Chap. 11 Glass Waste. Butler2011

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Glass Waste
John H. Butler, Paul Hooper
Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


1. The Glass Industry 151 3. Container Glass Recycling Processes 160

1.1. Glass Production 152
4. The Future of Glass Recycling 161
1.2. Environmental Issues 153
4.1. Introduction of Container
2. Glass Reuse 155 Deposit Schemes 161
2.1. Container Glass Recycling 156 4.2. Bottle Deposit Return Machines 162
2.2. Flat Glass Recycling 158 4.3. Regulatory Systems 162
2.2.1. Flat Glass Construction 4.4. Coloured Glass 162
and Demolition Waste 158 4.5. Infrastructure Maintenance
2.2.2. Flat Glass End-of-Life and Change 162
Motor Vehicle Waste 159
5. Conclusion 162
2.3. Summary of Glass Waste Streams 159

1. THE GLASS INDUSTRY for motor vehicle manufacture [1]. Other

product segments, whilst only constituting
Glass is in the background of the daily lives of about 15% of the mass output, produce high-
most people. It is manufactured from plentiful value technical and consumer products by
raw materials and can be readily reused as feed- comparison with container and flat glass.
stock in glass production. Between 80% and 85% However, the potential for glass recycling comes
of the mass output from the worldwide glass largely from the container and flat glass sectors,
industry is either in the form of containers for because of their dominance in terms of mass,
the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical indus- and their relatively uniform chemical composi-
tries, or flat glass for building construction or tion, with soda limeesilica glass accounting

Waste Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381475-3.10011-7 151 Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

for virtually all the container and flat glass for packaged beverages and food, because of
produced. Hence, this chapter will focus on competition from other packaging materials.
these categories of glass when discussing the We have calculated that global production of
environmental issues arising from glass produc- glass containers in 2007 was 72 million tonnes
tion and consumption. (72  106 t), based on data in ISO Business
Plan TC/63 for Glass Containers in 2004 [2],
the EU 2008 Non-metallic Mineral Products
1.1. Glass Production Report for Glass, and Official Journal of the Euro-
The demand for glass containers, being pean Union C 317/7 on competitiveness of the
dependent on sales of beverages and food, European glass industry [3,4].
does not fluctuate greatly with business cycles, Table 11.1 summarises production for 2007 by
by contrast with flat glass demand. Annual regional groupings, citing source data and
production has increased over the past decade, assumptions. Although data for the European
but not at the same rate as growth in demand Union (EU) and the United States can be quoted

TABLE 11.1 Global Container Glass Production

Reported data
Conversion Production Assumed
Reference year Unit of measure Total rate tonnes Prodn 2007

Europe (EU27)1 2007 Tonnes 22,429,390 1.00 22,429,390 22,430,000

Russian Federation 2006 Units million 9,800 0.0025 2,450,000 2,570,000
USA 2006 Tonnes 9,638,516 0.907184 8,743,907 9,180,000
2008 Tonnes
South America 2007 Tonnes 12,500,000 1.00 12,500,000 12,500,000
Japan 2006 US$ Million 1,864.62 0.00080 2,119,708 2,230,000
China 2004 Tonnes 7,852,200 0.907184 7,123,390 10,010,000
India8 2008 Tonnes 1,400,000 1.00 1,400,000 1,400,000

Subtotal 60,320,000
Rest of world 11,680,000
Total9 2001 Tonnes 57,000,000 1.00 57,000,000 72,000,000
FEVE European Container Glass Federation 2009 for container glass statistics. European Commission 2009, Draft Reference Document on Best Available
Techniques in the Glass Manufacturing Industry.
Conversion units to tonnes based on Faraday Packaging and Glass Technology Services 2006. Light-weight Glass ContainersdThe Route to Effective.
Waste Minimisation, WRAP, Banbury, UK Unipack RU 2007, Russian Market of Food Glass Containers.
Container Recycling Institute 2008, Beverage Market Data Analysis for 2006, CRI, Culver City, California. Beverage containers only.
US Environmental Protection Agency 2009.
Undata, Industrial Statistics Commodity Database, April 2009 update, United Nations Statistics Division Argentine National Wine Institute, Rigolleau
S.A. 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
UN Statistics DatabasedContainer Glass Production. Conversion at reported tonnes/US$ ratio for year 2001, then uplifted for yen appreciation to the
US$ to 2008.
Chinese Ceramic Society, 2006, Review and Prospect of the Glass Industry in China.
T. E. Narasimhan, 2009, Business Standard 2 April 2009, Glass Container Sector Gallops Ahead.
ISO 2004, Business Plan ISO TC/63, Glass Containers, (forecasting 14% p.a. growth to 2005) Assumed Growth ¼ 5% p.a.


