele ed ge Eh Olle 6g as Hy shy OLS, a nillane pd LS bn I SH oh gs bed WS AS Nin Gale Ly (T+ = 04 Gl gb darby 06 = OF pail oY Comppill) te ENN) gs aahh Gl OA Ge Gb Gye oly a blill path OLS ow OP (soll PWM Bel pALO/ a WT dee ow Gall) VS Ly ae ally oti AN SI rally paey dans cabal) Sue slay Gast GB Gadd PTV shake gust (THA) thle Uy aS Ls Bil (TN) P, Sbath, in: MIE 49/194646, No 112 PES Nh ph as GES sosey Bee ESB ES EN SIS peal ol 3 (TY) FS AS SNe og tel AS RLM oy SIF Gg GS Gee oy ete FS a BIE AS ie Sg GF AS WS oy 1 ge AS lalla AV esti tb op EAS A op ON ps ASS oe He AS apt NA eth AAA SaaS. Geely bgt LBs (TV) NV iy Ve Gall eed ge ble Uy aes by (YT) ay 42 4a LS) y aati, BSI, Y-LA, LS y Ugee Bui Las (VA/Y JS AYON tla Je ail) dash, Gbil, aid Cae BLES (PAE THY Gat) GAM oy Gj cx tet sitll ly Shee tab Bil WY G5) ead cy! U3 $3 a etid Ge selgn GLSs «SLD! YT AF ome GSW ial LBV GLE ithe Bae ge OY saad 83 SS ee prety IS (PAEV 8 TTY Ball) AE AY Zo OL La! wale pLE GA LEU US ell Ae Sagar 83 bie ole Ly ELF he gate | JM LSU ge Sal Je = pty OS ai! SF a pla! LY cp RipSle OMB g Las pte ee day OMG BY LLM! dad pall odie Gilaty Al Ge / Jslill slash bey of abba eas Oller Smead Ole gas Goyeail) ode pets Ma Pla! LEY OLS gael de, Shiny OY all cat oy oe gases ad ol Bal Goes on dat 4, COs SR Gy gpl Dba ge WB Olyd Lat OM Suoly ALS ge lad Sad Gopal hs SS op gd sab SM Ua LEY Genin sae JW 00/0) VAAN lil dab ht (TVD WLAN Na sa, Sep by ita MLR pees Lely ULE VE pe GV Sm od Sy VEN gel Sle tly NNO eal gy! sl (10) Sail asi spadll elas hast flit LVI SM Sokal she ge le eV OLEH! Bae sai SS dab ijl G OYLEEY! ode Gey efi vse lich oy oe oles! old jl! iY 00/\ NAN) ial Nee ge bbl ait yt (1D) pS ob yy Beall th pele op ad ab Jeo Schall any si Jaa! Gen sae JB (TY (O0/% Ssh) ogy gpl Lac ge (NV opel pall aly Ce Sapte al) O14. 00/T OUT AVY. VOA/Y ait BLS BI (VA) MALTA, AMIS (WEIN) asl! UI yl VVO ZT Sot SYS AB) lie GS cx esi de bi! 014) ANVE/L) Spall Qaim cp pty (VEIT) Spill aS 83 Ng ety le ar eS la lat jlsty OLS 35g PLL lye G Mal ple yl aon, CAM a SS ote spe BIBI G5 SU! SA Let tll og GLY wid GLsiy Glas Ui bee Lady VEN yo Coe gill Sail) all ul 053 ud (pA0+/n TY vw pl ol ¢ (Noa Ge Ce SUR at Get (PAV / bE 0 Bgl) ead cy at for gl July Pt BB) «LLM Gin GLE RSW AS laid of 53 Slay ile jae SM larly AGL BN) JM Hey GUS, (E1- - £0A/T dyed (TV /E gill Shall paree Dail) cok gn gt Se BN) LLM Lat Remin OLS, (VT gue Bil) a SLM! clan GES, Lg (VA cae ABN) LLM 3 LA led ungin OLS, (VT. V4 PES salpiny Sy UL ASU) oS dhe 13 3, 50M SU ale aol oS aU ane ALN, ASU! LLM OLS ial yl we JU tS, ASU! Slay Se SOLA gy CU hig el Gl ae Gee BUI ly WHE y Sly yy SL oe JS Slee caw lw pi bel Je Ju iy lee ge Hey Se ce 5 Rel eae pL, LW ge ale pe gd Gl ody CO diy Be ae gd GLa! et LS» 5 (Wo Go oil wal gy Hae (esi gi LI SX) ole GY ol, Bee AN) lash, pein lath GE (sAVV/» TOV yl pATA/» Too (1372373 gg all SIA aod (PAWW/5 THE Gpell) SE gy pd wd ge obs in OLS oly ONT/E WET NIO/T GL eal yl tT) OV0/E Glatt el 58 NYY) NYG hgh tabs VY wall ys coagill OTT) =Ac 1354 og A SLA 6 AN) GEM OLS b Yio’! ¢ a) gl plas okey) Bl PANS /e YAN gov Soak) atid BY gy tet gy ard Sy SE she gn SB y cepa gel 053 aby ugh J bath GUS (OV/T gil ees! bape dads WA ead GY Comgill Bn Jost ly Ghat Gb dpa SA lI SA Gece OLKe sae! GGL ge Bed dw CAS, (VEY The Sp aS Le Bil) (2d goldt) P. Sbath ,p.6,No. 111. ABN) pM 60 /m VAY de SF Bes Lely Leas oye oy patlal oy aed olSy ee US SLA pe saad gy glo Sand dane aed (ME/Y DSU ccnilgll pone ADs gy OLS SRE gy LS 0 ide gl ge OLS HSE eee MI at Ny OY geglall Cogs BN) eb OLS 6 uglih® gy AYVO/\ OSL (p40/0 FEO Geel) aly IVs gy af Ae GAT slits OLS Ui SLMS Lad (pat ae ge GA (VY ge) pel gil 083 il Be eh Se UI neta Olly OLS le CA yi Willy Ui a ae pa oe ety cape aby BS BVA raced Lee) SI ASN GEM OLS GLa) choy ii IS Ido Sip AAU Lat a Ab 3h tke ed Se = SN oe lage She Gayl SLAIN ow sls ce UU ke Sy GEN ye GY a55I pty yg ayy Jerdogs See Bb Gb Gb ges (VEVTY EY OLS Bil) oll by BG Se Cg 53,5 CSI Je Gal Gyo 5, 954M lagi Ged all ok! (SLA AS bles oo de Spill alse oe LS bac (MAN / aw TVN Gll) sae ph ce gel $3 ad Py Ll Jeas ph ad GUS g Lad Ups oh 5, otal, gh OLS § LW! =o - seed SEW Ge) witty AS 3 ged Ui yo Sli) eon OLS He Shey BLS Ta ow al 1 ol gay 9 CES US § ELA Las G Jal oe BS oe OLSON go) ddd ge lal ge Jae, ZS Ole ell SS 2) eb slash (NT Ge) egliht gy Wha ce sath 40 Ge) alt GOES dpatn (VA Ge) w HL BI tn (EA Go) «eo Fly ea basis cry OM. Go) tt oe patlel or JE ae (sll ALIN) sg pdl ELI od dle Js Seb OBL Ge By ida ge sled OLS y (VAS, si Mall ai) SALI! (YA/0 cus YI aby) 2a) OLS Nae AS ge $5 Oo Se Lagtall JLT, appell lati Lani cae i, SAU) et oy tel lll pl CaS) (VET Gly GIN) EF tate ol Ally OY Sb SFIS EI) caged lath, OLS (phe E/a TAY PAN) aaggell etl 3 ULSy (pAAA/ 9 WO yell) SEI dl oy ech LTV Gola es wots Sisiy Lal] Joey si sen SN JEAN bed gt Orel oly caibl alps BEN Lee BS go AS WS oper GLB date ol yt me Ray Jb PLE be ye 2S) Sa LS cleey I LAE gag (A/T Spb Lak ce Sah hb YY ob Jae old cle Ul cy Le coe 25 = ts Se] Sely ) Rsly opal ty Lane (AV /a Vek Gall) asl lS we AV oe sal oth Tat ewig BN) ph ey GY) Le ps Ge (0% Go AT) Gy 78 Bs Stl ol tbl a Lf choy (ol BS Ob BA ope ay 7 SA IY 8) capella ES Sy ES alae GUIS wal oly ev cry) (4A Sano 45 BSW OUI SI ay Cae Gall OUI! eere calyel dene GAS Ae dads add il) IM dig ol gy GLE ple eee Sh) 2 ASL ALE SI) eal ily = CAT USI Sty WWE aS GY ANVELN bye Gagll ybl Sle at al AM ol ee et LOV/TN Syl dade GEST: 8) Sage gl My lined pie yi 2 oF NEL Bob abebl 958) Gaatl pall yy Was - SPM tl gy ae t (OAV/6 SSIS (TUE AVY ET/Y Gad Bhs EN) Gane Rly) ol gay y eg iF Le iN) US ae 3 onl oly Lay (J. 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Bale gf aad RLM al lege? oo Gar ow Jul v Uy pi 5 UF Aa cildl Be 0S cll AS gad seed! oo Bewadn SE lain coal cy Er gles ob salads! alae 53.(d sl be 55 ) HASIly pallne WE cpl lie ge ie gy Sy heeds pF oy ane Aa By pl jalan Jo sae! phys se 1 Nie gl LEY, OM dys oy aeY cpghall 5 still OLS yay bgt pryell J} eye see dl Lael (1348-349 pgs ll Gall Gy GBI AAT /o VA- Gell) th pe Shake Goll coe Ha sbew of add LMI DI LE all ob dell, Orne Ge ao pelea head wha Ll AM ily, US (ps / 2 1 - -VV/2 £1) sal cay coe tena Spe etl LSS ay I AG Ws Jeg PU aailyay BALL p0/» 10) oy Was Mtl ob add GW dt Ul SS op 90k ply dared LAD ge £UE JS Gaels iad LB! (pV 0 59 2M gp Seay DN 8 ly AS Gol ox ah es Baby oy dlls ob [ake Lo slats atilae Sip PIR oF vols EN ge ey dad pS Cathy / ined dal ge (da At ob RIL Ae yell ge ULSI all Ze yell GIES! cae GL nal NE/E ogi eM ake! 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Shy LATHE IW spall) Gly tae ab IS NI J Ge ab aby LNT UVEY 5 erate Lani iI) A VAY cLaby op VANO hay A VTAA 8 aS, Cle ES Se tis ely eb All SI lo nd 010 Le gd BAe MIS addy IW Sy ay yale sho cinch [S o(eolye Sue J Gall lle, I Golly NAW jee call we Je (1309 SUS Jil pV / ENE GAD) jbl ple pele Sel oe -A AVE + de ge og lil GS iil) bye Jie Ld] uy gly US 2 Bal pe WVA/ a OY GAN) Syl Se ce God Cal wall cst Kee ye AVON GL gM) VIVA and La 080 dee Ga) VEO Ripe LI. (1.279 ally (a AWA de on) VA00 LAY CENT/ dy ll legal ages gd i on VTA Ba spb te Soll g BI ge Toe W GL SI) W/V eof date VAN GL Pil os pabl eoll gall Ge diy VEY) OPV dea she (VE — 00 GL MI) W/Teo tak a ONE de ya ly VAY) TET yy CERIN ay all Slbgbsll ager Gugd se NN ae ye diy VN) AVY ee feet CWE LG al sn Wai, PY) TAS SOW gal Rh il idyy ME) VY ape YY Y GLAM) VAY gach 5 gad cab AEM gd IVA Gy i isl a VON ai AY) YAY Ge lb gad CF I LS eh IS (TEAL iy egal Bi). ao WEN A ge oidyy ToA) .VONN walee sxc Ch. J. Lyall, A Commentary on ten ancient Arabic Poems: namely the seven mu‘allakft... .Kalkutta 1894,N. J. Ridgewood 1965. we TOY WET VIYE Ue, lab ue sali G oe HAR Sable US, Bil op MO/a 08+ SAN) IID! arly oy C=) Vals ASN 6 WNT ee oye diy OL) TIVE Gah CON /A DAS cndlgll penne sa tiy J awe 37 US Al op VE O/a AA BAN) Spell coe cy Hee pall SUS ce- SVEN TELS geld og ylidl ReS jl) Ll] bobs! Ln Jue ly At 52 SrA) Stat asl gy plillan SGA Qt OLY CLUE Gui 1 AS Le Bl. AVA dee oe diy VAT) WVON CEL, «(HL388 GUS y sil p VOVE/a MAT AV+\ 2 AN/NAOA/Y A. Tiitek, in: Sarkiyat meem. 33 art ell el sah ay All S58 Je atl oe or lne or ole C= T AYE /F GU Spl oil. 2 TA ee op) EET Gal ASIII alll 59 VV00 Ke oy ile vege SUL ed Gy Hall, pal ple] lS - VE dada by Se dy TVA) V Cagle spl Jas oy Je cy anal p WEES WWEY/a VOY, AAlgil GUN) lath s poll we SINE oy ant cy ae V eclilall 2 j CLUE! chisn v0 ON bi ps Sly cape (VN /T DinSd J perme api pNATY/9 VIVA Zo aw AMIN iy Gaull eg ok VV ee op diy VEE) (AD op ae og rl LST OMA SI byl GH Cj SUL “UW aie 0 (AYA SSS oni gtl prune oil) VAY / YAY des pull Gull Sele! ry tall yao We Jey sxc Wee Al eal sail Je 3 Sly AYOO/T i agill paid sn NYAN dee a) LOVT Gal SII gla ialall NDS A op) pe SVE oe peels USUI phd Ge Ullal oe OLS WY NVQ) che Ul ae I CA Gat wy (GLI ce Ge LI/ sl NIV be es bl deat po Sey) 5 TONG eS sha si alill Ln VV dee oy dy AVE/Y godt opt OB op) dahl All Sy ENE all old Sd C4 wall ly VA AVEVN aS pe ponte BN) a VINA Yj cab (520k ce Gels pl te CII cA GLE iba oy ee LE AY all Olle Co ye a dle V4 Sir PBN) VIVE SAW § Cubs CTA/VY BLS cpiljll pas yelp MEF/o WY GAY) ANAW So pe Bee MTV GLAM) TYVE le lls ey tel GW Y Ce - re VAY de ye ody VU PYVO Gaal (TTA/T cee Oe eygd phil 2 WY Se 52 Yl GAS ably Gp pall nee gl S34 WI dy TY) TWAS GLI abl BD TVA Clana) FAVS di Clbshst dy A Wy WE IU indy 0VT 00 sda pail gpl Glilee ye) OTM GU,i DL JI (BE. Wagner ja DL G51) P10 wrth iT dead iy pete airy oly y NO sated diles ye) AO pled pllill (izes diy ray sey AVN ab spell Sy pl dle Ge) WAN le GL! eed (MAT ae Sie YVY/E ge ES ph b WIS seyiy (VA TAA/Y GL! el phil ite iy pe Pl Slyke ail yl tiles oy BNE A/TAG Gall) sy Al SBN) ane gy GR BLT GY a, peal gn 1 VITA ai lb a gt I) Gal (YTV JS, JI EY ENVY og OM sky! (Ellis Deser. List $.60 risiney asi SI. g pal oll g All cp odds YA) ANY TI a gy rl og ely YS pl saad Cd asin TY RAS (VOE/N DLS il eran 15 585 1323 Gauls SUS» jail p WAT/2 VAY eBay IVT ashe NG ge cal/) Gl egal il oe VTE ea) TEAY ea ar TANIA: aut giee i gh ysl HEIL send whilis Ce gj Ded ein 1 2 eee Se pall De pVVOV 6 00 ee asi ste gel Salad pend J SIP 5 Kan TE GS el oe ANE Ke oe INV GL SI THVO a oh geld sel Lot ant oy ~ Ab - 53 Ay) YONA Gal SII gla ipllll (EAN Go lad bil Lt bball op GE) AYOVAY epgill il a VVEO de oe odd WV Gy pee wl ey gh acl baskhy belyiey SLL) SLAM! go diy all LL! de perl Seby BNW Jady pVA2/o VUE Soll) peel de oy at oy Jail Yar ned Bead VV lea ettiy ad) Sed LLM gay (a WW Fey ll ope pte Bashy scnelalh ga garyly tae ge ELE ey OG pd Sha ie pend ode 95SS Ge IU ge Hale OUI) Thay ee) gy Ol amy (pVVO/ VOA aVOE/w ATT) 5 pail! Ride cL Ld! Sel uaa Ate el Le Ley sal gee tae BILL og silo gagll aad play ails AE ge LE pay alll ppt tS EB le oy eld cana Doce oe pata! ob Gods medi eal I eee gS] ily) deny OY lal wabdly SRST (ded ol had le gIS5 «Sead Con olf (pVIT/ VE0 Gall) Sly BT lhe Agent uly Shay TP las) oda Jaa pth lat Je alas WSUS saad Jae ALT Cals inate LS WILE oy pale! of Ged SEU day 10) Syl dab clio! GAY cel! oli ail) Ss ae, AYyy mel on Ant I (pATE/» Tor Goal) eal lat ge we USE GI Ge Sa yl Ip Saeed VIA patty SES OW Yo pe By se eee oly id Saad WIE LS all ob gpl 1) thay qoapal VET MTS so Sah Je GUY! 5 ole! (TTY) TVG/Y bya «pst «Jt (WY) We wall gs eal! (TT - Ag - Ny cay ob label GIF gay SS GIy OME Gall G2 BSL ly M Se aU, dyed! oh pole Jo ole] Druk / Wd we coy ceBS NS ope Kall deg (VV V0 adv desis il) Bb aly Pail Lt op bi Bead owls ol UTS & pW! dab! ae AV 2 VE) Gedo Leads 1) gree YI GiL2| oye siLealll Dat san 01S Lily aill ob (VV oy gol ily) 5 ill celal yl ss eh Yl dy Wy saligd aie SEE OLS yond lal: GS poly hie USI pt any NF Nn ag A pelt Vy glad gw Yo ny All gp Wet cell Jett UI ey Ob Lal b eal el 83 Le ig sldy OY 0V4 OVA/E OVA OVA, ETV/T God ats Jal) AOVE - OVT Jal pact jolee jae Cla isi GUL! Ge 6 Gieey tat tee a Land ely 'S.M. Yusuf, The Original compiler of al-Mufaddaliyyat, in: Ist. Cult. 18/1944/206-208. FeAl oll Gol beh eS by Blachére a. a.O. 148-149. SOW OTe Gl eds Je ole Bald a SY a We WALT AN SLY T/TOW toe oy sola As al dS pl dene VHA Go coal V gt iplill yl dae pee ay) ery VANE = N6V ee CVAV/NGOO/N ty all Olgas age ale oil LIS pe 2 WN) Byrn Airy oly VAN) EEN LES (EO dy Syed el lame we Cary on VAY diy Bab [SH Thorbecke, IHeft, Leipzig 1885 gad, Se yy (lay (Slame Yl go dey dno MOY gall oy bs Sitlae, Slo wat and Aging, (le IS VATA salill LLM Bad ge GF JSS eS LG Lat Jail, SU! nl) VANE W. Caskel, Ein Missverstindnis in den Mufadgaliyat, in: Oriens 7/1954/290-303, Teo GW. GUY (Tre) -AL- 55 cl co sii VIN) NAOA JAY GEA TVA cll) 515M eel oy aed C3 Bigg NV+) OV Rie she a VVVE die oe eddy YY) W/E MA pe UL OV ASN jlo cayalall ENE/N dy ll Glebe ager rgd iil sal te oll g All ell eedy a VF dee oe) WY al LT eel (a YAM dee oye) OAM cal spl) EAVO Gol cal (VV WYV/T ob sili ifisl a WWAO eG) U2 00 Gal and bby ATT cae ie gh lil a WV ey diy VAN) OATH ce MB olin, Lely Agde Shey dale WI A! eZ ILI any ATA ‘Ch. Lyall, I, Arab Text, Oxtord 1921, 11, 1918, II], Indices: A. A. Bevan, London-Leiden 1924 (Gibb Memorial NS Ii). Aly O2B6 SUSy jel pT / a EVV Gall) yj tl ant oy ard Je gl aT sa Aer de Sym yy Oe) VEEN £0,279 US) 4. AB WN A Aa OY Gall) Spl Je of nt hl CA -T Hipldll § iyyae aiy LIL tle ed) ode ial bby GG) OF Eb YI ASU. iy M5 @ UY eal) rr EU VAV/S JS EY Lia il, 5 AAV SII Io VEE I wel (ENE dey all Ub aa gee Gerad oil cs abl Goll oll ye diy, Bo rh Wi Ged OT a gl Ye tY cbt ody (stl pull ay) sobbadll gins JJ dai ais Jl. Wagner Ch. J. Lyall, Mufaddnyat, 1, p.20-21. NAVY AWA Bea gyal g Ley ight Gall Ad Ugiie S PEL AY Joes J DESI Ly (GV VYE/ a OVA Gall) II ane yy ard Cs t NAY oft aM ska! AS pel eel AN es Jal ne tig VAN) TENN Ge pat Sgt Al oso ole YL BAYS ths yee flame WL diy all CLalll de yest qundd Ay Cy aH ge eyed Hhety spel futlly ody JI Le wy ILI aga pAB pt day ly cagelole Garr sly tad pe dE U cyneny OLY cide FA) det oy gh Wales game of Jad ccahy ae Ab Tay diye ee] dey tdoly Glew dled «bebaally olenane Wn cnc yer LIS, (11'0/t Go! Po ste B= shat al gael ab) lial) Las Jail! 6 |S AES Lendl gga Loken lS Le g gat obs Soil) AY of woleLeall aS sont PB) dag Sadi, YY gamer lal Ss ld Ndi IS LS ela! op slo fo enn ly Seely iN Ie Gly amaae shy gb ih37 Gall LIS. 2 Aaa Se [patie pple Sy Lolell ig SY stleaill JS per Lyle sold) Ole yar! ULtsth gf ine Wy = game LIK gos gid Je oad pd Olmert of Dae derail Lela J cpaadall optollly crall allel Jae Ue Lend, cctlanene Se petdl ctl pSon, ined chad Le