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Chapter | Chapter Review Questions 1, Explain the difference among the terms feature, feature class, and feature dataset. s 50 states, 500 cities, and 100 rivers. 2. Imagine you are looking at a geodatabase that contain: 5? How How many feature classes are there? How many features? How many attribute tables many total records in all the attribute tables? 3. Ifthe following data were stored as rasters, which ones would be discrete and which would be continuous: rainfall, soil type, voting districts, temperature, slope, and vegetation type? 4, John and Mary are collecting GPS data together. John’s GPS says their location is at (631058, 4885805). Mary’s GPS says their location is at (1204817, 663391). Explain what is going on. What must be done to make the GPS units agree? 5. Would raster or vector be a better format for storing land ownership parcels? Give at least three reasons for your choice. 6. You measure a football field (100 yards long) on a large-scale map and find that it is 0.5 inch long. What is the scale of the map? 7. Scott is walking the boundary of a wetland area to map it. His expensive GPS records locations to the nearest 0.10 meter. Is the boundary he creates accurate? Is it precise? Explain your reasoning. 8. Imagine a feature class of agricultural fields with attributes for the crop and the organic matter content of the soil. What issues might impact the thematic accuracy of each attribute? 9. Explain some ways that GIS services are different from data that reside on your hard drive. 10. Construct an appropriate citation for the data that come with this book. Chapter 2 Chapter Review Questions 2 1, What characters should be avoided when naming GIS files, folders, and map documents’ Explain why these restrictions are necessary, 2. What isa file extension, and what does the computer use it for? 3. Although ArcGIS Online is a good source of many types of data, what factors may interfere with using it to compile local data for a project? 4. Which kind of metadata should be used for documenting data created while studying this book? Defend your answer. 5. Which would take more storage space, a layer file showing all the US counties or a layer file showing all the US states? 6. What does it mean if you find a red exclamation point next to a map layer? How would you fix it? 7. Reexamine Figure 2.6 and its description in the text. The following table contains four actions. Below each is the list of the map documents in Figure 2.6. For each one, indicate whether the pathnames in the map document would still work (yes/no) after the action was taken, depending on whether the map document is saved with absolute (Abs) or relative (Rel) pathnames. Move the mgisdata | Copy the map Move the Njdata Rename the folder toa USB —_| documents to a geodatabase to the | MyProject folder to stick USB stick to take _| mgisdata folder NJProject to school and print ‘Abs [Rel ‘Abs | Rel Abs _| Rel ‘Abs_| Rel NjProj NjProj NjProj NjProj USProj USProj USProj USProj Numap Numap Numap Numap USmap USmap USmap USmap 8. Explain why it might cause problems to run AreCatalog and AreMap simultaneously 9. What is a query? Give an e i . ge odaiabee? xample. Why might you use one when exporting data to a 10. What is i tis the difference between the Summary and Description fields in the Item Description? Chapter 3 Important Terms affine transformation geographic coordinate Project tool reference latitude central meridian system (GCS) projection, resolution coordinate pair geoid azimuthal RMSE coordinate space georeferenced conic rubbersheeting, coordinate system ground control points cylindrical spatial reference datum latitude oblique spheroid Define Projection tool _ latitude of origin orthographic standard parallel degrees longitude secant State Plane ellipsoid map units stereographic transformation extent origin tangent um false easting parameters transverse world file false northing Prime Meridian rectify X/Y domain Chapter Review Questions 1. Ifa data set’s features have x coordinates between —180 and +180, what is the coordinate system likely to be? In what units are the coordinates? 2. What are the x-» coordinates of a map’s origin’? __ What is the x coordinate along the central meridian? _ 3. What is the difference between a spheroid and a geoid? 4 Examine Figures 3.6 through 3.9 and explain why conic projections usually conserve area and distance but cylindrical projections typically preserve direction, 5. What extra step is performed when projecting rasters that is not needed when projecting vector data? What happens during this step? 6. What is the difference between a central meridian and the Prime Meridian? 7 You have a shapefile with an Unknown coordinate system, but a file on the web site says that ‘he coordinate system is UTM Zone 13 NAD 1983. What is your next step? 8, Tre or False: A shapefile ofthe United States with a GCS coordinate system would have an xy extent that contains entirely positive values, Explain your answer, 9. You have a shapefile with a UTM Zone 10 NAD 1983 coordinate system, and you want to bring it into your state database, which uses the Oregon Statewide Lamber coordinate system. What is your next step? 10. You need to create a map for the entire state of Idaho. What options do you have? How could You get the most accurate map possible? aR Chapter Review Questions with a Line symbol that \ Je map ofthe United Sates pays the intrtates witha ST is 34 points wide, There are 72 points to an inch, What isthe uncertain inthe foe roaul due to the wilh of the line used to represent it? Give the answe itis nominal, categorical, ordinal, 2. For each of the following types of daa, state whether itis nominal, categorie interval, or ratio, Explain your reasonin eu emel fa stream bushels of wheat per county pHT measurement of vegetation type state rank for average wage average maximum daily temperature