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Learning Module: Multimedia Development

1. What is it?

This is a learning module for a specific Learning Outcome as stipulated in

the HSP that is:

€ 4.3 Multimedia Development

2. Who is it for?

This module is for students who are taking the ICT subject as their elective
and for those who are interested in ICT.

3. What can be achieved?

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to produce an

interactive educational multimedia project.

4. Is previous knowledge necessary?

No. The content of this module will enable you to acquire the knowledge. < 1 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

TOPIC: 4.3 Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

You should be able to: apply all the phases of multimedia production to produce an
interactive educational multimedia project.
A. Phase 1 – Analysis
B. Phase 2 – Design
C. Phase 3 – Implementation
D. Phase 4 – Testing
E. Phase 5 – Evaluation
F. Phase 6 – Publishing

DURATION: 22 periods


A. Books
1. Stephen McGloughlin (2001) Multimedia Concepts and Practice.
2. Shelly G.B, Cashman T.J, Vermaat M.E, Walker T.J. (2005)
Computers 2006: A Gateway to Information, Course Technology.
3. Stephen M. Alessi and Stanley R. Trollip (2001) Multimedia for
Learning. A
Pearson Education Company. USA.
4. James E. Shuman (1998) Multimedia in Action. Thomson Course
Technology. Belmont CA.

B. Web Address:
2. < 2 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development



Multimedia can be defined as a computer based interactive

communications process that incorporates text, graphics, animation, video and
audio. Multimedia provides an environment in which the user can interact with the
program. Multimedia can be delivered in the form of CDs or web-based using the
Internet. The production of multimedia involves 6 phases. They are analysis,
design, implementation, testing, evaluation and publishing phases. In this
module, we will go through each phase in detail to produce a multimedia
production that will be delivered in the form of CD.


A. Hardware
Multimedia PC
Digital Video Camera
Digital Camera
CD Writer / DVD Writer

B. Software
Graphic Editor
Video Editor
Audio Editor
Multimedia Authoring Software

C. Worksheet
Problem Statement
Storyboard Template (hardcopy/softcopy)
Evaluation Form < 3 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

A. Phase 1 – Analysis

You should be able to:
1. investigate and write a short report of the findings.

DURATION: 2 periods

I). Introduction:

a). What is analysis phase?

Analysis phase is the first phase in multimedia production. In this phase,

problems will be defined and the possible solution will be determined. Preliminary
investigation will also be carried out.

Situation 1:
You are working with the Malaysian Tourism Board. One day, your
boss asks you to produce a multimedia project which is informative
and interactive for the ‘Visit Malaysia Year’ campaign.

Study and analyse the above situation, then

1. Identify the project title.
2. Identify the problem.
3. Determine the objective that you want to accomplish.
4. Determine the possible solution.
5. Determine the target audience or end user.
6. Fill in the Problem Statement. < 4 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Example : Problem Statement

Items Response(s)

Project title Visit Malaysia Year

To produce an informative and interactive

Problems multimedia

- to introduce Malaysia
Objectives - to give more information on interesting places
in Malaysia
- to give an idea about Malaysian cultures and
- to introduce local cuisines

Possible solutions An informative and interactive multimedia project

containing texts, videos, audios, animation and
graphic; provide an interactive tour to the users

Target Audience Local and Foreign tourists

Based on the analysis, an example of a short report shown below:

Example of a short report

This multimedia project is about the ‘Visit Malaysia Year’. This

project will promote and introduce interesting places in Malaysia.
Malaysian cultures and customs and also the famous Malaysian cuisines
are attractive to pull both local and foreign tourists. < 5 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

b). Activity 1:

Study and analyse the situation below, then:

i). fill in the Problem Statement ; and
ii). write a short report.


Your school is going to have a new intake for the Form 1

students. As a school head prefect, you are given the
responsibility by your principal to produce a multimedia project
which will include all the information about your school for the
parents and the new students. Your multimedia project must be
both informative and interactive.

