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Death to Diabetes

Diet Cookbook
Death to Diabetes, LLC
Super Meal Recipes to
B e a t T y p e
1-800-813-1927 2 D i a b e te s
Spirit Mind
Spirit Mind

DeWayne McCulley
Author of Death to Diabetes
Death to Diabetes, LLC

Death to Diabetes
Diet Cookbook
Death to Diabetes, LLC
Super Meal Recipes to
Beat Type 2 Diabetes
How to use super foods and beverages
to control and beat your diabetes


1-800-813-1927Spirit Mind

DeWayne McCulley
Cynthia McCulley
Author of Death to Diabetes

Copyright©2008 DeWayne McCulley & Death to Diabetes LLC
ISBN 0-9773607-6-8
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission
requests, contact the author.

Death to Diabetes, LLC

DeWayne McCulley
National diabetes educator, health coach, and author, 800-813-1927, 585-671-0577
Death to Diabetes LLC
1170 Ridge Rd. #190
Webster, NY 14580
Ordering Information
Individual sales: are available online at or
via mail by sending a check/money order to the business address.
Quantity Sales: are available at special discounts when purchased in
bulk by corporations, associations, doctors, and others.
Orders for college textbook/course adoption use, by U.S. trade
bookstores and wholesalers: Please contact the author.
Products and Services from Death to Diabetes, LLC
Products include: handbook, cookbook, workbook, wellness guides,
wellness journal, meal planning charts, audio book CDs, and DVDs,
and newsletter. Services include: membership, newsletter subscription,
personal health coaching (telephone, online, in person), customized
meal planning, diabetes education classes/workshops, reviews of
medical blood test results; certified instruction for healthcare
professionals; and corporate wellness training.
Version 0.5 Printed in the United States of America.


To a Loving Daughter:
Thank you so much – not just for helping to save my life,
but for pushing me to publish the diabetes book, and now
for the cookbook.

Death to Diabetes, LLC
p.s. Can I rest now? -

During my journey from near-death to recovery, the spirits of
3 entities fueled me and have been driving me ever since: God,
my mother, and my daughter Cynthia.
Then, after my book Death to Diabetes was published, my
daughter said, “So, Dad, when is the next book coming out?”
I looked at my daughter as only a father can, shook my head,
and said, “Daughter, this is it. I had one book in me, so I’m
Cynthia just laughed, and said “OK, Dad, we’ll see.”
After several months of lectures, workshops, book reviews,
emails, and testimonials, I was truly surprised at the
overwhelming response. Cynthia attended some of the
workshops and other events, and noticed a pattern in the
questions that kept being asked.
She said, “Dad, they love your book, but they want you to
write a cookbook. Dad, you gotta write a cookbook!”
I said, “But, you know I can’t cook a lick.”
Cynthia said, “Dad, I’ll help you with the cookbook – I’ll come
up with the recipes, and all you have to do is “superize” them
to fit your Super Meal Model.”
Just when I was ready to give in, my daughter said, “Oh yeah,
don’t forget you also need to put your book on CD. Your
book is really good -- but, Dad, really, who’s going to have
time to read 400 pages?”

Death to Diabetes, LLC

I said, “OK, make up your mind, daughter –the cookbook or
the CD.”
She said, “Dad, it’s easy – do both. People want recipes, so
you gotta do the cookbook. . And, people want to be
entertained, so you gotta do the CD (or DVD). Dad, you used
to be so serious as an engineer, but you’ve changed. You’re a
cross between Chris Rock and Dr. Oz – people need to see or
hear you in action!”
And, this is the way it’s been with my daughter since my near-
death coma. She started telling me what to do, when to eat,
what to eat, what not to eat during my recovery. And, I think
she enjoyed playing the role of the parent – and, she hasn’t
Well, I put it off for a couple years because I just didn’t think
people really wanted another cookbook – especially from a
non-cook! And, I didn’t want to take the time to develop
recipes or record the audios for a CD.
But, my daughter wouldn’t stop bugging me, until I relented.
So, don’t thank me for this book or the soon-to-be-released
audio CD book – thank my daughter.


In March 2002, DeWayne McCulley, on the brink of

death, went into a diabetic coma at Rochester
General Hospital with a blood glucose level of 1337
(more than 1200 points above normal) and lived to
tell about it. With his mother’s and daughter
Cynthia’s help, DeWayne was able to overcome
hyperglycemia, two blood clots, pneumonia, high
cholesterol, and four insulin shots a day.
DeWayne used his engineering and biochemistry background to repair
Death to Diabetes, LLC
his body and wean himself off the insulin, Coumadin and other drugs.
He lowered his average blood glucose level and his hemoglobin A1C to
the normal ranges while losing 52 pounds and reversing his diabetes
within 4 months. Today he remains drug-free with blood glucose and
hemoglobin A1C levels in their normal ranges.
Based upon this near-death experience and working with a diabetic
support group sponsored by the American Diabetes Association,
DeWayne used his background in engineering research, test data
analysis, and writing technical reports to help him write the acclaimed
book Death to Diabetes -- The 6 Stages of Type 2 Diabetes
Control & Reversal (ISBN 0977360741). The book (and his diabetes
education workshops) explain the author’s diabetes experience, the root
causes of diabetes, and how to use the power of super foods, proper
exercise and your inner spirit to beat the disease and its complications –
based on a 6-stage model, a 10-step process, 7 wellness factors, 5
“super” foods, specific metrics and wellness protocols, and research
from more than 250 clinical studies. The author states emphatically,
“You can beat this disease – if you are armed with the proper
knowledge (science), tools and spiritual motivation.” The author’s hope
is that his book, DVD, workshops, and education classes will inspire
others the way he was inspired -- by people he never would have met if
it weren’t for his experience with diabetes.
DeWayne graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a
Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and worked as an
engineer and product trainer for more than 30 years (with Xerox Corp.
and Hughes Aircraft Co.), learning how to analyze and diagnose the


root causes behind why complex machines, hardware and software

failed. He developed software algorithms, fault trees, GUI interfaces
and patents associated with online machine diagnostics to help
technicians diagnose and repair electronics and software problems in
the lab and the customer's office. Then, he developed educational
programs and conducted classes to teach engineers and technicians,
helping them to improve their skill level. Ironically, DeWayne is
utilizing that same 30 years of engineering experience working with the
a health services company, where he is designing wellness education

Death to Diabetes, LLC

programs and conducting training classes and workshops. DeWayne is
providing these services to health-conscious organizations and
companies who realize the loss of work productivity and rising health
insurance costs are impacting their employees and their bottom-line in
the business world. He is also conducting diabetes education classes;
providing health coaching to individuals and families, and developing
new products including his book on CDs, a cookbook, a wellness
journal, a 90-day meal plan, a training program, and a set of wellness
DeWayne credits his success to strong parents, great teachers, and the
blue-collar work ethic of the steel mills in Western Pennsylvania.
DeWayne states emphatically, “For some strange reason, I was blessed
with great teachers who reinforced what my parents had instilled in me
-- that I could do anything as long as I was willing to put in the effort
and do the work. Ironically, that work ethic helped me to successfully
fight and beat my diabetes. And, now I get to train and educate others
how to control and beat this disease.


Feedback from Doctors

“Some of my patients are very excited about your program – because it
works! Some of them are reducing their medication and others are
coming off their medication.” Dr. W. Bayer, Rochester, NY
“McCulley's diabetes program is phenomenal! -- he's done something
that the experts said was impossible. There's something about those
engineers . . .” Dr. D. Courtney, Pittsburgh, PA
“This book is empowering. I plan to keep this book handy in my

Death to Diabetes, LLC

office.” Dr. J.B. Grossman, Journal of the National Medical
Association (JNMA)
“This is a great book, very thorough and well-written.Buy the book!”
Dr. Vagnini, NYC
“I'm currently reading the book for the second time. I think that it is
outstanding. What you wrote is not taught in medical school, that's why
some physicians may not support it. Don't worry friend, the Public will
support you, because you have done a super job of researching, treating
yourself and putting it in writing. Let the book speak for itself and you.”
Dr. A. White, NIH
“Your book is great. Whenever I see a diabetic, I recommend your book to
them. ” Dr. Kalidas, Florida
“What you've done with your recovery and the book is amazing! ” Dr.
DiPrima, New York


Feedback from Diabetics and Others

“My doctor told me that all signs of my diabetes were gone! And, the
pain in my foot from the neuropathy is gone.” D. Carter, ex-diabetic
“Thank you, DeWayne – you’ve given me and other people hope by
sharing your story.” A. Peters, ADA diabetic support group member
“God truly does work in mysterious ways: All these years you've been
working as an engineer, God was preparing you for this moment -- to
help people beat this disease.” Minnie McCulley, the author’s mother
Death to Diabetes, LLC
“I have Type 2 diabetes and following the diet and exercise plan put
forward in this book is really helping me. It is obvious that the author
DeWayne McCulley knows this subject well. His background in
biochemical engineering provides credibility.” John W. Wolff
(Cortland, NY)
“I got this book for a relative and she loved it so much she got one for
her doctor! Her doctor loves it too! Her glucose readings have been
steadily returning to normal ranges and she is off oral diabetic meds and
is no longer on daily insulin injections. All this within 6months of
reeducating herself to the truth. This is truly DEATH to DIABETES!!!
Follow it, don’t question it, and see the results for yourself!!” V.
“My husband has diabetes and up until recently it has been
uncontrollable, so we've been reading book after book on the subject.
When I purchased "Death to Diabetes", it was like none other in scope.
McCulley's book is thorough and goes in depth on the cause, cure and
prevention of this horrible disease. In addition, it is written from the
perspective of someone who has suffered through, almost died from
and then reversed the disease. You can throw out all the other books on
diabetes. This is the one every diabetic should read.” G. Martin
(Houston, TX)
“A great book on how to manage, control and perhaps reverse type 2
diabetes. Mr. McCulley is extremely methodical and scientific in his
analyses of the disease. He outlines the reasons for T2 and tells what he
did to "cure" his diabetes thereby passing on his methods to the reader
through his "Wellness" program. His background in biochemistry and
medicine when relating to diabetes is expert. He is very well-informed
and passes his tried and true methods of control (Stages 1-4) and

ultimate "cure" (Stages 5 & 6) on to those who choose to follow his

suggested approach through these 6 stages. I highly recommend this
book to those who wish to be in super control and possibly rid
themselves of this dread disease.” Mary E. Brenner (Las Vegas, NV)
“This book is worth the investment and will actually help you recovery
from type II diabetes. I found this book completely helpful. And the
average person (non-scientist) will benefit from this book by it's well
thought out design. As a research immunologist I thought I knew
everything and this book helped pull it all together for me in so many
ways.” Denise M. Du Pont
Death to Diabetes, LLC
“My daughter ordered and sent this book to me after I was newly
diagnosed in January 2007. I was reeling from the shock of being
diagnosed diabetic. She sent me two books and while I refer to the
other occasionally, this book set me in the direction of getting off my
meds. I want to restore my life and body as closely as I can to pre-
diabetic condition. The author tells it like it is. He is very structured and
analytical. He doesn’t pull any punches about the seriousness of
diabetes and its potential deadly consequences. His story is inspiring
and I have been testing blood sugars consistently and watching my
blood sugars stabilize. I owe my positive outlook to this wonderful
book. MUST READ for all diabetics, newly diagnosed or long term. I
loved it” Janeice Pennington (Hawaii)
“I love that McCulley tackles this disease, in layman’s terms, from the
molecular level. It's not just another eat right and exercise book. He is
methodical in his approach as an engineer and uses the expertise of
other scientist and healthcare professionals to support his views. He is
able to bring balance by adding a spiritual approach to well being. He
puts the health of the individual on the individual and not the
healthcare industry. Personal responsibility for self is what he calls for. I
am listening.” L. Williams (Houston, TX)
“I recommend this book not only to all diabetics but to anyone who is
suffering from his or her unhealthy lifestyle. Although Mr. McCulley's
theories are not strictly in line with current medical thinking, his advice
for changing our lives for the better is right on. Over half of all Type 2
diabetics who strictly follow his advice will be cured of their diabetes
problem, as well as lowering their cholesterol and blood pressure. Don't
miss out on this book.” William Bayer, MD (Rochester, NY)

This book is changing my life, and I don't have Type II Diabetes!

Notice on the cover that it also has tombstones for Obesity and High
Blood Pressure. If I could read the other tombstones they would
probably have other diseases engraved on them. I am Insulin Resistant
and overweight which I learned from this book is a precursor to
Diabetes Type II. I have tried everything for years (various food
programs and various forms of exercise) and have not been able to lose
Until now.

Death to Diabetes, LLC

This book is written from DeWayne McCulley's personal experience at
beating Type II Diabetes and I can tell from this book he has done a
great deal of research. I've read many health books, but this is the first
health book that I've read that takes me one or more steps beyond the
others to explain why I should do something or why something
happens the way it does.
I use this book like I use an encyclopedia; I pick it up and start reading
in any chapter and I'm not able to put it down until I finish the chapter!
This book is not theory, it's real. DeWayne McCulley's personal story is
so inspiring -- there is hope for diabetics. It walks you through each
step (stage) in easy-to-follow steps. If you want to understand the
science, it's in there. If you just want to get better, you can just follow
the steps. If you want to do your own research, it gives you medical
references. And, I've never read a health book that provided
inspirational quotes from people like Oprah, Muhammad Ali, and

Arthur Ashe. This book does not ignore the power of the human spirit;
and, it gives you ideas how to use that spirit to get well! It even warns
you about some of the health scams and healthy foods that are not
healthy -- and it explains why. And, there is so much more.
It explains in simple terms why people are diabetic and what they can
do to change that in a short period of time. It explains why most
vitamin supplements don't work and how to figure out if your
supplements are any good. You can become your own expert by
reading this book. P. Priest (Webster, NY)


Death to Diabetes® Products

The following is the current list of books, CD, DVDs, and other
products offered by Death to Diabetes, LLC. For an updated list of
products (and services), go to the website
x Death to Diabetes Diet Cookbook – Super Meal Recipes to Prevent
and Beat Type 2 Diabetes
x The Death to Diabetes Handbook – Beat Type 2 Diabetes 10 Steps
Death to Diabetes, LLC
x 90-Day Diabetes Boot Camp & Meal Planner
x Death to Diabetes Training Workbook
x Death to Diabetes Training Booklets
x Wellness Guides (for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.)
x Death to Diabetes Program: The Roadmap: The 10 Steps
x Death to Diabetes Wellness Journal
Audio CDs
x Audio Book CD Set
x The 10 Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes
x The 7 Mistakes That Diabetics Make
x Why Diabetics Remain in Diabetic State
x The 10 Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes
x Death to Diabetes Lecture
x Death to Diabetes Workshop
x Nutrition: The 5 Super and 5 “Dead” Foods


Notice to Readers
This cookbook is written with the express purpose of sharing the many
recipes that were provided to the author by his mother, his daughter,
his brother Greg, his sister Margo, and various people from churches
and from across the country. Consequently, the information in this
book is provided for informational purposes only and is by no means
meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your own doctor
and other healthcare professionals. It is imperative that you always

Death to Diabetes, LLC

consult with your doctor to discuss your health state and determine
your specific course of action. The author shall have no liability or
responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage
or injury, caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the
information contained in this book.
The information in this book is not intended to prescribe any form of
treatment for any illness or medical condition. This information should
be used as a guide in interacting with your doctor, your diabetes health
coach and other healthcare professionals, and should not be considered
a substitute for expert medical opinion.
This cookbook was developed based upon feedback and questions
from diabetes workshops, lectures, phone calls, health coaching
sessions, and emails from people across the United States, and from
other countries.
This cookbook can be used alone, or can be used as part of an overall
health and wellness plan that may include other resources such as our
online videos, DVDs, audio CDs, and the book that started it all –
Death to Diabetes. This diverse set of learning tools have been developed
to make it easier for you to acquire the knowledge and become
empowered in your decision-making to improve your health.
The U. S. Food & Drug Administration has not verified any therapeutic
claims expressed or implied in this book. You (the reader) are
responsible for making any decisions regarding the suitability and
validity of the information provided in this book. Always consult with
your doctor before you implement any changes to your diet,
supplement usage, exercise regimen, or lifestyle.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements .....................................................................................iii
Death to Diabetes® Products ..................................................................... xi
Notice to Readers.......................................................................................xii
Table of Contents......................................................................................xiii
Don’t Delay! -- Get Started Now!..............................................................xxi
Chapter 1. Introduction................................................................................ 1
Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Recipe Categories ......................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2. Super Meal Model® ..................................................................... 5
The Death to Diabetes Nutritional Protocol ................................................ 5
The Super Meal Model (Diagram) ................................................................ 7
Calorie Counting .......................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3. Managing Diabetes.................................................................... 10
The 7 Diabetes Wellness Factors................................................................ 10
The 10 Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes ........................................................ 12
Chapter 4. Food Tips ................................................................................. 15
Planning & Preparation .............................................................................. 15
Meal Planning Strategy for Type 2 Diabetics .............................................. 16
Importance of Food and Ethnic Cultures................................................... 17
Food and Socialization ............................................................................... 18
Food Preparation and Cooking Tips........................................................... 19
Apple Butter Spread.............................................................................................. 20
Beans, Grains, Nuts & Seeds............................................................................... 20

Beef .......................................................................................................................... 21
Beverages ................................................................................................................ 22
Bread Crumbs (Crunchy Coating) ...................................................................... 23
Bread: Sourdough .................................................................................................. 23
Bread: Sprouted Grain.......................................................................................... 23
Carbohydrates ........................................................................................................ 24
Cereal ....................................................................................................................... 24
Chocolate Coated Confections ........................................................................... 24
Dairy ........................................................................................................................ 25
Desserts ................................................................................................................... 25
Fats, Oils ................................................................................................................. 27
Fish........................................................................................................................... 29

Flour Substitutes.................................................................................................... 29
French Fries............................................................................................................ 31
Ice Cream................................................................................................................ 31
Juicing ...................................................................................................................... 31
Lunches: Quick Lunches...................................................................................... 33
Macadamia Nuts .................................................................................................... 34
Mac & Cheese ........................................................................................................ 34
Mashed Potatoes.................................................................................................... 35
Meat, Frying............................................................................................................ 35
Mushrooms............................................................................................................. 36
Death to Diabetes, LLC
Pasta......................................................................................................................... 37
Pita Pizza................................................................................................................. 37
Probiotics and Prebiotics ..................................................................................... 37
Quiche ..................................................................................................................... 38
Restaurants: Eating Out at Restaurants ............................................................. 39
Rice........................................................................................................................... 40
Salads ....................................................................................................................... 40
Sandwiches.............................................................................................................. 41
Seasoning: Spices and Herbs ............................................................................... 41
Seasoning: How to Use Spices and Herbs ........................................................ 42
Snacks ...................................................................................................................... 54
Soups ....................................................................................................................... 54
Split Pea Soup ........................................................................................................ 54
Succotash ................................................................................................................ 55
Sugar and Sweets ................................................................................................... 55
Tea............................................................................................................................ 58
Tofu ......................................................................................................................... 59
Turkey...................................................................................................................... 59
Vegetables ............................................................................................................... 60
Whole....................................................................................................................... 62
Yogurt...................................................................................................................... 62
Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping Tips ................................................... 64
Reading Food Labels.................................................................................. 68
Chapter 5. Recipes...................................................................................... 71
Barbecued Chicken..................................................................................... 71
Barbecued Beef .......................................................................................... 72
Barbecued Ribs .......................................................................................... 73
Barbecue Sauce 1........................................................................................ 75

Barbecue Sauce 2........................................................................................ 76

Beef: Filet Mignon with Mushrooms .......................................................... 77
Beef: Meatloaf with Tomato Sauce ............................................................. 78
Beef: Pepper Steak & Vegetables................................................................ 79
Beef: Sirloin Wraps..................................................................................... 81
Beef: Beef Taco .......................................................................................... 82
Beef: Beef Tortilla ...................................................................................... 83
Broccoli & Egg........................................................................................... 84
Broccoli & Salmon ..................................................................................... 85

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Broccoli with Onions & Almonds .............................................................. 87
Broccoli and Tofu Pasta ............................................................................. 88
Brussel Sprouts with Sweet Potatoes .......................................................... 89
Cabbage & Fish......................................................................................... 90
Cabbage Slaw ............................................................................................. 91
Casserole: Broccoli .................................................................................... 92
Casserole: Broccoli & Rice ........................................................................ 93
Casserole: Cabbage.................................................................................... 94
Casserole: Chicken and Broccoli................................................................. 95
Casserole: Crockpot Layered Enchilada...................................................... 96
Casserole: Eggplant .................................................................................... 97
Casserole: Lentil ........................................................................................ 98
Casserole: Squash ....................................................................................... 99
Casserole: Turkey Broccoli ...................................................................... 100
Casserole: Soybean .................................................................................. 101
Casserole: Zucchini-Mozzarella ............................................................... 102

Chicken, Broccoli & Rice ......................................................................... 103
Chicken and Broccoli Quiche................................................................... 104
Chicken Parmesan .................................................................................... 105
Chili ......................................................................................................... 106
Chili: Veggies and Turkey......................................................................... 107
Dessert: Apple-Strawberry Dessert........................................................... 108
Dessert: Apple Pie 1 (Less Flour) ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Dessert: Apple Pie 2 (Less Flour) ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Dessert: Apple Pie 3 ................................................................................. 109
Dessert: Brownies (Applesauce) ............................................................... 110
Dessert: Cake (Apple Cake – Wheat-Free)................................................ 111

Dessert: Cake (Chocolate Flourless) ......................................................... 113

