Tha Adventist Home Chapter 28 The Child's First School

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Farrol, Precious Mae B.


Chapter 28: The Child's First School


God's Original Plan for Education

In the garden of Eden, the setting of the class is like the family. God is the teacher while Adam
and Eve were the students. Their classroom is the beautiful garden of Eden. They were immersed in
wonderful creations that constantly reflects and points to God and His character. Even after the fall, the
people who have been obedient to God dwelled close to nature where they can contemplate about Him
as they carry out their daily tasks and teach His works and ways to their children. In connection with the
family, the family is both a school and church. The parents are the teachers and the children learn both
religious and secular matters.

The Family Circle a School

The home is the child's first school. It is also the greatest among all educationsl institutions. In
this first school, the child learns the basics that will be able to guide him throughout his life which are
the values such as respect, obedience, reverence, self-control and etc. Moreover, the power of education
may be either for good or evil. If the parents fail to educate their children for good, the enemy is ready to
take over and educate the child according to his evil purposes.

Home Education First in Importance

The home is the most important focus of education however it is overlooked. It is in this area
that the characters of the children are molded and the influences that are instilled in them dictates the
kind of condition the society will have for the present and in the future. The parents are entrusted with
the greatest responsibility and in their hands rests the work that has an indefinite influence.

All Else to Be Secondary

The primary priority of the parents should be to teach their children about God and to follow
Him. They should not let anything take the place of this great task. Do not compromise the important
things for the things that are less important. The minds of the children are open to the influences offered
to them. While they are young, they should be taught patiently. The sacrifices of the parents will bear
great results and their hearts will be filled with joy as they see their children working with them and
living to please God.

God's Teaching Agents in the Home School

The parents are God's teaching agents in the home school. They are to instruct their children
and in order for them to fulfill this part they must first learn from God. As they teach their children, they
are assuming many roles and all of these trains the children to take care of themselves and eradicate
every bad habit. The role of the mother is very important since she is the one who is always with her
children, they consider her as their special instructor and companion. The mother must patiently and
carefully teach the children neatness and order, correct habits and tastes, to be industrious, self-reliant,
helpful, and work as though working for God. Moreover, not only parents are the influencers in the
home but also the elder siblings. The example is much preferred to teach rather than words.
Furthermore, the parents should always have more time at home. Their presence and instruction acts as
a shelter of their children in this world.

Preparation for the Church School

As the children grows up, they will advance from their first school into the next level. It is in their
homes that they are prepared for the church school. The parents should pray for this and that they
would also able to fulfil their parts.

God's Injunctions to be Paramount

In the home, the principles of God are to be superior. The Bible should be studied and the
commandments stated there are to guide the family. God should always be considered first.

Prepare for the Coming Conflict

Aside from the knowledge of God, the children must also be aware of the enemy in order to
prepare and protect themselves from his wiles. They need to know also of the conflict that is occuring
between God and his people and the enemy. The time is short and the time of testing is near, the
children need to develop their firm principle in the truth.

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