Problem Statement

Items Response(s)

Project title



Possible solutions

Target Audience < 6 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Based on the analysis, write a short report of your project title. < 7 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

B. Phase 2 - Design


You should be able to:

1. apply CASPER into multimedia project;
2. provide an overview of the project in the flow chart ; and
3. create storyboards.

DURATION: 4 periods

I). Introduction: What is design phase?

In the design phase; the course content, navigational
structure, assets, approach and graphic design are
developed in detail. Sample graphics and layouts are
established and technical requirements are specified.

a). Activity 1

Study the CASPER design principles and apply it to in your multimedia project.
CASPER Screen Design And Layout Principles

The principle of contrast states that, if two items are not exactly alike then it makes
them different. Contrast provides interest within a piece of graphic and keeps the
observer entertained.

Alignment is the idea that, while items are separated by idea and space (the
principle of proximity) they are still all part of the same page. Nothing should be
placed on a page arbitrarily; each item should have a visual connection with
something else on the page. < 8 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Gaining attention is an important part in any communication act, it is important to try
to keep your message as simple as possible:
€ use accurate words for text and graphics as it is absolutely necessary to
get your point across
€ superfluous graphics can interfere with understanding.
€ an over abundance of fonts or colours can distract rather than assist
The general rule of thumb is to use graphics that are as simple as possible when
displaying content on the screen. Provide the main ideas and a means of getting
more information for those who might need or desire it.

The principle of proximity states that things, that are closer
together, will be seen as belonging together. Looking at the
picture on the right, since the horizontal rows of circles are
closer together than the vertical columns, we perceive two
vertical lines. Since the first two columns and the last two
columns have less space between them than the centre two
columns, we perceive two groups of two columns.

One method used to attract attention in the design of a screen or work of art is the
use of a focal point. A focal point draws your attention to the most important
element on the page. There are several techniques used to emphasize the most
important object on a page.

Emphasis by Isolation
If most of the elements in a work of art are grouped closely
together, an object by itself stands out as a focal point.

Emphasize with text attributes.

Use highlighting or boldface to draw attention to the main
points. Underlining rarely looks good on screen. Blinking should
only be used in critical situations. It is distracting. Vary the size
and rotation of text to attract attention. Scrolling text is generally
not a sound practice in interactive multimedia (IMM). Multiple
fonts should rarely be used. Pick a good font and work with its
different styles. < 9 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Repetition is the idea that consistency can be gained by repeating elements
throughout a page or series of pages. Repetitive items in a piece, tie it together as
a whole. The best computer interface will maintain a consistent look. In particular,
icons used for navigation should maintain one position to avoid confusing the
learner. It is also wise to use similar font faces and colour schemes throughout a
particular interface, unless the change is used to signal a new unit, topic, or section


main menu 3 options

Display A

2 option

Display C
Display B (Statistic)


Display C1 Display C2 Display C3

Display C2.1 Display C3.1

(Report) (Report) < 10 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

c). Activity 2
Design the storyboard and the navigation scheme. Include a template design if
appropriate and specify the hyperlinks.

Example 1 of a storyboard.

Title : VISIT MALAYSIA Section : 1 Page : 1

Sub Title : Introduction Graphics : Yes / No Audio : Yes / No




Audio Video Animation Graphic

Reference : Multimedia In Action , James E.Shuman. < 11 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Example 2 of a storyboard.

Title : VISIT MALAYSIA Section : 1 Page : 1

Sub Title : Introduction Graphics : Yes / No Audio : Yes / No

Notes : Title Text

Next Hypertext 1

Back Hypertext 2

Hypertext 3

Navigation button


Audio Video Animation Graphic < 12 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

C. Phase 3: Implementation


You should be able to:

1. apply editing software
2. apply authoring tools
creating texts and changing objects attributes in presentation area,
creating graphics in presentation area,
creating animation graphics in presentation area,
creating audio objects in presentation area and
creating video objects in presentation area
3. produce an interactive educational multimedia project

Duration: 8 periods

Implementation of the design includes using a program development tool that

assists the programmer by generating or providing some or all code, or includes
writing the code that translates the design into a computer program and, if
necessary, creating the user interface.