Ly oS Lib = Milas Col pes cond cael badd gye TAS Hales gamer Jacyn ippal cul JE Lad ayegiy aI Na of ay i gd aby gael) slash, lye UD ll ae Ho JL wip bath oye tS Tabi ihe UU Lends UD dans ply olan Jule ¥ Sh b= Hay ie LEG Ys dl At ge OL Ln Seyi ae as ee Line, Jena SIM peal) ole Lege - oS)» JN gre Je Se ob Sened Salll 51 ob peoeeall pill GEO yy shall cot teal iT adel ne SS / atl let ge gS Nase Game Que SL US 2) i deg lal op aS Ss Segld ve Ge Gh, Sling 01 oe ell VV bball gad aie SLY sey « (37 Fig, Die grammatischea Schulen 79-80 HD SAI opal SN tater Jo UVa a Bla gp bin Ble Je LS ait Sle ia (IT) seme ith daa aginiy topyall basi ga daladn bey (VON Land oly VA pall Gy scegill AV ge SN MB) shall BS Bate CIS Ne 5by AS OM 5 gst ONS SS ob Ole gerd ode oF be OF eae BUS Gail po Cath lea SF eal MALS aby Bie bile Gale SF ply ily lel Obeel iS, pl ieganll oie dat SPU dies paylasl SF IS in sete + Colegadl 19 AS eM lbh All ge TVA LT VON Shy) Y/WAE LS) pel day is oe NYAG die oe diy £0) bbe Gal SI Io et eral Bail 6 WY) ENS ll cola (EIV/Y dey all Clebasll agen Geagiy TV/T W.Ablwardt, Lind bbs 2, gi gin s(n VV 0+ de ge VAY VO+ Gh yl) LEM Lad (Eo 1N900 inal! oye etlaey SLs aot ard ill bbe oe saiie [S Berlin 1902. ANAVE SS) dahl) ob Gall all Lal et Wales osaaly Qe Uasae ileal hall go deget Gall lath igre dy All clatly ppl IA IF gd) PLM, GLU §) Gall latl ig ating eget Ger LI LAM peed olal Yo ipa! pli (pgblill eo Ce BIS eg hE oe a) iste OM gf Zeyatty ila Se pat Ly col pom OT calidad 2S ghar Ubyed Gall lal igper pett utlead SS ged dabede gd Lea oy) OA ob pty void Gets ebdill, wl Vin Se al Se Vy SGM ell J 52) bed be All BUI AW Ga ayer Baila Le (TTY) BAY oo LS oY Slee Gil fe Ce ge ey Al Ge gle OV tener : Al Bae oe BSI cp sll Cow ce Cet WS sa ll Gail plat! gaat Agegil Be ly J) sla (VTA) ~ woke ASS ian! eal ge ead IS Lacey gad ey byl All OU! olge (NTA) dale goals ie yarll ha Pell atl ia OES ile oF cell ny olellly (EM Se RU! ceatd gt BENIN by ep iS bla ba ghd OU oll gy tet Syed JIM head b C5555 a FLAN de gard od of Ay fall ob sy Bl AN, AI Ov All falas Fd Cony (Gell AU) gnbl all oA! oy Seal Hhaegd sual Ne gb Ble et, gle Wash, oy pal ie. | tly (OAV OAV eH pall wold Jal auth joleany VEN ppm GAY canes SE AES pale Ye atlas IB ys Leal Ue BI UUs oy peg Aol Qe AT stead ippel) gteell peetsll LE GE Gh OLA SE OLS Go - ape MIE oy Sea OLS / JI Leon alge llamas C2Sy NW/E O/T AW NG/Y od Bhs BAHT bye pil! Sy NAV VO/VANE/Y SIA gala! ell Ue doe al lal igre cole sa A ol Ge be Blachtre , Histoire 142 - 143. 119 BUS 2 ly Bae pl Ub gee egg il oan VAY dee oye diy WA) VIP GS colby AVN GUE BS gs abl oe UN 3 A ge diy g Te) TL NOY ell i pal (EEN/Y Be Ee Ae) VAEY coal WSs cual Gd) OAE Gal ASI slo vial CT 3, EB NEON ee ye diy TTA) 5 VIWWY iss AVY ob alll cl sn VAS spt eddy AL) WYN ple ay alll) EVV al iS, ONT Gal woul (YYY/Y Gall WVAS 2 abs 80) VARY Sule (AN A/T ne ce i coh dine ye aly TNE) VM pte gan VIVN dee oe VY Gb VI) YEON dy, (a MA bya? (de i yeas any VOLE LY GLY) V/TW G5 Olly gad (a V4 CLS] fll pl Gal AY Gy gd yell on NAAT de oe dd VAL) TY BS Made Wis, (VW dy Ck pill Bail VEN) ee op diy TOY) AEE NYE) TVOA Sa lb ase (NITY i, oe Sp gill ish VN G ee oy eddy YN) £V0 529, Bil digg WW) T/NWVE Sy Lldag (VEY ody Galll sl on VAT ee diy -4.- = 58 aS Le Mh a VAL ee dy NV UL 5 ged gee (WA es Un DWT Lee oy cid) VW) V0 oISsWl . Griffini, in: RSO 41911-12493. NOs Lai Ail as abl ee GUN oa oe VET LY GL ,SI) OAT ak NAAN tL NEY de ys ding VOW) WY aye lis pal SUl 2 Al gy diy 04) WAA sh) ANNE By Sc il ee VYNO de oye ody WIL SEV dem calyin, o VITY de SYy jab STEAM anh a ghil trae pian (bi Mea Lee cm 3 Sling Gey SEH Las |S Se ern Bil) rl had § VI (Ss 3) All gg gehen HOU aLL Io om ge thay PAW Sy sdb ap L fel agua Obed) Gey M. Nallino, Le varie edizionie stampe della Gamharat A¥Ar al{Arab in: RSO 1931-3234-341. Ap NAW cay gale gla WG IS i pel) alll Lyall Ail (hb Lee pel ee ab Ce ee aS F. Hommel, Uber eine zu Veranstaltende Ausgabe der Gamharat alSarab... in: Actes6® Congr. Intern. Orient., Leiden 1883,2 Partie, sect. 1, S. 378-408. | lial) OLLAL) Ok pt Ered OB LLY Lest lb gall Gla § dll I> Gy gba Saale Clipe 5 y6 I (rl A) cad! GU oA Gear G sel obball oS ogb wl. VS hy le ya gl dite vale YW iatece AS E55 GANS So ed Sy gb Al iAi GG tinal! & pt! sal lll So) aay pablin Gig BIL lala, OLY ge Cle gered! Gilall aS eal LS 6 J a glall US» see Gu gh SUI cde ody sisut Cle ped yay -4y- SPOS Shp goity Le JS ol oye AE Jo Lady lal ill LS suaatll glee AY ASB pdll Na CoS etl oy lal ppd ding nally wo lal spladl dae JM es a 5 Sens Je My ded oY lig] cheery yall PLS. srry GLU OLS ailLally plalell LS plead) LS eb LS A Dietrich, sty 19 MoS Le BEN) ond y poll AAS dl OLS sclely dat : « (in: ZDMG 10611956098 Ub WY dU gl GLE ai y RST ilelly gall § ~ + OLY Jad Glo j= Mise, dbably OLgaL Go - «Glad Glosly Genta § = + AA $5 by pla algly folly JW! olin § - = lly netly mally SWlly pymrlly ele! inry be - Ly PL Ay alll Siy eI) Grdly pally Gland dine be pels ately eb ly sbney + erally ally Cy AI ole § BIN Sip oth AIly ilyally lil, hab die - Ay srelaly or sM S35 1, sty WV etl line Gb ~ ads Sly AIL Opty J Eady lly Ghat die § - «tilt Ati die § - S28 SN OA I eee ell bie be pall at pall align, «(gall gold BLA VAV NY all) all ast oe Salll hall GY gall le lS) SW tll GY 6 Cell scald iN (PAVE AV 6 die te hall) geptal 9 AZ oy xglall lS 1 2 OE ye sal gh dab mall ~4ye 59 ANAS abl Gl oA om GUI Gad!) JS ob? GY al gle Obs A PAAAY Std aes abigl EV all Gp Y ccenygill yell sell sce fis ANd gh PAVA/ ANON Gall) JOE oy all ql Obst STAN ee JN) al ig aaa fA gales tel ye OT Ge pall gp BI ATA GAITZ TY Gall) LIS yy dbase gy weal apstl glu LSy. 0 WY oe ahah dab gall GY cee gill sfily (GUS Ning 533 £0 tl SAY a ceeyg dll spl ogee rf oy Ulla all glee GkSn 1 emg Bish (AT /AYNG gi Bll) AAR LS oy ted wall glee Obs Aa) afl Slule ole, gales oy ge olatdl jalllane $3 LSI Lay OY wadl og 2 yee IN adil sy 8 AZ Got 315 pommel PAYE/ ANNA all) EIN LE gy Je atl GY alll Gly A ENVG ad Yc gilly (VEO/Y TASS ccuilsll Wy WN pep ccegilh aps gle W oe ah 5 ge teal apt glee bn 4 1.(1,180 GAM Sp, Jil) Gla! Oley lew VE alll ior bse A! Sell Sg GATAZ ANI yas Gel) he og ell ae GV apcll ilar = «(1,167 Gall GUS» jel) WY/S sceeygh fel (PAEV AYN Gall) Soll ile ge aed qglall Olei obs» — VV lyin 55 TNA pe pV ccegill Bel) JU Je ged YI Jt adey 00) al adi] so U5) OVA/T Qo Shs WSS, Ke it a JI been OLS Gj alll OLS) (VO geneall ILI 1 AY Cad gle Gbsy— VY AN ong peal ofl pil (AOE /aNE> gst) on alae SI oy Lee on ind pall pill flee AS SII pall elas Gls WT salgiar Sy USI QUAN 83 ay AT edd Gp acomygill fist (GAOA/ AEE ww Gall) tebe SHU lg W ila lS ig ESI Ldn Se ay IVA QUYI) enSU lal ObSo -4y- SI lal lel OS ge Lead gS ay WAY AS Ge cong ysl) JY! J! lal LY wT ail ajaall phils Qioly dae GHIA J oS ES A ge Sa Gaal) geen gol oy clad antl Gila GbSy _ VE OV all op vce gill st (esd abd / 5 pnb OAM ge SM eal) oD gy aeablae oy E y pe GV eal Glee bse V0 MEO TV TY eibally alisle jek nl 053 (coll QI / spb OIL! CAT go eal BD ell cal 83 APTE POA/Y GoW athe so) VAAWT_ WO BI) a Sal sles con: aly LLS J (VOV/Y aly J oli] Gj) pill, AON yy APAANANVY gl) Hci ce ne oe lad (aglall lin + gi) antl sla V0 = AUN pyle Goll peel Jail egy LS! Juey AV adld ey okey! esl PAMV/AVAE Gall) saad) endl gle GbSn_ W GN AF NSy seal acl Glee LSD alge VVO Cargill J eal onl oS VYA P. Sat, bln 425 Le sJi1) ade § OLA Goel Olisie oe (eset te CII) snl in; MIB 49/194645 No. 813. powell pAMV/TAL Gall) BAI OW el ce OW apd glee olse VA TAN mall pV cently (VOWA BLASS « cailslt HN NANAK J all) GIEEENN oy be oy team OLE GY Gall le LS 4 = AUN play ol fell aid « ecb Ll! ey BABI NEL ATAY SAAN) sled Get oe tel lal GY eal lee Obs 1 AVE all GY Cunggill SS pall ULE) Hes he lel ox peli bSS GY Gal Giles Obs 1 NOTIN Ald nee gM shel iN) 23 el ayy (Soe UIs pal Type al MGAUT/ RYN sll) 23 ox col op ant Sr GN qual glen YY Oe onl Cored el) A § Jill Je Gi th, - 4b - SAM) el oy ae Ga (Al glee J ri) caclay pall j oleh obsn_ TY AL WW pacing (pbSU Nia oy 08 Go Jl. ATA ar eM ae bs - + qual ae GS + Saul ae Qs. 2 Si pl ae Obs — = dalle Gls - 2 JU ae GS = ele ae OSS Ua ae iS stl ae bs oll ae Obs - «bet am GS. valabl de OLS — oA de bs Be kay MAY all QV ceglll coal WW. TV cogil GV obey! bl) Gide J OLESU cael Olean ye OS (VAN tle Jl! obi) LH ASI oy CLS! P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/13,No. ble a5 Le Jil soll pte CIUI/¢s padl eet oAl / 23. weg Lig! Ail (PMO LATVA Gall) AI sae gy aPY al fle Sn VE HUNT ott aplsl (NOA/AYEY Gycll) 523 oy pie gy dla Gad! Gla olsn— Yo We oleh tab ipadl gh Y ce gill BIS cee oe AE oe Se banal card aUlall DEEL, ptt Glee § obs BLL VN peal op cee gll sl (1348 og all lp Ge Ue spi pA YEA Gl!) 1 VA atl oy ae wt. &. 2 3 YY 0 Old aM = 40 - ST ae peli pW eal glee om Spall Goll ow L Gs GbSn_ TV 2 OAT Sad wey hey! iil (AAV ATYY Goll) BABE RAY AIWY All) go Qill eT oy Spel Je AY alll Styl Ubsy YA HWY ost we yV aly) pel obs, rll oS Nia 3S 3) 5 Seal Dh AY gill olyan = 14 eit iH gy LY Suey ay VIW/T Soild woe Mb abi! ssl fall Glu § glu + TAU pyle Goll AUS bl ON All op il J) hk oy tat oy al Gall fle GS SAV etl GY cceeygil oil (gdh -— ie... eet oll! Obsy 2 OON/Y SSL AY ole Obi iil) Hy Big ols 4! Ji WGN VA/ abt BSH MITV/ BOTY FAN) yell OI oy ase gy dled a gl olely VY eel) BEAN ai] say) eye TV Go ah PIT J ypcenl Gab lal depen lyin AGLI Joye obs ET Udliny all Gils Ga uaility Lasley UbUai, Ba lading call Hlan AML Sly tea i ecell pey aS pat AE sh phe JSaty ayy Lad dala LEM aS ile J] lpatllly WI 20 he SIN ASN ale pany Cady Tale Vil ie dine op yal ae pile AA IE BN) ashe ge aba hsb] Jeoy i sad! JM oil ot call cm CAN Ni Ly yet = pat Bl Jo = paid Sly Mlasny Ley 1257 ys all 2 ake go WH dul $5 yall oll an 61 1261 gg All Sill gee pail (PWT /a OF Gall) eel oe abd eM GbSy—V cy sab JAE yy Sal ii (yay Gal Mee : sl) warty! obs A 26 all oll Ges psd (pVO>/AVTY Gall) cgay Fall BL de hl od Je ol) et Gab gy UE eat illt bse y fll Gis 11,266 oy AV SNAl Ges Bil AYA BAD cy ty SAS GN Lait lad Sy y aS flail bsp £ 1,267 og ll Sill est fail (pANO/ aT Fetal ASH yl Obilje aed GUST Lay ep lSH at Gy pL ell les GbSn 0 ead cl S53 (1,279 oy All lll Gest RN) USI Nin La] ry iy lal Lia Sy sadLN ASI AV AV ge Coe gill) AAS MOLE SUS g QUALI SESH GEM MLALL Gs IS a a GU bsp 4. eobelall NAN Gye phil OV gh AVVO Gall) Ge S48 SI obs 9 peal GY ocegall BN) a ily LS hye Slad La bg Ai aS ah (1,272 al 2 (44 Cs a SE oA ale § GAD GAS! GAD y oS Sul Gls ¥ AU, SLE Gre ilead ad Syl phe GUS hy (27g all Ob All aU pail «sd! Wy VTL YO ll pV cgi + ABN) ola! LWSy sale E poll Lin § sl Lbs Cel UNL ony epee cat pall alps oe Ls Tose Lo etl cpie ol AN LAA AY/NE a glEYy ObS ge tse tig, Silda AS WLS fend ObSy sla! Na § isl td si OS thay VED etd GY ccengill LN) GL OLS» y Pa (AVO/ AYN § Gall) GEM oy ARs tage gh aT Le LLL SUI OS ye Gy OE = OY So gill) mad oy! La S3 ay Sled Nie § 25) Clg) Gleel uel ole VS (Ve 08 ol gb = GUN pylae oA al JL) aie 5S had a Lal] Cony iy eH SIH (LNT LS Say + tpiylel ash ge pul Gksy— stealth Sar sell oisy. 2 ae Ob Ge Ge iyi UL Obs. + lal Se Sy — oe el Clad DE y ip, GL Al plis Gisy— 2 SLEW fli ObSy— + lng OLS» 2 toll gb bsp. = aabglall Obs + Mordly oad Oblee obSy — OVW Sgt WI alts! 5,8) ecb ul Gbsy— 20IF NO fee VV + yo Sapa GLE aed shel) algbliady Go J Gs Gls» A PEA/Y Olgas jaly 2g oy le Pade AS bl lI oA Gj nele § OSU sae! Oban ep BIS WAIBT ks ble SL Bl kd ce + P. Sbath, in : MIE 49/1946/50 No. 897 Rie ee Gall) Jel ey Sle geytall C5 oaGlN CLES Zl Cts 4 NN eo etl n ccmnsgill § 53 GANO/ ae BAD pee al ce SB cr seme ol laill cell Sély bn y gl Gisy Ve NG dll GY ceeyg dll WIS, VEO/V Sagal «pail cor pil APA / tN IS S936 og pl SLA Gk iil pAOe/ AITO Gell) HA aase oy Jal VN Nee AS BE (VT LVN Go cogil §) all HAS Sled Sy 5 HOLS GbSn_ 7 Wola! Oks) _ 1 (AS op Slight Ghsy_ 1314 og ll Sill Gel LI) alll LI kSy 0 - 4A - 62 cobs LS) GES 1 stbedl Jglat (VN) SH aly stele oye Stl aed ge GLY beds BM aS ce BU OL all yy Ld] Jory cill OUST LS oH Cuter 2 GAM pylay Goth ll ail) AL ppl pall Sylar GS J Sl eLall Jule gS PRN) ae Qh La} clay (AV a0 Gall) IS gy A ectsatils Gis 0 10,318 gy AI olAll fy nel GY tll fly hi Ne lS FTV go) Cungill badd gpl 83 dag Fh stl BW s rll Ql oll Sih) § GAN ASAI Glebe Jeo: at AYR aisil a6 ts Sly Gash pin (LL aS $3 ace sl aS AY ELE coe Lath tly valet cay Salad abl Je asda oS pit Phebe ASM SU be At nla Coury oy Uptliny acess OY pad Sobel, SU tf Land cil ay BLA gales Gy rll wala JU Fat ps CALS gle All Jatin CaS al ped gay cL plilly + tape ane G phat Lal Lie opal yo ae be CLs ll BAS gush Lee Shays SL pW 5 zdbl GLI OW Geare JI Sled folie ge SI Games ull badd gcd il) JRSM, ye Catling all y Ab, pp Uatlin) = GAYNZ ATED GAN) sled ye GY (WAY Ge sla hey (AVO/ AN: Sm Gall) Goal ox ame tne AV GA ne Callin SE Lat ay pol GUE oy ep oalaldl op pL! oy MUMMY Gals (1H) AANNYIN Sy iy dade GEM Bil) eas bal ig SEM eee Jee = 44 Yh eA hed Blin of) led tian abs UT GLE gy 368 Go il) Gly Ll] «(GaN pgey ol pel el) ace Bye Lael Gb ge Gy ae bell oY comgill ol) SE) ie ile ah oy ney an alin UL Jury aly (GATV/ANNT gos Gall) Gao SF gy elle Uadll (VAS Ge cal gh «(SI Nin Gye 320 Go Bil) Gly Loge Js ph cI oA BUI op ot eel) sa call GN Ss ath ne : NOK go cc ab ptl cl 4Siy (gad eel phe JaITO gai Gall) lal ast oy Gal told LEl, sled clades Gis. 0 PbS Lad ay (VET ge ccmygill i) peal onl oSy (1316 ye ll ol dll fee Ll VE Ge eGelall el yi) eget) he oy cella tlelye ct at fine gl Stokes bbs lh oy ply ne Ailing eas A pp allin OWS a9 alow AS Le a sMiy NOV all pV ocengill Bi) 6 GAY / AYE all) Cone 1,58 Jue . (P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/49, No. 888. Sb ag A Nall GLE Ai) SUSU tage oi ky gi 6/ JM gly! Ll see AY aoegll Sle SESH (VON Go cael) all PAS Ke BAVA AON GAN IG oy pW sad pall Je 29 HE] GUS» OW G9) conrtdll bead cal Sy og pegll Lin Sa) pick path ol gy PY abel) lie LS, sualpall blir GS) 9 MEV Ge ceil i opel cal Sy (1348 yall lll Geb sil pANT/ ATA APAVO/ ANY Bom GsAll) plone op pat oy teat oe J eel acl cla Cbs 4 RSI Nin cy $00 go JI) NO> Go eeyelll J eal op! oS WSS (TVTVG GAN) aI ME oy at cy BLE oy we uctiaittll Gasp 1° OO NER ge cell Feel oe! \A0E (UII dak!) Salil yg All all § ali! eat la TIS & pylt Lin ge Jet (YEN) A ey Jol pdll Olt Gad = eg, Sled Gly tLLall baby DLN VLE yy Le gd ye bi gorall ell! Ob SU! of WS clin By SN ge all All Lai ae alae ye Had yall Giang Lil Ady OW eked Kamel 5 go cay gh LAST Jol Yon 5 2S Henad 3 Ll OS All oy eal GI eye glh 1S caper jaleall les eld Olt] Lin Julai Gb bbs Sy (sd BW) sal GLI) (Ga LN) Gad! GLI oda feb Anal Zama JED Uae LAL ASI JME Ea Ge ASU eye Heya Ln Si lle oye Vary La ell pal Lael, Egdige Ye voll Jolie ad OL LAI § QoS Sed i pet CANS ASIN wn SF gay y hana My Rae LI GAT Je FAI Goad pel LAT Be iy is SD a epalll lath J ars ow Je Li UL! » qepalll Lobe EBS PALY/ZATYA GU) Gall ype gy dle gy tend asl lash ObSy N/E Gateall obigh GIP! TY wal GY cared bil (LITy Al lal alk AY veel BI GAYW/ AINE i> GAD EE gy pu Gla esl bs AT al ALI isl (pAAA/21VO. j pll) SSN sae GY capa Glad : yi) baci pet gh ge ME NY 0) need abl ae Gj Lhanye VE 55) NV+ oe seals, sa cllace ily (LSI Li AO iN) gE 5 nl cg gh sll ce il] Jory VV U/VAVE/EN Gta ee all gel gall dle J agnlcl, yall cis JAA 080 epESI Lin ge Se spell pA A/ATAT gall) al cx Slag Al asi GbSe_ t ANY etl GY cceegill Jail a\eNe 5 lly GANFZATAL GAL) JUS othe Gy aad GLI (Gh ns) plasl Glsn_ 0 Seal tab by MEV sole dab sed GV eid bil) yy Ve ow ASI § olS 5) Vac 440 Go iN) labl etl tS, (wags cabal! GLI lsd CLS lge WT Ge ad go ALL Gai ya Bates ol (ULSI! Creal a GEM SI oc, GAN EI oy le oy spied ade gil gi) aly Ly spl Ue lS tee GOLEM sae] Shatin oe IS [SVT eal GY cceeygall il (PAOA/ AEE gos Boe aS LB) SDI ae SIs abl GLI dll ow .