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Learning Content Nursing Time allowed Resources Evaluation

objectives strategies
1st Patient 1st High blood When 10 minutes Information on Patient able to
able to know pressure (HBP explaining to books know that is
what is or the patient hypertension,
hypertension. hypertension) make sure that Printed how blood
2nd Patient is when your you are using pictures from pressure and
able to know blood only the words internet circulatory
how blood pressure, the they can works and able
pressure and force of your understand to know that
circulatory blood pushing and translate lifestyle can go
works against the medical term a long way
3rd Patient able walls of your as much as toward
to know that blood vessels, possible into controlling
lifestyle can go is consistently an easy term high blood
a long way too high. according to pressure.
toward 2nd In order to the knowledge
controlling survive and state of the
high blood function patients.
pressure. properly, your
tissues and Make the
organs need patient
the response to
oxygenated every time you
blood that give an
your information
circulatory this will serve
system carries as a review for
throughout the the patient and
body. When can make the
the heart communication
beats, it active
pressure that
pushes blood
through a
network of
blood vessels,
which include
arteries, veins
and capillaries.
This pressure
— blood
pressure — is
the result of
two forces:
The first force
occurs as
blood pumps
out of the
heart and into
the arteries
that are part of
the circulatory
system. The
second force
pressure) is
created as the
heart rests
between heart
beats. (These
two forces are
represented by
numbers in
a blood

3rd Eating a
diet with less

Getting regular

Maintaining a
healthy weight
or losing
weight if
overweight or

Limiting the
amount of
alcohol you

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