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71 EXPERIMENT NO, 13 ALTERNATOR TYPES PURPOS! The objectives of the experiment are to compare rotating field and stationary field alternators. DISCUSSION: When a single conductor or an armature coil revolves in a uniform magnetic field, an alternating voltage is induced in the coil. In DC generators, the magnetic field is produced by stationary field coils and the alternating voltage in the rotating armature is converted to DC by the commutator and brushes. In alternators, no commutator is required and the alternating voltage can be taken from the armature via slip rings. Unlike DC generators, alternators may also be constructed with a rotating field and a stationary armature. Alternators are divided into the following two types according to their construction: 1. Stationary field and rotating armature type. This type of alternator usually has a small power rating. The construc tion is very similar to DC generators except that slip rings are used instead of a commutator. 2. - Rotating field and stationary armature type. The rotating field or rotor is fed via slip rings. The armature coils are placed in slots in a laminated core called the stator. This type of alternator can be made with very high voltage and current ratings since the power is taken directly from the stator through heavy, well-insulated cables. The Universal Machine may be operated as a two-pole alternator with either a stationary field or a rotating field. In a two-pole alternator, one complete cycle of voltage is generated for each revolution. Thus, when rotating at 3600 RPM, 60 revolutions are completed each second and the generated frequency is 60 cycles per second. 72 APPARATUS REQUIRED: ULM Set ULM Set Instruction Manual - Bulletin 120MI UIM Console Instruction Booklet - Bulletin 120CI ULM Console containing, 110 volt DC Power Supply Automatic Dc Starter Dynamometer Field Rheostat (2500) Universal Machine Field Rheostat (1730 + 11) 1 0-150-300 volt ac voltmeter 1 0-10 amp DC Ammeter Bee PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the Dynamometer to operate as a shunt motor as shown in Figure 16. Adjust the Dynamometer Field Rheostat to its minimum resistance (fully counter-clockwise) position and auxiliary resistance switch to "out". Connect the ULM to operate as a stationary field alternator as shown in Figure 16. Adjust the ULM Field Rheostat to its maximum resistance (fully clockwise) position. Have the instructor check your machine and meter connections before starting the Dynamometer. Start the Dynamometer by switching on the main AC, DC supply and DC starter circuit breakers and pushing the start button of the DC starter. Adjust the speed to 3600 RPM (switch auxiliary resistance "in"). Increase the UIM Field current to 2.5 amps. Record the various rotor voltages in Table 17. 5. Connect the UIM to operate as a rotating field alternator as shown in Figure 17. Start the Dynamometer and adjust the speed to 3600 RPM. Adjust the ULM Field current to 4.5 amps. Record the various stator voltages for plug 3 connections and plug 5 connections. REPORT: Prepare a formal report. Analyze the data in the tables and dis- cuss the theory of operation of stationary and rotating field alternators. 73 QUESTIONS 1. Compare alternators using a cylindrical rotor and a salient pole rotor. Where is each type applied? 2. Why are field discharge resistors used? 3. Write a formula equating frequency speed and number of poles. 4. Give five advantages of a revolving field alternator over a stationary field alternator. TABLE 17: STATIONARY FIELD ALTERNATOR Terminals | a-B | B-c | C-a | A-a2p1-B2) A~B1, A-B2) A-AZ Voltage A A 4 vector B2 BL Diagrams ¢ 'B a2 a2 3B 2p 1p TABLE 18: ROTATING FIELD ALTERNATOR Terminals |1-5 |5-9 |9-1 |1-3 |5-3 |9-3 |1-5 |5-9 [9-1 [1-3 Voltage Vector Diagrams Plug 3 Plug 5 DC STARTER DYNA UNIV, MACH. 7s 5Ous6 1) 4GOA | Hovde I INPUT ; 150-3004 , © AZ Hlovoc PLUG 9 BRUSHES- 4UP vaye ee ye roa oom ee 3332535353936 ey BOE EEA AL =) EGE PSEROS OR € Ect voON 23% ABS & = STATOR CONNECTIONS: Use Plug 9 or make om YJ Y gu go oom 1@6 bee the additional inter- coil connections below. "eO oe. @o Ped’ L o@m @ £0 T2345 678 9N FIGURE 16: STATIONARY FIELD ALTERNATOR 76 DC STARTER DYNA. UNIV. MACH, IrOovDC INPUT iH +0 Ny -- Ot + '!OVDC = PLUG3/PLUGS BRUSHES~- 4UP 150-300V STATOR CONNECTIONS: Use Plug 3 or 5 as directed or make the connections below. oN BENS 8 104i 2 wo UE UU gy, 2@O ow @o J Ut ty o@m “Oo FIGURE 17: ROTATING FIELD ALTERNATOR EXPERIMENT NO. 14 CHARACTERISTICS OF A POLYPHASE ALTERNATOR PURPOSE: The objectives of the experiment are to demonstrate the effect of various power factor loads on the voltage regulation of an alter- nator