Dessert: Cake (Lemon Pound).................................................................. 114
Dessert: Cookies -- Chocolate Chip & Flax .............................................. 115
Dessert: Cookies -- Chocolate Gingerbread.............................................. 116
Dessert: Cookies -- Oatmeal and Raisin.................................................... 117
Dessert: Ice Cream (Homemade) ............................................................. 118
Dessert: Quick Desserts ........................................................................... 119
Eggs and Smoked Salmon ........................................................................ 120
Eggs: Omelet............................................................................................ 121

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Eggs: Poached .......................................................................................... 122
Eggs: Scrambled with Tofu ...................................................................... 123
Eggs: White Omelet ................................................................................. 124
Enchiladas: Black Bean and Vegetable Enchiladas.................................... 125
Enchiladas: Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas ............................................... 126
Enchiladas: Turkey and Black Bean Enchiladas ........................................ 127
French Toast (Almond-Crusted) .............................................................. 128
French Toast ............................................................................................ 129
French Toast (Low Fat)............................................................................ 130
Grilled Vegetables .................................................................................... 131
Grits and American Cheese ...................................................................... 132
Gumbo: Chicken and Rice ....................................................................... 133
Gumbo: Okra and Chicken ...................................................................... 134
Gumbo: Seafood ...................................................................................... 136
Gumbo: Turkey Gumbo Soup ................................................................. 137
Ham and Eggs.......................................................................................... 138

Hot Dogs and Beans ................................................................................ 139
Hot Dogs and Cabbage ............................................................................ 140
Hot Dogs: Chili Hot Dogs ....................................................................... 141
Italian: Lasagna, Spinach and Mushroom.................................................. 142
Italian: Lasagna (Vegan with Tofu) ........................................................... 144
Italian: Lasagna (Vegetable) ...................................................................... 146
Italian: Pizza (Casserole)........................................................................... 148
Italian: Pizza (Homemade) ....................................................................... 150
Italian: Pizza (Meat and Crust).................................................................. 152
Italian: Pizza (Muffin “Quickie”) .............................................................. 153
Italian: Pizza (Tofu).................................................................................. 154

Italian: Pizza (Vegan, No Cheese)............................................................. 155

Italian: Pizza (Vegetable) .......................................................................... 156
Italian: Pizza (Vegetable, No Cheese) ....................................................... 157
Juice: Celery-Spinach-Parsley ("Potassium Broth") ................................... 158
Juice: Celery-Parsley-Garlic ("Rejuvenator") ............................................. 158
Juice: Cucumber-Beets ("Body Cleanser") ................................................ 158
Juice: Cucumber Celery Cooler................................................................. 159
Juice: Flaxseed & Apple............................................................................ 159
Juice: Tomato & Garlic ............................................................................ 160

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Juice Drink “Quickie” .............................................................................. 160
Muffins: Apricot Oatmeal ........................................................................ 161
Muffins: Date Bran................................................................................... 162
Oatmeal.................................................................................................... 163
Okra and Shrimp...................................................................................... 164
Omelet ..................................................................................................... 165
Omelet: Spinach ....................................................................................... 166
Omelet: Vegetables................................................................................... 167
Omelet: Veggie......................................................................................... 168
Omelet: Zucchini, Garlic, Croutons ........................................................ 169
Pancakes Buckwheat & Flaxseed .............................................................. 170
Recipe for Apple Butter Puree .......................................................................... 171
Recipe for Blueberry Syrup................................................................................ 172
Pancakes Oat Bran ................................................................................... 173
Pork Chops (Baked) ................................................................................. 174
Pork Chops (Baked) ................................................................................. 175

Pork Chops with Caramelized Apples and Onions ................................... 176
Pork Chops (Stuffed) ............................................................................... 177
Red Beans and Rice .................................................................................. 178
Salad: Asparagus....................................................................................... 179
Salad: Avocado and Broccoli Salad ........................................................... 180
Salad: Avocado and Cherry Tomato Salad ................................................ 181
Salad: Avocado and Chicken Salad ........................................................... 182
Salad: Avocado, Kumquat, Grapefruit & Watercress ................................ 183
Salad: Avocado and Smoked Turkey Salad ............................................... 184
Salad: Avocado and Tuna Salad ................................................................ 185
Salad: Barley and Black-Eyed Pea ............................................................. 186


Salad: Beef and Pepper ............................................................................. 187

Salad: Broccoli and Barley ........................................................................ 188
Salad: Broccoli, Pasta, Tomatoes & Peppers............................................. 189
Salad: Carrots & Raisins ........................................................................... 190
Salad: Chicken with Apple and Walnut..................................................... 191
Salad: Chicken (Grilled) and Spinach........................................................ 192
Salad: Fettuccini with Tomatoes and Artichoke Hearts............................. 194
Salad: Fruit ............................................................................................... 195
Salad: Grilled Chicken and Lemon-Yogurt Dressing ................................ 196

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Salad: Grilled Turkey, Cranberries and Vinaigrette ................................... 198
Salad: Romaine & Spaghetti Squash Parmesan.......................................... 200
Salad: Spinach........................................................................................... 201
Salad: Spinach, Salmon & Walnuts ........................................................... 202
Salad: Spinach and Shrimp........................................................................ 203
Salad: Steak, Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Vinaigrette .............................. 204
Salad: Triple Bean..................................................................................... 207
Salad: Triple Bean & Canned Salmon ....................................................... 208
Salad: Tuna and White Bean..................................................................... 209
Salad: Tuna (Seared) and Bean.................................................................. 210
Salad Dressing Recipes ............................................................................. 211
Sandwich ALT – Avocado, Lettuce & Tomato......................................... 217
Sandwich: Bacon and Egg ........................................................................ 218
Sandwich: Beef ......................................................................................... 219
Sandwich: Chicken (Hot)......................................................................... 221
Sandwich: Chicken Salad .......................................................................... 222

Sandwich: Chicken Salad (Warm) ............................................................. 223
Sandwich: Grilled Cheese ......................................................................... 225
Sandwich: Ham ........................................................................................ 226
Sandwich: Hamburger .............................................................................. 227
Sandwich: Hot Dogs ................................................................................ 231
Sandwich: Mozzarella & Veggie................................................................ 232
Sandwich: Sub Quickie ............................................................................. 233
Sandwich: Tempeh ................................................................................... 234
Sandwich: Tenderloin............................................................................... 235
Sandwich: Tofu ........................................................................................ 236
Sandwich: Tuna ........................................................................................ 237

Sandwich: Turkey ..................................................................................... 238

Sandwich: Turkey Burgers (Cheese-Stuffed) ............................................. 239
Sandwich: Roasted Vegetables.................................................................. 240
Sandwich: Turkey Caesar.......................................................................... 241
Sandwich: Turkey Burgers ........................................................................ 242
Seafood: Crab Bake .................................................................................. 243
Seafood: Fish (Baked) with Parmesan Cheese........................................... 244
Seafood: Salmon (Baked) with Cucumber Dill Sauce................................ 245
Seafood: Salmon (Grilled) with Green Beans............................................ 246

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Seafood: Scallops with Spaghetti............................................................... 248
Seafood: Shrimp in Tomato Sauce............................................................ 250
Seafood: Tilapia with Mushroom Sauce.................................................... 252
Seafood: Tuna (Grilled) & Marinated ....................................................... 253
Smoothie: Apple Cinnamon ..................................................................... 254
Smoothie: Banana and Peach.................................................................... 255
Smoothie: Blueberry Smoothie ................................................................. 255
Smoothie: Berries & Flaxseed................................................................... 256
Smoothie: Fruit, Nuts & Yogurt ............................................................... 257
Smoothie: Fruit “Quickie”........................................................................ 258
Smoothie: Strawberry Flax Smoothie........................................................ 258
Snack: Cajun Chicken Fingers .................................................................. 259
Snack: Juice “Quickie” Drink ................................................................... 260
Snack: Mix ‘n Match ................................................................................. 260
Snack: Nuts & Fruit.................................................................................. 261
Snack: Parsley Hummus ........................................................................... 261

Snack: Raw Veggie Platter ........................................................................ 262
Snack: Seasoned Pita Chips ...................................................................... 263
Snack: Turkey Sandwich........................................................................... 264
Snack: Veggie Pita Pizzas.......................................................................... 265
Soup: Black Bean...................................................................................... 266
Soup: Black-Eyed Peas & Vegetables ....................................................... 267
Soup: Cabbage.......................................................................................... 269
Soup: Chicken Noodle ............................................................................. 270
Soup: Chickpea 1...................................................................................... 271
Soup: Chickpea 2...................................................................................... 272
Soup: Chowder with Fish ......................................................................... 273

Soup: Crockpot Taco ............................................................................... 274

Soup: Lentil .............................................................................................. 275
Soup: Okra ............................................................................................... 276
Soup: Shrimp Vegetable Soup .................................................................. 278
Soup: Split Pea ......................................................................................... 279
Soup: Tomato........................................................................................... 280
Soup: Tomato Vegetable .......................................................................... 281
Soup: Turkey Vegetable Soup................................................................... 282
Soup: Vegetable Chili ............................................................................... 283

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Soup: Zucchini & Tomato........................................................................ 284
Spinach & Egg ......................................................................................... 285
Spinach and Salmon ................................................................................. 286
Stew: Chicken........................................................................................... 288
Stew: Lentils, Tomatoes, Onions .............................................................. 289
Stew: Okra and Shrimp ............................................................................ 291
Stew: Vegetable and Coconut ................................................................... 292
Stir-Fry: Broccoli & Cabbage.................................................................... 293
Stir-Fry: Broccoli & Chicken .................................................................... 294
Stir-Fry: Chicken & Vegetables................................................................. 295
Stir-Fry: Sweet and Sour with Chicken ..................................................... 296
Stir-Fry: Sweet and Sour with Pork........................................................... 297
Stir-Fry: Shrimp, Cabbage, Carrots & Broccoli ......................................... 299
Stir-Fry: Tofu & Vegetables...................................................................... 300
Stir-Fry: Turkey & Vegetables .................................................................. 301
Stuffed Green Peppers ............................................................................. 302

Tofu With Peppers, Peanuts, and Mushrooms ......................................... 303
Turkey Cutlets with Lemon and Parsley ................................................... 304
Vegetarian Jambalaya................................................................................ 305
Venison and Chestnut Casserole .............................................................. 306
Alternative Healthier Foods ..................................................................... 308
Contact Information ................................................................................ 311

Don’t Delay! -- Get Started Now!
Super Breakfast
This type of vegetable-based breakfast provides a more sustained level
of energy and key nutrients that diabetics (and non-diabetics) are
1 ½ cups steamed spinach (or 1 cup steamed broccoli)
2 oz. baked wild salmon (or sardines, or an Omega-3 egg)
½ yellow pepper, mushrooms, spices
1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (add after steaming vegetables)

Death to Diabetes, LLC

16 oz. filtered water
1 slice of toasted sprouted grain bread (optional addition)
Super Dinner
This type of dinner sets the stage to help the body cleanse/detoxify and
repair itself while you sleep.
1 cup steamed Brussel sprouts and 1 cup steamed broccoli
5 oz. baked skinless chicken breast (or 5 oz. wild salmon)
½ red pepper, mushrooms, spices
1½ tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (add after steaming vegetables)
1 slice of sprouted grain bread
16 oz. filtered water (or 16 oz. white tea)
Optional meal: a raw salad that contains the aforementioned foods with
Romaine lettuce and organic salad dressing
Super Snack
The following nutritious snacks require very little time to prepare.
1 apple, a handful of walnuts/almonds, a glass of water
1 cup of grapes, a handful of trail mix/pulse food (nuts/seeds), water
8 oz. organic/raw juice, mix in 2 tbsp. of ground flaxseed
1 cup of yogurt, add flaxseed, blueberries; glass of water
4-5 whole grain crackers, 2 oz. canned salmon/tuna, water

Note: You should always measure your blood glucose before meals and
2 hours after your meals to determine which of these recipes are best
for you.

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Chapter 1. Introduction

Spirit Mind

Because of the success of my book Death to Diabetes – The 6 Stages of Type
2 Diabetes Control & Reversal, and because of requests from many of my
Death to Diabetes, LLC
readers, I was asked to develop a cookbook of recipes that provided a
variety of super meals and super snacks.
This cookbook provides more than 300 recipes and food tips to help
diabetics fight their diabetes. More importantly, this cookbook was
designed to address the following top problems that many diabetics and
my readers expressed during workshops, teleseminars, and via email:
x What to Cook/Not Cook
x Favorite Foods/Cravings
x Time
x Money
The ideas for many of the following recipes came from my daughter
Cynthia, my brother Greg, my mother, customers I met from my
workshops, others from various churches, and emails from some of my
readers. I also modified recipes from health-oriented websites to align
with my Super Meal Model for Type 2 Diabetes.
Because this cookbook was designed to focus on content and provide
more complete meals, there are a lot more pages of recipes but without
the pretty colored pictures, which would have driven up the cost of the
book. I felt that content was a lot more important than looks when it
comes to fighting such a serious disease as diabetes.


In addition, there are hundreds of specific food tips, specifically to

address how to enjoy your favorite foods. For example, there are food
tips about bread, chocolate, desserts, French fries, ice cream, flour, mac
‘n cheese, fried foods, and pizza – that enable diabetics to enjoy these
foods instead of avoid them and feel deprived. In addition, there are
food tips about various spices and how they can be used to enhance the
taste of various foods while ensuring that the meals will be healthy and
beneficial to diabetics. There are also food tips about eating out at

Death to Diabetes, LLC

This cookbook is truly unique because it is not designed like most
cookbooks with sections for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The primary
reason for not doing this is because many of the super meals can be
eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. As a result, the recipes are listed in
alphabetical order.
Time is a key issue that diabetics struggle with, so there are food tips,
meal planning tips, and recipes about preparing snacks, quick lunches
and various dishes.
Money is another issue that diabetics (and all of us for that matter)
struggle with, so there are specific meal planning and grocery shopping
tips that will help you to save money with your grocery bill.
Sweets is another issue that diabetics struggle with, so there are food tips
about desserts, sugar and sweets; and, recipe sections for desserts.
Favorite foods for different ethnic cultures are addressed by providing food tips
about transforming your favorite foods into healthier versions so that
you can enjoy eating again and not suffer the unnecessary health
complications. Most diabetic cookbooks ignore the importance of
culture and how it influences our food choices. This is a major
oversight that leads to an unhappy diabetic.
Day-to-day planning and managing your diabetes is a major concern that
diabetics have. This is due to the fact that there are 7 wellness factors
that diabetics must manage besides their meals. For that reason, this
cookbook identifies those 7 factors and provides an overview of the 10
steps to control, reverse your diabetes – from the Death to Diabetes book.


Once you have a good understanding of the Super Meal Model, you can
modify these recipes to expand your food selections even further. In
addition, you can design your own diabetes meal plan to suit your taste,
health needs and lifestyle. And, don’t forget that you can convert many
of your own favorite meal recipes to super meal recipes by using the
Alternative Healthier Foods table in the Appendix.
However, you should always measure your blood glucose before your
meals and 2 hours after your meals to determine which of these recipes
are best for you.
Death to Diabetes, LLC
The following chapter provides general food tips for grocery shopping,
meal planning, and meal preparation.
Following that chapter are more than 200 recipes of super meals and
super snacks that you can use to develop your own customized meal
Please Note: If you have a favorite recipe, please send it to us at If it is approved, you will receive
credit for the recipe and a 10% discount on your next purchase.



Recipe Categories
The recipes in the Recipes section are provided in alphabetical order,
with the following major sections:
x Barbecue x Oatmeal
x Beef x Okra
x Broccoli x Omelet
x Brussel Sprouts x Pancakes
Death to Diabetes, LLC
Pork Chops
Red Beans
x Chicken x Salad
x Chili x Sandwich
x Dessert x Seafood
x Eggs x Smoothie
x Enchiladas x Snack
French Toast
Grilled Vegetables
x Grits x Stew
x Gumbo x Stir-Fry
x Ham x Stuffed Green Peppers
x Hot Dogs x Tofu
x Italian (Lasagna, Pizza) x Turkey
x 1-800-813-1927
Vegetarian Jambalaya
These recipes are grouped into these categories to make it easier to
develop your own meal plan for the next 90 to 180 days. If you do not
have the time to develop your own meal plan, refer to the Death to
Diabetes 90-Day Diabetes Boot Camp & Meal Plan book.
These recipes are not grouped like most recipe books, with sections for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. The reason for this is because many of the
recipes can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Chapter 2. Super Meal Model®

Spirit Mind

The Death to Diabetes Nutritional Protocol

The Death to Diabetes Super Meal Model is designed to address the
nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances associated with Type 2
Death to Diabetes, LLC
diabetes. In general, a super meal or super snack must provide a balance
of carbohydrates, protein, and fat; and utilize the 5 “live” super foods:
vegetables, some fruits; lean protein; plant oils; filtered water; and, some
organic whole grains.
More importantly, super meals must reduce or avoid the 5 “dead”
foods: refined flour, starchy foods; refined sugar, fructose corn syrup;
trans fats (partially hydrogenated oil); excess saturated fat from fatty
animal meats; and, various drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, caffeine,
OTC drugs and prescription drugs.
The following is a list of the key attributes of a super meal or super
x Meal size: 400-500 calories
x Meal balance of macronutrients: 40% - 30% - 30% (Carb-Protein-
x Meal frequency: 4-6 times a day
x Fiber content: 32 to 35 grams each day
x Macronutrient quality: whole food, not processed (packaged) foods
x Food state: at least 50% raw vegetables vs. cooked vegetables
x Nutritional supplementation: Food-based, not synthetic
x Food quality: organic where possible


The key health benefits of the Super Meal Model include the
x Promotes blood glucose stabilization.
x Prevents excess insulin production.
x Promotes fat burning, energy production, and weight loss, especially
in the belly area.
x Reduces micro-inflammation and excess oxidative stress.
x Increases thermogenic mechanisms, speeding up metabolism.
x Promotes regularity, colon health, and the removal of extra

Death to Diabetes, LLC

x Promotes growth of friendly intestinal bacteria, aids digestion and
strengthens the immune system.
Refer to Chapter 7 of the Death to Diabetes book for more details.

Meal Plan Strategy:

In order to achieve these health benefits, your diabetes meal plan must
focus on vegetables, more vegetables, soups, salads, and no grains.
Eventually you can introduce some of the more carbohydrate-dense
meals such as the casseroles and some grains – as long as your post-
meal blood glucose levels have steadily come down, and have reached
the normal blood glucose range of 80 mg/dl to 110 mg/dl.
However, if your blood glucose level and other inflammation markers
have not improved, you should continue to focus on vegetables, raw
juices, Omega-3s, fiber, and other anti-inflammatory foods; and, more

importantly, shut down consuming all of the 5 “dead” foods, especially
the refined flour, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, partially
hydrogenated oil, and drugs/medications.


The Super Meal Model (Diagram)

Death to Diabetes, LLC
Note: Many diabetics have tried counting calories or counting carbs, but
have been unsuccessful with controlling and reversing their diabetes.
Why? Because calorie or carb counting alone does not ensure that your
meal is nutritious enough to fight the root causes of your diabetes. On
the other hand, the Death to Diabetes Super Meal Model is designed to
fight, control, and reverse your diabetes.
Note: You should always measure your blood glucose before and 2
hours after your meals to determine which of these recipes are best for


Calorie Counting
Calorie counting can be tedious and frustrating. However, you can use
calorie counting as a tool or guide to help you design your daily/weekly
meal program. And, once you become familiar with the physical size
and calorie counts for various foods, you will not have to spend a lot of
time counting calories at each meal.
In order to accomplish this, first, you need to determine the amount of
calories you require on a daily basis to maintain your current weight –
this is known as your maintenance calorie count. You can determine
Death to Diabetes, LLC
this by using one of the calculators on any of the many diet-related
websites – just google with “diet calculator”. For an example, let’s use
2250 calories as the maintenance calorie count.
If the overall goal is to lose weight, specifically, fat, then, you need to
set a target calorie count that is at least 20% below your current
maintenance calorie count of 2250:
2250 – (20% of 2250)= 2250 – 450 = 1800
So, 1800 calories would be your daily target calorie count.
Next, using 40%-30%-30% as a starting point, the calories would be
distributed as follows:
Carbohydrates: 40% of 1800 = 720
Protein: 30% of 1800 = 540
Fat: 30% of 1800 = 540

Since there are 4 calories in each gram of a carbohydrate, 4 calories in
each gram of a protein, and 9 calories in each gram of a fat, the number
of grams for each of these macronutrients would be:
Carbohydrates: 720 divided by 4 = 180 grams
Protein: 540 divided by 4 = 135 grams
Fat: 540 divided by 9 = 60 grams


Next, to determine the number of grams (of each macronutrient) for

each meal/snack, you need to divide each of the gram numbers by the
number of meals/snacks that you plan to have each day. For this
example, let’s assume that you are going start with a total of 4
meals/snacks each day. That means each meal/snack will have the
following distribution of grams and calories:
Carbohydrates: 180 divided by 4 = 45 grams
Protein: 135 divided by 4 = 33.75 grams
Fat: 60 divided by 4 = 15 grams
Death to Diabetes, LLC
If you assume that the snack is much smaller in size and calories, let’s
say by 50%, then, it will contain 22.5 grams of carbohydrates, 16.9
grams of protein, and 7.5 grams of fat. As a result, each of the three
major meals will have the following distribution of grams and calories:
Carbohydrates: 45 times 3 plus 22.5 divided by 3 = 52.5 g, 210 cal
Protein: 33.75 times 3 plus 16.9 divided by 3 = 39.4 g, 157 cal
Fat: 15 times 3 plus 7.5 divided by 3 = 17.5 g, 157 cal
These numbers may appear small initially, but, once you begin eating
more “live” foods and more frequent meals, your body chemistry will
make the proper adjustments and you will actually find it difficult to eat
1800 calories every day – unless you consume a lot of “dead” food or
exercise more than 60 minutes a day. If you are not familiar with the
number of grams and calories for different foods, obtain a nutrition or
diet book that provides this information.

