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Instructor's Manual to Accompany FOURTH EDITION Fundamentals O Fluid Mechanics BRUCE R. MUNSON DONALD F. YOUNG Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics THEODORE H. OKIISHI Department of Mechanical Engineering Towa State University Ames, lowa, USA John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..... COMPUTER PROBLEMS. ‘Standard Programs—File Names and Use... SOLUTIONS Chapter | Introduction 1 Chapter2 Fluid Statics... . ses 22 Chapter3 Elementary Fluid Dynamics—Bernoulli Equation... 3 Chapter4 Fluid Kinematics... Al Chapter S Finite Control Volume Analysis. " 5-1 Chapter’ Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow .. si 6-41 Chapter7 —_Similitude, Dimensional Analysis, and Modeling women Tel Chapter 8 Viscous Pipe FIOW mn . Chapter9 Flow Over Immersed Bodies .... Chapter 10 Open-Channel Flow. Chapter 11 Compressible Flow... Chapter 12 Turbomachines stn Appendix A Listing of Standard Programs... INTRODUCTION This manual contains solutions to the problems presented at the end of the chapters in the Fourth Edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS. It is our intention that the material in this manual be used as an aid in the teaching of the course, We feel quite strongly that problem solving is an essential ingredient in the process of understanding the variety of interesting concepts involved in fluid mechanics. ‘This solutions manual is structured to enhance the leaming process. Approximately 1220 problems are solved in a complete, detailed fashion with (in most cases) one problem per page. The problem statements and figures are included with the problem solutions to provide an easier and clearer understanding of the solution procedure. Except where a greater accuracy is warranted, all intermediate calculations and answers are given to three significant figures. Unless otherwise indicated in the problem statement, values of fluid properties used in the solutions are those given in the tables on the inside of the front cover of the text. Other fluid properties and necessary conversion factors are found in the tables of Chapter 1 or in the appendices. Some of the problems [those designed with an (*)] are intended to be solved with the aid of a programmable calculator or a computer. The solutions for each of these problems are presented in essentially the same format as for the non-computer problems. Where appropriate a graph of the results is also included. Further details concerning the computer and their solutions can be found in the following section entitled Computer Problems In most chapters there are several problems {those designated with a(+)] that are “open- ended” problems and require critical thinking in that to work them one must make various assumptions and provide necessary data, There is not a unique answer to these problems. Since there are various ways that one may approach many of these problems and since specific values of data need to be assumed, looked up, or approximated, we have not included solutions to these problems in the manual. Providing solutions, we feel, would be counter to the rational for having these problems—we want students to realize that in the real world problems are not necessarily uniquely formulated to a have a specific answer. One of the new features of the Fourth Edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS is the inclusion of new problems which refer to the fluid video segments contained in the E-book CD. These problems are clearly identified in the problem statement. Although it is not necessary to use the CD to solve these “video- related” problems, it is hoped that the use of the CD will help students relate the analysis and solution of the problem to actual fluid mechanics phenomena. Another new feature of the Fourth Edition is the inclusion of laboratory-related problems. In most chapters the last few problems are based on actual data from simple laboratory experiments. ‘These problems are clearly identified by the “click here” words in the problem statement. This allows the user of the E-book CD to link to the complete problem statement and the EXCEL data for the problem. Copies of the problem statement, the original data, the EXCEL spread sheet calculations, and the resulting graphs are given in this solution manual. Considerable effort has been put forth to develop appropriate problems and to present their solutions in a manner that we fee! is helpful to both instructors and students. Any ‘comments or suggestions as to how we can improve this material are most welcome. COMPUTER PROBLEMS As noted, problems designated with an (*) in the text are intended to be solved with the aid of a programmable calculator or computer. These problems typically involve solutions requiring repetitive calculations, iterative procedures, curve fitting, numerical integration, etc. Knowledge of advanced numerical techniques is not required. Solutions to all computer problems are included in the solutions manual. Although programs for many of these problems are written in the BASIC programming language, there are obviously several other math-solver or spreadsheet programs that can be used. A number of the solutions require the use of the same program, such as a program for curve fitting, or a numerical integration program, and these “standard” programs are included. For those requiring use of one of the standard programs, there is a statement in the problem solution which simply indicates the standard program used to solve the problem. A list of these standard programs, with their file names, follow. ‘The actual programs are given in the appendix. Most of the standard programs are, of course, readily available in other math-solver or spreadsheet programs, and the student can simply use the programs with which they are most familiar. Standard Programs—File Names and Use Curve Fitting EXPFIT.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form ysaer LINREGI.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form yebr LINREG2.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form yeatbs POLREG.BAS —_Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form yadgtd xtd,x 4d + POWERI.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form ‘max? SIMPSON.BAS TRAPEZOLBAS COLEBROO.BAS CUBIC.BAS FAN_RAY.BAS ISENTROPBAS SHOCK.BAS Numerical Integration Calculates the value of a definite integral over an odd num- ber of equally spaced points using Simpson’s rule Calculates the value of a definite integral using the ‘Trapezoidal Rule Miscellaneous Determines the friction factor for laminar or turbulent pipe flow with the Reynolds number and relative roughness specified (for turbulent flow the Colebrook formula, Eq. 8.35, is used) Determines the real roots of a cubic equation Calculates Fanno or Rayleigh flow parameters for an ideal gas with constant specific heat ratio (k>1) for entered Mach number Calculates one-dimensional isentropic flow parameters for an ideal gas with constant specific heat ration (>?) for entered Mach number Calculates normal-shock flow parameters for an ideal gas with constant specific heat ratio (k>1) for entered upstream Mach number (Ma,) AL 1.1 Determine the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT system, for (a) the product of mass times velocity, (b) the product of force times volume, and (e) kinetic energy divided by area. (a) mass x velocity = (MCT) = met! Sine Famer? mass x velocity = CFL '7 ULTI 3 Er N. a (eT?) = mt (6) force x volume u (¢) kinetie energy 2 FL a ppl area yrs = fl “2 12 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT and MLT systems, ofthe following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) angular velocity. (b) en- ergy, (€) moment of inertia (area), (d) power, and (e) pressure. (@) angular velocity = aeguhe aypterent ss ime (5) energy ~ capacity of body 4 do werk Since work = torcex distante, Crergg = FL or with Font ~* energy 3 (LT >t) 4 mL?T? 66) memen? of inerha(area) = second memeat of arca = (u*)(i) 2 Lt (a) power = rake of deing work = Fh = Fer“! = 2 lair Mir) 2 mr? force, Fo py? areca CL — 2 (mit 24") = Me? (€) pressure = 43 1.3. Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT system, of the following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) acceleration, (b) stress, (¢) moment of a force, (@) vol ume and (€) work (2) a a ee ) acceleration Tine Fa = LT (L) stress = force = 3 FL? area L | Since F2MLT> | a stress = MAT = AL ra 6e) bnoment of a'force= force x distence = FL | Shur dl + wer? (a) volume = Cengts) eo L (e) work = force x dstime = FL SMT VL = Muir? [4% ] 1.4 If Pisa force and x a length, what are the dimensions (in the FLT system) of (a) dP/ dx, (b) d'P/dx’, and (6) SP dx? 45. 45 I 1S If p is a pressure, V a velocity, and p a fluid density, what are the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) p/p, (D) Vp, and (c) p/pV*? Mir? mes (a) 4 = er * (b) pVps a'r-2)(uT~) (4?) rl 7? land ‘ 4 wo 2 a'r a ger) = ML Cc dimeasronless ) za = 1.6 If Visavelocity, Ca length, and va fluid property having dimensions of L?7-!, which of the following combinations are dimensionless: (a) Vou, (b) Vly, Ce) Vv, (€) V/G? cay VeV = (kta )laer) = L*T* (gat dimensionless) VA = (uTML) a) = (°F? ri ) (dimension less ) te) V2 S (ar) (LT) S LIT? rot dimensionless) Vo. tere) — . @) ie mer) = L* (not _dimensionless) [27] 1.7 Dimensionless combinations of quan- tities (commonly called dimensionless parame- ters) play an important role in fluid mechanics. Make up five possible dimensionless parameters by using combinations of some of the quantities listed in Table 1.1 Some possible examples: acceleration x Hime , (L727) velocity ~ Lr) = L’r’ Frequency xtime = (TT) % T? (velocity) = tory” 2pT° length x acceleration (L)(L ro é forcextime . (FAT) < GUT) PLT? Tmementum — (Mm LT!) (Fri DT) density « velocity x length , onu?er-ML) , = ML°T* dynamic viscosity Me 7 i-5 Le 1.8 The force, P, that is exerted on a spher- ical particle moving slowly through a liquid is given by the equation P = 3muDV where jis a fluid property (viscosity) having di- mensions of FL~:T, D is the particle diameter, and V is the particle velocity. What are the di- mensions of the constant, 3x? Would you classify this equation as a general homogeneous equa- tion? £= 3maDY iF) = Boller [rls (en Lr . 3m 4s dimensjonless, and the equation (5 a general homogeneous eguation. Yes. ine According to information found in an old hydraulics book, the energy loss per unit weight of fluid flowing through ‘a nozzle connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula f= (0.04 to 0.09\D/ds'V"/2g where /r isthe energy loss per unit weight, D the hose diameter, d the nozzle tip diameter, V the fluid velocity in the hose, and x the acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid in any system of units? Explain, 4 = (0,04 & 0.09) aye [EE] [oor oo) ELLE] [1] 2 [o.04 4 0.09] [t] Since each term in The eguaticn must have the Same dimensions, the Constent term (0.04 t 0.04) must be dirnenstealess, Thus, The equation Ks & general homogeneous epuation that is Valid ta any system ef units. Yes. 1.10 The pressure difference, Ap, across a _cosity (FL~*7), p the blood density (ML), D partial blockage in an artery (called a stenosis) is the artery diameter, Ag the area of the unob- approximated by the equation structed artery. and A, the area of the stenosis WwW ee Determine the dimensions of the constants K, we KT +k (# 7 1) pv? and K,. Would this equation be valid in any sys- : tem of units? aps ky AY + ale-TeY Wrot 2 [rc] [k,] ENENE)] Ke) -] ETS) [re*]s fk }L rc] + elec) Since each term must have the same dimensions, K, and K, are dimensionless, Thus, the eguation is a general homogeneous € uation that would be valicl ‘in ang Consistent system of units. Yes. I-7 Lu that the speed of sound, c, in a fluid depends ‘on an elastic modulus, £,, with dimensions FL~?, and the fluid density, p, in the form ¢ = (E,)'(p)’. If this is to be a dimen- sionally homogeneous equation, what are the values for a and 1b? Is your result consistent with the standard formula for the speed of sound? (See Eq. 1.19.) c= BG Since C2477! a FL? ps Fir? [é]- (ees apt] a) For 4 dimensionally homogeneous efuation each term in the eguation must have The same dimensions. Thus, tne right hand side of 2%. (1) must have the dimensions of LT Therefre, ath=0 (to eliminate F) 2b2-1 Cte satisfy Condltion onT) 2at¢b=-! Che atsty eonditen on L) Lt fellows tht a2 ana b:-4 So Mat This result iis consistent with The shundard ormula tr the Speed ef sound. Yes. WIZ 12 A formula for estimating the volume rate of flow, Q, over the spillway of a dam is = CV 2g B(H + V3/26)" where C is a constant, g the acceleration of gravity, B the spillway width, H the depth of water passing over the spillway, and V the velocity of water just upstream of the dam. Would this equation be valid in any system of units? Explain. @=C Vig BCH+E * 74 rev fuzr-']2 rete) Cer)” “[e] (al EI) [er }é fe) [ve] [er] (fu + +(e})* (er )}efer] [er] Since each term in the epuation must have the Same cmensions The Constant CVE must be dumension less. Thus, The eguation 1s & general homogeneous eguation That would be valid in any consistent set of units. Yes. LI¢. 1.14 Make use of Table 1.3 to express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 10.2 in./min, (b) 4.81 slugs, (e) 3.02 Ib, (d) 73.1 ft/s?, (e) 0.0234 Ibsift! 4 @ (02%, (a2 % )\(aswe0 2) jae) -2 = wm am *32zxlo° Ch = £32 mm (8) 481 slags (21 shgs ) (s4s0a00 AB). 70.2 4s (6) 302 Ib = (202 )( ave X)= san A) 73.) = (7294) (B04re0' Fi). 223 & z se e lbs. [bs €) o.o2a4 OS « (2.0234 "2) (1 29¢00 = Nn: = hia OS ‘| 1.15 Make use of Table 1.4 to express the following quantities in BG units: (a) 14.2 km, (b) 8.14 N/m’, (¢) 1.61 kg/m’, (4) 0.0320 N-m/s, (©) 5.67 mm/hr. (a) 142 bm = (1h2x10%m) ( 3291 £)= 466 x0 ib (8) 8% By = (B14 S ) (6 366x0"? ge). sex? M m8 slugs. ce) 46) 48 (oer 2) (990 n10? FEY. 3.12 104 stas he EP Ss (d) 0.0320 © = (¢,0320 2) (a 3tex10"' ) Maret = eateis? eet . () 567 2 = (se7x10° 2) (320: £) Le = sitxio* Ft il 116 1.16 Make use of Appendix A to express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 160 acre, (b) 742 Btu, (€) 240 miles, (€) 79.1 hp, (e) 60.3 °F. (4) (60 acre = (Ib0 acre) (¥ 356410" #) (7290810 = 647108 m* om (6) 7#2 BTU = (42 ary) (nossxi0” a, (240 mé ) (1409.2 10" 2.) = Zab 410 om o\s 783x109 J (6) 240 me (d) 74.1 bp = (741 hp) (14957 x10* F (622-32) = 15.7-°C = 187K S90x10°W te) 7, K = /8.7°C + 273 i) 1.17 Clouds can weigh thousands of pounds due to their liguid water content. Often this content is measured in grams per cubic meter (g/m*). Assume that a cumulus cloud occupies a volume of one cubic kilometer, and its liquid water content is 0.2 g/m. (a) What is the volume of this cloud in cubic miles? (b) How much does the water in the cloud weigh in pounds? (a) Yo lume = ' bm) = 10" m? Stace (m= 3.28) £4 3 Alene. ('mit) 3281) CE 2ppxit BS = 0.240 rm? es (4) WW = ¥x Yolume r= pg = (0.2 EW) (931 Fi): | tee a DW = (1.462 x0 7X, )(Iotm?) = 1.442 x10 N = (1.62 x0°N (2.248 10' # ) = 441 x" |b fis. 1.18 For Table 1.3 verify the conversion re- lationships for: (a) area, (b) density, (¢) velocity, and (d) specific weight. Use the basic conversion relationships: 1 ft = 0.3048 m; 1 Ib = 4.4482 N; and 1 slug = 14.594 kg. (2) | ft (140° fa s008)20"| 0.09290 m* fer I Thus, rvultiply +27 by 9.240 E-2 +o convert to mm 2 tb) $a = (/ set) (590 Aa \P LAP 4 (/ eh) (4st Ft ) | asap = 5/54 F% Thus, multiply slug/ te? by S1S¢ Et2 to convert to 49 /m? cc) | Hs (| 4) (03017 B)- Qz0¥e & Thus, multiply ft/s by 3.048 E-| te convert | to m/s. x ‘#2? | @) | pe Ge #) ) (use0a 4 | wana. = 1st & Thus, multiply 16/3? by [57) Et2 + convert to N/m3, s-/4 [4/9 J 444 For Table 1.4 verify the conversion re- lationships for: (a) acceleration, (b) density, (©) pressure, and (d) volume flowrate. Use the basic conversion relationships: 1 m = 3.2808 ft; LN = 0.22481 Ib; and 1 kg = 0.068521 slug. ( % )(3.2808 #): 3.28/ = fa) t Thus, multiply m/s? by 3.281 to convert to ft/s, & as. oa) slues)f Lon? | d | = (i 4 , )(0.0 521 ue) (a ze0eF Fe = 3 slugs = [. Po x10 1 Thus, multiply Ay /m? by 1.440 E-3 to convert to slugs Fe, te 0.2248 lm ) | W(/4 .) (e224 & Di krerns es = 2.089 xi0* BL Thus, mulbiply N/m? by 2.084 E-2 to convert to ib /fe*, yw 3) ££? (d) | ae (i 2) [Gare ts |. 35:31 Thas, mult iply m/s by 3.53) E+! to convert to ft/s, 5 1.20. Water flows from a large drainage pipe at a rate of 1200 gal/min. What is this volume rate of flow in (a) m'/s, (b) liters/min, and (c) f/s? (a) tnd flowrate = (220 94! ) (6309x105 “s ) min 2. gal min = 757 xj? an? (b) Since | liter = 1D m3, flowrate = (757 x10 a) (to eles )( bes) min liters min = ¥540 > (©) flowrate = (757x160 2")(3. 531x100 3) 7 we = 2.67 # of | | | | | | I-Ie aT 1.21 A tank of oil has a mass of 30 slugs. (a) Determine its weight in pounds and in new- tons at the earth's surface. (b) What would be its ‘mass (in slugs) and its weight (in pounds) if lo- cated on the moon’s surface where the gravita- tional attraction is approximately one-sixth that at the earth’s surface? ca) weight = mass x J ae &). =(30 slags ) (322 #)= 966 & m= = (So slugs) (51 TE )(4.81 %)= gesen (6) mass = 30 slugs (rmass does not depend on gravitational attraction ) | weight = 6o slugs ) (22 %) = Jel Ib [422 J ia L A certain object weighs 300 N at the earth’s surface. Determine the mass of the object (in kilograms) and its weight (in newtons) when located on a planet with an acceleration of gravity equal to 4.0 ft/s? i _ weight sO “ 3 300 N ea) = 3ebdy for a= #0 fe/s>, weight = (30.0 43) (40) (0.2048 2) = 373 N i-17 [ 423 | 1.23 An important dimensionless parameter in certain types of fluid flow problems is the Froude number defined as V/Vgl, where V is a velocity, the Froude number using SI units for V. g, and & Explain the significance of the results of these calculations. 8 the acceleration of gravity, and (a length. De- termine the value of the Froude number for V = 10 ft/s, g = 32.2 ft/s*, and f = 2 ft. Recalculate Ln 86 units, fe v 10% ~ : on, Se LS i \G 32.2 (24) In SI un nits V=lto # (erm 2. 3.05 F g2 431 R= (24) (03008 %)= O.blom fe - 7 = 3,05 5 = /25 Var % )(0.c10m) pe The value of w dimensionless parameter 1s independent of the unit system, 1-{8 129 1,24 The specific weight of a certain liquid is 85.3 lb/ft. Determine its density and specific of liquids. (See Video V2.6.) For a certain liquid a hydrometer reading indicates a specific gravity of 1.15. What is the liquid’s | density and specific weight? Express your answer in SI units. I-19 gravity. = x = = 265 Slugs - 2 ft2 e 20s SG= poo = 87 @ #4 slugs = lino he tae | 125 1.25 A Aydrometer is used to measure the specific gravity | SG= Gao ® 4% Jf, = 6 (ooo 2B ms p= (115)Cie00 #8) = 1150 os ys pg = (150 8)(.0 = 11.334 126 1.2 An open, rigid-walled, eylindrical tank of water at 40 °F, Over a 24-hour period of temperature varies from 40 *F to 90 °F. M in Appendix B to determine how much the volume of water will change. For a tank diameter of 2 ft, would the corresponding change in water depth be very noticeable? Explain. mass of water = x p where WV tz tre volume and 2 The densrty. Since the mass must vemain Constant as The temperature changes xp =x Tye aos = other a Fem Table B.1 hows 1H Shegs Pin @ ture = 1921 PHB Therelore, from £4.) | en te N 0 BS) _ i is) 2B, Thus, The increase ta volume 43 ; 4 ppl —ooo= Oo18b Ft The Change 1h water depth, AL, tual + Abs AY _ o.018h ft? area 7 z G@ft) = ¢o% “3, = 592K) FL= 0.07/0in This 3mall change 1 cept weuld not be very hoticeable, No. Mote: 4A slightly different value for 42 will be obtained If specifie weight of water Is used reTher Than density. This 13 due to the tack phot there is some ancertuyt, ln the fourth Significant figure of these two values, tnd fhe soluben 1 Sensitive tp is uncertainty I-20 —————————e—e—eeee—seeee 1.2% A liquid when poured into a graduated cylinder is found to weigh 3 N when occupying a volume of 500 mi (milliliters). Determine its spe- cific weight, density, and specific gravity © weight en eo Be volume — (0.5002) (10>?) ee Z zy p ys (6 x10 Fd = 163 xi AB — SS 3 % 9.81 a a s& se 163 x10 =& fe a = = Ft @ #C Tse too 10 4 Ia) 124 The i contains 355 1 i while an empty can ‘weight, density, and specific gravity of the pop and compare Your results with the corresponding, values for water at 20 °C. Express your results in SI units rs Weight of thud a) Dlame ef Flucd total weight = mass x g = (0,368 y)(98/% ) = ob2v weight ef can= O/5S3N > - Volume of Fluid = C55x0?L) (07-0 )= F55 x10 om? Thus, From Eg. (1) 242 - 0153N nN = = 7770 — = SASS a PE X10 rm? ——”’ wv _ xy _ 9720 G@ Nis? | pr ye = 996 = Hb 44 7.8) 2 ‘ te, SG? L. 7 796 = 0.996 Fino @#°C Jouy 4& For wader af 20°C (see Table 2 1i Aopndie B) = 778794, . 0 = “& os Yay 1 3 Gy 795.2 8 SG 20.9982 A comparison of These Values hr water with Those for The pop shows That The xpecitie weight, density, and gpecihe gravity of The pep are al/ Slightly Jower Than the Corresponding values for wader. [-22 1.30* ‘The variation in the density of water, p, with temperature, T, in the range 20°C = Ts 60 °C, is given in the following table. Demy km) | 82 | 71 | 7 J LN | 92 92 | mamta te tate le te te Use these data to determine an empirical equa- tion of the form p = ¢, + eT + \T® which can be used to predict the density over the range indicated. Compare the predicted values with the data given. What is the density of water at 42.1°C? To solve This proslem use POLREG. SSBB Ga III BID IC II IEII IIA IIII II I IIA ** This program determines the least squares fit +* ¥* for any order polynomial of the form: y = dO + ditx + d2¥x°2 + d34x°3 + oo a JOBS HIEIE IDI III IID TTDI III TI AIA Enter number of terms in the polynomial: Enter number of data points: 7 The coefficients of the polynomial are: ~4.09§3E-03 a2 at ao +2. +3 43 +6 + Enter data {20,998 25.997. 30,995 35,994. 40, 45.990 50,988 points (X , Y) = -5,3332E-02 +1, 0009E+02 x }OOOE+01 SO00E+01 OOD0E+01 -5000E+01 ,0000E+01 -5000E+02 +5, Thus, 0000E+01 Y +9, 9820E+02 +9.9710E+02 +9. 9570E402 +9. 9410E+02 +9, 9220E+02 +9.9020E+02 +9, 8810E+02 Y(predicted) +9, 9825E+02 +9, 9706E+02 +9, 9566E+02 +9, 9407E+02 +9,9226E+02 +9,9026E+02 +9. 8805E+02 (22LO0l = 0.08333 T = 0.004095 7? Note thet (predicted) is rn goed agreement 1y/th e (given) AL T= 42.1 °C, 2 P= lool - 0.08333 (42.1 °C) - 0.004095 (42.1) 9915 88, | (23 a | 1.32 The density of oxygen contained in a tank is 2.0 kg/m* ‘when the temperature is 25 °C. Determine the gage pressure of the gas if the atmospheric pressure is 97 kPa. Pp=PRT u (2.0% t (450.8 2) [este + a73)4) &y 155 42 (abs) 2 gege)= By ~ By, = (6AR- 174 = SPR 1.33. Some experiments are being conducted in a laboratory in which the air temperature is 27 °C, and the atmospheric Pressure is 14.3 psia. Determine the density ofthe at. Express your answers in slugs/f? and in kg/m?, pzPRT Temperature = 27°C = [1.8 (27)+32*] °F = $0.4 °F _B. (43 hei 2) (716 Fry GOLF Mo) R] ht 134 A closed tank having a volume of 2 1 is filled with 0.30 Ib of a gas. A pressure gage attached to the tank reads 12 psi when the gas temperature is 80 °F. There is some question 2s to whether the gas inthe tank is oxygen or helium. Which do you think itis? Explain how you arrived at your answer. weight _ 2304 X volume ft 3) axvlume (522 48 (22) 3 = 4 slugs 66x 1d seo Density of Gas in tank p= - 4 PF Re Catmesphene pressure assumed to be % 147 psi) and with T= (h0°F +460) it bilows thee Since with ps (iar in7) poe From Table 17 tb . (24.7 38.) (me ). 