with some confidence, those for other regions temperature for approximately 24 h for produc-
are subject to varying degrees of accuracy tion of containers and 72 h for float glass [5]. In
through incomplete data collection, and the general, the energy necessary for melting and
use of reported data to justify commercial and mixing the batch components accounts for
tariff cases. more than 75% of the total energy requirements
By contrast with container glass, the demand of glass manufacture [5], with the raw material
for flat glass can be very cyclical, depending on procurement and formation of life cycle stages
the level of activity in the building construction accounting for the other 25%.
and automotive industries. Global flat glass Although pure silica can be made into high-
production for 2006 is presented in Table 11.2. quality glass, this requires the batch to be
As in the case of container glass, we believe heated to a temperature of around 2300  C, at
that the figures for the EU and United States which point its viscosity is reduced to a liquid
are more reliable than some of the data for other state suitable for the subsequent formulation
regional groupings. stage, the ‘melting point’. By adding sodium
oxide (Na2O) obtained from the addition of
soda ash (Na2CO3), the melting point is low-
1.2. Environmental Issues ered to about 1500  C [6]. However, the soda
The main environmental impacts in glass makes any glass produced water soluble. To
making are the high-energy use in batch overcome this, calcium oxide (CaO) obtained
melting, and the resultant gaseous emissions from limestone (CaCO3) is added to the batch
from fuel combustion and the heat reaction of to render the glass chemically durable. Magne-
components of the batch mix. The usual way sium oxide (MgO) and aluminium oxide
of providing heat to melt glass is by burning (Al2O3) may also be used to enhance the chem-
fossil fuels above a bath of batch material, which ical durability, whereas other materials are
is continuously fed into, and then withdrawn added to provide colour. The resulting glass
from the furnace in a molten condition. Heat is contains about 70% to 74% silica, 12% to 15%
provided mainly by radiative transmission sodium oxide, and 10% to 15% calcium oxide
from the furnace crown, which is heated by by weight, plus a small amount of colouring
the flames to up to 1650  C, with some heat and other material, and is called silicaesoda
coming also from the flames themselves. The lime glass. It accounts for about 90% of manu-
molten glass in the furnace is held at a constant factured glass.

TABLE 11.2 Global Flat Glass Production

Million tonnes

Former North South South Rest of

Europe Soviet Union America America Japan China East Asia world Total

Flat glass capacity (2006) 11.00 2.70 6.90 1.00 1.25 19.00 4.80 1.35 48.00
Flat glass production (2006) 9.70 2.70 6.00 1.60 1.05 16.00 3.80 3.15 44.00

Sources: Pilkington Group Ltd., St. Helens, U.K. 2007, Pilkington and the Flat Glass Industry; Haley C.V.U., 2009, Through China’s Looking Glass; Subsidies
to the Chinese Glass Industry 2004e2008, Economic Research Institute; European Commission 2009, Draft Reference Document on Best Available Techniques
in the Glass Manufacturing Industry; Ecorys Research and Consulting 2008, FWC Sector Competitive StudiesdCompetitiveness of the Glass Sector,
Rotterdam, Netherlands.¼display&doc_id¼4044&userservice_id¼1.



