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What Is Ecosystem Management?

Sierra Institute. UC Extension
740 Front Street, Suite 155
Santa CNZ, CA 95060, U.S.A.

Abstract: The evolving concept of ecosystem management k Qut es manejo del ecosistema?
tie focus of much current debate To clartfi discussion and
provide a framework for implementation, I trace the histor- Resumen: El concept0 de1 manejo de1 ecosistema en desa-
ical development of ecosystem management, provide a n-o110 es el foco de gran parte de1 debate actual A 10s efectos
working definition, and summarize dominant themes taken de clanficar esta discusidn y proveer un mat-co para su im-
mm an t&ensive literature revieut. The general goal of plementacidn, reconstruyo el desarro 110 bisthico de1 mar@0
maintaining ecological integrity is discussed along with five de ecosistemas, proveo una definicidn de trabajo y resumo
specific goals.- maintaining viable popu!z!ions, ecosystem 10s temas dominantes tomados de una prtensa revi-sidn bib-
representation, maintaining ecological process (i e., natural liogrtifica El objetiw general de mantener la integridad
disturbance regimes), protecting evolutionary potential of ecoldgica es discutido conjuntamente con cinco objetiws
species and ecosystems, and accommodating human use in especificos: mantenimiento depoblaciones viables, represen-
light of the above short-term policy implications of ecosys- tacidn de ecosistemas, mantenimiento de procesos ecol6gi-
tem management for several groups of key actors (scientists, cos (i c, regimenes de perturbaciones naturales), proteccih
poliqnaker& managers, citixer&s) are discussed Long-term de1 potential ewlutiw de las especies y ecosistemcrr. y aco-
(>I00 years) poliq implications are also reviewed inch& mode ::iento de1 I(SO human0 en funcih de lo anterior. Se
ing reframing environmental values, fostering cooperation, discuten [as implicaciones de las medidhs de cot-to thino
and evaluating success Ecosystem management k not just en el manqio de1 ecosistema para distintos grupos de actores
about science nor is it simply an extension of traditional claves (cientificos, diseriadores de politicas, administra-
resource management; it offs a fundamental reframing of doreg ciuahaiznos). Tambiht son consideradas las impli-
bow humans may work with nature. caciones a large plaza de las medidas (> 100 arias), inclu-
yendo la reconsideracidn de1 marco de 10s valores ambien-
tales. el foment0 de la cooperacidn y la evaluacidn de1 &to.
El manejo de1 ccosistema no es ciencia sdlamente ni la sim-
ple extensidn de1 traditional manejo de recursos; el mando
de1 ecosistema ofrece una reconsideraci6n de1 marco de
cdmo 10s bumanos podemos trabaj’ar con la naturalera

Introduction with the design of a fire management plan in longleaf

pine (Pinus palusfris) forests that mimics natural dis-
Deep in a mixed conifer forest on the east side of the turbance regimes while minimizing the risk of burning
Washington Cascades, a U.S. Forest Service silvicultural- adjacent private lands (USDOD Air Force 1993).
ist, responding to a college student’s query, suggests To avert what he calls “national train wrecks,” Inte-
that ecosystem management means snag retention and rior Secretary Bruce Babbitt announces that the Chnton
management of coarse woody debris on clearcut units. Administration plans to shift federal policy away from a
In northern Florida on a U.S. Department of Defense single species approach to one that looks “at entire eco-
resexuion, a team of biologists and managers struggles systems” (as quoted in Stevens 1993).
Commenting on a draft federal framework for the
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem that proposes increased
interagency cooperation, a lawyer claims that “Congress