22 she ¢) R (S40R) a REL SSKKIO? for onggen ana R= /,242xl* 4 Ay hehum, slag Thus, From Eg.) £ the gas is oxygen 2 7/2 slugs 2 ys ex? slugs eC 1559103 AF 7 fe3 ana ter Aeliim _ fe 22 = £77 XN * slags na¢2.xio* A Compansoe of These values with The actual density of tne Gas Wa The tank inch cates That The Gas faust be Ok ygen. (25 EA 1.36 A tire having a volume of 3 ft" contains air at a gage pressure of 26 psi and a temperature of 70 °F. Determine the density of the air and the weight of the air contained in the tire. = (ef + 7) (omit) | (im BE) (rer rece) weight = pg « volume = (2.44 x16" sluts) (322 #) (2 #24) = GME xlo” 3 slugs Ps & a = 0.622 lb 26 137 1.37 A rigid tank contains air at a pressure of 90 psia and ‘a temperature of 60°F. By how much will the pressure increase as the temperature is increased to 110 °F? ~ps PRT (&q, 1.8) Por @ rigid Closed tank The att mass ane Volume are tonstant go p= Constant. Thus, From 9.18 (wits R constant) fi. fe a) Tk Te where p= Fo psia , T, = 60°F +440 = 520°R, and T= U0°F +460 = SIR, From ERO) 70°R : , = A= ser) C0 psta) = 98.7 psia 133 * "1.38 Develop a computer program for calculating the density of an ideal gas when the gas pressure in pascals (abs), the temperature in degrees Celsius, and the gas constant in Weg Kare specified, For an tdeal gas so That pz PRT --& where p ds ebsolute pressure ,R the gas constant, and T Js absolute temperature. Thus, +f The temperature “sin A spreadsheet (EXCEL) Progam tor caleulating ~ follows. °C Then Te °C 427315 [This prograr |when the absolute pressure in Pascals, the temperature joulates the density of an ideal gas _ i 1d the gas constant in Jikg-K are specified, ‘current values with desired values of, T 2) 10/((B10+273.15)*C10) Example. Calculate p fr ps 200k Fa, temperature and R= 289 T/hy kK, L3T* “1.39 Repeat Problem 1.38 for the case in which the pressure is given in psi (gage), the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, and the gas constant in ft-lb/slug*R. For an tdeal gas p=PRT so thet -f RT where p is absolute pressure, and T 1s absolute temperature Thus, :f temperature ti °F and pressure vi psi, Then. T= + 45047 ana pol PO) + by, Cpa) xg A spreadsheet (EXCEL program tor caleulating fellows . [This program calculates the density of an ideal gas pressure in psi, the atmospheric ie temperature in degrees F, and |the gas constant in fvib/slug-deg R are specified, [Formula ((A12#D12)"144)/(C12)*(B812+459.67)) Example: Calculate 0 for p= Yopsi, temperature = /00F, Rte = IAT psa, ana Re /716 Fblb/sluge'R . ature| : _2F | flbisiug °F [aie ey 1.440 Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine the dynamic viscosity of mercury at 75 °F. Express your answer in BG units, Te? $ (% 7-32) = - (95% -32) = 33.9°C From Fig, 8.1 in Appendix B+ pus Cmercurg of 15°F (23. 9*c)) a hsxid ae B x (sxib “E) (2.089 xlo* ie Yow aye? OS a 1-30 1.41 One type of capillary-tube viscometer is shown in ‘Video V13 and in Fig. PIAL. For this device the liquid to Giass be tested is draw into the tube fo a level above the top enehenne etched line, The time is then obtained for the liquid to drain — Y to the bottom etched line. The kinematic viscosity, vin m'/s Ps is then obtained from the equation v = KR4t where K is a (> Etched ies constant, R is the radius of the capillary tube in mm, and Ke is the drain time in seconds. When glycerin at 20°C is used asa calibration fluid in a particular viscometer the drain time is 1,430 s. When a liquid having a density of 970 ke/m? is — tested in the same viscometer the drain time is 900 s. What \ is the dynamic viscosity of this liquid? 4# v= KR ¢ m FIGURE P141 For glycerin @ 20°C V= Lite im 119 x10? orf = (eR), 430 s) LR 832x107 mPf> For unknown liguid with £= Yoos we (3.32x10 ms) (Go0s) = 749 x10' m*/s Since rhe = G10 *eha)(14axe th) 3) £42 JAZ ‘The viscosity of a soft drink was determined by using, a capillary tube viscometer similar to that shown in Fig. P1.41 and Video V1.3. For this device the kinematic viscosity, v, is directly proportional to the time, 1, that it takes for a given amount of liquid to flow through a'small capillary tube. That is, v = Ki, The following data were obtained from regular pop ‘and diet pop. The corresponding measured specific gravities are also given. Based on these data, by what percent is the absolute viscosity, 4, of regular pop greater than that of diet Pop? Regular pop Diet pop «) i718 3003 _ SG 1.044 1,003 z (veg ~Pdiet oh greeter = foes ds 100 = brs _ x 100 Pavet Fat Sunce v=f/p, d=kt and P= Ps, pyc vt follows that G 40 vey l aii? mt of Greater Pais x 100 2 [+ 54) Ve 00 Cox Sa Jciet 2[3708:.20) _)) «100 (300.3 s)CI.003) = 310° 1-32 LHR 1.43 The time, f, it takes to pour a liquid from a con- tainer depends on several factors, including the kinematic viscosity, v. of the liquid. (See Video V1.1.) In some labo- ratory tests various oils having the same density but differ- ent viscosities were poured ata fixed tipping rate from small 150 ml beakers. The time required to pour 100 ml of the oil was measured, and it was found that an approximate 0720] fa) de 1+ FelOU e Sxjory a) 1207+ Geo) [2] + xo] [4] Since each term in the eguation myst have the same dimensions the tonstents appearing in The eguation must have dimenswns, L.€ , ax JE (E:] Thus, with a change th units The value of The Constants wed/d chenge and This 18 not a equation for the pouring time in seconds was t= 1 +9 x 10% + 8 X 10%? with v in ms. (a) Is this a general ho- ‘mogeneous equation? Explain. (b) Compare the time it would take to pour 100 ml of SAE 30 oil from a 150 ml beaker at 0°C to the corresponding time at a temperature of 60°C. Make use of Fig. B.2 in Appendix B for viscosity data, foe] =[ 3] general homogeneous eguation, No. (4) From Table B.2 in Appendix B: Cher SAERO 011 @ OC) V= 2.3 1% mre Chor SAER 0/1 @O0C) Va OX Mam, Thus, From 3.0) @ orc = ZMs -3)2 de 4 G10 axe Bx0223% 10D) 2 @ oot ts I+ griot (40 x09) + 9x18 (40x65) Ow Ss 444 1.44 The viscosity of a certain fluid is 5 x 10~* poise. Determine its viscosity in both SI and BG units. From Appendiz A 10" “3, = I poise, Thus, fo (5.210 "poise ). (10 BA.)= Sui ® Ws Poise ee and From Table 14 = FN 2 bs CT be = (5x10 2S) (4,084x10 fe) = (0.4% 10 a me LAS 1.45 The kinematic viscosity of oxygen at 20 °C and a pressure of 150 kPa (abs) is 0.104 stokes. Determine the dynamic viscosity of oxygen at this temperature and pressure Arup & _ 4A. ison wie, C= R7 cl a (259, # gare +273) a7 2 V= 0/04 stokes = 0./0% = 2 (0sey 2) (03) (147 4.) “5 od = goen/d) AA = p05 xe M8 “mes in * I-34 "146 Fluids for which the shearing stress, x, is not linearly related to the rate of shearing strain, y, are designated as non- Newtonian fluids, Such fluids are commonplace and can exhibit tunusual behavior as shown in Video V1.4, Some experimental data obtained for a particular non-Newtonian fluid at 80 °F are shown below. rab?) | O | 241 | 782 | 185 | 317 ye) To Tso Ti T1507 200 Plot these data and fit a second-order polynomial to the data using, a suitable graphing program. What is the apparent viscosity of this fluid when the rate of shearing strain is 70 s~'? Is this apparent viscosity larger or smaller than that for water at the same temperature? Rate of Shearing shearing stress, strain, 1/s Ibisq ft 2 0 0 g 50 244 | 100 7.82 i 150 18.5 | 200 317 | i f | | oO 50 6100 180 «200 «250 | atl iain tal, From the graph t= 00008874 c.0037% where T 1s the sheaniy Stress in Ib/St* and ¥ 13 the rate of shearing strain in s~ ~-d@at_ 0 Papperent a C#y(Adion § + 0.0035 At = Tos" apparent Is = (2)(0.0008 5 )(q05') + 0.0035 EE = oslo es le Ft. From Table B.] 1h Appendix By My, @ gore = 19 x10 i, and since water ts a Newtoman Fluid This Value 1% independent of & + Thus, The unknown hon-New konan fluid has a much larger value, TAT 1.47 Water flows near a flat surface and some measure- ‘ments ofthe water velocity, u, parallel tothe surface, at different heights, y, above the surface are obtained. At the surface y = 0. Affer an analysis of the data the lab technician reports that the velocity distribution in the range 0 Gaal[t] + fr ixe’) [2] Each term ia the eguation must have the same ch mensiens, Thus, The trastant 0.81 rust have dimenswns of LTA) | G2 dimensions of T', ana 4) x17 dimensyns of L277! Since The Constants jn The eguation have cimensuns Thelr values will change with a change tn Units, Ne. Ca) (b) Equation cannot be correct since at y=o Uz 0.8) t/s, Q Non-gere value which would Violate the no-slip” Condition. Net Correct. /-36 L48 LAK Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water and for air through a 4-mm-diameter tube, if the mean velocity is 3 m/s and the temperature is 30 °C in both cases (see Example 1.4), Assume the air is at standard atmospheric pressure. For water at 30°C (rom Table B,2 11 Appendic B)* p= 7957 #8, Ze = 1975 ei Be 42) (3 Re = CVO. (9987 *4) (3 &) (2.004 m) woos - 7.975 cjg MS aa For atr at SoC ( From Table B.4 in Appendix B) ¢ - a4 = -5 oN f= Lies TA, f= 186 x10 ae he ~ PL? (1.165 44) (3 2") ( 6,004 -m -& 186 x10 M8 {37 149 1.49 Forair at standard atmospheric pressure the values of the constants that appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10) are C = 1.458 x 10-* kg/(m's:K') and 5 = 110.4 K. Use these values to predict the viscosity of air at 10 °C and 90 °C and compare with values given in Table B.4 in Appendix B. 3 3 2 s¢x10*4s__ ) 722 pf ec . Geeteil aia) T* Trlho4k For T= /0°C = 0°C r+ a73I5 = 28315 K , e 4%, (iusg x10*) (283,16) * A3ISK + 110.4 Pa Los «jo Nes me From Table B4, he | Te x10" tet For T= 70°C = 90°C + AIF = 363,15K, = ww = (L458 X10 ®)( 303 16%) * i 3O3z,5K + HOY = = 2/3Kl Ms ri Fram Table 8.4, pe = 2.ty x jo" Met ym s0* 1.50 Use the values of viscosity of air given in Table B.4 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C to determine the constants C and $ which appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10). Compare your results with the values given in Problem 1.49. (Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form # and plot 7°2/ versus T. From the slope and in- tercept of this curve C and S can be obtained.) Equetion 1.10 can be writen in The form ah =(4 S & le)re = and with The date from Table BY: a) Tre) They plates) — Yu [Vghovs)] ° ATS Aux ® 2640x108 ao Aga IS 1e2.xi0% 2.758% 08 yo 3135 187K 10” 2963 e108 60 33315 Lar x0 3087x108, 80 353815 Lor koe 2 206x10 fob 373818 2174109 3. 322.X10 A plot of T¥u vs. T 1 shown below : 2 35x10 T EEE i be je = at > { rl Saf | Peete ft | TEETER SEs] eet Sy t 25X10 1 L fl ot 320 360 Yoo (cont) (234 £50*T (con't) Since The deta plot as an approximate straight line, Fy.) aan be represented by an eguetioy of the form Yon te where yu THe xwT, b~ Yo, ann an S/C g i) 2 , To obtain a and b use LINREGA, SEU O SOE SS SEES ESBS SEE SDS ERO SESS ADE DEE ** This program determines the least squares fit ** %* for a function of the form y=atb*x id SEBS EE SEE EEO GEESE EGS SEEGERS SIO DOE Number of points: 6 Input x 2 273.15,2-640E8 2 293.15,2.758E8 313.15.2.963E8 333 -087E8 206E8 -322E8 +7.441E+07 b = +6.969E+05 x Y Y(predicted) +2. 7315E+02 +2.6400E+08 +2.6476E+08 +2.9315E+02 +2.7580E+08 +2.7869E+08 +3,1315E+02 +2.9630E+08 +2.9263E+08 43.3315E+02 +3.0870E+08 +3.0657E+08 +3.5315E+02 +3.2060E+08 +3.2051E+08 43.7315E+02 +3.3220E+08 +3.3444E+08 Thus > fab b969K 07 6 so that C= Les xl” byflims- K*) and at Sea = 74H x10 c and Therchre Ss /07 K These values tr Cand S are in good agreement with values given in Problem /.49 . SS a ere | 1-70 LST 1.51 The viscosity of a fluid plays a very important role in determining how a fuid flows. (See Video V1.1.) The value of the viscosity depends not only om the specific fuid but also on the fluid temperature, Some experiments show that when a liquid, under the action of a constant driving pressure, is forced with a low velocity, V, through a small horizontal tube, the velocity is given by the equation V = K/. In this equation K {sa constant for a given tube and pressure, and w is the dynamic viscosity. Fora particular liquid of interes, the viscosity is given by Andrade’s equation (Eq. 1.11) with D = $ 10°" Ib + s/ft? and B = 4000°R. By what percentage will the velocity increase as the liquid temperature is increased from 40 °F 10 100 °F? ‘Assume all other factors remain constant. & aw ae i. (2) Pios* Vieot_— Vitor = | Vieor eve oh increase in = a x100 “Tne 1 and from € gti (2) eh Inevease in V = es ~ fete = [4 -:] @ From Andrades equation ‘op 2 5xl0 le ChFtt) Mus Yooo aud Hue * SKI @ Cerrhe) (09 (a) Thus , From Eg. sxivte 138 of incvease in V = Fate BE 136% 4 /-4#1 452 1.52" Use the value of the viscosity of water given in Table B.2 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C to determine the constants D and B which appear in Andrade’s equation (Eq. 1.11). Calculate the value of the viscosity at 50 °C ‘and compare with the value given in Table B.2. (Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form 1 = (B+ Inu = (B) p+ IND and plot In je versus 1/T. From the slope and intercept of this curve B and D can be obtained. If a nonlinear curve fitting program is available the constants can be obtained directly from Eq. 1.11 without rewriting the equation.) Eguation (i can be written in the form Ine = (8) £ + ind ”) and with The dala trom Table BZ * Tt) Tk) WT) fp (stm*) In , o ans B.bel £10° L787 x0? ~ 6.327 to 293,15 24n L107 002 tio"? ~b,%06 fo 3/3 IS Buse? 4sagxpt — - 7.33 60-3335 Boozsw? = K bE KW* = —7.bI0 Go | 35315 pesznio? =F S4TLIO* 7494 (00 37305 gtvorw? = 281ex oo * 8174 A plot of In p vs. WUT 1 shown below: 152 (cent) Since the dete plot as an approximate straight line, £4.) can be weed to represent These data. To obtain Bann D use EXPFIT. SREB BROS EUSA ISIS IEEE EEE mor re: ** This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y= ate ~ bx +# TERE BOSSES RIS ISIS IS SIDI OID ES BPS GE Number of points: 6 Input X, ¥ 2 3,661E-3,1.787E-3 7 3.411E-3,1.002E-3 2 3,193E-3,6,.529E-4 2 3.002E-3,4.665E-4 2 2,832E-3,3.547E-4 2 2.680E-3,2.818E-4 +1. 767E-06 +1.870E+03 x Y Yipredicted) 43.6610E-03 +1.7870E-03 +1.6629E-03 #3.4110E-03 +1.0020E-03 +1.0418E-03 +3,1930E-03 +6.5290E-04 +6.9298E-0u +3,0020E-03 +4.6650E-04 +4,.8482E-04 +2,8320E-03 +3.5470E-04 +3,.5277E-04 +2.6800E-03 +2.8180E-04 +2.6548E-04 Thus, Deas 17x10" Nslam? and 3 Be b= 80K K so Thet ~6 a 1767 Xb @ At 50°C (323.15), Ao bur noe From Table 8.2, m= &. 68X10. s/n I-43 L538 153 Crude oil having a viscosity of 9.52 x 10~* Ibs/f? is contained between parallel plates. The bottom plate is fixed and upper plate moves when a force P is applied (see Fig. 1.3). If the distance between the two plates is 0.1 in., what value of P is required to translate the plate witha velocity of 3 ft/s? The effective area of the upper plate is 200 in? Pp P= Tx < pate amt Tsp % she e . P= (a.saxi0* = el ot 44 154 1.84 As shown in Video V1.2, the “no slip" condition ‘means that a fluid “sticks” to a solid surface. This is true for both fixed and moving surfaces. Let two layers of fluid be dragged along by the motion of an upper plate as shown in Fig, 1.54. The bottom plate is stationary. The top fluid puts u shear stress on the upper plate, and the lower fluid puts @ shear stress fon the botion plate. Determine the ratio of these two shear messes. Fiudt Fuuia2 Roms = 208, tm For Fluide gj ‘du = zo t ou = (0.2 a om ah 2) tom ena - Thus, ie Cp surfer | Zo Tm zcoM = 1-45 155 ‘There are many fluids that exhibit non-Newtonian ior (see for example Video V1.4). For a given fluid the tion between Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior is usually based on measurements of shear stress and rate of shearing strain, Assume that the viscosity of blood is to be determined by measurements of shear stress, 7, and rate of shearing strain, du/dy, obtained from a small blood sample tested in a suitable viscometer. Based on the data given below determine ifthe blood is a Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid. Explain how you arrived at your answer. rNim?) 0. 16] O12 0. 92]1.12] 210 wy §~1)\2.25] 4.501 11.251 22.51 45.01 90.01 225 | 450 For « Newkenan Fluid the ratio cf t te dujdy is a Constant. For the ata given? — Cw.s/m) du/dy The ratio 1s not a Constant but clecreases a5 the rate of shearing Strain smereases. Thus This Fluid Cbleed) 1s @ spon-Mewbomen Flurd. # plot of the deta & shown below. For x Wewbonian Plucd The Curve would be a stryight sine with « slepe ef / to |. 0. 0178 | 0.0/33 |¢. 0/07 | 2.0080) 0.0067 | 0.0058 |o.ansd | 0.0047 10 cen Beis 0 shonsig 46 1.56 A 40-Ib, O.8-ft-diameter, 1-ft-tall cylindrical tank slides slowly down a ramp with a constant speed of 0.1 fUs as shown in Fig. 1.56. The uniform-thickness oil layer on the ramp has a viscosity of 0.2 Ib - s/ft?. Determine the angle, 6, of the ramp. M FIGURE P1.56 — ans Tv Th &s A ~S, hy ae te W sing= TA 0) Since Ts £ , where U is the velocity of bank and b is thickness of ei! layer tHe - bes\f Ole ab Ts (o2 4B) 0,002 FE ) = Oe From &@.)) Go Ib) stn B= (io 44) (0.8.4)° ana " sin = 0.257 so tet 9=7.22° ‘of 5.48 in, and a length of 1.57 A piston having a dia ocity V through a vertical 9.50 in, slides downward with a pipe. The downward motion is resisted by an oil film between the piston and the pipe wall. The film thickness is 0.002 in., and the cylinder weighs 0.5 Ib. Estimate V if the oil viscosity is 0.016 Ib-s/f, Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. = Ferhat =O ey, | 7 Th it “So ys oh an | L 8 Where A= TDL 1 b L and (velocity? 2 yw D T- Film thicksess) Ks FP Se ee =( ima )roe ) Tt Fillews me . (osu (eget) Ve TDeR - asp fe(ooibtes ) = 0.00459 158 1.58 A Newtonian fluid having a specific gravity of 0.92 and a kinematic viscosity of 4x 10" m/s flows past a fixed surface. Due to the no-slip condition, the velocity at the fixed surface is zero (as shown in Video V1.2), and the velocity profile near the surface is shown in Fig. PISB. De- ermine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress developed on the plate, Express your answer in terms of U and 6, with U and 8 expressed in units of meters-per sec- ond and meters, respectively. 2U Tsurface = UP 22) sgeV4 U (farsi om?) (0.92 x10 42/2) Fr 2.551F Mbn* achig te lelh an plek 4 4 1-49 1.54 When a viscous fluid flows past a thin sharp-edged plate, a thin layer adjacent to the plate surface develops in which the velocity, w. changes rapidly from zero to the approuch ve- locity. Us ina small distance, 8, This layer is called a houndary jayer. The thickness of this layer increases with the distance x along the plate as shown in Fig, P1,59. Assume that « = U y/5 and 8 = 3,5 Vox/U where v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Determine an expression for the force (drag) that would Plate be developed on one side of the plate of length [and width b. sth => Express your answer in terms of f, b, v, and p, where p is the fluid density our cary layer Drag B= [Teo where dhs bax iw ° So That &£ B= [thd Since tt & (#) os and a) wel ay Ss with Se 35 an follows trom 34 be [se fax b. AEE st) and with ye This, b= 0.571 bp VVEv? 7 Avs fy - Ze" x “dK > oe*] 1.60% Standard air flows past a flat surface and (a) Assume the velocity distribution is of the form velocity measurements near the surface indicate the following distribution: u=Cy+ Oy and use a standard curve-fitting technique to de- termine the constants C, and C;. (b) Make use of the results of part (a) to determine the mag- ‘The coordinate y is measured normal to the sur- nitude of the shearing stress at the wall (y = 0) face and w is the velocity parallel to the surface. and at y = 0.05 ft. (a Use nonlinear regression program, such as SAS-WLIN, to obtain toe fbrcrends C, end Cx. This program produces least sguares estimates of The parameters of @ nonlinear Model. For the data given, 1 - ‘ C= 153s aad 4350 #675" (4) Since, du tt follows that rp (G4349) Thus, at the wall (y=0) Tp = (a.74x 107 BE )lissé) = sraxit® At y= 0.0544 1-(3% ws’ Eifisad + 3 (4350 5%, ~6 = L494 x10” Fe iy Noose) 1-51 1.61 The viscosity of liquids can be measured through the use of a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P1.61. In this device the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder is rotated with an angular velocity, «. The torque S required to develop is measured and the vis- cosity is calculated from these two measurements. Develop an equation relating 1, «, 5, f R, and R,. Neglect end effects and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. Torgue, dT, due +e shearing shess on faner cylinder 1 egual a7: RTA where JA=(, Thus, a7: RL 7 de and forgue reguired to rotate inner cylinder is TJ RS r [ve = ar RS Lt For a linear velocity distribution in A Y 4 4 Y Y Y Y y Y | y Y Y y Y Z 4 B zs Y LOTTIE Ri “Ry FIGURE P16} bop view (L~ cylinder length ) [402 | 1.62. The space between two 6-in. long concentric cylinders is filled with glycerin (viscosity = 85 x 107? Ib-s/ft?), The inner cylinder has a radius of 3 in. and the gap width between cylinders is 0.1 in. Determine the torque and the power required to rotate the inner cylinder at 180 rev/min. The outer cylinder is fixed, Assume the velocity distribution inthe gap to be linear. From Problem bbb, yp 2 ark tH RR: and with as (180 Le (ar cue) (Lee )= er ved then 3 3 be Ni ‘ad ) 3 6 te) (2.sxi0 BE low F 7: 2 (tt) (8 te) (8.5010 FS 2 0.944 folk (22 #8) — Since power = Trew &t follows That pour = (0.946 ft-lb) (or 4) = 178 ES 1-93 4.63 One type of rotsting cylinder viscometer, called a Stormer viscometer, uses a falling weight, W to cause the cyl- inder to rotate with an angular velocity, w, as illustrated in Fig. 1.63. For this device the viscosity, . of the liquid is related to Wand w through the equation W = Kyw, where K is a constant that depends only on the geometry including the liquid depth) of the viscometer. The value of K is usually determined by using a calibration liquid (a liquid of known viscosity). (a) Some data fora particular Stormer viscometer, obtained using glycerin at 20°C as a calibration liquid, are given below, Plot values ofthe weight a ordinates and values of the angular velocity as abscissae. Draw the best curve through the plotted points and determine K for the vis- cometer. wav | 022 | 066 | 110 | 154 | 220 + wiev/s) | osa | 1s9 [279 T 33 7 549 (b) A liquid of unknown viscosity is placed in the same viscometer used in part (a), and the data given below are obtained, Determine the viscosity of this liquid. W (iby os | ott | 022 | 033 | oad wirev/s) | 072 | 1a9 | 373 To saa | 742 Fed outer B FIGURE P1.63 (2) Snc3e W=KeW the slope of The W us. Ws eurve é web) slope = K, (J = oe) So that ie slope C4) * AE) Fay the glycerin data (see plot on next page) the slope (based en a least squares Fit of the deta) 4 Slope (glycerin) = 0.390 “es Since ft Gylycenin) = 313 x0" Les then !) Ibs ke 088 RE 2 17 rev TE Ie B13 es (5) for the unknown fluid deta (see plot on next page) The slope (basen on a least sguars Hit of the data ) és Slope Cankaswn fluid) = 0.0601 'B2 (cont) (54 [463 JT Corlt ) Thus, trom 5900) es 0.060/ "rev _)_ Slope _ A liantaan uit) * a7 & 1-55 L6gF Torque (ft-lb) (rad/s) and f= viscosity ofthe liqui the eguation , where b Is To obtuin b x +1.0000E+00 +2.0000E+00 +3, 0000E+00 +4.0000E+00 +5. 0000E+00 +6.0000E+00 1.01 2.01 3.0 For this viscometer R, = 2.50 in., R, .00 in, Make use of these data and a standard curve-fitting program to determine the contained in the viscometer. 50 2.45 1.64* The following torque-angular velocity data were obtained with a rotating cylinder vis- cometer of the type described in Problem 1.61 26.0 | 39.5 | 52.7 | 6s. 786 The torgue, Z is related to the angular velecity, 2, Through y=bx (see solution to Problem (66). Thus, tr « fixed geometry and a given viscosity, £9.) fs of The form (yeD and 4 Constant tgual to bs 22% 3hh Re - Re use The date yen Number of points: 6 +1,308E+01 féelbes y 41.9100E+01 41. +2.6000E+01 +2. 4319500E+01 +3. +5.2700E+01 +5 +6.4900E+01 +6. +7.8600E+02 +7 , (cont ) SEES OHO SUES O USO BB IO OO HII BIO EGER GOEBEL ‘*¥ This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y = b * x JR SS ORISSA G GEESE OI IH BSBA SO BESS HE EEE Y(predicted) 3082E+01 6165E+01 9247E+01 +2330E+01 5412E+01 B495E+01 5b 16¢*) (cont ) Thus, From & B42) (6) (Po Pe) 2r RR PF and with the date gwen, (13.08 Felbes (280-245 fe) (a. 3 /5,00 ar (248. 2)" (& ft) (-57 LOS” 4.65 A 12-in-diameter circular plate is placed over x fixed Rotana rite bottom plate with « 0.1-in, gap between the two plates Silled yf with glycerin as shown in Fig, P1.65. Determine the toque required to rotale the circular alate slowly at 2 rpm, Assume that the velocity distribution in the gap is linear and that the shear stress on the edge of the rotating plate is negligible. nt. © FIGURE P1.6! Torgue,dT, due to sheanig stresses on Plate 15 equal + t ESN de a7T=+ CAA f * Ja where dA= 2rrdr, Thus, Ne aT: + T2rrdr ana - Taf rt de lo I—> Varw Sine Th Hand bra Tor Iinear veloity distri butuen Cove tijure) Ls = rw rw TAP e stresses aching on bottom of plate ce us Vy al al< Thus, R + ape epee « ERED ana with the debe 9iste , (24 #2) 4) Velocety distribubsn = 0.0772 f4-h 1-58 1.61 A rigid-walled cubical container is comple’ with water at 40 ‘F and sealed. The water is then 10 100 °F. Determine the pressure that develops in the container when the water reaches this higher temperature. Assume that the volume of the container remains constant and the value of the bulk modulus of the water remains constant and equal to 300,000 psi Since The water mass remains tonstunt, v2) (rat) lr On Where Kus volume and S¥ ts Change in volume sf water were unconstrained during hesting. Thus, AY Gh 1 Eg a Bam Tale Bl oe Appendrs B = 1940 sss + [a7 Ses rom Table vo Appendex 8, Gye 0 SE and Oi thr A so That slags Av. 49 fe3 _) = 0.00675 as 1927 506) From Fe. 12 dp By* ~ ae ib Alhws wih dex dt and Ap= Sp Tut The chanve jn pressure reguired fo Compress the Water buck + its original Velame 1's Spe - (300,000 pst )60.00675) = 2.084103 psi " 1-59 [Lee | 1.6 _ Ina test to determine the bulk modulus of a liquid it was found that as the absolute pres- sure was changed from 15 to 3000 psi the volume decreased from 10.240 to 10.138 in.’ Determine the bulk modulus for this liquid. ot (£4. hid) d¥/y¥ E, Since “ dpa Aps 3000-16 = 2985 psi a en dvs 44 = 10.040 - 10/38 = 0/02 in? “ < 2995 jhe ‘ Eye — TT Ss 500x108 pst 1.2 — Calculate the speed of sound in m/s for (a) gasoline, (b) mercury, and (c) seawater. ¢ Ev (3.119) ? (a) For gasoline’ a= 13410", = 138 im 680 #8, 2.85010, 136 x 10" AB, z (e) For seawater: 2 aaexlo gr _ L&I dm 1.03 «078g —— Fa /-60 (b) For mercury! @ 1.45 4m s (We 1.70 Air is enclosed by a rigid cylinder con- taining a piston. A pressure gage attached to the cylinder indicates an initial reading of 25 psi. De- termine the reading on the gage when the piston hhas compressed the air to one-third its original volume. Assume the compression process to be isothermal and the local atmospheric pressure to be 14.7 psi. For isothermal compression, = eonstant so that , Where tn Initial state and F~ fin) state . . = Mass nihal poh Since os FARE 1 Ge x Meshil whe. 5 (ey content mos) and therefore Be (3)((A5 + 19.7) psits))= 119 psd Cabs) B Caage) =(119- Mp = 104 pse Gage) J- 61 fart — 4,1, Often the assumption is made thatthe flow of a certain fluid can be considered as incompressible flow if the density of the fluid changes by less than 2%. If air is flowing through a tube such thatthe air pressure at one section is 9.0 psi and at 3 downstream section itis 8.6 psi at the same temperature, do you think that this flow could be considered an imcompressible flow” Support your answer with the necessary calculations. As sume standard atmospheric pressure. For s30thermal change in density #. & a So That SShp> A The percent change th atk densities fetuten sechons 1) GOA) 13 oh change * tae «100 = (\- & ) eros = (- B) +t (pac | nibe Thus , Change = [) ~ (ForeT) psa = 169% Since hbih< 2 the Flow could be Considered meompress tle, Yes. “72 1.72 Oxygen at 30 °C and 300 kPa absolute pressure ex- pands isothermally 10 an absolute pressure of 120 kPa. Deter- mine the final density of the gas. For ssotvermal expansion , = constant so Thad fee Pe where ' invtiél state and a 4 fe tne) state. Thus, # 4+ z 2: Also - A, 3c0x10 2, (ee aes an = 38) as RT (459, ‘By )[Gorr 27x] oe so that 120 AP de) = 4 fee (sean Ver 2h) = 452 BA 1.73 Natural gas at 70°F and standard atmospheric pres- sure of 14:7 psi is compressed isentropically to a new absolute pressure of 70 psi, Determine the final density and temperature of the gos For /sentropie compression , P= constant 50 that PR 4 ‘ = where iv inihal state and 4 fe #~ fine! state, Thus, a tye ph - fp. a> Se i or Lp, \k : (f ’ te (2) Also , p- Fe, la BL mye in ) 194 xiii p= 2e 2 29 eh sas " (207410 4. de ) [QereseeyR] fe? se that a4 B : fee Ps Cabs) ts 29x 10° * ee) = 425 x10 2 hugs M47 pst lobs) te and in a te - (70 #, (me) 5 0 ts Ss OR Phas 16? Hie (a 00910 ‘#4 ) er [274 J 1.74 — Compare the isentropic bulk modulus of air at 101 kPa (abs) with that of water at the same pressure. For adr (3,417), BE, Ap = (hte) (10x wih) = L4 x10 R For water (Teble Lb) Ey = 216 x1'R Thus, E, (water) 2.16. 10"Pe E, lar) A¥1 x 10°F = LIE 1.75* Develop a computer program for culating the final gage pressure of gas when the initial gage pressure, initial and final volumes, atmospheric pressure, and the type of process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified. Use BG units. Check your program against the results ob- tained for Problem 1.70. For compression or expansion, ? rt By = conston where #=/ for ssofhermal process,and #2 specific heat vatio for isentropic process. Thus, ae. Br gk é where bn mital state, £~ tinal state, so thet a {ZB (BYR a Since _ mass * elume then A. a % where Ve, Ve, are the instal and Fuel volumes, vespectively. ce ) k =z [Me $0 bem CE) tyr the) a where the subscrpt g refers to gage pressure. Eguatioiy (2) can be written as yy thy Ge) (hy theme) ~ Blow ‘ A computer progam tr calenlatig fog follows. (cont ) Ua [-66 [275*J(coné) 100 cls 110 Sr Znt HOUR BREE RES R BESS RESIDE OC OBS S DEBE SEE Bob pnErEEEEm 120 print "#* This program calculates the final gage pressure of +*" 130 print "** an ideal gas when the initial gage pressure in psi, **" 140 print "** the initial volume, the final volume, the xn 150 print "** atmospheric pressure in psi, and the type of exe 160 print "** process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified **" 7170 print SASS ESB ADB E ROOD SBE AIOE CBO CCBO DISCOS C IEEE EGC! 180 print 190 input "Enter initial gage pressure in psi, Pi = ",p 200 input "Enter initial volume, Vi = ",vi 210 input "Enter final volume, VE = ",vf 220 input "Enter atmospheric pressure in psi, Patm = ",patm 230 pabsisptpatm 240 print:print "Enter type of process" 250 print "0 : Isothermal" 260 print "1 : Isentropic" 270 input pt 280 print 290 k= 300 if pt=1 then input "Enter specific heat ratio, k =" 310 pabsf=pabsi*(vi/vf)“k 320 pf=pabsf-patm 330 print 340 print using "The final gage pressure of the gas is Pf = +#.4888°°°" psi";pe Run pregram using date trom Problem /.70 SEER EGOS SIEBER CAI IIIA AA II OA IIIA AA III IE ** This program calculates the final gage pressure of ** ** an ideal gas when the initial gage pressure in psi, ** ** the initial volume, the final volume, the + ** atmospheric pressure in psi, and the type of + ** process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified ** SEER EOE IIIB BI I IDRIS IIE DBO SEI IS IAAF I I Enter initial gage pressure in psi, Pi =25 Enter initial volume, Vi = 1 Enter final volume, Vf = 0.3333 Enter atmospheric pressure in psi, Patm = 14.7 Enter type of process 0: Isothermal 1: Isentropic 20 The final gage pressure of the gas is Pf = +/,04¥/E+02 psi Pe 1-67 1.7% An important dimensionless parameter concemed with very high speed flow is the Mach number, defined as Vlc, where V is the speed of the object such as an airplane or projectile, and c is the speed of sound in the fluid surrounding the object. For a projectile traveling at 800 mph through air at 50°F and standard atmospheric pressure, what is the value of the Mach number? Mach number = ¥ From Tasle B.3 in Appendix B cad = [lob = Coin @ 50°F 5 Thus Me Mach number = G00 mph)(ses0 Fe) sack ) Nob & = 106 LTT (17 Jet airiners typically fly at altitudes between approx- imately 0 to 40.000 fl. Make use of the data in Appendix C to show on a graph how the speed of sound varies over this range. c= VART : fbb Rr k&=140 and R Wh See c= 440 TR From Table C1 in Appendix C at an altitude of O 44 T= SP00+ Ho= SIP’R se Tet Ey. h20) C= FOV SIG = Mi cag Similar calculations Can be made ter other altitudes and The resulting graph is shown below. 5000 10000" 15000 20000 28900 30000 36000 40000 Altitude, ft 1-679 478. | 1.78 When a fiuid flows through a sharp bend, low pres- sures may develop in localized regions of the bend, Estimate the minimum absolute pressure (in psi) that cen develop without causing cavitation if the fluid is water at 160 °F. Cavitation may occur when the local pressure eguals the vapor pressure. Foy watery at leo°F Grom Table 8,1 1 AyptrdivB) te = 47% psi (abs) Thus, minimum pressure = %74 psc labs) as | 1,79 Estimate the minimum absolute pressure (in pascals) that can be developed at the inlet of a pump to avoid cavitation if the fluid is carbon tetrachloride at 20 °C. Cavitation may occur when the suction pressuve at the pump inlet eguals the vapor pressure. For carbon betrachbide at 20°C p> 13 4B Cabs) Thus, minimum pressure = /3 Fa (abs) [430] 1.80 When water at 90°C flows through a converging sec- tion of pipe, the pressure is reduced in the direction of flow Estimate the minimum absolute pressure that can develop with- ‘out causing cavitation. Express your answer in both BG and SI units Cavitthin may eccur th The converging section of pipe when the pressure eguals the vaper pressure. From Table 6.2 1» Appendic B fr wakr at 9'C, Be 70.) #R Cabs). Thus, minimum pressure = 70.1 #R Cabs) wn 5D units. Ln 86 units ‘ o# Pot Prinimum pressure = Fo) x, Vi 450 x 1b z ) SLA. Bl 1.81 A partially filled closed tank contains ethyl alcohol at 68 °F. If the air above the alcohol is evacuated what is the minimum absolute pressure that develops in the evacuated space? Minimum pressure = vapor pressure = 0.95 psc labs) 2 ae 1.82 Estimate the excess pressure inside a rain drop having, a diameter of 3 mm. pz at (eg. “ar) R 2 (734x107) 0.00/5 an = 779R 183 (.23 A 12mm diameter jet of water discharges vertically into the atmosphere. Due to surface tension the pressure inside the jet will be slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric pressure, Determine this difference in pressure. For equilibrium (see hyure ), 4 pleesh): 7 (2 Sf) So That o wR zap an eo 2 io? g xl" m p2Riy pov excess pressure = /22R surface Hsin forces 7° 250 I-22 184 L844 As shown in Video VIS, surface tension forces can be strong enough to allow a double-edge steel razor blade to “float” on water, but a single-edge blade will sink. ‘Assume that the surface tension forces act at an angle @ rel- ative to the water surface as shown in Fig. PISY. (a) The mass of the double-edge blade is 0.64 X 10~*kg, and the total length of its sides is 206 mm. Determine the value of == ee @ required to maintain equilibrium between the blade weight i and the resultant surface tension force. (b) The mass of the = FIGURE P1.34 single-edge blade is 2.61 X 10™*kg, and the total length of its sides is 154 mm. Explain why this blade sinks. Support your answer with the necessary calculations. Surface tension 7 (a) 2 Nertical *e. ° Ww = Tsind Ww where QW) = mk ane Ts ox length of sides. le 2. (o.ue x10 eg) C4.21 mgs) = (134 a6?) (0.206 m ) sin sing = OWS o=245° (b) For single-edge blade 20 =O gage (2.61 x09 bg) (4.4) mys) = 0.0256 N and cine = (O-x lengh of blade) Sin & = (134K 10? Mp) (0.1540) sin B = 0.0113 sinB Ih order for blade to “float” W< Tsine. Since maximum value for sine 1s |, rt follows that W>Tsine and single-edge blade will sink. (-73 LES” ca) LS To measure the water depth in a large open tank with ‘opaque walls, an open vertical glass tube is attached to the side of the tank. The height of the water column in the tube is then used as a measure of the depth of water in the tank, (a) For ‘a true water depth in the tank of 3 ft, make use of Eq. 1.22 (with 6 = 0°) to determine the percent error due to capillarity as the diameter of the glass tube is changed. Assume a water temperature of 80 “F Show your results on a graph of percent error versus tube diameter, D, in the range 0.1 in. < D < 1.0in. (b) If you want the error to be less than 1%, what is the smallest tube diameter allowed? The excess height, h, caused be the surface tension Us he eee CE, |.2z) For OF 0° with D=zR h= co a) From Table B.{ in Appendix 8 for water at S0°F T= 4491 x10 Ib/fe and = 62.22 lb/ft Thus from £g.C1) h@ey = #690) arg Kw? iy mainte) Dim Son) Grae Fey) DG) DCiny Since oh error = ee x too (with “ne tre depth =3 (+ follows from E902) that -3 % error = 219 XI yigo 3 DUn.) = o.12b (3) DGn.) A plot of error versus tube chameter 1s Shown en The ntet page, (eontt ) 1-74 LEE Ctont? Diameter % Error of tube, O41 0.15 02 03 04 0s 06 07 08 09 Gb) in. 1.26 0.84 0.63 0.42 0.32 0.25 021 018 018 014 0.13 LS |B 100 3 0.50 0.00 0 02 04 06 o8 1 12 ‘Tube diameter, in. fee ee [Values obtained ltrom Eq. (3) Por / error trom Ei $6 j= Oi "Blind D= 21264 1-75 A&C 1.86 Under the right conditions it is possible, due to surface tension, to have metal objects float on water. (See Videw V1.5.) Consider placing a short length of small diameter stee! (sp. wt. = 490 Ib/ft) rod on a surface of water. What is the maximum diameter that the rod can have before it will sink? ‘Assume that the surface tension forces act vertically upward. ‘Note: A standard paper clip has a diameter of 0.036 in, Partially unfold a paper clip and see if you can get it to float on wate. Do the results of this experiment support your analysis? rh oh In order for rod +0 float (see figure) it Reilous tak 20h =W =@\oys Estee! ‘hate Thus, tor The hiniting case fered les D* = 27h ~ 38o tmx (EYL Vsteei 7 Usteel Vy, so that s2 lb a 3 (5. 03x10 ~: Dmax = a sw xi ar (490 18, ) = 0.0b/4 In. Since a standard steel paper clip has 4 diameter of 0.036 in, Which ts less tran 0. 06/4 tn, 1E should Float. A simple experiment will verify This. Yes. I-76 1.87 — Anopen, clean glass tube, having a diameter of 3 mm, is inserted vertically into a dish of mercury at 20°C. How far will the column of mercury in the tube be depressed? Ae 200056 ye (25.1:22) Bor = 130) 2 (yee! # ) cos 30" | (123 «10°, )(0, 0015 m) Thus, Column will be depressed 3.00 imam ~3 — 3.00 x/D ™ 38 — Anopen2-mm-diameter tube: (0 a pan of ethyl alcohol and a similar 4-mm- diameter tube is inserted into a pan of water. In which tube will the height of the rise of the fluid column due to capillary actlon be the greatest? Assume the angle of contact is the same for both tubes. A= ARees8 Eph Fz (é%. 422) Thus, L Cabeohel) _ Clabwhol) ¥ water) (£22) ZT (water) Tluater] FCaleohel) | 2mm = (2282/0" H )at01u? %, (4 mo) BEER am AE ne pe (7.344 10> % ) (7.744107 %,) (aman) ee om = 0.7817 Height of rise of water column is greatest, L_ 77 187 * 1.84* The capillary rise in a tube depends on the cleanliness of both the fluid and the tube. Typically, values of h are less than those predicted by Eq. 1.22 using values of ¢ and @ for clean fluids and tubes. Some measurements of the height, /, water column rises in a vertical open tube of diameter, d, are given below. The water was tap to these data and estimate the value of the prod- uct ¢ cos 4. If it is assumed that ¢ has the value given in Table 1.5 what is the value of 6? If it is, assumed that 4 is equal to 0° what is the value of a d (in) 3 25 |0.20 |0.15 |0.10 10.05 water at a temperature of 60 °F and no particular h Cin.) 10.1331 0.1651 0.198 42110.796 effort was made to clean the glass tube. Fita curve Fram Eq, lar = 27@s@/L). 47 Cose/ 1 Re + (z) ¥ (4) a with d=2tR. Thus, 64.01) of the frm b f:bd' ca) Where: ay ee + d The constent, b, can be obtained by 4 Iinear least squares fib of the given date CR and /d ). if Ce") 4 lft) Yo 00/108 4e 0.01375 be 0.01650 Fo 0, 02275 120 0.03508 240 0. 06633 L_ (cont) ia7e. ear (ont ) To chtem b use LIWREG L. JESS Sn re erenoreooEaErESrGC oR EOEE UD ROO HEE ce xx This program determines the least squares fit ** ** for a function of the form y = b * x a ORE IOI IOS IOC SEAGIG I IA IA IIA IO Number of points: 6 Input X,Y ? 40,0.01108 48,0.01375 60,0,.01650 80,0.02275 2? 120,0.0351 2 2640,0.06633 b = +2.799E-04 #¢* x Y Y(predicted) +4.0000E+01 +1.1080E-02 +1.1195E-02 +4.8000E+01 +1.3750E-02 41.3434E-02 +6.0000E+01 +1.6500E-02 +1.6792E-02 +8.0000E+01 +2.2750E-02 +2.2390E-02 +1.2000E+02 +3.5080E-02 +3,3584E-02 42.4000E+02 +6.6330E-02 +6.7169E-02 Thus, io oO Teese = =F _ C2199 x16 * Nor B,) _ “2b 7 d If os 5.03 «18 Uf , Then = le cos = H3IKP #8 = 0.99 Fan? and 6-277" Tf 020° Then CosB=40 and Se Eon 3 is os 437K ees 437 eR 4o {-79 190 1.90 Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer Objective: As discussed in Section 1.6, some fluids can be classified as Newtonian flu- ids; others are non-Newtonian. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the shearing slress versus rate of strain characteristics of various liquids and, thus. to classify Uhem as Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids. Equipment: Stormer viscometer containing a stationary outer cylinder and a rotating, concentric inner eylinder (see Fig, P1.90); stop watch; drive weights forthe viscometer three Afferent liquids (icone oil, Latex pain, and corn syrup) Experimental Procedure: Fill he gap between te inner and outer eylinders with one of, the three fluids to be tested. Select an appropriate drive weight (of mass m) and attach i to the ‘end of the cord that wraps around the drum to which the inner cylinder is fastened. Release the brake mechanism to allow the inner cylinder to start to rotate. (The outer cylinder remains stationary.) After the cylinder has reached its steady-state angular velocity, measure the amount of time, that it takes the inner cylinder to rotate N revolutions. Repeat the measurements us- ing various drive weights. Repeat the entire procedure for the other fluids to be tested. Calculations: For each of the three fluids tested, convert the mass, m, of the drive weight to its weight, W = mg, where g is the acceleration of gravity. Also determine the angular ve- locity of the inner cylinder, » = N/t Graph: For each fluid tested, plo the drive weight, W, as ordinates and angular velocity, co, as abscissas. Draw a best fit curve through the data Results: Note that for the flow geometry of this experiment, the weight, W, is propor- tional to the shearing stress, r, on the inner cylinder. This is true because with constant an- gular velocity, the torque produced by the viscous shear stress on the cylinder is equal to the torque produced by the weight (weight times the appropriate moment arm), Also, the angu- Jar velocity, «, is proportional to the rate of strain, du/dy. This is true because the velocity gradient in the fluid is proportional to the inner cylinder surface speed (which is proportional to its angular velocity) divided by the width of the gap between the cylinders. Based on your graphs, classify each of the three fluids as to whether they are Newtonian, shear thickening, or shear thinning (see Fig. 1.5). Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, Retain nner eyinder utr ent @ FIGURE P1.90 (cont ) 1-80 Lo (Conk ) Solution for Problem 1,90: Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer még N,revs Silicone Oil Data 0.02 4 0.05 12 0.10 24 0.18 20 0.20 24 0.25 30 0.320 20 0.36 25 0.40 40 Com Syrup Data 0.05 1 0.10 2 020 4 0.40 8 Latex Paint Data 0.02 2 0.03 2 0.04 5 005 10 008 = 10 0.07 10 0.08 10 0.08 10 010 20 ts 59.3 65.0 64.2 35.0 347 31.0 174 188 28.0 28.2 27.5 27.2 257 32.7 20.2 32.2 47.3 37.2 29.8 246 20.1 34.0 ©, revis 0.07 0.18 0.37 0.87 0.76 0.97 4.15 1.33 1.54 0.04 0.07 0.15 0.31 0.08 0.10 0.16 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.50 0.59 WN 0.20 0.49 0.98 147 1.96 2.45 2.94 3.43 3.92 0.49 0.98 1.96 3.92 0.20 0.28 0.38 0.49 0.58 0.68 0.78 0.88 0.98 From the graphs: Silicone oil is Newtonian Com Syrup is Newtonian Latex paint is shear thinning ct (cont) Problem 1.90 | Problem 1.80 ‘Woight, W, vs Angular Velocity, © \| Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, « ter for Silicone Oi! 450 409 350 3.00 2 250 = 200 1.50 4.00 050 Corn Syrup 050 1.50 0.00 2.00 0.00 Problem 1.80 | ‘Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, » Latex Paint / 2 1.91 Capillary Tube Viscometer Objective: The flowrate of a viscous fluid through a small diameter (capillary) tube is a function ofthe viscosity of the fluid. For the flow geometry shown in Fig. PLL, the kine- ‘matic viscosity, v, is inversely proportional to the flowrate, Q. That is, » = K/Q, where K is the calibration constant for the particular device. The purpose ofthis experiment is to deter- imine the value of K and to use itt determine the kinematic viscosity of water as a function of temperature. Equipment: Constant temperature water tank, capillary tube, thermometer, stop watch, ‘graduated cylinder. Experimental Procedure: Adjust the water temperature to 15.6°C and determine the flowrate through the capillary tube by measuring the time, zit takes to collect a volume, V, ‘of water in a small graduated cylinder. Repeat the measurements for various water temper- ‘atures, 7. Be sure that the water depth, A, in the tank is the same for each tral. Since the flowrate is @ function of the depth (as well as viscosity), the value of K obtained will be valid for only that value of & Caleulations: For each temperature tested, determine the flowrate, Q = V/t. Use the data for the 15.6°C water to determine the calibration constant, K, for this device. That is, K = 7, where the kinematic viscosity for 15.6°C water is given in Table 1.5 and Q is the measured flowrate at this temperature. Use this value of K and your other data to determine the vis- cosity of water as @ function of temperature. Graph: Plot the experimentally determined kinematic viscosity, v, as ordinates and tem- perature, 7, as abscissas Results: On the same graph, plot the standard viscosity-temperatre data obtained from ‘Table B.2. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. ]| I ‘Water Copia te Grants yer & FIGURE P1.97 (cont ) 1-83 441 C Con't ) ‘Solution for Problem 1.91: Capillary Tube Viscometer From Table B.2 Viml ts T.degC Q, mis vy, mM2is_ T.degC v,m*2is. 92 198 186 0.465 1.12E-06 10 1,31E-06 97 158 6263 0.614 8.49E-07 20 1.00E-06 92 16.8 213 0.548 9.51E-07 30 8.01E-07 gt 21.3 12.3 0.427 1,22E-06 40 6.58E-07 92 13.1 343 0.702 7.42E-07 50 5.53E-07 94 10.1 50.4 0.931 5.60E-07 60 4.75E-07 a1 89 58.1 1.022 5.10E-07 v=kQ K, m2 mits*2, vv (at 15.6 deg C), m*2/s- 5.21E-07 1.12E-06 K=vQ= 1.12E-6 m‘2is * 0.465 mis = 5.21E-7 m*2 mi/s*2 Problem 1.91 Viscosity, v, vs Temperature, T 1.5E-06 106-08 | a [© Expermentat | — | ==From Table 8.2 = — | 5.0E-07 84 2.1 The water level in an open standpipe is 80 ft above the ‘ground. What is the static pressure at a fire hydrant that is con- nected to the standpipe and located at ground level? Express your answer in psi path rp Since the standpipe 1s open f=0, ana therehre pe lay F, ) (30 ema ) = BAT ps | 2.2 Blood pressure is usually given as a ratio of the maximum pressure (systolic pressure) to the minimum pressure (diastolic pressure). As shown in Video V2.1, such pressures are commonly measured with a mercury mano- eter. A typical value for this ratio for a human would be 120/70, where the pressures are in mm Hg. (a) What would ese pressures be in pascals? (b) If your car tire was inflated to 120 mm Hg, would it be sufficient for normal riving? : pe ¥h (A) For 120mm Hoi p= (133x107 )(0, 120m)= Le.0eR For To mm tigi ps (133 x19 )(0. 070m) = PHAR + bin ) Mom Since a typical tire pressure 45 50-95 PSC, 120mm th Js pot _sufhicsent for normal driving. (4) For 120 mmig: pe (100 x0 \igsoxid = 4,92 psi a-l 2.3. What pressure, expressedin pascals, will a skin diver be subjected to at a depth of 40 m in seawater? fe chop AL the surface Pp =0 se That pe (10.1210° tom) = Hoynio H = You BR, m™ 2.4 2.4 The two open tanks shown in Fig. P2.4 have the same bbortom area, A, but different shapes. When the depth, h, of & Tiguid in the two tanks is the same, the pressure on the bottom Of the two tanks will be the same in accordance with Eq. 2.7, However, the weight of the liquid in each of the tanks is dif ferent, How do you account for this apparent paradox? ) 7 AR | Area = A £ guid supper [Mad ater id For The tank with The thelimed walls, The pressure on The boHem ts due fo the weight of the liga th The tolumn chirectly above the bolem as shown by The dashed W1ies th the figure. This is the same weijat as That for The tank with the straight sides. Thus, the pressure on the bohem of the two tanks 13 the same. The additonal Weight th the tank wity the thelimed walls 13 supported by The Inclined wnlle, 43 sHlustrated 1 the figure. 