Fuel oil and natural gas are the predominant Similarly, soda ash decomposes to produce
energy sources for melting, a small amount of sodium oxide (Na2O) as in:
electricity is also used. The theoretical energy
requirements for sodaesilica lime glass are Heat þ Na2 Co3 /Na2 O þ CO2
given in Table 11.3 [7]. The calculation assumes
that all available heat is fully used and has three Emissions of gaseous outputs from other
components: additions to the batch produce oxides of
sulphur and nitrogen. Based on an input of
• The heat required to raise the temperature of
150 and 190 kg of limestone and soda ash into
the raw materials from 20  C to 1500  C
the batch mix, 145 kg of process CO2 per tonne
• The latent heat required to enable the
of glass would be produced.
reactions between the batch components to
Emissions from combustion per unit of
form the glass
energy will vary depending on the energy
• The heat content of the gases (principally
source, the most common of which for batch
CO2) released from the batch during melting
melting are methane processed from natural
The delivered process energy actually gas and fuel oil. Emissions from methane
needed is higher than the theoretical figures combustion will follow the reaction:
[8] due to waste gas and structural heat losses,
and it depends on the furnace efficiency. Large CH4 þ 2O2 /CO2 2H2 O
modern cross-fired regenerative furnaces
[capacity > 500 tonnes per day (500 t d1)] oper- and that for fuel oil:
ating with a typical energy efficiency of 50%
would result in energy use of approximately C14 H20 þ 21:502 /14CO2 þ 15H2 O
5.5 GJ t1 for a container batch containing virgin
feedstock only. Based on a delivered energy use of 5.5 GJ t1
The principal emissions to air from the batch- in the batch melt, and converting this to the
melting process result from the combustion of mass of methane and fuel oil consumed, CO2
fuel and decomposition of the soda ash and emissions would be 280 and 415 kg t1 of glass,
limestone as they heat up. Once limestone is respectively, because of the different combus-
heated above 850  C, it will start to decompose tion carbon outputs for given masses of
as in the reaction: methane and fuel oil with the same energy
content. As all the inputs are in powder or gran-
Heat þ CaCO3 /CaO þ CO2
ular form, there may also be releases of particu-
lates into the atmosphere. The principal
TABLE 11.3 Theoretical Secondary Energy emissions to air are summarised in Table 11.4.
Requirements in Batch Melting There are three broad approaches to reduce
Using Virgin Feedstock
the environmental impacts of glass production:
Soda limeesilica glass Energy/GJ tL1 first, reductions in energy use; second, ‘end of
pipe’ emission abatement measures; and third,
Endothermic melting heat 1.89
for glass containers, product ‘lightweighting’.
Latent heat of fusion of materials 0.49 Energy intensity efficiencies are achieved
(HChem) through more energy efficient furnace design
Heat of gases emitted (HChem) 0.30 and substituting recycled glass cullet for virgin
raw materials. The use of cullet avoids the use
Total energy use 2.68
of heat in thermal reactions between batch


TABLE 11.4 Principal Emissions to Air from Soda may be distant from its point of use, although
LimeeSilica Glass Batch Melting Per usually within the same national or regional
Tonne of Container Glass Produced boundaries, whereas the glass used for motor
CO2 Emissions/kg vehicle windows may well be shipped across
national and regional boundaries to its point of
Using natural gas (CH4) 430
use. However, the two types of glass each
Using fuel oil 560 present their own set of recycling challenges,
NOx 2.4 which will be reviewed separately.
SOx 2.5