Note: This is a simplistic model that does not take into account the
addition of lean muscle tissue as a health goal. That would require a
higher target calorie count and at least five if not six or seven
meals/snacks each day.

Chapter 3. Managing Diabetes

Spirit Mind

The 7 Diabetes Wellness Factors

As described in the Death to Diabetes book, there are 7 wellness factors
that diabetics must control if they want to properly manage their
Death to Diabetes, LLC
diabetes and have the opportunity to beat and reverse their disease.
The seven (7) wellness factors are:
1. Knowledge
2. Nutrition
3. Exercise
4. Blood Glucose Testing
5. Mind & Spirit
6. Support Systems
7. Wellness Planning
These 7 wellness factors are depicted in the following diagram from the
author’s diabetes wellness program.
Please keep these wellness factors in mind as you develop your diabetes
meal plan. For more details about these wellness factors, refer to the
Death to Diabetes book, DVD or CD set.


The 7 Diabetes Wellness Factors

Death to Diabetes, LLC
Note: The 7 wellness factors are the foundation of The 10 Steps to
Control & Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, which are shown on the following



The 10 Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes

Here are the 10 steps (from the Death to Diabetes book) to
control and possibly reverse your Type 2 diabetes.
1. Increase your knowledge about diabetes and its complications,
nutrition, exercise, and drugs. Visit your local library, go to medical-
related websites, take classes, and talk to other (healthy) diabetics.
2. Eat the 5 “live” super foods, especially bright-colored vegetables,
fruits, raw juices, sea vegetables, grasses, plant protein, plant oils,
Death to Diabetes, LLC
whole grains, legumes, filtered water, and cold-water fish. Eat 4-5
super meals/snacks each day, using the Super Meal Model. Buy a
steamer for your vegetables.
3. Reduce/stop eating the 5 “dead” processed foods, especially white
flour, sugar, starches, animal meat, trans fats, drugs.
4. Increase your blood glucose testing to at least 4 times a day,
including a post-meal test to customize your nutritional profile. Use
a journal/logbook to record, track, analyze and make changes.
5. Exercise consistently by stretching/walking 30 to 45 minutes four
to six times a week. And, add 10 to 15 minutes of weight/resistance
(anaerobics) exercise on alternate days.
6. Perform cleansing/detoxification to remove the toxins and waste.
7. Take a wholefood or food-based supplement to complement your
nutritional program and accelerate the healing process.
8. Work with your doctor, health coach, and other healthcare
professionals to communicate your health goals and build your
relationships. Ensure your treatment is focused on repairing your
body and reducing your drug usage/dependency and not just
suppressing the symptoms.
9. Utilize exercise, prayer, yoga, or other meditation techniques to
relax, help relieve the stress, and connect with your inner spirit.
Join a local support group to get information and share your
problems with other diabetics. Your insight may help someone in
the group and will motivate you to continue making progress.
10. Develop an overall (proactive) wellness plan. Address any excuses
or barriers you may have before proceeding with your recovery plan.


The 10 Steps

Death to Diabetes, LLC
For more details about these 10 steps, refer to the Death to Diabetes
book, DVD or CD set.



Death to Diabetes, LLC


Chapter 4. Food Tips

Spirit Mind

Planning & Preparation

The following general meal planning tips should be utilized to maximize
the nutritional value of your meals and snacks.
Death to Diabetes, LLC
Obtain the following kitchen appliances (mandatory):
x A steamer to properly steam vegetables and prevent overcooking
x A water filter to provide filtered water
x A blender to prepare blended juices and replace bottled
juices/beverages, especially soda and diet soda
x A juicer to produce fresh raw vegetable, grass and fruit juices
x Enameled cast iron cookware, stoneware, glassware, or some
nonstick cookware to reduce the use of cooking oils
x A Foreman grill to drain the fat from the meat
Obtain the following kitchen appliances (optional):
x A large pot to prepare vegetable soups
x Glassware-like containers to protect fresh vegetables and fruits; and,
to store and freeze future meals, including soups
x A freezer to allow you to stock up on foods that are on sale
x A pressure cooker or portable convection oven (to save time when
x A coffee grinder (to grind up fresh flaxseeds)
x Springform pan for baking delicate confections, flourless chocolate
cakes, and creamy cheesecakes.


Meal Planning Strategy for Type 2 Diabetics

Depending on your health needs and finances, purchase organic, fresh,
or frozen vegetables and fruits instead of canned. It is not necessary
that all your food be organic unless you have a concern with pesticides
and other harmful chemicals. The key is that you replace the “dead”
refined flour, refined sugar, trans fats, fatty meats, vegetable oils, and
other processed foods with the “live” vegetables, fruits, beans, fish,
nuts, seeds, and plant oils. Use the Alternative Foods table as a guide
when you start shopping.

Death to Diabetes, LLC

There is a myth that eating healthy is boring and bland. Ensure that you
read the following Food Tips section, which provides an abundance of
ideas about food preparation and how to design tasty and scrumptious
meals. There is a comprehensive sub-section about various spices and
herbs, and how to use them with various foods and meats.
Prepare vegetable soups and casseroles that are less time-consuming,
healthy, and inexpensive, especially if you have a large family.
If you choose to adopt the mentality that there is a war going on inside
your body, then, grocery shopping is your way of selecting the right
foods to obtain the “weapons and ammunition” to fight the “enemy”
known as diabetes. In general, avoid the middle aisles of the large
grocery stores because that’s where they usually stock the processed
foods. Try to stay on the outside perimeter of the store for the fresh
foods and the foods that are healthier for your body.

The meals for the initial weeks should focus on vegetables, more
vegetables, soups, salads, and no grains, and especially no flour and no
sugar. The following weeks can provide more carbohydrate-dense meals
that include grains, casseroles and desserts – assuming your blood
glucose level has stabilized. However, if your blood glucose level and
other inflammation markers have not improved, you should continue to
focus on consuming more vegetables, raw juices, Omega-3s, fiber, and
other anti-inflammatory foods.


Importance of Food and Ethnic Cultures

“Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are,” wrote Jean
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, renowned connoisseur of good food and
drink in 1825.
Make no mistake about it -- Food is an essential fixture of culture,
society, and socialization; and comes with a complete set of customs,
history, and nuances. So do not forget that your cultural background
influences your food choices. It’s no fun to avoid the tasty and favorite
foods of your own culture.
Death to Diabetes, LLC
Instead, embrace your culture and learn how to transform your favorite
meals and foods into healthier versions. Refer to the Death to Diabetes
booklet titled “Diabetes and Different Cultures” to understand
different cultures and their favorite foods, and how diabetics can enjoy
their favorite culture-based foods.
People connect to their cultural or ethnic group through similar food
patterns. Immigrants often use food as a means of retaining their
cultural identity. People from different cultural backgrounds eat
different foods. The ingredients, methods of preparation, preservation
techniques, and types of food eaten at different meals vary among
cultures. The areas in which families live— and where their ancestors
originated—influence food likes and dislikes. These food preferences
result in patterns of food choices within a cultural or regional group. To
avoid these patterns would be disastrous to a diabetic who is learning
how to eat healthier.
In addition, there is a passion in every culture about eating. It is found
in every culture and every region of the country, each fiercely proud and
protective of its own signature dishes, and it inhabits everyday
conversation on a regular basis, preferably a conversation that takes
place over a meal, or at some celebratory event. As a diabetic, if you try
to disregard that passion, you will not be happy when you change your
eating habits. This is one of the key reasons why ethnic groups have
difficulty maintaining their changes to how they eat.


Key Point: The Death to Diabetes wellness program is different from

most diabetes programs because it does not ignore the role that culture
plays in our food choices.
Food and Socialization
Food is a key component of various celebratory events, including
weddings, birthday parties, picnics, dinner parties, funerals, holidays,
family reunions, etc. Can you imagine any of these events without food?
Have you ever been invited to an event that didn’t have food or the
food was lousy? It is important that we don’t diminish the role that
Death to Diabetes, LLC
food plays in our social lives. To that end, it becomes important for
diabetics to plan for these events so that they can enjoy life, and not
spend their time looking over their shoulder.
In addition, there is a care taken in the preparation of food and produce
that is complemented by a receptive audience willing to take the time to
appreciate it. Imagine the embarrassment that a host feels when they
feel that they have let you down, or the embarrassment that you as a
diabetic feels in this situation. Instead, it is better to be proactive instead
of reactive in these social events. By being proactive, you will have a
better chance to enjoy these social events along with your friends and
relatives. Refer to the Death to Diabetes Meal Planning booklet for
more ideas and tips about meal planning.



Food Preparation and Cooking Tips

The following food preparation and cooking tips will allow you to enjoy
many of your favorite foods and maintain your blood glucose level
within the normal range. These tips are provided in the following
section in alphabetical order:
x Apple Butter Spread x Probiotics and Prebiotics
x Beans, Nuts, Seeds x Quiche
x Death to Diabetes, LLC
Bread Crumbs
Restaurants: Eating out
x Bread: Sourdough x Salads
x Bread: Sprouted Grain x Sandwiches
x Carbohydrates x Seasoning: Spices/Herbs
x Cereal x Snacks
x Chocolate x Soup
Fats, Oils
Split Pea Soup
Sugar and Sweets
x Fish x Tea
x Flour Substitutes x Tofu
x French Fries x Turkey
x Ice Cream x Vegetables
x Juicing x Whole
Lunches: Quick Lunches
Macadamia Nuts
x Yogurt

x Mac & Cheese

x Mashed Potatoes
x Meats, Frying
x Mushrooms
x Pasta
x Pita Pizza


Apple Butter Spread

Your options for morning toast may seem limited to trans-fat free
margarine or dicey, low-carb or reduced-sugar jams. Consider whipping
up your own apple spread.
The good thing about apples is that, no matter where you live, they are
available year-round in your supermarket. And they are loaded with
antioxidants and fiber. Recent scientific findings have shown that the
compounds in apples may reduce cholesterol, improve the health of
arteries, reduce the risk of several types of cancer, and even reduce age-
Death to Diabetes, LLC
related damage to brain cells. To get the most of apples’ health punch,
you need to eat the skin, because quercetin –– a star antioxidant –– is
only found there.
To make apple spread, core and chop up enough apples (choose very
sweet and crisp varieties, such as McIntosh, Jonagold, and Fuji) to
almost fill your largest pot. Cook them in about an inch of water or
apple cider until uniformly soft. Puree in food processor and return to
pot. Add cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and allspice. Bring mixture to a boil,
reduce heat, and simmer until thickened. Your spread should keep for
up to two months refrigerated in an airtight container.
Beans, Grains, Nuts & Seeds
Add canned beans to soups, salads, and casseroles to provide fiber, but,
rinse the beans to remove the excess sodium.
Soak beans (and discard the water) to break down the gas-producing

sugars, stachyose and raffinose.
Use barley in almost any recipe that calls for rice, e.g. stuffed peppers,
rice pilaf -- to provide more whole grain fiber.
Use barley flour when making fresh bread or pasta. Avoid refined
flour, which contains gluten and a chemical called alloxan that damages
the beta cells. Alternatives include: gluten-free flour, amaranth, oat
flour, soy flour, or whole wheat flour. Unfortunately, keep in mind that
recipes that require the gluten do not work as well.
Use freshly ground flaxseed in salads and smoothies to increase the
fiber, Omega-3s, and anti-cancer benefits.

Use whole grains such as amaranth and quinoa because of their higher
content of fiber, selenium, Vitamin E, and protein.
Mix different nuts and seeds in a sealable, plastic bag: almonds,
cashews, pecans, walnuts, macadamias, pumpkin seeds, sunflower
seeds, etc. to create your own trail mixes and healthy lunches. Add a
few dried apple, pear, berry, pineapple and/or papaya pieces,
unsweetened coconut flakes, and carob chips.
Avoid roasted nuts because roasting oxidizes the fat. Always soak

Death to Diabetes, LLC

nuts/seeds to break down the enzyme inhibitors which interfere with
digestion (The enzyme inhibitors are nature’s defense mechanism of
not being eaten before they can sprout and grow). Soak the nuts/seeds
in a bowl of distilled water for 5-8 hours. Remove and discard the
grains that float as they are likely rancid. Drain and rinse. Refrigerate
nuts to protect the fat from turning rancid.
If possible avoid grilling, broiling or frying animal meat, especially red
meat. Toxic compounds are created that have been linked to several
cancers. To reduce these levels of carcinogens, use lean cuts only,
marinate them, and flip them frequently on the grill to reduce the
cooking time. Avoid smoked and processed meats such as bacon,
sausage, ham, hot dogs, bologna, and lunch meats, which have been
linked to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and Type 2 diabetes. Eat organic
bacon and sausage if you miss them.

If you eat beef, eat only the lean beef. The leanest cuts usually carry the
label “USDA Select”. Select beef contains 40% less fat than “prime”
and 20% less fat than “choice”. If financially possible, eat only organic
USDA certified meat. Avoid the meat if it has a lot of marbling – this
indicates a lot of fat. Cut away any visible fat before cooking the meat
to reduce the fat and toxin intake. While broiling meat, let the fat drip
off, but don’t let it drain on hot charcoal or a hot burner because this
will produce undesirable fumes.
Use ground turkey or chicken in place of ground beef for lasagna,


soups, stuffed peppers, burgers, etc. to reduce your saturated fat intake.
If you really prefer the beef, then, use organic, free-range beef and use
20-25% less meat. Other meat options include wild game such as
venison and bear because they provide Omega-3 EFAs and conjugated
linoleic acid (CLA).
Marinade meat overnight in something flavorful, e.g. olive oil, garlic,
ginger, and light soy sauce. Use olive oil as part of the marinade to
“break down” the harmful saturated fats and to increase the flavor.

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Sauté your meats with red and green peppers, onions, garlic,
mushrooms, tomatoes, and other vegetables that you like to give the
meat a better flavor and reduce the amount of meat that you would
normally eat because of the extra vegetables.
To reduce the amount of arachidonic acid in steaks and roasts: trim all
the visible fat from the steak, then place it in a large resealable plastic
bag along with a mixture of 1 cup of red wine and 1 cup of olive oil or
light sesame oil. Allow the meat to marinate in this mixture in the
refrigerator for a full 24 hours, flipping the bag and contents over a
couple of times. Take the steak out, drain it for an hour or so, discard
the marinade, rub the beef with some pepper or other spices to taste,
then grill it.
Note: The wine acts as a solvent to leach out a fair amount of the fat in
the steak, which is replaced in part by the fat in the olive or sesame oil.
The oil permeates the steak, giving it a juicy succulent taste and makes it
healthier. You can use this technique with roasts as well.
Some diabetics forget to account for the carbohydrates associated with
most beverages. In most cases, it is better to drink water as the
preferred beverage.
Drink filtered water with lemon, sugar-free sparkling and mineral water;
sugar-free iced tea, or hot tea. However, avoid soda, diet soda, coffee,
and most bottled fruit juices.


Bread Crumbs (Crunchy Coating)

Some things just aren’t the same without the crunchy coating, but a
coating made with flour or bread crumbs can turn a healthy dish into a
high-carb problem. Great, flavorful substitutions for bread crumbs
include: nuts, seeds, and (unsweetened) whole grain cereal flakes all can
be chopped (or crushed up in a plastic storage bag) and used to coat
fish filets, chicken, shrimp, or vegetables.
For crab cakes, meat balls and the like, try mixing up a paste of baking
powder and a beaten egg to use as a binder instead of bread crumbs and
egg.Death to Diabetes, LLC
Bread: Sourdough
Along with white potatoes and table sugar, white bread sits at the top of
the “dead” foods list. However, when lactic acid is added to bread
dough, it does two things –– changes the flavor to the tangy, delicious
bite of sourdough bread and mediates the glycemic impact of all that
white wheat flour.
We know the glycemic response is less with sourdough because the acid
slows the emptying of the stomach, thereby slowing the delivery of
glucose to the bloodstream. And research has shown that this anti-
glycemic effect can last through to the next meal, slowing the emptying
of the stomach even a few hours later.
If you’re feeling ambitious, find yourself a recipe for sourdough starter
and bake your own sourdough bread. You’ll learn an ancient method of

preserving yeast in the process. Otherwise, check the bakery
department of your natural foods store or even your supermarket for a
variety of sourdough breads. White sourdough is better than non-
sourdough white, but a whole grain sourdough will still rank highest on
the health meter and lowest in glycemic response.
Bread: Sprouted Grain
Sprouted grain breads are more nutrient-packed and have less impact
on blood glucose than regular breads. They are usually found in the
refrigerated sections of health food stores or the health food section of
grocery stores. Traditional bread is made from grains –– usually, little


hard kernels –– that are ground up and made into flour. Sprouted bread
is made from grains that have been allowed to sprout before being
ground. Once it sprouts, the grain contains a greater array of nutrients,
and it may even decrease a bit in carbohydrates and glycemic impact.
Virtually any grain that can be made into flour can be sprouted first, so
browse the selection in your natural foods store and start
experimenting. You may find you love the crunch of one or the tangy,
nutty flavor of another.

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The best carbohydrates for diabetics are vegetables, vegetables,
vegetables – especially the green ones and those with other bright
colors, such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, spinach, kale, orange peppers,
red peppers, etc. Other good carbohydrates are some whole fruits and
some organic whole grains. However, diabetics should avoid the
processed carbohydrates, especially the white flour, pasta, sugar,
potatoes, and bread.
Many people love oatmeal or cereal in the morning for breakfast, but if
you’re diabetic, you should avoid most cereals and grains. Once your
blood glucose has stabilized, if you really miss cereal, then, try the
organic whole grain cereals. In addition, you should replace the cow’s
milk with organic soy milk, raw milk, goat’s milk or raw almond milk.
And, add 1-2 tbsp. of ground flaxseed on top.

Chocolate Coated Confections
Cover antioxidant-rich berries such as blueberries, blackberries or
raspberries with a coating of high-quality, unsweetened dark chocolate –
and you’ve nearly got a health food! (Eat only a small handful, of
course, and monitor your blood glucose level.)
Place your fruit or nuts in the freezer for 30 minutes. Melt a good-
quality, unsweetened dark chocolate in a double boiler, whisking in a bit
of cream, hot water, and xylitol to taste. Remove your fruit or nuts from
the freezer, dip them in the chocolate (using a fork, slotted spoon, or
tongs), and spread them out on wax paper to harden. Pour into a zip
lock back and take your homemade candy to the movies.

Try to limit your intake of a lot of pasteurized cow’s milk and hard
x Eggs: Use organic whole eggs, egg whites, egg substitutes. Do not
overcook eggs – eat raw, poached, or soft-boiled, if possible.
x Milk: Use low fat, 1%-2% milk, fat-free buttermilk; raw milk.
x Cheese: Use low fat or fat-free cottage cheese, ricotta cheese,
mozzarella cheese, sliced cheese, or goat’s cheese; avoid hard cheese.
x Yogurt: Use non-fat plain, low-fat plain, or sugar-free yogurts
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x Spreads & Dips: Use hummus (bean dip), salsa; Fat-free sour cream
or cream cheese; fat-free dips; Reduced fat vegetable dip, cream
Here are some tips when cooking with dairy:
x Replace cream with evaporated skim milk in cooking.
x Replace whole egg with two egg whites or egg substitute.
x Use grated cheese instead of heavy cream and cheese sauces to
flavor vegetables and pastas. (Grated cheese has a strong flavor that
goes farther when sprinkled on foods).
When making brownies, replace the semisweet chocolate with
unsweetened cocoa and the butter with a cup of pureed prunes, which
keep the brownies moist.
Bake your own cakes, pies, and cookies to avoid the high fructose corn
syrup and partially hydrogenated oil of these store-bought baked goods.
Replace the refined white flour with a whole grain flour; the vegetable
oil with olive oil or rice bran oil; the refined white sugar with xylitol
powder; and, the margarine with a vegetable spread such as Earth
Balance or Smart Balance.
When making a chocolate cake, replace the chocolate with cocoa, use
fewer egg yolks, and reduce the amount of butter by substituting some
nonfat yogurt.


Add a handful of walnuts and a half-cup of blueberries to your bowl of

ice cream to provide some fiber and protein and slow down the
absorption of the sugar.
Make your own homemade ice cream with low fat cream and fresh
fruit. If you purchase your ice cream, do not buy the low fat versions
because they contain more sugar and are less filling. Instead buy the
rich ice cream, but eat less of it with some nuts and fruit.
Sherbet, sorbet, ice milk, and low fat frozen yogurt are alternatives to

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the rich ice cream, but, be careful not to overeat them because they
tend to be less filling and contain more sugar.
For candy, eat small servings of dark chocolate. Be wary of health bars
that may contain high fructose corn syrup and other sugar agents.
Detox Foods
Foods that help to cleanse and detoxify the body, liver, kidneys, etc.
include the following:
Beans: are an important detox food and a major source of protein and
are a great source of fiber. Examples include kidney beans, pinto beans,
garbanzo and soybeans.
Broccoli sprouts: Get them at your health-food store. They pack 20 to
50 times more cancer-fighting, enzyme-stimulating activity into each
bite than the grown-up vegetable.
Cabbage: Helps activate two main types of detoxifying enzymes in the
liver. Coleslaw is a good way to get cabbage into your diet.
Cauliflower is another good detox vegetable.
Filtered water: helps to flush toxins out of the cells and kidneys.
Flaxseed: This seed is rich in fiber and Omega-3 fats. It mops up toxins
(cholesterol too) and helps clear them out. Stir freshly grounded
flaxseed into your smoothie or juice to help cleanse your colon, or add
it to your organic bran cereal for breakfast.
Fruits: especially blueberries, blackberries, tart cherries, and other
berries. An orange, grapefruit, and lime combination is a good detox

juice. These fruits are great for the immune system and loaded with
Vitamin C and fiber.
Garlic: Add it to everything — salads, sauces, spreads. In addition to
the bulb’s cardio benefits, it activates liver enzymes that help filter out
Green leafy vegetables: Eat them raw, throw them into a broth, add
them to juices. Their chlorophyll helps swab out environmental toxins
(heavy metals, pesticides) and protects the liver.

