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March MTLE 2018 Recalls


I. Ethanol Level: 0.27-0.40 - Impaired consciousness

II. Enzyme classifications (around 4 items)

III. Assays and interferences sa methods

IV. Blood Collection for Newborn (Capillary)

V. Best site for collection

VI. Dilution problems (mga 6 items)

VII. Conversion Factor: Bilirubin - 17.1

VIII. DM urine output and spec

IX. NCEP Guidelines for Lipid prof

X. VLDL Formula (Delong’s and Friedewald’s)

XI. ALP, LDH, AST Levels (pronounced and moderate elevation)

XII. EPM: Dispersed pattern, elevated at gamma band

A. Hypogammaglobulinemia C. Hypoalbuminemia

B. Chronic Liver Disease D. Nephrotic Syndrome

XIII. Chemical Hazard Identification System (hazard and color sa diamond) (5 questions)

XIV. 1 degree celsius fever: 3% increase of CO2 and 7% decrease of O2

XV. Odor of bitter almonds

XVI. Keratinophilic

XVII. Treatment for epilepsy

XVIII. Wavelength and energy relationship - inversely proportional


I. HBCT/HBT Agar - G. vaginalis

II. Compare: EIEC, ETEC, EHEC, etc (pina case study po ito)

III. Case study: ‘rice watery stool’ and ‘seafood ingestion’ - Vibrio

IV. Handwashing

V. Best time to collect blood - Before the fever strikes

VI. Iodophores

VII. Thayer Martin Agar vs MTM - contents and significance ng each

VIII. Middlebrook 7H10

IX. OX-19 and OX-2 antigens - from Proteus vuglaris

X. 7-15 Uterine Branches - T. solium

XI. New Taenia Specie - T. asiatica

XII. Ethanol Shock Test compare what organisms

XII. Listera vs. Corynebacterium (ang choices kay exactly like this po huhuhu)

A. Catalase + (*true for both) C. Esculin + (*true for Listeria only)

B. Catalase - D. Esculin - (*true for Coryne lang)

XIII. Axostyle, full body undulating membrane

A. Pentatrichomonas hominis C. Balantidium coli

B. Chilomastix mesnili

XIV. Case study: Baby was crying and mom saw white stuff on baby’s mouth before mom placed a
pacifier. Causative agent of the white stuff (‘oral thrush’ was not mentioned) - Candida albicans

XV. Case study: Baby has bad stomach after eating. What caused the bad stomach?

A. Botulinum Toxin

B. Spores

XVI. Loeffler syndrome and peripheral eosinophilia - Ascaris lumbricoides

XVII. First staining technique for fungi

A. KOH C. Zhiel-Neelsen

B. Gram stain

XVIII. 6 Hooklets

A. Dipyllidium caninum (with 1-7 circlets of hooks)

B. Hymenolepis diminuta

XIX. Mycoplasma - No cell wall

XX. Many spx arrived at the lab at the same time, w/c of these should be processed first?

A. CSF C. Urine

B. From abcess D. Sputum

XXI. How to get sputum from a ventilated patient?

A. Throat Brush C. Induced expectoration

B. Expectorated Sputum

XXII. When transporting spx, w/c should not be included: Needles


A. Lab gown B. Face mask C. Glove D. N95 Mask


I. Chemical Hazard Identification System (around 4 items)

1) Color and placement of the hazards sa diamond

2) Degree of Hazards (Mnemonics: “No SMS Ex”)

