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o the

region, this TU x. IS Keepin

and set sail with the 5"" Fleet.
L! 12 Vigilance and Volatility
Sailors and Marines of the
20 Guarding the Gulf
Since 1879, when
U.S. Navy‘s 5th Fleet are Commodore Robert W.
tasked with maintaining peace Shufeldt sailed the American
and stability in an area of man-of-war USS Ticonder
responsibility covering through the Straight of
7.5 million square miles, Hormuz and into the
including the Suez Canal, Arabian Gulf, the
Rad Sea, Northeast Africa, United States has kept
North Arabian Sea and a close eye on this P
Arabian Gulf. They don’t tumultuous region
have to look for a challenge. of the world, which
They live it everyday. has over the past half
century become
increasingly vital to
national interests.
24 The Gulft Pearl
Known as the “Pearl of
the Gulf,” Bahrain is an arch-
ipelago of islands about 20
miles east of Saudi Arabia
and home to approxi-
mately 600,000 people.

12 L

Secretary of the h a v y EDITORIAL ART AND D E S I G N A U M N S p s 372-970;lSSN 0002-5577)

(Number 982)is published by me Naval Media Center,
The Honorable Richard Danzig Editor WiI&Bates communicationDesign Fubllshlng DMSIMI,Naval stam macosta, Bid& 168,
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ADM Jay L. Johnson Maneging Editor Debra Bates Submlptlarr:b r d e by Um Superintendentof
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p rm
i this publlcaUm have been appmved by the Navy
FubUcatbns and Prlrdtng Cammmee.
When most Sailors
advancement exams are
they think of sun, sand and coming. You have studied 7
camels. Well, there is that. But everything on your bibliogra-
there is so much more. phies. You have gone over the
occupational standards. You
know what is expected for your
particular job. You know what
is going to be on that test. You
40 Keeping Pace
Thanks in large part to
are ready. Or are you? programs like the Program
for Afloat College Education,
Online Education
more and more enlisted Sailors
Sailors go to sea. That's just the
are finding college degrees
way it is. But being deployed
don't have to wait while they
doesn't mean your dreams of
are at sea.
obtaining a degree have to be
put on hold. If you have a
computer, access to the Internet
and the ability to manage your
time wisely, you CAN earn a
degree.. online.


,- &,ailof light created by an F/A-18 Hornet’s

afterburner illuminates the flight deck of
USS Enterprise (CVN 65) during strikes against
Iraq in support of Operation Desert Fox.

Photo by PH3 Timothy S. Smith

bongressional? harness (look at the leg straps
Although oftea referred to as hanging down around his that can never be compared
“Congressional Medal of knees and the shoulder straps to anything. Look at the
Honor,” as in the article [on about to fall off his shoulders). Sailor next to you and see if
page 8 of the November I recommend you consider he or she fits that description,
issue], isn’t the nation’s writing an article about I think your answer will be
personal protective equip- “most definitely,”
ment and how important There is no other job com-
it is to wear it properly, parable to the “US.Sailor.”We
CDR Rich Hrezo put our lives in harm’s way for
Naval School of IHealth Sciences Mark Brownson what we believe in. We sacri-
San Diego CNET fice time away from our fami-
Pensacola, ma. lies and loved ones when the
According to the1 book Medal of rest of the world is working 9
Honor Recipimts: “TheMedal It 1s wtn that influence in to 5 and going home to their
of Honor is presanted to its mind that I submit this Shipmate, Sailor loved ones.
recipients by a high oficial in [letter] to you. I am wondering if you can That individual word
the name of the Congress of On Page 44 of the print this letter for me. It’s an (shipmate) means so much to
the United State. For this November 1998 issue, a Sailor important one. me. And yet a lot of Sailors are
reason it is sometimes called is shown cleaning windows on What does the term offended by that word because
the Congressiondl Medal of the island of an aircraft carrier. shipmate mean to you? As I they just don’t understand the
Honor.” ed. At first glance, it appears that came up through the ranks, true meaning. So next time a
evgrthmg is being done I always heard and still hear Sailor in your command calls
Harnessing ISafety properly, i.e., safety goggles and negative responses when a you shipmate, take it as a
I am a safety spqcialist working a safety harness. Sailor calls another Sailor compliment instead of an
in the safety office at the Chief I invite your attention to the “shipmate”.I have often insult. Be proud you have a

of Naval Educa on and improper way the Sailor is wondered about this and shipmate to serve with.
Training [CNE 1. wearing his fall-protection now I would like to address I take the word shipmate
I appreciate e fine work harness. In the event of a fall, it this attitude towards a very very seriously. I take it with
you are doing with All Hands is highly probable this young meaningful word. pride and honor along with
magazine. No dbubt you man would be seriously injured When I think of a all Sailors before us who
have quite an influence on all because he did not take the shipmate, I think of that served their country with
the young Sailois in the fleet. time to properly adjust his Sailor who works side by side honor, courage and commit-
with you in port or at sea. It’s ment. They have passed on
that Sailor who shares the this tradition with meaning
rough times, as well as the and sacrifice. Always be proud
good times. It’s that same of who you are, and tell that
Sailor who goes to general citizen or acquaintance that
quarters and battle stations you are proud to be called
Send your comments to: with you when tragedy “Shipmate!”
strikes; and that same Sailor
-1 I
that you will entrust your life
with. True shipmates are
those Sailors with whom you
Command Master Chid
USS Paul E Foster (DD 964)
2701 S. Capitol St. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20373-5819

or e-mail:

a A L L ~ ~ n o i
L \
Around the F l e e t
CPO Scholarship Fund
The Senior Enlisted Academy
Alumni Association (SEAAA)
began taking applications
Jan. 1,1999, for CPO depen-
dents. The program applies to
active, Reserve and retired
Navy CPO family members

who are not on active duty.

Candidates can only partici- Y2K i
pate in one of five categories: Welcome to the first installment of “Y2K and You”, olated outages. Planning is
1) Active Duty CONUS a brand new column designed to answer youi place t o make Jan. 1,200
(East of Great Lakes, Ill. - questions about the Year 2000 problem and its st another New Year’s Day.
including Great Lakes) potential impact on the Navy. This month we visitecl
2) Active Duty CONUS with the CNO’s Y2K Project Office, headed by Q: I use direct deposit. Is my
(West of Great Lakes, Ill.) RADM Steve Johnson, and asked them to provide pay going to be affected?
3) Active Duty (Outside us with some typical questio This is a 1:wo-part problem.
CONUS) Here’s what they had to say: Lir Pay and Personnel
4) Reserves (TAR, Y stems are considered
TEMADD, etc.) Q: The Year 2000 problem mission critical and are being
5) Retired (Fleet Reserve, all appears to be very comple. implemented and tested
retired, medical, deceased Will the :/i199.211.219.88 along with our weapons
or disabled) time? systems. The Navy will be
Applicants must be entering ready come Jan. 1,2000.
A : Over 80% of our Missior
a school during the 1999/2000 Q: I live in base housing. The second part is beyond
Critical Systems are
school year with the goal of What is happening to ensure Navy control. Because we all
completed, validated, and
obtaining an associate’s,bache- that I have power and water use different banks and each
installed today. The rest will
lor’s or graduate degree. utilities on Jan. 1, 2000? individual bank must also be
be done by October 1999.
Awards are provided directly to A: Every Public Works Y2K ready for electronic
We start Integrated
the school. Amounts awarded nepartment is working in funds transfer to work, we
Battle Group Testing in
will be announced when candi- onjunction with base have t o be ready in case the
February 1999. The Navy is
dates are selected to fill the five authorities, as well as with transfer fails. Contingency
fully mission capable today,
categories. Applications can be local utility Providers, to planning is being conducted
3nd will continue to be well
requested directly from SEAAA ensure that all your utilities to take care of any isolated
nto the next millennium.
by submitting a business-sized will achieve a smooth problems. Most major banks
self-addressed, stamped Q: To learn how Y2K will transition. Components such are already Y2K ready, but
envelope to: affect my ship or station, as power grids are being it’s still a good question
SEA Alumni Association whom should I contact? examined and evaluated, and for each of us to ask the
Attn: CPOSF financial institutions we use
Naval Education and written, or are already in
Training Center command. Local Y2K
coordinators are available lace, t o compensate fc
1269 Elliot Avenue ***
Newport, RI 02841-1525 -or specific inquires. Major ...*a* O l . L .

