Crisis in School Soft

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Antonio Villegas St.

, Mehan Gardens, Manila 1


A Term paper

Submitted to: Col. Ramon De Jesus (Ret.)

Faculty of the Graduate School

Universidad De Manila

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course of Crisis


Jessie Q. Jurial Jr.

Antonio Villegas St., Mehan Gardens, Manila 2

Schools that encountered School Crisis:

 The Bath School Disaster of 1927

- On May 18, 1927, at Bath Township, Michigan.

- 38 schoolchildren, aged 7-14, were killed when a series of

bombs went off.

- The bomber, a school board member, was also killed

during the deadliest school massacre in U.S. history.

 Virginia Tech – 2007

- on April 16, 2007in Blacksburg, Virginia.

- A lone gunman killed 33 people, including himself, on the

campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State


 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

- Occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown,


- The incident was the deadliest mass shooting at a high

school or grade school in U.S. history.

Antonio Villegas St., Mehan Gardens, Manila 3

- 28 people had lost their lives. Six employees, the

gunman’s mother and 20 children under the age of 7 were


- Suspect: Adam Lanza; 20-year-old.

Factors of Crisis in Schools:

 Bullying
- Bully has more power than the victim
- Use of intimidation via threats
- Pattern of behavior rather than one time incident
Cyber bullying - Using technology to harass,
humiliate, or threaten someone

 Family Problems

 Psychological Disorders

 Low Security Standards among schools

 School Gangs
Antonio Villegas St., Mehan Gardens, Manila 4


 Bullying Intervention

 Punishment- Which can be range from CJS to

expulsion, detention , or other disciplinary action.
 Consequences Approach- Bullies are master of
manipulation and rationalization workers needs to be wary
of getting debate with them. This is more educative than
punitive in nature by attending an anger management group
or working with special education students.
 Feeling Approach- Focuses on stopping the
dehumanization and discounting of target individuals and
focuses on building empathy for ones fellow student.

 Gang Intervention/Prevention Programs

 Counseling- is a type of talking therapy that allows a
person to talk about their problems and feelings in a
confidential and dependable environment.
 School Resource Officer – A police Officer, critically
important to stopping threatening and intimidation
 Guidance Programs – a direct student involvement
through modelling , role play and behavioral rehearsal in
areas (bullying, anger management conflict resolution).
 The Community – a part or role of everyone to prevent
gangs and coordination with agencies.
Antonio Villegas St., Mehan Gardens, Manila 5

Preparing for crisis plan

The Crisis Response Planning Committee Planning the size

of the committee( too large unwieldy, too small not viable to
meet large crisis)

The School Crisis Response Team (SCRT)

 Crisis Response Coordinator- decision making capability

(school Administrator),highly knowledgeable in crisis plan.

 Crisis Intervention Coordinator- a thorough understanding of

crisis intervention technique and strategies.

 Media Liaison- link in reporting

 Security Liaison- close link with other agencies

 Community/Medical Liaison- close link with local

emergencies, fire, and mental health

 Parent Liaison- dealing with parents.

 Crisis Interveners – directly link to children (psychologist ,

counselors , social welfare).

 Resource/Facilities Person- in charge in supplies and


Implementing the Crisis Plan

Physical Requirements

 Counseling locations

 Operations/Communications center
Antonio Villegas St., Mehan Gardens, Manila 6

 Break room

 Information center

 First-aid room


The increase of school violence perpetrated by the

student or strangers has caused public concern and alarms the

The community assumed they were safe from such

horrific events such as killing and shooting inside the facilities of

Some of the factors of the crisis in schools are Bullying,

Family Problems, Psychological Disorders, Low Security
Standards among schools and School Gangs.

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