and to determine its synchronous impedance. DISCUSSION: There are three causes for voltage drop in a separately excited synchronous alternator: (1) armature circuit voltage drop; (2) armature reactance; (3) armature reaction. While the first two factors always tend to reduce the generated voltage, armature xeaction may tend to decrease or increase the generated voltage depending upon the power factor of the load. ‘The magnitude of the three causes of voltage drop are solely a function of the joad current. It can be shown that these causes have the follow~ ing two effects on voltage regulation: (1) the lower the leading power factor, the greater the voltage rise from no-load te full~ load; and (2) the lower the lagging power factor, the greater the voltage drop from no-load to full-load. The difference between the generated voltage and the terminal voltage of an alternator is the synchronous impedance voltage drop, I,%5- This same difference exists for any power factor and any load. ‘his synchronous impedance is useful in predicting the voltage regulation of an alternator. The synchronous impedance test consists of two parts: 1. ‘The Open-Circuit vest. A separately excited (no-load) magnetization curve is obtained for the alternator, operated at synchronous speed. A DC Ammeter is connected in the field circuit to record the field current, and an aC Volt- meter is connected across any two stator leads to record the line voltage, Vy A sufficient number of readings are taken starting with zero field current, both below and above the knee of the curve. In each case, the field cur rent, Tg, and the generated phase voltage, Egp, (i-e., V1/V3), are recorded, and a saturation curve is plotted. As with the DC magnetization curve, the results should be taken in one direction to avoid minor hystersis loops. 738 2. Whe Short-Circuit Test. The short-circuit characteristic is taken by connecting ammeters in the line to record the phase current. he field current is adjusted te zero, and the alternator is brought up to speed. Readings are taken of DC field current versus AC short-circuited armature current. The synchronous impedance may then be determined by the following equation: Egp = TaZp where I, is the rated full load current per phase Egp is the open-circuit voltage produced by the same field current that caused the rated short-circuit current Zp is the synchronous impedance per phase. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1 ULM Set 1 ULM Set Instruction Manual - Bulletin 120Mr 1 ULM Console Instruction Booklet - Bulletin 120c1 1 ULM Console containing, 110 volt DC Power Supply Automatic DC Starter Dynamometer Field Rheostat (2504) Universal Machine Field Rheostat (1739 + 11/) 1 Loading Section of a Hampden Switchboard 1 AC Control Section of a Hampden Switchboard 1 0-150 volt AC Voltmeter 3 O-LO amp AC Ammeters 1 0-10 amp DC Amneter PROCEDURE: 1 Connect the Universal Machine to operate as an alternator as shown in Figure 18. Adjust its field rheostat to the maximum resistance, fully clockwise position. Qe Connect the Dynamometer to operate as a shunt motor as shown in Figure 18. Adjust its field rheostat to the mini- mum resistance, fully counter-clockwise position and the auxiliary resistance switch to "out". 3. Connect the switchboard as shown in Figure 19. Switch off all circuit breakers and instrument, field, and load switches. Place the AC input switches to the 208V-39 position. 4. Have the instructor check your machine and switchboard connections before proceeding. 5. Start the Dynamometer by switching on the Main AC, DC supply and DC Starter circuit breakers and pushing the start button of the Dc Starter, adjust the speed to 3600 RPM (auxiliary resistance "“in"). Adjust the alternator field current to yield an output voltage of approximately 150 volts. 6. Keeping the speed and alternator field current constant, perform a load test for several values of load from 0 to 10 amps. Obtain three sets of data for (1) unity power factor, (2) .8 lagging power factor (3) .8 leading power factor. Record the data in Tables 19-21. ids, Change the alternator connections to those shown in Figure 20, and perform an open-circuit test on the alternator, Record the data in Table 22. Change the alternator connections to those shown in Figure 21, and perform a short-circuit test on the alternator. Record the data in Table 23. Use the same values of field current as you did in step 5. Prepare a formal report. Using the data in Tables 19-21, plot voltage regulation curves for the different power factors on the Same set of axes, Account for the difference in these curves. On another set of axes, plot the open-circuit and short-circuit characteristics of the alternator using the field current as abcissa. Calculate and plot the synchronous impedance. Explain your results. QUESTIONS ; 1. Compare the causes and magnitude of voltage regulation of an alternator to that of a separately excited generator. 