Narrative Essay Final Draft

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Gregory Duncanson

Mary Broding

Vincennes University English 101

Narrative Essay Final Draft

November 24, 2019

Most Memorable Summer

I have had a lot of good and bad experiences in my life during the summertime, but the

most memorable summer of all would have had to be the summer of 2018. There were multiple

reasons why I chose this summer, it was the best and worst summer that I have ever had in my

life. I don’t want to nor do I have the time to tell you all the good and bad things that happened

that summer, but I will tell you about the best and worst.

The reason why I chose the summer of 2018 was because it was the first time that my

wife, kids and I went camping together. We went camping at Tarague Beach in Guam. So, let me

tell you a little bit about Tarague Beach. Tarague Beach is on Anderson Air Force Base in Guam.

It is the most dangerous beach in Guam due to the rip current but also the most beautiful beach in

all of Guam. The camp area is right on the beautiful salt and pepper beach under a bunch of palm

trees. Behind the beach is the jungle and mountains.

We arrived at our campsite at around 11:00 am on July 3rd, 2018. After getting everything

unloaded, I started to set up our tents and hang our hammock. Once I got done setting up camp

we went swimming and looking for seashells. After a couple hours of swimming and walking

around looking for seashells we went and got cleaned up for dinner. My wife made a very special

Cajon flavored dish with sausage, shrimp, potatoes, and corn on the cob. When we got done
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eating dinner, we played dominoes and some card games before making smores on the campfire.

Around 9:30 we climbed into our sleeping bags for the night.

The next morning when we woke up, we made breakfast and then went fishing. After

fishing for a few hours, we caught two Parrot fish and a Wahoo. We took the fish back to camp

to clean them up for lunch. While I was preparing lunch, my wife went to go pick up her brother

so he could have lunch with us. After lunch we played Disc toss, Bocca ball, and Cornhole.

While we were playing around 3:30 in the afternoon on July 4th it started to get windy. I went

and checked the weather and it said that Super Typhoon Mangkhut had shifted direction and was

heading towards Guam. We started to pack all our stuff and clean up camp. While we were

packing one of our tents started to fly away but me and my oldest son was able to catch it and

finish packing up. Around 6:30 pm we finished packing everything into the car and headed


Upon making it home we started to unpack and secure the house in preparation for the

typhoon. Later that evening around 10:30 the wind was so strong that it sounded like something

hit the door and opened it. I went to walk around the house to make sure everything was secure

still. Currently, we had already lost power in our village. As I was walking around the house to

verify that everything was secured still, I didn’t notice that some water had come in under the

front door. As I went to check the front door I slipped and hit my knee on the corner of the wall.

My wife and brother-in-law had to help me back into the bedroom. The next morning my leg was

in so much pain really swollen to the point I couldn’t even bend my leg, that my wife drove me

to the emergency room. They said that I fractured and dislocated my knee cap. Which led to

further health complications.

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In conclusion I made some amazing memories with my wife and kids that summer, but I

also messed up my knee. Still to this day I have pain and issues with swelling. We were

supposed to camp for three nights and it got shortened due to the typhoon, I wouldn’t change a

thing even though I got hurt the memories that I made with my family in the summer of 2018

will be remembered for the rest of my life. Ok so maybe I would change one thing, the getting

hurt part. Anyways that is why the summer of 2018 was my most memorable summer,

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