Activities : Activity 1
You are required to prepare some images which are related
to the topic. You have many ways to get the images:
1. Take pictures using digital camera / pictures
2. Scan your photo using scanner
3. Download pictures from Internet

Activity 2
Now, you have to prepare some audio. Your audio format
must be in wav and midi format.
1. Record your voice into digital form
2. Download audio from Internet
3. Create your own audio file

Activity 3
Take a short video. You must ensure that your file must be in
avi format.

Activity 4
Group all the different format into authoring tools. Students
are required to use ToolBook Assistant 2004. < 13 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ToolBook Assistant

1. Opening ToolBook Assistant 2004 application

i) Double-click on the ToolBook Assistant icon to view the ToolBook Assistant 2004
Startup screen. Click on the Quick Start Tab and select the Blank Native ToolBook
Book icon. Then click on the OK button.

ii) Click on Yes button to proceed. < 14 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

2. Resizing Presentation Screen

i) Click on the Object Menu and select the Properties for Book. < 15 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Click on the Page Tab to change the size of the presentation screen. By default the
Page measurement is in unit. You can change the unit measurement to pixels by
clicking on the .

iii) Click on the option for 800 x 600 pixels and the screen size will automatically change
to your current selection. Click on the icon to close the Properties for Book
window. < 16 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

3. Inserting Flash Movie into Presentation

i) Select the Media Players category from the Catalogue. Select the Flash Media Player
icon for the Media Player Catalogue. Drag and drop the media player object on to the
presentation screen. < 17 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Click on the to choose the flash media that you want to insert into the presentation

iii) For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training folder on your desktop. Select the
video folder and choose the file name “Intro.swf”.

iv) Check the AutoStart box and click on the OK button < 18 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) To resize the flash media player object, click on the flash media player object. Move
your mouse to the border and drag its sides. < 19 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Or you can click on the Flash Media Player object. Click on the icon to view the Flash Media
Players properties. Then click on the Bounds Tab. You can change the size and position of the
Flash Media Player object by changing the values for these 4 parameters. For this exercise,
change the position for Left – 0, Top – 0, Width – 800 and Height – 350. Click on the icon to
close the Properties for Group window. < 20 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vi) To view the flash movie, click on the View Menu and choose Reader. Or press the F3
button on your keyboard.

Flash Movie

Flash Movie < 21 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vii) Click on the View Menu and choose Author to return to author mode.

viii) Click on the File Menu and choose Save As.

Flash Movie

ix) Select the first option and click on the OK button.

x) For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training Folder and name the file as
“Visit_Malaysia_Year”. < 22 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

4. Drawing object using the Draw Objects ToolBar

i) Select the Draw Objects category from the Catalogue. Select the rectangle icon from
the Catalogue.

Flash Movie < 23 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Drag and drop the rectangle object on the presentation screen

Flash Movie

iii) Resize the rectangle to fit the white space on the presentation screen.

Flash Movie < 24 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) To change the colour of the rectangle object, first click on the object then click on the


Flash Movie

iv) Click on the Draw tab. For this exercise, change the Fill Color from White to Black.

Flash Movie < 25 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Flash Movie

iv) Click on the icon to close the Properties for Book window.

v) Click on the File Menu and choose Save As.

vi) Select the first option and click on the OK button.

vii) Select the filename “Visit_Malaysia_Year” and click on the Save button. < 26 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

viii) Click on the Yes button.

5. Inserting Buttons

i) Select the Buttons category from the Catalogue. Select the rectangle icon from the
Catalogue. < 27 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Flash Movie

ii) Drag and drop the Pushbutton object on the presentation screen

Flash Movie

iii) To change properties of the button, first click on the Button object then click on the

icon. < 28 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Flash Movie

iv) Click on the Draw Tab. Under Caption heading, remove the existing caption in the

Flash Movie < 29 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ix) Click on the Graphic Tab. Under Button Graphic heading, click on the Normal icon.
Click on the Choose Graphic button

Flash Movie

x) Click on the Import button

Flash Movie < 30 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Select the graphic for the button. For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training
Folder then select the images folder under it. Select the filename “logo.jpg” then click
on the OK button.