Consc~-~ation Biology. Page 2 7 - 3 8

Volume 8. No 1. March 1994
does not intend that national forests should be managed cooperation would be required for success and that
like national parks” and that there exists no need to ecologists needed to “ USC every means to educate the
“create” ccosystcm management (Budd 199 1). public as to the vahtc of sanctuaries.” The idea that na-
Other observers in the Greater Yellowstonc region ture could be “improved” upon by management was
contend that an ecosystem approach could provide just also challenged.
the holistic managcmcnt ncccssary for sustaining rc- In their classic study, Fauna of the National Parks Of
sources in a complex ccologicaVpoliticai landscape the US. biologists George Wright and Ben Thompson
(Clark & Minta in press). (1935) observed that parks were not fully functional
What is ecosystem management? ecosystems “by virtue of boundary and size limitations.”
The above vignettes portray but a few of the various Wright lobbied for increasing the size of parks by re-
interpretations of ecosystem management that can be drawing their boundaries to reflect biotic requirements
found in the conservation biology. resource managc- of large mammals. but his untimely death cut his efforts
ment, 2nd popular literature. Since the ecosystem ap- short. In 1950, the Ecological Society’s Committee for
proach is relatively new, and still unformed, this is not the Study of Plant and Animal Communities proposed a
surprising. As any concept evolves, debates over defini- strategy to implement Shelford’s nature sanctuary inven-
tion, fundamental principles, and policy implications tory (Kendeigh et al. 19 50- 195 1). These early attempts
proceed apace. Yet the discussion surrounding ecosys- to ground resource management better in ecology and
tem management is not merely academic, Nor is it lim- landscape-level concerns were not successful.
ited to those scientists, resources professionals, and pal- In 1970, policy analyst Lynton Caldwell (1970) pub-
icymakers who work directly with federal management lished an article that advocated using ecosystems as the
issues. The debate is raising profound questions for most basis for public land policy. Caldwell understood that to
people who are concerned with the continuing loss of do so “would require that the conventional [political]
I biodiversity at all scales and across many administrative matrix be unraveled and rewoven in a new pattern.” It
boundaries and ownerships. Along with defining the is significant that the blossoming of the U.S. environ-
X ecosystem management approach as a new policy mental movement in the 1970s was not strong enough
framework there appears to be a parallel process of re- politically to influence such a reconfiguration.
defining the fundamenta.i role of humans in nature. Biologists Frank and John Craighead are generally
This paper: ( 1) provides a brief outline of the histor- credited with focusing current attention on ecosystem
ical development of the ecosystem management con- management. Twelve years of grizzly bear (clrsur urc-
cept; (2) presents the key dominant themes of ecosys- fos) population research showed the Craigheads that
tem management as derived from the literature; and (3) the bears’ needs could not be met solely within the
examines some of the more provocative short- and long- borders of Yellowstone National Park (Craighead 1979).
term policy implications of putting ecosystem manage- They suggested that the Yellowstone population re-
ment into practice. Discussion on ecosystem manage- quired at least 5,000,OOO acres of protected habitat.
ment has proceeded to a point where a status report is Craighead’s pioneering work set a fundarnentaf criterion
essential for further clarification, understanding, and im- for defining greater ecosystems: the area must provide
plementation. the primary habitat necessary to sustain the largest car-
nivore in a region. William Newmark’s (1985) work
comparing the legal and biotic boundaries of various
Historical Development of the Ecosystem parks and reserves in western North America reinforced
Management Concept Craighead’s conclusions.
By the late 1980s an ecosystem approach to land man-
Ecosystem management is a response to today’s deep- agement was being supported by many scientists, man-
ening biodiversity crisis. But a few visionary ecologists agers, and others. Proposals focused on specific regions
from the 1930s and 1940s had the foresight to advocate such as Yellowstone (Clark & Zaunbrecher 1987; Clark
many specific elements of the contemporary ecosystem 8r Harvey 1988) and the North Cascades of Washington
discussion. The contributions of Aldo Leopold ( 1949) in state (Friedman 1988; Grumbine 19886) the single spe-
conservation science and philosophy are well known. cies approach to conservation (Hutto et al. 1987) the
Less well known is the 1932 work of the Ecological relationship between population viability and intera-
Society of America’s Committee for the Study of Plant gency behavior (Salwasser et al. 1987) and the legal
and Animal Communities that recognized that a com- implications of ecosystem management (Keiter 1989,
prehensive U.S. nature sanctuary system must protect 1990).
ecosystems as well as particular species of.concern, rep- The first book-length treatment on ecosystem man-
resent a wide range of ecosystem types, manage for eco- agement appeared in 1988. Jim Agee and Darryl1
‘logical “fluctuations” (i.e., natural disturbances), and Johnson ( 1988) presented a theoretical framework that
employ a core reserve/buffer zone approach (Shelford included both general goals and processes for achieving
1933). The Committee also rcahzed that interagency goals. These authors embedded ecosystem management
Grumbine wlcu Is ELos@em hfan~emenr? 29

