ENG1103 Sponsors Portfolio Final

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Jonathan Fletcher Fletcher 1

Professor Jan Rieman

English 1103

September 14, 2010


Through this assignment, I’ve learned a lot about my literary history. I have

seen that my family (my grandfather and my mother in particular) has played an

important role in my life. Peer workshop really helped me see my writing style from

a new perspective. I made several revisions to my original paper, and I am happy

with it overall. I’m not sure if I would have changed it much more with added time,

so I think the time given was adequate. I look forward to applying my new

perspective to further writing endeavors.

A Personal Reflection On My Literary Sponsors

Death had a direct affect on my literacy. I was taught to read by tombstones.

No, the tombstones did not speak to me. My grandfather owned a monument

company, and at the age of three, I sat on his lap as he prepared and carved the

letters into each rock. He would show me a letter and tell me a word that started

with that letter. Thus began my literary experience.

As I grew older, I learned to read quickly and began reading more

challenging books with each passing grade. I loved to read, and in the second grade,

my favorite books were from the Magic Tree House series. I can remember traveling
with Jack and Annie through time on numerous adventures. Through the


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Reader” program, my school constantly pushed students to read, and rewarded

those who did. Many of the students in my grade would compete to see who could

get the best reward, and I was one of those kids. The teachers themselves were very

supportive of the idea and were always suggesting the books worth the most points,

and helping those kids who were struggling with their reading skills. School was my

main source for books, because I mostly read books that were a part of a series,

which was an expensive habit to buy for.

My family was also supportive in my literary history, and I am confident that

without that support, I would not have an education anywhere near as great as I do

today. My mother, a former English teacher, has always pushed me to make good

grades and do well in school, and to read bigger books, expand my vocabulary, and

become a better writer. I was always expected to bring an ‘A’ home on every

assignment. I have never really been active in any typical competitive hobby, so

reading and writing, and making good grades in school served as a sort of

competitive outlet for me growing up, as opposed to traditional competitive

activities such as sports.

My interest in computers began when I was young, as my passion for reading.

My uncle attended North Carolina State University, and was hired to work at

Microsoft before finishing school. He now works for the Federal Bankruptcy Court in

the computer securities department. When I was young, my grandfather always had
the newest technological machine, and he gave me my first computer before I was

ten. My dad has built computers for years, and has passed them down to me, as new

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ones came his way. All three of them inspired my love for computers, and they gave

me very easy access to computers and computer literacy.

Personal motivation and my love for my country have also produced a

unique literary experience for me. I have always been interested in history and

politics, and I have found myself, even at a young age, reading the Constitution and

the Declaration of Independence, simply for the fun of knowing the law. This literary

experience led me to become actively engaged in politics, and I have been

volunteering for political organizations since the 2004 Bush/Cheney reelection

campaign. This was an important early sponsor for me because now it has grown to

the extent that I have declared a second major, in History.

Finally, I have been given a broad range of literacy in Christianity as well. My

family has attended church regularly for fifteen years, so I’ve grown up with the

usual “Sunday School” lessons and the pastoral lectures. My family has also had a

unique friendship with our pastor and his family, and we actually helped him

establish our church. Through this Biblical education, I have learned to do what is

right, even when other are doing what is wrong, or when I may want to do

something else. I’ve found that being morally sound is more important than doing

what is considered “cool,” because the decisions we make today can affect us for

many years to come.

The one area of literacy that I have not had a lot of experience in would be

foreign language. My mother was a Spanish teacher, and I took two years of

schooling in that language, but unfortunately, I have not retained much of that

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education. I know now that many of the world’s population speak some form of

Spanish, which has given me a desire to learn Spanish fluently in the future. I wish

that I had capitalized more on my opportunities to learn a foreign language.

Overall, I believe I have been given unique access to certain literary types

thanks to the important “sponsors of literacy” in my life. I cannot truly say that I

have not been given any chances to expand my literary achievements. My

knowledge of computers has affected my literary achievements, as well as my ability

to share my faith. I realize that I am blessed with family and personal motivation

that have helped me to learn and to master new areas of literacy.

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