2.5 Bourdon gages (see Video V2.2 and Fig. 2.13) are commonly used to measure pressure. When such a gage is — attached to the closed water tank of Fig. P2.5' the gage reads 5 psi, What is the absolute air pressure in the tank? Assume standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi in Bourdon gage on a prrh +R Tpage ANG, * b: 2 A A B= (5 f+ 4.74) (1 Fe) (24 8,) = FIGURE P2.5 Fag = 23 pote 26 Bathyscaphes are capable of submerging to great depths in the ocean, What is the pressure at a depth of $ km, assum- ing that seawater has a constant specific weight of 10.1 kN/m"? Express your answer in pascals and psi. perk +h At the surlce 0 50 Thd Pe (0.14109 5 e102) = $05 x10 = 50.5 MP Asse, te p= (G05 x10 # )fiese nie" im ) = 7320 pst 293 es 2.1 For the great depths that may be en- of part (a) to determine the pressure at a depth countered in the ocean the compressibility of sea- of 6 km assuming seawater has a bulk modulus water may become an important consideration. of 2.3 x 10” Pa, and a density of 1030 kg/m’ at (a) Assume that the bulk modulus for seawater the surface. Compare this result with that ob- is constant and derive a relationship between tained by assuming a constant density of 1030 pressure and depth which takes into account the kg/m’. change in fluid density with depth. (b) Make use 7) 2. ¥ =-~4 (£g 2.4) Thus, dp. gap a) 2 # If p 13 « functon of P, we must determne P>F(P) bebre integrating Egu)., Since, Cee, 413) where p22 at pro 0 at surface Bak ) where k= %-2,, the depth below surlece Clont) (6) From part a), sacs, dae 644 ) so thet at f= bdm ~ (23x10 % hn |i - hosxic 4% Nae & )(oxi'm) 23x10 7 ON G14 X10 Fer = 14 MPa ce) For constant density perks 23h = (03x10 B) (a0 % Nexie'm) = 606 MA xa 2.8 — Blood pressure is commonly measured with a cuff placed around the arm, with the cuff pressure (Which is a mea- sure of the arterial blood pressure) indicated with a mercury manometer (see Video 2.1). A typical value for the maximum value of blood pressure (systolic pressure) is 120 mm Hg. Why wouldn't it be simpler, and cheaper, to use water in the manome- ter rather than mercury? Explain and support your answer with the necessary calculations. path For (20mm Hs i ps ¥h = 33x10? %, )(0.120.m) = /b.0 A Tb obtam tns pressure with a water column 3 ug fb.0x2 a = bm (or Sash) oxi Thus, (£ water weve used in tne-manametec the veguired Column heignks would be too high and im practical, No. 2.9 —_ Twohemispherical shells are bolted together as shown in Fig. P24. The resulting spherical container, which weighs 4400 Ibis filled with mercury and supported by acable as shown, ‘The container is vented atthe top. If eight bolts are symmetri- cally located around the circumference, what is the vertical force that each bolt must carry? Spree diameter = 3 ft m FIGURE P2.4 LP FL ~ force in one bolt pr pressure at mid-plane | Aw area at mid-plane | WW ~ weight of mercury in bottom helt ! 44 of Shell D W, ~ weight of bottom helt of shell For ea | | LY vertical =o | Thus, | BE = PAT My + Ws 4 Syl ZN(FO) + HG) ED) + + (4b) (ra B32" 8) oa +i 2 ion for the pressure variation in a liquid in which the specific weight increases with depth, 4, as y = Kh + y, where Kis a constant and jis the specific weight at the free surface. eo a g a Y ge -¥ (Ee, 29) L let 4=2,-2 ara so That dh =-dz Thus, dpe ¥dh and [e [re | for rz kkk, p A [ops [Ohrias t kd", a%e Gnd ac7 i ¥* (cont) 2.14* — Inacertain liquid at rest, measurements 0 107 of the specific weight at various depths show the 70 10 following variation: 80 112 90 14 h (ft) (lb/ft 100 us 0 70 H 7 10 %6 | ‘The depth, A = 0, corresponds to a free surface 20 8 ! at atmospheric pressure. Determine, through nu- 30 on merical integration of Eq. 2.4, the corresponding 40 7 variation in pressure, and show the results on a 50 102 plot of pressure (in psf) versus depth (in feet). Se. -¥ ae Let 2s R-£R (see figure) 50 that dz=-dh and Therefre dp=-bde = och . k = [ea oO er ke Re [es ww where $. 1% The pressure at depth 4;. Equation 1) Thus, con be integrated numerically using The following program (Note: The numerical sategration Can sho be accomplished Through Véplated use of The program TRAPEROI ). (cont ) ak [a7*] (tont ) 100 cls CULO print SHSSCGSSOOnOOODOCSBECOD DOOD SESS Sn HSE BCE 120 print "** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically ** 130 print "** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the = **" 140 print "** pressure at different depths +n TSO nt OCHS Spe GGKAEEIEEO OA DOCCCB REECE RAC OOIIE 160 print 170 dim p(11),gammat11) 180 n=11 190 dh=10 200 p(t 210 for i=l ton 220 read gamma(i) 230 next i 240 data 70,76,84,91,97,102,107,110,112,114,115 250 for i=2 ton 260 s=(gamma(i)+gamma(i))/2 270 imi=i-2 280 for $=2 to imt 230 s=s+gamma( i) 300 next 5 310 plil=dh*s 320 next i 33C 340 ‘Print the results 350 print 360 print "h (ft) Pressure (psf)" 370 for isi to n 380 print using "444.4 wadde a"; (i-1)*dh, pCi) 390 next i The tabulated pesults ave given below, along with the Corresponding plot ef pressure vs. depnr. TASB EBS IS RS EI IO OSES RIS ODOC OGO EE: ** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically ** ¥* using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the ** ** pressure at different depths *m FERS OSE HOS BI ORES OS DE ROUSE SES OOOO DERG GEE: h (ft) Pressure (psf! 0.0 0.0 10.0 730.0 1530.0 2405.0 3345.0 4340.0 5385.0 6470.0 7580.0 8710.0 9855.0 o.a| 2.12, The basic elements ofa hyaiiepes are own a Fig. P2.12. The plunger has an area of 1 in, and a force, F). can be applied tothe plunger through « lever mechanism having 4 mechanical advantage of 8 0 1. Ifthe large piston has an area | + of 150 in, what load, F, can be raised by 2 force of 30 Ib [ applied to the lever? Neglect the hydrostatic pressure variation. Plunger Hycraulie tie —r = A force of 30 Ib apphed + the lever vesulty im & plinger force, FR, ef R= @)Ro) = 240k. | Since Fl=pA, and Fys pag where p ts the Pressure and A, ene A, are The areas of The plunger and piston , respectively. Since p 1s constant throughout The Chamber , fl. & Ay Az 0: Tass A a R= (S200) (240 hb) = 2G000 Ib ; ie a= 2/3 2.13 A O3-m-diameter pipe is connected to a 0.02-m- diameter pipe and both are rigidly held in place. Both pipes are i horizontal with pistons at each end. If the space between the i pistons is filled with water, what force will have to be applied to the larger piston to balance a force of 80 N applied to the ‘smaller piston? Neglect friction. r= ph Fa par Thus, fs. Ai 2 or = /$000N a-lo 2.15 What would be the barometric pressure reading, in mm Hg, at an elevation of 4 km in the U.S. standard atmosphere? (Refer to Table C.2 in Appendix C.) AL an elevation of ¢4m, pz blboxi0” & C trom , Table ©.2 ta Appenarx C). Since 2 park 7 + 4: ra eee a ed = 0464 mm = 133% 109 Im 2.16 2.16 An absolute pressure of 7 psia corre- sponds to what gage pressure for standard at- mospheric pressure of 14.7 psia? f labos)= PGage) + platm) Thus, plgase)? Plats) — Pp lan) = Tpsca- M4 Ipsd = Ho + mam 2.17* °2.17 A Bourdon gage (sce Fig. 2.13 and Video V2.2) is often used to measure pressure. One way to calibrate this type ‘of gage is to use the arangement shown in Fig. P2.17a. The container is filed with a liquid and a weight, ©, placed on one side with the gage on the other side. The weight acting on the liquid through a 0.4-in.-diameter opening creates a pressure that is transmitted to the gage. This arrangement, with a series of weights, can be used to determine what a change in the dial movement, 8, in Fig. P2.17b, corresponds to in terms of a change in pressure. For a particular gage, some data are given below. Based on a plot of these data, determine the relationship between @ and the pressure, p, where p is measured in psi? FIGURE P2.17 w db) | 0 2.00 | 3.23 | 4.05 | 5.24 | 6.31 o (eg. f= - wae wee Ean e = 776Wh) (where p iin pst) Frem graph QW = 0.0522 6 So Tat trem 2g.) P (psc) 7.46 Plps) = 0.444 O = 6.052206 ank ‘Theta, deg. W, Ib 0 0.00 20 1.04 8.00 w= 20822 0 | 40 2.00 | 60 3.23 80 4.05 100 524 120 631 ery ale | 2.18 For an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa (abs) determine the heights of the fuid columns in barometers containing one of the following liq- uids: (a) mercury, (b) water. and (¢) ethyl alco- hol. Calculate the heights including the effect of vapor pressure, and compare the results with those obtained neglecting vapor pressure. Do these results support the widespread use of mer- cury for barometers? Why? (Ineluding vapor pressure ) (Withot vapor pressure ) pltm) = rd + b, plata) = th where ~ vapor pressure This, 9, Pledm)~ Po J, ated cc —— r x Sw exw ior xi &, | (A) For mercury: A= 10 #10 ‘ 4 ——s, | 133 x0 st la3xio*e = 0,159 m = 0,154 m sv. > WL uv gp, isin 177410 #, 4) For water: 4.304108 & mt 10.1_™m i ¢) For ety! porn Zi ~ 59x10 M, aleohe|: hh? ; 7.74 x10RH mn? = 12.3m Yes. For mercury barameters the effect of vapor pressure Is negligible ) and the vreguired height of The mercury column /s feusenable, ack 2/7 J} 2.14 aneroid barometers can be used to mea- sure changes in altitude. Ifa barometer reads 30.1 in, Hg at one elevation, what has been the change in altitude in meters when the barometer reading is 28.3 in, Hg? Assume a standard atmosphere, and that Eq. 2.12 is applicable over the range of altitudes of interest. Z teh (i-@)” ( &g. 212) 2 At an, pee pin )™ r (4 Fe )- G2 wn % ) . Te Similarly, #r #=22, Re (4)? = 1- a) Subtract 9.2) from yu) 4 obtaci, Re Re z-z= Blihyt_ (AVF 3) re RR) -(E For Ta= 289K, = e.coesoX% , A= IRR, 4: 48) a Re2e7 J » and “¢ : (ani ) (2.00050) _ 0.190 | 981 ae | | with Bey A, = (193 410" #301 in la. sve 015 2 ) =/02 AR | ane flag 4: (133 10% lags in)(2swai’ ™ )e Wb kh then From Eg (3) 0,190 | _ Ape Kk | flor hte \7'? (sea 48? ovo k | oid] ~ | Tor Pe, = 543 am 2.20 2.20 _ Pikes Peak near Denver, Colorado has an elevation of 14,110 ft. (a) Determine the pres- sure at this elevation, based on Eq. 2.12. (b) If the air is assumed to have a constant specific weight of 0.07647 Ib/ft, what would the pressure be at this altitude? (c) If the air is assumed to have a constant temperature of 59 °F what would the pressure be at this elevation? For all three cases assume standard atmospheric conditions at sea level (see Table 2.1). Zz “ Pate (i a = (Ey, 2.12) For fyz diteoaB, , 4000357 £, gomin , ° i = ee and = 18.67R , R= 176 Gage 44 2. S2rt# _ & 262 ” (! ‘116 $e she ig) (00307 ) _ Sash $= (aut2 A) (osere Blume = 1240 (abs) te) P= h—¥h 4. - (acre £, )(iy so #2) loyo & (abs) = all.2 ee) Prt eé Te fez 74 # (iy, 10 #8) = (ase. te e cz re ee (orn s7 7A) = 1270 +, labs) Te (eg.210) Za! 2.21 Equation 2.12 provides the relationship between pressure and elevation in the atmo- sphere for those regions in which the temperature varies linearly with elevation. Derive this equa- tion and verify the value of the pressure given in Table C. Bf in Appendix C for an elevation of 5 fz: -3 [3 (E9, 29) 2, and ToT, -2. Th “ie og (ie - Rg Ta. ~A2 te o z " g £-- bl ale (rene) = £[eem-br] - £ &(i- #) and taking we v both sides Ps eguaticn yields { | let rp for #20, B~p fr & x i | | | | | | | 1 4.(:-8)* (€5. 2.12) For #2 Fham with — alo 3ahPe , Ty = APRIK, gx 807M, (= 0.006505 | Re ary “2 : ark 9.807 _ _ 6. 00664 (54107 21/9 nrg aoc) pe (101.33 dal] “apse ‘ = 5.40 x 10° H (From Table Ca tn hppendie C, pe S4o5xi0'#, -) 2.22 As shown in Fig. 2.6 for the U.S. stan- dard atmosphere, the troposphere extends to an. altitude of 11 km where the pressure is 22.6 kPa (abs). In the next layer, called the stratosphere, the temperature remains constant at —56.5 °C. Determine the pressure and density in this layer at an altitude of 15 km. Assume g = 9.77 m/s* in your calculations. Compare your results with those given in Table C.2 in Appendix C. For ssethermal conditiens, ~Ze C4 2 pte *% (4, 210) let 4s lid pz22tkh , RF an 1 G2 tA, and Te 865°C + AIS = D1ObEK. Thus, ; \ ie (5410 m = xi0'm y | ~ = | i (22442) e 57 ZX, \(21.esK) | = lat hPa A a = lait = 0195 BE Ae 2 / (287 Be )(216. 65k) (From Table C2 tn Appendix C ) Pra RP and = 4 AF 0.1948 4s.) 2-/7 2.23* Under normal conditions the tempera- Elevation (ft) ‘Temperature (°F) ture of the atmosphere decreases with increasing “5000 ‘50.1 (base) elevation. In some situations, however, a tem- 3500 38. perature inversion may exist so that the air tem- 6000 60. perature increases with elevation. A series of 6400 626 temperature probes on a mountain give the ele- 7100 67.0 vation-temperature data shown in the table be- 7400 68.4 low. If the barometric pressure at the base of the 8200 70.0 mountain is 12.1 psia, determine by means of +8600 09.5 numerical integration the pressure at the top of 9200 68.0 the mountai 9900 67.1 (top) From E34. 2.9, Wits The temperature data given the mnbeya| te B%.2.9 Can be evaluated Te esils asing TRAPEZOI. SHEE HE EIEIO OOO IIIA IID II II III SII IIIA. ** This program performs numerical integration a ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** SEES OO GUD RIGO GOS OIG SII IU IO IOI IE Enter number of data points: 10 Enter data points (X , Y) P5000.2-3688=3 Motes Yoo He Se00,2. 9028-3 5000,1.3236=3 feoa,2.9:s6-3 7100,.1.899E-3 7400.1. 894E-3 ? 8200,1.888E-3 2200, ? 3200,2.8856-3 7 980011 e98e-3 The approximate value of the integral is: +9.3452E+00 Thus, 7900 Ft at) ae (Le = 1352 S000 ft so taut — (with 9 = 92.2 “5 any Re IT Hlbfslag-*A) ty Be (32.2 Gas 4) ~o./1s% wn R 1716 telo/slagR (cont) a-18 [ 2.234] C cont ) It fellows trom Eg.) with p12.) psca Tat — O17F4 Be (12.1 psia) @ 10,2 psia Wote: Since the temperature variate 1s not very large, it would be expected That The assumption of @ “Constant temperature would give good results. Lf the temperature ts assumed to be tonstant «et The base temperature (S01), fp 201 psa , which 1s Only shohtly different from the result give above —cleses aie 2.24 A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed tank Containing air and water as shown in Fig. P2.24, At the closed end of the manometer the air pressure is 16 psia. Determine the reading on the pressure gage for a differential reading of 4 ft a con the manometer. Express your answer in psi (gage). Assume standard atmospheric pressure, and neglect the weight of the air columns in the manometer. an Air prestute = 16 psio Gage huis (y= 801i) mw FIGURE P2.24 pr Ue G+ YG, CF) = Fong Thus, : Foes = (i Be- mr Beg + (6244, )(2A) = on, = (ore AGE.) eae i) + (% lets) ee 2-80 2.25 | Ge 2.25, A closed cylindrica tank filled with water has a hem- ay ieee isphercal dome and is connected to an invened piping system E5'py ‘a Bao pooh ths tepid waka ta can ie oine | system has a specific gravity of 0.8, and the remaining pars of 7 the system are filed with water I the pressure gage reading at am Ais 60 kPa, determine: (a) the pressure in pipe B, and (b) the pressure head, in millimeters of mercury, at he top of the dome je (point ©) an te (a) B+ (6G, ,)am) + 4, 9 (Am) bz bo4R + a Raien'd, Vo (Renal 2) em ) 103 R&B ) b:t- B,o (Sm) = bokh- (as 4 Gm) = 30.6 x10" 4 #. 0.4K 4 ye = 2-23 0m hy 133% 10 s& = 0.2300 (ld®mm) = 230 mm 2-2 2.26 For the stationary fluid shown in Fig. P2.26, the pres- sure at point B is 20 kPa greater than at point A. Determine the specific weight of the manometer fluid. Density = 1500 igi FIGURE P2.26 let: Ym = specie weignt of manemeter fluid Me SOM yn) G) F (.2)(on 4 )GaF) zi, Foo #, %F Aes Cisoo #2, (4.81%) = 14,200 7, he- hF -% (2m) + OF (2m) + % (zm) Zon zo (11,8002 4 Yoon) + Yon (am) + (14,1008, ) am) | v % = 7, 100 <3 ter is connected to a closed jg. P2.27. If the air pressure is 2 psi, determine the reading, h. The specific weight of the air is negligible, fair + 4 ye FO _ ba ydhs) (4) : ae at 4 ny - % Cs oeraps )- 6242, "Sale | 4- &, 5 (At te) = B 2.28 2.28 A suction cup is used to support a plate of weight W 435 shown in Fig. P2.28. For the conditions shown, determine -——— atciameter >} FIGURE P2.28 [* Ww or eguili briam of forces on plote W= BA, Where A, Is area of cup and From manometer 2g uation: h-h,, (Lb) + (5a)%, , ) (0.44) <0 he &,, [bbe - @)(o4A)] «ty [lite - on(ovee] a1) Rots @ negative pressure. 7-942 B Thus, from a aa w= (48 B)(r)(o.54)* = 18.4 lb res] 2.29 Apistonhaving a cross-sectional area of 3 f and neg- Saag ligible weight is located in a cylinder containing oil (SG = 0.9) as shown in Fig, P2.29. The cylinder is connected 10 a pres- ‘Ar presture = 5 pl an surized tank containing water and oil, A force, P, holds the pis- } tL ton in place. (a) Determine the required value of the force, P. {| (b) Determine the pressure head, expressed in feet of water, act- 2 ing on the tank bottom, + ah 4in.clamter Tank stom a . @ FIGURE P2.29 (a2 For eguilibrium tb AE P / a where -p, is pressure acting 6" piston. A manomeber Cguakion gives $+, (6H) -%, 2W= Ri So that $= Pap 8s) (FR) + Gn (24) = (> (144222) - (.(or4h, GH) + (o(ce vs) (o#)| = 552 HL | Thus, frem & 4.01) Pz (552 $3?) = Leoo Ib (B= Bie By (3H) + Yn (4) (5 Be )(ive ge) +(ta4 ¥,) 6 #)+Ga)(and,\444) ” = Jb )\30 Ge i" R, head = Frettone , BOE . 18] FE Yessure ead = 2p le ——= Heo ” 2-25 2.3) 2.31 The mercury manometer of Fig. P2.3 indicates a differential reading of 0.30 m when the pressure in pipe A is 30 mm Hg vacuum. Determine the pressure in pipe B. FIGURE P2.31 tt x, (6.16 m+ 0,30m) = ig (0.3m) ~ Bye (ets) =f where B= ~ hy (0,030 m) Thus, taz - hg (0,030 m )~ %;, (0.45m) +g (3m) + CD) = ~ (33 2) (e000) ~ (3.958% )(0¥5m) +(133 #4 azn) + (1.80 £4 Yo.sw) AR an-de 2,32 2.32 For the inclined-tube manometer of Fig. P2.22 the pressure in pipe A is 0.6 psi. The fluid in both pipes A and B is water, and the gage fluid in the manometer has a specific gravity of 2.6. What is the pressure in pipe B corresponding to the differential reading shown? te FIGURE P2.32 Fay * Gig (RF) ~ Ue GE te) sinzor — Yd) = Be Cwhere Y4p 1s the ihe weight ef the gage fluid ) af Spec 9 a9 Thus, @ oo R, 2 h, — %y FZ. ft) sin 30 oe bb = (0.6 BY ex ) ~ Galery £, Vik Alas) = 323 Be pee . ile: ay a. = 323W/*/ yah /A~ = 0.224 Pse 2.33 _ Qese 2.33 Compartments A and B of the tank shown in Fig i 2.33 are closed and filled with air and a liquid witha speci ravity equal 1 0.6. Determine the manometer reading, dif the barometric pressure is 14.7 psia and the pressure gage reads 0.5 Psi. The effect of the weight of the airs negligible Mercury (S= 13.6) 7 ¥,,f4) + Yh) + dy (o.1##) =o Ae Pent ty sft) Yh, 0 ~ il j = (0.5, )(inpat, ) ¢ Cab yler¥ Hy) (0.1 t) o24 8, - (0.6) (62.4) = G.29fd 2-27 2.34 Small differences in gas pressures are commonly measured with a micromanometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P2.34. This device con- sists of two large reservoirs each having a cross- sectional area, A,, which are filled with a liquid having a specific weight, 7;, and connected by a U-tube of cross-sectional area, A,, containing a liquid of specific weight, y.. When a differenti gas pressure, p, ~ ps, is applied a differe! reading, ft, develops. It is desired to have this reading sufficiently large (so that it can be easily read) for small pressure differentials. Determine the relationship between ft and p, — p; when the area ratio A,/A, is small, and show that the dif- ferential reading, h, can be magnified by making the difference in specific weights, 7» — 7, small Assume that initially (with p, in the two reservoirs are equal. initial evel for gage Hud When « diferenbal pressure, B-h, 1 applied we assume tae level tn lett veservoir reps by « dishenee, Ah, "ane right pevel rises by Dh. Thus, The tmanemeter eguation becomes Bry (deh-sh) -% £ - YK thhyeh = yd -444 ¥ oak) a Since the Nguids 2 The manometer are incompressible, = Ad 2ah . At okA, = 24 or 24h - Ae and i# Ae is small Then abhceR and last term in E40) a Can be neglectea. Thus, -42(G-¥%)4 er _ ge Boh or and lane voluss of h can be obtained for Simell pressure differentials if %y-&, 1 small, a-ag 2.35 2.38 _ The eyclindrical tank with hemispherical ends shown in Fig. P2.35 contains a volatile liquid and its vapor. The lig- uid density “The pressure in the vapor is 120 kPa (abs), and the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa (abs). Determine: (a) the gage pressure read- ing on the pressure gage; and (b) the height, A, of the mercury ‘manometer. is 800 kg/m, and its vapor density is negligible. FIGURE P2.35 @ Let Ys apo of higuia = (oo #2, (431%): 78508, and “P. CGage) = 12042, (abs) ~ 101-RP (als)= 1TAR Raper Thus, Bage® Papert %e Con) = iqxw Sk + (350M, ) (im) = 2694R (b) Bais + & (im) = My (h) =0 ign? (7850%,)(im)~(i23x0M, )( 4) =0 f= 0.202 m 2-29 2.36 Determine the elevation difference, Ai, between the water levels in the two open tanks shown in Fig, P2.36. ao Ue pzheeo Since Lh= 0.4m ~ (64) (0.4m) A+ (56) % 5 Cotm) +h, Che tm) + {ai)eR 0.040 2.37 237 Water, oil, and salt water fill a tube as shown in Fig. 2.37, Determine the pressure at point I (inside the closed tube), it density ae Mh = 1.20 slgstt®_|. [7 H | ' [ote anil P- (56a Fino (3h) +, (GH) + Y, 4) =0 B= (1.20 (e248, \(s4e)- (20 BEN a2.2 Ys 4) -(oah on) 2-30 2 Ocean tee 2.32 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is at- tached to the ocean floor at a depth of 10 m as, shown in Fig. P2.38. A mercury barometer lo- cated inside the shell reads 765 mm Hg, and a mereury U-tube manometer designed to give the outside water pressure indicates a differential reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on these data what is the atmospheric pressure at the ocean surface? FIGURE P2.38 let: fp ~ absolute air pressure mside shell = bay (0.T¢5m ) be im” Surface atmmesphene pressure Yur % specific want of seanuter Thus, manemeter eguation cen be written as Pen + Com) + (0.3o0m) = py (0.7350) = #2 Jo Tut Bg? z£- x (10,36 m) + Yay (0.7350) a (133 £4 )(0.765m) ~ le 44 Vf pom) + (133 & Vats50) G49 4h a-3l 2.37* * Both ends of the U-tube mercury ma- nometer of Fig. P23? are initially open to the atmosphere and under standard atmospheric pressure. When the valve at the top of the right leg is open the level of mercury below the valve is h,. After the valve is closed, air pressure is applied to the left leg. Determine the relationship between the differential reading on the manom- eter and the applied gage pressure, p,. Show on a plot how the differential reading varies with p, for h, = 25, 50, 75, and 100 mm over the range 0 = p, = 300 kPa. Assume that the temperature of the trapped air remains constant. - FIGURE P2.37 With The valve closet end @ pressure, 4) apphed, R- 4, ah- or ahs B-% 2 ) Sty where Pp and pave gage pressures. far isothermal Compressso’s of trapped alr P= constant So Tut for constant air mass Aree where His air volume, P 1s absolute pressure, and ¢ and f refer te initial and fiial states, respectively, Thus, Bat = (he han VG For ate trapped in right leg Y= 4 Aree of tube) 30. Thad £3.(2) Can be written as 4 Rt Be [ Ta 1] 63) i = Substitute &g.03) into £y.0) to obtein sr tlhe te C- BG) os fig LIFT “le TB Geant) 2-32 ea (tent) Equetion (+) Can be expressed in the forvm (ak)*- (ads ty fer) dh + 44 he =O m ¢ and the roots of Ths guadratic eguation ave 7 ty + Fab by + Bibs \* L At= E é + Wt htn\* 2A 4 (het Ty ‘) (4; aa) hy is To evaluate AR the neychive Syn ts used since dh=0 fer =O. A program for ompubing Lh 4s 4 tanchon of f fer various 4; follows (with By = soi4Pa ant 4, 1334 nd). 100 cls LO print Hens Crea OBOE HOE RO SORBED O REE OEE EOE E IO ED En E+! 120 print "** This program calculates the lower root of 2 #*" 130 print "** quadratic equation to give Dh (in m) for a #*" 140 print "¥* range of gage pressure, Pg (in kPa), and for *#" 145 print "** a set of different initial heights, hi (in m) **" 150 print SeoeEose aS SOE OOO HE ZOCOBOC UE ZOO RZOSCBON EE ODODE! 160 print 362 dim dhs) 164 166 170 “ Pg Dh(hi=0.000) Dh(his0.025) Dh(hi=0.050) Dh(hi=0.075) Dh(hi=0.100) 180 for pg=0 to 300 step 30 190 2195 hie(i-1)*0,025 200 a=hi+(pg+patm) /(2%ghg) 210 dh(idea-(a°2-2*pgehi/ehe)”.5 220 next 4 230 print using “#ht.# 4H. #HRHH Hee ene ee tener Hee Rene bee. PRR AO" SDE ,An(1),dh(2),dh(3),dh(&) ah(5) 240 next PE (cont ) 2-33 2.37*| (con't) LOEB OR CORD EIDE SD SIDES EDO EO EEO EADIE ** This program calculates the lower root of a +# ** quadretic equation to give Dh (inm) fora = ** “* range of gage pressure, Pg (in kPa), and for ** ** a set of different initial heights, hi (in m) ** SHEERS O ECON EE HEEB Og E SUE OOO SOO I 0.0 0.00000 9.00000 0.00000 30.0 0.00000 0.01301 0.02120 60.0 0.00000 0.01816 0.03538 90.0 0.00000 0.02313 0.04539 120.0 0.00000 0.02678 0.05280 150. 0.00000 0.02956 0.05847 180.0 0.00000 0.03175 0.06295 210.0 0.00000 0.03353 0.06657 240.0 0.00000 0.03499 0.06956 270.0 0.00000 0.03621 0.07205 300.0 0.00000 0.03725 0.07618 —2— nieo.000 =o hiro ‘oes =e ito ‘oso =) = hiro ‘07s + nito!t00 Height, on (nm) Pg Dh(his0.000) Dh(hi=0.025) Dh(hi=0.080) Dh(h: 075) 9.00000 0.03064 0.05170 0.06681 0.07807 0.08673 0.09353 0.09913 0.10370 0.10753 0.11078 Tabulated data and a plot of the data ave shoun belous. Dh(hiso.100) 0.00000 0.03938 0.06716 0.08739 0.10258 0.11633 0.12365 0.23219 0.13741 0.16262 0.14704 300 2.40 SG=110 | ye 240 A.0.02-m-diameter manometer tube is connected to a 6-m-diameter full tank as shown in Fig. P2.40. Determine the density of the unknown liquid in the tank. Specific weight 250K @ FIGURE P2.40 Le Y= spwt. of unknown Fluid and Ye F109. 80x10?) = 10.8. Jo? Nan. Thus, B+ 4 (Ime) ~ 254094, (um) -% (Bam) = 2M ve Wax Od, ad 3 en y . ex pig 7 oe 1930 22 Toe md 2-355 YL 241A 6-in.-diameter piston is located within a cylinder which is connected to 2 -in.