within a dynamic pattern-and-process view of nature. has (so far) failed legal tests, ignored conservation biol-
They suggested that ecologically defined boundaries, ogy concerns, and left the public’s expectations for
clearly stated management goals, interagency coopera- mcaningtitl participation in decisio making unfulfilled
tion, monitoring of managcmcnt results, and leadership (Grumbine in press 6). Seventh, sot1ctal views of appro-
at the national policy lcvcl were essential elements. priatc relationships between people and nature are in a
Agee and Johnson also brought people directly into the state of flux (Dunlap & Mertig 1992). It appears that
equation; managers could no longer discount the cffccts many citizens are asking for less development of eco-
of humans in ccosystcms. In the opinion of these au- systems and more protection and restoration. Ah three
thors, managers and biologists must keep in mind the trends are interactive and are evolving at difTerent rates
complex social context of their work. and scales. Given these seven points, it is not at all clear
Even as Agce and Johnson ( 1988) admitted that de- what the new cultural and political landscape of man-
fining ecosystem boundaries in a dynamic world was at agement will look like over the long term or even in the
best an inexact art, they also wrestled with how to de- next fi1.e years.
fine management goals in a sociopolitical realm that is
also never static. They made a key assumption that since Dominant Themes of Ecosystem Management
what is natural “cannot be scientifically resolved” man-
agement goals must rest on achieving “socially desirable Ecosystem management has not been uniformly defined
conditions.” or consistently applied by federal or state management
Since the publication of Agee and Johnson’s ( 1988) agencies. Yet consensus is developing, at least within
work, there has been an outpouring of papers examining the academic literature. Using standard keyword search
the ecosystem management concept. Keiter (1989) fo- techniques focused on “ecosystem management,” “eco-
cused on important legal aspects of ecosystem manage- system- health,” “biodiversity management,” “adaptive
ment in a lengthy monograph. The first interagency at- management,” etc., I surveyed papers published on eco-
tempt to apply ecosystem management to federal lands system management in peer reviewed journals (Consw-
was issued in draft form in 1990 (Greater Yellowstone vation Biology, Environmental Managemen{ Ecolog-
Coordinating Committee 1990) only to become the ical Applications, Society and Natural Resources, etc. >
subject of intense political debate which soon led to its up through June 1993 to determine where agreement
demise (see Lichtman & Clark in press). In 199 I, Cali- exists on the subject. Articles came from a broad spec-
fornia became the first state to address biological im- trum of disciplines including conservation biology, re-
poverishment through a policy based largely on ecosys- source management, and public policy. I also reviewed
tem concepts (Cahfornia, State of 1991). in what was books with substantive accounts of ecosystem manage-
touted as major policy reform, the U.S. Forest Service in ment, lay environmental publications, and several fed-
1992 altered its resource-based management focus to fit eral and state-level documents that discuss ecosystem-
the agency’s particular vision of ecosystem management level policymaking.
(USDA Forest Service 1992). Among recent works Ten dominant themes of ecosystem management
Grumbine (1992) Clark ( 1993). and Clark and Minta emerged from my review (see Table 1). (Note that Ta-
(in press) offer the broadest treatments of the biologi- ble 1 lists only the sources that offer the most detailed
cal, sociopolitical, vahtes, and policy process aspects of accounts of ecosystem management.) Dominant themes
the ecosystem management concept. were those attributes that authors identified explicitly
Ecosystem management has not evolved in a vacuum. as critical to the definition, implementation, or overall
There are several major reasons why the debate is gain- comprehension of ecosystem management. The ten
ing momentum. First, the biodiversity crisis continues dominant themes emerged repeatedly throughout the
to accelerate (for an overview, see Noss & Cooperrider literature. I believe the following themes faithfully rep-
1994). Second, no policy initiatives have as yet been resent areas of agreement. (No literature citations are
shown to slow down environmental deterioration given below for specific themes since most of the papers
(SoulC 1991). Third, calls for ecosystem management refers to each of them-see Table 1 for exceptions.)
have increased in conjunction with the theoretical and The ten dominant themes of ecosystem management
empirical development of conservation biology (Grum- are:
bine in press c). Fourth, the safety net of U.S. environ- 1. Hierarchical Context A focus on any one level of
mental laws is being stretched thin as society reaches the biodiversity hierarchy (genes, species, populations,
and exceeds environmental limits through industrial ex- ecosystems, landscapes) is not sufficient. When working
pansion, population growth, and resource consumption on a problem at any one level or scale, managers must
(Doremus 199 I ). Fifth, environmental groups have in- seek the connections between all levels. This is often
easingly used administrative appeals and htigation to described as a “systems” perspective.
challenge successfully current resource management 2. Ecological Boundaries. Management requires
Policies and practices (Grumbine 1992). Sixth, federal working across administrative/political boundaries (i.e.,
management7 as exemplified by national forest planning national forests, national parks) and defining ecological

Volume 8. NO I. March 1994
30 Whaf Is kiwystem hfvlagement? GNmbine

Table 1. Dodnant themes of ecosystem management

Ecological IntegrYr,
Ecolog- EcosJsrem Inter-
HifTar- ical Viable Paltern. speces =geKY Organ- Adaptive Hunuwu
CbiCd B o u n d - PoDula- a n d Reinho. Data Moni. Coo~~er. IIcltional Ma?zage- aSParS
SOWCt? COrzlevl m-ies ‘.
tr0n.s Processes duction Colkcfion fonng dio?l C h a n g e men< of Nature values
Shclford 1933 X X X X X
wrighr &
1935 X
Caldwell 1970 X
Craighead I979 X X X
cluk & Zaun-
brecher 1$87 X x X X X X X X X X X
&cc &Johnson
1988 X X X X X X X X X
Grumbinc 19886 X X X X X X X X X X
Clark & Harvey
1988 X X X X X X X X X X X X
Kciter 1989 X X X X X X X X
Grumbinc 1990~ X X X X X X X X X X
Grumbiic 19906 X X X X X X X X X X X
Greater Yellow
scone Coord.
Comm. 1990 X X X X X X X X X
Keitcr & Boyce
1991 X X X X X X
Caliiomia, State
oc 1991 X X X X X X X X
Cl& et al. 1991 X X X X X X X X X X
Gcumbinc 1992 X X X X X X X X X X
Goldstein 1992 X X X X X X X X X X X X
USDA Forest
1992 X X X X X X X X X
Norton 1992 X X X X X X X X X X X
Kessler ct al.
1992 X X X X X X X X
Ness 1992 X X X X X X X X X X
Gawky &
1993 X X X X X X X
MacKenzie 1993 X X X X X X X X X X
Quiglcy &
1993 X X X X X X X X X X
Frost 1993 X X X X X X X X X X
USDOD 1993 X X X X X X X X X X
USDA Forest
1993 X X X X X X x X X X X
Clvk 1993 X X X X X X X
Clark & Miiita
in press X X X X X X X X X X X X
Cortncr & Mootc
in press X X X X X X
in press X X X X X X X X X X X
Noss & Coofxr-
rider 1994 X X X X X X X X X X X
Primm & Clark
in press X X X X X X X X X

