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General Music Grading Crete Elementary Mrs.


Student Name________________________________Quarter________
(needs improvement) (satisfactory) (exceptional strength)
Music  Is not able to  Is occasionally able to  Is usually able to  Is most always able to  Is always able to
Concepts demonstrate current
daily/unit objectives
demonstrate current
daily/unit objectives
demonstrate current
daily/unit objectives
demonstrate current
daily/unit objectives
correctly demonstrate
current daily/unit
♫ Rhythm vocally, instrumentally, vocally, instrumentally, vocally, instrumentally, vocally, instrumentally, objectives vocally,
♫ Form physically or on paper. physically or on paper. physically, or on paper. physically or on paper. instrumentally,
♫ Melody physically or on paper.
♫ Texture/Harmony
♫ Tone Color
♫ Expression
 Has been exposed to the  Is beginning to  Has a basic  Has a clear  Has a clear
skill but has not understand and hear the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
Melodic demonstrated a clear skill but matches pitch skill and can often match skill and usually matches skill and always matches
Response understanding of
matching pitch.
inconsistently. pitch. pitch. pitch.

 Sings below or above the  Sings on pitch most of  Sings with accurate pitch  Sings independently
Matching pitch with the voice  Consistently uses pitch most of the time. the time. and rhythm. with accurate pitch and
speaking voice to sing, rhythm.
or sings all on one low  Is working to improve
pitch. and attempts to  Provides leadership by
demonstrate knowledge demonstrating a positive
 Will not sing during of matching pitch. attitude about singing.
singing class activities
even when asked to.

Participation  Non co-operative: either

does not take part in
 Sometimes not
cooperative; often
 Co-operative and tries to
do their best. Good
 Almost always
cooperative and tries to
 Consistently co-
operative and tries to do
classroom activities or bothers other students attitude and effort daily. do their best. Good their best. Positive
Behaviors, attitude and effort creates behavior that with distracting attitude and effort daily attitude and exceptional
demonstrated during music class. keeps others from behaviors. and is good role model. effort displayed daily.

 Often has difficulty  Sometimes has difficulty  Uses listening skills to  Almost always uses  Consistently uses
following the teacher’s following teacher’s follow the teacher’s listening skills to follow listening skills to follow
directions, even though directions even though directions on most days. the teacher’s directions the teacher’s directions.
understood. understood. on most days.

 Does not demonstrate an  Sometimes demonstrates  Understands and  Understands and almost  Understands and
understanding of an understanding of attempts to follow always attempts to consistently follows
established and posted established and posted posted classroom rules. follow posted classroom established and posted
classroom rules. classroom rules, but has rules. classroom rules.
trouble following them.

 Behaviors demonstrated  Behaviors demonstrated  Daily behavior  Daily behavior  Consistently displays
are not appropriate for are sometimes not demonstrated is usually demonstrated is most classroom behaviors
age and/or grade level. appropriate for age appropriate for age and often appropriate for age appropriate for their age
and/or grade level. grade level. and/or grade level. and grade level.
 Does not attend the
music program.  Participates in the music  Participates in the music  Participates in the music
program. program. program.

Dear Parents and Guardians:

On the front side of this sheet is a rubric grading guide for how your student is graded in music class here at Crete Elementary.
Students are graded in three areas:

1. Participation
2. Melodic Response
3. Concepts and Terminology

A creative subject area like music can be challenging to grade because so much of our classwork is done in large groups or small groups.
When learning new concepts or skills we most often work in large groups. When students have been working on the new concept and
have had time to practice the skill, I may ask them to work in small groups to demonstrate what they have learned. Final testing on a
concept or skill is usually done on an individual basis at various times during the unit of study. Sometimes the test includes a paper/pencil
activity, sometimes a demonstration is more accurate in determining whether the student has learned the material or not.

Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding grading in music class. I enjoy sharing music with your student.


Kathy Lenertz
Music Teacher
Crete Elementary

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