(P. Sbath, in : MIE 49/1946/28 No. $08. ean BL GANT ZANA all) ob al yl gy ae ala OU GlSy IAS bl lll 2 AN Gel LiKe sae] the a dy SVEN all GY Ble aS Lil) 5 duh! -(P. Sbath, MIE 49/1946/28, No. $07 NEO BEAL, Als G sued 455 ll Gy lad ald Ob jobs) VE/V (MANY ala) a5hl USS, CA ee FI ell A) ree te ole pV SH OW oI hy £ Led Gly VEN add oY cceegill plat) aais Pe MGT els ab) SUI AGL eM BD Ge gh oe spl GE Cbs» BABI GAT VA TTe She yall) SU ape yy dead el) Gayle GS hay Al OA ask: Bil, VT yl ke! ODS go Hi ATO/ ATTY Gj gl) Seegll SIRE Gy tat oy ink ub I Sy VEN Ad pV ceed lil) aid Gol aS, vate gos gd (GES Lie SH GEM bSy LS] ley ally Sal! is j Jour Gall (BEY CS pal cy SOBA lye oye SUSI Nia Lady HP (AW/ aro Gall) Ghee! cal Mead vate Spall Che JI) AW dee FLL Ad Je oS ci MA Go oak, Al Gal GUS ale (VEN) Alay Ly WY ge “VY Sal uN al vadibey GEM lS oy ill pill beg — ep ST el Aeeall, 2 pil, 1.368.382 oy cob Stl oe shel pe pe ah ed AI Pad All Col bs» Li FS ep byt oe NAVY yay fl Gall Cee apy pla ebay val! GAL, weg ill iN) day gah GLE Ta at oe Je el AY eal All bSp GIS Leng ole VY pall Lees opel aipiy = (GA ee Goll pall eal) SIAM eglicall ObSy als 2) pel th 453 gill Cry SUA pS OF bSW cl el oy ial Lat peat ae She ell AN ME cB phn Lind clad (Ve Go olgh dab vot HBS LS Geded nade LR. Geyer ple anf Le: ol VOT/0 Syl wu WI aby! sil) 2 (VE go ogg seledl basi GAM) ey pee op Blane oy and eal BGT SU Lt jt sd NTO Ge cohab eet ghY ecegdll (GEST Lin Gye 8 yo fel pAET/ ATTA LY/E saisall DES oe op any (ANTI ANA® Gall) sith ath Gil cy ar stele! Olen 1 1349 gp ANI SNA Gust ail e Gibey Ll] Jary Gill sapglicl, 5 gl Be BN ATA ATV Gl) Spal wel gy tat GLU caus lech. WAN gaieald Ghd W/E cogsld «eV obey Te Jai ly «(pS Nn Led dy V0 peal GY cogil lee ell oY dl, LY! lech - £ sePbSI Nin ge M02 Go flytll Led Got pelt 53 sh aug lpall LY! LS RN pyle oI endl I vghy « Gh All med Gi abyall Nig iy pe ESI MS ecb Al bal GlSy abba § olpall $5 (VET) AP, Soath, in: MIB OBABAOM No.70 :sI)uss9hll ce LILI /s bl HUSA olpe op teal uelictl ashy — 0 “yer - Min (pNO+0/ ANY Gall) dyed gyal DU ell bask j UL ay Gis MOA Sy iy tell ee SRAM Gig dial pl Okeyat AS sag gh pVAVIVAY Gill) SOSH agar cy al salgitl by abt jlecl Gtsy_V ANY eal GY scold 200 pall AY ncengdll sail WF oy Mila qeh dt oboe ¥ mall of ed o wi ce a S5.GAT/ TN gos Gall ia US Jury iy (VV gine iLL af al) 4 degied saalall ot i ceed LN Sy pel ise Ql Gl! GUN play oD! pee fa) LSI der (AbO/aNT® Sal) LEM ge 3b3 Ge teal ll Gand Sle Slebian - £ FR pylay Goll pel! J gidy Ll] iid Lait LS] Jury (PAO + /AYNO gos Gall) geal! wast oy al a sj GLSw_ 0 ES shew LSD (VOY Go) rad og ISS (FAS pl IA & Jb Sl! jolie aie (AV /aNE0 Gall) Gee gy ded alll atlaiy 1 reel BHAI ai) 388) ATMA eS BS Js gdl UL, (100/¥ Go! 215) wy Ail) pAAV/ONVE Gall GIN NE Gy at gy wel fee GAY sas: TYAN Sl eM obiy! Bil (1,538 oy All otal at Dp es ae CUE AMZ TAS ill) ys ale gl gy aed ae W Glen A ETT kV ceed BN) SOI Abs abl Ql oll bas! ey ASI Nay AGAMA ATAS Gl) SLI ay gy sen veal sla Gls» 4 + HUN glee Get pend jail cy Ll! og Bhogal Ga dl ole OIG iS. V+ LANNY eal GN ocanggill sl (GSI Lia 66 SOG Bil NAL ANAY G sll Vee Ba NVA ATN She Sal) sald ell oy sand ewlach ole Se VV = epSII Nin ge Bho) SUM GS 083 shy JL GS alee AANO/ aT OE Gall) SSD cal cx pemdlae cx eed ag lee' plyjl Ae WY AS, VV VO/E eV ake! cogil aby ST OV/N all dee sh gle itls lym Soy aS KN) gaNkll oe SII s publ gla 3 AlN Gnd OS ede] Obst j ligey ble - (P. Sbath, in : MIE 49/1946/9,No. 173. PAVE Za Al) 5 pyeal dl BE oy le on crn qs ilally dil Se. WT N00 gall pW scengill ial «(14198 ug all ill gy sb Ll co Aah (diy BUH J gles) Ms sbal Sry (diyy Blam J Ge) GLA! GhSe- VE NEA oe cchygb inc cpl ca cenygill episl (AAT/AFAE Gall) JUS alae Lag] pel (Vee N aE AY GAL) be oe ole Cail GY ger bse abn V0 AVV/0 og we -\oe nit! aS 0 Bh oF sy At pla, eal iy LY By I MEY tl Bate pg LAL jLaced 5 pal Ning del dt aS sab I Land sl, Anat SIND tall bye Saly (S82 053 ah PAL VIN Gall) Blam Be Ne bee ceed ag ahh col oh fb cry dell Gb slat I yarall gay clacton Sr Jo Lill iy lS Jal! Jo Leayl Yio ple yl 5) SSN deal Jo Lil cag peel Lei dln spel ple gg] Laglaol all 2sL! iy st (gb aNpiall ty ZegoW CALAL WE aS Cogn Jy (dee Al aby Cath Rake death OLE Cole gad ge as cis d Lag) Lead clpsall fin Jb + Olpiall Ne last ASL ly Mt sel si La tll an ly Side Ged ple tk gd Olle sell olya- ¥ MUL AM gj dened aa Gall ue UT gf Jyle Gace po le aden ie igh LHS op BAUM plied Cam egldnn Gobel liad Al obey! obs Wi ol Seth SHh 5 Ue ISL, (1.99 alll MSs oN 0/Nas ll eI cl) dias Ab pb leg cys yar sditaall dysW OLLAL LS all ge yl le fest te sl Uda oT GY oped cay Ga Ad OL Lit Tah ee JI aah sl FAT ayy helL cw alli Ge Jo SiS else! an UY / dee il Uf Jee! SAAN ge SE Ly wild Gh oll Juad ple yl Sali] Ast LEN win JS yah Gamal Ais egiege tically eal Gayegll OLEAM GAS Je dy of glenda (le Ui ol g YI He LL Lh Ge gl jalan Osi WIS coll abst ob peg ue cliey a aad oben Al cay cal ose ay SNS ib eel all Le CLs ed yay (ASA/ATAA Gall) 5 ft co hie esl GALVIN Gy VYV/aN> a) Jal! Pe gy aed alll Gis» Ove -\eVe 67 Ss Atk (140 Gall US 2 HEN) Lore) cabal pc Jo ohlse ld yi pads See ee dN YL oe ML bys Obed use chee nt Lal wae She gllh publ, tt tinal. Ceally GoM. Ladle!) orl ool alk gb 1 Yee GS R. Blachére, Histoire 150 - 152. aale Dey Sls WS lye oS — F. Klein-Franke, Die Hamasa des Abu Tammam. Ein Versuch. Diss. Kéin 1963. spel Dy! oth Uo ey — R. Sellheim, in: OLZ 66/1971/163-171. Land nue Ub oes A. Denz, in: ZDMG 115/1963/367-368. fle gl dole oe Rad Olle dL Lad Qe Sy — A. Denz, Kritische Bemerkungen Zur Hamasa des Abu Tammam in: Bustan 7/1966/13 - 16. BW AU S| any gail hey (li gl dele ge Lind aia Sy A.Denz, The Hamésa of Abu Tammam, : Jour. of Ar. Lit -2/1971/13-36, 3/1972/142 - 178. AAS LBL os all old All ow iy VV) KO SIU! wel sl. sclbybsll wo H.R itter, in: Oriens 2/1949/246. Fiyy NON) VYNV J AY AVY) YTV Wisy £08/N dey all lbgedl! yee Gegd shaadi) 42S Le sil ae VHA Ritter, a.a.0.248. Taal AaSe (LON/ dy all Slbgeall age gd abel un EYN aig VAs) VOUT wel 0.248: aS Le fel We dy WT+) VEEN dae Spel GLI) WY typ WAS, (Ritter, a. a.0.248 5 aS Le fail ie V6 Vai y TY) TEAM = GIVY Gb sSI) BAVA diye LT (Ritter, a.2.0.208. 43,5 455 Le jail eA Te aS Le al on YTV IVAA, Nie Het ANG SESH oad) La VY ee IVE TV SLM) NEY ge gale (2art93725 GL AY pe oliyy VA) NOMA I asd Mes peal oak oll op diy VIN) VA hgh ON oe VAY GET LMI) T/AO$ det, (Ritter, a. 2.0,247 2305 425 Lg acs pal F. Meier, in: Islam syle aS le g Li, Ritter, a, 0. 0.248 iz, -yeye sHiyy VO) TAY ale yg (CANT. aig WTA) VIVE GLI eed Cs al se GU Gell ANS Aah Qld Al ge vy EFT OY GL ISI) PVE Gli aN -AY es pal BL Gall cp VEN V GLa) PYTA SUIS, Laos OVA iN gh WN) TVTA (AAAL dees diy NAN) 6 LET pale os pal pat! Al ge addy TY) TWYY lis AS pal Goal 5 Al op odd WV) THTY py ge lady VEN) ADT gly em ten ye cages Le eh) AVIA et aie) UTA Sila slab LANNY) FYEM ow yall oli dell Staal age the yet 0008) goble «Lagi (TTT/VA/V dy all lbs! Lely os abl QlJl oA She eTEY SLs TWO ge Aa WV dy VV/VMOV/E AS Pah Grated 9 AM) op addy YE) LOTV Cs pnbl QL! gall ge oddyy WA) E-7Y AN G5 2 Clb ast scyadd LAVVEY de diy) VE) V> WIS, «Ln OAA ai, STV) Hole BW de (8) yy LET) NVAY ak VeVi gd sl aNd TTA Us) Nbyat pd Soy (FVY Lali pil) OVW Wisy (a VVOV idyy VON) FYAY GLI ae tt SIVAN iy TNO VNE/E egal Bail sige ES BTV Ay Spe) NTVY Gal ATA ATNS AVIAN Gy b ELL! oles eoby Ge oF 49) WINN Sls, Come Gad sald C= 9) WAT SI MTT lone TN oye old Sey gh Gee Gi al GUY) Sab J] Ln iy F. Riickert, Hamfsa oder die ltesten arabischen Volkslieder, gesammelt von abu Temmam ilbers., 2 Teile, Stuttgart 1846. acl, AKrymshi Sune S Gains, VAVY ie Songs Gj Coby NAOT ESS je LI Carby rind ag be oy NAVE Sorte! Gb gb iplill dab Giy slash GLAS Rescher + , VAY aS po onaty Zenker I, No479, ILNo 421 Corn BAS BSN) LN Jay gl (MEV ATO AlN) Spall Get or AAS el Care) VAY dake geld og gall PhO ZAETS ll) oll peal! ce ari Ml gl c= 3 ale Ll AS len a tly ual pel Sill a O58 wb (VEL) Ma slp tab cng) jal oy! -\A- Jy (EE pineal) bh abi} eis!) Go SLE GLAS Goladdl oS (VA VEY old * ols * cd apd Fey 485s 0388) ASI Nn Ll ue -(H. Ritter, in Oriens 219497246. NAB VE/Y cal ogee VH sbig) iN) acetal AU Dln GAll ial yl aS ale (VOY yo ee Sail gel ine fH. Ritter, 252 7) oSiy ep hVO Lae se) HY lyme FAI Je cy tat cx pall ant el c= T apd eg Lady AT deal aL JE ahs] N/T es eV colgeeel shel sil Reacher, :pis) 45 Le jisl sal gb pl pay am O'V+ idyy VEL) TREE cold (NAA VAA/T H. Ritter , in: Oriens 2/1909/290-252 3.) 4:25 lay in: MPO $/1912/503 Se US Hal NAV OTVN Ball) GAT 8 oe nd! peli wl co-t VAY tik ge LD ogy lal GS iil) amt Lid See ol (1 ees ob (Us 281grLll BUS Jl AAV/ ATW ple) olen ant ce Je oH - 0 ETW/VAVT/EA Gets soesall ele gel Eg Ginny, tnt All bil) ab Li! “ow MeN AIAG si AMA/ATAA Sl) sad 6 pI Je ce aed las wice-% zit 3 ead Ct Shiny (UT/E DLS CSN pom 5 8 «1013 deol oS SAYV ile ial j sey E/T Bed NAV /aETA Ble) age gall Gl ark op gad ane gl BEL help hs (VAE/Y SS JIVE TIT Sit as ah RN hed ak Gs ling aN de op dy TY) VAEY cal aS Io all Kine gn degen) FAS al aguledl ell (EVY/Y dey all Olbybasll gee Got lll Bl) 5 VVOEA GL eel g de ype ae yy ANE/Y ol ialil zi) 0d . (of - o¥/% we. dle yl ad AIS Jue OS 2 Bil op N/ANAY Gall) oe cx ok CU -Y 2SSUl Gell Gay LAO GAL US, ae poly tae G ls 5 Si LSI! Nin (EO) fo =Neae Big VOY) NYG SIU aed ashe 2 sey et Sot ce Je lini He All lb jadi gar 48 oH. Ritter, in-Oriens 2719497252. 25, 43S Le Jas AOAL ke Gye Hi Riner, in: Onions oj 43S L JBN san WA See Gye ding TWA) ANY Ge, gale £E-/) ale EAlill GB dcbeh Lely lyin, So) LVE/Y dg all CllegaAll agen Gp g5 2719497253 CURA yee eg WT SE gill pb AY dee oy dy Too) EE Gol GSU Be nt bil sal alt oll gy diy VE0) WA Gal asd (ETA/) all BS diy AT ATV DUT LL lets algae $3 ody ENE/Y iy all olbybsll etd BEN AVIA dee oye oliyy NOM) VOTES paSirg (YN JLiciy y Gog dil dca Wy el as abl Qed o All ge MIS Ae «iy VEO) TYAG Gal (YN Ve Ge IT Oy cee A ANVVV20N + sell) LI eed ol cy (8) Lilly syd pa yf alas, ese lL Obed Ce i Ge orl at pad L dean sale, (VY V/V ILS coll (VAV/Y ost MI okey) est) Lt Gs SESW ESI Na ee ade adel et Ge gel Ritter, 8. a.0. jy eS L558 os pal oll gall om addy, AY) VON SHU wel cle Head aS (VAAN de ll lege see ead 08 an EY diy T+) OBAY cols (253 VAR WIS) (ANT A) Wo Hid SII jlo cilia Wo) WEA tee lb gbit J ped B epi co B Y/Y ast be gill pil dept ain) (VN + degat Lah (als 4b) Ge TEV OYYN LM) oe EET ls LM Gent all £04 tg geal (TTY ag et dB WAY ONT GLE eet (AVE OF GL SI) TATE ae pas ANNA TEA Gees i eaby lis abl Goll gall BAW Fadl oS Eg mee ey peal aS pa ope ll Je abel all LS oe Gl G gylll CLAD (VAN BLAS scndlglh pmae et pVAA/aOAE, Go DL) IY desler aes idyy WWE) OY JL Sel sd ayy tage (ASI Nn ye 614 yo Jil) 5 Sonal Se pV cael oy bata’ ol BLU dL lA Fr SG os sab Al oA ye AAW Gh SI) EFT ake +(H. Ritter, in: Oriens 2/1949/254. (RAN) VAVE shade (aeanle Thy Gd) Spell yogle rndline site (YE) eM - VAT al SII jlo Galil (sal Grobedl og AI ge VA - 0? GL T/VENE dae (EVEN ig pl lbs agen gd VIV/Y AG be gill phil d+ V1 ai, TY) (1,130, oH SUS 2 JT pV O/T NO GAN) ie) Gold gy aed omedl YY 4 peg AS Le Bh as abl Gralla ge diyy WO) WT JY -(H. Ritter, in Oriens 219497254 WS cond pommel pVONV/ a ENE Gyll) yal pal oy ane lll WY V+ EVW/Y cagld wsVI aby] pel) ans Ul Suey oJ (0/4 US 2 Jl AVON /AENY GA) JEW hdl dle y we dle WV - 1 CARY gall Bas isl) ee LL eas ob (1,279 ee (1,284 Jeo) SUS, BI AVAL Gl) yl ae yy ae Je QV VY Fea eS be Bail WW iy EV) OA dead td ey (Ritter, in: Oriens 2119497257. yy TN SMT gh) WV WS (Spal gall ol ge yy YY) A GLI! eel A CE as abl EU ol ge ody y TT Sl GAN) VN sad eel ail To BU hl) VAVY as ee Al AOA ddyy TEN SSM bl) WAVE LY (Gell = EAV/S dg ph Slbgball ages gis HL Ritter, jy 4S |e jail WOAA di, y Vas pabl oAldl g Al ge diy VeVe JgMl GI) VAY J DY EAA ). 257 0.286. «(H, Ritter, TREY Coli (GL ell sl as al Ald) oll op ody TE JAI ght) TALY coli OBI ge diy WY) NEY cad Ms abl A OA ge oibyy VOY gl ol) table As abl poll All ye yy VTE UI GAN) MVE Gall Jy is abl gl 1JaM} gl) OVAK a yl (a WY diy TTY) VEE BI Gad (AAs i, FYE) TVET ee ced Bl ROTO diy VAs sll bl) OAT GLI! etl aot i, TY fil as abl Goold 9 Al oe diy OVN) OOLV 4 pl (EAV/Y dy all Olbybsll (Ritter, a. a0. 