Applications can also be commands such as Ty

downloaded directly from the Commanders, Fleet
SEAAA web site: Commanders and Syst : Ail Hands Magazine
Applications must be received Zommanders are putti : (ATTN: Y2K and You),
jetailed Y2K informati
: NAVSTA Washington, Anacostla
no later than April 1, 1999. : 2701 S. Capitol St., Bldg 168
updates on the World Wid Washington, D.C. 20374.
Selected students will be
Web. You can get a great Or you can send us an emall at Be sure to
announced at the end of Include your name, rate and duty station and don’t forget to put the words
May 1999. start in your Internet expl
’ation of Y2K by checkin ............
F E B R U A R Y i a a a
i cydists across the nation with times, may not fully understand i
leukemia patients to raise i the severity of what he’s going
i money to find a cure. During through, I think it really
i the last four years, Team In ; touches people like him when i
i Training has raised more than i someone other than a family i
i $50million. i member or a close friend shows
i Scudi first got involved with i him they care,’’Scudi said.
i the program more than a year i Even with his hands full :
i ago as a way of offering support i preparing for his upcoming i
i to his wife, Alicia, who lost her i marathon, Scudi is finding the I
i father to leukemia-related time to do just that - s
i cancer. After learningmore
i about the program’s cause, he

i his first marathon on Father’s Naval Strike and Air Wurfure

i Day in 1997. His participation Center Public Affairs.
i raised more than $3,000 for :
I leukemia research. : EarnDna New Pins
i LT John Scud1 gives 8-year-old Devin Normtt a personalized tour of a i N~~ sCu&is preparing for meN ~ $newest ~ ah-
i helicopter at the Vaval Strike and Air Warfare Center in Faiion, Nev. i another marathon set for tion, surface and Seabee combat
i May 2,1999, in Vancouver,
118 i (NSAWC) in Fallon, Nev., is Canada. This time, Devin is standards (FQS)programs have
i doing whatever he can to raise serving as his source of motiva
i funds for Devin Norcutt, an i tion and inspiration.
ales and i 8-year-oldboy diagnosed with i “To be able to contribute to
olicits acute lymphocytic leukemia. i another person’s life is a
ds for Scud sponsors Devin as i wonderful thing. Completing
an i part of the Leukemia Society of i this run for Devin and aiding in
inter- i America’s Team In Training i the fight for this great cause is
the Naval i program, which pairs up thou- i the least I could do,’’Scudi said.
Center i sands of runners, walkers and : “Although this child, at
By M a s t e r C h i e f P e t t y O f f i c e r of t h e
Navy MMCM(SS/SW/AW) Jim H e r d t

i W e h e w going in that the

i products we would develop
i would affect every enlisted Sailor 1 BUl Poole, Hawaii
i in the Navy,”explainedMaster Q: Now that downsizing is over, will high-year tenure
i Chief Gunner’s Mate (SW/AW) limits be raised?
i Tim Merrill, NETPDTC PQS
i production officer. “We started high-year tenure (HYT) limits. During downsizing, HYT limits were lowered 2
i from ground zero, and we’re very
i proud of the finalproduct. We

i know it will work because it is rate at the front door. We are still tweaking the force especially at the E-
i what the fleet wants.” 5/E-6/E-7 levels, and we are rounding the bend in improving advancement
i Here’s a brief look at the PQS opportunity. Perhaps down the road, HYT limits will be raised, but at this time they keep
i changes: the advancement system from stagnating at the E-5 t o E-7 levels. Do not expect a
i Now candidates will have to change t o HYT in the near future.
i complete the PQS core book
i and a unit-specific platform RM3 Barrientez, Naval Computer k
i PQS. Area Master Station, Pacific
i The program is no longer Q: How will the new warfare qualifications affect me on shore duty and what
i voluntary. Enlisted Sailors are the changes to the program?
i E-5 and above serving in A : The new warfare program will not affect you while you are on shore duty. It is manda-
i Type 2 and Type 4 sea duty tory for Sailors who are E-5 and above t o qualify within 18 months when reporting t o a
i assignmentswill now be Type 2 or 4 sea duty command with a warfare program. Completion of the warfare
i required to complete program is required for advancement t o E-6 and beyond for Sailors serving in these units.
i the program within an
This advancement requirement does not apply t o Sailors who have not had the opportu-
nity t o earn a warfare device.
i Program completion will
i now be a requirement for The requirement t o qualify is only one of the major changes t o the warfare program.
i advancement to E-6 and Personnel qualification standards (PQS) have also been modified. There is a Common
i E-7 for Sailors serving with Core PQS covering common topics shared by a warfare community and Platform-Specific
: theseunits. PQS covering items that are unique t o a specific ship type, aviation squadron or Seabee
i Sailors will have to requalify battalion. Sailors are now required t o requalify when reporting back t o Type 2 or 4 sea
: upon reporting to different duty commands with warfare programs. Requalification must be completed within one
: platforms. year of reporting aboard.
Hard charging E-3 and E-4 If you are interested, you can get a copy of the program on the internet at
: personnel, if recommended
: by the senior enlisted
: community,mayalso
: participate in the program.
: “The new standards are unit
: specific,”explained Senior Chief
: Aviation Systems Operator (AW)
: Bill Rainwater, NETPDTC
: enlisted warfare PQS coordinator.
: “If you are assigned to an aircraft e the TSP as a meaningful
: carrier, for instance, then you will r t o stress the ease and im
: complete the PQS core book and
: the carrier platform. If you

Continued on nextpage Speaking with Sailors is a monthly column initiated by the Master Chief Petty
Officer of the Navy as a way of reachingout to the men and women of the fleet,
whether they are stationed just down the road or halfway around the world.

F E B R U A R Y 1 8 8 8
~~- 1
transfer to a destrc Type 4 sea duty commandsin
, must then qualify __ qeptember. PQS books are
platform. low available electronically,
“The end result,” Rainwater i via CD ROM and mailed out
i continued,“will be Sailors whc semi-annually.The program
i not only fully understand the i is available on the Internet at
i mission of their command,but i
i also the importance of their job i pqs/default.htm;on the
in completing that mission. i NETPDTC Bulletin Board at
They will be more aware of the i DSN 922-1280/1364, or
. role that aircraft, ship or through the ship’s SALTS
i battalion plays, as a team, in the i system.
Nverall big picture of things.” i
The new PQS Program CDs i By JOC (AW)Jon Gagne,
: were mailed out to Type 2 and i CNET Public Affairs.

EMl(SW) Ferris Hayward, an instructor at the NETC Fire Fighting School

in Newport, R.I., helps 2nd grader Alex Sloman with his helmet as he
inda r - ------ iaireport tries on firefighting gear.
rgat sea:

the] challenge [of an atomic Pupils Alex Sloman and

ure, lots of kids have had
arise, Navy men are now being the chance to visit a fire Skyler Williams-Hamilton
l station. They try on a
pair of fiefighting boots, pet a
were allowed to dress in
full fiefighting gear,
Dalmatian and even sit behincl including an insulated suit,
the wheel of a fie truck. But helmet, flash hood, gloves
how many firehouseswill turn and boots.
on the water and touch off a The children then
real fire so the youngsters can entered the firefighting
feel the heat across their faces? trainer for a demonstration
Eighteen 2nd graders from of what happens to a hose
Aquidneck School in under pressure when a fire
Middletown, RL, recently too. fighter loses control. The
a field trip to Naval Station “wild hoses” with a heavy
Newport’s firefightingschool brass nozzle whipped and
and trainer in observance of slashed around inside a
National Fire PreventionWed huge tank, sprayingwater
and got the treat of a lifetime. in all directions.
Damage Controlman 1st Before leaving the school,
Atomic Weapons” and covers the
Class Jason Perry and the studentswatched Perry
Electrician’s Mate 1st Class drag a 175-pound dummy
ognize a nuclear blast (SW) Ferris Hayward, both about 100 feet. Perry then let
instructors at the school, the children try to liftit. It
volunteered to demonstrate took all 18 of them.
basic shipboard firefighting
techniques to the energetic By Richard K. Alexander,
plan for an atomic bomb attack
youngsters. Editor, Newport Navalog.
Navy ships and aircraft played a vital role in the success of
Operation Desert Fox, an operation designed to degrade Sadd
Hussein’s ability to deliver chemical, biological and nuclear
weapons, as well as wage war against his neighbors.
During the course of Desert Fox, American and British

Mediterranean, the
crew of the Norfolk-
based fleet oiler USS
1 warplanes flew more than 650 strike and strike support sorties and
U.S. Navy ships launched more than 325 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Plutte ( A 0 186)

by transferring 500,000
gallons of fuel to eight
NATO force ships in just six
hours. What made their i For ships at sea, an underway
achievement even more impres- : replenishment, or UNREP,is like
sive was the way the crew dealt : pulling into a moving gas station.
with their most formidable
challenge - overcoming the
i The one twist to Platfe’s six-hour,
language barrier.
i eight-ship NATO force UNREP was
Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class : that the orders for fuel were taken
Edward Klimek, Plutte’s winch : in several different languages.
operator, said the ship’s rig team
had to improviseby using hand
signals in place of sound- i Island, Neb., native. “We had no
powered phones to coordinate i choice but to find a different
the underway replenishment i way to communicatewith
with their counterparts on the i them?
receiving end of the fuel lines.
“It was exciting to refuel : Story by LTJG Phaedra J.
foreign ships,” said the Grand i Link, USS Platte

Flight operations occur around the

clock during the third wave of air
strikes against Iraq.

