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San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420



Submitted by:
Noreen G. Patayan
MST Mathematics

Submitted to:
Nora F. Benavides, Ed. D
1. In a tabular form, what are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the system of our government with
respect to: Protecting the environment?

Strengths Weaknesses
 There are laws that are set by the government  Poor implementation of policies and guidelines
to almost every aspect in protecting the  Lack of information, education and
environment communication of the citizens of the laws and
ways in protecting the environment
 Uncertain and complex government regulations
 Lack of cooperation among community
 Weak community organizing, lack of
 Interaction between LGU, DENR and NGO,  The long time taken to get project approvals
and POs  Tolerance of corrupt practices in the system
 LGUs have low awareness about the CBFM
 Personal interest by the members of public
 Poor support from governments officials
 Poor leadership and fragmentation of the
 Lack of monitoring and response to problems
 Lack of coordination
 Still dominated by a top-down approach

2. Garbage is a big problem in many cities and towns, garbage is taken away to landfills which are often
called dumps. Some landfills are very big and many over acres. But even these big landfills are getting
full and many have to be closed.

Here are some ideas for solving the garbage. Write what you think is a good point about each idea and
what do you think is a bad point about each idea.

Ideas for
Good Points Bad Points
 Recycling  Recycling is a form of waste  Recycling is not always cost-effective.
management that involves converting Building up a new waste recycling unit
waste and other used materials into takes up a lot of capital.
reusable products.  The quality of products manufactured
 Recycling minimizes pollution. from recycled waste may not be on par
 Recycling protects the environment. regarding quality.
 Recycling minimizes global warming.  The process has not been widely
 Conserves natural resources. embraced and developed. Recycling
 Recycling cut down amount of waste in still is just a small part of long-term
landfill sites. success.
 Recycling ensures sustainable use of
 Recycling contributes to creation of
 Reduces energy consumption.

 Burning  Burning garbage is an easier method of  It pollutes the air and the ground as well
garbage rubbish disposal. as being hazardous for human health.
 People living in rural areas don't have a  The smoke can spread around the
dumpsite or waste collection service atmosphere, and once it gathers up in
like in the city. the air, it will precipitate in the form of
acid rain, polluting water systems and
damaging trees.
 Chemicals damage the environment
and can cause a lot of different
respiratory diseases.
 Dumping  No landfill fees to pay.  Oil spills are dangerous for marine life
garbage in  There are some items of trash that and can affect coral reefs that thrive in
the ocean actually improve the marine the ocean. In fact they can greatly affect
environment. Artificial reefs provide a the life cycle. The gills of fish can be
habitat for thousands of marine clogged by spilled oil which can block
invertebrates and fish. Large items of off respiration. If sunlight is blocked,
trash, including old tires, marine plants will die because it affects
decommissioned ships and car bodies, photosynthesis and its process.
have all been strategically placed to  These toxins not only affect the marine
create artificial reefs. In the right life, but they affect humans as well. For
location, trash can enhance rather than example, let’s say the fish are
damage marine ecosystems. contaminated, if someone were to catch
a fish and eat it, they could get food
 Bottles and other plastics including
bags can suffocate or choke sea
creatures. Thinking they are food, they
may eat them. Plastic items are one of
the major causes of death among
turtles. They think plastic bags look
like jellyfish and try to eat them.

 Sending  The trash is not piling up around us and  Rotting food waste allows methane and
garbage to creating worse health problem. carbon dioxide to seep out of the
landfill in ground and up into the air. Both these
another gases contribute greatly to global
city/town warming. Chemicals can also leach out
of confinement into ground water and

 Shipping  Garbage is away from humans.  It will be very costly.

garbage to
outer space

3. The best way to survive climate change is to prevent it. Your help is needed to avoid global warming
disaster. You have to take small ways around your house, around your work place, in your
neighborhood––because little things multiplied by the million add up, just as surely as individual CO2
molecules add up.

Describe at least ten easy ways to help fight global warming.

1) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce your need to buy new products or use less, resulting in a
smaller amount of waste. Even if you need to buy, consider buying eco-friendly products. It is
most effective of the three R’s. It simply says cut back from where are you now.
2) Drive Less or Carpool: By driving less you are not only saving fuel but also helping in reducing
global warming. Also, look out for other possibilities, for example: carpooling. If you have
colleagues who live in the same area then you can combine trips. If you need to go to a local
market then either walk or go by cycle. Both of them are great form of exercise. The biggest
pollution emitting fumes are caused by oil and gasoline. Cutting down consumption, is a huge
step to reducing energy wastes.
3) Go Solar: Many people have caught the energy efficient band wagon of solar energy. Having
solar panels installed is something readily possible and available. Incentives and discounts given
by government agencies and energy companies make solar energy something to look into.
4) Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances: Always buy products that are energy efficient as they can
help you save good amount of money on your energy bill. Energy-efficient products can help
you to save energy, save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
5) Reduce Waste: Landfills are the major contributor of methane and other greenhouse gases.
When the waste is burnt, it release toxic gases in the atmosphere which result in global warming.
Reusing and recycling old items can significantly reduce your carbon footprint as it takes far
less energy to recycle old items than to produce items from scratch.
6) Use Less Hot Water: Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing
clothes in hot water. Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and
use less hot water. It will help in saving energy require to produce that energy.
7) Turn Off the Lights: If you’re not using a room, there’s no need for the light to be on.
8) Turn off Electronic Devices: Turn off electronic devices when you are moving out for a couple
of days or more. Unnecessary usage of electronic appliances will not only save fuel i.e. coal by
which we get electricity but also increase the lifetime of your gadgets.
9) Plant a Tree: Planting trees can help much in reducing global warming than any other method.
They not only give oxygen but also take in carbon dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis,
which is the main source of global warming.
10) Use Clean Fuel: Electric, smart cars, cars run on vegetable oil---are great examples for using
renewable energy. Supporting companies that provide these products will help the rest of the
mainstream manufacturing companies convert over.
11) Look for Renewable Fuel Options: If you can’t afford an electric car, buy the cleanest gasoline
as possible. When car shopping, look at the benefits of options that provide renewable fuel.
Although it may be a pretty penny now, you’re on the ground level of forward thinking.
12) Save Energy: When you consume less, the less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.
Setting your thermostat using your smart phone or changing the type of light bulb you use is a
great start.
13) Replace Filters on Air Conditioner and Furnace: If you haven’t, not only are you wasting energy,
but breathing in dirty air. Cleaning a dirty air filter can save several pounds of carbon dioxide a
14) Tune Your Car Regularly: Regular maintenance will help your car function properly and emit
less carbon dioxide.
15) Conserve Water: This is a tired tip, but ever so important. Remember, it takes energy to draw
and filter water from underground. Taking a quick 5 minute shower will greatly conserve
energy. The type of shower head used, will also aid in combating global warming. Take showers
instead of baths. Showers use less water than baths by 25%. Over the course of a year that’s
hundreds of gallons saved.
16) Stop Idling Your Car: It might be freezing outside, but unless your car is buried in snow, start
your car as usual. It may take longer to warm up, but the world isn’t just about you.
17) Ride Your Bike: Not only is bike riding, healthy it reduces the amount of CO2 released into the
air. Walking is another easy way to reduce global warming.
18) Check Your Tires: When you drive make sure your tires are inflated properly. If not, then your
vehicle might consume more fuel which in turn release more CO2 in the atmosphere. Keep your
engine properly tuned and drive less aggressively. Aggressive driving and frequent applying of
brakes hampers the engine and can even lower the mileage of your car.
19) Spread the Awareness: Always try your best to educate people about global warming and its
causes and after affects. Tell them how they can contribute their part by saving energy that will
be good for the environment. Gather opportunities and establish programs that will help you to
share information with friends, relatives and neighbors.
4. The Philippines has second number of deaths due to household pollution in Asia Pacific. It has the third
highest rate in the region after China and Mongolia due to outdoor pollution.

Based on the statements above, what are the causes and effects of air pollution as to indoor pollution
and outdoor pollution?

Causes Effects
 Burning of Fossil Fuels: Sulfur dioxide  Respiratory and heart problems: Several
emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels millions are known to have died due to direct
like coal, petroleum and other factory or indirect effects of Air pollution. Children
combustibles is one the major cause of air in areas exposed to air pollutants are said to
pollution. Pollution emitting from vehicles commonly suffer from pneumonia and
including trucks, jeeps, cars, trains, airplanes asthma.
cause immense amount of pollution. Carbon  Global warming: With increased
Monoxide caused by improper or incomplete temperatures worldwide, increase in sea
combustion and generally emitted from levels and melting of ice from colder regions
vehicles is another major pollutant along with and icebergs, displacement and loss of habitat
Nitrogen Oxides that is produced from both have already signaled an impending disaster
natural and man-made processes. if actions for preservation and normalization
 Agricultural activities: Ammonia is a very aren’t undertaken soon.
common by product from agriculture related  Acid Rain: Harmful gases like nitrogen
activities and is one of the most hazardous oxides and sulfur oxides are released into the
gases in the atmosphere. Use of insecticides, atmosphere during the burning of fossil fuels.
pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural When it rains, the water droplets combines
activities has grown quite a lot. They emit with these air pollutants, becomes acidic and
harmful chemicals into the air and can also then falls on the ground in the form of acid
cause water pollution. rain. Acid rain can cause great damage to
 Exhaust from factories and industries: human, animals and crops.
Manufacturing industries release large  Eutrophication: Eutrophication is a condition
amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, where high amount of nitrogen present in
organic compounds, and chemicals into the some pollutants gets developed on sea’s
air thereby depleting the quality of air. surface and turns itself into algae and
Manufacturing industries can be found at adversely affect fish, plants and animal
every corner of the earth and there is no area species. The green colored algae that is
that has not been affected by it. Petroleum present on lakes and ponds is due to presence
refineries also release hydrocarbons and of this chemical only.
various other chemicals that pollute the air  Effect on Wildlife: Just like humans, animals
and also cause land pollution. also face some devastating effects of air
 Mining operations: Mining is a process pollution. Toxic chemicals present in the air
wherein minerals below the earth are can force wildlife species to move to new
extracted using large equipment. During the place and change their habitat. The toxic
process dust and chemicals are released in the pollutants deposit over the surface of the
air causing massive air pollution. water and can also affect sea animals.
 Indoor air pollution: Household cleaning  Depletion of Ozone layer: Ozone exists in
products, painting supplies emit toxic earth’s stratosphere and is responsible for
chemicals in the air and cause air pollution. protecting humans from harmful ultraviolet
(UV) rays. Earth’s ozone layer is depleting
due to the presence of chlorofluorocarbons,
hydro chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere.
As ozone layer will go thin, it will emit
harmful rays back on earth and can cause skin
and eye related problems. UV rays also have
the capability to affect crops.

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