256 Bel as add poll gall ge ody, FAT) YEN IU el sl (Ritter, a.a.0.257 -VAN- PNY) WAVE CEL (EAV/N dy ll legarll ages (98 sail un ATA dd, y £40) VV oi, ppl oe OV id, VAL) VON ple sLasle (al -VE ati,y « (Ritter, a. a.O, 256. CA BB spl abel AM oe adiyy VV JM GAN) VE Col vacly Gale tere est BN os Abd GLI 9 Al ge eddy VOY SM GAN) POV SII lo cial sig! Nee et il cde EVV SUI pl) NEVA tg ge CEAA/N dey ll Gilby! aga Ll AN oy addy WW SMI ol) SOE dard oy / (EAA/S ay all olb all = BOF led ced oles pl eel 6 All gp oddyy WVA) £070 GLI cell slas pl AN lel earl ME i oye cy alll tase SI gs publ Geel g Al cys sid WAY AVN Ge ole ed Ph deb ed) LS WL dee engl (IAA/ MOEA gta, FS Gell eM (VY gi VA/VAOV/Y dg all olbgadall ages de sil) Le salah BE Flyy NV) VOVO pynSin (NOV Sy 00 ye ile cell el gl bl) opal Nae SAT I) eA ge penets VATE Go gill il as abl te IT g All gp dels te O10 addy TWN) Rich. VOL lilo! Uy oll inal «(is abl Galil a all ge addy BEN AVON oddyy VAL a lI) Rich. VOk> lial gl ee (OA ody Gell 1 il llega cit Ms pal pte SUI 6 Al ep adiyy VV+) VEEN ody (OWN gy GLAST ou Mg Al op digg VALYS EN Ja (NAV Sgn gd itesl a Vek dy, EVN) ON Ss BAU alge dash Gs ysle AS ey coped wel adie (£60 Gi eyed Sal pte — VAN/VAON/NY dey sll lbegasll gan te jas er Geld lls j jbsl V40K_ V40N way ee red i) 2 VE gas aS glo alll Jey el Ll byl 5M Cs dae Fel Lbs Agee Be ed Seed 6S Lelie (EV/V fy pall Ug pill ane UiS,Ritter, in: Oriens 7.1957 198 5) 45S le U3 jel V+-VO/VAON/VY 1O0Y _ OFF 140 _ VAV/VAOE/VA Gee all ala! coll ie ig atl & VV ON/NAOV/TN LOAN _ VY ETT ENN VAY. VAY AT. VN/V400/¥ AIL ae phish op VE JENN Gyll) sled ane yy Col cyl pV — WT CUAL gee ead aU spl CL! gall yp addy NV+) VAN Sey Sul (VAN/E = (EAA/N ag pl ~\N- 70 Lal] Samy ob (ESI La oo 643 Go el) SKI aed oy SI Gaal GAYE NY dade gel og gl Ga yb) es ASH Io ial (pV OV/aEEN Gall) All dle Gy Ane oy ard bd! Y- V0 Lgl gee Gegd VON/Y ASUS) Gaal Gegill iis! a Vote ddyy V0) YA ol + (EAA/Y iy all Aba al Cs de atte 2h CA ole wy OWS 2 BIN VV/ EA GAN) ee ce Qetle! ce de tl ed ngs 0 Co Ning CUNY dike ge Ub og gi GAS sel) lake cae Gill al sls (1,308 Joo sks be Bal pVVO/ EW Gell) geil gull dle on Je ce 25 lil VW sa WA diy VEE) YAW DIY (VN /E DAS) oni gee TOT Se ol vig 1B Fag EAA/Y ay all Olbgball age ngs yl dln yy Ol Gal GS CO GH. River, in: Oriens 21949258 NV NNON FAT 9M gl oc Ul ei Al dase 2 poe al opVOVV/ EW LF cle) cyrull Geol ne yy alll pai YA eh cc gill GAS esl) ane LL Saas od (VIN /A DLS vcnidsll WLS engl pane iil op VAT/at¥0 ©) SUL! aed yy dle etl GY V4 VAY dighe ge lh ay gl GS LN) ams Led] aay (ITV HAT, 30 Jue WSs dsl pVOAT/ MEV Bll) 5 AEE able ox Giny ple W T+ ras dled laglee le ge BA Gey Ugeh oy plane gine une Se WONT diy WE i JgVI aball) £OF1 duel Gell ame pb (1,388 uel USy 4 el pVAL/ MENT GB tI) 5 I pel! ce dled 1 2 AVAG/E old ge sY) olayt oil) wet Lal] cA ge to Hi, Ware ik Us (a1 53 (VEY) -\W¥- eee pb (1,309 Guo SI SUS)» bil pV 6+ / aE NE Ss) Noel oll ty de’ A ¢ ws atl cn ool TATAK pi oy ngs il) os Lill Bil as abl ul OAM A) SAB saat Sol yy wt gy de tl SEL ATV aly I abet BN) Cal Ne hail bg ad (20-0 OY slash. ost thoy vel aS Lil a OY iy, YOY) Vat A. Tiirek, in: Sarkiyat mecm.2/1957/1 -94. Fra ly «(H. Ritter, in: Oriens 13 - 14/1961338. Ty eleed Gly! Sate Se deyy Wye Ghar Ys fill ae y poll! ane Ui de wa, FAV ge fat igh Uoghit dey Cl lpm BE I SS ol ayo subd) oe LIL! eth) VERM ak SII ols alll is pal Geol! 5 ll ye diy VAA YI al) eh SU os fe ae ey (VAY i be gill Jel iy FV pyae dV APY/Y Gall Jat VV) 5 VATY HUYVAZY Jee ST US p phil pV 4/0 SAN Sy de oe ee LG vith SAY dade gel op pill BAS EN) HS Cy deep Co ne CH Oe TAT G6 SII glo ial NY Go aad SMF gl 95 II cH a lbs Ua gee Gags hil OWT ayy TT dl ill) VEEL SIU wel oe AS pabl LN oll oe odbyy VV SSH pel) AYO GSU as (EAN EAA/\ il AV Galell ee Ah is rabl Qld 3 A op sdiyy TN JU pall) ATT GL geil iy UA SU AVY GLI el Ms abl QL! gall cp yy VV SU pel) CHS oA oe hay NUVI at) ANY GLUE ee sal Ql! o All oe ANNO) VITO EL ols abl pte Solbl 3 All gy dd, TON) TVs ley cis all MAY 00-0 de oe Slab CDE) VASA. ALN SAY CAO) VV Gill etl CM TON ayy VW Agta all) PIV ple ok alll Ca A0) VACA GL el SAU pe) PVT ple og lell Geyll aVON dy, TTA IT a) FYE le Lull ABI VV VEY gam Sie gd yl ital Jol ge Abs uot vid, VAL HMA py TUNING /N dey pl legal gee tLe isl WV) byt Je cee aS -\NVE- weal Ll eed AN TAY labs 0g gis heel ctl) OVY col SIs Gall hg TS SW endl «pial SIN) NVNO Coad GALT Goel (Gesell) GYD SA WA diy YOR Sy tlh daeegall ¢ AlN) VOVV gain (VA N/T AU debe gill spi! gay gh Jal OTs cine 100) TAY Ss Stbgee sad (YT VI/IT gill bi! Wy NON) OTN Le gee. (AONN oid y VM ceed ell) PATN gon, fad «(VA As AMM pe SoU 9 All gy oidyy VON ISM pal) TYAT Gab os al gl all Byles tele (5 bl ce SU o All ce yy PW dll» all) PVA GLI eel Wige WS Gj boght Seay (VVVI/VOV/Y jaye Le Gale SS bil VAN Jd) aU! Sh Cis ey eo any NVAT oy go VNO/E ail G. Freytag, Hamasa carmina ... Bonn 1828, 1847. Cop EH AOA Bali lal aul jade pall et ailing MATT Gy d oby NENA ASU dab gill SUI slo ial Jet (pole) al WSS cll pmae ysl op VVEN/a0LE GAN) lee! Je cy ape Gebel VT (VON/Y Sold eWay! Lil) aoe Led hay od (VVA WYV/NT Bel p\VOV/ 208A S) geal atl oy Jeaill Je Vet ce ballin 10 Bil SeS pe os Abd alll 5 All cp diy VO%) VUEY bt asd (1,405 Je MI BUS H. Ritter, in: Oriens 2/1949/299. AENA/Y da pl} Clb agar Geis Bail p WVE/a0Y> Gall) sa 1D got al oe eg al jai le YW cpl oye ayy TRE) VA AS Slate Ue II cll (VO/A DLS) ccnilill pae (NTT iy Se alll fail gs nhl wT / old! SMM ce BUN s abl Gall gall op) SRIGAY wel ye ot Je A -1A OA gle BOIS san] Sls gee oly IVE Sgt QM abe! piel (0) Ail) GaAdl ne SUI s pd! gL P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/30, No. 545. pig OONY VN kl C5 Ln agey Jesse CUNY igh go ldo pill BAS 138 J (abl 140 Gall GUS, 2058 as pdt alll 9 Al -\Vo- BUNT AAT Gall) Gh eS all Gy de Vel! cos EU LOVER 0 GV abil § Sd, 485.4(1,495 Gall SUS iI YNZ G0 5a ped! oe aha) iD ol) Glely te Pe 8S Ds abl LN 3 IN gp diy THY) ATE es ale (1.282 Jol GUS, (O. Rescher, in: MO 7/1913/103, Anm. afb) AYYE yy VV) EY at (H. Ritter, in: Oriens 2/1949/259. re SIS bl pl ofl eat) SBI Dy Jail ye Gey GY TY pil Alp! bad ad A VEY yy VV) VEY Bie thy lly I) Gad (sdk! (WA iy Ge Gall! SAND SIA el bee HER oy Gey Wiel CS! Ce gg EL) gation TY PMID VA deg pegs J yte| dane BK (1347 Le! SUS, jail pO aot Bl Gnall bay Gai. i, VAY O, Rescher, in: ZS 3/1924/252. .(H. Ritter, in: Oriens 2/1949/260. 29515 cp ARE op ANE or eld cy AeleeL (olpa) Cg Hei! olgen 1 pil) ANAM ple ody alll CVAE/Y Gall! GUS, RIVA ONIT Gall) GW! oe EWI pee OF ad Bl OTN iy ITE UI tL ell CANVAA ai, TOT) WAS Ba dl Ll) ge UM pel) Glaglne LB Gg We sey Jy eal!) VIE dye oY (Clale T) Lote £014 duel CAM eames Bil Gp VAN ONT Gall) Gio dl Je Gy ted sade LI Lain 1 FEU ab AS ols gd yl) ATS Slt LMT all ae G2 (TAV/E LS .ON/F Ch Al cp diy NON ALT alll) VANE JY od oy et Ul CT «(H. Ritter, in: Oriens 2/1949/259 - 260 Fe 435 il as pl (NTE AMT /0 agit ee gM obey! fil) Ladd oat gy wheal Ulyps Jol pea ‘eT (YEA) -\NV- ge, bes ling (VN/T aS dab cep al JyM pail) FeV coal a aS jlo ial ane He Bi) tlle slg (V/V Goll sil diy WV) GVOWE GLI! ee Auumer 414 ail jie glad ain deg) V/ANN Gages «(TA 05) V/VAOW/Y dey all lbs! -(UriNo. 1228. : 55] aVW oid) WW+) Marsh V/PEY Glday 12 ged (EVE Uo NYO iy WYO) TANYA cheb id dey sar deeylll WL os FT Ep OSL NS cass ON epee dn echt! lS gl as All LT NYY) PAVE CIT wel clan ih amy blast is feel Se LN deg 6s SU eM Gee pel ATV i, +H. Ritter, in: Oriens 2/1949/261 - 262. Hep pol) Lbs) Agee Ue ig GAS le .080/) dy all Slegasll ayer U4) VA 5 alah SUE ast agesty ginal y pallage rainy (OLT — OFT EV ET/VAIV/TTV LY Gall 65 dade) be Lat He yell win eat tall Jypad GLSe si el ynill eLacll base VAY) poy 59 clay cagate 2 Abbie ae jy legegll Gy ed iy AS le och Gee Ae TLE gh ale aed AP ig (VA Ge coh Teil fil gs pal pall 0 ll gy ody eet aS Les gy YVE/VAEA/YE dy ll Olbges! O. Spies, in: Orient. Studien Enno Littmann, leiden 1935, S.96. PASS Nn op 588 go Ae Lt a dll AM Gl obbe oe agprdl ile Mall Joey UF guint — ad Hele olaall Je el ey OL ball g bis Sel a ple gl ols Gk PANY aVAE Gall) S joll Anika J ill pind all i ae byl 246 UI ain gpl LL WE GL) bse all sid (500 Yo oS SLOW Spy iy pe e065 ISS Gg fad ale cb ad Jeol el Sel OF Re BI LS ye pt gel Uple uae Gl Spiel SI Sygetll CAS coe isl Folded Gy Wl g ball ge temall UisLal! ull sxe] ~\We HVA yy gb BL iy Vo) AM G5 Sleds oad ij Key aby uy + (De Goeje Fund 1) V8+4 33) coyde ay ple alae! oo Golgi waged 1. Goldziher, in: WZKM 11/1897/161 - 163. ;goutae ac le ws jbl SASS aS by 1. KratkovskiS , in: Zap. Vost. Otd. 21/1912/1-12. NAVA Ali «galas SIS Lead ae IS VAY ye ght Guigl satiny Va lS ey GAY 4 Bll) SSI gy GE gy we S LY aL Gls O80 bab tab cea AY cea GBI) pe GT Le ols yy Shee GUSH AY O/Y Old wa MI aba, (1,130 Jeo US Be Ve O/ MTN Gl) guy All Gold oy wel wud git seal AV ceeyelll I she Ln lye Mae LOS le gp LL ee ile Ge SSS pe aie Wed Ly ES dS) A/V Sl NI GLI AA Ge colgb tab SUVA NO ge ead ode pel Re se lly (VY iy I) ace abby sae AL) Saal Dla GAY TAY 5 gill LAS HALE Gols Bil) cde Sell SLI 8 Ay (Kk oh hale Je peal se ye Ji gay ELST Lig (614 Go CLS Nin gj oSd rly AE AS LN aS po ESI Hn OWN dy at 055 Sh) at ASI aly Ss OT odes oi ell aL Leal) eyaleen oy 83 ThE AEN gal) 555 GG ae y dine we gi Gi (Ae aleadlly cwiaondl ladle wT Lalen wley old GT Lele igs ue LES (2 CH. Ritter, in: Oriens 2719497263 +s!) Jol aiy3. iy Als) gS! waedly ela fas wt 20018 AVA ii), WA) VE00 kee Gibb J poe) dale 2S j bbe vy, Ritter, py ae aad) aw eel Gay iy (SEV) & all Gibbs! ae ae glo soln gee og ll gall eal dhe ject ig SL Lael pel 264-265 NNN YAY/NAVN/EN cuali Bd) LL Sy Gil fll Set US 2 Bl GN AP/AEVT Gall) 5 ASI obLe G Gey SEY Gli_¥ Oly ple ol dele Ie Je oi ball g Lis pli gi le Je ays ile GU}. 1309 ~ NVA - 74 BIL slit il) ple Gg LeLey GUS Lin oy SELIG Gy CIS L Lipsy air yall syd we nen had, (WA TA Go dad aa pel ln 29 EV el AY) Ge ITY le jis ae ey) 2) SS ce Syl ey at Jey Ih a nsll LLL oth (le gl ele USS Jee GUS Lain A Sy (1,280 Jo! OWS, jel pVEV/ a0 8 Bey glad pally PLY yaey ELLE pb ge OLE pete, Shad oy ney Uy oe HU AV AO/Y Sune Ce Cp ypd pba AVY OE dd, y WNT) OAT ple i allil! Gj Ube TYE) VNYVE ii Uae ls pI Gina! (PVN Labs fav no VY id, VON) V-VA SS aay (w004 25, VOL) AVOV 452 Clb be YL! etl Lad: i, NAV! Geo i: eel J alley LO obi jae G Krenkow oo 3 yes 3 ve bs Bil VEA/ VEY Ble) sal gd wath oe Se ell pueda pad! dL 4 ee eid A gy AL ce All AS ge CLL pete (1,257 Le OWS ope gl ele Abie O. Rescher, in: ZDMG 64/1910211),: Jai! a V0E diy PTE) VAN Cel, solbysdll O. Rescher, in: MPO 13,8 «5 ponhl te oll g pill ge 6 GAT V Gh MI) Voor 200A GLI ee Al JB sal lll Al oe diy VON) VAY OLS! 5, 5719121489), ee gd ips TON diy TVA) TALE dee yg (EEVY i all lb! ayer Gat 14) 9 O.Rescher, in: ZDMG 64/1910/213) ): pi » 455 Le Lia, sly. EVI/N dy all olbyasd! Oo ps SG ash vs pel Sb 9 Al ee GON Y GLI) V/AAr le ee AE AU AN ge odiyy AL) ONYYY Rall 45-91 Rescher, in ; ZOMG 68/1914/52), ody YV0) OV+ Gal SU slo ball (EEW/Y ay all lbs age gd bil as al BS sj iglall peale! BN) yes GETTY ol cul (LEVY GLUT etl bil a YAY A 2 AI Sle diy TV) PVT SL SEN (TEN/VAIT/Y Gane ty all dill we NAME alike cote gael pall bt wcky (is pal Mops alps Labiy Go ighe CLS party pel Lal Gay All Leb V+ ASL CASS ody (VE0/N JS EN LI PMTVV/ 1-4) yb Plas g ae weld esky dll ors ee AS All All cp Ollie op OY ply lt gd BEL -\A- eh eel ob AN Ol Bill Ob = Call Gb (GI die oe MH) dy All LL J diel, aa! ol - Galli! 3 ob Hl ob ~ SLY JEM Cb - GL, O.Rescher, 15 om AVA diy WV+) EVE Cold: Gang ty ll UUW soll I, By NN oe STMT ges Gtely dad ace sey (F(a: MBO 5/1912/505 3h Sa mle oy Ie gy tend sade pl gla GB band ESdelln VN tk al Lele ak Jo Hye GES Lda (gad te CUS abl pldl g Al oe) GSI) BRS AVN diy PVE) ATATY sain UT je deny yb oy LL pe inl pony AVY Caan sy hl dle (4 JM gpl) adding «(Gicsall ee I OA oe) pall Salat el oy Jey lal etn Gls Bele ee lyd se Sl le (WN/0 call pre DLS gel gad pte ell As pl cath ih «Bina lab toed AV YAY yy VA) EMO ple vig alll Gj Ubyhst any pl cay : (AAIN oe oe WS pial Selby alyiee spat) JS ge all pal ge Hae Uke dept Obl! dine jai (TEM) AMV BG ab Sy) - ATE = 75 76 HLS UY o_o pl ole pe 1 ME IBY car ALIS pb, ULI GALI LEY let dle coral ELEY gall AU! Lila saline ope aaiy dey Legere lag Bab lapel Gt Gg coed QU At OLGA) diy all Ole arlly IGM oe lll ah, JT Gp YG Lie aay saleall oe GE TEE OLE oye Ot Bae OEE steal Ole yas ae ny 6 SS me 9Sy od bl Ln BOSS cgerly GUE Je lly tem, oj die Hy all Slee 9 ndll VS Diy cle gerd de oe AS ed ELS iy 2G Cracgll AL Jule NS 54 9 IG pd deal oe bead ail se ge Y] a Gi ALS sly) Ve plan GAMMA Oo) Sy glee gy lad qa! agen) SIM AS val OLS caalyall GUS waalall GUS Gell OLS a ULSI (AO lg tab ead yp Y Ceygill el) cilall GUS tall LS ald Obs Bek BSN GAV/ BIA), db pl Gl gy ar Val pall bal ob Ll g le 1 NEV wad oY ceigill obi (PEAY og al CI! SU EAL § OES ga (PN A/ATAV S) Sle glo oy aa SY wisi! OLS LL eel ah salad GG pel Gist y spell Lin Qe ody SA JN) ada ol LG BE AW/ATWY Stl) SR CB gy ane gy ari ll tag LS i Jey / till pe 13 A) ae hab egy ety AEN pt oe ODL play ala OLS (UT (6692 Bie MS gy (ATT ANTY 5) 53 oe bl gy eS GY easel nt AVN pyle ge) peal i Led} Jury bay GATE/ZAINY jl) DU y aed gy ane dl GV ugh Gig bso 0 RAV Go MOT sali xp ben ob gobs! g CLT Gap s3 Lu) Se Men gay MATE AINY SAL) oS el ce AF oe palyY Wl! LS A pylae soll ill sl Gey LI! Joey UL ANG gh pt G Shall Pa AMEN AT? She Gall) SUSI LS A oe See cy tel SSG yell PUL TS Ad all ge obbe © cae lS. Wels os 1 Heb Ei ols 1 hall Sill bs = + oly Jt gab OLS _ 0 aly ilall GUS 1 Jylll, BMI Ces «lla, Slepall Gis A pally aad tS 4 bbe Gus + - bWY Gus LN SH pile Obs AY belly Guatthly (ade QIN) eI rabe W ok grey ATV cogil wall yl yl) PHF he dey Sate byt GL obey 8 (led 5 SUI oll Jo ole LID) UN fm SN oye aby Wd] Shiny ay Os dt ol al Ge Wy AV) EAT e pall ply Hae) yt has beat Lin sy AV ad) IIT) FUND all Jy bbe BI PAVA/ a0 O> She) ily DLL! lane SY woh LeY! Ob A N10 sil aM ste! A) a MAl aly © 1370 oe ll All Ges A NPAAV/AIVE ae BAI) Cdl gl eV S54: (YO*) Yt se Sel acly (VIN peatll pV 6 eagill bl sk a LUI/ 5 pel cul oat UML ITS sald se ISS pel AS oe Ga La Se wy ATE Ur TY et aah obpsall Nig OS ba Je GUL SUS ISS ty! J) cad! OL LIEN (NTA peal AF cant BN) CN gl pV pale gay 057-5 ~~ 77 aan 5 ee al LYN) lane op ar on Je (gn gH) cael eV LT ble Sanally WVE/Y Gas S dled! 985 sae Syl ly sadkll WIAs abl eb! o all + eal dads BG TVO/Y pall dae gd Sy VV /E Obl GI Gg BAU jalan anh (A40/ TAGS) oko oe ee lel Lal) eit) SiS. A Ve EY YW/N ddl SS th) eA ecg all, SLL, cesta last oy Ul, LE OLS VY hee gly (PAN ZTAS gos Gill) tla oy ae Se tl cals ay (627 Ge bSUI Ne Ke tee ESI Na Goals cpa Le een Gary (pV Ns abe de a Spl) ae Hoan ab Sake a pall yt OIE ISL crite [pty all pall ow BU pig Sy vied ES JN) pall pth Upel Ub gh hey Byts oid ptf cmmel av LE pal 1h ISAS aS by VE po Real. SK KS Git pal 'W. Cashel, in: OLZ 41/1939/146 ff.) Ge I ESI jing PW pany LAL pd Jad OL] Wyle a wall Mi obi Ce ej ny, ae a LN) ck pad Len We ole Je nicl L yy etl con de CALI seen ASL a Le Leash Jasly VA /VAON/ VD eta oe Al all = Ge eed = cll, LEY lS Lind Jil, W- EN/VN0-/T0 Soe ll (VAAL NAE/VAON/ TV ole 96 BVT adiyy VVO) AVY USI) Gedy (ANAT diy 4B) TAIT aed ccolbbasdl ols sill (Lax tas GLY! ssey tee By ae EYK/V de wl ibaa! yer Ge gi ee ytd pd LT LS ge Myte Gs aH aig VA) WEA Gal Sl dade eyplll 198 aN +AE diy VON) OFY Gal lll pel MEIT/Y dy all lbs ell gelled Le il dean Ge oy, TYE) OAV Gal Gl Al (VN/F Sst B) OA Gal as ayy TIT) VW ps od pty ayy (VIVVNOV/IT Gate pI) JAN LAL Spe Lega heal Les tes