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I. Objectives
✓ Student understands about uniformly accelerated motion (GLBB) on the system in
✓ Students understand about Newton’s Laws and its applications to daily live.
✓ Determine correlation between distance with respect to time, velocity with respect
to time, and correlation between mass, acceleration and force.

Figure 1.1
Series that Used for Determine Mathematical Correlation in
Uniformly Accelerated Motion

II. Scope
Determination of :
1. Distance travelled as a function of time
2. Velocity as a function of time
3. Acceleration as a function of the accelerated mass
4. Acceleration as a function of force

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A. Theory
Isaac Newton, in his greatest discovery ‘Principia’ was telling us about 3 basic
laws for motion matter that known as 3 Newton’s Laws:
1. Newton’s First Law of Motion:
“An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with
the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced
This law is known as Law of Inertia.

2. Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

“The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the
net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.”
This verbal statement can be expressed in equation form as follows:
 
 (mv )
= F (eq.1.1)

Mostly, mass is considered as constant:

 
 (mv) mv 
= = ma
t t

 F  
or a =  F = ma (eq.1.2)

3. Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”.
or Fact = -Freact
These laws are becoming the basic of theory of classical mechanics that
make a great grade in the world because it can explain almost all of the
phenomenons of motion even the movement of planets. The weaknesses of the
theory of classical mechanics are failing to explain a few experiments which held
on the beginning of 20th century, so that stimulate the emergence of the theory of
relativistic mechanics and the theory of quantum mechanics. However, theories of
classical mechanics are accurate enough if implemented for the phenomenon of
motion in macro scale and everyday life.

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To show the truth of Newton’s Laws especially the second one, we are using
one dimensional system that looks like in the figure 1.1

Figure 1.2
Smart cart and Mass are Hanging on the String

Equation (eq.1.2) will receive a in position vector:

 d2r
a = (eq.1.3)

If a constant force acts on an object, then:

v (t )
= t (eq.1.4)
 
If: v (0 ) = 0 ; r (0 ) = 0 (eq.1.5)

Then, the mass position vector m is:

r (t ) =
1 F 2
t (eq.1.6)
2 m

For m1 motion:
 
F = m1  g = m1 g ; g : acceleration of gravity (eq.1.7)

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From figure 1.2, we could receive:

Figure 1.3

If the total mass of Glider is m2, then the equation of motion of the system is:
( m2 + m1 )  a = m1 g (eq.1.9)

m1 g
The Velocity is: v(t )  v = t (eq.1.10)
m1 + m2

Position vector is becoming:

m1 g
r (t ) s (t )
 = t2 (eq.1.11)
2 m1 + m2

Based on uniformly accelerated motion formula:

𝑆 = 𝑉0 . 𝑡 + 𝑎. 𝑡 2 ,
V0 = 0 because initially the object is motionless, 𝑆 = 𝑎. 𝑡 2 (eq.1.12)

To seek deviation (δ) or error value, use this formula:

𝑥𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑦 − 𝑥𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒
𝛿𝑥 = × 100%
B. Reference(s)
Hunt, C. (2017, April 30). Newton's Laws Experiment. Retrieved from PASCO:

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III. Devices

No. Equipment Name Code Type Configuration

Range ± 100 N
Resolution 0.1 N
Accuracy ± 2%
Max sampling rate 500
samples/s Smart Cart 1 pc
Position resolution ± 0.2 mm Hook 1 pc
1. Smart Cart Blue ME-1241 Velocity: Rubber Bumper 1 pc
Max velocity ± 3 m/s Magnetic Bumper 1 pc
Max sample rate 100 USB cable 1 pc
Range ± 16g (g= 9.8 m/s2)
Max sample rate 50 samples/s
Max wireless range 30 m
100 g Mass 3 pcs
50 g Mass 3 pcs
20 g Mass 6 pcs
10 g Mass 3 pcs
5 g Mass 3 pcs
Mass and Hanger
2. ME-8979 Mass Hanger 5 g ± 2% 2 g Mass 3 pcs
1 g Mass 3 pcs
0.5 g Mass 3 pcs
Mass Hanger 4 pcs
Molded Storage Box 1
Dynamics Track
3. ME-8972 2 pcs
Elastic Material
4. Elastic Bumper ME-8998 Bracket 2 pcs
or Rubber Band

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No. Equipment Name Code Type Configuration

Super Pulley with

5. ME-9448B Fits tables thick 0 – 2 cm 1 pc
6. ME-9493 Length 1.2 m
Dynamics Track
Braided Physics
7. SE-8050 Withstands up to 133 N 1 reel
PASCO Capstone

IV. Instruction of Laboratory

A. Procedure
1. Open PASCO Capstone file “Practicum 1” on desktop. Turn on the Smart Cart,
open the Hardware Setup in Capstone, and connect through Bluetooth to the
Smart Cart.
2. Use adjustable feet on both ends to level the track. Give the cart a little push in
one direction to see if it coasts to a stop or accelerates and then push it in the
direction to see if the cart coasts to a stop equally in both directions.
3. Clamp the pulley to the other end of the track. Place this end over the edge of
the table. Attach the elastic end-stop to prevent damage to the pulley.
4. Tie a loop in one end of a one meter length of string. Attach the notch of the
mass hanger to the loop. Add 5 g to the hanger for a total of 10 g (including the
5 g hanger.) Tie a loop in the other end of the string and attach the loop to the
hook of the Smart Cart. Hang the mass hanger over the pulley. Adjust the string
so the mass is just above the floor when the cart plunger strikes the end-stop.
5. Level the string by adjusting the pulley.