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Green/white tea: This antioxidant-rich brew is one of the healthiest
ways to get more fluids into your system. Bonus: It contains catechins,
which speed up liver activity.
Lemons: You need to keep the fluids flowing to wash out the body and
fresh lemonade is ideal. Its vitamin C, considered the detox vitamin,
helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that’s easily flushed
Sesame seeds: They’re credited with protecting liver cells from the
damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals. For a concentrated
form, try tahini, the yummy sesame seed paste that’s a staple of Asian
Watercress: Put a handful into salads, soups, and sandwiches. The
peppery little green leaves have a diuretic effect that helps move things
through your system. And cress is rich in minerals too.

Fats, Oils
Use organic rice bran oil, olive oil or cold-pressed macadamia nut oil
for low heat stir-frying and sautéing foods.
Use “light” olive oil for baking because it has little or no olive taste.
Use a nonstick cooking spray made with olive oil but do not use it in a
high heat environment.
Use extra virgin olive oil to flavor salads and foods after cooking.
Note: Rice bran oil is rich in Vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols, a


unique antioxidant known as gamma oryzanol, high quantities of

phytosterols, polyphenols and squalene; and has a high smoke point.
Use extra virgin coconut oil for cooking because this saturated fat is
very healthy and can handle the heat.
Instead of butter, spread a pat of extra virgin coconut oil onto a slice of
sprouted grain bread and lightly toast. (Thanks, Cynthia)
Mix 1-2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into your tub of (soft)
margarine spread.
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Avoid the clear vegetable oils such as corn, soybean, sunflower. Also,
avoid canola oil. Extra virgin olive oil (or rice bran oil) is the preferred
oil for salads. and steamed vegetables, as it provides antioxidants and
helps the body absorb the vegetable’s fat-soluble nutrients (e.g.
Extra virgin olive oil does not stay liquid when it is refrigerated. Mix
extra virgin olive oil (60%) with flax oil (40%) or with macadamia nut
oil to create your own new “super” oil that will remain more liquid
when stored in the refrigerator. (Thanks, Larry P.)
Reduce cooking with oil, which breaks down when overheated and
forms harmful chemicals. If you decide to cook with oil, add the oil to
the food before cooking, and use stoneware to not overcook or “burn”
the oil. Do not reheat or reuse oil. Avoid deep-frying, which creates
carcinogens such as acrylamide.
Freshly ground flaxseed is much healthier than flax oil, but it should be
consumed almost immediately because the ALA oil in it goes rancid
very quickly when exposed to air. Because polyunsaturated oils such as
flaxseed or walnut oil become rancid when exposed to heat, light, and
oxygen for too long, they should be stored in dark glass, tightly closed
containers in the refrigerator. Only purchase organic flax oil that is
being refrigerated in an opaque container (to keep out light) and has an
expiration date. Refrigerate the flax oil after opening the bottle and try
to use it up within 3 months because flax oil does not retain its vital
nutrients even under proper care.


But, if you decide to deep-fry, when high heat is used, use a healthy
saturated fat such as organic or extra virgin coconut oil. And, use a
flash-fryer to sear the outside of the food and prevent the oil from
seeping into the food. Do not deep-fry with a polyunsaturated oil or
shortening, which is a form of polyunsaturated fat that has been
hydrogenised and transformed into a trans fat.
Cook wild salmon slowly (250° for 12-18 minutes, depending on size
and thickness) to seal in the juices. Salmon is done when it turns
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translucent to opaque, and flakes separate easily with a fork. Use a light
brushing of olive oil to help avoid salmon sticking to a grill or baking
sheet. When grilling start with the skin side up and flip only once. The
skin side has the rich oils, which will be drawn into the salmon by the
heat below. Also, to prevent sticking, cut a potato in half and run it
lengthwise down the hot grill – the starch will act as a natural lubricant.
For seasoning, use a simple brushing with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, or a
mix of olive oil, chopped fresh mint and cilantro.
Fish can be broiled, baked, grilled, or steamed, but, be careful not to
overcook and dry out the fish. Shrimp, lobster, and scallops are good
choices for stir-frying with vegetables.
If you miss fried fish, coat the fish in egg whites and bread crumbs,
then bake until crispy. Squeeze some lemon or orange juice and sprinkle
some dill over the fish. Top the fish with some fresh parsley, basil or

thyme for added flavor.
Flour Substitutes
Consider using one of the following flour substitutes to avoid the
chemical alloxan in refined and all-purpose flour, or if you are allergic to
wheat flour.
x Amaranth flour: is higher in fat than all-purpose flour, so it tends to
make baked goods more moist. Replace up to 1/2 of the wheat
flour in the recipe with this.
x Barley flour: has a mild flavor and works especially well in pancakes,


cookies, and quick breads. Replace up to half of any wheat flour in

a recipe with this. Contains some gluten.
x Brown rice flour: is especially good for those with wheat allergies;
replace up to 1/4 of any wheat flour with this. Baked goods made
with rice flour tend to be crumbly, so consider substituting a mixture
of one part arrowroot or other thickener plus four parts rice flour.
Adding more eggs is another way to reduce crumbliness. Since rice
flour absorbs more moisture, you may need to add more liquid to
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x Buckwheat flour: is especially good in pancakes. It tends to make
baked goods heavier and stronger tasting. Replace up to half of the
wheat flour in any recipe with this. Contains some gluten.
x Kamut flour: is tolerated by most people with wheat allergies, and it
works well in pasta and bread recipes. It works best if combined
with other flours.
x Millet flour: has a more pronounced flavor than all-purpose flour,
and it tends to make baked goods coarse and dry. Replace up to 1/5
of any wheat flour with this.
x Oat flour: is especially good in quick breads and cookies. It makes
baked goods moister, chewier, and more crumbly. Contains some
x Quinoa flour: is higher in fat than all-purpose flour, so it tends to
make baked goods more moist. Replace up to 1/2 of the wheat
flour in the recipe with this.
x Soy flour: is high in protein, but has a very strong flavor. Replace
up to 1/4 of any wheat flour with this, then increase the liquid in the
recipe and reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees.
x Spelt flour: tends to make baked goods heavier, so consider
increasing the baking powder so that the product rises more. Spelt
is tolerated by most people with wheat allergies, and it's great for
making pasta and bread.
x Cocoa: substitute 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder for 2

tablespoons flour.
French Fries
Using sweet potatoes or the crunchy vegetable called jicama
(pronounced hik’-a-ma), you can enjoy crisp, salty fries now and then.
And since white potatoes can raise blood sugar more rapidly than even
table sugar, you’re wise to avoid them.
Peel sweet potatoes, and then slice them up lengthwise like steak fries.
Toss gently with extra virgin olive oil and seasonings of your choice,

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then bake at 425 degrees F for 10 minutes on each side. Jicama can be
sliced thin (like matchsticks) and made either in the oven the same way
(cut the time in half) or fried in a pan with a high-heat oil such as extra
virgin coconut oil or grapeseed oil. You can also slice jicama super-thin
like potato chips. Experiment with different spices on your fries, such
as onion or garlic salt, paprika, or taco seasoning.
Ice Cream
Make your own ice cream, or prepare a cup of vanilla bean ice cream
with a half-cup blueberries and 1/3 cup of walnuts.
Root Beer Float: Mix sugar-free, flavored syrup with seltzer water.
These syrups come in various flavors, including vanilla, cola, cherry,
grape, coconut, caramel, etc. Add one scoop of homemade or low-carb
vanilla ice cream.
Start slowly by juicing with vegetables such as celery, fennel, and
cucumbers because they are easy to digest. Then, add vegetables such as
lettuce, endive, escarole, cabbage and spinach.
For the protein, add a raw organic egg or whey protein. For the fat, add
a tablespoon of cod liver oil (in the winter), macadamia nut oil or extra
virgin olive oil.
To improve the taste, add one or more of the following: ginger, pure
vanilla extract, cinnamon, grapes, unsweetened shredded coconut,
cranberries, or lemons.


You need to be more careful when using green juices such as broccoli,
lettuce, cabbage, dandelion, spinach, kale and all other greens. These
juices tend to be more powerful and so you will want to start off slow
and gradually increase. Ultimately, you never want more than ¼ of your
juice to be green juice.
Do not drink green juices alone. Not only are they powerful in that they
can cause loose bowel movements, but their taste is rather strong.
Green juices are usually mixed with apple, celery, cucumber or carrots.

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For the most part, vegetables require different enzymes for digestion
than fruits. Therefore, we don't combine fruits and vegetables. But
apples are the one fruit you can combine with your vegetables. Apples
add a very nice sweetness and flavor to your vegetable juices.
Avoid combining fruit juices with vegetable juices. The only fruit to
combine with vegetable juices is apple.
When juicing tomatoes, it is best to not mix the tomato juice with other
vegetables juices. Tomatoes are a special breed of vegetables because
they are actually fruits. Tomatoes do best by themselves.
When juicing vegetables, it helps to alternate between soft vegetables
then hard vegetables. The benefit of juicing vegetables in this way is
that the soft vegetables may not always release juice as fast or as easily.
Therefore, by juicing a harder vegetable after a soft vegetable, you help
to flush the juice of the soft vegetable out of your juicer and into your

When juicing vegetables that have small leaves, like parsley, rap the
leaves inside a bigger leaf vegetable such as kale, or you can roll the
smaller leaves into a ball. This helps your juicer get the most out of the
smaller leaf vegetables.
Note: If you do not have the patience to prepare your own juice, then,
you can try bottled organic juices sold in health food stores. Although
these processed juices contain sugar, they contain no high fructose corn
syrup and preservatives.

Types of Juicers


There are two basic types of juicers: the centrifugal juicer (any juicer
with a spinning basket) and the mastication juicer.
Mastication-type juicers will do a better job at extracting more of the
juice because centrifugal juicers leave most of the nutrients in the pulp,
which then gets thrown away. The mastication-type juicer removes
three to four times more nutrients than the centrifugal juicer; and, is
better for juicing wheat or barley grass. In addition, the centrifugal
juicers generate more heat and oxidation, damaging some of the
enzymes and other nutrients within the juice.
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Lunches: Quick Lunches
(With a glass of filtered water)
x Bean soup or home-style soup mix (1 cup), a small green salad with
low-fat dressing, 5 whole-wheat crackers, 1 cup melon
x Chicken salad in a whole-wheat pita pocket, ½ cup low-fat cottage
cheese with 1 cup strawberries
x Green salad with tuna or chicken breast, light salad dressing or
mayo, 1 sliced/peeled avocado, 6 whole-wheat crackers, 6 ounces
low-fat yogurt,
x Green salad with light salad dressing, 1 cup tuna macaroni salad
(made with tuna packed in water, whole-wheat pasta and light
mayo), 1 small piece fresh fruit or sliced/peeled avocado
x Spinach salad with grilled chicken breast, light salad dressing, 1 cup
berries, 6 ounces light yogurt, 1 slice sprouted grain bread
x Turkey or lean ham sandwich on sprouted grain bread, 1 small piece
fruit, cucumbers and broccoli with low-fat dip
x Turkey wrap (made with whole-wheat tortilla, lettuce, light mayo,
tomato and veggies of choice), ½ cup sugar-free pudding
x Turkey and cheese sandwich on sprouted grain bread with light
mayo or mustard, celery sticks with guacamole dip, 6 ounces yogurt
Quick Meals


Refer to the following recipes for quick meals: Broccoli & Salmon,
Cabbage & Fish, Omelets, Grilled Vegetables, Hot Dogs & Beans,
Oatmeal, Salads, Sandwiches, Smoothies, some Soups, Spinach &
Salmon, and some Stir-Fry.
Macadamia Nuts
Although macadamia nuts are pretty densely packed with fat, it’s the
healthy, unsaturated kind. And because they are so rich and filling,
macadamias are satiating. You’re less likely to overindulge. If you love
the flavor, try some macadamia nut butter on a piece of warm, whole-
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grain toast.
Ten to 12 macadamia nuts deliver about 200 calories and 20 grams of
fat, but they are also very low in carbohydrates (4 grams), have little
impact on blood glucose, and deliver protein (2 grams), fiber (2 grams),
magnesium, iron, calcium, and a good assortment of other minerals.
They can satisfy a sweet craving while contributing to heart health and
blood sugar regulation.
Mac & Cheese
Cauliflower is a great substitute for white noodles and white rice,
because of its color, versatile texture, and because cauliflower is a
member of that ultra-healthy family of cruciferous vegetables. People
who consume the most of these types of vegetables (cauliflower,
broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and kale) have lower
rates of several kinds of cancer, and laboratory tests have shown that
certain compounds in cruciferous vegetables actually stop the growth of
many types of cancer cells.
One way to use cauliflower is to steam or boil it, chop it roughly, and
then substitute it for half the macaroni in your favorite reduced-fat mac
and cheese recipe. Another option is to make a roasted cauliflower
casserole, leaving out the pasta all together. Chop cauliflower into
chunks, and arrange in a baking dish. Add two to three cloves of garlic,
minced. Drizzle with olive oil, and squeeze a lemon over the pieces.
Season with salt and pepper. Bake in a 400-degree F oven for 20
minutes or until the tops are browned. Remove and sprinkle generously
with grated Parmesan.


Mashed Potatoes
Replace with steamed cauliflower, mashing the cauliflower and adding
macadamia nut oil and organic butter.
Use one-third the amount of potatoes (33 grams of carbs and 3 grams
of fiber per cup) with an equal amount of either turnips (about 8 grams
of carbs and 3 grams of fiber per cup), rutabaga (about 15 grams of
carbs and 3 grams of fiber per cup), cauliflower (about 3 grams of carbs
and 2 grams of fiber per cup) or some combination of the three.

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Salt and pepper to taste. For extra flavor, add minced garlic, or mix in
some grated Parmesan or Romano cheese.
Meat, Frying
If possible avoid grilling, broiling or frying animal meat, especially red
meat. Toxic compounds are created that have been linked to several
cancers. To reduce these levels of carcinogens, use lean cuts only,
marinate them, and flip them frequently on the grill to reduce the
cooking time. Avoid smoked and processed meats such as bacon,
sausage, ham, hot dogs, bologna, and lunch meats, which have been
linked to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and Type 2 diabetes. Eat organic
bacon and sausage if you miss them.
If you eat beef, eat only the lean beef. The leanest cuts usually carry the
label “USDA Select”. Select beef contains 40% less fat than “prime”
and 20% less fat than “choice”. If financially possible, eat only organic
USDA certified meat. Avoid the meat if it has a lot of marbling – this
indicates a lot of fat. Cut away any visible fat before cooking the meat
to reduce the fat and toxin intake. While broiling meat, let the fat drip
off, but don’t let it drain on hot charcoal or a hot burner because this
will produce undesirable fumes.
Use ground turkey or chicken in place of ground beef for lasagna,
soups, stuffed peppers, burgers, etc. to reduce your saturated fat intake.
If you really prefer the beef, then, use organic, free-range beef and use
20-25% less meat. Other meat options include wild game such as
venison and bear because they provide Omega-3 EFAs and conjugated


linoleic acid (CLA).

Marinade meat overnight in something flavorful, e.g. olive oil, garlic,
ginger, and light soy sauce. Use olive oil as part of the marinade to
“break down” the harmful saturated fats and to increase the flavor.
Sauté your meats with red and green peppers, onions, garlic,
mushrooms, tomatoes, and other vegetables that you like to give the
meat a better flavor and reduce the amount of meat that you would
normally eat because of the extra vegetables.

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To reduce the amount of arachidonic acid in steaks and roasts: trim all
the visible fat from the steak, then place it in a large resealable plastic
bag along with a mixture of 1 cup of red wine and 1 cup of olive oil or
light sesame oil. Allow the meat to marinate in this mixture in the
refrigerator for a full 24 hours, flipping the bag and contents over a
couple of times. Take the steak out, drain it for an hour or so, discard
the marinade, rub the beef with some pepper or other spices to taste,
then grill it.
Note: The wine acts as a solvent to leach out a fair amount of the fat in
the steak, which is replaced in part by the fat in the olive or sesame oil.
The oil permeates the steak, giving it a juicy succulent taste and makes it
healthier. You can use this technique with roasts as well.
If you miss fried chicken, coat the skinless chicken with skim milk, egg
whites, a small amount of organic flour, cornflake crumbs, herbs and
spices; and, and bake at 375°. Another option is to coat the chicken,
then flash-fry the chicken for 30 seconds in a nonstick pan coated with
a teaspoon of olive or rice bran oil to crisp the outside; then, bake the
chicken at 400° for approximately 40 minutes.
If you really like fried foods, then, use a flash fryer that will sear the
food on the outside and prevent the absorption of the oil into the meat.
But, you should eventually transition away from fried foods.

Research suggests that mushrooms may have anti-cancer properties,
thanks to their rich array of phytochemicals and unique nutrient profile.


Here are some substitutions that will improve the nutritional value of
your meal:
x Grilled portabellas in place of a bun for turkey, salmon, or beef
x A medley of sautéed mushrooms for half of the breading in stuffing.
x In place of some of the mayo or other fat, add raw, chopped, or
whole mushrooms to chicken, tuna, or other salads.

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x Finely chopped, sautéed mushrooms to replace half or all of the
ground beef in a recipe for pasta sauce, chili, tacos, or burritos.
You can reduce the glycemic impact of eating pasta by eating the whole
grain pasta versus the white pasta. Also, you can add pasta to vegetable-
based salads, casseroles, soups, and stews.
Pita Pizza
You can make your own, healthier version of very-thin-crust pizza at
home. Some people just don’t find whole-wheat pizza crusts to be
palatable. But you probably won’t notice the difference when your crust
is made from pita bread. Buy whole-grain pitas, spread your favorite
tomato sauce over it, and add toppings and shredded mozzarella. You
can also make a great, crispy hors d’oeuvre by splitting the pita pocket,
topping the two halves with pesto sauce and grated Parmesan, and
Probiotics and Prebiotics
You should eat some fermented foods to obtain friendly bacteria that
can provide key nutrients such as Omega-3s, chromium, and digestive
enzymes. Fermented foods include kefir, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut,
tempeh, and yogurt. Foods called prebiotics contain compounds that
nourish these good bacteria. Some prebiotics include barley, berries,
chard, collard greens, dandelion greens, flax, kale, legumes, mustard
greens, oatmeal, and spinach.
Tips for Including Probiotics/Prebiotics in Your Diet


Add tempeh to a stir-fry, soup or stew. Tempeh is fermented soy (tofu)

and the fermenting process gives the soy a smoky flavor and a meatier
texture. Many people who do not like other soy products do enjoy
If you don’t like the stronger taste of greens such as collard greens,
chard, kale, mustard greens and dandelion greens, just mix a few of
these leafy greens in with your regular salad. You won’t notice the taste
as much, but you will get the benefit of including these healthy foods

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Add 1/2 cup each of frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries and plain
non-fat yogurt to your fruit smoothies to get both prebiotic and
probiotic foods.
Add legumes (lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, navy beans, white beans,
black beans) to soup, stew, stir-fry or a salad.
The problem with quiche is generally the pie crust. Flaky, tender, salty –
– and full of bad fats and nutritionally empty carbohydrates. A standard,
9-inch, ready-to-bake pie crust contains 41 grams of fat, 63 grams of
carbohydrates, and 818 milligrams of sodium.
The good news is you don’t need the crust. Frittatas are delicious, can
be made with an infinite variety of ingredients (i.e., whatever you’ve got
in your kitchen), and stand alone beautifully in nice, triangle slices. Heat
butter and olive oil in a 10-inch, sauté pan that can go in the oven. Add
garlic, onions, shallots, spinach, leeks –– whatever you have. Reduce
heat to medium-low. Beat 8 eggs with milk, salt, and pepper, and pour
into pan. Lift your veggies with a spatula so egg mixture gets
underneath. Once the sides lift easily from the pan, and the top is
beginning to set, remove from heat. Sprinkle with grated cheese, layer
with sliced tomatoes and herbs. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 10
minutes or until center is cooked through.
Note: The difference between an omelet and a frittata boils down to a
matter of folding in a filling rather than mixing it in. Omelets
traditionally have the egg mixture cooked and folded around a filling,
while a frittata just mixes it all up, cooked in a mishmash combination
all at once.

