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How Should Reading Be Taught in a Digital Era?

by Liana Heitin

A critique paper submitted to

Mr. Rostum B. Gulmatico, Jr.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

ENGL9: Developmental Reading 2

Elnar L. Layaban

October 30, 2019


Liana Heitin is an assistant editor for Education Week and co-author of the Curriculum Matters
blog. She writes about literacy, math, STEM, the Common Core, and National and International
Test Score. She is also worked as a health care reporter and as an editor for a website on learning
disabilities. Prior to becoming a reporter, Heitin taught elementary special education in an
Arizona public school. She has a master’s degree in special education from the University of
Phoenix and a bachelor’s in English from Wesleyan University.

Reading is an special skill that can get by helps us to connect to other people all over
the is a medium where everyone should know for us to be able to communicate with one
In this changing world where a lot of hgigh tech gadgets arise, I as an future educator nedd to
understand that this kind of suppoting materials can be very useful if I use it in a good way. But
for instance technology can be bane for others, if it is use for pleasure or in some bad ways or
maybe if we are over power by this kind of habbit.
In this era called the digital era. Student is giving control over their reading and the teacher
serves as the facilitator. Learning to reads nowadays is much easier to the millennia’s and as a
teacher we must encourage them that it is better to learn to read in some other ways, and don’t
rely only in the technology and appreciate also the help of books and some other reading


In this generation Liana Heitin article tells us that this digital era surrounded us with the great
technology arise and how it can help teachers to use that in teaching, specialy in reading.

She is informing us that there is a big difference when it comes to teaching before and in this
generation, she wants to tell us that even we are in the generation where a lot of materials comes
on us that we can use in integrating learning, we can still use the traditional way of teaching,
where we can use books and some other teaching materials and not rely only to technology.

Liana Heitin wants us to understand that as a teacher, we must be smart enough when it comes to
technology. We need to be flexible to use any of traditional and even the modern way of teaching
for the student to learn a lot from us.

As a teacher we need to be knowledgeable enough to use technology, we should know how to

apply technology in teaching specially when it comes to search for the new information to have
reliable evidence that can support our lesson. We have to learn how to operate computers for the
student be eager to learn and for us to teach reading in a happy and conducive way.and we have
to control technology and not the technology control us. And in this digital era, teaching reading
can be better if we can control and teach our student to handle a situation where distraction

Critique Proper

In this changing world, technology helps student life make easier, especially when it comes to
learning how to red. In one snap, all they want to read is in front of them by the help of
technology. We need to accept that this generation; children are much more engage in the
technology and forget about the importance of books and other reading materials. In John
Dewey’s theory he said that student are learning while they are doing the thing and in this
generation all technology are in their hands and its up to them how to use it.
As jean Jacques Rousseau’s theory about natural learning, children nowadays learn technology
naturally, and as a teacher it is a challenge for them on how to mold and dicover the skjills that
the children has..

We as a teacher need to teach our student and encourage them to love reading and use the
technologies that in their hands as a weapon. I can realte it to Lev Vygotsky’s theory about
Schema Acquisition or the Zone of Proximal Development, we can use it as a support and as a
teacher we must help them to love reading maybe we can read them stories for them to be eager
to learn and all we need to do is support them.

As a teacher, teaching reading in this generation is a big challenge, because how they can enjoy
reading while there are a lot of things that they can do aside from that. We as an educator can
motivate them that reading is very powerful, we can encourage them that a good reader can be a
successful one in the futire.and we as a teacher has the power to do that to our student.


Using of technologies are somehow much better than using of books and some
traditional materials and it is more effective and easier. But on my honest opinion, children
nowadays forget about the importance of books when it comes to learn how to read. And
we need to ask orself if we are going to forget the way we are learning to read back then or
not. And for me we are not necessarily forgetting the way we learn before instead we are
only improving it by the help of technologies that in our hands today. It is much more
easier, and that is true. If we need to search for something, in one click its in there, but we
don’t need to forget that it is better if we read and comprehend what we are searching and
that’s when importance of reading comes.

What is going to happen if the generation today only rely on the gadgets that in
their hands? That’s the question. And as an educator we need to do our task to encourage
them to learn how to read, and made them realize how important reading is.

Learning how to read by help of technologies are not bad but encourage them not to forget
the way we learn before and encourage them to have some fun learning how to read in
both ways.

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