A Tomahawk cruise missile

(TIAM) is fired from an
Arleigh Bufke-class destroyer
during the fourth wave of

The afterburner from an F/A-18 Horne.

lights up the flight deck of USS Enterprise
Top left: HM1 Thomas Jacob from
USS Hopper (DDG 70) descends
a merchant vessel into a waiting RHlB
(Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat) during
Maritime Interception Operations (MIO)
in the Arabian Gulf.

Top Center: Marine Corps Lance Cpl.

Christopher Taylor stands post near the
front gate of the Administrative Support
Unit Southwest Asia in Bahrain where
provides surveillance and cover fir
other security personnel.
THE 5TH FLEET IS READY. In a vital and volatile region that garners frequent international

attentlon, Sailors and Marlnes of the 5th Fleet MUST always be ready.

While people around the world watch the region’s events on ____- ning n - _ ,5th Fleet

forces serve right where it happens. Their mission is to maintain peace and stabllity In an

area of responsibility (AOR) covering 7.5 milllon square miles, including the Suez Canal,

Red Sea, northeast Africa, North Arabian Sea and, of course, the Arabian Gulf.

In this part of the world, Sailors don’t have to look for a challenge. They live it everyday.

T H E E. E
re doing work-ups ana
les stateside, you don’t

on get out here a

3s of with the whole

a the big picture.”

The “big picture” in the region is

rests. The United

vhirh accounts

Above: QM3 Jay Kintner from Evergreen,

Colo., uses a sextant to verify the position
of USS Cowpens (CG 63),while
provide the capability to keep sea lanes tors. While diplomatic efforts continued
safe for both military and commercial in the hope of a peaceful solution, naval
vessels, while supply and repair ships presence in the Gulf swelled as
keep the fleet operating at full capacity. Operation Desert Thunder began.
The Sailors, ships and aircraft of 5th Within days of being notified,
Fleet have proven their readiness time USS George Washington (CVN 73)
and time again. arrived in the Gulf to join the
In the summer of 1996, Saddam Nimitz (CVN 68) battle group.
Hussein used military force against the USS Independence (CY 62) ensured
Kurdish population in northern Iraq, the presence of two carrier battle
despite international protests. In groups, when she relieved Nimitz on
response, cruise missiles launched from station a few months later. These 5th
Navy ships and submarines as part of Fleet forces, combined with allied and
Operation Desert Strike helped bring coalition ships such as the British
Iraqi aggression under control. The carriers HMS Invincible (R 05) and
arrival of USS Enterprise's (CVN 65) HMS Illustrious (R 06), accounted for a
battle group to join USS Curl Vinson fleet of 50 ships and submarines and
(CVN 7 0 ) demonstrated the Navy's 200 naval aircraft, which assembled in a
flexibility and ability to react to contin- matter of weeks to put some weight
gencies on very short notice. behind diplomatic efforts.
In late 1997 and early 1998, Iraq Without firing a shot, the combined
again demonstrated an unwillingness to force flexed enough muscle to bring
cooperate with U.N. weapons inspec: about Iraqi compliance.

A03 Robert Thomas from Byron, Ga., and

A01 Roger Withrow from Union, W.Va., lo
a Sidewinder onto an F-140 Tomcat on
board USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) whi
station in the Arabian Gul
VI h e Al-Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia
VIGIL T n in June 1996. The explosion killed 19 U.S.
servicemen and women, and injured
While 5th Fleet must be ready to respond hundreds of others. The Sailors aided
PROTI 31 to contingencies, it also must deal with
the shadowy world of smugglers and
recovery, rescue and security efforts.
When terrorists bombed the American
terrorists. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es
THEMSELVES The use of terror in the region has a
long history. Sailors and Marines in 5th
Salaam, Tanzania, more than 250 people,
including 12 Americans, were killed and
Fleet maintain a constant vigil to protect about 5,000 were injured. Once again, 5th
FROM Pc TENTI themselves from potential attacks. They
have also shown a capacity to respond to
Fleet Sailors were called upon to help.
“I was devastated when I arrived:’ said
terrorist attack when vigilance fails. Chief Electronics Technician (AW) Jeff
Fifth Fleet Sailors assisted other Strickland, a communications security
ATTACKS. American forces shortly after the bombing manager from the 5th Fleet staff. “I COLL
still see smoke and people rummaging
, through the rubble looking for survivors.
I wondered, ‘What would possess some-
’ body to do this?”’
Operation Resolute Response brought
military assistance to the ed-2ttlJ
“We set up our communications pl
on the aircraft while flying to Nairobi,
Strickland said. “I helped reestablish
communications with the Embassy, tht
Kenyan police and military, the Marine
FAST (Fleet Anti-terrorist Security
Team), and between the Joint Task Fort
headquarters and 5th Fleet.

Above: LT Garrett “Vinny” Krause and LT Mike

“Buzz” Donnelly conduct patrol in an F-14D
Tomcatof Fighter Squadron (VF-31) embarked
aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).

Left: MMFN Brian Zitt drives the LosAnge/es-

class attack submarine USS Tucson (SSN 770)
while operating in the Arabian Gulf.

16 A L L H A N D S


A watchstander in the Combat Smugglers would also prefer to bandits continue to test the skill of the
Information Center (CIC) aboard remain hidden from the world. crews trying to stop them.
USS John S.McCain (DDG 56) monitors Since August 1990, a cat-and-mouse “There are a lot of contacts every-
activity in the Arabian Gulf. game has been played out between where,’’ said Seaman Apprentice Stephanie
vessels carrying unauthorized cargo to Collins of USS Mil& (DDG 69). “Going
and from Iraq in violation of U.N. sanc- 25 knots with contacts all around you is
tionsfresolutions and those charged to dangerous, especially with these little
enforce the sanctions as part of Maritime dhows that don’t even have lights. You
Interception Operations (MIO). have to keep a good lookout for them.”
Ducking in and out of territorial Once queried and stopped, suspect
waters, running without lights and vessels are boarded and checked for
hiding among commercial traffic, these contraband. Not all smugglers are

18 A L L H A N D S
MNSR Everett Morales reports a surface contact to the bridge while standing forward lookout
watch in the Arabian Gulf aboard USS A

coopera ”I could take b d o

decisive action. violators. 5th Fleet and give them our adversaries’
“We went to full power in the RHI For many in 5th Fleet, assignment to equipment and I have the confidence
(Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat) and M I 0 is a favorite and exciting mission. that they could win:’ VADM Moore said.
chased [the suspected vessel] down:’ As Collins remembers, ‘Chasing smug- “It is the quality of our Sailors in 5th
recalled QM2 Paul Ferrell, a member of glers was really cool.” Fleet that gives us the edge, not the
Milius’ boarding team, about a particular technology.”
smuggler. “We came alongside them, THEE,,GE Indeed, whether it’s patrolling the
spotlighted them and told them to stop. Where else in the world can so many Strait of Hormuz, enforcing the no-fly
They didn‘t. We jumped up on the Sailors stay busy doing so many things zone over Iraq, stopping smugglers or
gunwale and spread out on either side. for so long? Fifth Fleet units are forward finding mines, the true “edge” for the
Then we entered the bridge and stopped deployed to help protect vital interests Navy lies in its “best weapon” - the
and to keep peace in the region. As such, Sailors and Marines of 5th Fleet.
ships they are involved in every operation,
m 15 different nations have helped more than 40 naval exercises a year, and Compiled fiom information provided
enforce U.N. sanctions under the remain on constant watch against by JOCS Neil Gui
command of 5th Fleet. More than 25,000 nations and groups whose goal is t Public Affairs.
vessels have been queried and more than upset the fragile balance.
11,500 have been boarded for inspection. The capability and character of the
Almost 700 ships and boats have been 5th Fleet Sailor is the bottom line.