boundaries at appropriate scales. An example would be managing for ecological integrity as protecting total na-
Craighead’s ( 1979) initial call for grizzly bear manage- tive diversity (species, populations, ecosystems) and the
ment based on the distribution and- habitat ceguire- ecological patterns and processes that maintain that di-
ments of the Greater Yellowstone population, not just versity. Most authors discuss this as conservation of vi-
Yellowstone National Park. able populations of native species, maintaining natural
3. Ecological Integrity. Norton (1992) defines disturbance regimes, reintroduction of native, extir-
(;rumbinc Wltaf Is Eco+tem Management! 31

patcd spccics, representation of ccosystcms across nat- icy analysts who have written on ecosystem manage-
ural ranges of variation, etc. ment (Cawlcy & Frccmuth 1993; Cortner & Moote in
4. Data Collection. Ecosystem managcmcnt re- press) do not appear to have read widely in the conser-
quires more research and data collection (Le.. habitat vation biology literature.
inventory/classification, disturbance regime dynamics,
basclinc species and population assessment) as well as
better management and use of existing data. Ecosystem Management Goals
5. Monitoring. Managers must track the results of
Most of the authors cited in this review agree that set-
their actions so that success or failure may be evaluated
ting clear goals is crucial to the success of ecosystem
quantitatively. Monitoring creates an ongoing feedback
management. Within the overall goal of sustaining eco-
loop of useful information.
logical integrity, five specific goals were frequently en-
6. Adaptive Management. Adaptive management
assumes that scientific knowledge is provisional and fo-
cuses on management as a learning process or continu- 1. Maintain viable populations of all native species in
ous experiment where incorporating the results of pre- situ.
vious actions allows managers to remain flexible and 2. Represent, within protected areas, all native ecosys-
adapt to uncertainty (see Helling 1978; Walters 1986). tem types across their natural range of variation.
7. Interagency Cooperation. Using ecological 3. Maintain evolutionary and ecological processes
boundaries requires cooperation between federal, state, (i.e., disturbance regimes, hydrological processes,
and local management agencies as well as private par- nutrient cycles, etc.)
ties. Managers must learn to work together and integrate 4. Manage over periods of time long enough to main-
conflicting legal mandates and management goals. tain the evolutionary potential of species and eco-
8. Organizational Change. Implementing ecosys- systems.
tem management requires changes in the structure of 5. Accommodate human use and occupancy within
land management agencies and the way they operate. these constraints.
These may range from the simple (forming an intera-
gency committee) to the complex (changing profes- The first four of these goals are value statements de-
sional norms, altering power relationships). rived from current scientific knowledge that aim to re-
9. Humans Embedded in Nature. People cannot duce (and eventually eliminate) the biodiversity crisis.
be separated from nature. Humans are fundamental in- The fifth goal acknowledges the vital (if problematic)
fluences on ecological patterns and processes and are in role that people have to play in all aspects of the eco-
turn tiected by them. system management debate.
10. Values. Regardless of the role of scientific knowl- These fundamental goals provide a striking contrast to
edge, human values play a dominant role in’ ecgsystem the goals of traditional resource management (see
management goals. , &f fij Knight & Bates in press). Though difTerent agencies op-
These ten dominant themes form the basis of a work- erate under a variety of federal and state mandates, cur-
ing definition: Ecosystem tnana ‘ment integrates sci- rent resource management in the U.S. is based on max-
entific knowledge of ecologicalTe
relationships within a imizing production of goods and services, whether
complex sociopoliticaC and values framework toward these involve number of board feet (commodities) or
the general goal of protecting native ecosystym. integ- wilderness recreational visitor days (amenities). Manag-
r@ over the long term 0 0 <‘I {CT-C ers and lawmakers have always been careful to speak of
Though there is a developingY consensus on this deh- “balance” and “sustained yield” but this language is ob-
nition, relatively few authors touch upon all ten themes fuscatory-balance has never been defined in any U.S.
or consider each of them to be equally important. The environmental law and sustained yield has often been
most comprehensive treatments are Grumbine ( 1992), confused with sustainability (see Korten 199 l-1992;
Clark and Minta (in press), and Noss and Cooperrider Brown et al. 1987; Grumbine in press 6).
(1994). It is interesting to note that the dominant If ecosystem management is to take hold and flourish, ‘j
themes least referred to arc organizational change, adap- the relationship between the new goal of protecting ,&
tive management, and values. The majority of authors ecological integrity and the old standard of providing i\
who are biologists emphasize the scientific aspects of goods and services for humans must be reconciled.)
ecosystem management. They also tend to underesti- Much of the oft-complained “fuzziness” or lack of pre-
mate ( 1) the policy implications of changing power re- cision surrounding ecosystem management derives
lationships and (2) the complexities of blending diverse from alternative views on this point. Kessler et al.
human values into management. And, with the’excep- (1992). for example, suggest that ecosystem manage-
tion of Clark et al. (1991) Clark (1993) Primm and ment represents a further evolution of multiple use, sus-
Clark (in press), and Keiter ( 1989, 1990). the few pol- tained yield policy where managers “must not diminish