AVVO eel il By) VEE scree BAU ape Gs eey tase deel alin (VAA/VMON/VY Gate gall geball gen he Be id ee flllly LEW GUS cy Gliletion cola Ca pe CLUE Lua dy. WATO VA0A A YVVNAOT/VA VE W/NMON/TY OTs — OL 0/NNON/TN jie og all galall er Arabica 1/1984/242, 1316 YY. Ske W. Bjorkman, in: Oriens 719S4/198 :63 IS) 4 425 ley LE) PE et Je et WL ple I Gls 1 CA Clady Geld gS MT lang A GGRUT pglay GoULt pell aa pAAV/ aT BN Welhny JBI jal eh ge Had Nett J = gall = pt cell 5 el Lt Sy IY, Sgtlly CLM G- LM ene G- ady SUAly tly cab, LM, = Coblly Coll ge sled by Clty all G—spailly o pually yy Se GJM SE HG Lh GAR ey gall f= aay ll Ga jay G- SII (G) fel) Gall G- e Ge O. Rescher, in; RSO 4/1911 - 19/706 - 707.) Cel He ig Gl cerbty Sly VI cabs Gb iny tae ell cLayl iil Vs LYON/VAYY/EA Gane ag alls gill Cita gas ig il STNG, V0) THAT SIU uel ashe og tbe ey YAY dy ll spall 5 Se 38) fae LAM VEY bat IST ge KSeLI LEN Gis. VT SCS penne gil pV N/ATAY iy op AV JAY OA aly celiid oy dam cy Sally jin WY oo cgi Gmail col oS AVEN/T TLS SEF play Bhaall ¢ poy Gb gy daglcs atl epee ural, SY OLS VE AU net oy Ae ype gl allie ot ees (SLI AU) sad! eb oA ALT wale ad Uo ary ole oy Go btall glsl oe le ol ae MI) (pV TA/ E14 Gall) Nagi aS be Ma oes pal al dd Al oy addy VAA) FTL G. Vajda, in: Arabica 18/1971/211 - 213 bts LNT AENY 5) Se dat oy a ala dee! eG gall OLSn_ V0 AVY Spd aM ob! at LL BAU TS Se cy tel op tase ual gl yo ailge ol yay ca ISA Gall VV AL ly pall ow Obie de yet itn y (LSI Lia op 6840 Jl pV 6E/ EFT hepa gl Gy tian Ll! fly g PW sal oe iF arg ~\YE - 78 ABA, LOS, bd! Gury §- he S68 ly lel wlel b- 1 bee eats by seAldly sala! GT Lagriy eqilall, DEM pS jt Bae Vy welilly ly HEY! G- 0 Mealy by ably Sal 5-7 vine, Olsldly Glee! g- ¥ celill Soy py alnbl GA WAL So8 by SUL ola 5 So G- 4 ale si by ls) SA Ju § - Srl 83 Ud GOAN GN the Gok by SLsIALII g VY Wh 5y ESS GIBY, tS b- WT lye] Glas by dala ge VE the opie by Hes g = V0 = ALIS ge SAI ly — HS be fab ll ops Mell all sled eats jal $53 _. ya pity Hany coped ola iptey Ulbabe Lele eg Wty ont ety val all ox ey boa on ey WO Sadl SIU oll WIL ge games deel, se! pall poten [PL py dandy pall og! Ser cx caballo ont TYE Sy ck CH aed she Gary We ty all sae! dbysuly -( 5odbl! eb) Se GAN) os) POLS ste] habe Ga BAS ay TVV/V il «a ak WY dee gy eddy TY) tard oy ane cle dV wt, ges! jbien OLS Bel (ph +tA/ att - Ble Sy eS be el) gd oe NU As abl elt ol SI ey de P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/43, No. 773). lla Jo gy ae cy fuadll ell GY sal lybaty Gl jlaci Gj) init — VA cpl heal gj ObSn sla (VET/V GMI LS!) pl, 55.9) T/L GAWD spell aigeally gasey pS aylisty -\Yo- Fle) DI Sebel oe feadll ple GY acyl glasl ce Call Gy en Glsn VA AMEY ANTAL Soil yg aby} ipsl (V0/A DLS ccailill emae ibid op VV/ ab 0A BAW Sahel al wei cries sl ody cael oy ged ll ten 1 ay seh atl oe Gin ab Or yak gt (ESI Vin 5p 497 oS gh pV AV/ at VE ANALY Soild wa YI ake! iil) aad cay epee Jal Ge ct OS AP NVEV/WOEY OS) 5 Sel oy sat De gy dt Ab wtb — TV saad 5 pce ES) UN peel gy bit tana oy pity dnhy tea Ste Ll ged oe Va SL ery aly the oe Shel, (LOSI! Nie oo 236 po 053 gh) HL hi a, ANT diy ON) WT Ca ghe ibybt Laat dy 1,280 Jed US el. aby SII SSM sted oA SL I nF meatlly aly Jog sel scat ala SAB alll 5 All oe diy VA6) TAs alld SUL ag any (soll ce Ul) Fa eS es bel H. Ritter, in; Oniens 2/1949/265). eral pail coy Spal At Gal pall eile te Rad [pd OHA nde acy Ne oe EU td os 5tN AD oy All cdenaay vislell een GULEL ada ape ed ing wea og BE we gS ZEN a ogy pad ALN yg RE kb» Lah ayy cal pall Ne clad gel EY 5 lal! ay GUT y oi Al lene g BY US BEM AS oe A oe SM oy ted wall glad oo All geen TY Pa op Ge teat (Si plas ESI Lis ol Jil) WU Ely yo Gg W542. 140 OS aicat LL Jonyy op NVAT/aOAN de LSI Le FLAY! jany HALL! Gye staged AI ye at oF sh ci gtete taped BL ee JS poles PLT i paey lube EG GES! Le Bel) Lele WUE (Ey PANN) deg VA, sad VON cab USI degen! of au nm eS S. M. Husain, in: JRAS 1937, 434.) CE MSA pe callin y wolae Yn y wobbiadlly oe abil ai cede j teall 53 Sai, cont Lad Gael gd] Goi, ual lS GL gl Lagi I tladll CaN Lath slay speed he GeV aalpadll Sond Clb J gr Sill daall ~V~ 79 80 DIE] hey ad Hee Gy glya gh ody eee oh Sle oy All aged Gell ULL, Wass ths AN 0 diy, VUE) VAEN JY 2g Jy aed ey Ct SILA Gp lal sepal cS sla ial Ge Slay COTY dy ll otbyball gee Gegd phil Winall a) uel Aled La pay (A PANY ASU dade — gill bil VAT) V/ pot VAL Yee) iad TVA abel Nn iy Be ES go abl ge HU peilly cabal JUL, fee SE ee sel els 0h Gadi (ly S.M. Hussain, in: JRAS 1937, 441 - 452. SUVA jy dey all Sal) gat MEd dell Quill way Be (TAN iy S yech pil WANN diy, VY) Se OF ee 2G UU ala ae ayy AWAY) Speed VEN abel Le gets geal endl ly cS eal pally sgt] pel cele pa Bhai Ny By oe yp Sb na gl! LL EE py ple oe de Y (Ley Saad WY saelyer a Read co EL (HWA TW GL ySI) Ll ell py da SUI) es pend poling EW toad ce Qh ye teed oy ey 139 Ad Bay aealy opebl oy paid lad ay eel Ge ola teed te LIT VAY ad Oy 5 A aS Bel stay LF oe pall ob aeady vale ML Seat etl ell, ag, Gall beh Nia tasy eye aclead sbiy oe ld Gly be gill bil as abl Se SUI gal ge) W/ 208 Gal aS jlo ialill jae able BS Ay Ab tant AV gins (OPV dy all lbs age Gag T/T i soe at 08) ee Le we nS ALAN 05 NS spell ce eas JRE, By Saag pBil AAW diy VYE)S— Of «Joe 2h Ul alll sayy (ENV GLUT ee ll VAI) bapad WA ene. 7 NAS Ney cdl pall abt lin ity (VAM TS CONV 2) tl ell es + sill oe ce aE alll Lan del old SY GU sue GA ties ale ogee «5 Sal soil, Cet al Lay gall Saati pom WE I! aba ob LW) Sad Ll aad I Al DUI Slalall sae oe Li ced eM ST callie BSI) ES est SIS ayy UU ell ow La LS ALLL JisN) all pel § eye Wh plead Sy Lad Qt! abt LE el ally «(YY Dh gL! all e]e eh peitey iy GTN Go = SN hy HUT gill oe Thais Glglee F. Rosenthal Jli5y) 5 pSuh Slee Jina (YON) pes See Se ala oo by pte pelt us dle 2381 — Lh - LA BN) SH oy LW ae et tl GUI ates Ls ool! ale Ui cele I) ESN Slecte ALE aeyy a el gy UVVE ee «el wheal 3 ayy [S (ETO Ge comme dat VT Qs! Bt fo Sell Vie gyal liberi IL Goat fae Slept VE (1.262 Joo SI oUSy il AYVO/ ANY Gl) pall as) tae OLLI HA dia ihe hi UST ps OLE GU ell ag Ol Le JY pill pny Be SH sty (SoM te IN) Sh alll gl ge Gall pall de gy ES BIA - slg SLI SL atl oleh. all - Jal Jus Gil LL WY eel SL Cell = ae YL, otal. Oe sy CaS Le Bl ody WA gM eel) VOW HUI wel sl: olbysll AST SAN oe diy VIN GAS eel) V+ SL SMI «(Rescher, in: RSO 4/1911 - 19717 poi) NAB AY lila fle IN Gna VAT JL) SMT Gj dae) dab ce gy ols pal (EM go NNO Sy yell Bl as al Ql oA op ddy WNE a pl FN apn oo le iL yi Dyill ow gly 21 lb PLY! AES CUTTY LSS cnilgll perrany «1259 fee VI US» sl ag VO/B UY dee ay FE EM pal ge AS A oe OLEH ty call joer gM (IS ST opel ald Jal = all lege JE US VV ee aed Je sty as abl alll g All Al Vo lel = 5 Sl ee LAI gall — Gall © sag = clad SG! ast celal ee YE NS OS IS poling Uae lye = tll LAL fice Ley ST spell AM Cae Gaurd a gh UU Gaal OLS YS Gye y yall Oly Lay aul rv Yo rls) VAY ayy VUT) YAY 452 Slbybe oad og yall Doel dba wey CONN the 5 YI tpt pay Jule iil Doghll Ln spt cy (4) Ce Gy One bl cad toga Melty se rl 55 Te P/NMOAMIT Ste og alls ll Ppl pe yall aad Gi ‘M.D. Ahmad, Introduction to and Analysis of the Leiden Ms. of Jamharat.... with critical Edition of some hitherto unpublished passages, Diss. Oxford Hike pele 1938) LSI hey Le ohne byw 6) BU OL it deat Lay (1,40 Soll US Bil) Le G tbyhe any, (VV o pli Gas — 81 PE ee NL ty GOSN Eo olle o APY Sly! dagy Galall Lay,» SI ANITAL AW SAAN) Se oh eal Gem oe eye AW yg VI LW al all Hi bgdaell Na 5 pt ory LAVA VY GLY) TEV SIU ari cle Gg dbgbie a SL (O. Rescher, in: RSO 4/1911 - 19/704, tes iS ily H. Ritter, Philologika VII in: Islam 21/193387. Eee ol Se OP Se gl UN! Jade i BU, Lal ke) GeV eb I lps neat ey ating MGM Le GIN) cal gl gall sil Es pd ce OL lity al adll oe aS ste the ge lye iclall pall yo LLU! al faceel ay ccedely Gee EY rely sel Ll All am SUSU ail sal! Cr saat plane Haag) apa ai) cpl Lal Biybity on ES Gye Olen aL be CEL chal Dheny (pall gin tell a ory) ole alah Jor celal op Clee ae CUERL aia alae Cel oi pS Gali] Redd deel oda ole obii iy decd lay By Mb ao NVNA aside byt) 5 peal Sb fea GY las Wan GUS al yan A SB ge StL GL oe ae pal ol SLI CLIK deel oe Cole Ji Po GAN) SA etl oy ast Sy od dade ll alps Gabe gy sally J! cal Bl § IVA Ge J Sail Nha dey) (LS Lin 5 27 Go 53 hy ophhe ATA. Gye BY LS (spb pee soll gl alll gall oy ody) YAN) NVA CL : lbs! sell AN Goal (EL bye! oe BS Ly sal ce CII g All Gp dy, VEE) AVVEY py Gall past a 01 a, TA) WAY a2 lbh ag NVEZANNT GaN) DUD Lal) at oy opal ort gy taal edit Gb wh Mk ye (TOT) DASY culls pmme LAVAL digg WYO) VY Ca jle (MS2-S4 Gall WS, WS Ge dail (O. Reseher, ini: «inal baby Sead iby WY) ETE die Li: Gbytes yy Vo VE/VY Cae i) Lae Lil peiaiy lide OME Glyph J] Lake degen! aday ) .( W2KM 26/191282 MTR ATAN he S byte jan pele cnby all oul ope AS Siow pies (AL! CWT 1a ish aN TATE WY GL YD T/T Gal ~A\YA- (esl OLN 0 (8 Gad oe AI sable GUN oA) yall le hae cw ae thee - A Leey INN TNT Ge) Sand pet Cae GOS pelty el eae ChE En sel een ay ENS PEN TEN ONE Go) 95 oe SI tole Ciln banal 9 5th yg Bleady (EEO ENV Ge) gel Olaball, AVL Yor oe) speed UaSi Jib stad labia Shay (007 - OY TAs - Vue) bn 4 al ob ke Leal sah |S aise, deaill by all Go OS cy inal abi way Gil oi Gb ae Lall 08 Gee) og poeill gle RaLe on ype gb seal Gam on tle ae oh ale SH (Oe TIN Sepgill isl Gall baby Bd age WY) YTTY Gale ds tbat ary (VARY ~~ 82 GB Ugedy I AS - tall wall dels pas Ly J] Leal en OW cS By pll dala} GUY) AS of BL Sy (2 EH LH alll b Set US ny) og I gal gl O18 je gad gob /ag pl EI GA ge Js! inal gla Ce Ll / it eed Se I SS oe by GT OVE 5 wel PED Jey UIE, RL gay LE ALS Le pai o F U pill pepailld Ve Spelt Ue So LM OL LAL Sy shea oslo OS al 6PM SI § bos YES bl iy UPAEY/ANTY Sige Gill) gel ple gg sand lac, LSS ol § Jolin ANY all GY ceygill spl pol el gby Sie ACA AY 00 GA!) Heel pw cx and dipedly dll — ¥ wor, oth aby lygh SL pete CAAT BAI) dest ce ple ox Bla eV open 0 AN gyleg oUL! penll iT hy Ging Lal] Jey Srl) ot ye Ee eed ieee AY lad, Led! one OLS — t AVM igi cpl ili way J byt Ul] Soy HU SAN/ AVA Cilpll Gab pT GAMT/ ANAS Gall) Ab all al arV agghally 22) GuSn_ 0 ahiSy age WW ge lhe de tj NS hE WIN ali MI ace La} pry ay Mg ll (BAYT ch veg hey] BET LIS Gul ABS ay son Sg OWS ey «Gell Glin Sake ABH ol ge JT Jey (AMAL AIAG Gaal SA ay gp teed tS ~ATN = 19 Ging ASN Vi Ul Jury iy ead lp Mn she Si OW Lega Wale iy ol yay FAM gglag el! ell Sepa peiey UN V/ATAN Sle) 557) sage oe dd ball GS ¥ EEN 0 Said wa aL! yt) LEY, JEM SLY gLE¥! Sb GAM) EBT Gael gp ae eh GY ett Gal we eolilly — A ALN gly GoLeif Ld] Jun «(ATW/at'Y 0 ARM pglay LN lh 083 hey Lind hy Lal Jang add esting ts Li GES SS AU GME IITA SAD ay ae op ant oy ae cx jl addy 4 HAM eg el ell iN Gheny LN] Jory LL NOG cies ( 681 ey ll Eipll Bh PEV/ATT Jill) soSD aed cy sat dle PY subs abe Gls he § GUSU Lain ol (VAT YI aay) g) Cpl 55 (VYV/A MLAS) culls o~ dhEY, gebully - BAN) BSN oy tat oe Je all AY watt, tl § val, 2M! Gls VN 13H og AN NA IE gb 0S Geng VM al Yeeeah (AV at EA BARN CVENNZ EN Gl) Chad oy tat oy Sd LEY 5 gig LEY ype VY VE/E ost Vi ale! ghey aoe LN] Joo aly (pV VE/ abo SAN) SGT we Slated wgall plSn. Aa WAS MN Ae tage agit efit NTA diy VTE) 2 Of Gol ESI la cali G Ch. Bouyahis, in: Arabica 10/1963/238, 247. psy Q3lall ae aS PBN AVIY/ENE GAN) Spam Je ce path e¥ tod sky lo jase. VE FAN ggg GeLh pel d gghy LN] ory ads ees eg | je (1267 Jo I US = ANTON ball § gb veallly gill § pldl go SII ib Gods ait Gilad, INIT L aE isl) 55 or Se oe at ox Je cel gl hed LSI ay patte tly 22 ipldll 2g Weyhit sey.y vanill larly jail GUbsily olyiny (248 Jur GUS, el OVA Gall ell sl ital baby Bias A YW i, TPIS VEE SU ~~ at gy ae wn dl GT us. V0 HST ads GQVT AEN Gall) LS ANY cold wey MI Lay! ysl) Yel, Sey ites, ced oy tt ate GY vy gill lbs J] lab GUS apybell Jo LEY! lS VV eM Lay] sg EV hada ly JN ls] aBisl (GV OV/AEEN Jo Gall) sores SYA/\ ogi Sarl) Be CELT at gy ed alah apa Ob ley elo ol olen W ke SI, agg ASI a Sd ad Las col aS AST ye US ty (NV-A/ 00-1 BUS a IY YAW yy clas Lath hy cL! Jory gS Ip le V0 ul (1,289 uot GAN) SLB Lala ge tel all Sled eel ond GM dlp A BS Lope bell JE ALLE de pegs gay (1199 eI GUS, Jel pNTTY/ avr AVANT call 5 by HL) ey iy eae All All coe tage Bale pte gad iy «psd YI lel shake VA o3I Qt eby late, by ded cas - i La] Bale ge Lilly OAL aie yoy BIST all DUM CaS | we Lead Ligtke Ci penledl Jo Kalil Gy yall legge lp pry eR) Raddy (ILE atl) ue bees oF pte y olay Oy alll OL bad nde per sel Lol GA OS KL dislee OUST Up (OLJE AN s pbl GL oA) ge GLI eal LI eee DW ii LS pail 421 SSM thal ge all LAI fey ABN) eee Gg all At eee a 52D ail Jf cand ly at poles 6 5S oF Ke all Bsa SUS CaF ces Gh be $5 iS Al dtl AY MSL Sn wig 8) FOt/T Gaht ahs GB rsaladdl Sig GAYO/ ANY gos GAD GEM oe aes pil pAVE/ATVA Gg pil) BED bane oy Je qed GY aol Glsn 7 sa Lig NVA pal pV ccen gall (VEO/V MLAS call jth eres VVO/ 0 SS, 3H (EN WV /0 cpl BS p Al Sd (AEO/A: gos SAN) LEM Gn 265 cH dared LY Gls shea) g 518) £-¥/¥ Gol Gb Slaadly «1180 Gaull GUS, IVE Go Golall 93 (VA SLU oahiy gj snl SNM Gea yd A VATA Gl) dll eet oe Je or oaalb an JLN! UbSn selfing AS Le 3,08 6 VN0/0 CoM slay! Gash 963 (132 ay gl G. Bergstrasser, in: ZS 11922/196. APN EZANAY gilt) LS Geta GY vucoLttety gi allele ae Jl) bso - 0 A NMEA cyto aah dab galt J Galil qllall GbSp olyer ysl Ladle sae OSU ea sae Ca ce ey Lge Lely ALIS Lad Gea VATS ASU deb AEN Aan ¥ sees abi! Bi (PAVA/ aT Gall) aL weet oy GUL @ SLY! lS 1 WY ogld ACANNY gh ATY/ZOTY Gl) art ball gy sae dle GAY JULY! Gls ¥ Ut eh BN) adil, Shs, WS ej glach, Shen solyae lar es Sj LY! ey POS ly PVNEA abe J USL Sn olin F. Krenkow S16 adie (UU! pyle salen 5 sip Le Si ps de Lenny Qe Y paally Gall! pall bye Aly BA eS byl as oY H. Ritter, in: Oriens 5/1952/196. aight 3 sed (AYW/ APO Bll) AEST sLLe oy Gal JULY by A AVY Ae yl corps i) Ig Gf, VTA waesll, Vin LS} Jury o(pAYPZATYY AU) ASS Se Col oy, at Se Vs (LY GLSD_ 4 FUN pyle Goll pelle LS! - WE GP (AVO/aTW ysl) phe ae oy pals! dle GY LY! obs 1+ BEAN eg ill HN) GI Be Wills abl AW dg 5 g CLS ALY dig (FAV VATTE Gl) Sell jae ce ard ged gl dl QL Y) br 19 A377 gpl Slgl gob phil sly GM ale! j ani 1S chi die yy NES AYVA Sl) GEV pellet Se Vs (SLM bn VY ol cp ey NSLS pl ey ald Maly} j OL iin ay dbgbate § LS! ey «Le AUN pyley gol! pel isl atl Bhs BN GAEV ANG gos All) pall get op ES GAY JES! GL-T N/V Gat el GV teal allen y sags eal SUYIn gare! JL Yn sas SI) UNI» — VE UL peel Ail LL ny Grnetty (ER TTY Gall) AE Gel oy or slne Aa pyle BBN GAT / aT ON GAD rl Geet ce Je ce Sante or dal JUST bs V0 AeS Le: yb EVO E16 /0 MI ok! Geil we ebb ey 1377 og A OIA! Bt GN Mb nly G. Bergstrisser, a. 2.0.5. 