-diameterinelined-tube manometer as shown in Fig. P2.41. The fluid in the cylinder and the ma- rnometer is oil (specific weight = $9 Ib/ft?). When a weight ‘W" is placed on the top of the cylinder the fluid level in the ma- nometer tube rises from point (1) to (2). How heavy is the ‘weight? Assume that the change in position of the piston is negiigibie. m FIGURE P2.4! Witn piston alone (et pressure on face of piston = 4,» and manometer eguetion becomes 4 -&y, 4, sin 30 , a With weight added pressure Increases # p, where ' w . bo pe CAp~ aves of piston ) a? 4p e and manometer Lg rebion becomes 2) A - bi, (4+ BA) ain 30" Subtmet g 0) from £g.2) to obbeain tint ~ iy (ee) 300 Mk hy (Lt) sin 30" A so Tht “a fo &, (EA)os) elas Me and W = 2.90 Ib 24Z 242 The manometer fd inthe manometer of Fig. P24 fas 4 pete gaviy ef 546. Pipes A and B both nts weer, If the pressure in pipe A is decreased by 1.3 psi and the pressure f 4 in pipe B increases by 0.9 psi determine te new éifferental 7 wate aE reali of the manometer, bheLt2@ Gage tig“ (so 3.46) = FIGURE P2.42 For the initia! configuration ¢ Fy +h, 02) beg (2) Gy = A a where all lenghs ave tn ft. when fy decreases & A! @ zB ineveases to z the heights ef the Fluid columns cclenre @s shown on are For The tinal contiguration } By + dy, (4-4) + day (ran)—%, (iva) = te 2) Sabtmet £g 62) from £g.(1) 4 obtain Ah r 4 t* ~ by Ga) ho) = Boh ’ “ (t-te!) - (4-08) 2 (h,5- Gt) Since , BAe 13 psc, Brfy® 09 psi, and yg? Ib y (—0.4 Ba)live 2) - (ha Heme ) a (2.48) (1 - 340) = 1.03 ft Gnd There bre bh= 2ft+ae = 2 +8103 H) = 4obtt 2.43 Determine the ratio of areas, Ay/A,, of the two manometer legs of Fig. P2.43if a change in pressure in pipe B of 0.5 psi gives a corre- sponding change of 1 in. in the level of the mer- ccury in the right leg. The pressure in pipe A does not change. Mea = A bE FIGURE P2.43 For the inihal configuration (see figure) : Ara, +4h; )- oy, (4h) -%, A) = a) When py increases the right Column falls a distance a, and the left column rises a distance, b, Since the volume ot The liguid must remain constant, A, b= A,& or #= + Far The Final configuration, with pressure in 8 egual to fy’: ta Figg Berths 0) 8, (the wb) 8) ees) ag! cay Subtract &g.0) from 2.02) fo obtain Sigg (BD Wy (ath) ~ 2 0) = fants b= (Fe'- Fe) Ung (a) + %js @) Sg - Ue Since ta-Py= OS ps6 and as lin, it fellows thet _ (es Ba) ath) 01 Bs Gk A) + Coors Allee) be. i a47 By oz By b = 0.0071] Thus, A & . BF = i A 0, 0071 #4 == 2.44 — The inclined differential manometer of Fig. P2.44 contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially the pressure differential between pipes A and B, which contain a brine (SG = illustrated in the figure. It is desired nometer give a differential reading of 12 in. (mea- sured along the inclined tube) for a pressure differential of 0.1 psi. Determine the required angle of inclination, @. When By-ty is increased bo A -ty the left column Lally 4 distance, a, and The rignt Column vises « distance The shelined tube 48 shoutn in Agure. Fer this tinal tontiguration : er et, (a +bsin6)- %,, (4: -bsme)= 4 - i + (,- The differential reading, Mh, along the tube is Lop, (a +osn8)=0 Thus, trom &4.0)) py + Oi: Xen, )(ar sing) 72 sine YG ~%een, ee and with Bi -B'=0,1 psi se fo She iain. Thus, [fol As 99, 45 2.45 Determine the new differential reading along the inclined leg of the mercury manometer of Fig. P2.45, if the pressure in pipe A is de- creased 10 kPa and the pressure in pipe B remains unchanged. The fiuid in A has a specific gravity of 0.9 and the fluid in B is water. FIGURE P2.45 For the initial configuration * Ar Gone ty (0.05 sin 30°) ~ Yip (0.08) * fy “) where all lengfhs are inm, When p decreases left Column Moves up & distance,Q, and wight telumn moves down a distame ,2, @S shewh tn figure. For the tinal configuration ! Bt ¥, (0,1 a sin30') + iy (a sin 30° + 0.05 sin 30" +a) — / Yo (0.08+a) = 4 (2) where A ts The new pressure in pipe A. Subtract £4.02) from £.l) te obtain Dnt + Y% (a sin30*) - yg & (si 20%) +h o(%) =o Thus, ~ (ty-t,!) % Sin 30? - Ying (sin 30's) + Yq, for B-ht lo de a —10 44 as un (0,4)(43) 8) los) - (33 8% Yossi) + 1.204%, = 0, 0540 m New differential reading, Sh, measured along inclined tube 's egual to & = ott O06 +a 4h Sin 30° = 2.0540 m a + O.05m+ 0,0540m = 0,212 m 5 2.46 2.46 Determine the change in the elevation of the mercury in the left leg of the manometer of Fig. P2.46as a result of an increase in pressure * of 5 psi in pipe A while the pressure in pipe B Atte=Ay | remains constant. oll 6G = 0.9) Mercury FIGURE P2.46 diameter For the initial configuration : 23,4 2). Fat Viol) - ony CK sn30") - 4; (8) =% 0 where all lengths are in #£. When B sneveases % p the left column Falls by the distance, a, and The right column meves up The distance,&, as shown in The figure, for the final Configuration: Ris Yo (4 ra)- Hy (a+ # sint0°y b sin 30*) — buy (4-4 sn 30) = C2) Subtract £9.11) from F.!2) 4o obtain B-t+ Go fa) -%, (a+bsin30*) + ;,(bsin 30) =0 63) Since The volume of hgurd rust be constant Aa =A, & er (Lin)? a =Gin)*s So that pede. Thus, &4.@) tan be written @s Palm By + Bigy (A) ~ hig (4 4 He sinde") + By (4a sik 30") 0 ~Oi-ty) __, _-G mo) Bago ~ My 2) B02) “La 8 ~(649 eqn Ya) ann uw 0.304 £t (down) 0.47 * 247* Water initially fills the funnel and its connecting tube as shown in Fig. P247. Oil (SG = 0.85) is poured into the funnel until it reaches a level > H/2 as indicated. Determine and plot the value of the rise in the water level in the tube, f, as a function of A for H/2 = hs H, with H = D = 2ftandd = O.1 ft. Initial FIGURE P2.47 Since Ph Csee figure), 1+ follows thet % AR) YR hy, (ED She 4: oi (Eek) -&% The volume of water must be Conserveel ana therefore Bates FRYE -FaYL er Alse, s = & & * slo Wa te and €9 (2) Can be written as 2 ay? ade = OH BNE ‘ . L for Heafe, De2tt, d= oift ,and Ghee 5, £4. 11) becomes 4: (2 +4-h) rt 08s or L= ok pod -/ Ceont) a2, Final za 3) 7 Ceont ) Similarly, £3. (3) becomes 2, (2H (eK) [ote \* 3 fore)'g = GRIER) _ (aft) fp er 4, 4: (i- 00st)” (s) A program tor computing L as a function of & Lllows 100 cls TIL Bint BAB HO Gero np Spo BSS SSIES SOOO SESS ISG! 120 print "** This program solves iteratively a system of — **" 130 print "** equations to calculate the elevation 1 (in ft) **" 140 print "** range of heights h (in ft) an GIS0 meint (HARD Sg GGG rE SOC ES SSIS OUS ESO OO RESIS III I 160 print 165 print " h (£t) 1 (eta 166 ' for 1=0 167 print using " ###. HE Hee HEIST. 0 170 1.10 to 2.01 step 0.10 180 190 200 (1-0.03*1as)*(1/3) 210 -85%h+0,15*hO-1 220 if abs(1-las/1)>0.001 then goto 190 230 print using "BHR. HEE He eh SDD 240 next h Tabulated data end « plot of The data are shown below. LSGEEEEHIDE OHIO SEIS IIA ERS ROE SSIS IIE ** This program solves iteratively a system of — ** ** equations to calculate the elevation 1 (in ft) ** ™* range of heights h (in ft) “ IEEE O SHES DOU EO BSS CCSD ESOS EEO A I EOOOOIT h (£t) 1 (£t) 4.8) 1.000 0.000 12100 0.085 1.200 0.170 1.300 01255 oe 3-400 0.339 1,500 0.426 1.600 0.508 1.700 0.596 2 1.800 0.679 = 1.900 0.764 - 2.000 0.849 oa 0.2 2.0) 1-0 72 Ta Te Te zo nue 48 Open top 2.48 Concrete is poured into the forms as shown in Fig. P2.48 to produce a set of steps. Determine the weight of the sandbag needed to keep the bottomless forms from lifting off the ground. The weight of the forms is 85 Ib, and the specific weight of the concrete is 150 1b/ft*. bosny al us From the tree- bedy- diagram \* 4 @=z Fy=o0 “rth W-faze 7) Where W,= wegnt of sandbag t W,> weight of Concrete Dp = weight of forms D = preswe along botom surface due to concrete Ae avee of Lottem surface = From We dite given : W,= (150 fs)( Vol concrete) a on ‘e _ leo LGA) [coin avin) loin) + leon XE ind] 2. = 15004 w, = 5b ‘i he = (050 4, )(BA)* 306 Fe A > Cope) ft)= 184 Thus, from &3. 1) W,= (Bo A154) - ool - 25 = bbs b a4 24? 249 A square 3 m X 3 m gate is located in the 45° slop- ing side of a dam. Some measurements indicate that the resul- tant force of the water on the gate is 500 KN. (a) Determine the pressure at the bottom of the gate. (b) Show on a sketch where this force acts. (ay R=a¥hA BE Fons (4.902 BE C4.) (Sm xm) he oP 4.2 5b R te tye ¥ CA + LSmx sings!) vc = (4.8045 )(Setm +Sm sinter) = 66.0 AN 66.048R (6) ys 7 + Ye - +e 5. bm = —— *F ees St OZ 4” Shas Sin 15" m aft 3 4, ® Em )(Bm) + 8.02 mM = 0,0 935mt 8,02m (8.02 ) (Sa x3 ) = 8, ll Fr 2.60 An inverted 0.l-m-diameter circular cylinder is par= tially filled with water and held in place as shown in Fig, P2.50, A force of 20 N is needed to pull the flat plate from the cylinder. Determine the air pressure within the cylinder. The plate is not fastened to the cylinder and has negligible mass. For equilibrium = Frerheal 7° PA +20N =0 R ‘lm ) Also, D+ oi, (0.2m) = 2 Thus, Zon ar EF Gim)* = -4510% = ae a-Ye (( Wede that pressure must # tox" 4.) (Sind L-0.1m — Ai water fo. Plate Fa20N a edd Leon be a Suchiy” pressure. —45/4R ast 2.51 A large, open tank contains water and is connected to ‘8 6-fi diameter conduit as shown in Fig. P2.5). A circular plug is used to seal the conduit. Determine the magnitude, direction, and location of the force of the water on the plug. m FIGURE P2.5\ a= th A = (208, \aMFllen) = 21, 200 Ib Ge)" . be? + + Ge where L,.> —~g— = G3L Ft Thus, ¥ EGH) + itt = (2.9L de® Gann GR)* The force of 2b 200lb acts (2.19 FE below the water surface and 1s perpendicular te the plug Surface as shown a- 47 252 A homogeneous, 4-ft-wide, 8-ft-long rectangular gate ‘weighing 800 Tb is held in place by @ horizontal flexible cable as shown in Fig. P2.52. Water acts against the gate which is hinged at point A, Friction in the hinge is negligible. Determine the tension in the cable. R= ¥hA here hye (Et) sim bot Thus, r= (24h, )(E Nome Nites 040) = 2890 b % locte Fe; Lec he Ga 4, where 4,2 3f So That if 2 be? GAMAY ote = Ho (3 Ft (bfx 4A) Por eguill brivm, ZM, 20 and T (etXoinbe)) = Ww (AN tosbe') + Re (248) rt: G00 Io) (444) ers bo*) + @ 890 Ib) (2 £4) ~ (8 Ft) Cn bo") = 1350 lb 1-48 5 angle with a base width of 6 ft and an altitude of 8 ft lies in the plane forming one wall of a tank which contains a liquid having a specific weight | of 79.8 lb/ft. The side slopes upward making an angle of 60° with the horizontal. The base of the triangle is horizontal and the vertex is above the base, Determine the resultant force the fluid ex- certs on the area when the fluid depth is 20 ft above the base of the triangular area. Show, with the aid of a sketch, where the center of pressure is located. f= Ye sin bo® trot Rr CHA = (79.8 Bay aoe £4) sin act) (4) ote «e#e) | = 33,400 Ib | _ iL 5 de* ie + he where Ly, * 3, (ore\ler) Thus , a 3 a: one) t doya tt = doe Ft (aovatt)(a)(¢ feet) The force, he, acts through the center of pressure which is located «a distance of Ae = = Sager 8” Ob FE? dud above the base ot the triangle es Shown sn sdetch, a4 2.55 Solve Problem 2.54 if the isosceles tri- angle is replaced with a right triangle having the same base width and altitude Fe = 33,900 Ib gy! 249 £4 (see solution fo Problems 2.54) ender of Pressure Se *e - | “et “a +h (4, 2.26) | Where : Lage = GCA). 52 yt (see Fig. 2.18 4) and 4,= 20,43 tL [see solution te Problem 2.54) Thas, a2 ft" . el, - " ( Fe)E)(brexef ) +a = 2:07 Ft The force fz, acts through The center of pressure wit. Coordinates 2,2 2,07 FC and 't 9.49 Ft see shekeh), 2-50 2.56 2.56 the truck’s tank is shown in Fig. P2.56, Determine the magni- A tanker truck carries water, and the cross section of pen tude of the force of the water against the vertical front end of the tank, ‘ey FIGURE P2.56 Fee vh aA Break avea into 3 parts as shown, For ara ©: Fas Whe, A, = (oy Bs)C4)(4e)(4 (oft « 26e) = 333 |b Since Fa, = Fry then Fey = 333 |b For area @: Fre & hey Ay \ = (02.4 (2 £4) (eft x 4 ft) ana Bs 2h + Re " 2 (33alb) + (02.4 Ba) (efe) (vet «444 2660 |b " nsF 2.67 Two square gates close two openings in a conduit con- nected to an open tank of water as shown in Fig. P2.57. When the water depth, f, reaches 5 m itis desired that both gates open at the same time. Determine the weight of the homogeneous horizontal gate and the horizontal force, R, acting on the vertical ___ gate that is required to keep the gates closed until this depth is reached, The weight of the vertical gate is negligible, and both gates are hinged at one end as shown. Friction in the hinges is negligible. For horizontal gate, ZM, =o so That w= PA fo tom surface. Thus, PGi, g Gm) Jo That QWs (9800. For vertical gate, Fy thA where b= Tom So hae Fes (900 ,) (7m )tm x40) = 1/00 we To locate Fr 4 Yet due +4 * 4 Gm) Gan) fe Br ay Alta 2M, 22 Re se thet 0.100 RNG ~ 71a) 4m (Tan | Cant 4m) Wrter iw x, TPA where p 1s the water pressure on the 3s aem) Yom x4) = SAN. > My Wy Jam = TIF HIT AN Vertical gate, aman rey | | 2.58 The rigid gate, OAB, of Fig. P258 is hinged at O and || ests against @ rigid support at 8. What minimum horizontal force, P, is requited to hold the gate closed if its width is 3 m? Neglect the weight of the gate and friction in the hinge. The back of the gate is exposed to the atmosphere. ben to atmosphere Be YA A, Where Ae, = San Ae (9800 #, lem Mtn 43m) = 5989x108 N Fe hd, Where 4,,= Tom 50 That B= (00 4, )om ) 2.0m #31) = 4igx oN h locate fi, Thus, wa 2 Ye= Lec +h = Za om 4m) + Sm = Fle7m "4A, t (Sim) (bam £300 ) The dorce fi ache at the Center of the AB section. Thus, Z HM, 20 and FE (5.267m~ 3m) + & Cm) = P C#m) so That (sepnw' W)(2. 267m) + (412 xv) om) pena Vie the) Se om = #36 RN 2-53 259 1 2.54 The massless, 4-ft-wide gate shown in Fig. P2.59 piv- Gis about the frictionless hinge O. It is held in place by the 2000 1b counterweight, W. Determine the water depth, h Gate —+] as BexhA whee he 4 Thus, Fig r Alh«b * Ae Gio @ hut) i & = yo 4° (eH) ° Bb Until Ti, — Lb Gal) | beet Sp JA 4° 4 feeesh) * 2 3 Bor egisl’bruim, = M, =6 5 d= Ws) where d= A- Ip = So thet h. (2000 Is ) (34) FO, BG Thus, f°: (32000 hs )(3#t) © (b4B YAM d= 2448 ase Wieth = 4 F z 2.60 * 2.60% A 200-Ib homogeneous gate of 10-ft. width and 5-ft length is hinged at point A and held in place by a 12-ft-long brace as shown in Fig. P2.69. As the bottom of the brace is moved to the right, the water level remains at the top of the gate. The line of action of the force that the brace exerts on the gate is along the brace. (a) Plot the magnitude of the force exerted on the gate by the brace as a function of the angle of the gate, 0, for 0 = @ = 90°. (b) Repeat the caleulations for the case in which the weight of! the gate is negligible. Comment on the results as a0. (a) For the tree-bedy-diagram of the gate (see figure), Zh=o So that AZ) + wl cos0) = (Fy cos 6)(Lsi6) + [hy s0d)(Leese) 1) Also, : ZL sthO=L sing Cassumng hinge and end of brace at sume elevator) or . Sin B= 4 sie ana . . sine Rs Yh A ¥ CRM) (Ru) where ur is the gate width, Thus, Ef. 0) can be wri Ben as v(Eysm dar + G4 caso = Ft (cos$ sin’ + si 4 cose) so That hur w ~ (LI sme + Y c0s0 . () bane + = a cosp sin6 + sind cos6 tosh tan & + Sing For ¥=62.4 b/fe?, L=5#4, ure lott, and W = 20016, 4 : (24 0 Nt0)* lot) fang r 2 00 tanb 4100 8 ‘ili maining FE mmm (3) Cos fan +sing 08g fend + sing (con't) 2-55 100 2120 120 130 140 350 260 170 180 190 4.607] C con't } 200 fb1=(26004tan( theta) +100)/(cos(phi)*tan(theta)+sin(phi)) 210 fb2*2600*tan( theta) /(cos(phi)*tan(theta)+sin(phi)) 220 print using "FHKE oeHe #844. H's thetaX1a0/p i. £b1, £b2 230 next theta tb) For UW/20, £3.13) reduces to Since sng = sin6 and a= sft, L=/2ft Z z sing = & sne and for 4 gitn ©, g Can be determmed, Thus, Eg.) Cun be wsed to determine Fz for 4 given 8. A computer program for caleulahns Fy as a tuncton ef & fellows. els Bint MAR Sbe Spe O Ane B OREO IO BOSB SEBS E ISO OBESE OH HpeeE dt print "** Variation of the resultant Fb as a function of theta **" PeceeMirotrertrerrerrtrerisrertrrtrrer rarer terristesserc resto steed) (bs) (we100 lbs) Fb (Ibs) (w=0 lbs)" a) 2 to pi/36 step -pi/36 n( theta) phizatn(sph/(1~sph72)*(0.5)) Tabuleted data and a plot of the data ave given on the following page. Fg = 2600 tind iH) Cosg tnd + sing and The same program as was used th part la) (with W set egual to 71a) can be used te ebteth Bw 4 function of @. Tabulakd data ind a plot of The date ave given on the following page. (cont) 2-56 2.60*] (cont) ERE OB ISHS SI HSS OBB IE RIGO O III ISOS ISAS II IAAI ** Variation of the resultant Fb as a function of thete ** JOE REESE SIDE IBIS I IG SSID G EIA III EIDE OCIS IA OE Theta (deg) Fb (1bs) (w=100 lbs) Fb (lbs) (w=0 lbs! 90.0 2860.1 2860.1 85.0 2757.4 2748.2 80.0 2659.4 2661.5 75.0 2567.0 2540.9 70.0 2480.9 2446.7 65.0 2401.6 2359.2 60.0 2329.4 2278.8 55.0 2264.8 2205.4 50.0 2208.0 2139.0 45.0 2159.6 2079.6 40.0 2120.0 2027.2 35.0 2090.0 1981.2 30.0 2071.3 1941.9 25.0 2066.4 1909.0 20.0 2081.1 1882.2 15.0 2128.8 1861.6 10.0 2249.8 1847.0 5.0 2646.3 1838.2 o——owns00 ibe senate Par — ° 20 70 70 con't) 2-57 As 8-70 me value of Fs can be debermned trom Eg.(r), the See tos$ ten@ esing Sunce Sing = = sind it follows That cost Vim sive = V/- (3b and Therebre 600 Find 2600 E = & FFL o- - (- Gi)'2i'6 tne © Ese JE) uite + Lae Thus, as 0-70 2600 E ae = P40 Ib BT” i+ Phasically TMs result means tut for 620, The value of Fy 1S shdeferminote, but for any “very smelt" value of 8, Fy will @ppreach 180 Ib 2-58 261 ‘An open tank has a vertical partition and on one side Parition Contains gasoline with a density p = 700 kg/m! at a depth of 4m, as shown in Fig. P2.61. A rectangular gate that is 4 m high and 2 m wide and hinged at one end is located in the partition. Stee Water is slowly added to the empty side of the tank. At what depth, h, will the gate start to open? Hinge m@ FIGURE P2.61 Fe Fag Mp eg As Feu “+ Where 9. tefers to gaseline . fu | te a He iy (oo altos ) (2m) (ue x 2a) ty = lox N = IfORN Fig. = Sar Fear Ave where ur refers to water. = (4.805 107 %)(4) [2m ah) where his depth of waker Fe = (9.0 x10) A For gurl briwm > ZMy 26 so that Thus, (4.80% 10*)(W*)(4) = Cio now) (4 md and Which 1s the limiting value for bh. Fr tur © Fag 4s wit a,=4 find Lede 2-59 2.62 2.62 A gate having the shape shown in Fig, P2.62is located in the vertical side of an open tank containing water. The gate \ is mounted on a horizontal shalt. (a) When the water level is at the top of the gate determine the magnitude of the ud force ‘onthe rectangular portion ofthe gate above the shaft and the magnitude ofthe fluid force on the semicircular portion of the vite fate below the shaft. (b) For this same fluid depth determine the moment of the force acting on the semicircular portion of the gate with respect to an axis which coincides with the shaft = sdever ot ene ) Fer rectangular Porter , (Es ah A where he = Zon So That (Fe),* (98002 (am) (bm chm) = 10bOAN For sem/-cirular portions , (Be th where se thet CF), = (Teoo 2 412m) )(F Gm) = 1010 RN = bm + FF Cee 85 218) « bm + ie? = 71.11 m (6) Fer sems-csreular port = rea 0.109? te th ~ (Im XE) Rt “ami teed +127 = 3b (Fatm IE Ved + 721m Thus, moment with respect t shaft, M, M=(FR),, © (TAbm~ 6.0000 ) = (]010 x10°N (1. 3bm) = 437x10° Nom 2-60 2.63 | 2.63 AG ft X 6 ft square gate is free to pivot about the fric- | tionless hinge shown in Fig. P2.63. In general, a force, P, is | needed to keep the gate from rotating. Determine the depth, h, ; for the situation when P = 0, — er 4 | FIGURE P2.63 For eguilroriam z= My, =2 Thus fr P20 Fa would + Pp | have to pass Through the Ye | Ainge, 0, Y= 35hth 3.5% Since =" Ms Lee > Ha = +4 Se* A Fr qna with Y= heate oh efevlotey” 4 4 BFE S54 th = eA TR) 3 f* 0.5 fF teat h= 3,00 £t 2.64 is free to pivot about a frictionless hinge at point O, as shown in Fig. P2.64, The horizontal portion of the gate covers @ I~ ign: angle ge diameter drain pipe which contains air at atmospheric pressure, Determine the minimum water depth, h, at which the gate will pivot to allow water to flow into the pipe. binge A thin 4ft-wide,rightangle gate with negligible mass. W FIGURE P2.64 For guilt brim ZM, =6 = (ee fe * fF Rx k a1) t Fa, a Fs rhe = (boy BA) (4st xh) = 25h For the force on the horizontel portion of the gate (which 1s balanced by pressure on botn sides except for the area of the pipe) Fae Yh(E\in)? = bau kN Viay = 490h Thus, from £9, (1) wit 4:4 and 4,7 38% Cas h?(4) = 44.0 h)(3#) h= L>t ep al 2-62 6s 265 the layer. ‘The specific weight, 7, ofthe static liquid layer shown in Fig. P2.65 increases linearly with depth. At the free surface y= 70 1b/fe, and at the bottom of the layer y = 95 Ib/ft, Make use of Eq. 24 to determine the pressure at the bottom of dp z =-¥ Ber linear variation 1a YF 95-/2.52 so that 4, ° 4 Baz - fr -l252 de 6 - [ae - are)” ~ [stay - 2502)" 165 m FIGURE P2.65 (&%. 24) 2~63 c* ) 2.66" An open rectangular settling tank con- 2 24 tains a liquid suspension that at a given time has 2. 12.7 a specific weight that.varies approximately with 2 12.9 depth according to the following data: 4 Ge a h(n) 2 (kNim') ‘The depth h = 0 corresponds to the free surface. a 10.0 Determine. by means of numerical integration, 0.4 10:1 the magnitude and location of the resultant force Me 10.2 that the liquid suspension exerts on a vertical wall } ; ae of the tank that is 6 m wide. The depth of fluid in the tank is 3.6 m. The magnitude of the HAuid force fe, can be ind by summing The ch Flenobar forces acting on The horgiatal strip shown “wi The pi Thas, fe [on 6f pa a where p is The pressure at depth 4. To find p we use Gp. 24 dt .-y qnd with dz at pase [ead (a) Eguaticn (2) Can be tegrated numerically with The following Program an using The Variation 1h & WITH A Given. 100 cls TO pr int HAS GBS BGO IO DEORE OODAOC IOI DEI I IAT 120 print "** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically **" 130 print "** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the = **" 140 print "** pressure at different depths en 150 print MPSCES SRS RO OROOROOOO GREED OOOO ISCO IAAI AGEN 160 print 170 dim p(10),gamma(10) 180 n=10 190 dh=0.4 200 pl1)=0 210 for ton 220 read gamma(i) 230 next i 240 data 10.0,10.1,10.2,10.6,11.3,12.3,12.7,12.9,13.0,13.1 250 for i=2 ton 260 s=(gamma(i)+gamma(i})/2 270 Ceont ) 2-04 266*] (Cont) 280 for i=2 to imt 290 s=s+gamma( 3) 300 next 3 310 p(i)=dh+s 320 next i 330° 340 'Print the results 380 print 260 print "h (m) Pressure (kPa)" 370 for i=1 ton 380 print using "###.4 #8"; (i-1) ah, pCi) 390 next i The pressure distributor & given below, SRE BSS BEI SRI SII IIIS IS SEBS IS IEDR COE EEE ** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically ** ** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the = ** ** pressure at different depths oe AERIS C HIG IOI IERIE II I IAAI IAA II z Pressure (kPa) 0.00 4.02 8.08 12.26 16.62 21.34 26.34 31.46 36.64 41.86 Eguation (1) can now be integrated numerically using TRAPERO! Spm HESSERSEISG EEA IORIOS EERE R OARS OEE AEE »* This program performs numerical integration os ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule tt Je RBBB COIR GCA DEE AISI CEERI GG woveneHooe Shab ooneros Enter number of data points: 10 Enter data points (K , Y) 2 0.0,0.00 014,402 The approximate value of the integral is: +7.1068E+01 Ceont ) 2-65 ce *] (toat ) Thus, with # Sra = Thor &e = (bm) 7107 24) = hake Ke sum moments about axis formed by intersection of verticel walt and Hurd surface, Thus, ER: 5 f k pak ¢3) ¥ . The integrand hp can be determined and &%.(3) inhegrated numerically sii, TRAPEZO/. Tabulated results are given below JOSS SS SES ORGS ESS ORO OSSD AAO EBS BE EG a ESOC 44 This program performs numerical integration a ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** DEERE SSRI SEES DOG ICRI ISO ID I SII I I I IA Enter number of data points: 10 Enter data points (X , Y) : 0.000 Woke: Yohp S608 “464 1688 1592 680 1631226 188.088 17,262 1250.696 The approximate value of the integral is: +1.7437E+02 ; “4 Thus, with [apen = p7ee Ay ° it tolfows trom £9. (3) That 4. Shah (bm 17H ¥ he) 4 - = = 246m ‘e & #26 AW The vesultant force acts 246m below flud surface, 2-66 2.67 The inclined face AD of the tank of Fig. P2.47 is @ plane surface containing a gate ABC, which is hinged along line BC. The shape of the gate is shown in the plan view. If the tank contains water, determine the magnitude of the force that the water exerts on the gate ie RithA oie where , Ast | 20'dy' (see yw) lo To locate centroid : 1 * ‘ , an : sy a Yeh= | g'dAz[2gn'dy = | (y') *dy = 26) ]s ow ° oO fo 7 af 3 Thus, gs Be. ance get and g.5 bFE- Ra fe 4b FE Since te = Y, sin de", 2.68 Dams can vary from very large structures with curved faces holding back water to great depths, as shown in Video V23, to relatively small structures with plane faces as shown in Fig. P2.68, Assume that the concrete dam shown in Fig. P2.68 weighs 23.6 N/m? and rests on a solid foundation, Determine the minimum coefficient of friction between the dam and the foundation required to keep the dam from sliding at the water depth shown. You do not need to consider possible uplift along the base. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam. ee FIGURE P2.63 Ratha where A= ere (Ss Shge .) ) so thet 4 (4.80 35 SVE y) bm) = loo fw For equilibrium , Zero R sin 51.3* a = aN Where Y~ coettiint of Friction , or they ope 4 50. that N=%/ + F Cos 543° Where Ws Urerete Volume sf concrete) Thas, we (a3u & ” \(20m3) + (1odkN) cos 51.3° = S3¥AN and . . - Fe Fn SI3* © Cook) Sth 51.3" 7 = eeldiennieinala = SCO HE 7 CAN ute 2-68 2.61% Water backs up behind a concrete dam as shown in Fig. P2.09. Leakage under the foun- dation gives a pressure distribution under the dam as indicated. If the water depth, A, is too great, the dam will topple over about its toe (point A), For the dimensions given, determine the maxi- ‘mum water depth for the following widths of the dam: f = 20, 3040, 50, and 60 ft. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam. The specific weight of the concrete is 150 lb/ft’. FIGURE P2.64 A Free bedy- diagram of the daw is Shown in the figure at the right, Where’ B= ER (hy unit lengte) ow = ¥(4)(t)(e) = 40% 2 2 (Bat Yar Re (aster) Re vy (4r)(4s,)+ a, 2 4 ae 4 4° (3) To determine y, consider the pressure distribuhos on the bottone = Fre why h 5 BEL) Summing moments about A, [2c] (con't ) eo fmt ° - Frlh)+ & (32) yas Ee 5 where Fz kar Ry. Substitubien of expressions hor Fe ond Fe yield, £CAt + 38) Y, 2 > Roky For egiilibrium of ‘tre dam, ZM4=0, so thet G4, ~ WCF) -F 4, +8 4,20 w and with Y= 62.4 W/ft*?, Y= 150 lb/ft, and Reif, then: Fe 3/28* W= beook ae oT 4° +e, Re 312 (Revo) h 4,7 £ Ct FR) © (2h s10)% Th, sh r0) Substitute of These expressions sito E3.0) yrelds, (312424) = (e002) G2) - (22S (gs) 3118 NSin + [2 (rey) Aes] = 0 Which can be simplified +0 BP f+ 200L'h- 39% L*- 14-0 a sine Thus, for « gwen 2, @ can be determined trom the condition tan 8 = 70/2" and E¢.(2) solved fy h. A Computer program fer determinis h hy a gwen & fallows, (cont ) a-7o IRE REISSUE ECOG BI RS OCI SSS OSEEEIE IG BGS SIE ""* This program solves a cubic equation to determine **" "** the maximum water, h, depth for a series of dam *#" vex widths, 1 ten MESA EE EIEIO ICSD R RISE EEE BESO SEBEO BEBE SEE HEE " Dam width, 1 (Et) Maximum depth, h (ft)" 1=20 to 60 step 10 atn( 80/1) 210 hp=h 220 h=(3/31.2*(38964172+10400/(sin(theta)~2)-20.8*1°2*hp) )7 (1/2) 230 if abs(1-hp/h)>0,.001 goto 210 240 print using " Hee #84" 1,h 280 next 1 For the dam widths specified, the maximum waker depths are given below. Note That for the tuo largest dam widths The water would overflow The dam before ré would topple. HOSS O SHEE SEIS SOS S SED SOOCESDSOOFOEEERET SSSR ERE FEE “4 This program sclves a cubic equation to determine ** ‘4 the maximum water, h, depth for a series of dam 1* e8 widths, 2 4m SORES CEE O BSD OOOOH IIIS II III GCEIO II IAG IE Dam width, 1 (£t) Maximum depth, h (ft) 20.0 48.2 30.0 61.1 40.0 71.8 50.0 81.1 60.0 89.2 2-7) 2.70 A d-m-long curved gate is located in the side of a reservoir containing water 2s shown in Fig. P2.70, Determine the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical components of the force of the water on the gate. Will this force pass through point A? Explain, For eguili brium, Zhze het VM hey An 2 ¥ (bmtlsm on etn) 32 thet Fu (4.00 ke \75m )(2m*) = 982 4N Similarly, ZF, =0 Foe Ft w where : Fz [¥ Gom)]Gm x4m) = (9.90du ) om )ti2 oe) we: Y#= (9.80 4S Van m3) Thus, FL = (7.80 te) [me om? 2 OT m] = 783 AN Note: Force of water on gate will be opposite vi direction *) thet shown en fagure, The direction of all clitteventm/ forces actiny on the Curved surface ts perpendicular te surface and Therefore , the resultant must pass Through The widersectioy of all These forces which 1s at port A. Yes. L 2-72 2.71 2.71 The air pressure in the top of the two liter pop boitle shown in Video V2.4 and Fig. P2.71 is 40 psi, and the pop depth is 10 in. The bottom of the bottle has an iregular shape with a diameter of 4.3 in, (a) If the bottle cap has a diameter of | in. ‘what is magnitude of the axial force required to hold the cap in place? (b) Determine the force needed to secure the bottom 2 inches of the bottle to its cylindrical sides. For this calcula- tion assume the effect of the weight of the pop is negligible. (¢) By how much does the weight of the pop increase the pressure 2 inches above the bottom? Assume the pop has the same spe- cific weight as that of water. m FIGURE P21 cap Cap Tn (@) Egy? Pay, * Ares (4p an tin)” = 3L4 lb (6) Z Fepea? Forges? F,= (Pressure @ Zin. above bi iom) x Aven) = (obs\(e\(arn — {_.R = 538i |b Settorn (c) Pe hiet = 40, + (cones JE All me) to b+ 0.239 LE in Thus, The increase in pressure due to weight = 0.284 pst Cuonich is less than [> of air pressure) 2-72 2-72 2.72 Hoover Dam (see Video 2.3) is the highest arch- gravity type of dam in the United States. A cross section of the dam is shown in Fig. P2.72(q). The walls of the canyon in which the dam is located are sloped, and just upstream of the ddam the vertical plane shown in Figure P2.72(b) approximately represents the cross section of the water acting on the dam. Use this vertical cross section to estimate the resultant hori- zontal force of the water on the dam, and show here this force ‘ 0 @ FIGURE P2.72 Break avea into 3 parts as shown For aren | ° B= 1n4=(02.4 BV (15 4YY) (ons He)(nsh) 157 X109 Ib For ore 3° fp = fa,= 157x109 lb u For Grea 2: Fe: Yh, Ae = hay BNE) (154) G0 Ao) = 413x/07 Ib Thus, ‘ep Fat let Fy= 157x0U + Hbaxi0%ls + Ls7epo'l = 777xX10" Ib Since The moment of The resultant force about The base of The dam must be efual + The moments due to Fr, , Fa, and Fz, 1+ Aelows Tat (con't) 2-7¢ (con % ) px Fe G)Gste) + (4) (std) + me, (4)(rst4) “ _ (sIx wlll guste) +(4 4340" YE)(05H) + (srw ING) (ns #2) 7.77 x10" Ib = 406 # Thus, The resultent horgontal ree on the dam 1s ZI7x 10" Ib acting 40k ft up trom Tre base of The dam along The_axis of symmetry of The area, | | 2.73 Qam ir 2.73 A plug in the bottom of a pressurized tank is conical in shape as shown in Fig. P2.73. The air pressure is 50 kPa and the liquid in the tank has. specific weight of 27 kN/m’, Determine the magnitude, direction, and line of action of a the force exerted on the curved surface of the cone within the tank due to the 50-kPa pressure Tal and the liquid. r FIGURE P2.73 Liquid For eguilibrium , \ Z Ferbeat 72 | Jaw So thet they At OW where Fe is the force the cone exerts i/E\I of the Fluid. Vik Also, ke pay Ae (SOAR wins 7 2 = AP) Z )(1.155m)= SA 44N a oak s iM } d= 2tan30°s [155m an aw = ¥ [FA Gm)- Fim -] volume of tne = F(SYer = Ymd* (y Z | (27 8¥ \(n)(i155m) (Fm) = Ts.eAN “ Thus, Fos 52.4 4M + 75,44N = 128AN ana the force on The cone has a magnitude of 1284N and 13 directed vertically downward along the Cone axis. 2-76 2.74 2.74 A 12-in.-diameter pipe contains « gas under a pressure cof 140 psi Ifthe pipe wall thickness isin, what isthe average circumferential stress developed in the pipe wall? ok i For eguililibrium (for « unit logth 1 . VAR t the Pi — of the pipe), ax’ fee) | 27d~ h, (Re oh J and with 47 Vino A= (75 ft" 50 ee heift = is fh Th ay = (040 $s )li75 fe) = I, 200 lb To locate centroid of A? Ale [Fa - [tary ede + » [ere ona Le 1a (V¥i)?- 0.2 Viee)* _ ss « Ws Thus, My = 54, ~ WUE Xe) = (18, Hoo Ib )((8-4t) ~ (1ly 200 Ib 08 2-78 —— FIGURE P2.75 9 7 aka 5 a4 any iy 4 B b-x—| * x, = Yao Chote: AN lengths im £6) That ’ ow ede = lan, 0.2% * an Ft-4u Ft) = 25200 fb) 2.76 — Acylindrical tank with its axis horizontal has a diameter of 2.0 m and a length of 4.0 m. ‘The ends of the tank are vertical planes. A ver- tical, 0.1-m-diameter pipe is connected to the top of the tank. The tank and the pipe are filled with ‘ethyl alcohol to a level of 1.5 m above the top of the tank. Determine the resultant force of the alcohol on one end of the tank and show where it acts. fee are 4 ) (2.5 )(F ) (2.0m Alse, bOe kN - if, Je * a 7% where 4,2, so Thed 7 Cam)? wae ee | [arom NE) em) + 2.5m = dbom Gnd acts at a distance of BerY, = Rb 0m - A. 50m below center of tank end wel] 2-77 Thus, the resultant force has @ magnitude of bb. BAN centroid | marks ry TN where Ax kimedometen: lL fe r So That de %e Center of pressure 2.77 If the tank ends in Problem 2.7 are hemispherical, what is the magnitude of the re- sultant horizontal force of the alcohol on one of the curved ends? For eguilthruim , Fe = Fi] (see Figure) = 608&N Since solution for horinentel force the Same as fer Problem 2. #0. 2.78 2.78 Imagine the tank of Problem 2.7% split by a horizontal plane. Determine the magnitude of the resultant force of the alcohol on the bottom half of the tank. Consider a tree- becly-chagram of bettem halk of tank (see fagive) Where’ po pressure of Fluid on horigente! plane Aw avea ef herigenta! plane Qv~ weight of volume of Fluid im louer half of fank Fiw resultant force exerkd by tank on fluid Fr eguilbrum (reder to Problem 2.80 fer tank dimensions ), Ks PAtW = ¥ (usm lm)lam cbm) + ¥[2F)2FOm)] = (174 a )( 40m? amm?) = 203-4N Thus, force of alcohol on tank = 293RN directed vertically downward. 2-80 2.99 A closed tank is filled with water and has a 4-ft- diameter hemispherical dome as shown in Fig. P2.79. A U-tube manometer is connected to the tank. Determine the vertical 49, Mt diameter | force of the water on the dome if the differential manometer x reading is 7 ft and the air pressure at the upper end of the ma nometer is 12.6 psi sit ah we Gage fe \sc=3.0 Fc Por egislibriim, : 2 Frerbéal =? (\ so that Tea Fy= PA- a) where Fe 6 the force the dome exerts on the lui and p is The water Pressure et The hase of The dome From The ‘manemeter, At Gy, (rH) -%,, be) = That = 4 i 7 pe lizd ihe) (ne )+ C3.0)lb242,) fr A)-C2yh Gn) = 2580 2, Thas, From &%.(/) with volume of sphere = F Guameter 3 Fa= (aco hry oee)” — 4 [Fa] avg, = 35,100 |b The Srce thet the vertical force that the weber exerts on the dome _/s 39,100lb ft . Jo 2.80 2.80 Ifthe bottom of a pop bottle similar to that shown in Fig. P2.71 and in Video V2.4 were changed so that it was hemi- spherical, as in Fig. P2.80, what would be the magnitude, line Por = 40 psi of action, and direction of the resultant force acting on the hemi- spherical bottom? The air pressure in the top of the bottle is 40 psi, and the pop has approximately the same specific gravity as that of water, Assume that the volume of pop remains at 2 liters. 4.34n, diameter FIGURE P2.60 Force = weignt of pep supported by belem + force due to air pressure Waizat ob pop = %,,x volume of pep ” we Volume = 2 Inters2 [be Nan) (4531 x10 2 ) = 0.07063 Thus, from (1) Went of pep = (67.4 fy) (0.07 4°) = 44) Ib Force due to air pressure = P.x projected avea of p % P Unemasphertcal bottom = (40 a) (E)(4.3in)* = 58! |b Resultant force = 44/ lb + 581 = 585 |b S35 bb The resultant force is directed yertically downward, ank due +e symmetry, st acts on the hemispherical botom aleng me vertical axis of the bottle 2-82 2.81 281 Three gates of negligible weight are used to hold back ‘Water in a channel of width b as shown in Fig, P2.81 . The force Of the gate against the block for gate (b) is R. Determine (in terms of R) the force against the blocks for the other two gates. For Case Cb) m FIGURE P2.8) Hy Fae theA= th ythxs) = web Fr and Ip= ZL be Thus, s0 Int = Ma=0 - tr . AR (F4L)R . (2h = 7b = oy A= (Zh) (rHe ) ‘3 = rep ke ” See art OF a) Far Case (a) on free-bedy-chegram shown by Fas 4 (fom above) and | Fee FR and We Ux Vl tS = rh) ] R = rah?b Te Thas, = jyy = So Tut w(t- t4)+ RE) = BA AWE 4 - 4 Hs + YS (25) = h gna Coon ) 2-83 25) Ctont ) LL follows That fy = YAS (0.540) From £90) — dh*h =88, thus Fg = LI7TR for case (0), for the Free- beady diagram shown, the force %, on Me turved section passes Through the hinge ana Therefore dees not contribute to the moment around H. On beltom part of gate Fas the = + (ZAM 4 xb) = Zui 7 Tie yy « HOG) ha . + 3h “ (Z2)(4 xb) ? 2f * a(#i)> A (2. _ az rg BME) = hous From Fg.) gh*h= Fk, thus yt pee 287ER a 2,82 AJM x 3M x 3 fk wooden cube (specific weight = 37 Ib/f°) floats in a tank of water. How much of the cube extends above the water surface? If the tank were pressurized so that the air pressure al the water surface was increased to 1.0 Psi, how much of the cube would extend above the water sur- face? Explain how you arrived at your answer. Br eguilbrium, Z Ferheat °° so That Ww = Fa Thus, Cards (an) =(b24f,\oH-b) (of sah) d= 1.2744 Tt the ait pressure at the Water surface inereeses by 1 psi There would be po change in The height of The tube above The water Surface. The jntressed pressure force on The top of The tube 1s balanced by an tgual force on the ” witem of The cube since The Surtace pressure \3 Fransinited Threugheut the fluid - 2-95 2.83 283 The homogencous timber AB of Fig. P2.83 is 0.15 m by 0.35 m in cross section. Determine the specific weight of the timber and the tension in the rope. we = FIGURE P2.83 We XH where ¥ is the Specific weight of the timber Qua t+ is its volume | Thus, Ws ¥ (0.5m « 035 mx om) = 05158 faz ¥, Yeutevengect @ v0 (015m & 235 mx Pm) = 20% For egui librium , ZM,=0 So That Vl (!22t" ) cosd = Fy (22 )cos x " (o5ts¥) (Sm) = (0.420%, 4m) and y= (ape 4 08) m) C516) (5 m) = 627 44 Z Frerheal * so that T= hy-W= Goteam? (9.8 0 8 M) = (526 m?)(6.27 #4, ) = RYN 2-86 2.84 When the Tucurui dam was constructed in northern Brazil, the lake that was created covered a large forest of valu- able hardwood trees. It was found that even after 15 years un- derwater the trees were perfectly preserved and underwater log- ‘ging was started. During the logging process a tree is selected, trimmed, and anchored with ropes to prevent it from shooting to the surface like a missile when cut. Assume that a typical large tree can be approximated as a truncated cone with a base diameter of 8 ft, a top diameter of 2 ft, and a height of 100 ft. Determine the resultant vertical force that the ropes must resist ‘when the completely submerged tree is cut. The specific grav- ity of the wood is approximately 0.6. For eguibbriion 2 Ferhea| =° so thet T= R~W (1) for a truncated Cone, BP (tenn +n) T hy = base radius do ~ weight r= Pep radiics Fa~ buoyant force h= heignt Tx ttnsion in ropes Thus f(T Gy op i [as (en te) + 0 F05) = 2200 Ft" For baoyaat force, Fs Oy,0% “ee = (02.4 #,)(a2004t?) = 137 000 lb Br wegnt, W= Gy Me™ (0.6)oz4 2,)[ereott) = 82 Yoolh Fiom ©3012 T = 137,000 |b- 82,400/k = 54 600 |b 2-37 2.86 2.86 An inverted test tube partially filled with air loats in a plastic water-filled soft drink bottle as shown in Video V2.5 and Fig. P2.86. The amount of air in the tube has been adjusted 0 that it just floats. The bottle cap is securely fastened. A slight squeezing of the plastic bottle will cause the test tube to sink to the bottom of the bottle. Explain this phenomenon. When the test tube is Lloaking The weight of the tube, is belonced by The buayent farce, Fy, Gs shevn in The figuré . The husyent force 13 due te The displaced volume of water 45 shown. This displaced volume is due te the asm pressure ~ trapped ji The tube where Pe Bd, h. When the bottle is squeezed, The mb Pressure tn The bette, Bis Inerensed shightly and thi’ th burn increases “p, The pressure Compressing The air in the test tube Thus, the sisplaced velume is decreaed with a subsequent decrease 6 Fa. Since Wd 1s "constant, a decvease Ay well Cause Tne test tube te sink Air Test tube wi Plastic m FIGURE P2.86 2-88 2.87 2.87 The hydrometer shown in Video V2.6 and Fig, P2.87 has a mass of 0.045 kg and the cross-sectional area of its stem Hycremeter is 290 mm?, Determine the distance between graduations (on the stem) for specific gravities of 1.00 and 0.90. Fluid surface m FIGURE P2.37 When the hydrometer ig tloating its weight, W, and The buoyant force are eguel Since i 4. Frertical *e aa - For fluid with 3G=0.9, F 8 Fe, = W (6, )(%,,)% =” (chore Gos Sago? 4c) hs Similarly, er tluid with SG, =h0, 4 (56, ) (gg 4 = Let Ayreon orm and subprachng The €guations yields andy w submerged 4 a = Mw - Ww volume. 1 (86 )%0) (54) Yo) Since #-Wws 4k As ws ae | Ade Bl¥no) - 5% $4 _ (0.04shy 9.21%) [ \ it] (260 218 mK L ) Lt? im -2 = IZ XI mm = LZ mem 2-87 2.99 2.88 An L-shaped rigid gate is hinged at one end and is lo- cated between partitions in an open tank containing water as shown in Fig. P2.88. A block of concrete (y = 150 Ib/ft’) is to be hung from the horizontal portion of the gate. Determine the required volume of the block so that the reaction of the gate on the partition at 4 is zero when the water depth is 2 ft above the hinge. The gate is 2 ft wide with a negligible weight, and the hinge. is smooth, For eguilibrium, XM, =0 se that FA, +R FTA, 0) Ye there : ' Fe th, = (62.4 Hs) (att) (2tes 268) = 749 Ib # he, Ay=(24 Hy (A) (ete 26) = 998 a ; Se 2 Be) CH) + FH = BU | am GFE) (aft x24) f= a = By - zee = te Beit Thus, from Fg. (1) G4 lb) CA. 4) + Geib UR) = T FE) T= 1830 |b 7 For concrete block , » So thet Z Frrhel “2 oy Wee T+Fe, y ‘ KM = (830+ By Ve Fe. 1830 = 20.743 z 40.9 Fe 2.87 2.89 When a hydrometer (see Fig, P2.87 and Video V2.6) having a stem diameter of 0.30 in. is placed in water, the stem protrudes 3.15 in. above the water surface, If the water is re- placed with aliquid having a specific gravity of 1.10, how much Of the stem would protrude above the liquid surface? The hy- drometer weighs 0,042 Ib. hen the hydrometer 1s Floating its wegnt , Dd, 15 balancea by the buoyant sorce, Fig, For guilionum, 2 eal “e Thus, fr water Fg 2 Ch % = we where % 1s The submerged volume. Wwitr the new ‘ Nga 66) (%,,) 4 =e a) Combinn's Egs.0) anata) with Qe constant Qing) H = (S46) 0h,5) Ve v4 and ot eis 63) Wh From EG. %) 7 +" Bay, O04 2 oasxe tee? '” Sze 24 ey Se that from F4.Q) 7 an = coax HY 2 oix ft? ; a leo ‘ TAYS) yw 2 (6.73-bja)xio ft? = O.bI XI Ft? To obten This difference the change in length, AL, wy (E )(0. 301.) A0 = (oi xwtbe)(1728 » hes BL= 1.49 th f Vth the new liguid the stem would protrude Zisin. + 1.49 in. = 44Hin. above the surface . 2-4 2.90 2.90 The thin-walled. I-m-diameter tank of £ Fig. P2.50 is closed at one end and has a mass of 4 90 kg. The open end of the tank is lowered into Water the water and held in the position shown by a 3.0m steel block having a density of 7840 kg/m’. As- sume that the air that is trapped in the tank is compressed at a constant temperature. Deter- ‘mine: (a) the reading on the pressure gage at the top of the tank. and (b) the volume of the steel SZ block, Open end Cable Z Ste! lock (a) for constant temperature Compression, fGiue e880 RY 2e % where vn tatral State aad fx final state let BrAL,R see figure) where Ayu the cross sectional areu of fank, and an) ee y (Rob) re Ay, (where all lengins are ia Thus, Since p> py ann Hz Ap(3) f= tit MO | 3 tetm te Oe ¥(H-0.b) + Batm so That oon —~ 3 ftw 2 dis (Fe ~o)k fe <0 by 78044, and fy = oie, 2 ford Pe 3 (toi AY ie - Om) k- =e ane 9.40 32, a) a0 or 47+ aR - 307 28 So that z £. tut V (fyr+ #0309) 2 2.53 so Thus, from Eg, 01) ay - = 18.94R = 5) (2.53.m 2m ) tee... #, (449) = (7.8 sulfate 2-72 24 (cont) (8) Br eguili brian of tank (see free-body- diagram) T= BAM where Uh nw tank weignt , Stee! blocle T=, -&,= ¥% (%-¥) Thus, Ba — as, 3 BA We ye Y8 ann for (2.9420 Z) Em) - Go ky (4812) (7.240 xi £2 Ae )G%)- 7.40102, 2 = 0,208 m volume ~ 5 a-93 of 2.91* An inverted hollow cone is pushed into the water as is shown in Fig. P2.9]. Determine the distance, (. that the water rises in the cone as | a function of the depth. d. of the lower edge of I the cone. Plot the results for 0 = d = H, when H is equal to 1 m. Assume the temperature of q the air within the cone remains constant. | a FIGURE P2.9| For constant temperature compression of The alr wiThii the ane, RUBY ; a) where WY 1s The air volume, and 0 and £ refer to inthal and Fital states, respectwely t+ follows That (see figure): B= Aden B= ¥ (d-2) + fab igs Fen Me FHA) eat) = FG) os)” Thus, from Eg.) : 4 be. (ER) = [y Cd-L) + b,.] F &) (2) which simplifies +e ge d- 8 [%)-'] a2) For fez, 5 1018, Y= 2.B0kN Iw? and Holm, wm tes yay Az d ioe ma) ‘J or 5 Lz d- wa [l-2) -1] 7 Where Land d ave tn meters, A computer program fellows tor Caleulating 4 as a tanchon of d. Ccont ) A-94 EXTRA (Cont ) 200 cls G10 Rint sab ocrGrS AS pogo ropSOSHO BOSS BEE ESSE EEC! 120 print "** This program solves iteratively a fourth **" 130 print "** order equation to give the water rise, **" 135 print "** 1, as a function of the depth. d en erenro ret rtert eresserr re tterrr Ses etererer erat) 150 print 160 print " Depth, d (m) _ Water rise, 1 (m)" 170 for d=0.0 to 1.01 step 0.1 | 180 -0 185 if d=0 then goto 220 180 1p=1 200 1=1-((d-1p)/10.341)7(-1/3) 210 if abs(1-1p/1)>0.001 goto 190 220 print using " eee #oeeee 230 next 4 al Tabulatel deta and a plot of the dete are shown below. FARE DERE ORES ESBS SE Ep Sr oESineSrrie: ** This program solves iteratively a fourth ** ** order equation to give the water rise, ** +* 1, as a function of the depth, d bi HERES IEC BD SOE O COED Epon pet Depth, d (m) Water rise, 1 (m) 0.000 0.0000 9.100 0.0032 0.200 0.0062 0.300 0.0092 0.400 0.0122 0.500 0.0152 0.600 0.0182 0.700 0.0211 0.800 0.0239 0.300 0.0268 1.000 0.0296 > oa oe 08 oe Te Benen, & in) 2-95 2.92 An open container of oil rests on the flatbed of 2 truck that is traveling along 2 hori- zontal road at 53 mi/hr. As the truck slows uni- formly to a complete stop in 5s, what will be the slope of the oil surface during the period of con- stant deceleration? 2.93 _ A S-gal,cylindrical open container with a bottom area ‘of 120 in is filled with glycerin and rests on the floor of an elevator. (a) Determine the fluid pressure at the bottom of the container when the elevator has an upward acceleration of 3 fi/s°. (b) What resultant force does the container exert on the floor of the elevator during this acceleration? The weight of the ‘container is negligible. (Note: } gal = 231 in.) (ay z =P (q+ 4,) (£9, 2.26) ovens A Thus, RN= velume 7 ° ny [ep = -eCgray{ee 4 (20nd) =i) LE") ae % Ae 9.63 in 4 p(a+d)h (ove HM (ona SE + 8) 282 we) u = te a9 2 (b) From free-bedy -diagram of Container, | | Reta on | tn | fy 1 = (04 & avi (\22,) : ¥ = 5714 Mb Thus, force of container on floor 1s 57.4 ib downward. 2-97 EE 2.44 — An open rectangular tank 1 m wide and 2m long contains gasoline to a depth of 1 m. If the height of the tank sides is 1.5 m, what is the ‘maximum horizontal acceleration (along the long, axis of the tank) that can develop before the gas- line would begin to spill? To prevent spilling, dB 5 Sm l0am dg <7 T =- 0.50 (see figure), 5 ees da. 2 (4, 2.28) 9 gray or, with Azo) «a of. ay: -(S)3 so That (dy) 7 Case) = 2a (Wote! Acceleration could be either to the tight or the left, ) 2-73 2.95 Ifthe tank of Problem 2.7 slides down a frictionless plane that is inclined at 30° with the horizontal, determine the angle the free surface makes with the horizontal. From Newtons dad laur , / Zz Fy = ama, Since. the only force in the 4+ direction is the Component of weight (1g )sin 8, (am g)sine = @y > 2) wes ree muss of timk and So That ‘ 0 ay = sin 8 Gasoline and therefore ' Gy= Oy s6 A, =~ Ay sinB Alse, a dz. - J (eg, 2.28) ag $7 4e ' = — Sy O16 2 _ _g sine e050 3 - a, sine 9 ~ gsin8 Cos8 Z sinze 1 — £520 Gnd tor 6 730° Lope ae Bene 74 45 [= ¥ Sin bo* Thus, tangs 0.164 (see figure) ana or 2.96 A closed cylindrical tank that is 8 ft in diameter and 24 fi long is completely filled with gasoline. The tank, with its long axis horizontal, is pulled by a truck along a horizontal surface. Determine the pressure difference between the ends (long the long axis of the tank) when the truck undergoes an acceleration of 5 fi/s?. aesst $e and P= ot Y=2ze ft, B-#, + —f4y (24 fe) = (132 eH Ns £ \lan te) - 4 = - 4/58 Bee ib R-h (88 pe 2-/e0 2.97 2.97 The open U-tube of Fig. P297 is par- tially filled with a liquid. When this device is ac- celerated with a horizontal acceleration, a, a differential reading, h, develops between the ma- nometer legs which are spaced a distance (apart. Determine the relationship between a, (, and h. | 4 FIGURE P2.47 A2-loj 298 2.48 An open I-m-diameter tank contains water at a depth of 0.7m when at rest. As the tank is rotated about its vertical axis the center of the fluid surface is depressed. At what angular thia velocity will the bottom of the tank first be ex- me posed? No water is spilled from the tank. Equation for Surfaces of Conshent pressure z (&%. 2,32): x Rk zs SE constont re Rew inihal depth For free surface with feo at +20, wir “a5 The volume of fluid th votatng tink is given by R R 2 We [error * anatl Hay « mae 24 Jo 4 ° +e Since the tnitial volume, = IR*hs, must egual the firal Volume, ye, so That Terk" ped 5° or = take 2/4 lee S Mom) 2 Jos tad z (0. 