Conservation Biology
Volume 8. No 1. March 1994
the importance of products and services, but instead mention substantive organizational change nor do they
treat them within abroader ecological and social con- discuss the policy process as it is defined by policy sci-
text” (emphasis added ). These authors envision ecosys- entists (see Brewer & deLeon 1983; Clark 1992; Primm
tem-level management 3s an expansion of focus from & Clark in press). This emphasis on science is an artifact
particular resource outputs to the ecosystem as “life of the training and professional norms of the major
support system (for humans).” Kessler et al. fail to see group writing about ecosystem management-
that expanding the scale of concern by itself does not scientists. 3ut defining ecosystem management goals is
address the fact that them arc certain ecological limits also a political process; those authors advocating a new
x in any system which constrain human use. Ecological vision of ecological integrity (Clark & Zaunbrechet
* integrity as expressed by the five specific goals explic- 1987; Keiter 1989; Grumbine 1992; Goldstein 1992;
itly considers all resource use as a managerial artifact Noss 1992; Frost 1993; Noss & Cooperrider 1994) are
that may flow sustainably from natural systems only if more often employed independently or in academia. Au-
basic ecosystem patterns and processes are maintained. thors affiliated with government agencies (Agee 81
L Echoing Kessler et al. (1992) the most detailed For- Johnson 1988; Kessler et al. 1992; Quigley & McDonald
est Service working definition of ecosystem manage- 1993 ) tend to support the Forest Service version of eco-
ment (USDA Forest Service 19936) exemplifies lack of system management. As policy analyst Tim Clark (pet-
clarity over the key policy problem of defining ecosys- sonal communication) has pointed out, “The ecosystem
tem management goals. The report defines the philoso- management debate is really a complex, competitive,
phy of ecosystem management as sustaining “the pat- confhctual social process about whose values will dom-
terns and processes of ecosystems for the benefit of inate, it is not about science.”
future generations, while providing goods and services Management goals are statements of value-ertain
for each generation’* (USDA Forest Service 19936). The outcomes are selected over others. Choosing the man-
study characterizes the main limiting factors to ecosys- agement goal of maintaining ecological integrity along
tem management as defining societal expectations, in- with the five specific goals may be debated, but in the
tegrating these expectations with the sustainable capa- academic and popular literature there is general agree-
bilities of ecosystems, and filling information gaps in ment that maintaining ecosystem integrity should take
baseline data describing historical ecosystem variability precedence over any other management goal (Shelfotd
and disturbance regimes. The Forest Service prescribes 1933; Caldwell 1970; Newmark 1985; Clark & Harvey
adaptive management as a process to blend ecosystem 1988; Keiter 1989; Grumbine 1992; Ness 1992; Norton
sustainability and human concerns. Specific solutions of- 1992; Rasker 1993; Goldstein 1992; Myers 1993; Clark
fered, however, are problematic. Lf societal goals con- & Minta in press). This may be due partially to the fact
flict with ecosystem sustainability, cost/benefit analyses that, given the rate and scale of environmental detetio-
are offered as the standard for solutions. Adaptive man- ration along with our profound scientific ignorance of
agement is described as an ongoing experiment yet ecological patterns and processes, we are in no position
“landscapes can be restored,” managers are said to al- to make judgments about what ecosystem elements to
ready be capable of mimicking natural disturbance re- favor in our management efforts. An increasing number
gimes successfully, and there is speculation that future of people also believe that humans do not have atry
experiments may reveal new sustainable ecosystem privileged ethical standing from which to arbitrate these
states that may difTer from evolutionary and historical types of questions (Dunlap & Mertig 1992; Fox 1990).
states. In short, the Forest Service defines the goals of
ecosystem management narrowly within the old re-
source management paradigm (“for the benefit of future Short-Term Policy Implications
generations”) and seeks to operationalize this goal With the knowledge of a working definition, dominant
within a positivistic scientific framework. These charac- themes, and fundamental goals of ecosystem manage-
terizations of ecosystem management are also found in ment, specific policy implications come into focus. In
the other government policy documents in this review the short term (5 to 10 years), implementing ecosystem
(Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee 1990; management will likely entail many of the following pol-
California, State of 1990; California, State of 199 1; USDA icy goals. For clarity, I have divided these goals up
Forest Service 1992; USDOD Air Force 1993). among four groups: scientists policymakers, managers,
As several analysts point out, however, .it takes more and citizens, Note, however, that the boundaries be-
than scientific knowledge to reframe successfully com- tween these groups are quite permeable.
plex policy problems. Knowledge of organizational
structure and behavior as well as the,.pohcy. process
itself are equally important (Clark 1993; Primm 81 Clark A. Scientists
in press). Yet none of the five government treatments of Biologists must work to better use existing data on bio-
the ecosystem management concept reviewed here diversity at all scales. Adopting standard definitions,
Whal IS Ecospm Management? 33