Flash Movie

vi) Type in the name of the image. For this exercise type in “bmp_logo” under the Name
textarea. Then click on the OK button.

Flash Movie < 31 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vii) Under the Graphics Option, check the second option.

Flash Movie

xi) Click on the icon to close the Properties for Button window.

xii) Repeat steps (i – vi) for the other buttons.

Filename – Malaysia.jpg

viii) Click on the File Menu and choose Save As.

ix) Select the first option and click on the OK button.

x) Select the filename “Visit_Malaysia_Year” and click on the Save button. < 32 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xi) Click on the Yes button.

6. Inserting New Page

i) Select the Draw Objects category from the Catalogue. Select the rectangle icon from
the Catalogue. < 33 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Flash Movie

ii) Type in the page name. For this exercise, type the page name as “Logo Definition”.
Select the first option then click on the OK button.

Flash Movie < 34 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Repeat steps i – ii to add three more pages. For this exercise, name the other pages
with About Malaysia, Culture and Tourist Spots.

iv) To navigate from one page to another click on the Page Navigation bar as shown
below. < 35 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Click on the File Menu and choose Save As.

vi) Select the first option and click on the OK button.

vii) Select the filename “Visit_Malaysia_Year” and click on the Save button. < 36 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

viii) Click on the Yes button.

7. Inserting Background

i) Select the Object Menu and click on the Properties for Background. < 37 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Select the Draw Tab and click on the Choose Backdrop button.

iii) Click on the Import button. < 38 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iv) Select the background for the page. For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training
Folder then select the images folder under it. Select the filename “scenery.jpg” then
click on the OK button. < 39 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Type in the name of the image. For this exercise type in “bmp_background” under the
Name textarea. Then click on the OK button.

vi) Click on the icon to close the Properties for Button window. < 40 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vii) Click on the File Menu and choose Save As.

viii) Select the first option and click on the OK button.

ix) Select the filename “Visit_Malaysia_Year” and click on the Save button.

x) Click on the Yes button.

8. Creating texts in presentation area

8.1 Drag & Drop Text Field

i) Select the Text Field category from the Catalog. Click on the text field icon that you

ii) Then drag and drop the text field on to the presentation area. < 41 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Double-click on the text field to type. For this exercise, please type “VISIT MALAYSIA
YEAR”. < 42 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iv) Click on the Properties icon to change the Font Color, position, font type,

xi) Click on the icon to close the Properties for Button window.

8.2 Insert Text

i) Select the Text Field category from the Catalog. Click on the text field icon that you
want. Then drag and drop the text field on to the presentation area. < 43 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Click on the Insert Menu and select Text. < 44 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Select the word document that you want to insert into the text field and click the Open
button. For this exercise, please select the file “Visit Malaysia” from the ToolBook
Training folder on your desktop.

iv) Click on the OK button. < 45 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Click on the Properties icon to change the Font Color, position, font type,
alignment. < 46 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ix) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As

x) Click Save.

xi) Click the OK button.

9. Inserting Graphic

9.1 Insert Graphic

i) Select Insert from the menu bar. Click on the Graphics. < 47 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Select the graphic that you want. For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training
Folder then select the images folder under it. Select the filename “visit2007.jpg” then
click on the OK button. < 48 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Click on the image and drag it to the right hand corner of the screen and align it to the
first paragraph of the text. < 49 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Repeat steps (i – ii) for the other images.

Filename – Malaysia.gif
Celebrating50.gif < 50 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iv) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

v) Click Save.

vi) Click on the Yes button.