52m )* ee Po 2-102 IF 2.97 The U-tube of Fig. P2.9% is partially filled with water and rotates around the axis a~ a. Determine the angular velocity that will cause the water to start to vaporize at the bottom of the tube (point A). Lin. Pressure th @ rotating fluid varies in accordance wits & | The 2puation , FIGURE P27 _ pwtre P a With The ceordinate system shown, pro at FF Hin, and B= (21h, 50 that - ¥2 + Constant (e3, a,33) ga constants - RY CARY y lta 2 - OR +e Thus, 2 / pe PR (r- 7) - ¥ (2-1) At pont A, r20 and 220, and ie Bye ~ fe +8 a) If p= vapor pressure = 0.254 paca, or Py = (0.256 psi M7pse (ee fa) - ~ 2080 (gage) then from &g.(n 2-103 aloo 2.100 The U-tube of Fig. P2.100 contains mer- cury and rotates about the off-center axis aa. At 7 rest, the depth of mercury in each leg is 150 mm ak as illustrated, Determine the angular velocity for ae which the difference in heights between the two ie am legs is 75 mm. ’ ~ [20m —f-—lo0 nm FIGURE P2.100 The eguatin of the free surface passing through A and B Is Zz oe Constant (é4.2.32) Thus, i. BF, =0h= F so that 204.2) 4) (0, 075m) . rad = 6,04 at (0,2z0m)* - (0.090m)* 2-loy 2Jof 2.101 A closed, 0.4-m-diameter cylindrical tank is completely filled with oil (SG = 0.9) and rotates about its vertical longitudinal axis with an angular velocity of 40 rad/s. Determine the dif- ference in pressure just under the vessel cover between a point on the circumference and a point on the axis Pressure in 4 rotating ud varies th accordance with the €guation, ps PEL v2 + constent — (ep.233) Since. B= %y , teh = (tah?) © aanal = (onlie? 88,) (0 2)"[on yoo] — ae ee ¢ fam) — = Age km 2-los 2.102 2.102 Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate Objective: A gate, hinged at the top, covers a hole in the side of a water filled tank as shown in Fig. P2,102 and is held against the tank by the water pressure. The purpose of this experiment is to compare the theoretical force needed to open the gate to the experimentally measured force. Equipment: Rectangular ank with a rectangular hole in its side; gate that covers the hole and is hinged atthe top; force transducer to measure the force needed to open the gate; ruler to measure the water depth. Experimental Procedure: Measure the height, H, and width, b, ofthe hole in the tank and the distance, L, from the hinge to the point of application of the force, F, that opens the gate. Fill the tank with water to a depth h above the bottom of the gate. Use the force transducer to determine the force, F, needed to slowly open the gate, Repeat the force mea- surements for various water depths. Calculations: For arbitrary water depths, h, determine the theoretical force, F, needed to open the gate by equating the moment about the hinge from the water force on the gate to the moment produced by the applied foree, Graph: Plot the experimentally determined force, F, needed to open the gate as ordinates and the water depth, h, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical force as a function of water depth Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page withthe data for this problem, w FIGURE P2.102 (cont) A-lob 2.102 (Con't ) ‘Solution for Problem 2.102: Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate Lin, H. in, b, in. +, Iona ros FO4 55 60 40 624 0.003472 ain Filb Fylb yr-Yeft oft Fb 24.4 10.4 15.69 0.0138 0.264 «= 9.03 185 89 1343 0.0161 0.268 «7.80 162 76 1144 0.0188 «0.269671 145 67 997 0.0217 0.272 «591 128 58 849 0.0285 «0278 5.11 14.4 47 7.02 0.0308 0.281 4.30 10.1 43 615 0.0352 0.285 «3.83 14 29 381 0.0568 0.307 2.55 Since h > H, A= H*b = constant and le = b*H"3/12 = constant. F = F,*d/L, where F, = y*(h - H/2)*A, d= HI2 + (yr Ye), ad yr Ye = he/(h - H/2)*A Problem 2.102 | i Force, F, vs Water Depth, h | 2-107 2.103 2.103 Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Rectangle Objective: A quartercircle block with a vertical rectangular end is attached to a balance beam as shown in Fig. P2.103, Water in the tank puts a hydrostatic pressure force on the block which causes a clockwise moment about the pivot point. This moment is balanced by the counterclockwise moment produced by the weight placed atthe end of the balance beam. ‘The purpose of this experiment is to determine the weight, W, needed to balance the beam as a function of the water depth, f Equipment: Balance beam with an attached quarter-circle, rectangular cross-section block; pivot point directly above the vertical end of the beam to support the beam; tank; weights; ruler. Experimental Procedure: Measure the inner radius, Ry, outer radius, Re, and width, b, of the block. Measure the length, L, of the moment arm between the pivot point and the ‘Weight. Adjust the counter weight on the beam so that the beam is level when there is no ‘weight on the beam and no water in the tank. Hang a known mass, m, on the beam and ad- just the water level, 4, in the tank so that the beam again becomes level. Repeat with differ cent masses and water depths. Calculations: For a given water depth, h, determine the hydrostatic pressure force, Fy = yh.A, on the vertical end of the block. Also determine the point of action of this force, a distance yr — y, below the centroid ofthe arca. Note that the equations for Fx and ye ~ ¥- are different when the water level is below the end of the block (/t < R; ~ Rj) than when it is above the end of the block (h > R; ~ Ri). For a given water depth, determine the theoretical weight needed to balance the beam by summing moments about the pivot point. Note that both F and W produce a moment. However, because the curved sides of the block are circular arcs centered about the pivot point, the pressure forces on the curved sides of the block (which act normal to the sides) do not produce any moment about the pivot point. Thus the forces on the curved sides do rot enter into the moment equation. Graph: Plot the experimentally determined weight, W, as ordinates and the water depth, 1h as abscissa. Result: On the same graph plot the theoretical weight as a function of water depth. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and liv ere to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. ‘uanescice Beck @ FIGURE P2.103 (con't) 2-108 2.103 Cont) Solution for Problem 2.103: Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Rectangle Ry, in 50 mig 0.00 002 0.04 0.06 0.10 072 074 076 018 0.20 0.22 024 026 028 0.30 035 0.40 04s 0.50 0.55 W = 32.2 flls*2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slug/kg) Re, in Lin bin. 90 120 3.0 Experimental hin, W, Ib 0.00 0.00 an 0.04 1.58 0.09 1.92 0.13 251 0.22 2.76 0.26 2.99 0.31 3.20 0.35 341 0.40 3.60 04g 3.80 0.48 3.99 0.63 417 0.87 4.33 0.62 4.50 0.66 4.95 0.77 5.38 0.88 5.83 0.99 627 1.40 6.70 4.21 Forh d= R,-(h/3) Forh> R;-Ry Fr=yth- (Re - Ry)/2)*(Rz- Ry)" YoYo = heh A Re (Re Radi2 + (Ve = Ved Ie = b'(R, ~ R,)*3/12 = 0.000771 ft h=(Ra-Ry)/2 (cent ) Fry ib 0.00 0.07 014 0.20 0.34 0.41 0.48 0.55 0.63 0.70 0.78 0.86 0.94 1.01 1.08 1.28 147 1.68 1.85 2.04 g.fls2 —y, IbIRS 32.2 Yee 0.0512 0.0476 0.0484 0.0376 0.0328 0.0290 0.0260 0.0236 624 oft 0.750 0719 0.706 0.697 0.680 0.673 0.667 o.s61 0.655 0.650 0.644 0.639 0.634 0.631 0.628 0.621 0.616 0612 0.609 0.607 Theoretical W, Ib 0.000 0.048 0.095 0.139 0.232 0.278 0.323 0.367 0.413 0.456 0.504 0.581 0597 0.637 0.680 0.794 0.905 1.016 4.127 1.236 ‘Sum moments about pivot to give WL = Fa’d 2-109 [2.03 J (Cont ) Problem 2.103 | Weight, W, vs Water Depth, h | 0.0 20 4.0 6.0 8.0 2-10 2.70% 2.104 Vertical Uplift Force on an Open-Bottom Box with Slanted Sides ‘Objective: When a box or form as shown in Fig. P2.10¢ is filled with a liquid, the ver- tical force of the liquid on the box tends to lift it off the surface upon which it sits, thus al- lowing the liquid to drain from the box. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the minimum weight, W, needed to keep the box from lifting off the surface, Equipment: An open-bottom box that has vertical side walls and slanted end walls; weights; ruler; scale. Experimental Procedure: Determine the weight, Wo. of the empty box and measure its length, L, width, b, wall thickness, , and the angle of the ends, 9, Set the box on a smooth surface and place a known mass, m, on it. Slowly fill the box with water and note the depth, fh, at which the net upward water force is equal tothe total weight, W + Wha, where W = mg. ‘This condition will be obvious because the friction force between the box and the surface on which it sits will be zero and the box will “float” effortlessly along the surface. Repeat for various masses and water levels. Calculations: Foran arbitrary water depth, A, determine the theoretical weight, W, needed to maintain equilibrium with no contact force between the box and the surface below it. This can be done by equating the total weight, W + Wy, to the net vertical hydrostatic pressure force on the box. Calculate this vertical pressure force for two different situations. (1) As- sume the vertical pressure force is the vertical component of the pressure forces acting on the slanted ends of the box. (2) Assume the vertical upward force is that from part (1) plus the pressure force acting under the sides and ends of the box because of the finite thickness, 1, of the box walls. This additional pressure force is assumed to be due to an average pres- Suite Of Puy = 7h/2 acting on the “foot print” area of the box walls, Graph: Plot the experimentally determined total weight, W + Woy a8 ordinates and the water depth, A, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph plot two theoretical total weight verses water depth curves— one involving only the slanted-end pressure force, and the other including the slanted end and the finite-thickness wall pressure forces. Data: To proceed, prin this page for reference when you work the problem and eli Here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. B FIGURE P2.104 2./o% (Cont) Solution for Problem 2.104: Vertical Uplift Force on an Open-Bottom Box with Slanted Sides 6, deg Lin. , in. tin, Wrox, 10 1, TARA 45 103 40 0.25 0.942. 624 Experimental Theory 1 Theory 2 mkg hin We Wag tb in We Whe ID Payg: IDM W Woy, 10 0.00 2.08 0.942 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.05 223 1.052 0.28 0.009 0.65 0.047 0.10 2.42 4.162 0.50 0.036 1.30 ttt 0.15 253 1.272 0.75 0.081 1.95 0.194 0.20 267 1.382 1.00 0.144 2.60 0.295 0.25 281 1.491 1.25 0.226 3.25 0.414 0.30 2.94 4.801 1.80 0.325 3.90 0.551 0.35 3.06 4714 4.75 0.442 455 0.708 0.40 3.16 4.821 2.00 0.578 5.20 0.879 225 0.731 5.85 1.070 2.60 0.903 6.50 1.279 2.75 1.092 7.18 1.508 3.00 1.300 7.80 1.752 3.25 1.526 8.45 2015 W = g'm= 32.2 fis'2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slug/kg) ‘Theory ‘. Including only the slanted-end pressure force: Theory 2. including the slanted-end pressure force and the finite-thickness wall pressure force: W + Weer = 7°VOl + Pargt® Pavg = 0.5%Y*h A= (b+ 2°)%(L + 2*¥sind) - b*L = 8.33 in.*2 = 0.0579 2 (cont) 2-12 2.104 ee Problem 2.104 Total Weight, W + Wrox. vs Water Depth, h 257 2.0 a W# Wyo, Ib 3 0.5 i borane (——Theory 1 (slanted ends| oniy) ‘Theory 2 (slanted ends| i and bottom Li. Sdpe) a-N3 2.105 2405 Air Pad Lift Force Objective: _As shown in Fig, P2.105, itis possible to lift objects by use ofan air pad con- sisting of an inverted box that is pressurized by an air supply. Ifthe pressure within the box is large enough, the box will lift slightly off the surface, air will flow under its edges, and there will be very little fictional force between the box and the surface. The purpose of this ‘experiment is to determine the lifting force, W, as a function of pressure, p, within the box. Equipment: Inverted rectangular box; air supply; weights; manometer. Experimental Procedure: Connect the air source and the manometer to the inverted square box. Determine the weight, Wie, of the square box and measure its length and width, LL, and the wall thickness, t. Set the inverted box on a smooth surface and place a known ‘ass, mi, on i, Increase the air flowrate until the box lifts off the surface slightly and “floats” with negligible frictional force. Record the manometer reading, h, under these conditions. Repeat the measurements with various masses. Calculations: Determine the theoretical weight that can be lifted by the air pad by cquat- ing the total weight, W + Wy, to the net vertical pressure force on the box. Here W = mg. Calculate this pressure force for two different situations, (1) Assume the pressure force is ‘equal to the area of the box, A = L?, times the pressure, p = Yq/, within the box, Where Yq is the specific weight of the manometer fluid. (2) Assume that the net pressure force is that from part (1) plus the pressure force acting under the edges of the box because of the finite thickness, t of the box walls. This additional pressure force is assumed to be due to an av- ‘erage pressure Of Ping = Yah/2 acting on the “foot print” area of the box walls, 4i(L + 1) Graph: Plot the experimentally determined total weight, W + Wh as ordinates and the pressure within the box, p, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot two theoretical total weight verses pressure curves— cone involving only the pressure times box area pressure force, and the other including the pressure times box area and the finite-thickness wall pressure forces Data: To proveed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and elick here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. W FIGURE P2,105 Cont) 2-14 2.105 Ctent) Solution for Problem 2.108: Air Pad Lift Force Lin. tin on Ib ‘a0; Ib/tS 75 0.25 1.25 624 Experiment Theory 1 Theory 2 m, kg hin W+ Woon ID py Ibi2 We Woe tb Wt Wow I 00 0.54 425 281 4.10 4.17 o4 0.64 147 3.33 4.30 1.39 02 0.74 1.69 3.85 1.50 161 03 0.82 1.91 4.26 1.67 178 og 0x4 213 4.89 191 204 05 4.04 2.35 541 244 226 06 4.12 257 5.82 2.28 2.43 07 1.23 278 6.40 2.50 267 08 4.32 3.01 6.86 2.68 287 09 1.42 3.23 7.38 2.88 3.08 1.0 1.82 3.45 7.90 3.09 330 14 1.63 3.67 8.48 331 354 12 4.72 3.88 8.94 3.49 373 13 1.83 an 9.62 372 397 14 1.96 4.33 10.19 3.98 426 18 2.08 455 10.71 418 447 16 2.42 4m 11.02 431 4.60 17 223 4.99 11.60 453 484 18 2.32 521 12.08 47 5.04 W = g'm = 322 ftis'2 * (m kg * 6.825€-2 slugikg) Theory 1. Involving only the pressure times the box area: W + Weox = ptL*2 P= taoth Theory 2. Involving the pressure times the box area plus the average pressure times the edge area W + Wrox = p*L2 + (pi2)*{(L + 20)°2 - L*2) (coat ) 2-5 2.1/0” W+ Whox, Ib (cont ) Problem 2.105 i Total Weight, W + Wbox, vs Pressure, p | (* Experimental | I— —Theory 1 (box area only) \——Theory 2 (box area 2-He 3.1 Water flows steadily through the vari- able area horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P3.1. The velocity is given by V = 10(1 + x)i ft/s, where + isin feet. Viscous effects are neglected. (a) De- termine the pressure gradient, ap/ax, (as a fune- tion of x) needed to produce this flow. (b) If the pressure at section (1) is 50 psi, determine the pressure at (2) by: (i) integration of the pressure gradient obtained in (a); (ii) application of the FIGURE P3.1 Bernoulli equation. (a) —fene = eV but 00 and V=10(1+x) HAS = Ny or Hee -ev#F = -@ (/0(/#x)) (0) a a = 198 FE (0 BP (1) , with X in feot = - 19414) fy . (xO B= 194 (14x) 50 that th = -r04 Sl14Nde ARs! xno or pf = Sopsi-194(3 28 (aie 2 0-167 2909 pot Wi) prt beMarz, =p, tteKrs dz, or with 2-2, A= Att e0(iR VM) where Vy = 101140) = loge Vy = 10 (143) = Hott Thus, A= Sop LOM BIE IEE Bi) = 382 pH 3.2_Repeat Problem 3.1 if the pipe is vertical with the flow down, (a) -¥sing 36 = pVIE with @=-90° and v= EL Ba-eVEH¥ or B =-evie +e =-e(iolitw) (i) +0" Thus, 2B 2-194 eof)" (149 + 62.4 By | with x in feet =- Jb, 194 (IX) + 62.4 1B, ta Xa=3 (at) B= 194 (14) +824 0 tot . fort ver sae Stem “X,2 A a Es on f= Sopei ~194(3 +3) fi ( LAE, ) 4 saningh (HE) = 50-/0./4+/.3 = 4Lapsl Gi) pg they? tte, = pt tonr+ta, on with 2,40, 2,<-3H and Y,=sol(i+0) = wf ) Y= lolita) node Bxf tte (ye) - bas = sopst +6 (1.94 SB )()0*- 40") ~ 62.4 fa(-3 #4) = 4L2psi | this streamline. (b) If the upstream pressure is po, integrate the [3-37] 3.3. An incompressible fluid with density p flows steadily past the object shown in Video V3.3 and Fig, P3.3. The fluid Dhiding velocity along the horizontal dividing streamline streamline (-© = x 5 ~a) is found to be V = Va(1 + a/s), where a is the radius of curvature of the front of the object and Vy is the upstream velocity. (a) Determine the pressure gradient along “Pe pressure gradient to obtain the pressure p(x) for => = x5 —a. (©) Show from the result of part (b) that the pressure atthe stag- nation point (x = —a) is po + pV3/2, a8 expected from the Bernoulli equation. m FIGURE P3.3 (a) de evgt where V=V, (1+#) Ht = fv - Me tt af elin BI 4)= palet(a +32) 0 He - eat (i + py) Peet -F&| Thus, pon eat |x xe] (¢) From part (b), when X=-a al = peat dese] = prtelt xe-a From the Bernoulli eqvation 2, + zelk, where Ve v| = V(I+@) =2 - xera Thus, p, = pttens 4s expected. Note ‘Ph al xe~09) 3-3 3.4 What pressure gradient along. the streamline, dp/ds, is required to accelerate water in a horizontal pipe at a rate of 30 m/s*? af 2-9 sind — VE where 8=0 and . Vit =a, = 0% Thus, 2B = - pa, = -999 +2, (30%) = -s0p00(h. )/m or a = - 30.0 kPa/m os 33 Ata given location the air speed is 20 m/s and the pressure gradient along the streamline is 100 N/m’. Estimate the sir speed at a point 0.5 m further along the streamline. / Tf neglect gravity, #2 =-pyit or fh =-# /ev | OM - 100%, Ay /U.23 8,)(20%) =-%07d (-4.07g) (0.5m) = ~2.032 sothat V+6V=20% - 2.03% ‘What pressure gradient along the streamline required to accelerate water upward in a vertical pipe of 30 fi/s*? What is the answer if the flow is downward 26 = -¥sino -evit where @= 90" for up tlw , @=-90° for down flow, and Vit =a, = 30 £ Thus, for uptlow 32 - — 62.4048, — 194 SMegs(o0 LE) = - 120.6 Ub.) ft = 7083068 and for downtlow =—— = He = a4 190 GE (aol) = 420 (1) Ht -a02sa 3.7 Consider a compressible fluid for which _—_to obtain the “Bernoulli equation” for this com- the pressure and density are related by p/p" = pressible flow as [n/(n - I)|pip + V#/2 + Cy, where n and C, are constants. Integrate the gz = constant. ‘equation of motion along the streamline, Eq. 3.6, 4 .M 4 gz = constant along a streamline ¢ (2 78 d fa week on erty so that (a hte ah (eth ate Thus, (4 =r o(Gy = aH ate Hence: 2 & te V?+g2 = constont along a streamline 3.8 38 The Bemoulli equation is valid for steady. inviscid, in- Compressible flows with constant acceleration of gravity. sider flow on a planet where the acceleration of gravity varies z y s with height so that ¢ ~ gy — c=, whete go and : are constants Integrate “F = ma’ along astreamline 0 obtain the equivalent bm ofthe Bernoulli equation for this flow. From £& 5& = dma, one obtains @ dptzed(V*)+* dz where S09 (see £4, 3.5) Thus, dp+ d(zeV*)* P(go- 62) dz =O , or by integrating from (1) toa): 2) @ @ Sap + d(ter) + ef (g,-ce)dz =0 a a ao or PaPitEO(W-V) + PGs l2e-A) - 3c (2-27) =0 Thus, pt tev +9,2 -tecz* = constant along a streamline. 3.9 39 Consider a compressible liquid that has a constant bulk modulus. Inegrate "F = ma” along a streamline to obtain the equivalent of the Bemoulli equation for this flow, Assume steady, inviscid flow. From £9, 3.6 dp+ted(V')+¥dz=0 where = 09 and dp=£, 40 where E, = bulk modulus 2 constant (see Eq, 1.13) Thus, along a streamline: £,# tded(v*)+egde=0 or Ey 4 + d(4V*) tgdz 20 which can be integrated between Pa Ya 2a if 46 + (d(AV)+ (qde #0 qi v x between points (1) and tz) to give or Ey G.7 &] + Blew] +g [2e-2] 0 Hence: 9? fey e = constant along a streamline 3.10 Water flows around the vertical two-di- mensional bend with circular streamlines and constant velocity as shown in Fig. P3.10. If the pressure is 40 kPa at point (1), determine the pressures at points (2) and (3). Assume that the velocity profile is uniform as indicated. te -#£ = oe with 42 =) ond Ve lom/s Thus, with Re 6-n pe --y-g or fhe = {tae fee =O n=0 | so that since o and Vare constants P-pia=-tn~ ev {By Thos, . P=h on - eV * In(g&) With po, = #0kKPa and fg 2/m* fy = =Kokhy-8.0110-% 3 (1m) -999 4, (ops n(H or A= 12.0 kPa and with f,= ¥0kfa and Ng = 2m ' fi, = 40Kfa- 9.0K an -9979 8% (0 BY In}. or Ps = 229.1 kPa 3.12 Water in a container and air in a tornado flow in hor. . iontal circular streamlines of radius rand speed V as shown in Video V3.2 and Fig, P3.2.Determine the radial pressure gradient, dp/ar, needed for the following situations: (a) The : fluid is water with r = 3 in, and V = 0.8 fUs. (b) The fluid is ale with r = 300 ft and V = 200 mph. FIGURE P3.12 Fer curved streamlines, -# = ae tee , or with & =0 (horizontal streamlines), R=r, and £ =- de this becomes = ov" gt ; a) With r= HA and V=0.8L ond water (pe 194 of), a 194% she (0.8 #)* 2 497 sie = 497 Lb (2) seomeimclias it (b) With r= 300ft and V= remit 88 93 ft mr )= 2935 and air (pe = 0.00238 © SF), 4. _ one Bh ant 0.661285, « 0.881 4 300 ft 3/3 3.13. As shown in Fig. P3.13 and Video V3.2, the swirling motion of a liquid can cause a depression in the free surface, ‘Assume that an inviscid liguid in a tank with an R= 1.0 fi ra- dius is rotated sufficiently to produce a free surface that is .0 ft below the liquid at the edge of the tank ata position 5 ft from the center of the tank. Also assume that the lig- uid velocity is given by V = K/r, where K is a constant. (a) ‘Show that A = K?([(1/P) ~ (1/R*)]/(2g). (b) Determine the value of K for this problem, 2 fas -# . oe on Be evi - ek? @ FIGURE P3.13 Thus, fe R k* (=e ( or g-p--Z lea] P r But far th and p=0 at r onthe free surtace. ~ = he ~ ETB - fe] or since = 09, he Ih el w (b) With h=2tt, Re lft, and r=0.5H Eqn.) gives ok? 7 | 2H Te anelosn® ~ THe ] or K-65 if 3-10 EI 3.14 Water flows from the faucet on the first floor of the building shown in Fig. P3.14 with a maximum velocity of 20 _—_ fi/s. For steady inviscid flow, determine the maximum water velocity from the basement faucet and from the faucet on the second floor (assume cach floor is 12 ft tall). @e — | a veonlf wi m FIGURE P3.14 + Ge 2 = constant 7h, Aer ee = Ait Boz, with f,.= f= 0 (tree jet) and Y= 200s , 2, <4ff ” got)? Kw . z<-0f apaady **" “Fa or y= 32 and 4+ He ze Bak +2, wih £=p,=0 (free jet) and yepoH , 2-44 (20 4)* 2, =/64# Fea z +¥f = mee 5 +16 #4 + 1/207 -2(32.2)(12) = 7 -373 Impossible! No tlow " from second ffoor faucet. 31 SIS 3.15 Water flows from a pop bottle that has holes in it as shown in Video V3.5 and Fig. P3.15. Two streams com- ing from holes located distances fh, and hy below the free surface intersect at a distance L from the side of the bottle. If viscous effects are negligible and the flow is quasi-steady, show that £ = 2(hyha)"*. Compare this result with experl- rap mental data measured from the paused video for which the holes are 2 inches apart. mw FIGURE P3.15 For steady inviscid flow, the velocities of the horizontal jets of water at points (1) and (2) are obtained from the Bernoylli equation as * Pot telertz = ptt pistz, =p, tkpuiits where Po* f= fn=9; Yor0; exh, ; 2, =h,-h,; and 2.