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Chapter 2


This chapter presents different related literature and studies. This chapter focused
on other research studies and articles with valuable information in furthering the
comprehension of this topic. It aimed to provide background study to have a better
understanding to the influence of makeup to the self-confidence of grade 12 ABM
students in AMA College Fairview.

Local Literature

As studied by Ordas (2015) on his book “What Influence Women to Wear Makeup”
since makeup are proven to improve the physical appearance, women start to declare it
as part of their necessity. For instance, not wearing makeup could affect their

It is good to make an upgrade to oneself especially in the physical

aspect. The so called beauty goals such as professional image and conventional

attractiveness is a power for women since the use of cosmetics as daily essential

is an ingredient or raw materials in order to be confident.

For those women who wear makeup consistently, it can often be difficult to go without
it, many of them wear makeup and it has become a part of their daily routines. Often
times, people do not even realize how much it affect that people who routinely wear it
are often less confident without it.

According to Ada (2015) to one of his studies on the "Influence of Cosmetics on Self
Esteem" states that:

Individuals often actively control and modify their physical appearance

and physical aesthetics across situations within relatively brief periods of time.

In other words, makeup is used differently in different situations because it makes

women feel more confident.
As studied by Lacson (2016) to one of his studies “Effects of Makeup on Society

Today” states that:

Thing have change dramatically as our society grown. Teenagers

believe that if they don’t purchase the latest makeup craze that they won’t be

accepted by our society.

In Philippines, one of the fast growing businesses is cosmetics. Cosmetics are

perceived as daily use type of product rather than a luxury item. The teenage
population today is more known to have a lower self-esteem than a higher one, thus
causing teenagers to have unrealistic expectations of what society says they should
strive to look like.

Local Study

Aquino (2016) on her study “Influence of Cosmetics on Confidence of SHS”

states that:

Every individual seek for self-contentment and once it is achieve

there is the feeling of satisfaction. According to the study, makeup keeps

the students fresh and presentable, and prevent them from being haggard.

According to the study, respondent’s personal reason lies between their own
decision of wanting to use makeup and also they want the acceptance of the people
around, that might be also one reason why students are following the arising trends
and are following the dominant classes or the trendsetter which can be associated to
the celebrities and schoolmates as well.

Laureola (2018) in her study “Makeup Vlogs: Exposure and Makeup Usage of
Female College Students in Metro Manila” states that:

Watching makeup vlogs affected the way all the students approached

makeup usage positively. Most of the students in the study stated that being

exposed to the makeup vlogs came first before they began applying makeup

on their faces.
The students felt more comfortable wearing makeup even on normal days because
they watched videos of the makeup vloggers on YouTube who show that they too go
about their day in a full face of makeup.

Gonzales (2014) on her study “The Beauty Product’s Influence on Women in

Society” asserts that:

Facial cosmetics, as typically self-applied, influence both social perceptions of

college women’s physical attractiveness and the women’s own self-perceptions.

This study found that women are more attractive with makeup than without. The
women themselves felt that they were more physically attractive with makeup, and often
overestimated their attractiveness with the makeup, while underestimating their
attractiveness without makeup.
Foreign Literature

Lauren (2010) in her book “Makeup’s Effect on Self-Perception” asserts that:

It is not common for people to think that a person who is more attractive has

more self-confidence or is more desirable to the opposite sex. This being the case,

it is important to understand the effects that using beautifying products, particularly

cosmetics have on women.

This says a lot about the perception of beauty and the impact it is expected to have
on an individual.

Ectoff et al. (2011) in his book “Women’s Real Beauty” explains that:

Makeup can change one's appearance but makeup has not even always been

used to increase attractiveness. Makeup can change how a person looks on the

outside and consequently, make them feel better about themselves on the inside.

Makeup holds the possibility for a woman to personally transform herself, resulting
an increase in self-confidence. Most of us say that wearing makeup is just making
people beautiful or presentable but little did they know, most are wearing make because
they want us to boost their self-confidence.

According to Kaplan (2015) to one of her studies “Makeup and its Affect on Self
Esteem” asserts that:

When wearing makeup, women are able to cover up imperfections and highlight

certain points in their face, which makes them feel more confident.

Makeup is not all about making yourself beautiful but also makes you boost your
self-confidence. Women are more confident and comfortable once they are wearing
Trish McEvoy (2017) in her book "The Makeup of a Confident Woman" states that:

I've been teaching and talking about makeup's ability to empower for

decades. Once you've experienced it, you will feel an immediate shift in your

consciousness. Even if you're the type of woman who is perfectly fine without any

makeup on, you can't deny the fact you feel like a better, up-leveled version of

yourself with it on.

There is a strong correlation between confidence and how we show up in the world.
We also know that there's power in a face that's brightened, defined and fine-tuned by

Loberg and McEvoy (2017) in their book "The Makeup of a Confident Woman"
states that:

A lot of women don't know the power of beauty confidence because

they've never experienced it. Makeup can be life-changing because it's


Everyone needs something to help sail through the day and make it better.
Makeup has been that one instrument, even if you feel good about yourself and you
consider yourself confident, there is nothing like feeling attractive and being positively
recognized by others.
Foreign Study

According to Sallis (2018) to one of her studies “Is Makeup Consider As An

Artform?” reports that:

Makeup is also an art where your face is the canvas, and you're the artist.

I believe that a face is a canvas, used to express yourself and try new things

using makeup. For me it’s just fun.

Makeup isn’t all business, though. It also can be downright fun to create a brand-
new look with a few simple pencils and palettes.

Chapman (2017) in her study “How Makeup Can Affect People Dealing With Anxiety
and Depression” states that:

If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, no one would suggest that

beauty is an acceptable replacement for professional help or medical treatment.

But if dedicating a little time to yourself and your body each day can help make

you feel a little happier.

Makeup has been a source of pride, of hope, and a consistent reminder for all people
that taking care of yourself really has benefits.

Lazzaro (2017) in her study “The Lipstick Effect” explains that:

Makeup does in fact make you feel smarter and can lead to better grades too.

Wearing makeup can not only give women a confidence boost but can also make

them feel smarter, it also increases cognitive activity and positively stimulates


Placing the makeup is especially good. Not only to improve our physical appearance
but also to increase self-confidence and awareness of our beauty. But there is also a
cognitive factor, in fact according to the study, to commit and dedicate time to make up,
active areas in the brains of women promote intelligence.

Many women may wear makeup with the belief that it will positively affect their level
of physical attractiveness. A woman can use makeup to both hide the things she does
not like and highlight the things she does. Makeup holds the possibility for a woman to
personally transform herself, resulting in an increase in self-confidence. Cosmetics
serve as a sign of femininity in their symbolization of stereotypical feminine values. They
are often seen as a way to enhance feminine beauty ideals and serve to help women to
conform to our society’s beauty expectations.

Many female students suffer from poor image and low self-confidence. Wearing makeup
is their way to boost their self-confidence. Everyone’s reasons for wearing makeup will
all be different. Some female students will choose to wear it because of how it makes
them feel, some female students will wear it for other people, and some female students
use it as a creative outlet, passion or source of joy but some women will wear it
because they think their face looks better with it.

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