II. RACE and PASS meaning

1) R on RACE - Rescue

2) P on PASS - Pull

III. Types of Extinguishers

1) Extinguisher for Class B and C fires - Halon

IV. Position for handwashing - Downward

V. Renal Threshold for glucose - 160-180 mg/dl

VI. Blondheim’s differentiates - Hemoglobin vs Myoglobin

VII. Struvite is commonly known as - Magnesium Ammonium Sulfate/Triple Phosphate

VIII. Apatite is commonly known as - Calcium Phosphate (Thrice ito lumabas)

IX. CSF - Traumatic Tap vs Hemorrhagic

X. Analytes increased in unpreserved urine - pH, Bacteria, Odor, Nitrite (“pBaON)

XI. Ranges for the quantification of bacteria in urine (if few or many)

XII. BAO meaning - Basal Acid Output

XIII. Reflectance Photometry Principle

XIV. Frothy stool - Pancreatic disorder

XV. No ejaculation for two weeks - Sperm motility low, volume in increased

XVI. Methamphetamine urine testing volume - 30-45 mL (Drug Testing)

XVII. Stool Container

A. Waxed container C. Glass vial

B. Unsterilized

XVIII. CSF tubes: temp and sequence

XIX. Noticeable turbidity: Trace

XX. Hemoglobinura vs Hematuria on Reagent Strip

XXI. Case Study: Strip: Even blue at Blood, Microscopic: Ghost Cells

A. Hemoglobinuria C. Myoglobinuria

B. Hematuria

XXII. Bilirubin reagent strip sensitivity

XXII. Single test for KFT

A. BUN C. Creatinine

B. GFR D. Crea clearance

XXIII. Hepatic jaundice, what kind of bilirubin will be increased?

A. Conjugated bilirubin C. Both

B. Unconjugated bilirubin D. Urobilinogen

XXIV. Positive nitrite reagent strip, caused by: (three times lumabas)

A. Gram positive cocci C. Gram positive bacilli

B. Gram negative cocci D. Gram negative bacilli

XXV. After the first trimester, what Is the major contributor to the amniotic fluid?

A. Fetal urine

B. Mother’s serum

XXVI. Positive for CTAB - Turbidity


I. Coagulation

II. Rule of 3

III. Histogram

IV. Platelet estimate (2 items)

V. Thin vs Thick Smear

VI. MIcrocytic, Hypochromic with defective globin chains - Thalassemia

VII. Delayed onset of symptoms and could lead to death




VIII. Undifferentiated AML: M0

IX. Hemophilia C is deficiency of Factor? - Factor XI

X. Stable factor is aka - Factor VII

XI. Case study with 3 questions

1- Name of test that uses these reagents: Saponin and conc. Buffered solution - Dithionite
solutibility test

2- What is being detected in this test - Hgb S

3- Positive result

I. Tubidity II. No turbidity III. Lines are not visible IV. Lines are visible
A. I, II C. I, III


XII. Automation that requires staining:

A. Electrical Impedance C. Optical Detection/Scatter

B. Radiofrequency D. Flow Cytometry


I. Hypersensitivity Reaction

II. Autoimmune disorders

III. CA 15-3 - Breast Cancer

IV. CYFRA - Lung Cancer

V. VDRL vs RPR (w/c requires heating, rpm and minutes)

VI. Western Blot - confirmatory test for HIV

VII. Destroyed by enzymes - MNSs, Duffy, Chido-Rogers, Yt, Xg

VIII. Eznyme found in tears (secretions) - Lysozyme

IX. Deferral for MMR vaccine - 1 month

X. Graft vs Host Disease - Irradiated

XI. TRALI definition - Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury

XII. Best blood for transfusion - Autologous

XIII. Leptospira gold standard

XIV. Which of the following is included in cellular immunity

A. B Cell C. NK Cells

B. T Cell D. All of the above

XV. HLA B27 - Ankylosing spondylitis

XVI. Lectins

XVII. Dilutions (2 questions)

XVIII. Color reactions of anti sera and blood type

XIX. Our anti-sera are color coded, what is the color of your anti-A anti-sera?

A. Yellow B. Blue C. Green D. Colorless

XX. Fever during transfusion - Febrile

XXI. Cryptoprecipitate conc - Factor VIII: 80IU; Fibrinogen: 150mg

XXII. Components storage

XXIII. Storage lesions

XXIV. Blood substitutes - Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)


*no “all of the above” or “none of the above” choices

*no panunumpa or prayer

*almost 20 questions on staining

I. Cell Types

1) cells lining the thyroid follicle - Simple Cuboidal

2) Cells lining the urinary bladder - Transitional

II. Hypertrophy vs Hyperplasia

III. -itis suffix meaning - Inflammation

IV. Pre-analtyical, Analytical and Post-analytical phases

V. Waste Disposal

1) Needles - Needle resistant containers

2) Wet Non Infectious - Green

VI. Due process definition

VII. If a professional joins a seminar, what kind of learning is this?

A. Informal B. Lifelong C. Formal

VIII. Beneficience vs non-beneficience

IX. Justice definition

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