Dust (without secondary abatement) 0.4 2. GLASS REUSE

Dust (with secondary abatement) 0.024
Within the waste management hierarchy,
HCl (without secondary abatement) 0.041
reuse is considered before moving to the next
HCl (with secondary abatement) 0.028 option down, recycling. In the case of flat glass,
HF (without secondary abatement) 0.008 because of the dispersed nature of its use, lack of
homogeneity, and its long life span, reuse is not
HF (with secondary abatement) 0.003
a viable option financially or environmentally.
H2O (evaporation and combustion) 1800 By contrast, the glass used for manufacturing
containers has a similar raw material mix, apart
Source: European Commission. Integrated Pollution Prevention and
Control - Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Glass from colouring agents, and has a short in-use
Making Industry. Brussels: European Union, 2001, Table 3.8. life. Furthermore, production and use of the
containers often take place within the same
components and loss of heat in gaseous emis- country or administrative region. For glass
sions, and it provides additional liquidity at containers, the reuse option is therefore consid-
lower temperatures in the batch, thereby ered before recycling.
reducing the energy used to heat the compo- Supermarket retailers are the most influential
nents. Compared with the theoretical energy decision makers in determining the viability of
requirements of 2.7 GJ t1 for batch melting reuse of primary packaging, including glass.
primary of raw materials, the energy required Since 1970, supermarket chains have accelerated
to simply melt glass is 1.9 GJ t1, and it is the development of distribution systems on the
commonly estimated that substituting 10% of basis of a one-way packaging flow from
cullet for a similar weight of requisite virgin producer to consumer, and this trend has been
raw material mix can save 2.5% of energy. further stimulated by the increasing globalisa-
Container glass typically has a short life tion of retail supply chains. Even in those coun-
cycle, being primarily used to package bever- tries with retake systems, underpinned by
ages and food. Production and use are often container deposit legislation, recycling rather
within the same country or region, although than refill is becoming the norm. In effect, pack-
they may be distant from one another in the aging recovery costs have very largely been
case of specialist products, for example, estate externalised into the recycling route, where the
bottled wines, or pharmaceutical products. By burden is picked up by consumers, city and
contrast, flat glass, principally used in motor regional government recycling infrastructure,
vehicle manufacture and the construction and the waste management industry.
industries, has a long in-use life span. In the For refill systems, the environmental and
case of buildings, production of the glass used financial transport burdens of the collect and



return system and the cleaning and sterilisation countries, the refillable glass container lives on
process before refill have to be measured against for locally produced beverages or for niche
the burdens of cullet collection, processing, and markets, for example in the United Kingdom,
batch melting. This has been the subject of the refillable milk bottle delivered to and
numerous studies demonstrating the significant collected from the doorstep. Finally, in some
environmental benefits of reusing rather than developing nations such as India and Brazil,
recycling glass packaging [9e13]. A comprehen- the cost of new bottles often stimulates the
sive study, placing economic valuations on collection and refill of glass bottles for selling
internal costs and social and environmental carbonated and other drinks.
externalities, presented data demonstrating
that refillable glass containers are preferable to
2.1. Container Glass Recycling
the recycling of single trip bottles from a purely
environmental standpoint, subject to a combina- In theory, container glass can be made from
tion of distances involved between filler and 100% cullet, and there is no limitation on the
distribution centre and number of times the number of times that used container glass can
bottles are refilled [14]. be fed back into the raw material input cycle.
Even given globalised markets and the Consequently, the total potential for recycling
current dominance of supermarket and hyper- is all the container glass used in a given period,
market chains in retail distribution, there may which, given its short life cycle, is for all prac-
still be opportunities for smaller scale glass tical purposes the amount produced. However,
container reuse, for example, in the rapidly there are practical limitations to this theoretical
growing microbrewery sector serving localised 100% use of cullet. First, given the dispersed
markets in the United Kingdom and New nature of the waste stream, the marginal envi-
England. There are also a number of countries ronmental and financial burdens of collecting
and market segments where the refillable glass increasing fractions of the post-consumer waste
bottle is used extensively, in many cases sup- (PCW) container glass waste stream may
ported by container deposit legislation. increase to the point where they exceed the
Canada’s brewers maintain a ‘closed-loop’ marginal benefits. Second, production waste
container return system. The Brewers Associa- cullet normally contributes about 10% of the
tion of Canada reports that returnable and reus- batch mix, which limits the amount of PCW
able bottles make up almost 73% of packaged cullet that can be used. Having said that,
Canadian-brewed beer and 97% of them are a review of the current status of PCW glass recy-
returned by consumers [15]. The Environmental cling across the world reveals that any limits on
register of Packaging PVR, Ltd., Helsinki, shows using PCW-sourced cullet in container glass
that in 2007, 76% of all used glass packaging in production are far from being reached.
Finland was refilled [16]. The 2008 Annual On the basis of public domain information, we
Report of Dansk Retursystem A/S shows that have estimated worldwide glass container
while in Denmark the one-way packaging share consumption, reuse and recycling, the results of
of the beverage market is increasing year on which are given in Table 11.5. Principal data
year, refillables still accounted for 53% with sources are shown in Annex A. Although numer-
a 100% return rate [17]. Data for Germany [18] ical data have not been available, we have made
show that refillable bottles accounted for 47% an assessment of the waste disposal options
of all types of beverage consumed. It is claimed being used in a region or country, based on
that in Russia some 60% to 70% of all glass reviews of the municipal waste management
bottles used are returned for refill [19]. In other practices obtained from press and industry


