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Odquin, Jose Abrinica



OSM Provident Fund Statement of Account

Date of issue: 13.01.2020 Period: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018

Membership No: 41759

Membership Date: 23.12.2009

D.O.B.: 30.12.1972

Note: All figures in USD

Transaction Date Description Debit Credit Balance

31.12.2017 Balance brought forward $0,00 $2 724,05 $2 724,05
31.12.2018 Contribution $0,00 $0,00 $0,00
31.12.2018 Paid $0,00 $0,00 $0,00
31.12.2018 Balance $0,00 $2 724,05 $2 724,05

The statement of account shows balance brought forward, and all transactions for the previous calendar year. Contributions are paid
quarterly in arrear; therefore the last contribution payment is 31.10. of last year. Contributions for working periods October - December last
year were paid in January this year and will be included in the statement for this year.
The yearly statements from the OSM Provident Fund are distributed in the end of 2nd quarter each year.
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