Asep Science Quiz Bee Reviewer

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Direction: Choose and write the correct answer.

1. Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?

a. Anton Van Leuwenhok c. Alfred Wegener
b. Charles Darwin d. Albert Einstein
2. A person who studies biology is known as?
a. Cardiologist c. Botanist
b. Biologist d. Chemist
3. Botanist is the study of?
a. plants c. soil
b. water d. air
4. Can frogs live in salt water?________________
5. True or False? The common cold is cause by a virus.__________________
6. Animals which eat both plants and other animals are known as what?
a. Carnivore c. Herbivore
b. Omnivore d. Carmonivore
7. Bacterial infections in humans can be treated with what?
a. Anti-inflammatory c. Antibiotic
b. Antiseptic d. Antibacterial
8. A single piece of coiled DNA is known as a?
a.Chromatids c.Spindle fiber
b. Chromosomes d.Cytoplasm
9. A group of dog offspring is known as a?
a.Litter c. Cubs
b. Prides d. Cows
10. The area of Biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as a?
a.Pathology c. Mycology
b. Cosmology d. Biology
11. What is the name of the process used by plants to convert sunlight into food?
a. Photosynthesis c.Mitosis
b. ATP Process d. Meiosis
12. The death of every member of a particular species is known as what?
a. Decomposition c.Genocide
b. Extinction d. Mass Killing
13. The process of pasteurization is named after which famous French microbiologist?
a. Blaise Pascal c. Louis Pasteur
b. Robert Brown d. John Dalton
14. True or False? A Salamander is a warm blooded animal?___________________
15. A change of the DNA in an organism that results in a new trait is known as a?
a.Mutation c. Meiosis
b. Transfusion d.Mitosis

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