TABLE 11.5 Global Glass Container Consumption and Recycling
Latin America
Australasia/Oceania North America Sub Saharan
and Caribbean Europe Mena Asia
Glass waste

EU 27 + NOR,
New Zealand

China (Urban
South Africa

Other (excl

CH, Turkey









Re-use (%) 68 45 ≈5 60–70 ≥ 70 ≈ 50

Recycle (%) 37 50 28 11 3–10 64 ≤ 25 31 14

Sanitary landfill (%) 63 50 72 20 55 90–97 31 30–40 ≥ 75 79 ≤ 30 ≈ 50 86

Disposal sites

Year (tonnes mission) 2005 2008 2007 2008 2008 2007 No data 2008 2006 No data 2007 No data 2008 No data 2007 2004 2007 2007
available available available available
Consumption 0.95 0.30 0.30 13.46 1.37 1.57 17.82 3.04 1.90 0.80 1.69 7.60 2.28 4.05
Recycle/re-use 0.35 0.15 No data 3.78 1.09 0.71 11.47 1.98 ≤ 0.48 0.25 1.18 ≈ 3.8 0.32 No data


articles and Web sites. These appear as shaded lack of consistent data about the total waste
areas in Table 11.5. As there is no national or local stream and its management. One estimate for
government infrastructure for municipal waste China is that urban C&DW has reached 30% to
management and recycling for many underde- 40% of the total urban waste generation because
veloped and developing countries, there is of the large-scale construction and demolition
a consequent lack of reliable data in these activities resulting from the accelerated urbaniza-
regions. However, this does not mean that no tion and city rebuilding [22]. Applying these
recycling or reuse takes place. On the contrary, percentages to the total reported industrial waste
high rates of urban recycling in many countries for China in 2004 of 1.089  109 t would give esti-
are tied in with poverty, so that the very poor, mated C&DW of between 325 and 425 million
such as the Kabari in India, find a source of tonnes per annum (325e425  106 t a1) [23].
income by picking recyclable material from With the rapid growth in construction projects
waste left in streets or on municipal dumps. in China, these estimates are likely to significantly
Calculated consumption amounts to 57  106 t understate the amount of C&DW for later years.
for those regions and countries for which data are Estimates for some other countries/regions are
available and for the years quoted. This compares shown in Table 11.5, which also includes the
with the global production of 72  106 t given in source references. Two studies characterising the
Table 11.1. The difference between the two figures composition C&DW estimated the proportion of
is largely due to the lack of consumption data for flat glass in C&DW to be 0.4%  0.2% and 0.2%,
some regions and the limitation of some data to respectively [24,25]. These ratios are also applied
beverage containers only. In developing countries to the estimated C&DW to indicate the size of flat
in particular, there is a huge annual increase in glass waste arisings from that source.
beverage container use, up to 15% per annum in Currently, there is little recycling of glass by
the case of China, but glass takes an increasingly demolition companies due to financial viability.
lower share of the total, with predictions for the Much brick and concrete C&DW is reused on
growth in global container glass consumption in the construction sites in the form of hard core
the region of 3% to 5% [20]. once it has been crushed to an acceptable
particle size. Given that glass is an insignificant
2.2. Flat Glass Recycling part of total C&DW, it is frequently absorbed
into the hard core, or any material removed
The recycling of flat glass largely depends on from site for further processing. The exception
the way in which construction and demolition to this occurs in buildings where glass is a signif-
wastes (C&DW) end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) icant part of the external or internal construc-
and are treated. Approximately 70% of global tion. The reader is referred to Chapter 15 for
flat glass production is used in the building a fuller description of C&DW processing.
and construction industries, 10% in motor If flat glass can be collected without contam-
vehicle manufacture [21], and the remainder ination, it can be recycled to be incorporated in
for other uses. Recycling of such glass is largely new flat glass production. St. Gobain Glass,
dependent on the management of the C&DW United Kingdom, claims that it uses 30% flat
and ELV waste streams. glass cullet in the manufacture of its float glass,
amounting to 3.6  104 t a1 [26], which would
2.2.1. Flat Glass Construction include production waste. Nevertheless, the
and Demolition Waste incorporation of flat glass C&DW into building
Despite C&DW waste being one of the largest aggregates for substrate is likely to remain the
waste flows in the world, there is a significant main recycling option.