F E B R U A R Y 1 8 8 8 10

879, American man-of-war

it-. *
h 1

Considered the birthplac tion, the

Middle East's social and political stability has '4

been tested time and time again for thousands of

years. And although the Arabian Gulf measures

less than 6 e Strait of Hormz

Basra, where it meets the Shatt al-Arab River, and

pport an operatioiral

fleet, the U:S. Navy has maintained a permanent

presence in the region for the past 50 years.

Why? To maintain peace in an area of the world

that has, over the past half-century, become vital


to national interests.

THEEARLY YEA^. 30 years, an industrial revoiuuon and
The Navy’s prestnce in the Gulf has two world wars would bring the world t
grown steadily since 1879, when the Middle East’s doorstep seeking to
Commodore Rabert W. to her vast oil reserves.
Shufeldt sailed USS World War I created th
Ticonderogu through greatest need for petroleum
the Strait of Hormuz, products the world
making it the first had seen to date.
American man-of-war Technological advances
to visit the Gulf. His such as the internal
diplomatic visit it0 combustion engine
Muscat and the Sultan ushered in a new era of
Turki Ibn-Said reas- oil-fueled ships that were
sured the strength of superior in performance
American commercial
interest in the region, but itL-
did little to inspire stronger diplo-
and maintainability.
Meanwhile, the American oil
industry continued to entrench
matic and military ties. Over the next itself in Middle East oil concerns based

sh force desig

solely on its commercial value. But since

nce became both Commander, Central major oil reserves in Texas supplied all of
5th Fleet, retaining only the 5th Fleet tit1 our needs at the time, official American
policy toward the Middle East remained
As naval activities in the Central PaciRc increased and operations dimi
somewhat idle. Until 20 years later when
World War I1 threatened Great Britain’s
commander, 3rd Fleet, or VADM Spruance, Commander, 5th Fleet, exercised imperial stranglehold on the region and
command. Leadership and the fleet number varied, because while one admi- created a new demand for fuel for the
rat commanded the fleet in a specific operation, the other admiral served
ashore with his staff planning the next major qffensive. .
U.S. war machine. I
One of the most striking operations executed by the 5th Fleet was the
capture of the Japanese island of Okinawa. Other battles involving the fleet
included the Marianas Islands Operation, the Battle of the Philippine Sea
and the Iwo Jima Operatlon. ’ PRESENCE
In March 1945,Commander, 7th Fleet, assumed responsibilities for the
1 By 1943,American forces had fully occu-
control of the areas and the forces assigned t o 5th Fleet, and the staff pied the Gulf region in support of the
moved ashore to the west coast.
Allied war effort. The United States sent
By July 1995,the development of events during the course of the past 46
years made a new numbered fleet necessary. Since the Gulf War, NAVCENT
more than 30,000 troops to the area and
fulfilled the roles of both a naval component command and as the fleet com- strengthened the region’s infrastructure
mand. Ships from the East and West Coasts comprised the fleet, but it oper- by constructing pipelines, airfields, port
ated without a traditionally understood structure or numbek. Navy leaders facilities and communications networks.
questioned the anomaly and raised the issue that ships deployed to the
The most significant event in the
region “walked like a fleet, talked like a fleet and looked like a fleet. So,
why not call it a fleet?” After a 48-year hibernation, the U.S. 5th Fleet was
establishment of U.S. interests in the
reactivated and it now cruises the Gulf in partnership with our friends and region was President Roosevelt’s
allies to help keep the peace and protect vital interests.

Gulf. Established as flagship in 1972, it
was painted stark white, just as Vulcour
had been, to reflect the intense sun that
relentlessly pounded the Gulf.
On the eve of the Iranian hostage
crisis in 1979, the first echoes of senti-
ment for establishing a 5th Fleet were
heard following a Joint Chiefs of Staff
Middle East strategy review. At the time
it was deemed a bad idea despite the
strain that was beginning to take its toll
on the 6th and 7th Fleets.
Turmoil dominated the region through
most of the 1980%with Iran and Iraq at
war. On May 17,1987, two French-made
Exocet missiles fired from an Iraqi
warplane slammed into the superstruc-
ture of USS Stark (FFG 31). The
guided-missile frigate was almost sunk
a.nd 37 American Sailors were killed.

In February 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Saudi AI n King Ibn-Saud Because the free flow of trade in
held a historic meeting aboard USS Ouimy(CA15) in the Arabian Gulf. region was threatened as Iran
staged a “tanker war,” a stronger U.S.
unscheduled visit with Saudi Arabia’s eventually become the Middle East Force. stance became necessary. Then-President
King Ibn-Saud in February 1945 aboard The meager force was made up of Ronald Reagan approved a request by
USS Quincy (CA 15). The meeting only a few destroyers, a seaplane tender the Kuwaiti government to reflag a
strengthened Saudi confidence in and command aircraft based at Bahrain. number of tankers under the Stars and
America’s commitment to the Middle But a foothold had been established. By Stripes to afford them escort protection
East, even after the war’s end. During the 1951, CAPT Ernest M. Eller, Commander through the the vital choke point known
next four years, a Soviet display of force Middle East Force, would write a letter to as the Strait of Hormuz. Operation
on Iran’s northern borders, coupled with then-Chief of Naval Operations Forrest Earnest Will proved successful, but it
increasing anxieties about America’s P. Sherman stating, “Great nations are wasn’t long before the small country
dwindling strength in the oil export busi- stirring and great events are shaping up of Kuwait would become the focus of
ness brought about an expressed need for in this part of the world. I hope the the entire world.
a permanent naval presence in the Gulf. United States will comprehend them and After the 1990 Iraqi occupation of
Although a permanent U.S. Navy pres- be equal to the opportunity.” Kuwait, the largest armada since World
ence has been in place for 50 years, a War I1 assembled in the Gulf in support
of Operation Desert Shield, and ulti-
permanent command in the area did not
exist until after World War 11. Through a
GREATWHITE mately Operation Desert Storm in 1991.
slow evolution,ADM Richard L. GHOST The Middle East Force found itself
Connolly, Commander in Chief, By 1966, the Middle East Force had operating under operational control of
Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean, grown to warrant its own flagship, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command
was able to formally shape task forces in USS Valcour (AGF 1). But it was “the where it remained following the war. In
the area to give them a more permanent Great White Ghost of the Arabian 1993, LaSalle weighed anchor and
~ r USS LaSalle (AGF 3 ) , that would
position. In 1949, he was able to turn o ~ ~ Coast,” departed for overhaul and reassignment
operational command make the most enduring presence in the as flagship for 6th Fleet.

F E B R U A R Y 1 8 8 8
B r i g e t t e Barnes



' t' A N

rby s
nied Sailors serving ashore in Bahrain, while 12 months is the
standard for those unaccompanied. Challenging work, good
compensation and great housing are just some of the reasons
many Sailors decide to extend their tours in Bahrain.
Drawbacks to serving in Bahrain e few for most Sailors and
families, but it is important that Sail rs seeking duty in the region
talk early and often with their sponsors to get the proper perspec-
tive before moving. Adequate preparation before leaving the
United States can ease the transition to duty in Bahrain.
I With no on-base housing or barracks, living accommodations
vary. For city dwellers, there are plenty of apartments to choose
from. Those who prefer a calmer neighborhood environment can
choose from compounds in the city or outlying suburbs of
Manama. Grand villas, many with pools, become homes to those
who like to live in a more secluded area.
The overseas housing allowance for all pay grades goes a long
way in Bahrain. Some compoundsoffer homes in excess of 3,000
square-feet situated in the middle of what can only be called an
“oasis”of date palm trees. Most homes are within 20 minutes of
: the ASU. Amenities within the compounds often include bowling
. : alleys, modern gyms with aerobics, weight machines, indoor and
outdoor pools, hot and cold Tacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, play-
I! grounds, etc.
f Yeoman 3rd Class Michael Lombardo from Buffalo, N.Y., lives
in a two-bedroom flat about five
minutes from the ASU. His M y -
furnished flat includes two
televisions, a VCR, maid service
(twice a week), a microwave and
I all cooking utensils. His building
I also has a pool, Jacuzzi,weight
room, sauna and game room.
: “The flat is great for an E-4
f living in the Navy. [It’s]better
0 than anywhere else I’ve ever lived,”
-- said Lombardo, who works for the
5th Fleet CNO-designated Command Fleet and Force Master
Chief. “I’ve only lived in two places since I’ve been in the Navy -
in the barracks in Meridian, Miss., and at Sigonella,Italy. If I
could take this apartment back to the states with me, I would.”
Overall, the cost of living is relatively high in Bahrain. Despite
that, prudent Sailors and families do well financiallybecause of a
substantial Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), housing allowance,
tax breaks and $150 per month Imminent Danger Pay.
Many Sailors cite the friendly people, a great school system
and a low crime rate as prime attractions of life in Bahrain.
“It’s a lot safer here than in the states,”said Disbursing Clerk
2nd Class (SW) Frank Jordan from Brooklyn, N.Y., a travel super-
visor at the ASU stationed in the area since 1995 with his family.