mcasuccs and procedures would be a first step. A varicry C. Managers

of examples would include clarification of keystone spc- Agency managers need to begin instituting ecosystem
tics (Mills et al. 1993) and biological corridors (Sim- management on at least two levels The first is relatively
berloff ct al. 1992). the convening of an Ecological So- simple-gain an understanding of conservation science
ciety of America panel on ecosystem management. the and hire more staff conservation biologists. The second
gap analysis project of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service level, fostering cooperation and opening up the decision
(Scott et al. l993), and the recent efforts by the U.S. making process, is more difficult because it leads di-
Forest Scrvicc to dctcrminc the natural rdnge and vari- rectly toward changes in power relationships among
ation of ecosystem conditions (USDA Forest Scrvicc players in the implementation game. The strength of the
1993n). New applied research must also bc initiated. Forest Service’s current ecosystem management policy
Two areas of research arc critical-the design of a con- is that it explicitly calls for greater partnerships bctwccn
tinental-scale biodivcrsity protection network built scientists. managers. and citizens (USDA Forest Service
around a system of core reserves, buffer zones, and hab- 1992). The weakness of the policy is that the agency (as
itat corridors (see Grumbinc 1992; Noss 1992; NOSS & well as many of the authors I reviewed. Le., Salwasscr et
Cooperrider 1994), and sustainable methods for using al. 1987; Agec & Johnson 1988; Greater Yellowstone
some of the products of ecosystems derived from the Coordinating Committee 1990; California, State of 1991;
bticrs and matrices of nonrcscrvcd lands. New forestry Kessler et al. 1992; Swanson & Franklin 1992; Stevens
(Swanson & Franklin 1992) and ccoforcstry (Hammond 1993; Quiglcy & McDonald 1993; MacKenzie 1993;
1992; Drcngson & Stevens 1993) both hold promise. Cawlcy & Frccmuth 1993; USDOD 1993) seems to be
Research results need to be accessible-construction of unaware of the radical implications of creating these
local, regional, and national data networks and clcaring- partnerships. Management through dialog and coopcra-
houses would facilitate this. tion at local and regional levels will be quite ditTercnt
from manaF:mcnt imposed bureaucratically. For cxam-
6. Policymakers plc, how might managers establish a comnlcn base of
information among people with widely varying lcvc!s of
Longrcss and the Administration have four roles to play knowledge and disparate values? Arc “experts” capable
in exercising ecosystem management leadership. First, of playing less powerful roles in decision making? If cv-
lawmakers need to revisit and strengthen key cnviron- cryonc has an equal voice in decision making, who takes
mental laws. The Endangered Species Act, the National responsibility for implementation? How can consensus
Forest Management Act, and the National Environmcn- be facilitated in an increasingly multicultural society
tal Policy Act, to name three, must be revised to make (see Dustin et al. in press)? How can time-consuming
biodivcrsity protection paramount. Second, new laws decision processes be reconciled with judgments that
and policies should be considered that would codify demand speedy resolution? As a first step, if the agencies
biodivcrsity protection nationally, commission a na- are serious about cooperating, they need to gain knowl-
tional biological survey, and support species rcintroduc- edge of the policy process as outlined by Clark (1993)
tions (i.e.. the northern grey wolf [Canis hpsj in Ycl- just as much as they need a crash course in conservation
lowstonc National Park). Other policies could end science.
below-cost timber sales (the steps already taken by the
Clinton Administration [Schneider 19931 need to be cx-
D. Citizens
pandcd to include all timber producing federal lands),
tic public lands grazing levels to the ecological health of Over the short term, citizen support for ecosystem man-
tangelands, suspend development of unroadcd wild- agement must manifest itself in two areas: ecological
lands pending study of their potential contribution to a literacy and environmental advocacy. Both of these rest
biodivcrsity protection network, and create an intcrdis- on the belief that public mores in the U.S. have for too
eiplinary team of experts to explore a variety of ways to long emphasized the rights of individuals to use rc-
reorganize federal and state resource management agcn- sources while discounting ecologically responsible bc-
tics to better meet these goals. Third, regional cco- havior. Orr (1992) defines ecological literacy as the
nomic studies should be commissioned to examine the ability to ask the question “What then?” and to undcr-
* q u e s t i o n “What is sustainable?” Raskcr (1993) and stand the answer. I assume here that if people were
:Power ( 199 1) provide useful models for the Greater better informed about the causes and consequences of
Ycllowstonc Ecosystem. Finally, policymakers must suc- the biodivcrsity crisis they would be more supportive of
ccssfully confront issues of population growth and rc- %? ecosystem management. This assumption needs to be
SOurec consumption in the U.S. Ecosystem management tested through increased support for a variety of forms
has little chance of SUCCESS without being embedded in of environmental education that directly involve people
the broader context of reducing growth in industrial with nature (see Grumbinc 198% Fleischner & Weis-
societies. berg 1992; Orr 1992).