2 What is the output frequency of this alternator at 1800 RPM? why? 3 What advantages does the synchronous impedance method for predicting voltage regulation have over an actual no-load to full-load test? 80 ‘TABLE 19: UNITY POWER FACTOR Power volts Amps |Watts [Pactor| Tra = Amps TABLE 21: LEADING POWER FACTOR TABLE 20? LAGGING POWER FACTOR iPower volts|Amps [Watts |Pactor| Tra Amps QC_CHARACTERISTIC SC CHARACTERISTIC ower fF : Volts |Amps |watts Factor fld | Egp fld | ta Tgla = Amps: DC STARTER DYNA, UNIV. MACH SWITCHBOARD 81 Wlovoe E INPUT +m—0- 7 Ny if OT eos Hlovbc PLUG Q BRUSHES -4UP yo a 5 6 7 BF OO IF I 43 St STATOR CONNECTIONS: Use Plug 9 or make the additional inter- coil connections below. vy aes al aot ASS 12345678 910 FIGURE 18: ALTERNATOR LOAD CHARACTERISTICS~ MACHINE CONNECTIONS 82 De CONTROL AC CONTROL PPPPPD FIGURE 19: ALTERNATOR LOAD CHARACTERISTICS- SWITCHBOARD CONNECTIONS | i DC STARTER DYNA. UNIV. MACH. 83 tO HMOVDC. PLUG G BRUSHES- 4UP STATOR CONNECTIONS: Use Plug 9 or make the additional inter- coil connections below. ANG 78 9 Ne @o 7 ul du %<@ © FIGURE 20; ALTERNATOR OPEN CIRCUIT TEST 84 Dc STARTER DYNA, UNIV. MACH. soul 4 |OA A 10a & HOVDC {NPUT , = {WOVOC PLUG 9 BRUSHES- 4UP ae , 2 uo bbe Gee war ag eee bud sé & ee go ou STATOR CONNECTIONS: Use Plug 9 or make the additional inter- > coil connections below. OO oe Fae @o PT du bb o@re tt i ww Fy a“ , OO S10 FIGURE 21: ALTERNATOR SHORT CIRCUIT TEST 85 EXPERIMENT NO. 15 PARALLEL OPERATION OF POLYPHASE ALTERNATORS PURPOSR: The objectives of the experiment are to parallel two polyphase alternators and to demonstrate the effects of various loads on their paralleled output. DISCUSSION: The following steps are necessary in placing a polyphase alter- nator in parallel with other alternators across a bus. ls The alternator is brought up to rated speed, and its effective line voltages are adjusted to the bus voltage by means of a voltmeter. The phase sequence is checked by means of a phase-sequence indicator or synchronizing lamps. The frequency of the incoming alternator is compared to the bus frequency by means of a synchroscope or a lamp method. If the incoming machine frequency is low, the prime-mover speed is increased; if high, the speed is decreased. The paralleling switch is closed at the instant the lamps or synchroscope indicate that the voltages are synchronized. The incoming alternator is now floating on the line. The alternator is made to take on load by increasing the speed of its prime mover. The power factor at which the alternator carries reactive power is adjusted by means of its field rheostat. The bus voltage is adjusted by adjusting all field rheostats simultaneous ly. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 2 ULM Sets 1 ULM Set Instruction Manual - Bulletin 120Mz 86 ie ULM Console Instruction Booklet - Bulletin 120cr 2 ULM Consoles each containing, 110 volt DC Power Supply Automatic De Starter Dynamometer Field Rheostat (2502) Universal Machine Field Rheostat (173 + 11n) 1 AC Control Section of a Hampden Switchboard 1 Loading Section of a Hampden Switchboard PROCEDURE: Tis Connect each of the Dynamometers to operate as shunt motors as shown in Figure 22, Adjust their field rheostats to the minimum resistance position and the auxiliary resistance switch to "out". Connect each of the Universal Machines to operate as alter- nators as shown in Figure 22. Make the switchboard connections as shown in Figure 23. Prepare the switchboard as follows: A. Put all instrument switches to the off position. Put the paralleling and field switches to the off position. C. he Universal Machine field vernier to its mid-resist— ance position. Have the instructor check your machine and switchboard connections. Start one of the Dynamometers by switching on the main ac, DC supply and pc Starter cireuit breakers and pushing the start button of the DC starter. Adjust the speed up to 3600 RPM. Close the field switch on the switchboard of the run- ning alternator (henceforth, referred to as alternator #1). The field current will now be indicated on the DC ammeter. This field current can be varied by means cf the Universal Machine Field Rheostat on the console and the Universal Machine Field Vernier on the switchboard. Adjust the output voltage to 115 volts. Switch on the output circuit breaker and add a 1000 watt resistive load to the alternator. Maintain the 115 volt~60 cycle output by adjust- ment of the field current and speed. Record the volts, amps, 87 watts, power