26 A L L H A W D S
By J 0 2 Brigette Barnes

“$50? No, I don’t think so.”

If you’ve ever bought a new tea, coffee or soda.
car, you’ve experlenced the Graciously acceptlng does
art of bargalnlng, or not obilgate you to make a
The weather is temperate and comfortable October through haggling. It can be uncom purchase from the
April. Although rainfall averages about three inches a year, fortable, embarrassing and merchant.
Just plaln difficult. But most If you intend to buy several
sunshine is the norm almost year round, and the summers will re- of us agree that paying a items, such as a necklace,
define “hot” for most people. In fact, the summer of 1998 was the lower prlce on a new or used bracelet and a ring, from
car is well worth the hassle. the same merchant, you
hottest season of the century. There are stlli places in the might get a better deal if
United States where you buy in volume and
Children attend the Department of Defense Dependents Amerlcans can flex their bargain for the whole lot.
School (DODDS) known as Bahrain School. It is unlike any other bargalnlng muscles - flea Say up front that you will
markets, garage sales and, pay wlth cash (if you can).
school in the DODDS system. In addition to military and other of course, car deaiershlps. If you pay with a credlt
But most of the t h e , we pay card, you usually will not
U.S. agencies, students and youth from about 50 countries attend whatever it says on the get as good a deal.
the school as well. Scholastically,it rates high in the DODDS ticket. For Sailors stationed After the merchant’s first
In Bahrain, bargaining with counter offer, you go down
system. merchants is a way of life. - he goes up. Don’t go up
Shopping on ASU is limited. A small ship’s store stocks basic There are great deals to too fast. Let hlm move.
be made on brassware, Generally, you should reach
food items, toiletries, electronics and some clothes. Scarce franklncense, perfume oils, around 70 to 75 percent of
carpets, even gold and silver. the orlglnal asklng price.
uniform items are limited to rank insignias, ribbons, belts and Of course, you must go Continue the process and
buckles. up against the experts when use your calculator to
bargaining in the Mlddle reduce the amount each
Most items available stateside can be found in Bahrain. Two East. They do it all the t h e time the merchant glves a
and they are very good at it. counter offer until you feel
new malls recently opened in Bahrain, complete with a modern But with a little preparation, he will not go any lower on
“cinemaplex”showing newly-released movies. you can get a good deal on the price.
almost any item or service. Don’t worry if the
Recognizing that life and duty so far away from home can be Most merchants expect merchant starts getting
challenging, Sailors and family members who serve in the region customers to bargain, and it gruff. Continue t o bargain
can be a lot of fun for the until you feel you have
for two years are eligible for a funded Environmental and Morale buyer. You never have to pay reached the best price.
top prlce when there is room Sweeten the pot by saying
Leave (EML) trip, and another one for extending a year or more. to haggle! that you will tell your
“Funded means that the Navy will pay the air fare for travel to Before you haggle for a friends if you get a
car, you must be an Informed good deal. Ask for his busl-
places such as Germany, Switzerland,Thailand, Hong Kong or consumer - meaning, you ness card.
have to get as much informa- If the bargaining is slow,
other destinations. tlon as possible about that but you still think there is
The possibilities are endless - travel, shopping, new cultures car you want. The more infor- hope, pull out the exact
mation you have, the better cash you want to spend
and a safe place to live and work. Enjoy your tour in Bahrain. your bargaining position. In and say, “Thls is all I have.
the same way, you should Do we have a deal?”
always try t o find out as Another tactic is t o find
Barnes is a journalist assigned to All Hands. much as you can about the another item that you
items you want t o buy when like and add it t o the
shopping in the Middle East, pot. Increase the amount

m-r -
For example, you
can flnd out about the
various kinds and quallty
you are wlliing t o pay,
but only proportionally
t o the value of the
additional item.
of carpets by checktng If you have the time and
local newspapers. thlnk a deat is in the
Here are some tips to making, but not quite
help you get the best deal sealed, walk out of the
while bargaining: store. The merchant may
follow you. if not, return
Remember that merchants later and continue the
want your money as much process where you left off.
as you do. Be at the shop when it
When you find something opens or step inslde
you like, don’t act too
interested In It. Be casual.
minutes before closing
you might get the best
Take your own han&held deal of the day.
calculator, never flash a
wad of money and never
appear In a hurry.
Ask for the “best prlce.”
If the merchant says some
thing like, “For you, a
special prlce,” your return
should be, “Great, then I storles. You may experie
know you’ll llke my offer.’’ a bit of culture shock whe
Continue the process by you have to go back to
offering 50 percent less. paying full price, but, hey,
lake your time, but be you might Just be able t o
Rrm. To hold your Interest. close that great deal on a
a merchant may offer you new car.
F E B R U A R Y l # # 8

Sailors from USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) eniov i
meal while ashore in the United Arab Emirates,

about his time in the United Arab Emirates while ashore

from USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 7 2 ) .
In Bahrain, ships tie up at pierside at Mina Sulman.
Larger ships anchor out and Sailors must take a short
liberty launch or water taxi ride to the pier. Buses will take
Sailors to the Administrative Support Unit (ASU). In the
United Arab Emirates, ships moor at Mina Rashid or Mina
Jebel Ali.
Taxis are usually your main mode of transportation in
the region. If you take a taxi, insist that they use the meter
- most taxi drivers will want to bargain the fare. It is your
choice, but you will usually “fare”better with the meter. If
you bargain, agree on a price BEFORE you pull into traffic.
“In Bahrain we talked a lot with the cabbies because
they were being nice, and they‘d tell us all the best places to
go,” said Sonar Technician 3rd Class Eric Erost from Salem,
Ore., assigned to USS Milius (DDG 69). “When we went to
the souk, they had a guy walk us to the gold souk, or
market, to show us where it was because we didn’t have a
clue. The place is huge.”
If you’re just not up to the adventure of local cuisine,
then you’re in luck. American fast-food restaurants like
McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, KFC, Hard Rock Cafe and Dairy
Continued on page 33



Saudi Arabia has a land area of 756,983 Qatar is the length of the peninsula from Iraq has a land area of 168,023square
square miles and a population of south t o extreme north is about 160 km, miles and a population of 20,643,769
18,729,576with a growth rate of 3.68 and the total area including the island is with a growth rate of 3.72 percent. The
percent. The population of Saudi Arabia is about 11,427square kilometers. Qatar is population is 75 t o 80 percent Arab,
90 percent Arab and 10 percent Afro- bordered by the kingdom of the Saudi 1520 percent Kurdish, and 5 percent
Asian. The country has two-thirds of the Arabia t o the south, the United Arab Turkoman, Assyrian and other.
world’s oil and natural gas reserves (315 Emirates t o the southeast and the St?+lfp
billion barrels of oil and 235 trillion cubic of Bahrain t o the west. IRAN
meters of natural gas). Iran has a land area of 613,660square
The number of students at all levels of YEMEN miles and a population of 64,625,455with
education rose from 600,000in 1969 t o of 203,797square a growth rate of 2.29 percent.
some 4 million in 1996.The average miles and a population of 15,804,6
annual increase during this period was 7.1 a 3.7 percent growth rate. The pop OMAN
percent for male students and 13 percent of Yemen is 95 percent Arab and 5 Oman has a land area of 82,029square
for female students. percent Afro-Arab, Asian and other. miles and a population of 2,125,089with
a growth rate of 3.71 percent. The populb
BAHRAIN tion is 73 percent Omani Nationa
Bahrain has a land area of 239 square
miles and has a population of 575,925
with a growth rate of 2.58 percent. The
population is 63 percent Bahraini, 13 of 6,880squa
percent Asian, 10 percent Arab, 8 percent of 1,817,397
Iranian and 6 percent other. with a growth rate of 7.46 percent.
Bahrain is an archipelago of 33 islands, The population is 45 percent
only two of which are inhabited, with a Kuwaiti, 35 percent other Arab,
total land area in excess of 300 square 9 percent South Asian, 7 percent other
miles. Its name is derived from two Arabic and 4 percent Iranian.
words “thnain Bahr” meaning “two seas” percent. The
and refers t o the phenomenon of sweet South Asian,
water springs under the sea which mingle percent Emiri
with the salty water. This phenomenon is expatriates.
believed t o be responsible for the unusual
o escape
the hot sun in the United Arab Emirates.