Conscrvatlon BlOlOgy
Volume H. No I. Much 1994
34 Wh2r Is Ecosyslem Man~menl? Grumbine

A complementary approach to testing public support for integrating culture with nature. Changes of the
for ecosystem management would bc to grant citizens a kind described below have more to do with ethical re-
greater role in environmental decision making. The sponsibility than with ecosystem science. Here are but a
complexities of this issue go beyond the scope of this few of the more provocative long-term (> 100 years)
paper but several observations can be made. The Forest implications.
Service (as the paradigmatic example) has been cri-
tiqued for employing a rational-comprehensive ap- Reframing Environmental Values
proach to public participation (U.S. Congress OTA Ecosystem management is an early stage in a hmdamen-
1992; tirumbine 1992). Publishing information filtered tal reframing of how humans value nature. it is a re-
bureaucratically and offering alternatives already “pre- sponse to resourcism-the belief held by many people
ferred,” the agencies discmpower citizens. Common in modern industrial societies that the world gains value
problems are lack of trust, poor communications, power only as nature is transformed into goods and services to
differentials between stakeholders, turf protection, and meet human demands (Grumbine 1992). The biodiver-
lack of public involvement after decisions are made. The sity crisis, so far, has spawned what some would char-
Forest Service has responded recently by stating that acterize as a scientific ecosystem management based on
citizens are to be involved in the “full process of making “value-free” experimentation, control by professional
decisions about common resources” (USDA Forest Ser- experts, and centralized decisionmaking. To many, how-
vice 1992). Yet the policy does not specify what “full ever, the promise of the biodiversity crisis is this: ad-
process” means (Grumbine in press h). Most of the au- justing management to stave off mass extinctions and
thors cited in this review agree that “full process” habitat destruction will not only help to reduce our
should mean more local decision making. This implies negative impact on the biosphere but will also give us
less direction from regional and national authorities. Es- the opportunity to reinterpret our place on the planet as
tablishing a common information base, including all af- one species among many. Protecting ecological integ-
fected parties, stating expectations and limits explicitly, rity becomes the ultimate test of whether people will
using local leaders to help establish trust and credibility. learn to fit in with nature. Thus, ecosystem management
keeping communication channels open, and increasing gains importance far beyond finding new ways to man-
investment in preparation and time in relation to com- age parks and forests.
plexity of decisions are antidotes to the problems listed Many of the authors cited in Table 1 recognize this
above (see Landre & Knuth 1993; MacKenzie 1993; reframing process although few present their views in
Hough 1988). (No paper that 1 reviewed, however, detail. Kessler et al. ( 1992) for example, support a stew-
dealt substantively with issues of local control versus ardship approach though they recognize that “(ecosys-
national interest, i.e., the dangers of discounting biodi- tems&as living systems have importance beyond their
versity due to narrow provincial concerns.) Over the traditional commodity and amenity uses” (authors’
short term, both MacKenzie (1993) and Primm and emphasis). Keiter and Boyce ( 1991) observe that the
Clark (in press) suggest that, though ecosystem manage- “transition to ecosystem management manifests a will-
ment has radical implications, it is often best to adopt an ingness to accept nature largely on its own terms and to
incremental approach so that goals and expectations do control incompatible human uses.” Goldstein (1992)
not reach beyond the capacity for change of institu- suggests that “using ecology to redefine land manage-
tional actors. ment implies an ethical reorientation-the ecosystem is
valued as an object of respect and admiration.” Ness and
Long-Term Policy Implications Cooperrider ( 1994) go farther: “Biodiversity conserva-
tion ultimately requires a rejection of humanism or an-
The shift toward ecosystem management is often de- thropocentrism . . It requires a biocentric embrace of
scribed as movement away from a single species ap- all life.”
proach to a whole systems, multispecies framework Biocentric or ecocentric values (DevaU & Sessions
This is only partially true. As should now be clear, eco- 1985; Fox 1990) fit neatly with the management goal of
system management is not just about science, nor is it protecting ecological integrity. But, because of domi-
simply an extension of traditional resource manage- nant values that still support resourcism, a host of prac-
ment. Implementation of ecosystem management re- tical issues remain. When, for example, will it become
quires a “seismic shift” in the mindset of humans (see politically acceptable to incorporate nonhuman beings
Myers 1993). This review has already raised enough into ecological decision making? Do managers have a
questions to make speculation about the future some- role to play here?
what superfluous. But I believe such conjecture is war-
ranted because, if the goal of ecological miegrity be- Encouraging Cooperation
comes the norm, management a century hence holds Why are current management relationships competitive
great promise for not only sustaining ecosystems but instead of cooperative? Most authors writing about eco-
Grumbine Whaf b Ecosystem Management? 35