10. Inserting Audio

For this exercise navigate to page 3 using the navigation arrows. Then insert a text field for
the title “About Malaysia”. Insert another text field. Then select the file from the ToolBook
Training folder -> text folder and choose the file named “AboutMalaysia.rtf”. Then put in
Filename – twintower.jpg
SAS Building.jpg
Diving-malaysia.jpg < 51 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

i) From the Catalogue, select the Media Players category. < 52 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Scroll down the list of players from the Media Players and select Audio icon.

iii) Drag and drop the icon on the screen. Then click on the Choose a Clip button shown
in the Properties for Media Player. < 53 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iv) Click on the New button.

v) Select the graphic that you want. For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training
Folder then select the audio folder under it. Select the filename “track2.wma” then
click on the Open button. < 54 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vi) Name the audio clip as “msong” and then click on the Close button.

vii) Check the third option “Start clip when entering page”. Then click on the Ok button. < 55 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

viii) To test whether the audio is playing, press the F3 key on your keyboard to go to
Reader mode. To return to Author mode, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

ix) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

x) Click Save.

xi) Click the Yes button.

11. Inserting Video

For this exercise navigate to page 4 using the navigation arrows. Then insert a text field for
the title “Culture”. Insert another text field. Then select the file from the ToolBook Training
folder -> text folder and choose the file named “Culture.rtf”.

i) From the Catalogue, select the Media Players category. < 56 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Select the Universal Media Player from the Media Player category. Drag and down
media object on the presentation screen. Click on icon. < 57 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Select the graphic that you want. For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training
Folder then select the video folder under it. Select the filename “culture.mpeg” then
click on the Open button.

iv) Click on the OK button. < 58 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Check on the “Auto Start” box. Then click the OK button.

vi) To test whether the video is playing, press the F3 key on your keyboard to go to
Reader mode. To return to Author mode, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

vii) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

viii) Click Save.

ix) Click the Yes button.

12. Creating Path Animation

For this exercise navigate to page 4 using the navigation arrows. Then insert a text field for
the title “Tourist Spots”. Insert a Graphic from ToolBook Training folder -> images folder and
choose the file named “malaysiamap.gif”. < 59 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

i) Click on the Insert Menu and choose Graphics. Then select the Graphic you want.
For this exercise, select the ToolBook Training Folder then select the images folder
under it. Select the filename “perlis.gif” then click on the OK button. < 60 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Then drag the image and position it below the map. < 61 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Select the image and click on the icon. Name the graphic as “Perlis”.

iv) Then select the Text Field category from the Catalog. Choose a text field type. Drag
and down the text field into the presentation screen. < 62 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Then click on the Insert Menu and select text. Then select the text you want. For this
exercise, select the ToolBook Training Folder then select the text folder under it.
Select the filename “perlis.rtf” then click on the Open button.

vi) Then click on the OK button. < 63 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vii) Select the text field and click on the icon to change the font style, font type,
position and etc. Name the text field as “Perlis”.

viii) Position the text field toward the bottom right of the presentation screen.

ix) Click on the Object Menu and select Path Animation. < 64 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

x) Select the object you want to animate. For this exercise, click on the Perlis image and
click the Ok button. < 65 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xi) Click on anywhere of the screen to chart the path of the image animation. < 66 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xii) Click on the icon to select a different object to animate. For this exercise, select
the Field “Perlis” and click on the OK button.

xiii) Click on anywhere of the screen to chart the path of the image animation. < 67 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xiv) Click on the Done button.

xv) Click on the OK button. < 68 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xvi) Then select the Action Objects category from the Catalogue.

xvii) Drag and drop the Action Trigger object on to the presentation screen. Click on the
Add button. < 69 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xviii) Select the picture “Perlis” and select the Animate button. Then click on the OK button.

xix) Click on the Add button. < 70 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xx) Select the text field “Perlis” and click OK. < 71 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xxi) Uncheck the option “When entering page”. Then click on the OK button.

xxii) Click on the icon. Replace the Caption “Action Trigger” to “Perlis”. Under the
heading Border Style, select “None”. Under the Drawing option, uncheck the
“Highlight when clicked” and check the “Draw Transparent” box. < 72 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xxiii) Click on the Graphic Tab. Select the Choose Graphic button.

xxiv) Scroll up the list and select “None”. Then click on the OK button. < 73 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xxv) To test whether the animation is working, press the F3 key on your keyboard to go to
Reader mode. To return to Author mode, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

xxvi) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

xxvii) Click Save.

xxviii) Click the Yes button.