. -
Warner from
Trenton, N.J.,
shows off his stuff Saiiors from USS George Washinofon
during a sand boarding (CVN 73) window shop in the gold souk
exhibition hosted by USS during a visit to the United Arab Emirates.
b y ’H2 Kevin oraves George Washington’s (CVN 73) MWR.

Queen can be found throughout many of the larger cities.

While in port in the area, Sailors are required to act and
dress conservatively while enjoying the culture and hospi-
tality of their Arab hosts. Remember, while touring the
countryside, locals consider it offensive to photograph
Muslim women. A little hint: ask permission before
‘I L photographing anybody.
.. Many establishments serve alcohol, but the countries
do not tolerate public intoxication.
“It was enjoyable. I did a lot of shopping for gold and
jewelry,”said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling)2nd
Class Terrance Flournoy from Piermont, N.Y., about his
port visit to Dubai while aboard USS Essex (LHD 2).
“The United Arab Emirates is a great country,”said
Storekeeper 3rd Class Lonny Wedell from Hesperia, Calif.,
who works in the air traffic control center aboard USS
Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). “It reminded me of the
California high desert. It was really nice.’’
So, whether you’re riding a water taxi up Dubai Creek,
or bargaining with gold merchants at the souks in the
United Arab Emirates or Bahrain, Sailors who walk off the
brow in the Gulf get the chance of a lifetime for adven-
tures in a beautiful, exotic country, rich with traditions.

Sailors from the USS George Washington

(CVN 73) play basketball during a port
visit to the United Arab Emirates.



al Education and

Exam writers are

ular rate. When the ex

Exam writers find the list of things a Sailor, at each pay

grade, should know how to do in the Occupational Standards
(NAVPERS 18065).
One occupationalstandard can be use

The test writer can develop m

depending on the situation.

According to many Sailors, so

than one correct answer to
questions,”’ said Master Ch

Manual and Advancement


The most-knowledgeable
“Every question on the
occupationalor naval standard and
can’t write a question without a refer

he date is set. The Navywide advancement exams are coming. You have studied every-

T thing on your bibliographies. You have gone over the occupational standards, and you
know what is expected in your particular job. You are ready. O r are you? You open the
test and that sick feeling begins to well up from the pit of your stomach. You’ve studied all the
wrong things! Where did all these questions come from? They seem like they were plucked
out of the sky.
You’ve just experienced what thousands of Sailors face every six months at advance-
ment-in-rate exam time - the frustration of taking the test.

The references are all on a bibliography, which
is used by Sailors to study for the exam. It
contains all the books and instructions needed
for the next exam. They are written after the
exam has been completed and are released six
months prior to the next one.
“Different writers choose how they want to
do their bibliography for their particular rate,”
After the exams have b
NETPDTC to be sc
which reads the an
‘Mer 75 percent of the exam answer sheets have been scanned, we take a
look at the answer key,” said Yates. “We ask ourselves,‘Were there any particular
problems with the questions?’For example, if the correct response to a ques-
tion was ‘1,’but everyone answered ‘4,’ I’ll ask myself, was the question written
said Chief Legalman (AW) Mary Morgan, properly?Was it understandable? Did the reference change? If the reference
legalman advancement exam, training manual changed and now ‘4’ is the correct answer, I’d change the answer key.”
and advancement handbook writer. “The Discrepancies also slow down the process. “It is very important to make
subject-matter expert can choose to be more sure all the information on your worksheet is correct:’ continued Yates.
specific or more general. For example, one of “Don’t sign it if there is something incorrect on it. It’s your career.”
my references is the Manual for Courts- Historically, the No. 1 cause of discrepancies is an incorrect Social
Martial. If I put just that manual on the Security Number entered on the exam answer sheet. So, people need to
bibliography, it really doesn’t help my Sailors double check the information before handing in the exam.
[when they] study. They would have to read
the whole thing. I choose to be more specific.
I’m going to take the JAG [JudgeAdvocate
General] Manual and break it down into arti-
cles. I believe this will make studying less
Each exam has 150 questions - 135 are
rate-specific and 15 are military requirements.
The only exception to this is for Seabee
ratings. They are given 20 military require-
ment questions, five of which are Seabee
Combat Readiness related. If you are attached
to a Seabee battalion, but are not in a Seabee
rating, you will only have 15 military require-
ment questions.
All exams are prepared 12 months in
advance, according to Yates. That gives plenty
of time for proofreading and accuracy
checking. The exam goes through many
versions before it is finally approved and seri-
alized. For example, each item is checked for
grammatical correctness. One item can be
either a question or a statement. The exam is
also checked to make sure every question is
supported by a reference.
By PH2 Joseph Gunder Ill ,

The Next Cycle

So, what do the exam writer’s
recommend to help you do well
on the exam?
“Use the bibliography,”said
A New Profil
he new rating exam profile sheet, which saw
Morgan. “Start studying early. I its first use this past exam cycle, will help to
recommend starting to study take some of the mystery out of how well you
for the next exam as soon as performed and what exactly goes into your “final
multiple.” The new profile sheet, designed by a team
you complete the current one. of military and civilian personnel at Naval Education
That’s when the bibliography Myth 1: The exam writers code and Training Professional Development and
comes out. We don’t want the exam. Technology Center (NETPDTC), Pensacola, Fla., is
Sailors to wait until the last 1 going to make it easier for Sailors to figure out not
minute to study. I believe that is Reality: The exam writers do not only how they fared on their rating exam, but also
code or follow any pattern. The how they rated among their peer group.
why some people are better test
“The new profile sheet gives the Sailor a better
takers than others. My best exam writers have a computer representation of his relative standing to his peers by
advice is to just calm down, program that helps them write the laying it all out,” said Master Chief Personnelmen Bill
don’t cram. Just relax and go in exam. The questions and answers Renaud, an exam writer at NETPDTC.
there with the mind set, ‘I’m are input into the Examination A new row of data includes the “average of
going to do the best I can.’ Also, Development System (EDS). The candidates advanced in your rate.” Here a Sailor
can see what average numbers the selectees had,
remember that just because you writers format the exam and the
including standard score, performance mark average
PNA’d the exam, it doesn’t program helps develop it. and other factors. The new sheet provides “instant,
necessarily mean you didn’t do useful feedback just by comparing the candidate’s
well. There are always other 2:
Myth If you have no idea what numbers against those of the Sailors who got select-
factors to consider, such as ed,” said Master Chief Electronics Technician Thomas
the answer is, pick “3.” Bossa, one of the exam writers who helped propose
available money, number of
a new design. “This allows the Sailor to better
billets and how well everyone Reality: The test writers don’t focus his or her preparation efforts for the next
else did. Just keep going. The write trick questions and there promotion cycle,” said Bossa.
system still works and it works aren’t any more correct ‘1’s than “The information that went into someone’s final
well. Keep studying and keep multiple has always been out there, it’s just that no
2’s, ‘3’s or ‘4’s.
moving forward.” one knew quite where to go to get it,” Bossa added.
The whole idea to revamp the profile sheet came
“Take a look at your occupa- Myth 3: On a 150-question test, from the exam writers at NETPDTC. They wanted to
tional standards and your if the maximum score is 80, then design something that would show more of the
Professional Advancement 70 questions are tossed out. “whole Sailor.” This new sheet details how a Sailor’s
Requirements (PARS),”said performance, longevity, awards and PNA points all
play a part in the final multiple. There is also a break
Yates. “If you can do everything Reality: ~ lquestions
l are used down of the questions by section so Sailors can actu-
on those lists, there’s no ques- for scoring unless there is a valid ally tell how well they scored in a particular section.
tion an exam writer can ask you reason to delete them (outdated Bossa hopes the new sheet will help clear up a lot
that you can’t answer. Just equipment or materials). of misconceptions with exam scores. “With the old
remember, those are only two profile sheet, you might get only nine of 20 questions
correct and you’d get a “Superior” (S) - if most every-
sources that we use.” Myth 4:Exam writers pick ques- one else who took the same test scored lower. With
So, it’s March. You sit down tions out of the air. only an “S” to go by, a person could believe they were
to take your exam. You’ve very knowledgeable about this topic (and avoid study-
studied everything on your Reality: AU questions have to be ing it) while, in fact, in raw score they only got 45
bibliography and you have gone supported with a reference. percent correct. The new profile sheet gives Sailors
over your occupational stan- both raw score and percentile standing, so they can
[draw] better, more informed conclusions.”
dards. You are ready. There’s Myth 5: If a question is thrown Bossa and a few other exam writers came up with
nothing you can’t accomplish. out, one Sailor will be affected an initial profile sheet proposal that was sent off to
You have three hours to more than another. the Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) for their evaluation.
complete the exam. Begin. What the students at SEA sent back formed the basis
Reality: Since all questions are for the new profile sheet.
With the new profile sheet, Sailors can see the
Barnes is a journalist assigned used for scoring, a discarded ques- “big picture” and how they fit in, what each score
to All Hands. tion will affect everyone equally. means and where to look to bring up the numbers for
the next cycle.
F E B R U A R Y 1 9 9 9
Gunder is a photojournalist for All Hands
By J 0 2 Jeremy Allen

