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Primary schools

Sarajevo, 26 November 2015

Code: _________


The test has three sections:

- Reading - 10 questions (10 points)
- Vocabulary - 30 questions (30 points)
- Grammar - 60 questions (60 points)
TOTAL: 100 questions (100 points)

♥ The time allowed: 100 minutes

♥ Read the questions carefully
♥ Answer the questions on the Answer Sheet
♥ Do not write anything on the Test set
♥For each question choose only one answer (the best alternative)
♥Do the Answer Sheet as in the example below:

Example: 1 We ________________ a test now.

A do B have done C are doing D to do

1 a b c d
2 a b c d
3 a b c d

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Read the text below and choose the correct alternative A, B, C, or D.

Solar Power

Which form of energy is free during the day, produces no dangerous waste products and will be available
for the next 4 billion years? Solar power, of course.

Here are just some of the things you can do with it, with a bit of simple technology


Get a metal box and put some mirrors and a pot inside. The mirrors focus the sunlight onto the pot to cook
the food. The temperature can go to at least 200ºC. Somebody first invented a solar oven in Europe a few
centuries ago. They are very useful these days in places where there is lots of sunlight, like Africa. The
alternative is to cut down more and more trees to make fires.

Heating water

This is the most common use of solar energy at the moment. It works like this. A system of tubes heats up
in contact with sunlight. The tubes go into a tank with water in it. A few hours sunshine will give most
houses enough hot water for a whole day. Swimming pools can be heated this way, too.


Many shops now sell small lights which collect the sun’s energy during the day using a small solar panel.
At night they can illuminate your garden. The lights on a mobile phone work on a similar principle.
Recently, a university student used this idea in a common women’s accessory- she invented the solar-
powered handbag. When you open it, a light comes on. Now it is much easier to look for your door key
when you get home at night.

Keeping things cool

Solar-powered refrigerators are now available on the market. They are useful in places where there is no
conventional electricity supply. In the mountains of Kashmir, the survivors of a recent earthquake got safe
supplies of blood, vaccines and other drugs because of these refrigerators.


Every two years, teams of car designers try to cross Australia. They drive from north to south, coast to
coast, in the best time possible and they can only use the sun to power their vehicles. The winners usually
do the 3,000 km in under a week, going at about 100km/h. Major multinational companies, including car
makers, sponsor the event. They are hoping a solar car will become a reality one day. Then nobody needs
to be dependent on oil.

Recharging your batteries

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If you’ve got a laptop computer, a mobile phone or a portable music player and you can’t find an electric
socket, don’t worry. There are now solar panels that fold up and go in a small bag so that you can carry
them around with you. They only weigh 250 grams.

Providing electricity to the masses

In the middle of Australia they have nearly finished the construction of a huge chimney. It will make
enormous amounts of electricity. It’s called a solar tower, it’s about 1,000m tall, and it works by sucking
hot air upwards. The air has enough force to drive 32 large turbines. This will create power for about
200,000 homes.

Building your house the right way round

The easiest way of using the sun’s energy is to make your house face south. Then you make sure that the
rooms on that side are the ones where you spend the most time, like the kitchen or living room. It also
helps to put lots of windows on this side of the building. In the winter they will catch the maximum
amount of sunlight.

1. According to the text, why solar cooking is so important?

a) Because it is very interesting
b) Because we can save trees from cutting
c) Because we can cook delicious food
d) Because we save electricity

2. What is the most common use of solar energy?

a) Solar-powered refrigerators
b) Small solar panels
c) Heating water
d) Sun power vehicles

3. A university student invented:

a) Small light bulbs
b) Solar panel
c) Women’s accessory
d) Mobile phone

4. Where the solar power refrigerators are useful?

a) In the places with standard electricity supply
b) In the places without conventional electricity supply
c) In the places without conventional refrigerators
d) In the mountains in Kashmir

5. A solar tower can produce power for:

a) Just a few households
b) A large number of households
c) One whole city
d) One factory

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6. Solar ovens are mainly used:

a) In Africa
b) In Europe
c) In Australia
d) In the USA

7. A solar car:
a) Uses less oil
b) Is very fast
c) Is made by car companies
d) Uses sun as only fuel

8. Solar panels have practical usage because:

a) You can recharge the batteries of your laptop or mobile phone
b) They are very huge
c) They weight too much
d) They are cheap

9. Living rooms in your house should be placed:

a) On the east side of your house
b) On the west side of your house
c) On the south side of your house
d) On the north side of your house

10. Solar power is:

a) Cheap
b) Expensive
c) Boring
d) Free

This is the end of Reading Section. Now do the next section. ♥


Choose the correct word or phrase for each question.

