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Essay Outline Template


A. Hook & Background Information

1. Hook: General background information that grabs attention (reference)

I’m writing an analysis on Stephen Kings the Shining.

2. More specific background information to lead into the thesis (reference)

I have never written an analysis essay before so here goes nothing.

B. Thesis statement

1. Topic

My Analysis On Stephen Kings The Shining

2. Mapping your key points

This was a real struggle for me to figure out how to write an

analysis essay but, I think I got the gifs about it.


A. Body Paragraph 1

1. Topic Sentence

First thing that I think Stephen King was trying to portray is the
isolation of being stuck in the hotel during a really bad winter

2. Supporting Evidence

a. I think that he was trying to portray that being stuck in the

hotel is actually like having different types of problems or
issues that we just can’t escape in life.
b. That no matter how hard we work to be free of certain things,
we just can’t escape them.

3. Transition sentence

No matter how hard we try it seems that we just get more stuck, like
if you were stuck in quicksand the more you try to get out the more
you sink and get even more stuck.

B. Body Paragraph 2

1. Topic Sentence

Next thing that I saw that I believe had a hidden meaning was the
ghost that haunted the Overlook Hotel.

2. Supporting Ideas

a. I believe that Stephen king was trying to show that the ghost
represent our inner demons.

b. Sometimes in life our inner demons or problems that we deal

with get to be too much.

3. Transition sentence

Everybody has them it is just how we cope with them in our

daily routine that will make us succeed or fail.

C. Body Paragraph 3

1. Topic Sentence

Another thing that I think was interesting about the movie is

knowing that Jack was alcoholic and how Stephen King had him say
“REDRUM” which is “MURDER” spelled backwards.

2. Supporting Ideas

a. I think that “REDRUM” or “MURDER” spelled backwards

symbolizes Jack’s alcoholism and the blood that he was going
to spill.

b. Also how some see themselves in the mirror.

3. Transition sentence

Usually people do this when they are trying to replace something

that is truly meaningful weather it is something that they have lost
or may have taken for granted in there lives.


A. Reiterate thesis statement

In conclusion there is a lot of different scenarios and things that happen in

the story of Stephen Kings The Shining.

B. New thoughts

None the less though this is a great book and movie. I recommend that if you
like to read scary books or watch horror movies that you take the time to
enjoy this story that will keep you on the edge of your seat through out the
entire story. It is written by an amazing author, my all time favorite author
Stephen King.

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