f getting a degree is something you Baron, who has been enrolled full Traditional time and location restric-

I want, you might consider an online

course of instruction. Sailors go to
sea. That’s just the way it is. But being
time as a graduate-student at the
University of Phoenix, since June 1997,
will receive his Masters in Education in
tions might be lifted, but that doesn’t
mean the assignments are any easier.
“Even though you can be flexible and
deployed doesn’t mean your dreams of June 1999 after completing his thesis. work on your course at your pace, you
obtaining a degree have to be put on Imagine that - completing your can’t let yourself get too far behind,” said
hold. If you have a computer, access thesis paper on the computer and then Master-at-Arms 1st Class Dave W. Bruce,
to the Internet and the ability to e-mailing it to your professor in another a behavioral science major assigned to
manage your time wisely, you can earn state or country. With online courses, Naval Criminal Investigative Service,
a degree online. you have that and many more Washington, D.C. “Your assignments will
Step out of the classroom and into options available. add up if you put them off.”
the chat room. That’s where you’ll find “You have the ability to communicate Remembering to check in with your
Sailors getting educated today. with others through the voice mail professor is important.
Traditional classroom instruction is program,” said Raymond J. Andreno, a “Any time you’re dealing with people
quickly giving way to flexible, online Navy family member whose wife is over long distances, there’s going to be
computer classes through Distance and stationed at NAS Jacksonville,Fla., and is some sort of communications prob-
Non-Traditional Education Services, getting his degree in fire science. “It lems,” said Baron. “So you’ve got to
or DANTES. allows you to do some work, stop for realize you have to pick up the phone
“DANTES provides academic courses something else, and come back to it at and make contact with your instructor.
ranging from high school to graduate any time of the day.” Fortunately, the program I am enrolled
level through nearly 100 institutions,” According to the University of in is superb. There’s a web site with a
said Jim Rumpler, DANTES distance Maryland, which offers 13 undergrad- library and research lab available for us
learning program manager. “The uate and five graduate degrees online, on-line. People are available 24-hours a
DANTES course guide even breaks down more than 138 Sailors have joined up for day, toll-free, and they are willing to
the choices for DOD-approved schools DE classes during the last year. “Our answer my questions and concerns.”
that offer high school to graduate students are in all 50 states and on seven “There’s no reason why everyone in
programs. The guide lists approximately continents,”explained Dr. Kathleen M. the Navy cannot complete a degree this
100 associate, 225 baccalaureate, 100 Burke, Assistant Dean for Distance way at their own pace,” added Baron.
graduate degree and about 45 credit- Education. “Online courses are great for “Get your Page 4s reviewed, CLEP what
bearing certificate programs all available military personnel because they have a you can, attend night school and take
at a distance.” great need for flexibility.” DE courses. You’ll be finished before you
“Distance education [DE] is the wave Having the freedom to work any time know it! The toughest part of off-duty
of the future,”said Senior Chief of day or night allows you to work education is getting started. Once you’re
Journalist (SW) James S. Baron. “I run around the Navy’s schedule and still on a roll, education is addictive.”
into more people with master’s degrees complete your homework assignments
who have earned it through DE. Society on time. Allen is a photojournalist assigned to
is different today. Moms and Dads work, “I can take it with me on the road,” All Hands.
have families, cook, clean and do the said Chief Engineman (SW) Jim Ballou,
dishes at night. Nobody wants to sit in stationed at Space Warfare System
class until 1O:OO p.m., after all that. DE is Center Chesapeake Detachment, Japan.
a convenient way to earn a degree at “All that is required is an e-mail account
non-traditional hours and on the week- and the ability to access it to send and
ends when most classrooms are closed.” receive course work.”

38 A L L H A N D S
lips on Selecting a DE tourse
and complete DE courses and program

1 IEnroll for a definite reason that you

on paper. Define solid goals (degree or knowledge needs, not course with that person occasionally. Th
between involvement and commitment.
your military career?

IObtain a clear, complete description of the course. Call th periodically. Be honest and serious.
school and ask for a catalog. Know exactly how your course
Study in the same place for each study session. Choose
fits into your degree plan. Select your course based on

31Ensure your school will accept the course you are taking, and wnile you study at a
that the course will satisfv a definite dearee reauirement.
distance. The school is the most logical place to ask for
Give your home school a copy of the description. Will the
help. Consider your school advisor, education counselor,
course fit where you need it?
on-base instructors, subject matter experts or friends.
41Consider enrolling with a friend. Study with a partner. Review feedback from instructors. Consider all graded or
Distance learning students need a support group.

dictate your study schedule, so write out your plan and

when balanced with your work schedule, family and other

More information on DANTES and University of Maryland

Be reasonable. Set aside some time to reward yo distance education (DE) courses can be found at: or
or via the DANTES homepage at http:/voled.doded.miI

Please provide any suggestions on DANTES to:

u receive your first lesson. Code 206 6490

Saufley Field Road
Pensaeola, FL 32509-5243
Tel: (904) 452-1360, DSN 922-1360
Fax: (904) 452-1161, DSN 922-1161
F E B R U A R Y 1 9 9 9

Story and photos by JO1 Rodney J. Furry

A4 Brandie M. Laferney
hits the books in her

Thanks in large part to Navy initiatives like the

Program for Afloat College Education, or PACE,
more and more enlisted Sailors are finding that
college degrees don’t have to wait while they’re at sea.
rAbt was originally designed to make it easier for
deployed Sailors to pursue higher education despite unpre-
dictable duty schedules and extended cruises at sea far from
college campuses. Using a combination of interactivevideo
and computer programs and traveling instructors, PACE has
helped young Sailors fulfill many lower level requirements at a
large number of academic institutions.
“I take PACE every semester:’ said Airman Apprentice
Brandie M. Laferney, a student Sailor at HC-11, NAS North
Island, Calif. “There seems to be a lot more reading involved in
the computerized courses because you don’t have an instructor According to Alan Matsushima, AA Brandie M. Laferney,
to filter out the information. But, it’s nice to be able to work at a counselor with the Navy Campus from Lake Havasu City,
my own pace:’ she said. Office at NAS North Island, Calif., Ariz., mouse-clicks her
Working at your own pace is one of the secrets to the PACE offers course study for just way to a degree in
success of the program. Just being far from a campus makes about any major. Psychology using inter-
studying hard enough, but the stress and unpredictabilityof “Thanks to the Servicemember’s active CD-Roms and
an underway schedule far too often discourages Sailors from Opportunity Colleges program, you video lectures with the
even considering college. With a PACE interactive course, you can feel comfortable that any PACE program.
study when you have time, whether it’s on a lunch break, or course you take in the PACE catalog
late at night between watches. will transfer to a large number of
“Occasionally, I’ll have a week at work that’s really chaotic academic institutions:’ he said.
and I don’t have time to study. I may only get one chapter That’s comforting to a student like Laferney, since it
normally takes a Sailor more than four years to finish a
Bachelor’s degree; years that may span several duty stations