Restaurants: Eating Out at Restaurants

x Avoid entrées that are fried, sautéed drenched in oil, cheese, or
other fat. Order entrées that are baked, broiled, grilled or poached
because they are normally lower in fat. Ask for the butter or other
oil to be provided in a side dish so that you can control the amount
to added to your food.
x Be careful of salads that may be drenched with a high fat salad
dressing, or contain lots of breadcrumbs or croutons. Ask for a low-
calorie, low-fat dressing or use the higher fat version sparingly.
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x Order one steamed green vegetable and another bright-colored
vegetable instead of rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, or French fries.
x Because portion sizes served in most restaurants are very large,
automatically cut your plate in half and place half the meal in a
doggie-bag to take home and enjoy with a later meal; or, share it
with a friend. Keep your portion of lean meat, pork, skinless chicken
or fish to the size of a deck of cards (3 oz).
Eating Out at Fast Food Restaurants
Try to limit the number of times that you eat at fast food restaurants to
once or twice a week. Studies show that if you eat fast foods more
than twice a week, it increases your insulin resistance and weight
Choose grilled chicken or turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, and
mustard instead of a jumbo cheeseburger (or hamburger).
Choose baked potato instead of French fries.
Choose low sodium pretzels or baked potato chips instead of regular
potato chips.
Choose vegetarian pizza instead of regular pizza or meat lovers.
Choose water (with or without lemon), unsweetened ice tea, skim milk,
flavored non-calorie sparkling water, juice spritzer (half fruit juice
and half sparkling water), low sodium V-8 juice, or low sodium
tomato juice instead of soft drinks, diet sodas, coffee, milkshakes,
punch, whole milk, 2% milk.
Note: Refer to Chapter 7 of the book Death to Diabetes for more tips


about eating out at restaurants.

Some people are still confused about whether or not white rice is good
for you. For one, we are often told that the Asian way of eating is a
healthy one, and we know they eat a lot of white rice. Also, we know
grains are important for health, and rice is very clearly a grain. The
nitty-gritty can be found in the difference between a refined grain and a
whole grain. White rice is a grain that has been refined – which means
the nutrient-dense parts of it have been stripped away, leaving only the
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sticky, starchy center. This center, or endosperm, is essentially the
nutritional equivalent of table sugar, and it has a similarly high impact
on blood glucose.
The obvious better choice is brown rice, which is a whole grain rich in
beneficial phytochemicals and fiber. A diet rich in whole grains is linked
to decreased insulin resistance and increased insulin sensitivity, as well
as an overall decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes and other chronic
However, brown rice isn’t the only choice. When brown rice doesn’t fit
your needs –– or if you just aren’t a fan of its texture and flavor ––
there are other great whole-grain options. Try amaranth, barley,
buckwheat (kasha), bulgur, or quinoa. Each of these grains has a slightly
different texture and flavor, but all can be substituted for rice. They can
be cooked on the stovetop in boiling water (or better yet, use chicken,
beef, or vegetable broth). Read package directions for amounts and
time. Always test in the last five to 10 minutes to make sure the grains
don’t become mushy.
To reduce the glycemic impact of eating rice, eat it with beans, or mix it
with vegetables/almonds as part of a stir-fry or casserole.
Ensure that you make salads a mainstay of your super meal program.
x Add fresh vegetables, but limit the fruits.
x Add walnuts and almonds for crunchiness.
x Use extra virgin olive oil, mix with apple cider vinegar.


x Use dressings made with olive oil, fat-free dressings, vinegars,

balsamic vinegar, lemon juice,
x Avoid croutons, bacon bits, and most bottled salad dressings.
Healthy sandwiches are very important, especially for snacks and
lunches; and, if you travel a lot. Here are some tips to make your
sandwiches healthier:
x Use leaner cold cuts with low sodium, sliced turkey (without the

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x Use sprouted grain bread to add fiber.
x Use lite mayo, mustard, and low fat dressings; or, organic dressings.
x Use lite, low sodium cheeses, limit to one slice.
Seasoning: Spices and Herbs
Use herbs, organic spices, mushrooms, pure extracts and condiments
such as cayenne, cilantro, thyme, garlic, onions, rosemary, sage, black
pepper, organic mustard, organic salad oil, organic apple cider vinegar,
and organic ketchup. This will eliminate the use of table salt, refined
sugars, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and other chemicals
hidden within traditional spices and condiments.
Use fresh and organic spices and herbs if you want to ensure a higher
potency and medicinal benefits. Most conventional spices in the grocery
stores have been sitting on the shelves for weeks if not months. Also,
conventional spices have been overly processed and have lost most of
their medicinal benefits.
Since cooking kills garlic’s anti-tumor properties, eat aged garlic or add
the raw garlic to your food when it is almost finished cooking. Or, chop
up your garlic and let it set for 10 minutes before adding it to anything
about to be cooked. This enables naturally present enzymes in the garlic
to start a chemical reaction producing the compounds that fight
Note: Try aged garlic if you are sensitive to the allicin in raw garlic.


Use a couple sprays of liquid “buttery” spreads on top of steamed

vegetables to enhance the taste. Also, use mushrooms, onions, peppers,
garlic, and other spices to reduce the need for table salt.
Season food, especially meat, the night before to allow the seasoning to
be absorbed and reduce the need for salt.
For those recipes that call for more than a cup of flour, replace a half a
cup of the flour with a half a cup of carrot pulp or applesauce to add
more fiber and nutrients.

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Chop and crush garlic, and sauté it in olive oil to add to soups, stews,
and other dishes. Also, add fresh ground garlic to salad dressings and
marinades. Do not use garlic salt because it’s loaded with sodium and
does not provide the same health benefits as fresh, crushed garlic.
General Seasoning Tips:
x Smoked Meat: Use smoked turkey or chicken parts (skin removed)
w/onions, garlic, spices to season collards, black-eyed peas, lima
beans, green beans, navy beans instead of bacon, ham hocks, salt
pork, sugar.
x Sweet Spices: For sweet potatoes/yams, use less butter/margarine;
add cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves for seasoning.
x Lean Meats: Use (turkey ham, lean ham, Canadian bacon) in bean
and rice combinations with meat. Avoid adding extra oils or
x Chicken Broth: Use in place the oil, shortening, margarine, butter or
bacon drippings to make cornbread/dressing lower in fat.
x Avocado Dip: Mix avocados, garlic, tomato, jalapeño pepper, onion
to create a healthy dip with monounsaturated fat.
x Vegetables: Use buttery spray; Add peppers to beef to sweeten; Use
okra to give soups/stews a thick feel without the fat found in
Seasoning: How to Use Spices and Herbs


Try to buy your spices whole and organic for optimum freshness and
nutrient power. The following is an alphabetical list of major spices, and
how they should be used in your food preparation and cooking.
Adobo Seasoning - A Latino spice mixture used in various countries
including Mexico. A typical "purchased" mixture may include garlic,
onion, Tellicherry black pepper, Mexican oregano, cumin and cayenne
red pepper.("rural style" contains no-salt, "city style blend" contains
salt.) Use to sprinkle on eggs and as a rub on meats prior to grilling or
frying or use in taco meat mixtures. Add 1/2 teaspoon per pound for
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chicken, beef, pork chops, ribs or cutlets, burritos, or use some to spice
up a salsa and guacamole.
Allspice, Ground - Add to ground beef for Swedish meatballs. Use in
spiced tea, cakes, cookies, fruit pies and French toast. Add a pinch to
asparagus, chicken or tomato soups. Use in French dressing, beets,
baked beans, squash and carrots.
Anardana - The crushed seeds of the delicious pomegranate fruit which
adds a souring taste to curries (spicy dishes.) The tang adds a dimension
to the flavor that is specific to Indian food. Use when making sweet and
sour sauce, sour soup, use in vegetables, in Iran it goes into fesenjan,
chicken in walnut-pomegranate sauce; in Armenia and Georgia, it’s used
to make sauces for kebabs. When used to marinate meat, it also acts as
a tenderizer because of the enzymes it contains.
Anise Seed, Ground - Use on baked apples. Add to cakes, cookies, breads,
candy, stewed fruits, fruit pies, beef stew, fish dishes, hot or cold spice
beverages, cheese, salad dressings, sausages, and appetizers.
Bacon Flavored Bits - Sprinkle over tossed salads, macaroni or potato
salads or omelets.
Basil Leaves - Use in tomato-sauced Italian dishes.
Bay Leaves - Add to water when stewing chicken. Flavor increases upon
standing so remove from food after cooking. Add to the liquid when
preparing pot roast or stew made from beef, lamb, or venison. Use in


vegetable soup, fish or seafood chowders, and tomato soup. Add to

liquid when steaming or poaching fish or shellfish. Use in marinades for
chicken, beef, lamb, and veal. Use to make pickled beets. Add to
French or herb salad dressing and let stand several hours for flavor to
develop. Use when preparing barbecue or spaghetti sauce.
Black Pepper, Ground - Used to flavor all types of dishes in cuisines
worldwide. Add to meats, poultry, fish, vegetables, soup, stocks, meat
sauces and pickling.

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Caraway Seed - Add to potato salad, cheese dishes, sauerkraut and pastry
for meat pies. Sprinkle on green beans, squash, cucumbers, omelets, or
tuna casserole. Use crushed in meat marinades, lamb stew, and poultry
Cardamom, Ground - Used in Danish pastries, Saudi Arabian, North
African, Asian, and Indian cooking and in spice blends such as garam
masala, curry powder, and berbere. Throughout the Arab world,
Cardamom is one of the most popular spices, with Cardamom coffee
being a symbol of hospitality and prestige. The spice is also very
popular in the Scandinavian countries where it is used more extensively
than cinnamon. Delightfully Aromatic and sweet. Use in Cheesecake,
Butter Cookies, Sweet Potato Casserole, Gingerbread, Hot Cross Buns,
Spiced Coconut Chiffon Pie, Spice Cake, Chicken, coffee, tea, meat
sauce, soup, boiled rice.
Cayenne (Red ) Pepper - A seasoning ground from small, red chili peppers.
It has been used as a spice in the dishes of many countries and is also
used as a table condiment. It's heat and spiciness varies.
Celery Seed - Used in making pickles. Add to coleslaw, potato salad,
macaroni salad, egg salad, meat loaf, fruit salad dressing, salmon loaf,
and chicken dishes.
Chervil - An essential spice in French cuisine, it used like parsley and
provides an herbal taste with the slight flavor of anise. Chervil is used
much like parsley, but is more delicate. It is most commonly used on
fish, egg dishes, salads and as a glaze on vegetables such as carrots.
Chili Powder - Use in chili, guacamole, tomato sauce, corn, corn bread,

Spanish rice. Mix into pinto beans, bean dip, tamale pie, and enchiladas.
Seasons chicken wings, hamburgers, and beef, or chicken stews. Toss
with shredded Cheddar cheese and melt over tortilla chips for nachos.
Chipotle Chile Pepper - The dried, ground pods of Capsicum, indigenous
to Mexico. Chipotle (chee-po-tleh) chiles are smoke dried jalapeños.
They appear as a very wrinkled dark tobacco brown chile with a strong
smoky aroma. Use 1 teaspoon per 4 servings for chili, tortilla soup,
chicken or pork adobo sauce or marinade.

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Chinese Five Spice - Ingredients; Cinnamon, Star Anise, Fennel, Cloves,
Ginger, Peppercorn and White Pepper. Add it to stir-fries, soups,
sauces and red-cooked dishes. It works well with meats and chicken. It
is often used in meat marinades and as a spice in barbecuing. Mixed
with ground salt, it makes a dip for deep-fried Chinese foods. Use
sparingly - a little goes a long way
Chives - The smallest species of the onion family. Use as condiment for
fish, potatoes and soups. Chives are one of the "fines herbes" of French
cuisine. Chives can be found fresh at most markets year-round, they can
also be dry-frozen, giving home growers the opportunity to store large
quantities harvested from their own garden.
Cilantro Leaves - Especially good in Mexican and Oriental dishes. Use in
fajitas, tacos and enchiladas. Add to salsa, guacamole, gazpacho and
chicken soup. Sprinkle on vegetables and beef roast. Stir into corn and
corn bread batter. Add to melted butter and brush on chicken. Add to
cheddar cheese and melt on tortilla chips. Use in Mexican Omelets.
Cinnamon, Ground - For pie, apple crisp, or stewed apples. Add to
chocolate or vanilla pudding, pancake mix, brownies, chocolate cake,
and hot chocolate. Sprinkle over French toast, hot cereal, eggnog,
broiled grapefruit and bananas. Use on ham, pork, yams, carrots, or
beets. Combine with honey and softened butter to spread over biscuits
or rolls
Cloves, Ground - Use in applesauce cake and gingerbread. Add to baked
beans, cranberry relish, sauerbraten, chili sauce, green vegetables and


ham sauce. Use in plum pudding, cookies, spiced nuts, stewed fruits,
and dessert sauces.
Cloves, Whole - Stick cloves in ham. Add to hot chocolate and tea,
onions, glazed pork, beef pot roast, marinades, poached fish and soups.
Use in pickling, pomander balls and fruit peels for a garnish.
Coriander - Has a mild, distinctive taste similar to a blend of lemon and
sage Coriander is used in Indian curries, gin, American cigarettes, and
sausages. Ground Coriander seed is traditional in desserts and sweet

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pastries as well as in curries, meat, and seafood dishes with South
American, Indian, Mediterranean, and African origins. Add it to stews
and marinades for a Mediterranean flavor.
Cream of Tartar - Add ½ teaspoon Cream of Tartar to egg whites and
beat to stabilize the whites in angel food cake, meringue shells,
meringue for pies, and 7-minute frostings.
Cuban Spice - A blend of cumin, chili powder, cinnamon.
Cumin, Ground - Use in pea, bean, lentil or chicken soups, fajita
marinade, black bean soup, lentil soup and chicken soup. Add to
cabbage, tomato sauces, curry dishes, beef stew, meat loaf, Mexican-
style baked eggs, marinades for shish kebab and wild game. Use to
season Mexican-style rice, tacos, enchiladas, chili, tomato sauce, and
beef stew.
Curry Powder - Use with beef, chicken, lamb, shrimp and vegetables in
making curries. Also, use in fruit compotes, stuffed eggs, chicken and
shrimp salad. Ingredients: coriander, fenugreek, turmeric, cumin, black
pepper, bay leaves, celery seed, nutmeg, cloves, onion, red pepper, and
Dijon Mustard - There is such a flavor difference between yellow
mustard and Dijon mustard that one should not substitute one for the
other in cooking. Mustard is most often used as a condiment on meat,
especially cold meats such as ham; the French like strong Dijon mustard
with steak. It is also used as an ingredient in mayonnaise and vinaigrette,
in marinades and barbecue sauce. Honey mustard is most often used as
a topping for sandwiches and as a side for dipping French fries, onion

rings, and other finger foods. It can also be used as a base for salad
dressing when combined with vinaigrette and/or olive oil. Mustard is a
popular accompaniment to hot dogs and Bratwurst.
Dill Seed - Use for steam cauliflower, dill and Kosher pickles, sauerkraut,
tomato juice, pickled beets, cottage cheese, season fish, bread,
vegetables, noodles, salad dressing and sauces.
Dill Weed - Use with carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, salad dressings, and

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English Pickling Spice - A blend of mustard seed, coriander, allspice, red
chilies, bay leaves, ginger.
Fennel Seed - Add to mayonnaise or salad dressing for macaroni or
potato salad. Crush to use in seafood salads, soups, sautéed
mushrooms, marinades or cheese dishes. Use in spaghetti sauce, pickles,
cakes, cookies, beans, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Fenugreek - has a dull, yellow color and powdery texture. It is a common
ingredient in curry powders. An extract of the seeds is also used
commercially in artificial flavorings such as vanilla, caramel,
butterscotch and especially maple. In addition to curries, fenugreek will
enhance meats, poultry and vegetables. Too much of it will cause foods
to become bitter, however, so use with caution until you become
familiar with it. Used and cultivated throughout the Mediterranean,
India and Northern Africa. India and Morocco.

Garam Masala - is a blend of ground spices common in the Indian and
Pakistani cuisine, whose literal meaning is 'hot (or warm) spice'. There
are many variants: most traditional mixes use just cinnamon, roasted
cumin, cloves, nutmeg (and/or mace) and green cardamom seed or
black cardamom pods. Many commercial mixtures may include more of
other less expensive spices and may contain dried red chili peppers,
dried garlic, ginger powder, sesame, mustard seeds, turmeric, coriander,
bay leaves, cumin, and fennel. Whole spices, which keep fresh much
longer, can be ground when needed using a mortar and pestle or electric
coffee grinder. Garam Masala Powder is a sweet, aromatic blend of


spices delivers warm exotic flavors essential to traditional Indian

Garlic Powder - Use for pork, lamb, beef, tomato, barbecues, spaghetti
sauces vegetables, soup, chicken, marinades, gravy. But, has no
nutritional value compared to raw garlic.
Ginger, Ground - Add to sliced carrots and sweet potatoes. Use in cakes,
cookies, gingerbread, fruit, or steamed puddings, oriental dishes, lamb,
pork, beef, veal, chutney, salad dressings, teriyaki sauce, and chicken

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Italian Seasoning - Spread on toasted French bread or on top of baked
potatoes. Stir into spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, meat marinades, and
cooked vegetables. Sprinkle on pizza, sub sandwiches, and fresh
tomatoes. Use with beef, veal, pork, and chicken. Ingredients:
marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano, and basil.
Jamaican Jerk - Ground chilies, accented heavily with thyme and allspice.
Used as a spicy flavoring to meats and vegetables.
Jamaican Spice - Allspice, caraway, black pepper, coriander, garlic, ginger,
nutmeg, thyme.
Kasuri Methi (Fenugreek) - is an ancient spice and is mostly used in Middle
East, Northern- Eastern Africa and India. The leaves are generally used
as a condiment for flavoring and giving special delicious taste. Steaming
is considered the best method of cooking leaves; in this the vitamins are
retained and the vegetable become palatable. They have an aromatic
odor and agreeable spicy taste. Kasoori Methi leaves is an important
ingredient of curry powder and juicy and fry vegetables.
Mace, Ground - Add to cakes, brownies, cookies, steamed pudding, and
nut breads, add a dash to hot chocolate, lemon glaze, baked custard,
sliced fresh fruit and fruit salad dressing, spinach, carrots, asparagus,
and sweet potatoes. Sprinkle on eggnog and milk shakes. Use in pound
cake, nut breads, Danish pastries, fruit pies, puddings, fish, chicken,
spinach, and yellow vegetables. Mix in with creamed sauce for chicken
and turkey.


Marjoram, Ground - Mix in ground beef for meat loaf or hamburgers and
gravies. Add to barbecue sauce, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, stuffing for
poultry, pork and veal.
Marjoram Leaves - Add to spaghetti sauce, pizzas, lasagna, barbecue
sauces, poultry, beef, pork, salad dressing, stewed tomatoes, green
Masala, Tikka (CTM) - Has both a hot and sour taste. Use in grilling.
Mix it in sour cream to make dip and in a yogurt marinade for chicken.

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Chicken Tikka masala is one of the most popular dishes in Indian
restaurants in this country.
Mexican Hot Chili Powder - used by the Aztecs. It is usually used to
dominate the flavor of a food but can be used as a background flavor.
Use in Mexican dishes such as chili, tacos and enchiladas. Add to
guacamole, dips and salad dressings.
Mexican Spice - A blend of cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, coriander
seeds, aniseed, cumin, chili powder.
Mint Leaves - Spearmint and curly mint are more versatile for culinary
uses. Milder than peppermint, they enhance all sorts of meat, fish, or
vegetable dishes. All garden mints are best used fresh and should be
stored only briefly, in plastic bags in the refrigerator. They may be
frozen. Dried leaves should be kept in an airtight container in a cool,
dark place. Mint is used in Afghanistan, Egyptian, Indian, and Mid-
Eastern cuisines and spice blends such as chat masola, mint sauce, and
green Thai curry.
Mustard, Powder - Add to baked beans, egg yolks for stuffed eggs, cheese
soufflé, cheese spreads, sauces. Use in French dressing, mayonnaise,
barbecue sauces, chicken curry, potato salad, Italian dressing, egg salad,
deviled crab or deviled ham, crab imperial, shrimp salad, meat loaf and
creamed onions, ham glaze, macaroni salad and seafood crepes, Chinese
hot mustard for egg rolls or shrimp.
Nutmeg, Ground - Use in cookies, cakes, puddings and fruit dishes.


Sprinkle on eggnog. Add to meat loaf, spinach and creamed chicken.

Onion Powder - Use for soup, vegetables, chowders, stews, and
casseroles, salads, potato, pasta, chicken, tuna, ham, beef, pork, chicken,
fish, veal, dips, salads, dressings, cheese sauce, egg dishes.
Oregano - Use on tomato, eggplant, zucchini dishes. Add to spaghetti,
pizza, and barbecue sauces, chicken, beef, pork, lamb, fish, stew.
Oregano Leaves - Sprinkle over pizza, add to spaghetti sauce, chicken,
fish, tomatoes, potatoes, rice, sautéed zucchini, squash, eggplant,
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mushrooms, tomato or minestrone soups.
Paprika - Paprika's bright red color makes it a pleasing garnish. Sprinkle
on eggs, potatoes, fish and bacon slabs. Add with sour cream to make a
chicken or beef sauce.
Parsley Flakes - Mix with butter and pour over vegetables or fish. Use as
a garnish as well as for flavor. Sprinkle on top of fish after cooking,
stuffed eggs, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, yellow squash, and soups,
chicken dishes. Roll cheese balls in the flakes. Toss with buttered
noodles or rice. Use to top creamed dishes.
Poultry Seasoning - Use in stuffing for poultry, veal, lamb, or pork. Add to
chicken, casseroles, barbecue sauce, meat loaf, and herb bread.
Ingredients: marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, sage, oregano, and
Pumpkin Pie Spice - Use in pumpkin for pie, bread, cookies, sweet
potatoes, and acorn squash. Add to sugar for spice toast or streusel
topping. Ingredients: cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice.
Saffron - The Most expensive Spice in the World. Saffron is used in
French bouillabaisse, Spanish paella, Milanese risotto, and many Middle
Eastern dishes. Saffron has a spicy, pungent, and bitter flavor with a
sharp and penetrating odor. A very small pinch goes a long way with
Saffron. Use it in Italian risotto, Spanish chicken and rice dishes, French
seafood stews and Scandinavian sweet breads.
Rosemary Leaves - Use in ground beef for spaghetti, barbecue, pizza,
lasagna sauces. Use on lamb, pork, and chicken, eggplants, zucchini,

stewed tomatoes, green beans, marinades.