1. I haven't been able to sleep in three days. I think I might have ______.

a) insomnia b) a cold c) the flu d) the hiccups

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2. Tommy felt tired_________, but soon got used to the long working hours.

a) firstly b) at first c) at the end d) in the first place

3. “Lunch is on me” means _______.

a) I’ll pay for lunch b) lunch is at my c) I’ll cook lunch d) I’ll have lunch

4. Guided tour, trekking and all-in package are words related to _______.

a) hotels b) means of transport c) types of holidays d) types of sports

5. ____ I watered the plants, they didn’t grow.

a) Also b) In spite of c) However d) Although

6. Tame animals _____.

a) behave aggressively b) are afraid of c) live with humans d) live in the

humans wilderness

7. Jack is a _____ man and is very generous with his money.

a) foolish b) kind c) soft d) boring

8. The environmental problem of ____ is concerned especially with animals.

a) deforestation b) the greenhouse c) global warming d) endangered species


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9. The assistant should give her a ___ in case she has to bring it back.

a) figure b) receipt c) discount d) bill

10. You should _____ over these documents to me.

a) give b) hand c) brought d) get

11. A soft drink is a drink that contains no ___ in it.

a) milk b) water c) alcohol d) sugar

12. Which _____ should I click on to open a new mail?

a) icon b) thumbnail c) footprint d) analogue

13. Drivers ____ and take extra care in foggy conditions.

a) go faster b) shouldn’t slow c) should slow d) should slow down


14. _____ is not a shade of red.

a) Poppy b) Ruby c) Strawberry d) Violet

15. ____ for Richard, everyone at the meeting was wearing a suit.

a) Apart b) Except c) Only d) As

16. “Make up your mind” means ____.

a) don’t worry b) decide c) no problem d) it’s your decision

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17. You can ___ a bus, a cold, a ball, a criminal.

a) get b) take c) find d) catch

18. The neutral word for “fireman” is ____.

a) firelady b) fireperson c) firefighter d) firemen

19. Which expression has the wrong preposition?

a) At midnight b) For ages c) During two hours d) By 8 o’clock

20. Jenny is ____, she can speak French and English fluently.

a) linguist b) bilingual c) interpreter d) translator

21. ___ is a negative characteristic.

a) Sullen b) Elegant c) Affectionate d) Generous

22. The word ___ is always used in the plural.

a) tracksuits b) pyjamas c) gloves d) socks

23. He ____ goodbye.

a) told b) said me c) said d) tell

24. The washing machine and TV have both ___.

a) run out b) flat c) broken down d) stopped

25. He is so annoying. He really is ___.

a) in the red b) pie in the sky c) pain in the neck d) barking up the
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wrong tree

26. “Sidewalk” is an American English word for ___.

a) rubbish b) holidays c) pavement d) traffic lights

27. Thomas is always ___ about how many languages he can speak.

a) complaining b) boasting c) confessing d) grumbling

28. If a restaurant is popular, you may need to book a table ____.

a) in advanced b) in advance c) on advance d) advance

29. This is my niece – my _______.

a) brother’s son b) brother’s daughter c) aunt’s sister d) mum’s sister

30. Your ____ is not part of your leg.

a) thumb b) toe c) knee d) calf

This is the end of Vocabulary Section. Now do the next section. ♥

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Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. Our teacher_________all the essays last week. 7. Jazz didn't start in the nineteenth century,
a) corrects a) is it?
b) corrected b) was it?
c) will correct c) didn't it?
d) is correcting d) did it?

2. George never____________meat. 8. „I'd like ______new potatoes, please. Are

there______peas yet, or is it too early? “
a) eat a) some / some
b) is eating b) some / any
c) eats c) any /some
d) will eat d) any / any

3. John and Mary have got a house in the country. 9. Australians buy 2.5 million newspapers each day.
________house is big.
a) Their a) 2.5 million newspapers is bought each day.
b)Theirs b) 2.5 million newspapers is buyed each day.
c) They're c) 2.5 million newspapers are buyed each day.
d) They d) 2.5 million newspapers are bought each day.

4. Jose Nilson_______on the beach with his 10. Your tennis is getting better.
family when the accident ___________.
a) were sitting / happened a) Have you practice?
b) sits / happens b) Have you practicing?
c) was sitting / happen c) Did you practicing?
d) was sitting / happened d) Have you been practicing?

5. Our table had_____________view over the 11. Could you pass me my glasses? I can't
Thames. see_______
a) the most spectacular a) clearly
b) more spectacular b) clearlly
c) most spectacular c) beautifuly
d) the more spectacular d) beautifully

6. How___________money have you got? 12. „ I'll see you tomorrow. “

He said he'd see me___________.
a) many a) the next day
b) more b) the previous day
c) much c) that day
d) any d) this day

13. You__________collect the flowers before five 19. They cannot look after _____________.
o'clock-the shop closes at five.

