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Visit to the Computer Center

Asia Pacific College

Malolos, Bulacan

By means of the telephone, I made an appointment with Engr. Norberto Samson, the Director of the
Computer Center of the Asia Pacific College. The meeting was set last September 10, 1997 at 4:00 pm.
The purpose of the visit was to observe the equipment and their operations as well as to discuss the
qualifications needed to get a job at the Center system and to observe and take part in operating one of
the computers.


Through the discussion I had with Engr. Samson, I learned that for one to get a job at the Computer
Center, a person must have a background in Computer specifically data processing. The more
experienced a person is in data processing, the better the chances are of getting at the Center.

Beginning Positions

A new employee with no data processing work experience would probably start at the Computer Center
with a job in keypunch. This job involves the punching of data on to cards that are run through the
computer. Very often this job includes a lot of night work, especially for the beginner As an employee
masters certain skills, the chances for a higher position in the center increases. The new employee with
experience or specialized training can move into responsible high-paying positions within a few months.

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