196. BEI AVVO ey le) ge ned SLE oy pals! leeds Y JULY! Obs VV lite eS AYN /YTYA/Y Ga MI abe) gf pl $3 (1201 Gall SUS Bergstrisser, a. a.0.197. CF les (AWWA AY OT 5h) Ut) ell ox See le! JE el MEM Gls» WW pales UN pall pil el plagl Yo aeslIn Lad ay wis SI ae pV oe. JU! bene alll 08d PAA /ANV® Gall) SE oy seh cy oped dle GY a Qh! ols — VA GB rplas 6S aS Le igs 00/4 GM sky] od /X.M. Abdurrahman, in: ZS 10/1935/224 -Wo- Aas GANT OTAY jyall) 5 Sead dine gy gal aed pV oq LMI Gls 4 ia gly ol ell esl gS lacie ASSN O/aTNO Fpl) ays AS oe Gu gy ar aq JUYT Obs MS relat 48S Le aalh A070 a MN agli £0 0/0 lull pre Gd Gall G. Bergstrisser,a.a.0.S.197. SB e053 ih (GV AL ATAN Gall) ld) at oy AY ae JUST Gly = TV AS Lin Tb pV EEZ BENT Gall) opel op Se gail Ge 2 x NM yyy alll or 1 lp Bate IS ny coy VN Bali Gj ees aU AUS gay (GUS Ldn oy 597 Uo 85 hey jai LUE AY oe Sie ASEM lS oly sahpe HS opatle| Leal gpl saat adliny i eS lb ybie ace Lal Jury LEY! pany aL! ey 4S: Gains) Sym jl) \NOT ball! H. Ritter, in: Oriens 11195810. AlN) pelle oe Ale op deny ne A ee tla AY tall anon 1 ey TALL Wk cya y el] clay ll eS TL aS ed gay (QV VV spbiabs SS] cele bpd ole tay EY gg lall pall yy eV! op MAY Gall JU! badly AVA Gall, ae Jy VI ala ob GNVEA/ WEY GAN) AE oy Je ge bt da baled! GY sad pall JUVE piety RMN pa oe 395 Olahin ag Jy ALIS alee yaa, Yy Lele AL ow LSI Hi pall Meese 1493 alll Sy g 083 Le Sl esas) LAS lbh GLI Jury wy PLY! ANTES cline Gh cchy 6 (ding AN TET USI DUI joey siljll by GILT hdl eS oe Aaa By ell glall/s zbl IM OAS all olde Lay gf any -- Vagina Mian CN pathy iS SNE] 52MM al t/ 5 pb gi! oA oye Jat Lee, Fel) SLI Oley oll CYT lle Le J hee gsi aL) Lay lip Do lal aby Le oman) lla J bel gb Lad ay ial «pale ange pla ae GG UU Se 6AS ol Bly pares 598 (peed ell cde aly! GS of Ct Canty Le Nang SL aS fo ated Fo Lie ns Le yy = lI SK il Ady slab bale gat I all SI en Wis al Reply & All ll oot pal of Hay AA 2 cue gil) peal Bh ody aA alg abl GUI gl Hate Ail) Lol Gly cobaght edb CIVE/Y pall) Ghyeally (MV Ge oleh patlg (VO VE eo NAW Gates enn Gt Val GS gue Oe 5 Sal Se plans SoM pall BISA cell Cit aS /ijlaall AIL de yam! SA ge pa CHIE Ue = lf Saad Ly — pte ol ey Gal etl = AU 5 AUN glad! OS al II Gat acted AY cg dll alah (YY /ANO8 gos SAM) Ol oe a ne GAY wall Gh —V MA mal scdlgL eeruae ish opVAN/ZANVO Gall) esata GAS ox poll) eealydl GlSe 1 ENEA/V gl wey Ml oli) clagi bl (VVA dls Bot Sa epee aly USr y dhaey Wh all GES y ESI soll OLS. iI MN ASL NO peal pV cee gill isd (le WS de gl AV aVAy Gall) ESI AYY/Y gaia BoA) Sill ce ed pall pal LS y aS slp! bs - £ YD WVO/Y LOP/Y paid josey EV Conall i epeaill cal 053 (VAA/ VAY AY yall Sr — 0 shin dine ey ME Cong badd gel aS5GAWaMe Gall) Gadd oy -\rv- Spl UI oll oo GUI Ba) stEdll (Ge I) LU oe Gd cuales pe Aagh Bil cacapll gladly 1AS Ole $3 [SEA ceed Gaal cal SE Md gall AM OVTY ened LI andi} Land 8) LON VE. TOT VAT WVE/Y Gol obs VN edge as ayW VE eh AI Sahl GO 9 All om GUI Baad) BES ey gp Wh GY oli Oko ¥ MAN 58 os ARM slail ell GLAS Shey LEON pall Ghyll 053 (sade 2580 Gell oo Ve ee op chal Jb, I pall oe GU) ead!) GIST ile Gy ay 2b GA sald GbS A EE ceil ial og! 483 IV 231 og all OLA esl Gh 0S5 24 ssl Als pabl So OP heal ype GM caged ly all eatfl pall ISU gabydl GLSo lS TU Je gph tbe (SAN VAA/T cogil lll pomaay VVA/T al LS gb esalall PAS TVA pe NW oceeygill ail) UY! Jt AS s pabl Ug All gw GUI Gaal) Sas) OY YES GY gal Obs 4 Ve gs ge es (09 ol gh) wad oh Gey (599 Go GUST! Ldn bo 53 il Kd! gre gil 5 SiN SN yw IBM Na oS ley aa pe ly Olea @ hy VEY So alll Sm jh Joe ely CO Gadd lS § tel AUIS Ab! BUI oA ye GU! Gad!) SIS ge Fall GY wall Gin) AEM ddl GY eceeygall bil (523d! cel 5 ead ol 53 OMEN LQ Ft AS sagsleally pall Gas — VY Sod dase Tet ae ey (Oh Ce Slab tab) Fyne AY abl oS ce pp aS Le ig pill Ldn Sym bl (VO) wal W. Diem, Das Kitib al Sim des AbS‘Amr AS - SaibZnT. Bin Beitrag zur arabischen Lexikographie Diss Miinchen 1968, 5.45 mall GSE jg Eee og! BATA aocll gall ail (VOL) W. Diem, i! (Y00) OU gi oe IW Gaal) Le oy gy dle oy fel, Lad Gp tel yay (TO) VET O/E DAS call ped LEVY pam ool alge lil ssl aldI/ sal deel je AYA ~ 87 SUN SA ge Gl al oS 8) SA OF cx orld wall bs WY ey VWV/Y lait oily Halal VAZY 5 ay aa Gag bil a AUI/ sal SSO opal ge JyM! Gad) 5h th peel Gol be OLS La 54 = (52ell gels a BUN 9 A ge GU Heal § ol )) a5 2 oy qaaad eualydl kSy = SS i ASU CLE ger ol om oe pai abe ay sd Als al By p denne VO+ gad ace BE (ON Co cc bgh tab) eigill adl ool chy (ELV MIN lai) ily JI oll Lad sl aah pe GY Slee @ spb clad yy we ce fink alll CANAAN GA) Sal DUM oe gat ae GY wall Obs VE sea TTY 5 ai od 1) eal GV cual il GAT NAY Sl) Sell et WY LYYV/Y, OVP YVO/Y opel all § OL ie slaty Gast il pAVA/ YOY ke de Gf) SM dares Gy dilated aly] GLSn VO Ul ob gay TE /Y baal aly JH AL] EA all GeV wc gill Land bil, (EVN Ve /4 Epil sayalyS LS Gade gl Sly sae a Shy MP aedl Sr b 83. lait! ype YY 6 gd ca GAT gall) tt yp Bre] spe el e( ASSN) pabyS obSr— VV Ay AAA tl GY cogil Bil dybie ABET IS OL, OE AIS 4] Kall ll gad ae ayy TV AON TYY/T, PIV/Y Og ld wolaldl pre G oLaaie Ble aS Le iil le OLS sted hr! Se SIUI/ sg adl gl! P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/S0, No. 894). aby AS ge ih LN! Joey Gi dgadl LSo peadl cyl Gheyy ecg BSI ATV AN Gall) GF pS oy ase Je eV wall obs WW ESS GS bh LI 3 All ugly GUESL sey Gj iy pe oS OF pial oe Ble and le iil ssl! P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/$0, No. 896). sl (YoY) grt gh sake (Uatmy Ly FH /0) csalatll Cobidl JE YS olf 5 oh ied Lb cee pty wate wile ~\Ta- AV ceegdll sl CATHY gh AVV/ANOT Gall) Gab ox a cwalydl Oba VA pact! te BPN) path gp Ee yy GANY/ZATEY itl) I Ly ce Gerd stall LSy V4 AbS Gerslinn ine on SAW 45g AN/T, OV/Y ZI gs salatll 4S5.CW wal og! ANALY Codgll 31S ASN 953 (PATO/ ANN > gos ol) A PMS GY aly! ObSn_ Ve NOA/N AS SL Bs hail, TV) tal Gig ANNO Gh PAVAZ AINE Gall) GL Gel oe ae 5 AY wall GlSn 1 FAM peg tl pel wlmally cy I) Al guy Lal} Jory ee SAU) ey ai ay ee we oS wd AW aly Gly TY NAAN edad AB als Ly TTY 5 aU Sal) og Al (GAT / at V0 AY cng Jail (ATVI IVT ll) Gale OG yy Ulla gall bse 1 PAS pesll oy! Lined Say NOA/N ada ily J ALS] TV ANO/Y 5 a5 dg 100 pall J cep sly SUE! AY cualyll bse - VE (pAbo/ att dm Si te BGAN LU Gr tlne V/V MI ok joey SP ATEN | pALO/aIT Baill) LEM oy 55 oy tend paid gt pal GLSn VO AR WN con gill Boal gl 53 (ATTY Uy oCGAD ggg oULh endl Ji) Lad] ny cdl (oS) poly] GS Lan] Cajal, ESD (AVIV AENA die ee GAL) GLE aye aed oy gyal GT USUI Lin Jee TEI aM key gl bil abe baby Sl sabdl § ALE onl Je S31 geal de SCANTY dae gi pALO/ MNT icll) NN aul oy Je cand GY caplyll bSn = V 2 OV all GY vcengill yl ITY ee gh ALO/ AIT Gall) 555i oyle oy sat cy dlanal apalydl GLSy_ TY OK cdl og ucengill ssl LATTA] ~\be- Al all Je awed oy Pe oy sat END! GAY ule WI yaly GUS TA Abily ATV Sai crige obi ls bg (ALO/aIT? Gall) plb yy dle J Qed VAY id it, JI eBil ATTY yf PALV/ONTN Goll) GLE, ne 2 geal walyll GbSn 14 AW edt cpl Sy 6 (00/1 Old a WI aL! aplil (US fa gf AO /aNT 0 de Gall) Galall we oy Jd wall Gls) 7 AL 314 og AL AA Ges bo SS Gey) VE pall GY cegill GAN Seog aly! oe eel AY aaledly LES oS, @ Sha iS Sts TY ell ge Ried Coinyy (NOA eo colypbe dade) all pY ccmgill sail (PAO + Ha 0 dle aS Le iil 50k te HIS bl lll oll Jule OlaS sae! jae P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/2, No. 26. oh VEE gh pAOV/BYEN Bll) SI yl Ge! cp Gyiad cual! Gbsy FY ANALY dal BI NALS IVY 5 5 de YT all GY cgi sl (TEN GAVEL INO» gos GAN) GLEN Gm ce lagdlne Soden GY gall Obs) FT AN pyle eBN eell sjil shy Ld! ry PAMELA O® gai GAN) Sel LS ox asleep caisedll pal ObSy TE RAM glen GU peel a conde jd ny (ITE/Y gl «WI oly] sel GATA/BYOE Gall) GE md eo Jee LE GAY swolydl ObSn_ To Woe tally bs Sl LE SAAT Ge at Ba AVY/ TOA J cll) 5HAI Sp gy aed wally she YI bn TT We UK Sate fe aed Cottey ENO Ge engl Fadl cy! 053.1318 all ln ae Le hail 62%) pte IUI/ sal eeioals P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1964/3 No. 46. Bp, 083 (AAV /AYVE Gall) Gill WE oy set gy wAY wall GbSy TY (1538 oe All NAN Ges gb 083 Gung) T/T GSI ok! -\tV- A] hell I $3 (AT/BAe Gall) sll JE oy dl anal! LS TA (3% gp I SIA Gu sb JS) Bee glad GL! Joey) ical bay HG TVA/Y hy MO all ge GUI Gal) lyin I She ge gen ugly GLSy — TH ANY cafld oe JW abiy! el AS UES GIS (Gall Qld pb (AVAL AF ED Gall) Sy HE gp tend LEM ge Zo 5i GLEN aly GLSo— E> 1.0316 gp AN ONAN Ge s¥ ofl) lee Bae gy sii ahs] AE GAY Y/ BTV > GAM) og oll gy tat dle gd walyll obSn_ £9 vale VAA/Y hail 31, J apd GAYEZATVY SAN) Cle pd cy (oat cx) peal aY swpalyl obSn — £1 AAR AY gal p¥ ocmngill Ah REL PATI ZAIN Bgl) 53 oe atl cp tt Spd walydl bse — AYVA/Y SUM SLA, AA pal SAME AITO gt sll) oral cet or tat Ss pV yalyll GlSn— $f YE/t QM ola gb AM ROV ATES Gell) AE OE uals seLYlne ce dat ne AT stplyll OLS £0 AV eal oY oceaill el sd Joy CA W/ AON Gall) SE peli oy Sethe! Je AV ely GbSn— £1 ARAM glee Goll pall ijl cacby tide OKs sae fe ad Oey ile call ZY golly Le! bso t¥ dhe 4S Le Bel gM ce CII al GLI oll P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/2 No. 33. AVE NLOTAY Bell) coe cx Ol all AY std all gj decal jal, OLS — EA AV /0 Spl aM ska} il) ayy Vere Golf i] she, Ke am ipl) Saal dle oy gad Do GY ugadly sel Jl aly obSy — £4 - VEY - 89 ATW/¥ oils (p\eNe/ate> falar Ul al fil S| ory aly aden ll salle alyinr ol LS sll nts, aa Lal Jey (YAN BAMA ssl) osattill pls gall GST GLE tly — 0° VINO B52 Sly oad bil, « 1598 Gall! GUS 2 Bil LL, dae dase Gy ser (NS ysl. 00 14 GLAM) ~ ar - B All hilly ke Slept — 0 Be BN Rye Sli d ge wiladll Jols ioall OL Yaw ue GT HW SSW See eels fie Oly nde Geary lal da all lat Le Vang «lates ly pe 5 gg ay Salil sda Oprely FZ ley SLL PH GIF GUN oy sae ob SI Le nt ab ght y desl ual t agle ur OM dad 0b Se tad Ae SF At ge Coy Metin MIF gil legal! SAN pend) aly Codie wi Fall OL jae ob Me le hy Plat sald Lad Cosby ill yall Jee yegaill j iawall eablyall «Mba & gall 7 ed Blok, Leldl (26-27) GUS Na ge JyM led! g Gast wa, GB tmall OWS oye tle od CE i ball gy dle gluall ol sid! a tll tll ge lel, gains soll Fmedly Olaghae Lndand of Se All cdztegasll SEM J} OW ce fay Ha siy hewalad laa al ar ilar og Oy AU glad Ly she Gai Gl olisl, aS asl luais Wis GaN) Ma ge Ab ly EVV ONES BALI) ab oe oust Se fees stell DS I (PVAA/ IVAN dae BM) Gea oe Cig pV JBN 08 dine got Ce AS py Se AY dati Qld Ly iat se Claas i eget al Se AU OA) Gaasie SF pall tale Why eel Watt ol GSM OVE! G DAL! pall alae st satel Lin bs SM Slog Joy TEV/\ intel edly olel eps! (OA) clades by Tet eM Grill wold -\ME- 1 Mga SN 5 SIM all de yet ye a Laat 13 coll el I/(5 aad Seal 5 aia OES pal OW uel oy dle I eee all Slt olow ay PaaNs ghpVVV/aN1+ Ggall) aed oy JadW coal ptt OLS» 0 5 Alt sh#n B(pAVO/BYN© lym Syiy VYA/BVV + ly) ert gil 3 oy (US eased a ah ge OV J eed y atl pl Sb go lll go Si wal all AS coe hee edn ny SBT acl sur WU A ped tS aly vaghew nips Sof GTA gall, wall legend Cate Gl aI pay ad ages BAM poled oh DI yall Aad 5 AGL sola ge fad 5p wal, O83 Ay legend ae ge WY Sl ode ge Ise Gai Y basi ple Mga Ul] ung oly ZL! salpttl CaS aba (elie ANS ne gl YYV/ NT ipl) Sonal all ari gy JuaU seul, LS» 1 AY pall pV cegill «bl gS Aly pAVO/ AV + god Gl) Shell oy BE Shell GY ai sll OL Gls 1 ANCA peal GX ecomgill spl (F 88 Go 5 SAM Styl Ll ya LANG die yi pAVA/ ANNE Gell) seat gl op dee 5 pW els Gin £00 aad GAY wcll a Cy LL oye deat ay (GAEVANTN Gall) Le GY vuclabll jist — se PEM) Lh ce party op rgtll esl ab 83 0 YY LI 5 Se cape ball STV GES a ske 083 Gat aie yy (BO/¥ see ib el) Jill Sh, phery ah pAO+/ANYO die Gill) gttall at oy ab gS Lage Gall OL Gls 0 ANA ral pV oceegill esl (Ugh spl! (AoE /aYE> jy all) cy She Seta pV ae sll GLY bse 1 TAN peach og sconypill GSS 085 MGAOV/AVEY Gj all) SI oy Glee ox Geyiad acl GbSy_ STAT poate Le pe - \to- SS oA ye SM Gea) yal NL Gy el tee gf LY bse A NVA/Y gly wee WI ole! bil (Gad Qell ig ah BI A GGAVV/ AY NE gos All) Eos oy pad edad ale Ly pal TLE! GLSy 4 ANY pall GY cca gill (PAAA/ NYO 55h) 6 Sal cred cel deme gt YG SLT Sly OLS CL AN 5 ede LER sae] Olde Gade IS IS VA Cae gill J opel cal 953 Dole aS Le al cu te IUI/g al P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/1 ,No. 10. VAN andl coe G) Samed 453 sill all Sled ALS yo GSI Nia gS ay W836 GNELANAY BAN) coh st og Art pla AY cai gl OLY) Gis VN NOV NOt Giksll, alight § «card Sle SH i (ALL/ ATTY Spl) eal Gast op lage gal atesll bse WY NAY giles cl 083 (AAV/ BIW Bl) gold wel oe gal Je GY egal olel GbSa_ WF Bode GF OLS te] be Gee Be ISN Ge sally tab) orgill j pall Dee SL Lh oD te CUI / spl Qlall g jl P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/1,No. 9. AN OL TNO AN) oe BI LS oe cold oy we sly Yl Glyd ube VE 2 RAM gag ULL pend spl Ubyast Lill Jury Gh oA AUN SGA ALT pall Ge oy deed eal Cry all pate. Vo ad plat Lal any Heart $1 win (14644 alll GUS el sadhll nte IUSI/ 5 pal BS Sealy ASI Nay sal YY Upiae Y bay Hegel adn cy clea gy Lbdy ain Beil opal JS oe Slag Na aay aly alll AG flee Jal, nail IS pery SPM Npelamy NSy od aalys Lead AS, AG I dy Laill Gy cball Gy dss) AEST 5M lees ce Sle Je SLI 5 BALI depend wie Gatland Gy JEM, (SH Ge gu dl pi wedlgt dase Lil] uoy ay sgamall cl, lake Og GE! Lie es SPUN Sey vee JS ge Sy RSI iy pall Gym Je ae bp LL ge IHN toy - VEV- Si aalpalt sae Sage Sill pW lial Obie onl! Je ans IS PLE peel as gc Bas AVN diy VAY SUT pedlly oddyy VVV GJgVI nll) TYTN old Js5 abel! pity 4S Le il cite! bay . Rescher, in: MPO 5/1912499 AEEA/Y dig pil SUbgasll ages Gagd is, pig 42S Le 2g inal Lady, agit diyy V+) YOAY sand ZUI ala O. Rescher, a. a.O.S.533, Way DR AME diy £10) FANE deigee UE (LEA/Y ig ll Slbgall gee Goel ay 4S le efile . Rescher, in: WZKM 26/191243 - 64, Bs AMO diy TA) TON CIN aed esl (EEA/Y dy fll lbs ager gd es eS be: jl atall baby . Rescher, in: RSO 4/1911 - 191659, AEEA/Y dep ll CUbghadll aga Gepeiy A NVO EY adel dane! lied sist ight baby Ghd diy YW) agate OSU) sal ATT diy Ve O)HY UL 55 perl op Me hd, GUSW LyYI lead gy al pty abe dhiay cate ge eS be afl 6 alin IS 5s Gn HIS, Langs Ugly As ee he E. Griffini, in: ZDMG 697191570). - \8¥- Olid) Qe . 