GCK Chaser Cost

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All values are subject to change whenever KoG pleases

Chaser Level Chaser Stone Evo stone Prana Gold

CL0 150 40 0 5,000,000
CL1 40 40 10,000
CL2 40 40 10,000
CL3 40 40 10,000
CL4 40 40 10,000
CL5 40 40 0 12,000,000
CL6 76 40 10,000
CL7 76 40 10,000
CL8 76 40 10,000
CL9 76 40 10,000
CL10 76 40 0 16,000,000
CL11 142 40 10,000
CL12 142 40 10,000
CL13 142 40 10,000
CL14 142 40 10,000
CL15 142 40 0 20,000,000
CL16 238 40 10,000
CL17 238 40 10,000
CL18 238 40 10,000
CL19 238 40 10,000
CL20 238 40 0 24,000,000
CL21 364 40 10,000
CL22 364 40 10,000
CL23 364 40 10,000
CL24 364 40 10,000
CL25 364 40 10,000 28.000.000 (?)
Total 4450 1040 210,000 105,000,000

Assuming alternating between all 5 Chaser Stones:

Runs needed to finish up to CL25: Stam cost: Days (with all free stamina):

World 4 only: 1390.625 333750 928.5572337043

World 5 only: 1236.1111111111 296666.6666667 825.3842077371
World 6 only: 1112.5 267000 742.8457869634
World 7 only: 1011.363636364 242727.2727273 675.3143517849

Biggest upgrade at CL20, so going for that will take:

World 4 only: 821.875 197250 548.7877583466

World 5 only: 730.5555555556 175333.3333333 487.8113407525
World 6 only: 657.5 157800 439.0302066773
World 7 only: 597.7272727273 143454.5454545 399.1183697066

Price whaling Day 1 to CL25 in $:

Chaser Token: 8
Chaser Stones: 178
Trans Seal: 180 (with the 3 for 2 deal)

Ignoring Gold/Prana cost: 366

Dupes/Shinies Total for CL20 without token: Total for CL15 without token:
1/2 Skipable with Chaser Token
Chaser stone: 2630 Chaser stone:
Evostone: 840 Evostone:
Prana: 160000 Prana:
Gold: 77,000,000 Gold:
1/2 Dupes/Shinies: 5/10 Dupes/Shinies:

chaser necesario 2430

1/2 chaser tienes 2268
cjaser falta 162
entradas 7.3636363636
energia 1767.272727273
dias 7.0690909091



Picking only one Class:

Runs needed to finish up to CL25: Stam cost: Days (with all free stamina):

World 4 only: 278.125 66750 185.7114467409

World 5 only: 247.2222222222 59333.33333333 165.0768415474
World 6 only: 222.5 53400 148.5691573927
World 7 only: 202.2727272727 48545.45454545 135.062870357

Biggest upgrade at CL20, so going for that will take:

World 4 only: 164.375 39450 109.7575516693

World 5 only: 146.1111111111 35066.66666667 97.5622681505
World 6 only: 131.5 31560 87.8060413355
World 7 only: 119.5454545455 28690.90909091 79.8236739413
or CL15 without token:


(with all free stamina):

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