13. Hide and Show Objects

i) Select the Action Objects category from the Catalogue. Select the Delay button.

ii) Drag and Drop the button on to the presentation screen. For this exercise, set the
Delay Time to “10” sec. Then click on the OK button. < 74 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Select the Action Trigger on the screen. For this exercise, select the word “Perlis”

then click on the Extended Properties icon. < 75 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iv) Select the last object in the list and click on the Add button.

v) Select the object from the list box. For this exercise, select the object “Delay”. Under
the Perform What Action heading, select the option “Trigger”. Then click on the OK
button. < 76 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vi) Select the object picture “Perlis” from the list. Under the Perform What Action
Heading, select the option “Hide”. Then click on the OK button. < 77 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

vii) Select the object field “Perlis” from the list. Under the Perform What Action Heading,
select the option “Hide”. Then click on the OK button.

viii) Select the object picture “Perlis” from the list. Under the Perform What Action
Heading, select the option “Show”. Then click on the OK button. < 78 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ix) Select the object field “Perlis” from the list. Under the Perform What Action Heading,
select the option “Show”. Then click on the OK button.

x) Using the arrow key move, the picture “Perlis” with the icon “S” and field “Perlis
with the icon “S”. Then click on the OK button. < 79 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

xi) To test whether the animation is working, press the F3 key on your keyboard to go to
Reader mode. To return to Author mode, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

xii) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

xiii) Click Save.

xiv) Click the Yes button.

Repeat the steps in Section 12 and 13 to put in the picture, text and animation for all the other
states in the map. < 80 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

14. Inserting Hyperlink

i) For this exercise, navigate to page 1 of the presentation using the navigation buttons.

Flash Movie

ii) Select the first button “Logo” and then click on the icon.

Flash Movie < 81 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Click on the icon.

Flash Movie

iv) Under the heading Type of Link, select “Go to another page”. Under the heading Link
to, select a specific page. Then click on the icon.

Flash Movie < 82 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Select the page you want to link to. For this exercise, select the “Logo Definition”.
Then click on the OK button.

Flash Movie

Flash Movie

vi) Under the heading transition effect, select the page transaction effect that you want.
Click on the “Test” button to view the transition effect. Then click on the Ok button. < 83 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Flash Movie

vii) Click on the icon to close the Properties window.

viii) Repeat steps i – viii to link the other buttons.

- About Malaysia button -> About Malaysia page
- Culture button -> Culture page
. – Tourist Spots -> Tourist Spots page

Insert a new button in pages 2 – 5. Change the button caption to “Main Menu”. Then link
the button to the first page.

ix) To test whether the animation is working, press the F3 key on your keyboard to go to
Reader mode. To return to Author mode, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

x) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

xi) Click Save.

xii) Click the Yes button.

15. Inserting Exit button

i) For this exercise, navigate to page 2 of the presentation using the navigation buttons.
Then press the F4 key on the keyboard, to go to background of the page. < 84 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

ii) Select the Action Objects category from the Catalogue. Select the object “Exit with
Confirmation”. < 85 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

iii) Drag and down the object to the presentation screen.

iv) Click on the icon. Change the exit button caption to “Exit”. Then click on the
icon to close the properties window. < 86 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

v) Then resize the object to fit the caption. Then press F4 to return to the foreground of
the presentation screen.

vi) To test whether the exit button is working, press the F3 key on your keyboard to go to
Reader mode. To return to Author mode, press the F3 key on your keyboard.

vii) Save your exercise. First click File > Save As.

viii) Click Save.

ix) Click the Yes button.