and assignments anywhere in the world.
The organizersof PACE at the Navy Personnel Command and
Middlesex Research Center, the current PACE contractor, have
kept that difficulty in mind as they expanded PACE services to
include more upper-level courses.
More and more Sailors are learning how al that
diploma really is. For example, a recent study by the Center for
done:’ said Laferney. “But other weeks are slow and I may Naval Analysis found that 66 percent of Sailors who made E-5
breeze through three or four.” in less than five years were participants in voluntary education
Aviation Maintenanceman Helicopter (AW) 1st Class programs like PACE. That’s a pretty significant number
Darrell L. Rogers is Laferney’s educational services officer. considering that Sailors who had no voluntary education
He thinks it’s a great program for Sailors who don’t have a stood a mere 31 percent chance of putting on that second
lot of free time, because the materials you need for the chevron in the same amount of time.
courses are close to where you work. Also, since he’s there to According to Laferney, the numbers don’t mean as much as
help do the legwork, or has to do is hit the books the value higher education has on your ability to be a good
and pass the exams. team member.
“Once they get signed up for the course and buy their text- “I think a college education better equips a Sailor for
book, I’ll monitor their progress and make sure they’re staying making decisions and performing their job wel1:’she said.
on schedule. The time it takes them to finish the course is really “I feel more comfortable as an airman filling a 2nd class billet,
up to them, within the limits of the course term:’ he said. and I think my education gives me the confidence to do that.”
Laferney, who is majoring in marine biology with a minor
in psychology finds PACE really fits into her lifestyle even if it Furry is a photojournalist assigned to All Hands.
doesn’t have the atmosphere of a traditional school.
, the holiday leftovers have If all this leaves you still lingering in a haze of doubt and
he relatives have finally uncertainty, pick your favorite search engine and type in thc
-and, more importantly, words “distance education.”You will get some great links like
e presents -will last for 1, if you’re like me and got a Another site
called can even help you narrow your
ed long before then, so don’t waste any time and get selections down based on price, location or major.
today. And if you really want to impress Mom and Dad If you’re already in college and just need studyinr “-+-

an online dictionary then stop by

So put away those games for a while and start surfini
education. If you have a computer you can get a degree,
chat rooms (although those are co whether you’re at sea or anywhere in the world.

Yes, you heard me right. Yo

forward-thinking educator

(TA) is probably your best option.

The clock is ticking for all of you out there waiting to get bit
d list. Or you can view the colleges
by the love bug this Valentines Day. If you want to assist
cupid in finding that
someone special !
then surf on over to
“sweet” sites like

PC Flowers
................. ....

Higher I
ation 1
nd now, the momeni
- f a i t h f u l webmasters
iround the world have been
vaiting for, the prestigious
XSOE award for the best-
ooking, most-functional
ilnd easiest-to-understand
website. The envelope
please.. .
Since A// Hands is looking
at education this month, let’s a
look at “the best of the best”
in education and training
commands. First place goes
to Fleet Aviation Specialized
Ooerational Trainina.. GrouD

1 Pacific Fleet, NAS North

’ -leet Training Center
Island, Calif.
These folks train more than 15,000 personnel in 75 different
1 courses in things from SERE to Aviation to Surface Warfare. This
site has an excellent load time, no dead links, no spelling errors
n d no HTML design flaws, while providing timely and useful
information to the fleet.
Second place is awarded to a e, yet effective, site at
Center, San Diego (
hey offer more than 280 courses to more than
your loved one an ele
tronic card or e-fl float Training Group Western Pacific

ore and afloat commands in the Pacific.

I have two honorable mentions - Chief of Naval Educatic

yourself $.32 on They both provide tons 1

postage, not that I’m iseful information for Sailors enlisting or advancing.
cheap or anything). low I know what you’re saying, WHAT ABOUT MINE! Well, if
think your site is something special, e-
search engine and type in the word “valentine.” After you
are done looking through the millions of sites that pop up,
e-mail me the best ones for next year’s celebration.

I tne F l e e t

is a monthly photo feature sponsored b y

the Chief of Information Navy News Photo Division. We are looking

for r m m I G H I P A C T.1 quality photography from

in the fleet, to showcase the American Sailor in I A O - I

6 _. ..-
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) Sailors (from left) AOAN
Allan Davis from New Orleans, A03 Stanley Gibson from Richmond,
Va., AOAN Ken Madison from West Branch, Mich.,
and A01 William Stallworth fr
Sidewinder on the wing of an

Photo by PH2 Shawn Eklund


To be considered, forward your images with full credit and cutline

information, including: full name, rank and duty station. Name all
identifiable people within the photo and include important information
about what is happening, where the photo was taken and the date.

Commands with digital photo capability can send attached .jpg files to:
Mail your submissions to:
2701 S. CAPITOL ST S.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20373-5819

Photo by PHl(AW) Nicholas D. Sherrouse
n n thcl

MM3 h a d M. Fife from Rayville, La., a Sailor UII
board USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), r i d v a
mechanical bull at a bar in

noto oy rH2 Kristen Seay

Photo by PH2 Shawn Eklun
~ Senior ChiefNavy Counselor Jesse 1.Kamekona Modern cartography sprang from
1 received the Admiral’s ExcellenceAward for recruiting and was named an Islamic religious need of establishing
Area 8 Chief Recruiter of the Year for W98. Kamekona advanced from correct coordinates of cities so that
recruiter to recruiter-in-charge to zone supervisor to chief recruiter all could determine the direction of Ka’bah, or
during one tour at Naval RecruitingDistrict, Los Angeles (the country‘s
qibla, towards which all Muslims must face
largest recruiting district).
in prayer five times daily. This led to signifi-
cant developments in trigonometry, a field
Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (FMF) Paul B. Johnson fundamental to terrestrial mapping and
of Branch Medical Clinic, NAS Whiting Field, was selected Naval the computation of planetary orbits.
Hospital, Pensacola, 1997 Junior Sailor of the Year for his dedicated
service as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) coordinator The Word algebra is derived
and instructor, clinic equipment custodian and sick call screener.
He is also the clinic’s supply leading petty officer and community the Arabic word “a/-jab~”which means
service coordinator. reunion of broken parts.” The word gain
widespread use after being featured in
Machinist Mate 1st Class (SS) Chrlstopher W. PWO title of a book, i/m a/-jabr wa’/-mukaba/a
of USS Asheville (SSN 758),was selected for the Seaman to Admiral (The Science of Restoring What is Missing
program. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Petro had a stellar career on
and Equating Like with Like), written by Arab
board Asheville, qualifying Chief of the Watch and in-port duty chief
(as a second class petty officer),in addition to his duties as controlled mathematician Abu Ja’far Muhammad. He
material petty officer, quality assurance inspector and work center introduced writing down calculations instead
3M coordinator. of using an abacus, an instrument used for
performing calculations by sliding counters
along rods or in grooves. Algorism (the Arabic,
captain James Campbell

from Honolulu, recently completed the 21-mile swim across the English or decimal system, of writing numbe
tannel in 17 hours and 41 minutes. Of the 6,000 attempts to swim algorithm both derive from his name.

, I--
across the English Channel, only about 500 (or 8 percen;) have been
successful. Campbell is the biotechnology program manager at the Naval
Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.
Daily meals in Bahrain are served in
communal dishes. People eat while seated
on an Arabic sofa that rests on the floor. The
names of the meals are 1Ttaror Foutour

(breakfast), Ghada (lunch) and Esha (sup

The Arabian Gulf, an arm of the

“For this month’s A// Hands cover, Arabian Sea, measures 90,000 sq. miles and
we wanted to use an image that
is situated between the Arabian peninsula
illustrated life in the Middle East
and Iran. It extends about 600 miles from
5th Fleet’s Area of Responsibility,”
said JO1 Robert Benson, All Hands the Shatt ahArab Delta to the Strait of
Assistant Editor. “Excellent shots Hormuz, which links it with the Gulf of
from Bahrain, Sautli Arabia and Oman. The Gulf is mostly shallow and ha
other Middle Eastarn countries many islands, Bahrain being the largest.
crossed our desks, but no single bordered by Oman and the United Arab
image really said, ‘5th Fleet, oper-
Emirates to the south, to the west by Qa
ational readiness and exotic.’ So,
wlth the aid of five sllde projectors, three able assistants and one ‘model,’ we created our own and Saudi Arabia, to the north by Kuwait and
illustration. The backdrop consisted of five sheettof translucent tracing paper, with the images Iraq, and along the entire east coast by Iran.
projected from the rear. The shadow cast on the paper is that of a young Sailor from the
Ceremonial Honor Guard, Washington, D.C.”


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