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Narrative Essay on a Life Changing Moment

In life, many events influence the way one acts or the decisions one makes. Basically, one goes through
certain events in life that have such a big impact they totally change the life of an individual. For me, the
life-changing event happened when I enrolled in college a few years ago. Since that occurred, January
has always been a special month for me because this is the month that makes me remember the event
and remember how this event totally changed my life and made me look at my life from a totally
different perspective.

As I was joining my freshman year, I naturally took note of the new-found freedom. I wanted to use this
freedom to experience some of the things that I had been curious about but could not engage in
because I did not feel free enough. What I did not know is that the whole experience of joining college
and getting orientated to college life would totally change my life. For starters, while joining college, for
the first time, I referred to another place other than the place where my parents had raised me. For
others in my dormitory, the process of integrating into dormitory life and feeling at home in their rooms
appeared to come naturally but it was not that easy for me. The whole process was highly emotional for
me, because I had the feeling that being so comfortable in the room would be like betraying my parents
who have always taught me that our home is the most important place to cherish. The feeling that my
parents were not a stone’s throw away, as is the case in my room at home, also made me feel anxious, as
I began to feel the strain of being so far away from my parents. Overall, however, the process taught me
an important lesson in the importance of moving away and establishing my own life separate from my

The other issue about joining my first year that is part of the whole life-changing event is the part where
I had to make new friends; especially now that I was in a college here, I did not know anyone. Making
friends at home had always been an easy task, given that our home is located in a gated community and
my parents often visited the neighbors. As they did so, they would introduce me to the neighbors’
children and therefore provide a very good platform for me to make friends. To make things even better,
most of the neighboring children went to the school where I was enrolled and as such, when I joined
school, I had some sort of a soft landing with regard to making friends. In college, however, I had to
make friends from scratch and it was a really humbling and insightful moment.

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