number of voters in a district pareel a class (¢. A, B+) student grade parcel ID number (c.g., 1005690) soil type 3. For each of the following attributes, fale whether a single symbol, graduated color, or unique values map would be most appropy ‘te. Explain your reasoning, precipitation rivers geological unit land use acres of com planted per county household income 4. If'mapping the following attributes for counti normalized and which would not. \dicate which ones would generally be average daily temperature median rent number of Hispanies square miles of parkland total river miles sales tax rate 5 Sate Nether you would use a unique values, classified, stretched, or RGB composite display ‘method for each of the following rasters, geological units black-and-white aerial photo 4-band satellite image precipitation landslide hazard (high, medium, low) slope in degrees & Explain the difference between thematic asters and image raters, 7 For each of the following map types, find a map in AreGIS Onlin uses this type of symbolization: graduated e (points), unique values, Tu explain how the differ symbols used, ; Taney Online or from the Internet that ‘olor, graduated symbol (lines), graduated syml Fn bekaenshot of each map with a citation, For each one. Pet Wiation between features is achieved, and erit que the choice of 122 Attribute Data Chapter Review Questions |. Describe the difference between an attribute table and a standalone table. 2. Which type of databases are GIS systems based on? How does this type of system differ from other DBMS types? 3. List the types of data sources from which tables may display data. 4. Describe how storing the number 255 in ASCII differs from storing it as a binary representation. 5. Choose the best field type for each of the following types of data in a geodatabase: populations of countries in the world precipitation in inches number of counties in a state highway name distances between US cities, in meters birthdays 6. What is the cardinality of each of the following relationships? students to college classes states to governors students to grades counties to states 7. Describe the differences between a join and a relate. 8. You have a table of states and a table of airports, both with a state abbreviation field. Can you join them if states is the destination table? If airports is the destination table? Explain your answer. 9. Describe the difference between using Statistics and using Summarize functions on a field. 0. For each of the following problems, using data sets for the United States, state whether using a query, the Statistics function, or the Summarize function would be the best approach to solving it. Find all towns with more than 20,000 people. Find the total number of volcanoes in each state. Determine the total damage caused by earthquakes in the United States. Find the states in which Hispanics exceed the number of African Americans. Find out which subregion of the country has the most Hispanics. Chapter 8 Chapter Review Questions |, How does a clip function differ from Select By Location? . id 2, Write a valid SQL expression to select cities between 1000 and 10,000 people using a fel called POP2000. 3, Write a valid SQL expression to select all counties whose names begin with the letter Q. 4 Let T be a table containing all students attending a community college in New York. Let be the subset of students living in New Jersey. Let B the students with a GPA great! than 3.0. The query A AND B yields 200 records, The avery “SOR B yields 1100 records. ‘The query A NOT B yields 400 records. Construct a ‘can diagram for the sets, labeling each eotien with the number of students. How many students five in New Jersey? How many students have a GPA greater than 3.0? 5, From the information in Question 4, can you determine the number of students attending the community college? If yes, state how many. Tf not, explain why. 6. What does it mean to set the selectable layers? What is the default setting? 7. Imagine that you have some trail mix composed of peanuts, raisins, almonds, cashews, dried oanberries, and chocolate candies colored red, green, yellow, and orange. Imagine that you apply the following set of “queries” 0 the trail mix: Create new selection all candies ‘Add to selection cashews Remove from selection red and green candies Select from selection all nuts and candies What do you have selected now? §. For each of the following queries, state whether the syntax is correct or incorrect. If incorrect, explain why. a. ZONE=‘COM’ AND ZONE = ‘RES’ b. COVTYPE= *SPRUCE’ AND CROWNCOV > 50 c. POP2000 > 2000 OR POP2000 < 9000 d. INCOME < 100000 AND INCOME > 50000 9. What is an operator? Describe and give examples of each of the following: arithmetic operators, logical operators, spatial operators, and Boolean operators. 10, List some advantages of creating a new layer from the selected features. Spatial Joins is joined to a line la ‘yer, with the lines as the destination table, what 1e Output layer be? 4, How many output fields will result ifa summatized Join is specified and a single statistic (e-g., Sum) is selected? 5. Why should distance joins always be performed on layers with a projected coordinate system? What kind of projection should be used? 6. What happens if the two input layers in a join each have a field with the same name? For the following spatial join problems, answer the series of questions in the text and then state the type of join that should be used: simple inside, simple distance, summarized inside, or summarized distance. 7. Determine the number of parcels within each of Austin’s watersheds, 8. Find the closest school for each house in a realtor’s database. 9. Find the land use zoning type associated with each well in Atlanta. 10. Determine the number of counties and the total number of people served by each airport in the United States.

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