system management agree that competition rules the Just as he advocates for wild nature, hc implicitly dis-
relationships between all four major groups of actors counts human beings and by doing so keeps erect a
scientists. managers, policymakers. and citizens. There strict boundary between people and nature. Yet the suc-
are numerous studies of how power flows in resource cess of ecosystem management is tangled up with the
management (see for example Wildavsky 1979; Clark St degree to which this fence must bc reduced or dis-
McCool 1985; Gruber 1987; Grumbine 1991). All of carded. if maintenance of the boundary is the root prob-
these portray competition as growing out of some mix lem that has created the biodiversity crisis in the first
of divergent legal mandates, agency’ history, organiza- place. The implication here is that successful ecosystem
tional structure, and conflicting professional and per- management, over time, must nurture both the wild-
sonal norms. lands at the core of the reserve system and the wildness
Grappling with these questions is vital to the present within human beings (Snyder 1990; Grumbine in
success of ecosystem management but cooperation is press a).
not likely to flourish until a fifth group of actors is rec-
ognized-nonhuman beings. The task in transforming Conclusion
cooperation lies not in choosing Park Service profes-
sional norms over those of the Forest Service or replac- History tells us that change does not always come easily,
ing rigid bureaucracies with consensus-based commit- peacefull;, or in a planned manner. Implementing the
tees. For the long run, specific methods must evolve that short-term scientific aspects of ecosystem management
extend cooperation interspecifically based on mutual is daunting enough. For the moment, however, ecosys-
interests. The goal of protecting ecological integrity is tem management provides our best opportunity to de-
symbolic of such representation-owls and gentians scribe, understand, and fit in with nature. We know that
have evolutionary needs as do humans. Yet how inter- the risk of extinction increases under certain condi-
specific cooperation will develop is diBicult to foresee. tions, that wildfires cannot long be suppressed without
Christopher Stone (1993) has recently offered a guard- significant successional consequences, that political
ianship model where humans would legally represent power must somehow become less centralized, that
nonhumans in courts and policy arenas. whales and spiders must also be allowed to vote. We are
also coming to realize that resourcism has for so long
prevented us from putting our ecological knowledge to
Evaluating Success
work that we are facing the limits of life on Earth for
If, as in adaptive management, ecosystem management many species. Where once we thought endangered spe-
is an ongoing experiment, how do we judge when eco- cies were the problem, we now face the loss of entire
logical integrity. has been protected? Over the short ecosystems (Ness et al. in press).
term, success means making significant, measurable Ecological integrity will be difficult to protect but the
progress toward maintair ing viable populations, repre- work has already begun. In Florida, on the largest for-
senting ecosystem types, etc. But, over a century or ested Department of Defense military reservation in the
more, how do we recognize success? U.S., the Air Force and The Nature Conservancy are im-
Nature’s bottom line is adaptability-the record of plementing a management plan to protect biodiversity
cultures that destroyed their resource base is straight- at all scales (USDOD Air Force 1993; Hardesty in press).
forward (Diamond 1992). The degree to which human In the Netherlands, a country identified by many with
economies adjust to nature’s economy is certainly part large-scale human transformation of nature, a “master
of any standard of achievement for ecosystem manage- plan for nature” is being implemented that eventually
ment. But many green economy, stewardship, and “sus- will return 14.8 million ha (600,000 acres) of farmland
tainability” models suffer from concentrating on efft- to forest, wetlands, and lakes (Simons 1993).
cient management instead of sufficient management. Ecosystem management, at root, is an invitation, a call
Sufficiency asks of managers the question “How much is to restorative action that promises a healthy future for
enough?” For ecosystem management this means com- the entire biotic enterprise. The choice is ours-a world
prehending the balance between core reserves, buffers, where the gap between people and nature grows to an
and the matrix of lands used more intensively by hu- incomprehensible chasm, or a world of damaged but
mans. Noss (1992) has suggested that maintaining recoverable ecological integrity where the operative
50% of a given region in coresbuffers is a reasonable word is hope.
estimate as to what it may take to conserve biodiver-
sity. He also states that the needs of nonhumans must Acknowledgments
take precedence over the needs of people. Addressing
these provocative observations is critical-,in the short I thank R. Ness, several anonymous reviewers, and, es-
run, too. pecially, T. Clark for helpful comments on earlier drafts
But for the long term, Ness does not go far enough. of the manuscript.

Cunxrvntion Biology
Volume 8. No I. Much 1994
- ..

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