Effects of Typhoon On The Community

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Effects of Typhoon on the Community

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Typhoon cause so much damage in a place because it brings with it strong winds, heavy rains,
storm surges and tornadoes. Typhoons usually cause floods, which greatly cause a lot of
danger and damage such as destroying crops, destroying buildings, killing people and other
living things. Oil spills can result when strong waves and winds brought about by typhoons
damage the oil platforms. Oil spill can cause death in marine life such as fish kill. Storm surge
may occur along the coastal similar to what happened in Tacloban, Leyte during Typhoon
Yolanda in 2013. Fish farms or cages in some parts of the country are also by the storm.
Boats capsize and ships may overturn and sink when huge waves hit them. Fish farms or
cages in some part are also affected affected when there is a typhoon. Millions of pesos are
lost as strong typhoons can destroy facilities, equipment and products from fish farms. The
lives of fishermen who happen to go out to sea to catch fish are endangered when caught.
Typhoon, however, have positive outcomes too. Typhoons bring abundant fresh water, though
this may mean floods. Dams are easily filled up by heavy rains that accompany a typhoon,
which replenishes most of the country’s water supply.
Choose the letter that describes the effects of typhoon.
a. The farmers crop get destroyed when there are heavy rains which result to flooding.
b. Loss of lives and damage to properties happen due to flooding and landslides
c. Thousands of families become homeless.
d. Fisherman can go fishing and abundant catch awaits them.
e. Power supply is cut off for several days as falling trees destroy the electric posts and power
f. People lose their homes and means of livelihood.
g. Prices of basic commodities become cheaper.

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