factor, and frequency in Table 24. only one wattmeter and power factor meter are provided, These in- struments are each provided with two switches and one re- movable (off position only) handle. The meters will indicate for either alternator depending which one of its two switches is being operated. Start the second Dynamometer and bring the speed up to 3600 RPM. Close the field switch of alternator #2 and adjust the output to 115 volts. Place the phasing iamp switch in the dark position. The phasing lamps should now be flashing, T£ the lamps flash off and on alternately, the phase sequence of alternator #2 is incorrect. If the lamps flash off and on together, the phase sequence is correct. Adjust the speed cf alternator #2 to decrease the speed of the flashes. When the flashing has been caused to stop so that the lamps are dark, the alternators are synchronized; that is, their voltages are equal and in phase. A more accurate way of determining the exact point of syn- chronism is the synchroscope. The synchroscope is controlled by two instrument switches and two removable keyed handles. Both handles fit either switch and each handle enables the operation of the switch to only one of its two operative positions. Turn the synchroscope switch of alternator #2 to the R (running) position. Turn the synchroscope switch of alternator #2 to the I (incoming) position. The result- ing pointer rotation of the synchroscope indicates the difference in frequency of the two alternators. If the rotation is in the "FAST" (clockwise) direction, the incoming frequency (alternator #2) is too high. If the rotation is in the "SLOW" (counterclockwise) direction, the incoming freq- uency is too low. The rate at which the pointer rotates in- dicates the magnitude of the frequency differential. Close the parallel switch when the pointer is caused to stop at the index position. Alternator #2 is now floating on the line. Adjust alternator #2 so that it shares the load with alter- nator #1. As you increase the load on alternator #2, main- tain unity power factor by adjusting the field current. Note 88 that at light loads, the reading on the power factor meter will drift and should be ignored. 8. Decrease the load to 500 watts and vary it in several steps to 2000 watts. Record the volts, amps, watts, power factor, and frequency for each machine in Table 25. 9. Decrease the load to 1000 watts and open the parallel switch. Alternator #2 is now disconnected from the line. Open its field switch and shut off its shunt motor. lo. If time permits, synchronize the two alternators again using the electronic switch and oscilloscope. Make the connections as shown in Figure 24. The connections should enable a dual trace of both alternator wave forms to be displayed on the CRT. Externally synchronize the oscilloscope sweep to one of the “SYN" outputs of the electronic switch. This will cause one of the waveforms to become stationary. The other alternator's waveform will roll to the right or left depend- ing on its frequency relative to the alternator. When this waveform is caused (by adjustment of the speed of alternator #2) to stop so that the waveforms are exactly in phase, they may be paralleled. ii. If time permits, vary the power factor of the load on the paralleled alternators and note the results. Prepare a formal report. Discuss in detail the methods used to synchronize the alternators. Discuss your experience in dividing the load between the two alternators. Plot the volts, amps, watts, power factor, and frequency for each alternator as ordinates versus the total output power as abcissa on one set of axes, How did the varying load affect the alternators? QUESTIONS: 1. With the alternators paralleled, what would happen if one of the prime movers were shut off? 2. Can a synchroscope be used to check phase sequence? 3. What other methods can be used to check phase sequence? 4. What causes hunting or oscillation of alternators? 89 t# CITY T# "aT¥ borg | REE | Sage | SN | aaa ada | aaioa | sata} SaTon zemoa e1 1 TI 1-1 ered I-TT, SUOLUNYALIY GHISTIvevd st @lavb T# *F1W aoyoe#d saay sauy saiy SFTOA 310A | S3TOA 2. bexa aamog) 51984 er Fad 1 Tiret gt-2t | gi-17 T# YOLYNUSLTY ty? FIA 90 DC STARTER DYNA NOVDC — UNI MAGH sy IV, MACH. INPUT tro CS os HOvDC BRUSHES- 4UP SWITCHBOARD STATOR CONNECTIONS; Use Plug 9 or make the additional in- tercoil connections below. © y2345 678 SIN FIGURE 22: INDIVIDUAL MACHINE CONNECTIONS. —\ 9h i | ! \ } bl aay i ‘eb uve 2 © PPTRTERS OO wc JOuLNOD 9a JOu¥LNOD ov eNIdvO? SWITCHBOARD CONNECTIONS FOR PARALLELING ALTERNATORS FIGURE 23: 92 OSCILLOSCOPE -O ° oO ° LECTRONIC Sw. FIGURE 24: OSCILLOSCOPE AND ELECTRONIC SWITCH CONNECTIONS

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