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EDUP 3083

Question 1:

The success of a student is critically linked to the quality of a teacher. Discuss.

I partially agree on this statement as quality of a teacher and students’ responsibility towards
studies are equally important. We could not deny that teachers with positive personal traits,
dedication, reflective teaching contribute play a big role in students outcome but it also
depends on the students’ motivation and autonomy on their own studies. Then only comes
the teacher that fit the students, not the other way around. A disinterested child in learning
cannot grab a thing even if the teacher is the most excellent in the world. So, I think that both
are important on equal measure.

Question 2:

All students are entitled to develop their full potential through the existing education system.
Agree? Disagree?

I agree that students are developed to their full potential through the current education system
as our system is not to force square pegs into round holes anymore compared to the older
system. The system did alteration according to students needs as they realised that every
child is different. The system starts to cultivate students intrinsic love of learning which would
enhance their individual talents by nurturing creativity and individualism instead of provides a
“cookie-cutter” education that forces children to vie for petty and contemptible.

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