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a) can't a) themselves
b) have to b) themself
c) mustn't c) ourselves
d) don't have to d) ourself

14. What_______you______if your 20. If I_______you, I wouldn't go there.

a) do / do / don't a) am
b) will / do / doesn't b) were
c) will / do / don't c) have been
d) would / do / doesn't d) been

15. „My family comes from the Bronx“. 21. I spoke to John, Helen and a few
Sandra says that her family_______________ _________friends.

a) is coming from the Bronx. a) other

b) comes from the Bronx. b) another
c) came from the Bronx. c) any
d) was coming from the Bronx. d) all

16. I'll _________my mother for some money. I 22. ___capital of____Scotland, ____Edinburgh, is
want to buy a new bike. ____popular tourist centre.
a) say a) the / - / - / a
b) tell b) a / - / - / a
c) ask c) the / the / - / the
d) promise d) - / - / - / the

17. I hate snakes. I can't even look at a picture of 23. A: „Have you decided where to go on holiday
a snake. with your family?“
B: „We haven't decided yet, but I think
we________to Italy.
a) I can't also. a) go
b) Neither can I. b) would go
c) I don't also. c) will go
d) Neither I can. d) are going

18. „Tidy your room!“ 24. Find the past participles of the following verbs:
a) She told them to tidy their room. a) dig / drew / hold / spoken / wrote
b) She told them tidy their room. b) dug / drawn / held / spoken / written
c) She told them tided their room. c) dug / drew / held / spoke / wrote
d) She told them to tided their room. d) dig / drawn / hold / spoke / written

25. It was such a funny thing that we couldn't 31. His________names are Jean and Chris.
a) laughing a) cousin
b) to laugh b) cousin's
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c) laugh c) cousins'
d) to laughing d) cousins

26. Cafe Naz seems__________now because it's 32. _________you show interest and some
bigger than before. knowledge about their country, people will respond
much better to you.
a) little crowded a) As soon as
b) the least crowded b) Although
c) less crowded c) Despite
d) the less crowded d) So that

27. Choose the correct sentence: 33. Mark ________a history teacher if he hadn't
studied history.
a) Much people don't complain when they should. a) would have become
b) There isn't money enough in my pocket. b) will not become
c) He is very good in football. c) would not have become
d) Look at these clouds! It is going to rain. d) will become

28. As soon as the sun _______out, Jack and 34. Her mum is worried. She______for her children
Peter can go out to the park. all day.
a) will be coming a) waited
b) will come b) has been waiting
c) comes c) was waited
d) will have come d) is waited

29. I ________very late when I was in London. 35. ________the cost, the hotel must be very nice.
a) have got up a) Considered
b) get up b) To consider
c) used to get up c) Being considered
d) will get up d) Considering

30. The thief was caught just as he________into 36. I wonder why ________come.
the car.
a) was getting a) she wasn't
b) has got b) she didn't
c) was got c) didn't she
d) has been getting d) wasn't she

37. We must let them _______what we want to do 43. I need______eggs and ______butter to make
there. a cake.
a) knowing a) a few / a little
b) known b) few / a little
c) to know c) few / little
d) know d) a few / little
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38. They don’t want_______to eat. 44. Beckham is playing very_____today; he’s been
very ______in the last few games.
a) no more a) good /good
b) nothing more b) good / well
c) anything more c) well / well
d) some more d) well / good

39. Choose the correct plural form: 45. If I _________a computer, I wouldn’t use the
a) ladyes / leaves / mouses / woman a) didn’t have
b) ladies / leafs / mice / womans b) haven’t had
c) ladyes / leafs / mouses / women c) hadn’t have
d) ladies / leaves / mice / women d) hadn’t had

40. The world of tennis________two sisters like 46. The opera ________we saw was terribly boring
Venus and Serena before.
a) have never seen a) which
b) has never saw b) who
c) has never seen c) what
d) have never saw d) that

41. She is _______a hard-working colleague. 47. He called_____the wedding. She was really
a) so a) round
b) very b) in
c) such c) off
d) so much d) of

42. You will fail your exam______you start 48. The woman asked us________so much noise.
a) if a) don’t make
b) until b) not make
c) when c) not making
d) unless d) not to make

49. Tim is a police officer-he looks for_______ 55. This meal was cheap. I expected it to be______
people and _______cars.
a) missed / stolen a) expensiver
b) missing / stealing b) the expensivest
c) missed / stole c) more expensive
d) missing / stolen d) the most expensive

50. “What is your job?” 56. This spectacular sport________by the

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Norwegian in the 1840s.

a) He asked me what is my job. a) is invented
b) He asked me what my job was. b) has been invented
c) He asked me what was my job. c) was invented
d) He asked me what my job is. d) invented

51. I enjoy cooking and I always use_____garlic. 57. You look pale. You had better______a doctor.
a) few a) consult
b) a lot b) consult to
c) much c) consult with
d) a lot of d) consult by

52. I _______speak three languages before I was 58. My sister had a___________box.
6 years old.
a) was able a) small black round wooden
b) am able to b) wooden small black round
c) could c) small round black wooden
d) managed d) black small round wooden

53. When Mrs. Brown opened the washing 59. My purse is somewhere in the kitchen, but
machine she realized she__________the cat. I’m not______sure where.
a) has washed a) quiet
b) washed b) quietly
c) have washed c) quite
d) had washed d) quitely

54. _____you______the James Bond film last 60. Choose the incorrect form of an adverb:
a) did / see a) quickly
b) did / saw b) fastly
c) have / seen c) slowly
d) have / saw d) well

This is the end of the test. Good luck! ♥

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1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10.B
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B
21. A 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. A


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. D
11. A 12.A 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B
21. A 22.A 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. A
31. C 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. D 40. C
41. C 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. A 46. D 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. B
51. D 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. C 56. C 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. B

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