1 Sy SA oe alee dl de ieee? SLY ala Lb CoS Jel of eal Na Spel pail of Je aalptll of lL, Lc, ste My pl! aN) LS oye JM abel! J Ulead wb Jal! paall J een aisle oy Ph Se ote, SEY batt lib GAIL 5 ghar oly (Lug Ley 244 Go he Lae eps ee all SLA Ga W OV § lad JUL op olay ul CeLs yas Bl Jey LW! Lely ple 5 ok L pail of Game 5 alll edb dead GSI AS A Ue ob Lela Lglaey Lo] clhey ol Ail) LS YI cow of Gb dee ab Soll abi Niky cestbh sb ado obj vary voll PUI Son st hl / sah Ja OAM GS tageye CIS LSS aad ge GSI ne te AN ce 8 pl poe deed oe Giglly iy y pally iy 2 Gli «,s2%ell baie AN UT FS) pt ol be git y dale tines Ci! WS ce Gal PS Naa oly oa yey ithe OG coy gol ow 2LAtl go ULE ule OS AD SA BI oA Silly sad LM oll Sb) db say sll a6 pal bla co Gamel al yt (1.366 op all dll fe JE ely) USE ally pildy tay OAT CIS solim oy Ty ed OF peteaie vl US oe Haalbl 2S org TT Ladd the oe GSU Comme oi sary lle BEN b Sr b AU Kon iy j taal GSI od Jee apt of a Wy AEIE eaty Sy (1.368369 og a LIT 20 BN) IS Lig NAW yy aS GY Ally Al ES oye sLebll iN) pel, abs PEW GS) LEI 25, gyll Lin Gad ge hai LS pall] (8) Go - \taA- 92 93 tla Gall ll ty MSS ol oF Leesll Gopal go putty (Si stLl dal otisby OES GSE yell Sled db sile ASU in LS ath oly SAAN IE apd PVEA/ANTY Gall) Spall lb oy Jeol cetly pial (1,596 (ge ll Tiggaed iley Caayh 25 5 dant banda CaS ptt 5 Sy Gl aes aby IST eS ox SMES ep eld al (ATO/Y os lal Ge JU) Wee 5 lal 3 ad AF Le Bil) JSS H5 My ESN ib AS» spin Loe bb ULE i o ESI Nia $3 ae Gow Sth i (VO/\ ISU Call ig OLN eels a BU oye UyPcLl SI gy iy pally lL lS gl alae sel ainery SEY bat oe diy all dell dy ll 501 pT Std! Sill of GLLIT Deke Yall Jue KEY LE 9 pel el ue gall Cy AU LY Jens Hy eal alg abl GUI ofl Guacea Gy sete DI Lae iy [de SIS, phat gets dati the ge SUI cali 01 Maal 54S) clinbel 2a aloe] ge Bl alas! Obie, Holl SII Gey tell GfISU GUS God ante G ple SL. R. Geyer, Binl.Zu = Die Mukitarah von at-Tayalisi. Wien 1927 (SBA W, 203. Bd. 4 Abb.) Gall GM sorta apa bib isd agar gj Shs] aad by - ‘A.Eghbal, Einl zu: The Tabaqit al Shu‘ara’al-mubdathin of Ibn al Mitaz , London 1939 (Gibb Mem.NSXI) se Ah oN Gell Fe aS by ~ Blachére, Histoire 128 ff. Hy all BU ple § Hje Ghyl ge SLL b AS BR aeS by 4. Kraemer, Legajo - Studien zur altarabischen Philologee in: ZDMG 100/1961/225'- 300. hss AV elatlly pall bagel SEN oe dais aS by - L. Zolondek, The Precursors of Ibn Qutaibah’s Kitab ash-Shi‘t in: Is!. Catt. 3$/1961/1-7. PEM US alias op Haigh ant by — - \ta- L. Zolondek, The Sources of the Kitab alAganf, in: A rabies 8/1961/294 - 308. seg GEM lS gj olatll oe ce lS LU ye neki and by — M. Fleischhammer, Reste zweier Dichte rbiiche r im Kitab al Aganf, in: Studia Orientalia in Mem. C. Brockelménn, Halle 1968, S. 77-83. Cabell j Sie Sy gies All LEM oS JS all Ha GU S5.3) Lnmy at ey UW SI MI op sl gl FSG Lie gy lanl, Lely aaa Undll ue UII fe oe Wis Alls del! salad Jylat dale Gad - 1 ANS op Al AA otal) lS pd gy LL say ll spall OLS WV ge cenyill 5 opal ol AA sal BS oA ge BUN Sea) DIYS op al gy tend eel all GbSy 1 A ANN NA GIF Gd S83 Soe NV Ge cola dak) Coad bo Atl oe! 453 «(GDL 1343 ATT PAVAZ ATE Spl) ASU wat cx plab etal ad shed g cdl Obsr AY ye Compgill J epratll al oS sg Ob cme gil Sed onl oS agtll o pee dane GV ialadlly pall obSn—t Uh BUSI eel $3.90 eee GS iy cal all slam ge BS aS Gg eal oF GEST! Lie ol Bane pV al S5y (NAV/Y ASL pall alas Gj) get Gee) a oll Gill el pct! Olid Gb =F ame sy Sabie pli (1162 Gall GUS J) webs LEY IK gj godt 155 Ge OF y alll ela! Gls. 0 fo etl eel sh op a ggetll alll ge Sed sper cpa WS ogame uel all di allt Via SIS (VN peal pV cell iN) Se oe ell EGY wael pct GbE 4 Ge el sol pte CII/ Gs pal Gl oA Ge CLS ste] Obes ne GUS! be eS P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/32, No. $70. -\or- Ga BEI AE / ATV ow Gall) Ge AZ o de Des Yul pally palo ¥ EN EY Songil fe eadl op! 083 IS (V0 0/0 cogil wa sNl alen!y TOF/VY stay HOLS play GGALO/ANTY Gall) Gaal! Ble gy sand elec! Jyad Slinky A VA S3. i all eal MG eM sdpcll Leb GlSy y ccnball Lptll lib bso poe ell pall: sal ee QESI Lie Led uy dy (VT gyi!) coglins ul all ed al sing (VT e) peal gel 053 opHlll sae Da sual atl Ls Gls 4 hae ae HIS hs hy ou GEV aS J agilgine Ng Al yl Ugde see All pole! Ble aS Ll sal jee CIs bl el 9 ll ge Ge GliSe sae P. Sbath, a. a.O.2,No. 35). enh 083 (AOV/ AYE Gall) SEDI Oe cx atl OLS GY sel acl olicby V+ AN Sh eg le NES pam] Sle rae CAS Ts ate yy VV ell J peal De eS Ll I ce SHUI s al tl P. Sbath, a. a.O. 34, No. 602. 1,316 og All Sd A gat gall Lal ai, VAIS, aes cp del pledly Lact Sry ceegilicby Lath LST § Lbs» VV Ae MIS pbl QL Al Sl EF Bad ae HIG VV ceglll 5 eel eal 083 Dee aS be ol le Glee gael Clie gad Gk! P. Sbath, a. a.0.31,No. $69. py AVL ATEN dee ye all eth Je ce JE a sel pill lib GLSn WY SAS pend Jin IS ESI pgs ol ply tn eae gin RAUL den slp Glib ASI PES Lashed aS op Ue ESI Bly i Ae 5 led Je sh er eLpall cli ABI LS dat OLSny Oa pt ESD y caine aad LEH y Glad alae Sk el pled al dle od celal Je cy eee pla oS 2M 9 Sle + (OA ~ OV/NAVE/TA Sys Updliny Lge LSI Nin oye Hide ghd Slay LL. Zolondek, in: Dibil b ‘Alf, Kentucky 1961, S. 133 - 180. -VoV- SSN 9 pill Gain § tle ast etl on) pall GA laa old Gtsy VF ANON ce gill ctl gel oS oC saDal Ql / spl BUN sj ISB AGANA/AY00 Gill) Kol pow oy ppl celal, pill GlSe— VE I 368-375 og, pl AlN gs Gj Lend $3.6 (WN LN hil «gall 25,18) 6/9 BAVA aY00 gall) sel oy Shue lin pV veclaall Lol g ia Y! Glsy— Vo HS dle All ool solae el Ly VEE Cogill jell op! 453 aTOY Sad a3S Le ybl yen L. Zolondek, in: Arabica 8/1961/297 ff. gel led! fil selpdll lib bsp A si ly ay ul ay 3B Al oll fyb 183 (PAVA/ ANTE Gl) sal)! me Shae oy al at th halal! by VT LMS og Al SAll G58 clad ily NNN /T LLY) ome ol Dept col 083 GAIV/ATE SpA) EE gy A ela clly pal obSy WV CA ad Sy AYV/T pill je ghyelly AVEY g gill Gas coke VY cunygill Bays 4S Le 258 cayslean om GLE Gj islye L. Zolondek, in: Arabica 8/1961/294, 295 AMS og ll lll gust clad sl, 28d APAAV/ AVE ll) SI We oy dat oy APY ealpall, pall GS) — VA AS8y Al Stl ae Lal Bl HVT OY ok! jg ost ped cl 83 (PAAW/IVE Gall) GOI AS ool yy dla elaall Gls Ea aS Gj ilgiee Nc Al gl de sasel All plea ow gy GIS VA Go Cargill aly 4S le jl L.Zolondek, a. a.0.300, Jase! (AAA/ANVO Gall) poll cost oy Sal Come Vy Lull alas Glsy Ye AbAL OMY US as HAN) AN pe op at for gly ytd bb, Je Vahl game porch SE ot eet a! lal, (YL0/£ sail - \ov~ 95 CB gah vayhy (£0970 Sy ild pM aks) VEE VEN all oY Congill il) Hays gS Le US Sym jbl aq glen OLS J ysl om ce ilgin ). $. 300. Bee gr BF Ma) a ee ct pel op Ant fe A abl ce ES Sling — TY eel Mle WE) acetyl ile Al ace abil, (A+ gual oY Cungll jel pAA/ a tVO abet § Spall oLasie) uladll lib g pall ee! (Leaie VV) ingly § cll Bady5 aed Le yds GRY, velpall Zolondek, a.a.O. S. 304 - 306. ole oll ee Bat Gey i any sb ad GAY eal ptlly pl! OLS 9 VY aad el 0S GANA AIYS ll) CES 2 dS GY ula bel lisy — YY Dae, eceip In bS solemn oy GLI AI o@ JS 85 IS ATs Ge Cargill J al BU ag] a enh 258) AVY BEAD 2 cad hs Lecell Lal GUS0 53 3y4y ae ilEVin ah 130g all Sal @ 6 Lal il. (Wo Ab dg ae LM Lal hed by Gabel Laat! g elLt GlSr. TE op JVI GES ob peg MEV Go Comgill b etd nl AS (PART / aT A> aan ab ba GEM Sn jae hi Slay lac bSy le ploy Gre cy! ae 5 SAL) A138 og A Qe sW BN) a fls ll aqeiglln 183 (PANO/ANAY Gall) Sogn lo gy ard dite pV alps, pl obSe— Yo AWN go Bb abide gedl hl) VV BEN IS VA Go Compl § pall el BAS did grle 083 (PN E/ATAY GAN) he Gt cy ar cel acl prev TV We og ek y ole y (gr tiae) ae a pl) alacdl Syed cle ln WY BAS col Sy AVEN/N © i pone DLS yl pAVV/T e+ as Gall) wall N50 Le Cnygill Sly Hh SLI OS aly LES peal yi dS3 (YON) - oY - CS SAIN) oR wat gy due gl dle Gy dad alec, all GlSe— TA NEN Se cll i peal gel 053 gl aobl/ sal SoA) ed! GUL! gy Jeadll Gide YY cola all OWL Obs) 14 ah peg WET eS skid basil AVE Ge Coaill peal gal 055 (AWW at sae og Sh Bid gl daly gr Phe gy dard al acll Ign Glidby op pat gj ape yp coh SSM AYN a pa OM Gall) OUST oy HE gy tend lal, A GbSy Te 3) Sil, 83 SHI eal adll Olin LS Gy ll go al Jats Oe Go cogil eal TH Mate i) SS 053 Sa celal LST lS sLead gay (TOT/E GMI oly) Bie CAM gl Ye ace gl sled sel lS obs Ml ool GUS al Ged gy (MY ISH AS § My iE OLS J alpdll yo owls Ul ge pA 4S Le 8) rile US 2 JIS M. Fleischhammer, Reste zweierDichterbiicher im Kit&b al-Aganfin: Studia Orientalia in Mem. C. Brockelmann, Halle 1968, 5.81 - 83. hy last oe 4bS St ols! UI ep Clb)! Ey oie Cow oe Lead ad A i ge al 5 51 AS yy af HE Ke te 483 (GAVA/ ATVI all) eld Bln MES AY lady pill vise TY OA Gade G OLASU ote Claas gue CIS Ts Thay We Ce gdll ball Gy! Ble 4 Let Jail) soll oe GII/ es pl @ Lal (P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/194632,No.$71 BE GATEZ ATTY GAN) DD oy sel oy tat gad Veal pl, pall lS TY 636 ASH Nein 053 al TT all oY Cargill VAVO/ TIT SAI) Jeogll slur oy dat gy jak OAS alaclly pall Obs — VT ale GOL, MEN Ge Coglll Gall Gl 83 (VEY /T BLS cailsll game LBil BI SEM HS ey JS bl Sai i gay oh, fell Qarge USI Hay EVK/Y. el PASI Ne gy 625 oa CP BAe IS) oy ye Ged orl gy tend Gl aclly pall ObSe_ VE VER so coe tll 5 etl ool on JS 483 Mes aeLl AUIS abl lJ! oll ce WA/V AY oko} - Vote - HG AEE/ ATTY sll) sah Fr pAllad (iS) Glad, all olib bSn_ To NAY Gilad Slat ide! episl (p40 = ZANT 5 ll) Gobet foe lee cy ast cy APY celal sl Obs 17 SSM se SU sab Gl Al ge Bes ae CW T/T OY ob! § osl, len 455 Le sil) de bis sae! (P. Sbath, m: MIE 49/1946/2,No. 20 Bil AVE/ ANON Gall) cyl Gane aed y J elas lel Gbsy TV ANY gill GAS gj Mike ele Sig (ITO/V DLS cng prune AMAYZAIYY ll) sae oe oe col ell GAY ees ggetll oLatll OLS TA AGILITY FO TT NON Sleinall) MAEM, Ain ULS Gop Bae ae 053 3iy He ee Ball) sane DL ox Geet ce beled de AV lal lich obsn 14 BAUS My ON cogil i pel ph a5 (1 /Y cnalgll poms LAS fist pAA0/aTVO FON/Y OM) aliyl jogs 6 V+ Qual LS ny an TVA ST ap AAT/ATAL Gall) GiUSII ole gy dad dal all paar be ELS iy AM py Goll Junill fist LN alt hele olyee a1 LS Glpall, gid patel Ll hed ayy CYT ye STG pte MSs KGiSll ES» apes Gill abs (Lab ab) wad) od ceil el he Gy OL eo orl Jee ae EMU ANN eal § He si pa) ADI fine gy dat gy fad Sl ae HK ots 1 DEE SI eiay (1184 Galll GUS, i as! BW call eb! o fll oe std! ppt i Ll] Jeyy dele TY og eV 0148 LMI) MAMA dye Oi fe JL SY AVE AA. VN LY!) OFT cu ple didny (201 R. Geyer, Wien 1927. NON Stel gach! wae opt M. At-Tangi, Sarkiyat mecm 1/1956/1 - 90, Istanbul 1956. Hey All tall ple GBA byl ge bebe Gee AS Sy -\oo- J. Kraemer, Legajo Studien zur altarabischen Philologie in: ZDMG 110/1961/295 - 300. oe JM Gael § I Ue) oN Al yy ae ald AY wladll bel bsn_ tt THA Sle Mg gtledl 483 (sod ae Salbl/s abl ell 9 dl SA GSS pelle oy dle 22 GY alps lid Land! ois — oF SWI RS BI ITLL at dad 0 $3 ue ae as Gigli iy (pV AE EAY ry SUS i VAS /wOVT SalI) Ltd st oy aur path GY celal prnan — tf ea AS Le el aie aI ey gl oy aly! OLS jolene del yay 1,365 de G. Bergstrisser, in: ZS 2/1924/190 cr plae op aS cal ily M, Abdurrahman, in: ZS 10719387221. AM oe ably aL op coll pl la § ALI, lil ang, sth bln £0 (1324 Jo SI olSy 4 Bel PMYYAV/ AW Gall) cn Pe op ay yacdl fll lal! BB VN digg TV) WN G2 lle Gad oj mgyy sae Qe abel il] ny 61396 WS BEN) aS 528 obS, Loldl GUL Bl, 4 Go ngs ( HE. Weijers, Specimen criticumexhibens looos Ibn Chakanis de Ibn Zaiduno, Leiden 1831,S.13. GN) DI Spd Shae op OB Cae oLyh antl Lat praen = £0 bey) aebS GAN O83 id wala sholn wh Li. ging Ll ery « (pAYYA/ ATT AEEN/Y shall) pomaay © VON/O y VIY/E, TAC/) BoA) pel al eas ye cet gy AY glad! Whe jg jl Whi t¥ aie Uh GWG NO VE WT Clade aeyiy (LAE Jue SI Sy» isl » VEN /aVER ASL ash apaybeash oe Cikyy al all gp sue the gaan, VEY. PETA, PEIV. PENT os G.S. Coli in: Hesperis 12/1931/241 - 247, ATT sl byt § All las Ce ped ey Vor pty tiled jiy dial lad oly SU SL iy = ey d o Nyie iy oeAliS sl giles Lal AAT SUI pitt pBAd cle pdgl Uiby oh erly oh cogil aad gl ipglae OVAL si ele Y! AES god Wy gis ght go WIA Y SUI ode pm y tell Semll IKI, NA Je pak SS ob SI od of Lt Uy ce Sol ALS y woleill big in 558 Je pl OVE J Spill incl glans pian cb J] nl erkiy Lil cng gah BLL ASU 5 gt ge sd] Sua ob Gall LSA! SU! wel YI UU Lad ot gin pie TEA Rol) JO5 A ae ayy LUIS dey ly ge pd he Fe SE ype peel Lal ar (VWW/aN0+ os Gall) 5 SI cae ape tml Als PLE oY gl me Ge hae Ui Geo BN GALT /aN8e Stl) estat Soy baal «opal, I! ise cetyl Ap petty SIS GLEN Lie ot pny 1267 ge All oil PANN aN eb BAN) ASU tae cy Lh Cady alll oe EE IE ge bn BNL LS) adel nae hayley oSy AV AD ceil Gal Gul 983 Cate Gl tla R. Geyer, Bin]. zu Tayalis; MukBtaraS.17. oe AY at alah US in eal petll ee Sale lye Lead ylny BN £00 V0 yo sil (Led 983 Gib) iene! Spl cet 483 GATY JAD Spall) GES y ne GY yl obs t J} Fut Al coal 4S ill ANE yh PATVZOTON SAI) Gud oe LW oe pall GS oe ce (we) spall J be ee > Yov - BRN an oo Chi eo ANS ee SS el ZL Syke VO Ge salah dnb ceil! NVA LANA cu wis, Liisi» CPU i il gly LN) Jury ll oy AE TE GA ed) Laas Os 0 AS 4S fil JN (all opal gles 1S wl LSI Lin set co Cony all pl J. Kremer, Legajo Studien... in: ZDMG 110/ 1961 /273-277. AN ple oA! uaill ysl glad cliby al Gliaill gb gy lanl d Gp BBN) el HS (eclDlesall Sr gi) mall opal LSn pw OLS glye Leal d Gp, Ugie le gdeye Bae JET CUS SII ole Gl piney (VAL “DUI hey 08 OT al onl wala GAT ZATTY Gall) gatledl AE SSL oy tye cael GY sedglll Gb 1 GLI ell due SL yb R. Geyer, a.a.0.S.14 OY cogil Ball cal Sy heed tng PALO/ ATK Gall) LEN cp¥ canal SI Lal ge ced ce obsn ¥ ABON/0 Pld wee V ake! hil) piled Soe ee ee AA NL Ges ASN) Sta tat oy Je tl eV tal at Ld GS ling A AS cats daly al acll Sols HU cgay silyl Lin OE VENT all cyl L483 (1314 FEW SI gay Yen ge gy Ula Tadhg tal Soe? ce bs — i tre WS AZ gl gale ge GES Le Bp b Ad SE ee OWS - > op Set DB Se iy oe OS PEN pate JS Sry cy tthe cw tS 5 woh abl Je Ob All Jad oS ~ 5 - \OA- 100 seid Je Vat IB ge ob ¢ ALM d lat JE obs > ott (ed Lat SE OSs end ptll oe MSHI g SE ge GUS APVY/0 a pW obtg| ably 13518) abel Je pat cy eal Je cw ob - Se carl pt IW ge obs 5 Fst LS Ji Lda! al actll ya ks J! AML SI (GAN /aNEO Gill) acd gy Ae fee gl UTA UB ety telat oe oe JF oe ele PEM ALLL J GLAM o» alba! Sn aN ply opel List Gidy BAN pyle, ot pe Gig i ory ala ye tel JL ESI a i i. es. ald) te » “ ' At BBM gga PLN ph Bt gig LS] ery tat pate Ga oy Lal lle — » el sft ghey Ll Jury ikem test ce er le GV ay pall lS = V+ ial! ggae oh ANAT aly gil, yal bee LLL oe ge g pad de Lal oye Gael Gad UL VN ANTM ay Bl bby 2 Gai ge cote (S clea Ladd dae al «ll GS» Suey Heth cm bSI og Soll pel oy etl aamyl ill ANAA/VA GNI gj talad ce ary scuy CA bee SB gyn Nod .VOA_ NEN NEA ably GALI jase 053 capital cndy all ObSn 1.168 GAL GUS, oH) - Vol ~ Ab ol gy ari Leal BV VE Go Cegill bal yl 3 ASUS) SH (AMT / AYA. 9 IL GE oy lal OWI Cbs I Se Cork Lat ath op Gbsn taal WNY all cpl $3 GNA LANNY Gl) Fall Gy lad sa lll ect Glsy VE