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Proteins Play a critical role in mechanisms of molecular biology

Fundamental cellular events Generally what are catalyzed by enzymes?


AA and short chained oligosaccharides Protein hydrosylates are composed of?

Protein hydrosylates May contain dextrose or other carb source

Protein hydrosylates Derived by acid, enzymatic, or hydrolytic methods

Maintain a positive nitrogen balance Use of protein hydrosylates

amino acid solution Mixture of Essential and nonessential crystalline AA

Free amino acids than peptides in protein hydrosylates What is more efficient in amino acid solution?

Collagen, albuminoid in bones, Skin, tendons, cartilage, hoofs, other animal tissue Gelatin is
obtained from partial hydrolysis of?

Skin of calf/swine and bones Food and original gelatin is from?

Preparation of capsules, coating of tablets and vehicle for suppositories (with gelatin) Use of gelatin

Management of schock, Increase clotting of blood (IV), Local treatment of wounds Former use of

Adjuvant food, modified infant milk formula, for malnutrition, gastric hyperacidity or ulcer,
convalescence, and general diet of the sick Other uses of gelatin

Absorbable Gelatin Film Sterile, Nonantigenic absorbable, water insoluble film

Absorbable Gelatin sponge Sterile, nonelastic, absorbable, water insoluble, porous matrix, tough

Surgical sponge and topically to control capillary bleeding Use of Absorbable Gelatin sponge

Cobra (Naja), Water Mocasin, Stypven (Russel viper), Ven-apis (bees), Caerulein, Sauvagine, (Agalychnis
Callidryas), Bombesin Venoms

Use of Cobra (Naja) Nonnarcotic analgesic (IM)

Use of Water Mocasin Hemostatic in recurrent epistaxis and thrombocytopenic pupurea, prophylaxis
for minor and dental preparations (SC)

Use of Stypven Hemostatic (topically) and thromboplastic agent in clotting time set

Ven-apis (Bees) For acute and chronic arthritis, myositis, neuritis

Caerulein Mimics effects of cholecystokinin, contract bladder in radiography

Sauvagine, Bombesin Anxiolytic

In the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells Nucleoproteins are found where?

It turns into nucleic acid and proteins What happens when nucleoproteins are deproteinized?

Thrombin Topical hemostatic to wounds

Thrombin Catalysis of fibrin formation

Thrombin Bovine origin

Hemoglobin 32-55% erythrocytes

Hemoglobin Conjugated protein

Enzymes Proteins having catalytic properties

Zymogen (proenzymes) Enzyme precursors

By catalytic action of proteolytic enzymes How are zymogen activated?

Activated To be transformed into the enzyme Why are zymogen activated?

Transferases, Hydrases, Lyases, Oxidoreductases, Isomerases, Ligases Classification of enzymes

Pancreatin From pancreas of hog and ox containing mixtures of enzymes

Protease, Pancreatic amylase (Amylopsin), Pancreatic ligase (Steapsin), Trypsinogen Enzymes in


Predigestion of food and preparation of hydrosylates Use of pancreatin

Pancreatin Preparation of hydrosylates

Origin of Trypsin Crystallized From pancreatic gland of ox

Use Trypsin crystallized Used in inflammatory states and liquefaction of sputum

Unique about Pancrelipase Possess greater lipolytic action than other pancreatic enzymes

Use of Pancrelipase Control steatorrhea and cases of pancreatic insufficiency

Origin of Chymotrypsin From mammalian pancreas

Use of Chymotrypsin Used in cataract surgery to irrigate (dissolve) fine filaments holding the lens

Aka dornase alpha Aka Rh deoxyribonuclease 1

Use of Dornase alpha Indicated for cystic fibrosis

Cleaves extracellular DNA in purulent sputum Action of dornase alpha on cystic fibrosis

Hyaluronidase for Injection From mammalian testes

Hyaluronidase for Injection Hydrolyses mucopolysaccharide hyaluronic acid

Increase absorption of hypodermoclytic solutions, to diffuse local anesthetics, Increase absorption and
diffusion of injected material Uses of hyaluronidase for Injection

Imiglucerase injection From human placental glucocerebrosidase

Imiglucerase injection Used to treat type 1 Gaucher disease

Gaucher disease Accumulation of lipid (glucocerebroside)

Sutilains Proteolytic enzyme from B subtilis

Used to dissolve necrotic tissue in burns, bed sores and ulcerated wounds Use of sutilain

A 47000d protein from group C beta hemolytic streptococci Orgin of streptokinase

Streptokinase Activates plasminogen to plasmin promoting dissolution of thrombi

Indicated for acute MI, local perfusion of occluded vessicles, angiography Indications of

Streptokinase Antigenic presentation among patients

Urokinase A glycosylated serine protease obtained from human urine or tissue culture of human

Urokinase Its only substrate is plasminogen

Urokinase Indications are similar to that of streptokiase

Urokinase Nonantigenic to patients

Alteplase Tissue plasminogen activator (RDNA technology)

Alteplase Indicated for IV management of acute MI

Latex of CARICA PAPAYA Where is papain from?

Papase aka papain

Papain Can digest protein in either basic or acidic media

Similar to pectin, intraperitonial instillation counteracts tendency of adhesion after abdominal surgery
Use of papain

Bromelains (Ananase) From pineapples

Used in the tx of soft tissue inflammation, edema associated with traumatic injury, localized
inflammation, postoperative tissue reactions Use of bromelains

Taka-diastase Aka diastase

Diastase Used in the same condition as malt disease

Renin Peptidase from kidneys

Angiotensinogen Alpha globulin from liver

Angiotensin 1 Renin + angiotensinogen =?

Angiotensin 2 Angiotensin 1 + ACE =?

Angiotensin 2 Promotes vasoconstriction and synthesis of aldosterone

Angiotensin amide IV, to cause increase of peripheral resistamce, adjuvant in hypotensive states

Used to control acute hypotension secondary to administration of general anesthetic Use of

angiotensin amide

Plamakinins Potent vasodilators and hypotensive agents from the hydrolysis of kininogen

Bradykinin One of the most powerful vasodilator

Substance P Implicated in the transmission of painful sensory information from spinal cord to higher
centers in the CNS

Localized in the limary afferent sensory fibers Where are substance P localized?

Vasodilation, stimulant of smooth muscles and salivary secretion, diuresis, and inflammatory responses
Pharmaceutical activities of Substance P

Protein, iodine and carbohydrates Thyroglobulin is composed of?

Thyroglobulin Its form is regulated by TSH

Hormonal iodothyronines (thyroxine and liothyronine) Upon hydrolysis of thyroglobulin what are

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