Salt - Brightens food flavors and balances sweetness and acidity by
decreasing the sourness of acid and increasing the sweetness of sugar.
Use 1 teaspoon per quart for soups and sauces. 2 teaspoons per pound
for boneless raw meat.1 teaspoon per 4 cups flour for dough. 1
teaspoon per two cups liquid for cooked cereal. 1 tablespoon per 2
quarts water for pasta.
Sage - Use for stuffing for poultry, beef, pork, or fish. Add to beef or

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lamb. Use in pot roast, beef stew, venison, cheese spreads, vegetable
soup, chowders, and eggplant.
Tarragon Leaves - It is rich and sweet with a faint anise-like flavor. Add to
turtle or chicken soups, peas, spinach, yellow squash, corn, cauliflower,
mushroom, béarnaise sauce, salad greens, potato, tuna, chicken, egg and
pasta salads, and sauces for fish or chicken.
Texas Chili Powder - Use in guacamole, tomato sauce, corn and corn
bread, and Spanish rice. Mix into pinto beans, bean dip, tamale pie
enchiladas and chili con carne. Season chicken wings, hamburgers and
beef or chicken stews. Toss with shredded Cheddar cheese and melt
over tortilla chips for nachos. Ingredients: chili pepper, cumin, oregano,
black pepper, and garlic.
Thyme, Ground - Use on green beans, eggplant, carrots and zucchini. Add
to beef stew, barbecue and pot pies. Use in cheese spreads or sauces.

Thyme Leaves - Use with green beans, eggplant, carrots and zucchini,
tomato soups, lamb, beef stew. Mix in with barbecue or spaghetti sauce,
cheese spreads, sauces, pot pies.
Turmeric, Ground - Use to make pickles, chow-chow and relishes. Add to
chicken and seafood casseroles, rice to give a yellow color. Use in
mayonnaise, cream sauces, and scrambled eggs for color.
Vanilla Extract - Use in sour cream frosting, rice pudding, whipped
cream topping, French pancakes, cakes and pies.


Matching the Foods with the Spices

The following guide will help match foods with the herbs that best
complement their natural flavors.
Beef: Basil, bay, caraway, coriander, cumin, dill, marigold, marjoram,
mint, sage, savories, tarragon and thyme (no rosemary)
Breads & Cakes: Coriander, cumin, caraway, dill, marigold and
marjoram, anise, fennel, lovage and rosemary.
Chicken: Basil or bay is always good; also caraway, coriander, cumin, dill,
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lemon balm, marigold, marjoram, mint, rosemary and tarragon; for both
sage and savories.
Duck: Dill, mint, hyssop, rosemary, sage, savories, tarragon.
Eggs: Chives, dill, anise, basil, chervil, coriander, cumin, lemon balm,
lovage, marjoram, mint, parsley, rosemary, sage, savories, tarragon or
Fish & Shellfish: Anise, basil, caraway, chives, coriander, dill, fennel,
hyssop, lemon balm (excellent), marigold, marjoram, mint, parsley,
rosemary, sage, savories, tarragon; shellfish and fish, rosemary, and
Goose: Sage
Lamb: Mint, basil, bay, caraway, coriander, cumin, dill, lemon balm,
hyssop, marjoram, rosemary, sage, savories or thyme.
Liver: Coriander, sage or tarragon.
Pork: Anise, basil, bergamot, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel,
lemon balm, mint, marjoram, rosemary, sage, savories, tarragon and
Salads: Anise, basil, bergamot, borage, caraway, catmint, chervil,
chickweed, chives, comfrey, coriander, cumin, dandelion, dill, elder,
hyssop, lemon balm, marigold, mint, parsley, salad burnet, roses, sweet
cicely, tarragon and thyme.
Soups: Anise, borage, chickweed, caraway, chives, cumin, dill, fennel,

hyssop, lemon balm, lovage, marigold, marjoram, mint, salad burnet,

stinging nettles, savories, tarragon, thyme.
Turkey: Thyme
Using Herbs and Spices
For long-cooking dishes, such as soups and stews, try adding your herbs
and spices an hour or less before serving. For best results try crushing
the herbs before adding to your dish.
For shorter cooking dishes try adding dry spices earlier in cooking.
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Fresh spices and herbs should be added towards the end of cooking.
Unless the recipe specifically calls for it, don't use more than three
herbs and spices in any one dish. Some Indian recipes are an exception
to the rule, as they often call for 10 or more different spices in one
curry dish.
Try replacing herbs and spices called for in recipes with something
different such as Marjoram instead of Oregano, Savory instead of
Thyme, Cilantro, instead of Parsley, Anise seed instead of Fennel.
Mixing herbs and spices will provide you with a new art in food
preparation by allowing you to create a variety of exciting seasoned
Storing Herbs & Spices
Store spices in a cool, dark place. Heat, humidity and excessive light will
result in the dry herbs and spices losing their flavor more quickly. A
good way to store herbs and spices are small glass or plastic airtight
If stored properly, dried herbs and ground spices will retain their flavors
for a year. Whole spices may last for 3 to 5 years.
For best results, grind whole spices in a grinder or mortar & pestle. If
you want to enhance the whole spice flavor, try roasting the whole spice
in a dry skillet over a medium heat, being careful not to burn them.
To keep larger quantities of herbs and spices fresh, store them in tightly


sealed containers in the freezer.

Do not store dry herbs and spices near any humid source, such as sinks,
dishwashers, kettles, coffee makers, on countertops, near stoves and
Avoid storing dry herbs and spices inside the refrigerator due to the
high humid environment.
Here are some ideas for healthy snacks:
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x Candy: Use small servings of dark chocolate; Kashi, whole-grain
x Chips, Pretzels: Use organic chips, baked tortilla chips, whole wheat
x Crackers: Use whole grain low fat crackers, Kashi crackers, stone
ground wheat crackers, rye crisps.
x Fruit: Eat whole, with a handful of nuts.
x Nuts: Use unsalted, lightly salted; avoid roasted nuts.
x Popcorn: Use air-popped popcorn (more fiber), avoid fake butter.
x Yogurt: Use non-fat plain, low-fat plain, or sugar-free yogurts
For additional snack-type recipes refer to the Quick Lunches within this
section and the Snack section within the following Recipes chapter.
Prepare soups, stews, and casserole dishes – without potatoes, corn, and
other starchy vegetables.
Prepare broths and soups loaded with beans and vegetables, and no
animal meat. If you have to have the meat, prepare the meat separately
and drain off the fat before mixing in the vegetables.
Split Pea Soup
When it’s cold outside, sometimes there’s nothing better than a
steaming crock of chowder, bisque, or any creamy, rich soup. Cream-
style corn and corn chowder are right up there with mashed potatoes
when it comes to winter comfort foods. However, on the health meter
and in terms of glycemic impact, many of these comforting choices

rank pretty low. A healthy alternative is split pea.

Split peas are relatively low in carbohydrates and have a lower glycemic
index than some other legumes, and because they are quick cooking and
have the consistency of some favorite American comfort foods, split
pea soup makes for a great meal on a chilly day. Add 2 quarts of cold
water to 2 ¼ cups of well-rinsed split peas. Let soak overnight, or just
simmer for 2 minutes and soak for an hour. Then, bring to a boil, turn
down the heat, and simmer covered for about an hour and a half. Add
seasonings (salt, fresh pepper, nutmeg) and diced vegetables, such as
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onion, celery, carrots, leeks, and cook uncovered until veggies are
Succotash is a traditional, American side dish made of lima beans and
corn kernels. Sweet, buttery, and easy on the mouth, it’s a high-fiber
comfort food, but can be made more diabetes-friendly with some
Lima beans have a relatively low glycemic index value (32, and under 55
is considered low), and a half-cup (of frozen baby limas) contains 18
grams of carbohydrate, 5 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. A
perfect stand-in for limas, however, is the green soybean known as
edamame. Generally available frozen, shelled or in the pod, these beans
are very similar to lima beans, but a half-cup contain 10 grams of carbs,
4 grams of fiber, 11 grams of protein, and are an excellent supply of
vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Green soybeans also contain all the amino
acids needed to make a complete protein, and all of this means they are
a very decent substitute for meat.
Instead of corn in your succotash, use diced, sautéed summer squash
and yellow pepper. You’ll end up with a delicious side dish that looks
just like succotash, with the same sweet and buttery flavors and
textures, but a lot less impact on your blood glucose level.
Sugar and Sweets
If sweets are your downfall, try saving them for special occasions, but
plan them as part of your meal program. It is far better to incorporate


them into your diet than binge on them when feeling deprived.
In place of refined sugar, use xylitol or stevia (powder form). Other
options include agave nectar or an organic cane juice. These products
do not cause the “sugar rush”. Also, use pure extracts or organic spices
such as cinnamon and ginger. In place of brown sugar use an organic
sugar cane such as muscovado sugar.
Raw honey is another good alternative for sugar (and syrups) because it
is loaded with enzymes that digest carbs (amylases) as well as all the

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nutrients found in plant pollens – because raw honey hasn't been heated
over 117 degrees. If you use it for oatmeal or toast, the amylases help
digest grains. Buy honey labeled "raw" and use it in desserts that don't
require heating. But raw honey should not be given to infants as they
lack sufficient stomach acid to deactivate bacteria spores.
Note: Conversion: ½ cup honey = 1 cup sugar. Reduce liquid in recipe
by ¼ cup.
Sugar Awareness
Even if an ingredient label doesn’t list sugar, that doesn’t mean there
isn’t any. Manufacturers use many kinds of sugar, so it’s worth
familiarizing yourself with some of them so that you’re not fooled into
thinking an item is better for you than it is. Look for any of these:
x Amazake
x Brown sugar
x Carob powder
x Corn syrup
x Dextrose
x Evaporated cane juice
x Fructose
x Fruit juice concentrate
x Galactose
x High-fructose corn syrup
x Honey
x Lactose
x Malt
x Maltose


x Maple syrup
x Molasses
x Muscovado or Barbados Sugar
x Panocha
x Powdered or confectioner's sugar
x Rice Syrup
x Sucrose
To get a sense of how much sugar you’re really eating, check the
nutrition label for “Sugars,” listed in grams. Every 4 grams is equivalent
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to a teaspoon of sugar.
Tips For Cutting Back on Sugar
x Bake your own sweets with half of the sugar. Use xylitol powder in
place of sugar.
x Substitute applesauce for sugar in muffin and sweet bread recipes.
x Use dried fruits as extra sweeteners in cookies. But, avoid dried
fruits as snacks alone because they are rich in calories and can stick
to teeth causing tooth decay.
x Use powered sugar as a substitute for icings on chocolate cakes. Get
a doily and place on top of cake. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top
and remove doily.
x Use sliced fresh fruit as a topping for French toast or pancakes.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar. This helps bypass the maple syrup.

x Buy plain non-fat yogurt and add your own fresh fruit. Flavored
yogurts can contain up to seven teaspoons of added sugar.
x Beware of fruit-flavored waters. These products can have as much
sugar as sodas. Make your own beverage with half fruit juice and
half mineral water.
x Eat fresh whole fruit whenever possible. When buying canned fruit,
buy those packed in their own juice or "lite" syrup.
x Look for breakfast cereals with six grams or less of added sugar and
more than four grams of fiber. Read the label and beware of words


that end with "ose", e.g. dextrose, maltose, sucrose, etc.

x Avoid having sweets around "for guests". Chances are you will eat
them before your friends and family will.
Soft drinks have been implicated repeatedly in this country’s obesity
epidemic. Studies show that the rise in obesity directly parallels the rise
in our consumption of sugary soft drinks. While diet sodas and drinks
abound, most experts agree it is wise to limit consumption of artificial

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sweeteners as well. Water, seltzer and tea are great options to quench
your thirst.
Green tea and white tea contain nutrients (e.g., epigallocatechin gallate
(EGCG), theanine) that provide health benefits: glucose control,
thermogenic (fat-burning), antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-
Green/white tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols.
These compounds work with other chemicals to intensify levels of fat
oxidation and thermogenesis, where heat is created in the body by
burning fuels such as fat. Green tea can lower cholesterol and increase
energy expenditure
Green/white tea may be useful as a glucose regulator as it slows the rise
in blood sugar following a meal. This causes carbohydrates to be
released slowly, preventing sharp increases in blood-insulin levels. It
does this by slowing the action of a particular digestive enzyme called
amylase. This enzyme is pivotal in the breakdown of starches (carbs),
that can cause blood sugar levels to soar following a meal [Am J Clin
Nutr. 2006 Sep;84(3):551-5].
The thermogenic effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) was originally
attributed to its caffeine content. However, green tea stimulates brown
fat thermogenesis far greater than a comparable amount of pure
caffeine. It appears that the catechin-polyphenols, in particular
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and caffeine that naturally occur in
green tea work synergistically to stimulate thermogenesis and augment
and prolong sympathetic stimulation of thermogenesis. It has been
shown to increase 24-hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation

(caffeine only increases metabolism during the time you take it).
Weight is gained as excess sugars and fats are stored in the body as fat
cells. Green tea catechins can help prevent obesity by inhibiting the
movement of glucose in fat cells. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has
been found to be especially effective. There is now good evidence that
green tea catechins are related to reductions in body fat.
So, brew up a pot of tea, let it cool and keep it in your fridge so you can
grab a healthy “soft” drink any time you want.
TofuDeath to Diabetes, LLC
Tofu has very little flavor and absorbs the flavors of the other
Regular tofu is not fermented and does not have bacteria and/or molds
added as do dairy cheeses. It can be used instead of meat in vegetarian
and vegan dishes, such as breakfast or other burritos, chili, enchiladas,
lasagna, pates, salads, sandwiches, soups, on shish kebabs with
vegetables and mushrooms, and stir fries, etc. It can also be scrambled
with turmeric and/or nutritional yeast and other spices for a taste,
appearance and texture similar to scrambled eggs.
Silken tofu is best for puddings, soups, dips and some desserts since it's
smoother and less grainy. Silken tofu can be substituted for butter,
cream cheese, whipped cream, or heavy cream in a variety of recipes.,
especially in sweet recipes ranging from breakfast smoothies to
puddings and pies. Soft tofu is usually too soft for stir-fries and firm tofu
may be too grainy for some desserts and dips, etc.
Firm tofu can be marinated, fried, or sautéed. Heating tofu before
marinating will help it absorb the marinade thoroughly.
A 4-ounce turkey patty contains 2.8 grams of saturated fat, 22.4 grams
of protein, and 193 calories. The same amount of 75-percent lean
ground beef contains 6 grams of saturated fat, 29.6 grams of protein,
and 310 calories. These numbers may be no surprise to you, but did you
know what a healthy and delicious stand-in ground turkey can be? So, if


you’ve all but given up burgers, chili, meatloaf, tacos and burritos,
Bolognese sauce, and meatballs, it may be time to try the turkey version.
With a good recipe or simply the right, quality seasonings (try Penzeys
Spices), you won’t miss the beef for a second.
Turkey Wrap
You’ve probably heard about the trick of rolling sliced lunch meats and
cheese inside a lettuce leaf, and these little roll-ups do make for quick
and tasty snacks. Also, large, dark green or red lettuce leaves are a great
substitute for a burrito-size, white flour tortilla –– which delivers about
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60, nutritionally empty grams of carbohydrate. Another option is
choosing a low carb wrap, which will likely be made with soy or whole
grain flour. You can improve your wrap by doing more than rolling up
a few slices of turkey. Lunch meats are notoriously high in sodium, and
they also contain nitrites or nitrates, preservatives that are potentially
Use olive oil and spices to brown some ground turkey (antibiotic- and
growth-hormone free if you can get it) in a sauté pan. You can simply
use salt and pepper or sprinkle on chili powder and a little cayenne if
you want it spicy and hot. Spoon your seasoned turkey onto your
lettuce leaves or low-carb wrap, add shredded cheese, diced tomatoes,
and avocado chunks. Roll it up and enjoy.
Eat most of your vegetables raw to obtain their enzymes to facilitate
proper digestion. Since cooking kills most of the enzymes, take a plant-
based enzyme supplement with each meal if you don’t like raw.
Slice and add red, yellow, and orange peppers and mushrooms to your
vegetables before steaming for additional flavor and antioxidant
protection. Be careful not to over steam -- if the vegetables are limp or
discolored, then, you overcooked them.
When stir frying, place the vegetables into the pan last so that they are
not overcooked.
For variety, roast the vegetables (e.g. turnips, butternut squash, sweet
potatoes). Cube the vegetables, coat them with a small amount of


olive/coconut oil and season them with thyme and other spices. Place
them on a nonstick baking sheet (glassware) and slow-roast them for an
hour and a half.
Select mushrooms with smooth, unblemished caps. Don’t add mush-
rooms in the early stages of preparing a cooked dish as they will
become tough and flavorless. Instead add the mushrooms toward the
end of cooking to improve the flavor and tenderness.
Tips for Eating More Veggies

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x Not sure how to cook vegetables? Start with frozen vegetables that
you can cook in minutes in a steamer. Also try roasting vegetables.
x Have a chicken or shrimp stir-fry for dinner and double the amount
of your favorite veggies such as pea pods, broccoli, red peppers, or
x Add red, yellow and/or orange sliced peppers when you steam your
broccoli or Brussel sprouts to give the vegetables a sweeter taste.
x Instead of crackers or pretzels for a snack, try some veggies and
hummus or celery with peanut butter.
x Try serving chicken salad stuffed in a tomato or on cucumber slices.
x Try a variety of salads such as green bean salad, broccoli salad, or a
tomato, feta salad.
x Grill vegetables along with your other summer favorites.

x Put a package of frozen, chopped spinach (thawed and drained) into
your egg casserole.
x Order a side salad in place of the chips or French fries.
x Buy seasonal vegetables and you’ll taste them at their best.
Tomatoes, butternut squash, asparagus, and zucchini are good ones.
x For a quick dinner put veggies, such as green beans or asparagus, on
the bottom of an aluminum foil packet, top with salmon along with
some herbs, seal packet, and bake or grill.


x Add extra veggies to your sandwich or any homemade soup recipe.

Vinegar is a natural meat and fish tenderizer, so you can use it to
marinate meat and chicken. It’s also used to cook brisket, sauerbraten,
and in the preparation of the spicy Korean vegetable, kimchi. Look for
low-sodium versions of dill pickles, and consider other condiments and
veggies pickled or preserved in vinegar.
Use vinaigrette dressings drizzled over steamed veggies, such as
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cauliflower. Another option is to dip small, thin slices of whole-grain
bread into a mix of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Or, better, try
sourdough bread, which contains a substance that seems to mediate
blood sugar response.
Eating foods in their whole state, rather than mashed, pureed, juiced,
etc., generally lessens the impact on blood glucose. For example, choose
a baked potato over mashed, choose a whole apple over applesauce,
and always choose the whole fruit rather than juicing it, so that you get
all the beneficial fiber (which, don’t forget, cancels out some of those
carbs) and the other nutrients stored in the skins and pulp.
For example, when you drink orange juice, you get the Vitamin C but
not the beneficial fiber and phytonutrients that come from the pulp.
Even if you buy orange juice with pulp, you’re still not getting any of
the fibrous white membrane, which is where the phytonutrients hide.
Nutrition science research is finding, increasingly, that it is not one
substance or another that gives plant foods their disease-fighting power,
but the interaction of these vitamins, antioxidants, and other plant
chemicals. So, eat things the way Mother Nature presents them, and
you won’t miss out on any hidden health benefits.
Soy yogurt is good for you, not only because it’s full of antioxidants,
but because it appears to help regulate enzymes that affect blood
glucose, and may help lower blood pressure, according to recent


But don’t forget that plain (non-soy) yogurt can stand in for
mayonnaise or sour cream in virtually any recipe. Yogurt also makes a
good ingredient in marinades, because the active cultures tenderize meat
in the same way acids do. Yogurt can even be used in place of milk: Just
add one-half teaspoon of baking powder to each cup of yogurt.
Consider using creamy, full-fat yogurt. The low-fat and fat-free varieties
often contain more sugar and other carbohydrates.
Here are some tips for getting the most out of yogurt:
x Make sure the yogurt you buy contains “live, active cultures” and
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lists the Latin names of these beneficial bacteria. Many of the health
promoting properties of yogurt come from these bacteria.
x To preserve the benefits of the active cultures, don’t heat yogurt
above 120 degrees F.
x Check the “sell by” dates on the yogurt tubs, and buy those that are
most fresh. (Yogurt lasts for about 10 days beyond the “sell by”
date, but the sooner you eat it, the better, in terms of reaping the
health benefits.)
x Stirring yogurt makes it lose its consistency and become runny.
x Make your own yogurt if you have the time.



Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping Tips

The following meal planning and grocery shopping tips will help you to
save money with your grocery bill. Many of these tips were obtained
from my mother, my daughter, frugal friends, the internet and my own
Try to start with strategies that you can implement without causing a
major revolt in your family, moving gradually to a goal of a lower
budget for food that is healthy, wholesome and homemade. But don’t
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implement too many changes at once. Start with a few changes and
keep adding, and soon you will see a significant difference in your
grocery budget!
Note: If you have some ideas for saving money from grocery shopping,
please send us an email.
Buy in bulk – This will save money in the long run – as long as the foods
are stored properly and you’re bulk-buying foods that you normally eat.
Use your freezer -- To stock up on good deals on meats and other frozen
items. A freezer is a great investment and tightwad tool.
Use everything -- when you are cooking, think about how you can get
every last food mile out of what you are making. Meat bones and
vegetable trimmings can be made into wonderful stocks. Leftover
vegetables and meats can be thrown into the same stock for free soups
and stews or put into pot pies, homemade "hot pockets", crepes,
casseroles, you name it. Look at food waste in an entirely new light, try
to get every thing out of your food dollar!
Reduce/avoid the junk food -- Especially soda, pizza, chips, cookies, candy,
and store-bought baked goods.
Make it yourself – This will save money and allow you to make healthier
Cut down or stop eating at restaurants -- Make it a special occasion to go out
to eat rather than a common event. Eat out once a month and use
coupons to cut costs even further.


Eat anti-inflammatory foods – Since micro-inflammation is one of the

underlying mechanisms that fuels Type 2 diabetes, eating anti-
inflammatory foods is important. Those foods include, but are not
limited to: blueberries, dark cherries, extra virgin olive oil, green salads,
green/white tea, wild salmon, and spices such as garlic, ginger, and
Avoid foods that cause inflammation -- Those include foods that are
genetically-modified and other foods that contain refined flour, refined
sugar, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, aspartame, partially
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hydrogenated oil, antibiotics, growth hormone, clear vegetable oil, food
additives and other chemicals.
Eat less meat -- Does spaghetti really have to have all those meatballs?
Does your pizza really have to have all of that meat on it? Many other
cultures use meat sparingly in their dishes. Check out Asian and Indian
recipes in particular. Try to think of meat as an accent to the dinner
rather than the main course. If this is too difficult, try cutting portion
sizes of meats and adding more side dishes to compensate. There is
always a way to cut down on meat consumption.
Take drinks with you -- If you are working and spend money on coffee,
buy a thermos and take your own. Take along water or tea in a big jug
on outings, especially during the summer months -- this will help you
resist the temptation of stopping at a fast food joint and ordering an
overpriced soda.

Maintain a healthy weight -- once you begin eating better and dropping
some pounds, you will notice you tend to eat less. This saves money
and your health. Not only that, if you maintain a comfortable weight,
your clothes will fit and you won't have to buy bigger ones.
Grow herbs yourself -- Still want to use bundles of fresh herbs in your
famous pasta sauce but hate the price? Plant some! Herbs are so easy to
grow and so useful. Many are perennial: sage, oregano, lavender, mint,
lemon balm, chives, etc. Biannuals will reseed themselves if you let
them go to seed, these include: basil, parsley, dill, nasturtium.


Gardening -- Growing a few herbs may give you the courage to grow a
full-fledged vegetable garden. Or you may want to try edible
landscaping - putting plants in your landscape that give you food too,
like fruit trees, berry bushes, etc.
Canning -- As you become more accomplished both in cooking and
gardening, you may want to can those special sauces, pickles, and jellies
for even more savings. Don't have time to can or is it too hot? You can
freeze some things, like berries, to make into jellies and sauces later on,
when the weather is cooler and you have more time.
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Shop alternative sources for food - Get creative and keep your eyes open.
Check out the farmer's markets, food co-ops, farm co-ops, wholesalers,
roadside stands, health food stores, etc.
Buy in-season veggies and fruit --They are usually fresher and cheaper. When
tomatoes are in season, make lots of tomato sauce and can it. Make
strawberry smoothies when strawberries are at their best and cheapest,
usually in June and July. Cook with more root vegetables in winter,
when they are at their best and summer veggies are out of season.
Check out seasonal cookbooks at the library for more ideas.
Learn the sales pattern -- Not only are there better seasons to buy some
veggies than others, but meats and other food staples tend to go on sale
according to season, holiday, and what store you are shopping at. Hams
are usually on sale around Easter and Thanksgiving; turkeys are always
on sale in November and December. Learn the sales patterns of your

favorite stores and stock up.
Try store brand and generics -- As with substituting cheaper things for the
expensive, try lower cost items. Keep going down in price until you
notice a change in the quality, then move back to the next brand/item
up. You may discover that most brands are created equal and some
generics are pretty good too. Some basics, like sugar and flour, really
don't change from brand to brand, so go with the lowest price and/or
what is on sale.
Use food coupons --Use coupons if you like and buy the item regularly, and
you can't get the item at a lower price by using store/generic brands.


Menu Planning -- Build your meal plans around: A) what you already
have and B) what is on sale. You could also plan around what is in your
garden and in season locally. Use all of the methods here to plan a
loosely constructed menu plan. If you need help designing a menu plan,
refer to our Death to Diabetes 90-Day Meal Plan book.
Bulk cooking -- The secret is to make every cooking session count, this
way you are not only saving money, but time as well. For more
information, check out the book Frozen Assets: Cook for Day, Eat for
a Month!
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Keep it simple -- You don't have to give up gourmet foods, but keep your
daily meals simple. Don't feel like you have to make "five-star"
restaurant meals every night -- make them special.
Read food labels – When you’re looking at food labels, start with the list
of ingredients. Keep an eye out for heart-healthy ingredients such as
whole-grain, soy and oats, Monounsaturated fats such as olive.
Likewise, use food labels to detect unhealthy ingredients, such as
hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil.
x Keep in mind that ingredients are listed in descending order by
weight. The main ingredient is listed first, followed by other
ingredients used in lesser amounts.
x Do the math: The serving sizes listed on food labels may be
different than the serving sizes in your meal plan. If you eat twice
the serving size listed on the label, you also double the calories, fat,
carbohydrate and sodium.
x The same goes for the Percent (%) Daily Value listed on food labels.
This percentage, which is based on a 2,000-calorie diet, helps you
gauge how much of a specific nutrient one serving of food contains
compared with recommendations for the whole day. If your doctor
or registered dietitian recommends more or less than 2,000 calories a
day, you may need to adjust the percentage accordingly - or simply
use the percentage as a general frame of reference.


Reading Food Labels

Just about every packaged food made in the U.S. has a food label
indicating serving size and other nutritional information. The
"Nutrition Facts" food labels are intended to give you information
about the specific packaged food in question.
Measurements of fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrate, protein,
vitamins and minerals are calculated for a typical portion. This
information makes it easier for you to purchase foods that will fit into
your meal plan and help control your blood glucose, cholesterol, blood
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pressure and weight. However, reading these labels can be confusing.
Below is an example of a Nutrition Facts label, along with explanations
of its components.
Serving Size: Serving size is based on the amount of food people
typically eat at a given meal. This may or may not be the serving
amount you normally eat. It is important that you pay attention to the
serving size, including the number of servings in the package and
compare it to how much you actually eat. The size of the serving on the
food package influences all the nutrient amounts listed on the top part
of the label. For example, if a package has 4 servings and you eat the
entire package, you quadruple the calories, fat, etc. that you have eaten.
Do not confuse portion size with serving size. A portion size is what
you chose to eat there are no standard measures for this. A serving size
is a standard amount used to help give advice about how much to eat. It
helps you identify how many calories are in the foods you eat and what
the nutritional content would be in a serving size. For example a slice of
bread is a serving size of one for bread on the food pyramid. Yet if you
eat a sandwich with 2 slices of bread, you would have had 2 servings of
bread in your portion.
Calories and Calories From Fat: The number of calories and grams of
nutrients are provided for the stated serving size. This is the part of the
food label where you will find the amount of fat per serving.
Nutrients: This section lists the daily amount of each nutrient in the
food package. These daily values are the reference numbers that are set
by the government and are based on current nutrition

recommendations. Some labels list daily values for both 2,000 and 2,500
calorie diets.
"% Daily Value" shows how a food fits into a 2,000 calorie/day diet.
For diets other than 2,000 calories, divide by 2,000 to determine the %
Daily Value for nutrients. For example, if you are following a 1,500
calorie diet, your % Daily Value goal will be based on 75% for each
nutrient, not 100%.
When it comes to fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, choose foods with a

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low % Daily Value. For total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and
minerals, try to reach your goal for each nutrient.
Ingredients: Each product should list the ingredients on the label. They
are listed from largest to smallest amount (by weight). This means a
food contains the largest amount of the first ingredient and the smallest
amount of the last ingredient.



Key Points:
x Use the Super Meal Model diagram (Page 7) as a guide to design
your meals and snacks and stabilize your blood glucose level.
x Focus your eating on raw vegetables (e.g. salads) and the vegetable-
intense meals to optimize your nutritional profile, e.g. salads, soups,
stews, vegetable juices, and tofu.
x When you try one of the new recipes, you should measure your
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blood glucose level after the meal to ensure your body is
metabolizing the food properly.
x If your post-meal blood glucose level rises significantly, then, you
should avoid that meal until your post-meal blood glucose level has
stabilized. Another option is to reduce the portion size of that
specific meal.
x In general, you should avoid or, at least, reduce the serving size for
the recipes that contain pasta, flour, or sugar, e.g. casseroles,
desserts, lasagna, pizza, cookies, muffins, pancakes, and French toast
– until your average blood glucose level has returned to the normal
range without medication.
x Note: Foods such as pizza and meat-casseroles tend to cause a delayed
blood glucose rise in people with diabetes. This is because the high
fat content slows the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines.
x Use the 10 Steps on Page 12 as a guide to control, manage, and
reverse your Type 2 diabetes.
(Refer to the Death to Diabetes book for more detail).

Chapter 5. Recipes

Spirit Mind

Barbecued Chicken
Chicken parts (breasts, legs, drumsticks)
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1/2 c. organic ketchup
1 tbsp. mustard
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 c. brown sugar
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 c. water
Remove the skin to reduce the fat content, or purchase skinless chicken
Bake chicken pieces at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Drain off fat.
Combine above ingredients for sauce. Bring to a low boil.
Brush each piece of chicken with sauce and bake for an additional 15
Serve with 1 cup of steamed broccoli or other vegetable, 1 cup brown
rice and a glass of filtered water.

Note: Be wary of bottled ketchup because some brands contain high

fructose corn syrup.


Barbecued Beef
1 slice organic bacon
½ cup chopped onion
½ cup ketchup
½ cup apple juice
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
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1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
2-1/2 teaspoons xylitol
12 ounces fully-cooked organic roast beef, thinly sliced
4 sprouted grain rolls (optional)
Cut bacon into 1-inch pieces; cook in medium saucepan over medium-
high heat 3 to 4 minutes or until almost cooked. Add onion; cook 3 to 5
minutes or until bacon is crisp and onion is tender, stirring constantly.
Combine ketchup, apple juice, vinegar, mustard, Worcestershire sauce,
salt and pepper; add to bacon mixture. Reduce heat; cover and simmer
until flavors are blended, 15 to 20 minutes.
Stir in xylitol and sliced beef. Serve warm on rolls, if desired.

Yield: Makes 4 servings.
Serve with 1-2 cups steamed broccoli, and a glass of filtered water.
Note: Refer to the Sandwich section for a hamburger sandwich.


Barbecued Ribs
Baby back ribs or rack of ribs
1/4 cup red wine vinegar or lemon juice
1 stick butter, melted
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 onion, grated
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Prepping: To prepare your rack of ribs you should start by removing the
membrane from the inside of the ribs. This is a tough skin like material
that blocks flavors from getting into the meat. To remove the
membrane, lay the rack down so the ribs curve up on the ends. With a
sharp knife gently cut under the membrane on one corner until you
have enough to grab. Now take a paper towel and grab hold of the
membrane. Gently pull it back. With any luck you should be able to get
most of it off in a single shot. Otherwise continue until the membrane
is gone. Now you can trim off any loose pieces from the rack and you
are ready to apply your rub.
Rubbing: Most rib rubs usually start with paprika to give a nice color.
From here you should decide if you want a sweet, hot, or savory flavor.
If you want sweet, add brown sugar. Other ingredients can be garlic,
onion, chili powder, cayenne, and any other herb you enjoy. Remember
that the rub should be an addition to the flavor of the ribs and not
overpowering. Another tip is that you should use the same basic flavors
in any mop or sauce you intend to add later. This keeps the flavors
consistent and avoids the risk of flavors that don't mix well.
Set-up: Allow the ribs to sit in the rub for a little while. An hour or two
will be enough for the flavors to start to sink in.
In the meanwhile you can prepare your smoker. You want to aim for a


smoking temperature between 200 and 225 degrees F. Pick a wood that
has flavor but doesn't overpower. For instance, if you want to use
mesquite, use it in small amounts. I suggest if you want a sweeter flavor
to your ribs that you choose a fruit wood like apple or cherry, otherwise
pick something like and oak or hickory.
Smoking & Basting: Now you are ready to smoke. You will be smoking
these ribs for 4 to 6 hours. During that time you may want to baste the
ribs in a mop. The best way to make this mop is to take some of the
same rub you used earlier and mix it with a little vinegar and enough
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water to make it thin. You can apply this every few hours to help keep
the moisture in your ribs. When smoking ribs you will want to turn
them every hour. This is a good time to baste the ribs so the baste can
remain on the top side. Baste lightly so as not to disturb too much of
the rub. If you hold the right smoker temperature your ribs should be
cooked through in a few hours. The additional time will allow the fats
and connective tissues in the ribs to break down and tenderize the ribs.
Sauce: Most barbecue is not coated with sauce. Sauce is served on the
table with ribs. However if you are a big fan of barbecue sauces then
you can brush it over the ribs shortly before you remove them from the
smoker. People will warn you that sugary sauces burn, but at these low
temperatures that won't be a problem. Giving time for the sauce to
cook on the surface of the ribs will allow it to caramelize a little and
cook into the ribs. If you take your original rub and mix it with tomato
sauce or ketchup you will get a traditional sauce. If you serve it on the
side warm it first so you won't be dipping your hot ribs in cold sauce.
If you follow this plan you will get tender, juicy ribs that are better than
any restaurants. With a little practice you will be making great ribs and
be ready to move on to the kinds of pork ribs you can take to any
Serve with 1 cup of steamed broccoli or other vegetable, 1 cup brown
rice and a glass of filtered water.


Barbecue Sauce 1
1 8 ounce can tomato sauce
1 6 ounce can tomato paste
1-2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic crushed
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4 tablespoons minced onion
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon cayenne
fresh ground pepper to taste
Cook minced onion and garlic in olive oil until onions turns opaque.
Add remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly and allow to simmer for
about 20 minutes.
Makes about 1 1/2 cups of barbecue sauce.

Note: If you like a rich, thick barbecue sauce on your chicken or ribs,
then this is the recipe for you. By using tomato sauce and tomato paste
instead of ketchup you get a richer flavor in your barbecue sauce.


Barbecue Sauce 2
1/2 stick butter, melted
1 green pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
3-4 cloves garlic, pressed
1/2 cup celery (with leaves), chopped
1 (16 oz.) can crushed tomatoes
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1 (12 oz.) can thick tomato paste
1/2 can water, from tomato paste can
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
2 tbsp. prepared yellow mustard
4 dashes Tabasco sauce
8 peppercorns
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
8 coriander seeds
1/4 tsp. oregano
2 tbsp. molasses
4 tbsp. brown sugar
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp. celery seed
Melt butter in medium saucepan.
Sauté onion, garlic, celery and green pepper until tender. Add remaining
ingredients and simmer 1/2 hour, stirring occasionally.
Cool and put through a small sieve colander. Keeps in the refrigerator 6
to 8 weeks.
Note: This recipe may be used on ribs, chicken, or beef in either wood-
fired/charcoal pits or gas grill barbecues.


Beef: Filet Mignon with Mushrooms

1 pound organic beef tenderloin, raw
1/2 teaspoon marjoram, dried
2 teaspoons xylitol
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
3 ounces mushrooms, medium, fresh
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1 onion, yellow
8 fluid ounces beef broth, low sodium
1 tablespoon cornstarch (optional)

Cut beef into 4 slices. Mix together marjoram, xylitol and pepper; rub
on both sides of beef slices.
Heat oil over medium heat in a large non-stick skillet. Cook beef in oil 3
to 5 minutes, turning once, until brown.
Remove to heated serving platter; keep warm.
Wash and slice mushrooms and onion; cook in skillet drippings over
medium heat about 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onion is crisp-
Whisk together broth and cornstarch; stir into mushroom mixture.

Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and
boils. Boil and stir one minute. Pour over beef.
Serve with a green salad or steamed broccoli, and a glass of filtered


Beef: Meatloaf with Tomato Sauce

1/4 cup liquid-egg substitute
1 slice sprouted grain or whole oat bread
4 fluid ounces milk, fat-free
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, fat free
2 teaspoons parsley, dried
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
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2 garlic cloves
12 ounces beef, sirloin, ground, extra lean
8 ounces Italian sausage link, turkey
1/2 cup spaghetti sauce, reduced sodium

Preheat oven to 375°F.
In a large bowl, combine egg substitute, bread (cut or torn into small
pieces), milk, Parmesan cheese, parsley, pepper and garlic (peeled and
Add ground beef and sausage (casings removed); mix thoroughly. Shape
meat mixture into a round loaf, 9 inches in diameter.
Place loaf on the unheated rack of a broiler pan or a roasting pan with a
rack. Spread spaghetti sauce evenly over top.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a thermometer inserted into the
middle of the loaf registers 160°F and juices run clear.
Transfer to a serving platter; sprinkle with herbs of choice such as basil,
thyme or garlic powder. Cut into wedges to serve.
Serve with a tossed salad and risotto, if desired, with a glass of filtered
Note: Refer to the Sandwich section for a hamburger sandwich.


Beef: Pepper Steak & Vegetables

2 garlic cloves
1 pound organic beef sirloin steak, raw
3/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon olive oil, extra virgin
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1 bell pepper, red, medium
1 bell pepper, green, medium
1 bell pepper, yellow, whole
1 onion, yellow
1 tomato, medium
2 teaspoons parsley, dried

Preheat broiler. Spray a broiler-pan rack with cooking spray.
Mince garlic. Rub both sides of the steak with the garlic, black pepper
and 1/8 teaspoon of the salt; place steak on prepared rack and drizzle
with 1 teaspoon of the vinegar.
Broil steak 5 to 6 inches from heat for about 5 minutes, then turn and
drizzle the second side with another teaspoon of vinegar.
Broil 4 to 5 minutes longer for medium-rare or until desired doneness.
Transfer the steak to a warmed platter, cover loosely with foil and let
stand for 5 minutes.
While steak is cooking, wash and thinly slice bell peppers; and cut onion
and tomato into thin wedges.
In a deep, non-stick skillet, heat the oil over high heat. Add bell peppers
and onions, and toss to coat them with the oil; cook, stirring, for 1
Reduce heat to medium-high, add tomatoes and 1 tablespoon of water,


and toss to combine.

Cover and cook, stirring frequently, for 8 to 10 minutes, or until
vegetables are tender.
Uncover the skillet and add remaining 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1/8
teaspoon of salt, and any juices that have collected on the steak platter;
simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in parsley.
Carve the steak into thin slices and arrange on the platter. Spoon the
vegetables and pan juices around the steak.
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Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).



Beef: Sirloin Wraps

1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
2 teaspoons oregano, dried
1 teaspoon cumin, ground
1 pound organic beef sirloin steak, raw
4 tortilla wraps (whole grain), 11" diameter
3/4 cup sour cream, fat-free
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1 tablespoon horseradish sauce
4 cups lettuce, romaine, chopped
1 tomato, medium

Mix together chili powder, oregano and cumin. Rub mixture on both
sides of beef. Let stand 10 minutes at room temperature.
Preheat oven to broil. Place beef on rack, lightly coated with cooking
spray, in broiler pan.
Broil with top 3 to 4 inches from heat for about 5 minutes on each side
for medium doneness or until beef is desired doneness. Cut into 1/8-
inch slices.
Warm tortillas according to package directions. Mix together sour
cream and horseradish.

Spread 3 tablespoons sour cream mixture over each tortilla; top each
with 1 cup lettuce (washed and shredded) and 1/4 of the tomato
(diced). Top with beef.
Serve with 1-2 cups steamed broccoli, spinach or cauliflower, and a
glass of filtered water.


Beef: Beef Taco

2 lbs lean ground beef
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons Chili powder
2 tablespoons paprika
1 teaspoon cumin
2 garlic cloves
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1/2 diced bell pepper
1/2 diced medium onion
12 corn tortillas

In 2 quart sauce pan add ground beef, salt, chili powder, garlic, cumin,
paprika, enough water to cover meat.
Bring to a boil. Simmer over medium low heat about an hour. Then add
1/2 medium chopped onion, 1/2 medium chopped bell pepper.
Continue cooking 20 to 30 more minutes.
Soft Beef Tacos: Heat olive oil in non-stick skillet. Cook corn tortillas,
one at a time, in hot oil until soft, about 10 to 15 seconds; drain.
Spoon 2 tablespoons of the beef taco meat in the center of each tortilla.
Fold the tortilla over the meat; or roll up like an enchilada.

Serve with a large green salad and a glass of filtered water.


Beef: Beef Tortilla

2 lbs. lean ground beef
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can chicken and rice soup
16 ounces shredded Cheddar cheese
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1 clove garlic
1 jar taco sauce
1 sm. can chopped green chili peppers
1 pkg. corn tortillas

Brown meat, onions and garlic. Drain.
Add remaining ingredients except tortillas and cheese. Simmer for 5
Pour a small amount of the mixture into the bottom of a slow cooker.
Next add a tortilla and top it with a small amount of grated cheese.
Continue to layer the mixture with a tortilla and cheese until all
ingredients are used. Cook on Low 3 to 4 hours.
Serve with a small green salad and a glass of filtered water or

green/white tea.
Note: Replacing the flour tortillas with corn tortillas reduces the calories
and provides more fiber.


