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1. The Lord __________________________ Power.

2. Why do Catholics cross their forehead, lips and heart at the Gospel? Enumerate 3
3. It is an official document coming from the church
4. List and rank the officials in the church.(5 officials)
5. What are the two definition of work?
6. Why does man work? Enumerate 3
7. Who wrote the encyclical on Laborem Exercens?
8. First saint in Philippines?
9. Who are the two saints in the Philippines?
10. What is the Real name of Saint Pope John Paul ii?
11. When was Saint Pope John Paul ii born?
12. When he was ordained?
13. In 1964 he became?
14. In 1967 He became to a?
15. In 1978 he became?
16. What are the 10 significant things about Pope John Paul ii?
17. What is called the old church by the past?
18. What do you call the Muslim’s Bible?
19. Who he called as his older brothers?
20. What do you call the gathering of the youth?
21. What HE gave to the women as a dignity to be equal among others?
22. When Saint Pope John Paul ii did wrote the Laborem Exercens?
23. Who inspires Pope John Paul ii to write Laborem Exercens?
24. What are the four chapters in the concept of man’s Dignity in work?
25. This means “on human works”?
26. What are the 3 subtopics of Laborem Exercens?
27. Work is always ___ and ___ demand renewed ____ and _____ witness.
28. ____ Life is built up every day from work, from work it derives its specific dignity, but at the
same time work contains the unceasing measure of human __ and ___.
29. The ___ considers it her task always to call attention to the __ and the __ of those who work, to
condemn situations in which that __ and those __ are violated, and to help ensure ___ ___ by a
man and society.
30. What does the church say on Human work?
31. _______ must be closely linked with ____in the modern world.
32. _____ is the essential key, to the whole social question, and must be sought in any direction of
making life more __. Thus it acquires ____ and ___ importance.
33. What is the call of Pope John Paul ii?
34. What are the 2 Nutshells of Pope John Paul ii?
35. What are the presuppositions in the cyclical
36. What is Encyclical?
37. It is the same day event when Pope John Paul ii Signed the Laborem Exercens.
38. What are the reasons Pope John paul ii wrote Laborem Exercens?

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