2.2.2. Flat Glass End-of-Life these exported as second-hand vehicles [30].
Motor Vehicle Waste Of the four million remaining, it is claimed
Within the EU, the management of ELV waste that nearly 100% are subject to recycling, with
is regulated by Directive 2000/53/EC, which a recycling rate of 75% by vehicle weight [31].
aims inter alia, to increase the reuse, recycling, Based on the EU average of 21.2 kg of glass
and recovery of materials from ELVs. Total per vehicle, flat glass waste from ELVs would
ELV waste for 2007 was calculated as 6.12  amount to approximately 8.5  104 t a1.
106 t with 5.02  106 t being reused or recycled By the end of 2007, there were 43 million
[27]. According to a report submitted by GHK vehicles with an average life of 15 years on the
to the EU DG XI [28], the average weight of glass roads of China. It is estimated that in each
per ELV was calculated as 21.2 kg, which year up to 2010, 4.8 million vehicles will be
applied to the 2007 ELV waste data would scrapped [32]. Using an average of 21.2 kg of
give a figure of 1.3  105 t of ELV glass waste glass per vehicle, ELV flat glass waste would
in that year. amount to around 1.00  105 t a1.
In the United States, the objectives of the There is little, if any, collection of ELV glass
Automotive Recyclers Association include ‘to for feeding back into the flat glass production
promote automotive recycling’. A report pub- loop, and the glass is generally treated as a waste
lished in the United States [29] calculated that product from the metal and other materials
the number of vehicles taken out of use in the recovered from ELVs (see Chapters 6 and 20 of
period 1989e1998 was 11.374  106 (Tables 1 this handbook for a description of ELV
and 2 of the report) with an average glass recycling).
weight of 39 kg (86 lbs) out of a total average
vehicle weight of 1.44 t (3165 lbs). This would
2.3. Summary of Glass Waste Streams
amount to 4.45  105 t a1 of waste glass.
In Japan, roughly five million cars are Based on data presented in the preceding
disposed every year, with around a million of sections, the relative importance of the three

TABLE 11.6 Flat Glass Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) in Selected Countries Where C&DW Refers
to Construction and Demolition, Respectively

Tonnes million Europe1 USA2 China3 Japan4 Brazil5 India6

Year 2004 pre 2006 2005 2005 2001 2005

C&DW 450 295 425 76 69 30
Glass proportion (%) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Flat glass C&DW 0.90 0.59 0.85 0.15 0.14 0.06
EU Taskforce on Sustainable Construction 2007, Accelerating the Development of the Sustainable Construction Market in Europe, EU Commission,
Construction Materials Recycling Association USA, Amount of C&DW Annually CMRA, Eola, Illinois.
National Bureau of Statistics of China 2005, Industrial Solid Wastes Produced, Table 21-1, Beijing.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan White Paper on Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism in Japan, 2008, 66.
John V.M., Angulo S.C., Miranda F.R., Agopyan V., Vasconcellos F. 2004, Strategies for Innovation in Construction and Demolition Waste Management
in Brazil, Department of Civil Construction, University of Sãn Paulo, Sãn Paulo Brazil.
Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Department 2001. Utilisation of Waste from Construction Industry. Department of Science and
technology, Government of India 12% p.a. growth rate applied to reported 15 million tonnes for 2000 to 2005.



