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Causes Effect

I stayed up late last night. I overslept and missed the bus.

Alya spilled milk all over the floor. She got a mop and cleaned it up.
Nini pointed a camera at me. I posed and smiled.
There was no wind today. The kite did not fly.
Fatin was not feeling well. He went to the doctor.
I watered the seeds every day. Flowers grew.
Sara’s bike had a flat tire. She had to walk to her friend’s house.
The lights went out in our house. I could not see.
Suhaida lost her purse. Now she has no money.
The dishes were dirty. My grandmother washed them.
The lady slipped on the ice. She broke her arm.
Sam did not tie his shoe. He tripped.
Shahira told a great joke. Everyone laughed loudly.
Aina did not clean her paintbrush. The next day it was dirty and stiff.
The boat had a hole in it. It sank.
Anis jumped into the pool. She made a huge splash!
I overslept and missed the bus.
She got a mop and cleaned it up.
I posed and smiled.
The kite did not fly.
He went to the doctor.
Flowers grew.
She had to walk to her friend’s house.
I could not see.
Now she has no money.
My grandmother washed them.
She broke her arm.
He tripped.
Everyone laughed loudly.
The next day it was dirty and stiff.
It sank.
She made a huge splash!
There was no wind today.
The lights went out in our house.

The lady slipped on the ice.

The dishes were dirty.
The boat had a hole in it.
Suhaida lost her purse.
Shahira told a great joke.
Sara’s bike had a flat tire.
Sam did not tie his shoe.
Nini pointed a camera at me.
I watered the seeds every day.

I stayed up late last night.

Fatin was not feeling well.
Anis jumped into the pool.
Alya spilled milk all over the floor.

Aina did not clean her paintbrush.

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