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Presentational Writing  

Student Name: _______________________________ 
Score: ____/16 
Criteria  Getting Started  In Progress  Right On  Full Taco 

You ordered  You ordered   
your taco,  your taco and   
You ordered a 
and received  received it  You got your 
taco, but all you 
it, but all you  ON TIME! Your  taco exactly 
got was a 
got was meat  taco is just  the way you 
on your  the way you  like it, AND 
tortilla.   like it.  they threw in 
    EXTRA nachos 
    for FREE!!  
(2 points)   (3 points)    (4 points)  
(1 point)  

Functions  The student is  The student  The student is  The student is 
able to complete  can complete  able to  able to 
a few parts of  half of the  complete the  complete the 
the task.   task.   task.   task and 
about the 
new student.  

Control/Accuracy  The student can  The student  The student is  The student 
write in the  can write in  able to write  writes in the 
target language  the target  in the target  target 
once or twice  language  language  language 
correctly.    four to six  correctly.   correctly and 
times  it is clear the 
correctly.   student 
how Spanish 

Content (topics)  It is not clear  The student  It is clear the  It is clear the 
that the student  understands  student  student 
can represent  immigration  understands  understands 
what  to an extent.  what is being  what is being 
immigration is.    Only parts of  asked and  asked and 
the drawing  understands  understands 
make sense  what  what 
as to what  immigration  immigration 
immigration  is.   is, while 
is.   adding extra 
information to 
the drawing.  

Text type  The student can  The student  The student  The student 
write in Spanish  can write in  can write in  can write in 
but does not  Spanish and  Spanish and  Spanish and 
include the  includes some  includes the  includes the 
appropriate  of the  appropriate  appropriate 
vocabulary  appropriate  vocabulary.  vocabulary, 
throughout the  vocabulary.    adding 
unit.   additional 
that was not 
asked of 


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