TABLE 11.7 Relative Mass of Four Glass Waste Furthermore, in the drive to achieve high levels
Streams of recycling, sight is often lost of the aim of opti-
EU27 USA Japan China
mising the environmental gains, or at least this
becomes of secondary importance.
Container glass In Table 11.8, some key characteristics of
Year 2008 2008 2007 2007 container glass recycling have been classified
according to the end use of the cullet. Using
Tonnes million 17.82 13.46 3.28 7.6
cullet to produce containers is the most environ-
Flat Glass mentally benign option, not only because of the
C&DW energy saved in the batch melt but also because
the used glass containers can be fed back into
Year 2007 Pre 2006 Pre 2005 2005
the product loop continuously. The ability to
Tonnes million 0.9 0.59 0.15 0.85 do so depends on there being sufficient
ELVs demand, which in turn requires that the cullet
supplied meets the manufacturer’s specification
Year 2007 Pre 2005 Pre 2005 2007
for colour mix and purity, for example, in the
Tonnes million 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.10 United Kingdom, the WRAP PAS 101 specifica-
Proportion flat 5 4 7 11 tion, and in the United States, the Glass Pack-
glass of total (%) aging Institute’s ‘High Quality Cullet’ guide.
A key dependency for optimising environ-
mental benefit is the achievement of a balanced
principal glass waste streams in terms of mass is flow of material through the system. For this to
summarised in Table 11.7. Despite the variation happen, it is essential to have the necessary
in the source years and assumptions for the data capacity at each stage, without an over or under
presented, the many orders of magnitude differ- supply of material. In practice, the different
ence between the three waste streams illustrate motivations of the actors in the system can,
the dominant position that recycling container and often do, prevent this system balance being
glass, compared with flat glass, can play in the achieved, and may result in open-loop recy-
recycling challenge to reduce the environmental cling, for example, using cullet as a substrate
and resource impacts of glass production. in road construction. This situation arises
when there is insufficient demand for cullet of
a specific colour and grade for glass container
3. CONTAINER GLASS RECYCLING production. One reason for this may result
PROCESSES from there being an imbalance between regula-
tory recycling targets and commercial demand.
Although waste recycling has been regarded Replacing virgin feedstock with cullet avoids
as the waste management option of choice, it the Hchem and Hgas energy use shown in Table
has to be recognised that it carries its own envi- 11.3. Based on a furnace thermal efficiency of
ronmental and financial burdens [33]. Concep- 50%, a theoretical saving of the energy used in
tually, converting post-consumer glass into the glass container batch melt from 100% cullet
cullet is a straightforward process of collecting rather than 100% virgin feedstock would be in
material and removing contaminants, followed excess of 1.5 GJ t1 of delivered (secondary)
by colour separation and crushing to feedstock energy. Table 11.8 shows that, as a result of the
size ready for inclusion in the batch melt, but reduction in energy use and avoidance of heat
in practice, this is often difficult to achieve. reactions with soda ash and limestone, CO2


TABLE 11.8 Characteristics of Container Glass Recycling and Cullet End Use

Glass container cullet

Closed loop / Open loop

Market demand / Regulatory driven

Type of recycling Product to product Material to material Material substitution

Type of use Used in container glass Used in other glass Used in nonglass
production production applications
Typical end products Glass bottles Fibre glass insulation Aggregates and
Secondary energy saving/ 1.5 GJ 1.5 GJ 0
tonne (batch melt)
CO2 emissions avoidance 215e250 200e230 0
kg/tonne (batch melt)

Maximum cullet 90 50 10e20

proportion (%)

Continual loop recycling Yes No No

Sources: Enviros Consulting Ltd. 2003, Glass RecyclingdLifetime Carbon Dioxide Emissions, British Glass Manufacturers Confederation, Sheffield; Butier
and Hooper, Dilemmas in optimising the environmental benefit from recycling: a case study of glass container waste management in the UK, Resources
Conservation and Recycling 45 (2005) 331e355.

