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How to Write a Biology Thesis Statement

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Subject and Section

December 3, 2018

A thesis statement is a statement usually one or two sentences of your point of view about

a specific topic presenting not only facts, but also claim that establishes before the audience or

reader about the main idea of the paper which is supported by evidence. Additionally, a thesis

statement is used to outline the scope of the study and set the readers expectation about the

general purpose of your study. A thesis statement is usually found on the last paragraph of the

introduction part of the thesis for a definition essay; however, there are instances that a thesis

statement is placed on the first paragraph of the introduction such as in some biology

dissertations. Writing a biology thesis statement follows the general guidelines of scientific paper

writing such as writing a thesis statement for a definition essay where the only difference

sometimes is the paragraph placement in the introduction.

How to Write a Biology Thesis Statement?

First, you need to narrow down you topics. Biology is very extensive field of thought.

Take into account the extent of your topic. The thesis statement should not be too broad so that

you can accomplish the work at the agreed deadline. Think of your topic and specify the limits of

what the paper is going to discuss. One technique that you can use to narrow a topic down is by

listing. In listing, you just need to list down all the topics that fall under the general subject

chosen. Then, cross out the ones that are too broad or inappropriate. Examine the sample

focused topic: “Psychoactive plants that are legal in America today.”

Next, determine the subject of the thesis statement. The subject is the main object that

your paper will talk about. It will include only the topic that you will discuss in the paper. It is

important to identify the subject that you will analyse as specific as possible. In the focused

topic, the “Psychoactive plants” will serve as the subject.


Then, determine the context of the thesis statement. The context of a thesis statement

locates the papers general area of discussion. It can be thought of as the reference point of the

whole topic. In the focused topic mentioned above, the “in America Today” will serve as the

context or point of reference

Afterwards, make a claim in one sentence. Some references call this the “so what” of the

thesis statement because it express the importance of the paper. A claim is a set of statement of

problems or purpose that can be formulated by framing a set of “what” or “how” questions only.

For example, “what are the different psychoactive drugs that are legal in America?” or “How

these psychoactive plants affect the body?” or ”What is the role of the government in regulating

these psychoactive plants that are legal” The answer to these questions will be the basis in the

formulation of a thesis statement. The answers should be supported by evidence. If you add all

the steps, the thesis statement will be, “The American government today must regulate the

psychoactive plants that are legally growing in the country.”

Lastly, make your thesis statement fluid so that you can change it during the course of

writing as there may be changes along the way. You may acquire some information that may not

fit in within the original research design.

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