Neb go silill GAS fda ele soi, GAN) CLAY cr ala ce ted ey ALLE jaa Gey pe eel ye OLS VO 374 ge ll Ll asl BBN) Gey Led] Jury (GN A/ ATT GN LT pele gy ney arl Jee GY et ottell Gis 01 sOA/Y MI skegh G Oly Ae Congill G sped yl 253 (AVY ate + EN ANW/ at 0 Gill) Gehl UL oy all ade GY el Gly. WW a aliy VE gyal op¥ acai R. Geyer, a.a.0.5.14 NSS MIVA SalI) UST oy Ghe gy teed seal pall GWE OlSy VA oaliy V10+ Caygill § eal M. Fleischhammer, a. a.O. S.81-83. ViSiay salad hed oe Spade bay 53 oy etl et Sr Vong bSn V4 WBF LAT op ladys Ble Syl i opt ad oe Sis ali, Iie Lele quay tees Syl AS She Hel Gl) Billy oe We Ui alps Syls ot opal, 4. Kraemer, Legajo - Studien... in : ZDMG 110/1961/268 - 269 AUN pyle oll endl st LLY Joey GUS Ling GrAW Saplhl ose Gy pepallne ol \AT VAT Le N alS gael! Ss AU SI li (Att /arry Mall oe Gee ce Sn I A. 101 wand pols 903) op eS = wie GLAS IE oe OLS GAN AE SL Gy all uals else oy dat ne Ve clad el pin 1 f Ae at VV eal GV cong Bil (NOV aT Eo ANON/ 0 Sail pW ob) Bil) Glee CA PY clad! WU! obs TY AM cian sans oil pelilly /alSy alpcll aleed j AERLL GBM Gls TY pole UL nil! Lil eh sad) Joey (PSAV/ATYN Gl) a ne oe ell ool Aa) Bae cpus, LAVA ji pAAT/ ONAL Gell) SUSI alte cy aod seed GUSy_ VE Ply taney prety edad pilings val atl GW yee Sleyey Be Syl J pad shall WiS, as St hel gies GLY pal ii ge Wig lll Lat anat J pall epi pil iy y GY ae oe STG GLEN GWSy ely Egor i lal pele GE dl NEN olgb tab cell oY GGA EAM all aed gy seal (Lal best tS gH) seal bl cleat GhSn. V8 Bae Dbl) AH/V MI 2k! § OSL 483 (GAM! AW! / spd Els! oA ble BAL SAM! oe HW / pb Gl oA gS ee ory TeV pall P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/32,No. 573: Jail wile SLs hesll) ell ange yp GE ceed a cape lech dpntll ge gyatilly 11 NAVs BLN SAM og dling Lal LI! Jey W(QNYEA/ VED BB (OANA 5 JBN) 9b peel coe cell dal ant gad call US, Bd bat Sad youll Vie Je Cantey (VT i) at pope oS ill el i oh pe bs ost S spaslatl tN gl piled ite peat (Ve 2 4 AGA, gt) GY 53 aol (VEE /V ae NAY Ail) bell Ge pelll basally y nll Say G25 Hy -\W- (aA ala Wp MELE Be La (SOV pill) gbyeell Sd) pel Nig Led pte TAG GB) GHEY jan RYU Gb palatly Dat Hh bob 6S Gp pte rales DSB TVA YT Gye ANON Sal, Lace ia cell “sal byes Cartn (WUT ast) da 9 dadall dpe ed GLAM ilo db ileal Wall (WAG/F GEN 558) nse YL cuiy all cad! ge dase aS slay Pk pebads hage arly (V4 iy ARN) 5S gly oC ad dae) EW gpl Aa Bait) pabently asl Qe TSE Sb sae Jo tle clad ay ghais cotta J ghS hy lel pte dame Iola cael LST, (VY Gill, aid BBL Gey al LAY) OY FSU Bel) te Lal aed Jena Spat 3H LLL § JL CIS (Sy lel te TELE GT ptileed Uged cleey 5S aby C5) Hebb YY aU 5 bee aS py cole let JE Gey all adn cecal usally Al Shey gh genll pily« ghyenll gill anlyty eggeall EW pee ISGP LE ge nity OST EAL Qhall ple gr od (Gl 1b Lobes So pb sill cae GLE clita) dL sluall JS Je Ia Guacel, sale Golo gt ty Une lee Ae at ech, R. Geyer, Gedichte von... al "A‘34, London 1928 S. 246-247. Ply Ll ge QS oe F Nat Dich LA cee I Ga sh cans all SUI Lad hall Goyal Lines gb ASI gasse peas dh Key slaall oy ge coball PN ceed UE ol CaS ty Rall aS) Gig ee Het OL LEY, INVENIVY Getase ost all gala Qasr UE Gaede ge Ul Lon atecll che NVA LYN She Se SN) AS se gy pL Wg Ly CUZ) Gis 1 ANY eal A ecg ol GANT -\W- 102 AGAYOLANY = Sm GUN) EM ge AX tae AY ugilsll AS eo GbSy- OL 60 grad GY wconygil zl sei BSL (GAAS ZANYT lI) Fed eg hint Ge dead JZ Ladd Gk AB 2 lab tab ead! oY bee SIS, NEV ATAA Bll) alll Gat oe Je cx Gath all Lal Lbs £ fil le OLS Sarl GGL! se SU Js abl gl gall jg P. Sbath, in: MIE 49/1946/2, No. 19, okey LM oe ted cle bey cL OLS salyee VEL Cog Giga gl oS, Holl ISD pall ots Joe spit GAYN/ TA Gall) OLGA gy Ge ey rerl aJ pall, Ll obSn_ 0 NO* geal Gg scenygill 083 N0N/0 oes okay il ile call oY ag lycll LY! bs) 1 NOT GEN Gj bye bel GUS, Jel p\NAA/a0AE Gall) dite oy ah Gy LLY seul oleh ¥ (0 Go daadll all : 98) OV 01.08 YN Vj denll 4530319 AN) el oe AT oy Je Ib GAY by Jha ge AULI ASST lye — A ede yat ae) VWVE Spall Sy ig eget sey y (0,590 Gall GUS, sl pVYVO/ a WE ANAS De) Gest 52 alll oli! cin ole vole thee allie Bal og V/ AVY cle) CU Gy sel Mae cx EW eagelyll Ld bse 4 NAY NT MT ida j gbgeedl Sig CWW/VY DLS conilglh pee GAN) heel S el oe or slne call DL cassbtl lel Ginny V+ ANAT Sy yy ER Chee ain (pV 0+0/ WANN ae peelll dy BS : Ll a ANS all itl ail oe LI Atay VAEY die /pglesiy e Gat Beall oe Arles ai! ale pad gl sla clad aed lly” g aah SM oy 692 3H All G94 EF A gue Al ging oh cilaill eS TH HL oe Ws aed coy dg Si 5B UL! oe prte Sy say cy Stow oF pslerwia ge Goh All Sle pel! af OY gall PAN EVIE die gb gam OP ole all odin 5 LE yack pall as] yp ais! Sad My OO ghigall ase add ody all Ad ge Gat ul aill dl jlall ae Sate 2 LA pple Of bay alge oy wile oh Ze pggle SW BE oe pall LIE, al ble IM Je ose Wa hey Bll deed 96 EW) Addl op jslns Ved Je all Olll OVE Goal ok yl ode Joke Goll Ost gf die Le G Wal ast, YI A, call lye (A+) G.E.\on Grunebaum, Arabic Literary Criticism inthe Tenth Century A.D. in: JAS 61/1941, $1-$8. kS J ppt BUM ingly Keitik und Dichtkunst 87-100. stand Hin oye (YW) The Aesthetic Foundation of Arabic Literature, in: Conparative Literature (Eugene, Oregon) 4/1952323 - 340 SUM anil, Die Ssthetischen Grundiggen der arabischen Literatur, in: Kritik undDichthuast S. 130-150 NNOA bali All ace oN salt i a lS Gas pty el: SUIS jbly ele all wel ote et CT) Amjad Trabuls. La ertique PoStique des arabes Jusq’au Ve Sitcle de 1 Hégire Damas 1956. ntile AS alge (TIT) W. Heinrichs, \rabische Dichtung und griechische Poet. Beirut 1969 -\Vt- 103 OO pal ally pall 619 Jo LaS jules, »MI ol, dake hapa lye ey Sid ated pep Bi Get ow Gb oss OLS 25) gall Oo LA ge byl Coed iar Sly pablill ay Dain Loy UL Lady Hilal! alll! cad ol le geen Vy lie db te pal Uyshas of a A Gd gl OL § Cty Gall LS oe Hidaad) Slab § Usk Al clo, cy gill Clie oo ¢ peyll AAV Nie Gad AS epithe Lele Large Lin pati oF eel oye guy yn Je Sa pill G/amin pyall gsr bet Ga bela IS wis by gh oy GRRL adh Job gy gel Gl ASI Mar CAS cel ola SelS at Vial Uelagis pha! goed Qeolld Js pabl iL cael oye Ligh] Moy MLS on UL! gf Welded Ladany call oy, Waal «aradly Sy edad wat sel gn OLS clay AIS gu Csaba yet! begs AT ney gh cndlat Oy gee J bel pel all YQ) OLS oe Sal Je oa he pl vel ii SE pale senge CS A dies Ae dll pbling LEY IS Ie ge OF Ae I lw ge Sa sell Ning singe glia dey Lat) oly! > lls patel ey Al og geil Lie Sow AU OOS oh YW Lal iv! AN oe pda US bel Gino of See so AL /g zd! all o All sae Yall iy Se I ty dl ty all Ad BS oe al phe OVE oe = BM de = Yi WU aly b Shay oll GM! ue Gy all Ph all cy A adler Lee ll ae OL! ley Slt! Updles Seta, ol A oe cm, Jel (M0) Literary Theory. The Problemofitseffcency in: A rabio Poetry. Tueory und Development, Ed. GE. von Grunebaum, Wiesbaden 1973, - Vio - TV : 303 Lady Lay 1, 347 ogg ll Sb al fe jU zB!) OV! ole i gall at! Alaaaylay Ser 8g i Ap yaad alll oo Oly Rall Lua ge LIK] i of Ba celal tle YE oI) Sb OL dale 9 WaT ala ppl al Je OB AA CaF By DIAS IB an hte ledge Jo thatll Jad! Wh Uged Hale id Geel Cow Al sol Fhe pegs glial atl led ee GN A Geasin SI er pth alll oye Gl Le J SL atl Gi ct eT hate g cate LM al Lt Lea y de ssl galt /is pl Pa seedy Vitae SI all ce os BE Ub Spall tee del CAN Hae SAM AST gall Gime oy deo eall Cee a ll pally LS stad ge Sapp Baie ited I ES hy oll We II /ig zl weld! epee ges JS Lage elie GLI IDA TLeadll Ansa Gb Gb bel ce AN SS 3 dest Lead iS ge ll oo AG Meal se UW! Weed Se pSLly Yale Galea ue sy pall oaslill ge BAS ieyaral sal, J ig pd BERENS) All oe all ae oo A fe 3 iad Coy IK La dy PW aa SI, andl Getts cb UL Seca ay otetbly ipl Wes of bats th of ba abs iad, EI wb BI] weed Yl wy AN As zl BU oA le JS (FL ies B) all Brae olf BAG ESI Nie ge did, ol) mel Gj ewatdly alghiciy «col SS, ll oe gAllly ala Yall aly Ld tay all SHI 55 of Ln ay, 2 LBW egy Giptle AGALO/ ATT JF GAN) lal rane oe EZ SYD GA eal § Glo A/V ogld aM okay! bit a 105 BV ANN/sY00 Gl) ested) srl cy alle ole GY uadll eke Gbsy 1 lan Sh aS YES GIS al (VEL Corygdll) pal oy! S35 (TOY dee Jed SpA) sy Jl el oe pine La AY aly BN! Obs NOe geil GeV 6 Conygill esl (PAAV/ VE ey (AMAL ATAG Gell) all a, op Aaa EMS GUS yi) aac uel LSD £ lyn, LUS ape) of OM Coad Gees al Sip AAU pglay GoUL peill esl gidy apll ny 2 bSo 1 GHbj sl Joey (AE /ATAY Gl) he at gy aed Glad pV ual sel gn 0 ill pyle oi bil 3 ek (VV JAA gj ll) SUI tl) ast gy Wha pct ai tSn— 1 566 LSS! Ning etl fh hy EL ey (APA/AYAT GAD) pall Gy hag saqeadl bs ¥ ial ple old OA Sow G Ble) gel sat gy alae (yl) Wage oy tend ect! Gol otSn_ A AVY eal eY cceg ill Bil (dal eb Js abl GI! AM AVEZ ONY 5 tI) Db oy seh cy tee etl AY eet i) ten - BA fo op ath ah GES Lda Joy 648 GSU a J 55 gal gies td) Joy Bil val ye WUb GY path shar GL Ode! GbSy alps «15 (AVIV gall) OATES ages Vl abty| bby YOO wall oy Y sone gill pL AVE/ TTY Ball) GAS Jee ce ar ay GY supa eke Gls) 1+ NTA add Gp ce gill GAEY/OITY GAD ce GU oe OL nelly Ll ow Gall § JLo VV NOV/4 GNI aley § scfl oy 6 V:291 MIS, WA ply Gol pall ceed, -VwW- eel fish 6 Gidey all Jury Wh AEA/ANY Gall) jae oy LIAM acl at OLS. VY Ja pyle, Gold! ces GbSn alge bey (AVOID GAIN) sel ce Gal ali CUS Nia Je accel gl jaluall del gS (0A 0E/T Sgt aM obey! sbi!) qaall ad § dela ble Jeo eh ADH NLS, OPA py Sa 083, FL) reel pn ab Jee al cx! Lede poles doe Leal gay edabad adi Ging gn (aE OV GT /pV-V> ZEW Gal) Gly ill Ged oo! lying cae (QVIFV/ AWA Gill) salad Gey, cy ebWlne ay SF eres » Ao Gat Lea aly (VAVY g gill GAS odie Gale Lil) aba a Ct j eee! Se AAA ge a VTAY 5alill pond 2 iil) J Lai VI, cali Je ofl jg cdalad ce LU! Old ea sN okay! Bel (pA WaT O- GAL) JS gy aed ol apc! LbS»_ WT w/t aN) SM deo el oy sand qpacll le J} JEU GLsy VE ONY Soild GNI aka! oil (pt V0/ aot, BARI PAVAZIVA All) Gland Lae oe gue GENS) pull dene Gly VO AVY Ssitd 6 o,¥ ok! ephAs/ONV= Sle gall) ISH! ey cy Gal dE UI dae OLS VV NOE bab dab opal eV ecungill (VOU/Y TLS! scpiljll pnae vel be SrA) GA fe ee cee lable GRY oy ell oi J oly W Acid VY ody eh) OMT Sly aa MI skay! spl (pAAV/ATVY AGRA ARTA GB gll) 5 Small We Gy gel aed GY gall dele Gbsn. VA cep gb on Sail GDL Sy ba dS ol aes VIV/T Soild MI sly) Lil SAVTET Sel TTY IVT Go cdagll Moll § goby tena Br) USM ole Gy tend veel all Je Ua LL gb eigll ObSn 04 SAY ggg pe onl sl idyll] Jury (QAAT/ TAL -\M- 106 eapetl Sy lyin ULS ile ad oT NEV Ge salah tab cgill § all onl Sy yy Al ow Si gold wh lps iy, Beg AAMA/ ITAA G gil) ALI pablo ann aadll dele ji olall den Ye POS jolene dl gay ANA dee ye Cy SM endl) °/0%+ ony MU jt ae ATA 653) mel gl oY apes 2 Ao GEA OLS y gpl dae § SUM Sn y uadll jell bse Leal flu ADT OAT Sill YI aba} sist) Gadd Gg JW, * YUL OLS, aac § BBN ANAL ATAA Spl!) SBI sat oy Gee api (delee si) de GUSy- TY AAN/$ pl uy W! aby] 00 gles! Sle, dail (EV/E DLS wpilll pre ee abl De Vly bil ope licall ObSn yl qatll, SES gee lal GbSn VY emi psd Gig SLL] ery (614 Go isl op VN /a Boe a Gall) 5 Saal lane AI pyle el Goll) EH pie gy aad el ing eb Sel LW ye Le bse IT SENAZY Sold ee VI obey} el (pV Y/N PBB GNTA/ MENS Gall) GIANT Geb Whar Gy aad eal! ai LS TE V/V ofl wee Vi aly) sl hey (pV APV/WENA Goll) solatll lb Gy lila wield p GUS. Vo AQVOA ~ IVY GLY) £010 Rael ey Gorey eg AN ge IgM deal be) EET at gy pet gay all sinh cmeSUl (gadbll ce salbl /ig pnbl (AYA de 5 WV GLY) V/V VE SU SY! Ubyait ary egal! lS i LNeY LW SLM) V/TVE SL Sel sg eghat ey, aly pba geal Gb ~ sede j GSI aed aS Ls! (QATAR Jo A. Ates, Riudyant, Targumin al - baliga, /Istanbul 1949, S.36 -42 ALN) ght LLG ub: ape aly aS - VA - come LPN Aateh gall) DAS Gony yp dard cell as bse TY ME/V opld eM slag, CUVT/VY DLS) ccualsht VS ce SE ce cal et caeutiy pl date Gj iteall GlSn _ YA of AVE NATTY pall gb Bey ALY ery (pV Ve AE Gat A(VAVA/SEYY GAD GED grslas oy plas S YY id XJ! Leb 14 pVNOE Jace! GHLRitier js) adie wala j phey BUN IG) any Die Gebeimnisse der Wortkunst, Wiesbaden 1999 Rae ASN) salad pond dll of WLI SAM p25 om dyin le Al al Ay Sy Op ingll wl AGN AZ RO-Y iA) 55,2) cell oe Se or Ge AS AY agua lis V+ BAW spend pn asi dead ae) VA Gaye wal glo ciplill 1g Ubghet any AN ge YAY OVS, Bil VAM LaOAL Gl) dice oy tte cy ULAY seal aig quad TV MATS Salad elle ley oes ph, vel wel adie « (1319 Jo il op NNAA/aOAE jgll) SLB paalal ce lead aquidl gle j tatty VY Lad fst Qe cal oe Y epee pn LS sales al gay (VA/T TASS scallilt ponae LOV/\ csolaall scxslall dan Kae SB GAN) ATES srl oy Sebel cx patel alee Gad equal ols 1 coh AY pest yp Ae AS jphee tel yay (LSA Gall OG, I TY /Ue oul OMS Bl VN LAV Gl) the & cial op eY aacll » bse. TE NON/Y cold ae sV) ale] esl 0,335 Joo SrA) BN peel peal gal gy el oy ll eapall delee j Glse Yo ANYO/E al ony aLty| esl (VON/E TLS scp gmne iel og WVO/ SVN NY. = 108 (YYEO/a1EY GB pll) led gy ant gy aed gles glgl § slgMt bsy— 0 NA/Y ofl we s¥l okey! bel cnbiil NUON / ANON pall) glide, op eT ell Ged caquadl bs» — TY eel ad AY cell 7 An pales sel yay (1906 Gall oS et AAWAE 1 pallial aol all jee! obey AI, pal deter G spell Ar— TA Spl is sat gi Ae (1,306 Jo US, Jail OV net Gall) eel uel TAY ese eI / gg pabl yl oAll ge ial J basi cll wy Cab aly ccbemsdln gin AM Se lll spb pte fl oll S55 ead Renal BU bg Ahaall 9) OKs lela b geal ell Lande Gulp Wes /aaVor he Gael) JH LL ox Sealant oral Gino watlen Ab gh thee JS Saka cone CnMh WES Cate gual bot el i Yas ad Cast vag pl Bat GS = Lad = pill Nin GS ot ats Ui pall aSy cabal cay Bil aS ay tle ab ps Je sll pol jlaak /daladal J pall gy seal! ode amy Kay fla aSy deo) HAW play oth nil J SG AE LaF Jy pl J dad ll SI Ua gall -W\- r \v ¥ Yo. W tA_ YY ove £4 ov We oF Ae Ve Ao. Ve AVY. Ao MW AY ave AN aye AN a4 2 gall andyy tonal Gul: Mai, sls teal y Al pa: GU vadbel, hy PLY! prey dL! as: WU see PLM peng AMAL aj col oleae + lly oe lAl cpglyo =) SLM gle ¥ robball ost yA wall dept 1 1 dial) OLGA ep? - O a lls Ley Ua), ydliy eal ie GES 1 1 (gaily Ly -\v¥ - Veo vey Ve Let Ve YN -vy wie wr ver yn VEY _ VEE Vay LEA Vov~ \o- VW YoY yey Tale, Jalil all leyagll, bell diy oe Mel aS 0 1 HEAL LEY & Gel oleae 1 «tl pall Lee gb leaey MS - f ied ghill, ly cleps 0 Lidl! (25 7 dale oS | pens nailed iy Heel sLall pel oS Ply Ld ye aS - ae ~ Wi - yo Stal ab Ja e3A1/ GU welt Apwally Patt J yur shut Gallo e ort Gteyry Geb) ) Geb) ) eal e (aA! 1d ted iniall il igus ME owas ae “el BUI \e \W \ Y yo old de aes ial! sel Oljae be 71 vey \VE oul all AVON aod 2 lth Ul aw wil calpl tSa Walp me 253 (Sod! 05> (Sol ve tel ae ots roam ally eA wut ws kiss Ole ot cds at at ¢ 48) ana 107 455g

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