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Figure 1.4
Graph velocity vs. time
6. According to procedure above, the total mass of m1 is 10gr and m2 is 255gr.
Take the data which is t (time) for various distance s in Table 1.1 using “Multi-
Coordinates Tool or Coordinates/Delta Tool”. Calculate the acceleration of
gravity g for every s according to equation (eq.1.11). Calculate the practical
system’s acceleration a according to equation (eq.1.12) and theoretic system’s
acceleration according to equation (eq.1.8)
Table 1.1 Relation between Distance and Time
aprac atheory gprac gtheory
s (m) t (s) δa(%) δg(%)
(m/s2) (m/s2) (m/s2) (m/s2)
Sketch the relation between s(m) and t(s) in the report’s task.

7. Record t that has been gotten from experiment data to the Table 1.2 below. This
will be used for regression’s calculation. You can see the explanation about
regression in the attachment part.

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Table 1.2 Regression of Relation between Distance and Time
s (m) ln s t (s) ln t ln s. ln t (ln t)2 B A

8. Find t2 and t1 according to distance in Table 1.3. t2 is a time after the distance,
and t1 is a time before the distance. Calculate t by subtract t2 and t1 and
calculate s by using “Coordinates/Delta Tool” that plotted in t1 and t2.
Instantaneous velocity can be calculated by this formula:
Vprac = (eq.1.13)

Vtheory = √2 a s (eq.1.14)

Table 1.3 Relation Between Velocity and Time

t2 t1 Δt Δs vprac
s (m) vtheory (m/sec) δv(%)
(second) (second) (second) (m) (m/sec)
Record the value from the Table 1.3 to Table 1.4 and calculate B and A value.
Sketch the relation between v(m/s) and s(m) in the report’s task.

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Table 1.4 Regression of Relation between Distance and Time
s (m) Δt V ln V t1 (s) ln t1 ln V. ln t1 (ln t1)2 B A

9. We need to increase the Smart Cart’s mass in amount of 20g and instantaneous
velocity to determine the acceleration as a function of accelerated mass. Write
down the observation’s result in Table 1.5 below. Analyze the comparison
between acceleration that obtained from t measurement with equation (eq.1.12)
and acceleration that calculated theoretically using equation (eq.1.8) in your
report’s task. Tension in the string could be seen from equation (eq.1.8). Sketch
the relation between acceleration as the result of measurement and tension in
the string in your report’s task.
Table 1.5 Relation between Acceleration and Mass, s = 0.8 m
aprac atheory Ttheory Tprac
Mass t (s) δa(%)
(m/s) (m/s) (N) (N)
on m2 (g)
20 g
40 g
60 g
80 g

Record the value from Table 1.5 to Table 1.6 and calculate B and A. Sketch the
relation between A and m2 in the report’s task.

Table 1.6 Regression of Relation between Acceleration and Mass

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m2 t (s) a = 2s/t2 ln a ln m2 ln a. ln m2 (ln m2)2 B A
20 g
40 g
60 g
80 g

10. We need to establish a constant total mass to determine acceleration as a

function of force. Add 10g of mass to the Smart Cart, and then transfer 2g from
Smart cart to Mass Hanger. The position has been set in a constant distance
(0.8m). Additional mass must not more than 10g. Sketch the relation between
acceleration and mass according to data that recorded in Table 1.7:
Table 1.7 Relation between Acceleration and Force, s = 0.8 m
Mass that
Transferred Tprac Ttheory aprac atheory
t (s) δT(%) δa(%)
from glider to (N) (N) (m/sec2) (m/sec2)
weight holder
Record the value in Table 1.7 and calculate B and A value in Table 1.8. Sketch
the relation between a and T in the report’s task.

Table 1.8 Regression of Relation between Acceleration and Force

m1 t (s) a = 2s/t2 F(T) ln a ln F ln a. ln F (ln F)2 B A


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B. Final Reports requirement for minimum grade
1. Explain the Newton’s Law and give 2 examples of its daily application for each
of the law.
2. Draw and analyze the model of the system used in the experiment and its
acting forces.
3. Explain why m2 was transferred to m1 in experiment 4 related to its total mass
and system’s acceleration.
4. Analyze the experiment data result and relate it to the theory, find its variable
relation using regression and plot the variable relation for each experiment.
5. Analyze the relation of the variables in each experiment. Prove and compare the
relation based on the theory.
6. Write your conclusions for each experiment (at least 5).

V. Attachment
Linear Regression
Linear regression is the mathematical equation that enable us to know the value of
dependent variable from the independent variable.
Generally, the equation for linear regression is:

y = a + bx
y = dependent variable
x = independent variable
a = constants
b = constants of slope

We can obtain a and b constants with these formula:

 n  n  n
  xi   y  − n ( xi . y )
b =  i =1  i =1 2 
i i
i =1

 n  n
  xi  − n ( xi )

 i =1  i =1

n n

y i
x i
a= i =1
- b i =1

n n
n: Numbers of couples of data

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y : The ith value of dependent variable y

xi: The ith value of independent variable x

The equation is the general equation for non-linear regression:

Y = A.XB
We need to change the form of non-linear regression to the form of linear regression, so
that we have possible to use linear regression formula.

Use the natural logarithm to change the form:

ln Y = ln (A.XB)
ln Y = ln A + B ln X
y = a + Bx

n n

 ln y i
 ln x i
a= i =1
- B i =1

n n
A = ln-1 a
A = ea

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