Broccoli & Egg

2 cups broccoli florets
2 organic eggs
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1tsp. cayenne pepper
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1 tbsp. Earth Balance spread
Olive oil spray

Break open eggs into a small nonstick pan and immediately reduce heat
to low. Cook slowly until the whites are completely set and the yolks
begins to thicken, but are not hard. For over easy eggs flip over for 15
seconds. Add the salt*, black pepper and cayenne pepper while
*Note: Consider adding the salt after the eggs have cooked – to prevent
the eggs from losing moisture and becoming rubbery.
Place the broccoli in the steamer and steam for 12-15 minutes. Be
careful not to over-steam – the broccoli should look bright green and
firm, and have a crunchy texture.
Put the broccoli into a bowl, and add the extra virgin olive oil, Earth
Balance spread and spices.
Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).
In place of the egg, use salmon or sardines as your protein.
Add Tabasco sauce on top of your eggs, salmon, or sardines.
For additional fiber, toast 1 or 2 slices of sprouted grain bread.


Broccoli & Salmon

2 cups of fresh or frozen broccoli florets
2-3 oz. of baked wild salmon
1 slice of soy cheese
½ onion (sliced)
½ red (or yellow) pepper
1½ tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
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1 tsp. organic butter

Preheat oven to 350°.
Place the broccoli (or other vegetable) in a steamer with water, place on
the stove and turn on medium for 9-10 minutes. Add part of an onion
and/or red/yellow pepper.
Sprinkle a pinch of cayenne powder or other seasonings on top of the
salmon for additional flavor, e.g. garlic, peppers. Sprinkle a couple
drops of extra virgin olive oil on top of the salmon (to keep it moist)
and place in the pre-heated oven for no more than 2 minutes if it’s
leftover salmon that has been previously baked. Otherwise, bake the
salmon for 18-20 minutes. Add 1 slice of soy cheese on top of the
salmon approximately 1 minute before removing from the oven.
When ready, remove the broccoli from the steamer and place in a small
bowl. Add the extra virgin olive (or organic rice bran oil) on top of the
broccoli (or other vegetable). If you like a “buttery” taste for your
vegetables, add a teaspoon of organic butter, a teaspoon of macadamia
nut oil, or spray a couple ounces of liquid “buttery” spread on top of
the broccoli. When you start to eat the broccoli, the butter will trigger a
signal that helps to satisfy your taste buds.
If you prefer more of a bitter taste, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of organic
apple cider vinegar on top of the broccoli.
If you like your broccoli hot and spicy, sprinkle 2-3 tbsp. of cayenne


pepper juice or Tabasco sauce) on top of the spinach.

Remove the salmon from the oven and place on a small plate.
Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).

Use other vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts.
For a variety, mix these vegetables with snow peas, carrots, stringbeans,
and red, yellow or orange peppers.

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Add a clove of garlic or shiitake mushrooms for additional flavor.
A protein option replacement for the salmon is 2 lightly poached
(organic) eggs but this will require more time to prepare. However, you
can just break a raw egg on top of the vegetable in the bowl to increase
your protein intake.
Other protein options include 3-5 ounces of organic skinless chicken
breast, 3 slices of turkey bacon, or other fish such as canned tuna,
canned wild salmon, or sardines.
A carbohydrate option for the spinach is 16 ounces of raw carrot juice.
Add a tbsp. of ground flaxseed and a scoop of protein/fiber powder to
the juice.
If you like hot and spicy, sprinkle Tabasco sauce on top of your eggs,
salmon, or sardines.

For additional fiber, toast 1 or 2 slices of sprouted grain bread.


Broccoli with Onions & Almonds

3 tablespoons chopped slivered almonds
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped (medium) onion
2 cloves thin sliced garlic
4 cups broccoli florets
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
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2 tbsp. freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons water
1/2 tablespoon psyllium husks

Toast almonds in a medium dry skillet over medium-low heat, stirring
constantly, until lightly browned and fragrant, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer
to a small bowl to cool.
Add oil to the pan and heat over medium heat. Add onion and garlic,
sauté until the onion is caramelized. Cook, stirring occasionally,
adjusting heat as necessary, until soft and golden brown, 15 to 20
Just before removing from the heat, Add the nuts, onion, vinegar, water
and psyllium husk and pepper.
Turn off the heat and let stand for just a short while to let the mixture
Meanwhile, steam broccoli until just tender, 4 to 6 minutes. Add the
broccoli to the pan and stir to coat the broccoli. Serve immediately.
Servings: 4
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Broccoli and Tofu Pasta

3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
2 teaspoons bottled minced ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic
1 package firm tofu, drained and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 tablespoon dark sesame oil
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5 cups broccoli florets
1/2 cup chopped green onions
2 tablespoons seeded minced jalapeño pepper
1/3 cup cashews
5 cups cooked angel hair pasta

Mix together the soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, and garlic in a shallow dish.
Place the tofu in the dish and coat all sides. Let sit for 15 minutes. Take
the tofu out of the dish and keep the marinade.
Put 2 teaspoons of the sesame oil in a nonstick skillet and heat over
high. Cook the tofu for about 2 minutes. Take out of the skillet and set
Sauté 1 teaspoon oil, broccoli, onions, and jalapeño pepper in the skillet
for about 2 minutes. Add the marinade, tofu, and cashews. Cook for
about 1 to 2 minutes.
Spoon the tofu mixture over the pasta.
Note: Try using low-sodium soy sauce.
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Brussel Sprouts with Sweet Potatoes

3/4 cup sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
3/4 cup pumpkin, peeled and cubed
3/4 pound Brussel sprouts, halved
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup each chopped leeks and scallions
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
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1/4 cup chicken stock, or water
2 teaspoons xylitol
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons roasted pecan pieces

Boil sweet potatoes and pumpkin in a saucepan until just tender; drain
and set aside. Repeat with Brussels sprouts and set aside. (If using
frozen vegetables, skip this step and just add to skillet after browning
the leeks and garlic in the next step.)
In a non-stick skillet prepare, leeks, scallions and garlic (see below). Add
the rest of the ingredients, except for the pecans, and cook for 3
minutes or until vegetables are tender. Place on serving platter and
sprinkle with pecan pieces.
Tip: When using leeks and scallions, discard the bulb, outer layer and

dark green parts. Slice in half and wash carefully to remove all sand.
To prepare: Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil with cooking spray in a large
non-stick skillet over medium heat for a few seconds. Add the
leeks/scallions and onions; stir and lower heat.
Cook until the leeks/scallions start to brown, stirring occasionally. Add
garlic and a few drops of water, the mixture will start to brown. Cook
another few minutes, scraping the bottom of the pan so that nothing
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,


Cabbage & Fish

1 cabbage
1 onion
3-4 carrots
2 tbsp. olive oil
2-3 hot peppers
1 green pepper
1-2 garlic cloves
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2 pieces of fish (tilapia or other fish)

Grate the cabbage and place in a large pot. Mix in the other ingredients.
Cook for 30 minutes or until done. If it starts to dry out during
cooking, add water in tablespoon increments to keep moist.
Coat the fish with extra virgin olive oil.
Bake the two pieces of fish.
Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).



Cabbage Slaw
1 small head cabbage, thinly sliced
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup cider vinegar
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2-1/2 teaspoons xylitol
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2 Tbsp. chopped pimiento or red bell pepper
1 teaspoon celery seed
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

Combine cabbage, green pepper, onion and pimiento in medium bowl.
Measure remaining ingredients into jar; cover with lid and shake to
blend well. Pour dressing over cabbage mixture and toss to coat.
Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Yield: Makes 6 (1-cup) servings.
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.



Casserole: Broccoli
4 cups broccoli, chopped into 1 inch pieces
2 organic eggs, beaten
1 cup low-fat organic cottage cheese
2 bunches chopped green onions
2 tbsp. wheat germ
1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
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Sea salt and coarse black pepper
1 cup grated soy cheese
1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
4 tbsp. Smart Balance margarine
Olive oil (spray can)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare casserole dish by spraying with
aerosol oil spray. Steam broccoli slightly for 3 minutes. Remove. If you
wish to use frozen broccoli pieces, that is fine, too. Just allow them to
drain a bit to remove excess water. Place the broccoli in the bottom of
your sprayed dish.
Combine the eggs, cottage cheese, soup, green onions Worcestershire
sauce, cheddar cheese and then add salt and pepper to taste in the
casserole dish.
Mix well, dust with paprika powder, bread crumbs and margarine, but
remember to wipe off trim before placing it into the oven. Cover with a
lid. Bake at 350 for 20 to 30 minutes.
During the last 10 minutes, remove the lid to allow the top to brown.
Leaving the top on while cooking retains moisture insuring the dish is
still creamy.
Serve (1-2 cups) with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon,
chicken, turkey; and, a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).


Casserole: Broccoli & Rice

1 tbsp. macadamia nut oil
1 c chopped onions
1 lb broccoli pieces-fresh/froze
1 c cream of mushroom soup
1/4 c milk
1 c cooked brown rice
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2 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese

Place oil in saucepan and heat.
Add onions and cook and stir until soft but not browned.
Add broccoli and cook until heated but not cooked.
Mix soup and milk together to blend and add to broccoli mixture.
Add rice to vegetables. Cook and stir over low heat until hot and mixed.
Place in a 1 1/2 to 2 quart casserole that has been greased with
Sprinkle Parmesan evenly over top.
Bake uncovered, at 350F for 35-40 minutes or until bubbly and the
broccoli is cooked.
Serve hot using 1/2 c per serving
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).


Casserole: Cabbage
1 medium onion, chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
3 tbsp Earth Balance spread
3/4 lb lean ground beef
1/2 tsp salt
1 medium cabbage, shredded
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2 apples, sliced thin

Preheat oven to 350 deg F.
In skillet, sauté the onion and celery in the margarine 2 minutes. Add
beef and salt and stir another 2 minutes.
Spread half the cabbage in 2 quart baking dish and cover with half the
apples and all the meat mixture.
Add remaining cabbage and apple slices.
Cover and bake 1 hour.
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.



Casserole: Chicken and Broccoli

2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 cup dry white wine
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 cups broccoli florets
2 tablespoons olive oil
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1/8 cup grated Gruyere cheese 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2/3 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ pound yolk-free egg noodles Black pepper

Preheat the oven to 350ºF. In a large saucepan, heat the chicken broth,
white wine and a generous pinch of salt over medium heat. Add the
chicken breasts and poach them over low heat for 10 minutes or until
the chicken breasts are cooked through. Remove the chicken from the
liquid and set aside. Cut the chicken into strips.
Bring the poaching liquid to a boil, add the broccoli florets and cook
for 2 minutes. Remove the broccoli and set aside. Reserve the cooking
In a separate saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Whisk in
the flour and cook for 3 minutes. Whisk in the cooking liquid and
simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the cheeses. Add the nutmeg and season
with salt and pepper.
Meanwhile, cook the noodles in a large pot of salted water until they are
al dente, drain and put them in a large casserole dish.
Add the chicken and broccoli to the casserole dish and pour in the
sauce. Bake the casserole in the oven for 20 minutes. Let the casserole
stand at room temperature for 5 minutes before serving.
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,


Casserole: Crockpot Layered Enchilada

1 can whole tomatoes
1 small onion, cut into pieces
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. ground red pepper
1/2 tsp. salt
1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste
Death to Diabetes, LLC
1 lb. ground beef, browned
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
9 corn tortillas

Blend tomatoes (undrained), onion and garlic in blender or food
processor. Pour into medium sauce pan.
Add red pepper, salt and tomato paste. Heat to a boil; simmer for 5-10
Place 3 tortillas in bottom of the crockpot. Layer on tortillas 1/3 of the
ground beef, 1/3 of the sauce and 1/3 of the cheddar. Repeat layers
two more times.
Cover and cook on Low 6-8 hours.
Serve with a small green salad and a glass of filtered water.



Casserole: Eggplant
1 1/4 cup onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
11 oz canned whole tomatoes, undrained
2 tbsp tomato paste, plus 2 teaspoons
1 tbsp fresh parsley, plus 2 tsp., chopped
3/4 tsp oregano
Death to Diabetes, LLC
1/4 tsp dried basil
3/4 large eggplant
(peeled and sliced - into 1/4 inch – slices)
2/3 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
2/3 cup low-fat cottage cheese
2 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese, plus 2 teaspoons

Coat a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Add the onion and
garlic in the skillet and sauté‚ over low heat until onion is tender, about
6 minutes.
Stir in undrained whole tomatoes, tomato paste, parsley, oregano, basil
and salt and pepper to taste. Bring mixture to a boil; reduce heat and let
simmer, uncovered, for 40-50 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Arrange eggplant slices on a steamer rack, place in a large pot where 1
inch of water has been added, and steam for about 5 minutes until
eggplant is tender. Do not overcook.
Combine the mozzarella and cottage cheeses together and set aside.
Coat a 13×9 inch baking pan with nonstick cooking pray and place a
layer of eggplant in the pan. Top eggplant with some of the sauce
mixture and some of the cheese mixture and sprinkle with Parmesan
cheese. Repeat the steps in layers until all the ingredients are used.
Bake at 350oF for 30-35 minutes and serve hot.
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Casserole: Lentil
1/4 tsp crushed red chili flakes
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 pinch Asafetida (optional)
2 tbsp rice bran oil
1 cup sliced scallions
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
Death to Diabetes, LLC
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 cup shredded green cabbage
2 cup cooked brown rice
3 cup cooked brown lentils
1 cup vegetable stock
1 cup frozen peas, thawed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large skillet, sauté chili, turmeric and asafetida in oil for 2 minutes.
Add scallions, bell pepper, garlic and cabbage and sauté for 5 minutes.
Combine with rice, lentils, stock and peas in a baking dish and bake for
20 minutes. Serve warm.
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,

turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Casserole: Squash
3 c cooked mashed squash*
3 tbsp. brown sugar
3 tbsp. oat flour
¼ tsp. salt (optional)
¼ tsp. nutmeg
¼ tsp. cinnamon
Death to Diabetes, LLC
¼ tsp. ginger
1 tbsp. raw honey
3 eggs, separated

Combine squash, honey, flour, salt and spices. Mix well.
Stir in egg yolks. Beat egg whites till stiff but not dry.
Fold into squash mixture.
Pour into 1 ½ quart casserole dish which has been sprayed with a
nonstick vegetable coating.
Bake at 350o F. for 45 minutes or until crusty.
Serving size: 1cup
*Note: You can use acorn, butternut, banana or any winter squash.

Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Casserole: Turkey Broccoli

2 10 oz pkg. frozen broccoli
2 cup coarsely diced cooked turkey
1 10 oz. can mushroom soup
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese (2 oz)

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Preheat oven to 375 F. Cook broccoli according to package directions.
Layer in 12 x 8 inch baking dish. Spread turkey evenly on top.
Combine soup with milk, mix until smooth and pour over turkey.
Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
Bake for 30 min. Let stand 5 min.
Serving size: 2 cups
Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).



Casserole: Soybean
2 1/3 cup cooked, drained soybeans
1 can (16 oz.) tomatoes with chili peppers
1 cup chopped green pepper
1 tbsp margarine
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp garlic powder
Death to Diabetes, LLC
1/4 tsp crushed basil leaves
1/8 tsp pepper
1 cup soft whole grain bread crumbs
1 drained can (16 oz.) whole kernel corn (optional)
2 oz shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Arrange beans and corn in alternate layers in a 2-quart baking dish.
Mash tomatoes with a fork; save 2 tablespoons tomato juice. Mix flour
and seasonings and stir into the tomato juice.
Stir flour mixture into tomatoes and add green pepper.
Heat until mixture comes to a boil.
Pour hot sauce over vegetables.
Mix bread crumbs, cheese and margarine; sprinkle over vegetables.
Bake about 20 minutes until browned.
Serving size: 2 cups
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Casserole: Zucchini-Mozzarella
1 tbsp margarine +
1 tsp margarine
4 cup zucchini, thinly sliced
1/2 cup onions, chopped
2 tbsp parsley flakes
1/8 tsp garlic powder
Death to Diabetes, LLC
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp dried basil
1 salt and pepper to taste
2 eggs, slightly beaten
6 oz mozzarella, shredded
1 tsp Dijon mustard

Melt margarine in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat.
Add zucchini and onions and cook 10 minutes, stirring frequently until
vegetables are tender crisp. Remove from heat.
Preheat oven to 350.
Add seasonings to zucchini mixture. In a large bowl, combine eggs,
cheese, and mustard. Add zucchini mixture and stir until combined.
Pour into a casserole dish that has been sprayed with a nonstick
cooking spray.
Bake 35 minutes, or until lightly browned.
Serving size: 2 cups
Serve with 4-5 oz. of a lean protein (baked), e.g. wild salmon, chicken,
turkey; and, a glass of filtered water.


Chicken, Broccoli & Rice

1 lb. chicken breast (skinless, boneless)
1 can cream of broccoli soup
½ tsp. cayenne pepper (or black pepper)
¾ cup carrots (thinly sliced)
1 ½ cups organic brown rice
1 cup nonfat milk
Death to Diabetes, LLC
2 tbsp. margarine
2 cups broccoli

Place the margarine, chicken breast, and carrots in a skillet and cook
until tender and crisp. Add the broccoli. Cook the rice separately.
Stir in the soup, milk, and pepper.
Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 10 minutes until vegetables are
Stir in the rice, cover and remove from the heat.
Let stand for 5 minutes. Fluff with fork before serving.
Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).
Note: This is one of my mother’s recipes.


Chicken and Broccoli Quiche

2 cups small broccoli florets
4-oz reduced fat Swiss cheese, shredded
1 cup cubed cooked chicken
½ cup egg substitute
1 cup fat-free half & half

Death to Diabetes, LLC

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Place broccoli in a sprayed 9-inch pie dish; add cheese and chicken.
Combine egg substitute and half & half until well mixed. Pour over
chicken mixture, pressing down to cover ingredients as much as
Bake 30 to 40 minutes or until custard is set. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes
before serving.
Serving size: 2 cups
Serve with a glass of filtered water (or green/white tea).



Chicken Parmesan
4 4-oz. boneless chicken cutlets
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. freshly ground black pepper
½ teaspoon dried oregano
2 cups tomato sauce
Death to Diabetes, LLC
2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons fat-free, shredded mozzarella cheese

Preheat the oven to 375°F.
Lay the chicken cutlets between two pieces of waxed paper. Pound each
cutlet with the flat end of a mallet until thin.
Heat the olive oil in a large, nonstick skillet. While the oil is heating,
season the chicken with salt, pepper and oregano and dredge it in flour.
Sauté the chicken over medium-high heat until golden brown, about 2
minutes on each side. Transfer the chicken to a shallow baking dish.
Pour the tomato sauce over the chicken and sprinkle with both cheeses.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until the sauce is bubbling and the cheese is
melted and lightly golden. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

Serving Size: 1 cutlet
Serve with 1-2 cups steamed broccoli, spinach or cauliflower, and a
glass of filtered water.


1 ½ tsp. olive oil
½ medium onion, chopped
½ green bell pepper, seeded & chopped
1 tsp. chili powder
2 oz. soy cheese (grated)
¾ cup soybean hamburger (or ground turkey)
Death to Diabetes, LLC
½ cup canned kidney beans
1 cup canned crushed tomatoes
¼ tsp. sea salt
1 garlic clove, chopped
½ cup filtered water
½ tsp. ground cumin

Heat oil in a large nonstick sauté pan over a medium heat.
Sauté the onion and green pepper in the oil for 5 minutes or until the
onion turns translucent.
Mix in the chili powder, cumin, salt, and garlic and cook for 2 minutes.
Add the hamburger and water. Stir in the tomatoes and kidney beans.
Cover and simmer 15 to 30 minutes to blend flavors.

Serve in a bowl, sprinkled with grated cheese.
Serve with a small green salad and a glass of filtered water.


Chili: Veggies and Turkey

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
3 cloves garlic, minced
½ cup chopped red bell pepper
2 cups carrots, cut into coins
Death to Diabetes, LLC
1 lb ground turkey breast
2 Tbsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground allspice
¼ tsp ground black pepper
2½ cups no-salt-added canned tomatoes in puree
2 cans (15.5 oz) no-salt-added dark red kidney beans
Garnish: Dollop of fat-free sour cream or plain yogurt, avocado slices,
and cilantro leaves

Heat the oil in an 8-quart pot. Add the onion, celery, garlic, red bell
pepper, and carrots, and sauté for 5 minutes.
Add the turkey and cook for 10 minutes. Add the chili powder, cumin,
allspice, and black pepper, and combine well. Add the tomatoes.

Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Add the beans, and heat through.
Garnish with a dollop of fat-free sour cream or plain yogurt, a few
slices of avocado, and some chopped cilantro leaves.
Makes 10 (1 cup) servings
Serve with a small green salad and a glass of filtered water.
Note: Freeze the extra servings to enjoy for another meal.


Dessert: Apple-Strawberry Dessert

2 c. chopped apples
2 c. strawberries
4 organic eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. xylitol
1 c. chocolate protein powder
Death to Diabetes, LLC
1/4 c. nonfat dry milk
2 tsp. baking soda
1 c. unprocessed bran

Place the first 6 ingredients (apples, strawberries, eggs, vanilla, xylitol,
protein powder) in a blender and blend well.
Pour into a large bowl, and add the other ingredients. Mix with an
electric mixer.
Spray a 9 x 13 inch or Bundt pan with non-stick spray.
Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Makes 8 servings.
Serving size: 2 cups

Serve with a glass of filtered water.
Note: Avoid this recipe until your blood glucose level has stabilized
within the normal range.


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