A. Books
1. ToolBook Assistant User Manual
Evaluation/ :
Self Test
Summary : < 87 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

D. Phase 4 – Testing

You should be able to:
1. test an on going multimedia production.
2. repair and fixed of any problems that testing exposes.
3. use the check list for testing.

DURATION: 4 periods

a). What is testing?

Testing is an ongoing process and should begin at the very beginning stage of
multimedia production. It is important to test the design and the function to find
out how the user interacts with the multimedia products

b). Who will do the testing?

Your friends, teacher or any one can do the testing.

c). Why do we need to test our multimedia production?

This is to repair and fix any problems that testing exposes. You cannot predict
how someone who has never seen your product before, will use it. Independent
testing also gives you feedback on how your product performs. Testing the
process will prove or indicate where you need to make changes.

d). Do I need to have all the items listed in the checklist?

No, not all the items given should be in your multimedia productions. For
example, if you have navigation buttons, there is no need for hotspot.

e). What to do with the checklist?

Just tick ( • ) at the Yes or No column according to the items shown in the
Multimedia Production and give some comments regarding the item tested for
improvement if needed.
Example: When user guides are given but not in proper order, then we have to
give some comments on that part to be improved by the developer.
f). Check List For Testing A Multimedia Production < 88 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

Name : _______________________________________
Form : _________________
Title : _____________________________________
Date :__________________

Tick ( • ) Yes or No according to the items shown in the Multimedia Production.

Items Comments
A Content
Matches the goals
B Interface
C Navigation
Navigation aids
D Documentation
Production documents
User guide given
Supplementary documents
E Others
Interactive < 89 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

E. Phase 5 – Evaluation

DURATION : 2 periods

Learning Outcome :
Students should be able to assess their own multimedia project by using the
checklist form.

a). What is evaluation phase?

The evaluation of a project is an on going process. This phase of the
development process focuses on summative evaluation and measures the
effectiveness of the project.

Evaluation process focuses on the product used rather than its features and
functions. It is done earlier to discover any design faults and reduce the costs of
correcting the faults. It can reduce the need for technical help and training costs.
Thus, increasing users’ satisfaction.

Evaluation reduces ‘over design’ by making you aware of what the user really
needs. There is a range of different types of evaluation that can be applied to an
educational multimedia product. Some of them are stated in the evaluation form
below. < 90 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development


Name : _______________________________________
Form : _________________
Project Title : _______________________________________
Date :__________________
Scale : 1 – Poor
2 – Good
3 – Excellent

Tick (/) in the appropriate column.

Items 1 2 3 Comments

(e.g.: match the
project goal,
informative, etc)

(e.g.: interesting, user
friendly, interactive,

C (e.g.: flow of the slide,
all buttons functioning)

(e.g.: all the six
phases are
documented) < 91 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development

SUBTOPIC: 4.3.3 Multimedia Production

F. Phase 6 – Publishing

You should be able to:
1. produce a multimedia Compact Disc (CD)
2. create cover and inlay for the CD
3. do CD packaging
DURATION: 2 periods


I). What is publishing phase?

In the publishing phase, the process of producing a CD and its cover will be
implemented. In this phase, quality of packaging will be considered.

a). Activity 1
You are required to use a CD writer to produce a multimedia CD.
1. Use the software that comes with the CD writer to produce the CD.
2. Follow the steps given.

b). Activity 2
You have to create the CD cover and the CD inlay.
1. Use the software that comes with the CD writer to create the CD
cover and inlay.
2. Follow the steps given. < 92 >

Learning Module: Multimedia Development


1. Choose a suitable title to develop your educational multimedia product. The
project title should not touch any sensitive issues such as religion, politic,
race, etc.

2. Your presentation should be within 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Include texts, graphics, videos, audios, hyperlinks and animation elements.

4. Apply suitable interface principles in your project.

5. Carry out the project using the headings below:

€ Analysis
€ Design
€ Implementation
€ Testing
€ Evaluation
€ Publishing

6. Compile all the related documents.

7. Submit your documents and the softcopy of the multimedia product (CD) to
your teacher. < 93 >

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