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Name: Shunn Murray School: Southside High School

Date: 01/31/2020 Facilitator: H. Jones

1.01 Linear Equations in One Variable

You won a $100 gift card to purchase music and videos through an online store. You bought
$48.40 worth of movies and 40 songs.

1. Write an equation that represents your purchase using s to represent the cost of each song.
Answer: 100 = 40s + 48.50

2. How much did each song cost?

Answer: $1.29

You’ve received a job offer. The offer states that you will receive $330 per week.

3. If the work week is 40 hours long, then write an equation that represents your pay with
the pay rate (in dollars per hour) represented by x.
Answer: x = 330/40

4. What is the pay rate of the job offer?

Answer: x = $8.25

It’s almost time for Prom! You want to book a limo and are trying to figure out how much it will
cost. The limo company charges a flat rate of $200 plus $350 for each hour of use.

5. Write an equation that represents the total cost, y, of renting a limo for x hours.
Answer: y = 200 + 350x

6. Using your equation from the last problem, how much would it cost to rent the limo for 4
Answer: y = 1600
Anna is planning a big birthday bash for her sixteenth birthday party and wants to invite as many
people as possible but she has a limit! If the caterer she uses charges a $100 setup fee and $6.50
per person but her parents will only give her $500 for the party, how many people can she invite
and stay within her budget?

7. Write an inequality. Use p to represent the number of people she can invite. $500 =
$6.50p + 100

8. Solve the inequality and fill in the blank for the following sentence.
Anna can invite no more than 60 people.

Jake plans to take a summer job at the recreation center as a life guard. He can be paid according
to two different plans.
Plan A: $300 per week
Plan B: $150 plus $6.25 per hour
How many hours will Jake have to work so that he makes more money with Plan B than with
Plan A?
9. Write an inequality. Let x represent the number of hours Jake works. $300 = $150 +

10. Solve the inequality and filling the blank in the following sentence.
Jake will have to work at least 25 hours so that he makes more money with Plan B
than with Plan A.

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