emissions from the batch melt are reduced by 4. THE FUTURE OF GLASS
215 to 250 kg t1 if a theoretical 100% cullet is RECYCLING
used in place of virgin feedstock in glass
container production. As there is no limit to There are clear environmental and financial
the number of times glass can be recycled, these benefits accruing from using glass cullet rather
savings can be repeated, depending on the effi- than virgin feedstock in glass production. Based
ciency of the recycling regime in keeping waste on the data in Tables 11.1 and 11.5, we estimate
container glass within the loop [34]. Although that 30% to 35% of the container glass consumed
a similar one of energy saving is obtainable globally enters the recycling loop, leaving room
from using cullet as raw material for producing for significant enhancements in recycling rates
fibreglass, it is not possible to then recycle fibre- to meet the demand of glass container manufac-
glass as feedstock into further production cycles turers for quality cullet. Some initiatives to
[35]. At the other end of the spectrum, it has enhance container glass recycling are consid-
been shown that reductions in the energy ered below.
burden through the use of cullet in aggregate
production are largely dependent on the 4.1. Introduction of Container
reduced transport resulting from using locally
Deposit Schemes
produced cullet rather than more distant virgin
raw materials. In future cases, using cullet may Container deposit schemes have been shown
actually increase the energy burden compared to be very effective in motivating householders
with using virgin feedstock [34]. to recycle food and beverage containers. Thus,



the 11 U.S. states with container deposit legisla- 4.5. Infrastructure Maintenance
tion consistently return glass container recycling and Change
rates of between 66% and 96%, compared with
the 35% average for those states without In the case of rapidly developing countries
container deposit legislation [36]. Similar differ- and regions, there will be an increasing move-
ences between those member states with and ment from unregulated to city and local govern-
without container deposit legislation are found ment regulated systems, financed by local taxes
in the EU. and other financial stimuli. During this transi-
tion, it will be important to ensure that regula-
tory systems take over from market-driven
4.2. Bottle Deposit Return Machines ones, without there being a void created by
An enhancement to deposit schemes is the lack of financial motivation for those at the
provision of conveniently located reverse vend- picking and sorting end of the cycle, due to the
ing machines, often in supermarket stores, availability of better employment opportunities.
where bottle deposits are returned once the The challenge for the regulatory systems found
empty has been deposited in the machine. in the developed countries and regions is to
ensure that all the links in the cycle from house-
hold to glass producer are in balance in terms of
4.3. Regulatory Systems the flows of material through the system.
Regulatory systems where the target is to
maximise the amount collected for recycling
without the need to take into account maximis- 5. CONCLUSION
ing environmental benefit may encourage the
easy option of open-loop recycling. In the The core challenge for environmentally and
United Kingdom, the Department of the Envi- cost-effective recycling of container glass arises
ronment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has from the dispersed nature of its sources, princi-
taken a lead on this issue by proposing to set pally households, and the consequent need for
differentiated glass packaging recycling targets an environmentally and cost-effective infra-
for businesses by 2011, based on whether mate- structure providing for its colour separation,
rial is recycled into open- or closed-loop collection, and transportation to processors to
processes [37]. produce furnace ready feedstock. In assessing
the scope for increasing the amount of glass
recycled, there is an overall need to quantify
4.4. Coloured Glass the resultant energy and other environmental
In some countries, to minimise city and local burdens to allow valid comparisons to be
government collection costs and maximise recy- made with the burdens of using virgin feed-
cling, there is a move away from collecting stock. Nevertheless, based on the data in Table
colour-separated glass containers at source, to 11.8, overall significant environmental and cost
collecting mixed colour glass containers or benefits can result from substituting cullet for
even mixed material recyclate. This passes the virgin feedstock in container glass production.
sorting and cleaning burden on to cullet proces- Assuming a global glass container recycling
sors. One development in overcoming the rate in the region of 30%, there is a huge poten-
problem of mixed coloured cullet is the intro- tial for energy savings and a resultant reduction
duction of colour separation systems to identify in carbon emissions by increasing the propor-
and remove glass cullet of different colours. tion of PCW sourced cullet used in container


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