=0 z X=VE Thus, V,= [29h and Vy the time at which the pop stops draining from the top hole. ha eo} ‘Assume the pop surface is 2 in. above the top hole when r = 0. hy ‘Compare your resulis with the time you measure from the video. Q=Q,+%+Q,=-A ah m FIGURE P3.20 where Q,; = V:A = = V2gh, A, and A,=A,=A, -B(eEH) (6+4,2.3) = h227%/0" at Thus, A, = B(EM)*= 0.0873 H? v9 Al h, + Th, VA, 1 =-A #, where heh, hy* hel, hye ho Hence, and L=2in. t - (PBA, /A;) fat - dh ___ where £ is the 4 O98 at = aghast ti to reach the Ypper hole or - dh (h-o), t+ ag | Ft a), = ——2.08734* | (oaa7s 16 HF Mela main aa Thus, dh = 88.7 | ——_____ Z fw + hel +Vhe2L) Note: With Lin feet, this equation gives t in seconds. Since there is no closed form where L= % ff = 0.1867 ff con't) 3-17 3.20 | (con't) The nvmerical yalve of the integral is obtained by using the trapezoidal rule since the closed form analytical solvtion is not given in integral tables. The EXCEL spread sheet Used. for this is given below. fe #827 { th) dh where fth)= WARE EE ~en.7|32, (fia Mhia he) | =(68.7 fadle-20fF |- 10.78 hin heft lm), RFA) # far)" =H), i 00 0.0000 1.015 0.00804 1 01 0.0083 0.914 0.00743 2 02 0.0167 0.870 0.00711 3 03 0.0250 0.837 0.00686 4 04 = 0.0333 0.810 0.00665 5 05 = 0.0417 0.788 0.00648 6 06 0.0500 0.764 0.00629 7 07 0.0583 0.745 0.00614 8 08 0.0667 0.728 0.00800 9 09 0.0750 0.712 0.00587 10 1.0 0.0833, 0.697 0.00575 "1 141 0.0917 0.684 0.00564 12 12 0.4000 0.671 0.00554 13 13 0.1083, 0.659 0.00544 4 14 0.1167 0.847 0.00535 18 15° 0.1250 0.837 0.00526 16 16 0.1333, 0.627 0.00518 7 17 0.4417 0617 0.00510 18 18 0.1500 0.608 0.00503 19 1.9 0.1583, 0.599 0.00496 20 20 0.1687 0.591 2 ‘Sum of column = integral = 0.12011 ‘Thus, t= 88,7°0.12011 = 10.75 3-/8 221 32t tance L gravity and follows a curved trajectory as shown in Fig. P3.21 and Videos V3.5 and V4.3, A simple flow meter can be con- structed as shown in Fig. P3.21. A point gage mounted a dis- | cate that the top of the water stream is a distance x below the | outlet of the pipe. Show thatthe flowrate from this pipe of di- | ameter D is given by Q = wD*L g'7/(2% x'”), ‘Water flowing from a pipe or a tank is acted upon by from the end of the horizontal pipe is adjusted to indi- m FIGURE P3.21 The only force acting of any water particle in the free jet is that due to gravity — the particles weight, Thos, for the x-y axes shown deg and dy 20 which fora particle starting at X-y=0 af 120 give x=49t* and y= VE Eliminate £ 40 give the water trajectory as iglt) or xedg te Thus, with y=L+ Ve ze L and Q=AV= EDV = TDL yf x) 3-19 3.22 3.22 A person holds her hand out of an open car window while the car drives through still air at 65 mph. Under standard atmospheric condi tions, what is the maximum pressure on her hand?” ‘What would be the maximum pressure if the “car” were an Indy $00 racer traveling 220 mpl? Art Wig “Be +2. with 2 =z, 2g **1 2 2 # # h (8k = 95.3 Ye 65 mpi oa) Ties, A=0,M=0 Ae ay =teM* or ge d(2. saxie? $4) ( 95.34)" If Y= 220mh( we) =323t ten A= F (23800° SAN oath a4 = 124 3,23 3.23 A differential pressure gage attached to a Pitotstatic tube (see Video V3.4) is calibrated to give speed rather than the difference between the stagnation and static pressures, The cal- ‘bration is done so that the speed indicated on the gage is the actual fluid speed if the fluid flowing past the Pitot-static tube is air at standard sea level conditions. Assume the same device is used in water and the gage indicates a speed of 200 knots. Determine the water speed. sp-tev* In air, Afain = $ (0.00238 $13 ) (2.00 knots)” In water, Af, gion 2% (194 sltss) ( vy" so that with 2fjr = Afwater 5 £ (0.00238 (200) = 4 (1.9%) V* or V= Z.0/ knots 3-20 3.24 3:24 A 40-mph wind blowing past your house speeds up us itflows up and over the roof, I elevation effects are negligible, deteriine (a) the pressure atthe point on the roof where the speed is 60 mpi if the pressure inthe free stream blowing to- ward your house is 14.7 psia, Would this effect tend to push the roof down against the house, or would it tend to lift the root? (bh) Determine the pressure on a window facing the wind if the window is assumed to be a stagnation point. The Bernovil; equation gives Ve Pttelit=p.+tput ap, +hple a a] a mM a) Thus, from (1) fo (2): Atte? = pr ttel? on with Vx 4oRe ( =the.) (szeett) =sa7he and Vs 60M = apo HG Arf + (0.00238 SRE) fs 0.7814)" (e6.0fy4)*] px A= Sia This negative pressure tends te itt the roo b) From (i) to/3): Since V0, A= pitzeu* Ps f= 3 doltek 002.38 slit (s,. 7H) = HOFe 3-2) 3.25 325 Water flows steadily downward through the pipe shown in Fig. P3.25. Viscous effects are negligible, and the pres- sure gage indicates the pressure is zero at point (1). Determine the flowrate and the pressure at point (2), fiz - frase whys Ze oH, 2,70, fr=fyr0 f (ou? 1 fay, = (fet = 0s, Thus, (0,694) Var a Hf aerate) *2" enaamy or Gales so that 2 QA = Blow (i9.3 #) = 0152 # Also, . 2 Be +z, if = A az sh m@ FIGURE P3.25 ge where pro and since A= Az it follows that Va-4 Thus, e or & =-2ft y= ~2 1 (624 Bs) = -/25 fe 3-22 3,26 3.26 — Small-diameter, high-pressure liquid jets can be used to cut various materials as shown in Fig. P3.23. If viscous ef- fects are negligible, estimate the pressure needed to produce a O.10-mm-diameter water jet with a speed of 700 m/s. Deter- mine the Rowrat. 91 x = =16" 7 2 en i c ye | FIGURE P3. “ A ez = Br Wiz, where YXO,2,=22, and p,<0 This p= zfy v,* Ley =£(9994,)(700%)* = 24Sx/0 AX Also, : Q= 4A, = 7208/8 (10'm)"] = 5.50x/052 — 3-23 3.27 section, (b) 3.27 Airis drawn into a wind tunnel used for testing auto- ‘mobiles as shown in Fig. P3.27. (a) Determine the manometer reading, h, when the velocity inthe test secti that there is a 1-in. column of oil on the water in the manome- ter. (b) Determine the difference between the stagnation pres- sure on the front of the automobile and the pressure in the test is 60 mph. Note ® mM FIGURE P3.27 | (a) Airz +f = His +2, where 2-22 5 fy, and V0 Thus, with lee aa eet, fee -£ ine -felt= ~4 (0.002385) (e0 Bye ~9.22 But Pit hgh - Gy lat) =0 where dy =0.9 Uy, 9=0.9(82.4 #5) Thus, = 56,2 2H ~taage +624 (hi) ~sea 8 (aH) = 0, or h= 0.22314 “we 2 Binig = 4 tate where 2i=%s and \y<0 Thus, Big a or fa ax Ee 2 4 ( See )(¢e-H) = 9,228 3.28 3.28 A loon is a diving bird equally at home “lying” in the air or water. What swimming ve- locity under water will produce a dynamic pres- sure equal to that when it flies in the air at 40 mph? 3-25 3.29 J | 3.29 A large open tank contains a layer of oil floating on | ‘water as shown in Fig. P3.29. The flow is steady and inviscid. | (@) Determine the height, h, to which the water will rise. (b) Determine the water velocity in the pipe. (c) Determine the pres- | ‘sure in the horizontal pipe. (3) $0.2 ciametar @ FIGURE P3.29 (a) zit = Biznik (i) e, mee azo, V,=\_20, 22-h, and p, = ¥m( bi) Thus, with Wy = $6 Sug =0.7(980 4h) = 6.2 AY and from £9. (1) iam or f,=th ake 4m 6.46 he - ont = 2.80m Bios (8) VyAe = oh we pee gn Belek . wh 3 But trom the Bernoulli eqvatvon, Y, =p2ph = (20beimf) (2.8m) = 74/2 Thus, Vy = tl2HP) = Les B to) frat fe = Ain, ‘£ where 4, =-/m, Vyelas® py-0, 2,-1.8 20 Thus, (ast mig #-im yan By 7 =2.8m of & 343m Thos, fax 36am (940 1) = 25.5 Py 3-26 3.30 Water flows through the pipe contrac- tion shown in Fig. P3.30. For the given 0.2-m difference in manometer level, determine the flow- rate as a function of the diameter of the small pipe, D. fer ive, Bien, or with 2,222 and Vi=0 (Pi-f2) Veny2e OF bet 4 2th and p= th, so that py-f2=0lh-he)= 0.28 Thos, Vx 29 23" = 290.2 or 2 Q= AY, = Bory, = Zot y2cgenio.2) = 1,56 D* © when d~m 3-27 3.31 Water flows through the pipe contrac- tion shown in Fig. P3.3!. For the given 0.2-m difference in the manometer level, determine the flowrate as a function of the diameter of the small pipe, D. FIGURE P3.31 2 fr wee, -A+¥ +2. with AY =m G2) ,, _ port Thos, with 2-23 . oe ian aM = (SY _ seve _ [C64) - Iu? ¢ ~ 2g 29 but Az th and pr= th, so that p,-p, = ¥lh-hz) 028 HS espa Wt a wf fy . gE VT and Q=AY, = Fal [y"- 1] te when D~m Ss 3-28 3.32 3.32 Water flows through the pipe contraction shown in Fig. P3.32. For the given 0.2-m difference in the manometer level, determine the flowrate as a function of the diameter of the small pipe, D. m FIGURE P3.32 Biers, “Bikes where Z,<2Z, and V2*0. This, AiW. hb 1 But Ab=Xx and Be = 0.2m4x 30 that x t =O.2mtX or V,=42900.2m) = (20991% )(o.2m))é = 1.98 2 1 g 2 Thus, Q=AY, = Bioimy 1.98 2) = 0.0156 # for any D ——— 3-29 3.33 3.33 Thespeed of an airplane through the air is obtained by use of a Pitot-static tube that measures the difference be- tween the stagnation and static pressures, (See Video V3.4.) Rather than indicating this pressure difference (psi or N/m?) directly, the indicator is calibrated in speed (mph or knots) ‘This calibration is done using the density of standard sea level air. Thus, the air speed displayed (termed the indicated air speed) is the actual air speed only at standard sea level conditions. If the aircraft is flying at an altitude of 20,000 ft and the indicated air speed is 220 knots, what is the ace tual air speed? For the Pitat~static tube shown V= {2(R- p)/e . Thus, Pa-fe = FEV? so thal with the same indicated airspeed (fo- Pr )tandand = Pe-Peagoro or 2 2 E Cotandard Ylandand = 2 ae.o00 Vescoe + Hence, (4) 3-30 3.34 3.34 Streams of water from two tanks im- pinge upon each other as shown in Fig. P3.3% If | viscous effects are negligible and point A is a stag- nation point, determine the height h. FIGURE P3.34 Abin -Bibrz, where fyx0, Vy=0, %= h120H Thos Vg=0, and Z,= 2011 e ht20f = ts +204 b= o Also, a Vw * Artz, -Bitin where p= 298, 4 =0 and 2,2 8f4 Thus, a = EL 42,-24 which when combined with Ey 0) gives i b= Alta ze = acu liee Dye -20f = ¥5.7H «ds faze 3-31 = 3.35. _A.0.15-m-diameter pipe discharges into a 0.10-m-di- ‘ameter pipe. Determine the velocity head in each pipe if they are carrying 0.12 m/s of kerosene. 2 y-#- 128 wg * Floren = 877 wee = ge = 18.278 Thus, V2 G7EY _ 235m 2g ~ 209914) and ME, 08.278? | ham 4 2084) = 3.36 3.36 Water flows upward through a variable area pipe with a constant flowrate, Q, as shown in Fig. P3.3é. If viscous effects are negligible, determine the diameter, D(z), in terms of D, if the pressure is to remain constant throughout the pipe. That is, p(z) = p. FIGURE P3.36 3-33 3.37 3.37 Water flows steadily with negligible viscous effects through the pipe shown in Fig, P3.37. Determine the diameter, D, of the pipe at the outlet (a free jet) if the velocity there is 20f/s. m FIGURE P3.37 4 +z, + g-& +2, e where 2,20, 2-0, y= 20F | and g,= 0h sothel At ISH Thus, ve (aefy (Sapa BD =Otloft+ 262.20) y = 6.93 But AV, =A,Ve so that $02 (8.03 #) = F07(208) or y D, (SB) "(GEH) = 0.0837 He 0.997 in 3-3F 3.38 The circular stream of water from a faucet is observed to taper from a diameter of 20 mm to 10 mm in a distance of 50 cm. Determine the flowrate. Argh +z,- e+e +h Osom where p,=f,=0, 2,20, Z,+0.50m and Wn Mea a Thus, + 2 2g% ]* 2g2,= o -[ge45| = ofl a (RY + 222,-(A) or @ Th -#D NAAR or Since 2 f - 4B) we obtain Q= A gz _Z 2(9.81% = o.soni]* Tr -c7aF ~ Floor) rear 7) D = 0.020m (2) D,=0.0/0m 3.39 3.39 Water is siphoned from the tank shown in Fig. P3.32. The water barometer indicates a reading of 30.2 ft. Determine the maximum value of h allowed without cavitation occurring. Note that the pressure of the vapor in the closed end of the barometer equals the vapor pressure. FIGURE P3.34 Berthen far 2 or = 3b.5 2 2-% 3.52 3.82 An inviscid, incompressible liquid flows steadily from the large pressurized tank shown in Fig. P3.52. The velocity at the exit is 40 fi/s. Determine the specific gravity of the liquid jin the tank. vt 7 fs @ FIGURE P3.52 as ae = Ata Be roe ined E) = 440d ge Zs 2-0, 40, and V, (ae Thus, Li0 lo/tt™ 2 L4ettlsy ae (tet 36224) or Ye 146.3 tf Hence, 6G2 —B- = tebIbs tt Spo 62.41/13 = 2.3% 3-47 Air (assumed frictionless and incompressible) flows Steady through the device shown in Fig. P3.53. The exit ve- locity is 100 ft/s, and the differential pressure across the noz- 2le is 6 Ib/ft, (a) Determine the reading, H, for the water-filled ‘manometer attached to the Pitot tube. (b) Determine the diam- eter, d, of the nozzle. Noxte m FIGURE P3.53 (a) p+ 82, +207 = g, +2, tt 0h? where 2°2,, p,=0, and 20 ie otal » but n= Ug so that aed PH =f (e.00238 Me) (100 LY or H= 0.19/44 () p, +20 = 4 ay +t My Where fly fx rs SO, tt 3 Q,=% = where O-AY = Flos (io!) = 0.7es sete, 070s yyy 3 As” Boise #s ae 4 F (0.00238 SE ene Hye #(o.00a30 Ste ZS) yo ye 23.7 # so that with Ay Ve= %& =Q, , Fa? (03.74) = 0.785 or d= 0.109 ff 3-48 354 \\ WN ig “\\\\ 354 The center pivot inigation system shown in Fig, P3.54 ane \ \ \ is to provide uniform watering of the entire cicular field. Water A \\ \ flows through the common supply pipe and out through 10 evenly spaced nozzles. Water from each nozzle is to cover a strip 30 feet wide as indicated. If viscous effects are negligible, Getermine the diameter of each nozzle. j,i = 1t0 10, in terms . of the diameter, dja, of the nozzle at the outer end ofthe arm, Wy Nowe ~ supply pioe Ve on fn lig Ue to Tne In time t =time for one revolution of supply pipe about center pivot aunitorm depth, h, of water is to be applied throvghovt- Thvs, Q, = volume flowrate from nozale i = Ah /t where w Az = area covered by é% nozzle = 1 (r;*-rer) But V; = * where fap = pressure in the supply pipe= constent. s sy > Fd" i where d; =diameter of (% nozzle. & wr -(4) @) But, from Eq, (1) : MARAE. Ab. dent). (ret-r}) Qo Aeh/t Au (ig -r¢) (son 3905) * Thus, trom Eqs. (3) anda): ds (dno 0.229 0.397 0.513 0.607 0.688 0.761 0.827 0.889 oaKe 100 These results are given in the table, SRPBWVAHRWN 5, ERX we a L 3.85 Air flows steadily through a converging-diverging s re ‘ctangular channel of constant width as shown in Fig. P3.55 and Video V3.6. The height of the channel at the exit and the exit velocity are Ho and Vo, respectively. The channel is to be shaped so that the distance, d, that water is drawn up into tubes attached to static pressure taps along the channel wall is lin- ear with distance along the channel. That is, d= (dma/L) x, where L is the channel length and dyy is the maximum water depth (at the minimum channel height; x = Z). Determine the height, H(x), as a function of x and the other important para- meters FIGURE P3.55 +20 +d 0V* 2 giz,h+d 0” where p=air densi) ? OV = fytz,S +20 e ly he Fa25, fox0, ~~ bged = ~ Ugo Mame x Thus, = igy Ameex + eV" = tev? But AV= Alo, or V= B= BY, so thet Sig Bparx + 40(S) = £0 Me™ Ho 142 it da x Typical shapes are shown below. 43,58 "3.56 Air flows through a horizontal pipe of variable di- ameter, D = D(x), at a rate of 1.5 £/s. The static pressure distribution obtained from a set of 12 static pressure taps along the pipe wall is as shown below. Plot the pipe shape, D(x), if the diameter at x = 0 is 1, 2, or 3 in. Neglect viscous and compressibility effects \peh GH water Sno Awaz, =. $ibrz , where 2-2 Thus, Ve [ii LED with Yee S = ae. BEB here Det and Po P= Ug (hah) = BBCi =h) = 5:20(1-h) B ih hin Hence, with P= 2.38 x10 Sale we oblain v= [(4g Lat, NOt (1h) petticy | = [246+ 4ar0crai]* ” 2.38% 104 Also, AV=Q or £0°V=@ so that wh eee y 5, or when combined with Ee.) 1.382 D= yes «SP ~ tt, hin. Bg vaste) ft, where D,~ ft, hin ‘ Plot D= D0) with D,=7,¢, and FH, vsing the values of h=hto from the table. Note + h is the same a “p lin, Ha)" in the table. An EXCEL program was ysed to obtain the following results. (con't) 3-5/ 43,56 (con't) x, in. D, R(Dp= 1/48) D, ft (Dy = 1/6 ft) D, (Dy = 1/12 ft) p, in HO 0 0.24996 0.16664 0.08332 1.00 + 0.20277 0.15733 0.08299 072 2 0.16776 0.14435, 0.08234 0.16 3 0.13999 0.12870 0.08112 096 4 0.15299 0.13667 0.08182 0.31 5 0.17245, 0.14649 0.08247 0.27 6 0.17841 0.14902 0.08260 0.39 7 0.18123 0.15015 0.08266 044 8 0.18558 0.15179 0.08274 0.51 9 0.19616 0.15537, 0.08291 0.65 10 0.20944 0.15911 0.08306 078 4 0.22710 0.16300 0.08320 0.90 12 0.24996 0.16664 0.08332 1.00 Dvsx 3-52 3.57 3.57 The vent on the tank shown in Fig, P3.57 is closed ‘and the tank pressurized to increase the flowrate. What pres sure, pj, is needed to produce twice the flowrate of that when the vent is open? Wilh the veal opent FIGURE P3.57 Beez, -Bifia Where fy s.0mm), becames \ =292 Since AV, =A. and VY [Bleak the 3,606 we obtain = 2.79x/0° 2 TR* (2.78 x16°) =F (0.005m)*y2 (4.8) %) 2 ) where R and 2 are ~m Thus, R= 0.9982 or zm Rm 0 0 ve jus, R, ve We 002 0.375 005 «= 0.472 40 012 0587 | 022 0.683 0320761 oe 042 0.803 052 (0.847 2° 062 0.886 e 072 o9te 04 - 082 0.950 0.92 © 0.977 02 ~ 402 1.003 122 1.049 00 402 0« 040810 412 1.027 | 0.0 3-71 3.78* A spherical tank of diameter D has a drain hole of diameter d at its bottom. A vent at the top of the tank maintains atmospheric pres- sure within the tank. The flow is quasisteady and inviscid and the tank is full of water initially. De- termine the water depth as a function of time, ht = (), and plot graphs of h(j) for tank diam- eters of 1, 5, 10, and 20 ft if d = 1 in He eg, = Hoa vohere #179, f° 0,2,=h, 2,20 and ya-Bel, ifrod Thus, vy = (29h which when combined with A= Azle gives At =Alagh or -0 rhe re ) where R= n24(h-Re with Re

Bul fexjt >P so that p<0. There is a vacowm within the gap. The card is sucked against the spool. The harder one blows through the spool larger Q), the larger the vacwm, and the harden the card is held against the spool. —lexit () i | exit Lo Vera Al = 3:90. Water flows overa weir plate (see Video V10.7) which pga 4 a has a parabolic opening as shown in Fig. P3.90. That is, the 4 £ ser 1+ | opening in the weir plate has a width CH'®, where Cis acon- | 4! ath stant. Determine the functional dependence of the flowrate on YC the head, Q = Q(H). ‘z7o | aA | aw ‘Zh Q= (u dA where u ts a tonction of h. Thai is, from Bea teas, 2 Abe Wem with Ghats, Mee , 4 4 A "fn pp tet’ 20 (‘tree jet) and 2,2H-h or ie if (H-#) tag #2, #0 tag t Uh) Thus, u=foghtv? = fogh if is “small” Also dhe CVE de (<0, dheods for 2-0, dxCVH for 22H) 00 that Q= (fe Th CVE de where h=H-z. 200 4 Thos, Q= Clog (Yzi-z* dz, where 4 ° ef { (at-Ade= $]le-# nee +(A sin fe-4 tray] 2 which reduces to? EO Q= Boog H* That is QrH™ Alternatively, Q= VA where the average velocriy is proportional to Wi (i.e. V~Vigt) and the total flow area is proportional to H¥% (ic, A~ Hx (CHE) = CH), Thus, Q~ Wai (cH) « cay H That is, Q~H" as obtained above, 3-89 391 A weir (see Video V10.7) of trapezoidal cross section is used to measure the flowrate in a channel as shown in Fig. 3.91. Ifthe flowrate is Qp when H = ¢/2, what flowrate is ex- pected when H = €? FIGURE P3.9/ Q=AV where it is expected that Vis a function of the head, H. That is, V~ Jag Also, from the geometry A=2H(L+L,) where k= L+2H fanz Thus, A= (2 + Htan30°) so that Q=6 Yay (L4H tans) H™* here G is a constant Let Q, = flowrate when H=£ and Qy= flowrate when H=h Thus, 4 pores (40 $ tae) (8) _ (eBtanse) % Cvag (2 + £ tan 30°) (2) * (1+ tan 30) (2°2) "0,789 or Q,= 3.4% % 3-90 3.92 — Water flows down the sloping ramp a shown in Fig. P3.92 with negligible viscous ef y, 10 sme [= hy fects. The flow is uniform at sections (1) and (2). _ < @) For the conditions given show that three solutions He? af wa ean meigiem, y, for the downstream depth, i, are obtained by ATT use of the Bernoulli and continuity equations However, show that only two of these solutions FIGURE P3.¢2 are realistic. Determine these values. a PiaMyz =A yz, where p,=0, fy20, 2/234, Fag! Fag " 9 and #,=h, Also, Ay =Aa Vo or ey _ WG | lo Vo= hah eR = he Thos, (0 becomes, (108) aH = _(ia) 20 2 BY 203228) or 3 z 54.4; — 293h5 +100 =0 By using a rool finding program the three roots to this cubic equation are found to be: h,= 0.630 ff = anegative root Clearly if is no} possible (physically) to have h, WE FIGURE P3.44 4+ +z) = Bk Hex, where ,0, p20, 2,#0.07m, (I) ag and 2,2 (0,0/+0.10)m = 0.11m Also; AM =A Vee Ms Bae v= 0.74 Thus, &.() becomes [1-0.77]V*=2(4.81 %) (0. ~0.07)m or = 1242 Hence, Q=AV,= (0.07m)(2.0m) (1.242) 2 0,174 © 3-93 3.95, 3.95 Water flows under the inclined stuice gate shown in Fig. P3.95, Determine the flowrate if the gate is 8 ft wide. Ses ot +2, = Aeon where f, 20, fa*9,%= 644, a # 6H = Beit Bot A= “AM, = Sin = ey = =o, Hence, £9.) becomes : rst 2 ou elt and Z.2/tt a or [6r-I]y2 202.2% y(6-t 9 Y=scatt Hence, 2A, = att (eniCaeatt) = mse 3.96 Water flows in a vertical pipe of 0.15-m diameter at a rate of 0.2 m'/s and a pressure of 200 kPa at an elevation of 25 m. Determine the velocity head and pressure head at elevations of 20 and 5S m. 3 027 _ yams Vera FE ousme “75 lo At point (0): (3B)? Similarly at point (2)+ - 4” #- ae $.51m md py Bin = Bebra, or ae i gail + (25-55)m = -9.59 1m 2:in-diameter hose 3.97 Draw the energy line and hydraulic grade line for the flow shown in Problem 3.64. FIGURE P3. 64 For inviscid tlow with ne pumps or turbines, the energy line (EL) is horizontal , at an elevation of the free surface. The Aydravlic grade Jine (HGL) is one velocity head lower, even with the pipe ‘allel yaiace the tid velocity is constant Yraugheo! He pipe with % ag 73%, the following is obtained: 3.98 — Draw the energy line and the hydraulic grade line for the flow of Problem 3. 60 L « i) FIGURE P3.60 For inviscid flow with ne pumps or turbines, the energy line is horizontal a distance b above the outlet . Fram Froblem 3.60 we obtain h=1.79 f. The hydravlic grade line is x = below the energy line, starting at the free surface where \g=0 and ending at the pipe exit where 2,<0 and Beh, At point () the pressure head is pifp = (2.88- “/1.5) 2 (Legit) fae fh = - 268 HY, and Z,=0. 2 In the Yin. pipe Vz = Ax Ata =($) Vy so that 2 Canvi ie at - -() £ =(R) hb =(F) (1798 = 0.112 The corresponding EL and H6L are drawn to scale below, ( oe go af pipe cenlerline Hydraulic Grade — Line (H6L) 2-in- diameter ‘hose 3.99 Draw the energy line and hydraulic grade line for the flow shown in Problem 3.65, For inviscid flow with ne pumps or turbines, the enery line (EL) is horizontal, at an elevation of the free surface. The Aydravlic grade line (H6L) is one velerty head hwer. Since Fe 2att if follows that the H6L passes through the Hp of the nozale. Alco, since Vy = Wyle (2s), it follows that 2 a % Hh (BE =(Ly Cm = EA. Throughout the pize the velocity head is constant so that the following is obtained: 3-98 3. /00# 3.100* Water flows up the ramp shown in Fig. h 2 P3.100 with negligible viscous losses. The up- 2 stream depth and velocity are maintained at fy hy = 0.3m PPE = 0.3 mand V, = 6 m/s. Plot a graph of the a — downstream depth, fi, a8 a function of the ramp Y= 6 ms Bey height, H, for 0 =. <2 m. Note that for each value of H there are three solutions, not all of which are realistic. FIGURE P3.100 2 wo Hr Bea, = =, Boa where 1,70, f,=0, 2, =0.3m, & d Z=Hth. Also, A. =An Vk so fet at y= 4 Y= mV(6#) _ & where h,~m Thus, ee a becomes 18 Hrosme ar +(Hthy) or with =e, (62Y +2(9.81% “las “He hy mn =(42) Ot which can be written as' hp = (2.135-H) hy +0.185) =O @) For O h, Plot the shape of the streamline that passes through the origin for values of uy/t = 0.5, 1, and 2. 0 FIGURE P4.12 U=Up , v= %(I-#) for 0O. Af any time, t, Ve0 for all ¢ Thus, Yop = Vi = 10d to = 4 “. Also, @ = @,¢ where ay et tug with ie <0 we 2 poet Thus, Q = $f = 106", so that ae | # feo = aay 4.20" Water flows through a pipe with V = _1 (3 u (ft/s u(t)i where the approximate measured values of 0 u(t) are shown in the table. Plot the acceleration 1g as a function of time for 0 = 1 = 20s. Plot the 34 acceleration as a function of time if all of the 4.9 values of u(t) are increased by a factor of 2; by 5.5 | a factor of 5. 69 | 81 | 10.0 a= eVev¥ With u=ult), v=0, w=0 this becomes a-(Gb+utt)t 0 Thus, dy >0 on r=. Near the pipe wall (r®R) we find uro bl <0 (ie, the velocity changes from u=% to u<\e as x increases) Thus, dy <0 for r=R, For r=£R we find u>0 and %>0 near the pipe entrance , but $¢<0 elsewhere. This is indicated in the figure below. Thus, for r=3R, a,>0 near the entrance and <0 elsewhere de re 0 23 4.23 the diffuser shown in Fig. P4.23 at an increasing flowrate so that the velocity along the centerline is given by V = ui = Vo(1 — e-*) (1 — x/C)i, where us, c, and (are constants. Determine the acceleration as a function of x and t. If Vy = 10 ft/s and (= 5 ft, what value of c (other than c = 0) is needed to make the acceleration zero for any x at = 1s? Explain how the acceleration can be zero if the flowrate is increasing with time Asavalveis opened, water flows through FIGURE P4.23 a7. vw With u=U(%,4) , y=0, and w=0 a "pecomes ‘ Miuyical , where u=Vy(l-€“)I-#) a wl-Hee et eye MI-P(-f) yli- Fe e* HIE] Tf a <0 for any x af t=1s wemust have [c Et_ He (j-ecty]=0 With y=I0 andh=5 ce -B(i-e ~€'=0 The solution (root) of this equation is C= 0,490 4 For the above conditions the local acceleration ($$ >0) is precisely balanced by the convective deceleration (& 4 <0), The flowrate increases with time, but the fluid flows to an area of lower velocity. 4.24 A fluid flows along the x axis with a velocity given by V = (a/ni, where x is in feet and 1 in seconds. (a) Plot the speed for 0 = x= 10 ftand = 3 s, (b) Plot the speed for x = 7 ft and 2 = 1 = 4's, (e) Determine the local and convective acceleration, (d) Show that the acceleration of any fluid particle in the flow is zero. (e) Explain physically how the velocity of « particle in this unsteady flow remains constant throughout its motion W) For any fvid particle a@=3y +V-0V which with v=0, w=0 becomes a=(H tudtit =(-+ he)? <0 (e) The particles flow info areas of higher velocity (see Fig), but at any given location the velocity is decreasing in time (see Fig.2). For the given velocity field the local and convective accelerations are equal and ypposite , giving zero acceleration through ovt. [#25 ‘A hydraulic jump is a rather sudden change in depth of a liquid layer as it lows in an open channel as shown in Fig. P&.25 and Videw V0.6, In a relatively short distance Me (thickness = €) the liquid depth changes from z, to 2. with a Corresponding change in velocity from V, to Vp. If Vy = 1.20 fi/s, Vy = 0.30 fis, and € = 0.02 ft estimate the average deceleration of the liquid as it lows across the hydraulic jump. How many g's deceleration does this represent” Hydraulic jomp Bw FIGURE P4.25 a-v +00 so with V=ucwt | Heat euite Without knowing the actual velocity distribotion , u = cx) the acceleration can be approximated as ay = Mea t(yey ern = £(120 t0a0£ = -s3 eft a3e Tha, Hil SR es 4-20

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