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Date: February 4, 2020

Name: Kiara Yonamine

Essential Question: Why is it better to buy local, eat a plant-based diet, and grow some of your own food at home?
Three Points to Prove: #1: Buying local can help stimulate the local economy, to make the community better.
#2: A plant-based diet is better for the environment and people’s overall health.
#3: Growing your own food inside or outside your home is helpful to both you and the environment.

Point that this Source Proves: #3

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

The Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health Letter by Heidi Godman states the many pros for
growing your own food at home, but the one pro that Godman emphasizes is “getting more
physical activity” (Godman).

This process of growing your own food “can help kids- and adults- become healthy or stay that
way.” (Godman).

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This article is good for my third point to prove because it says different ways that
gardening at home is good for both your health and the environment. It gives great information
and tips about how to start your own garden. It also gives great informational benefits of why
you should grow your own food at home. One of the big things is how kids can get involved in
the process and will be more interested in eating their fruits and vegetables.
Growing your own fruits and vegetables can impact its nutritional value because the fruit
has time, giving it a lot of nutrients compared to when it is store bought and is usually picked
before fully ripe. It can also help to encourage you to eat more vegetables since you are taking an
effort to grow them. You can also know what goes into the plants to make sure there are no
pesticides or chemicals, so you can live a clean, healthier lifestyle.
The tips that this article gives are to help you start to grow your own food at home. The
first tip is that you need to first pick the food you would like to eat, pick something that you
really like so that you will stay committed to your plants. Pick a place which has six hours of
good sunlight with access to water so your plants can grow and flourish. Make sure you have
contaminant-free soil, so your plants will grow and not wither or die. You can consider using a
raised garden bed because it is a good way to be able to use your own soil and nutrient blend, so
the plants will get everything they need to become nice and ripe.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Godman, Heidi. "Backyard Gardening: Grow Your Own Food, Improve Your Health." Harvard
Health Blog, Harvard Medical School, 29 June 2012,
health-201206294984. Accessed 4 Feb. 2020.

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by the Harvard Medical School
which is one of the top medical schools in the Nation.

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