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EAL Home Learning, Tuesday 25th February

WALT: I can show understanding of a chapter summary and find key features

Activity 1 – Read this summary of The Iron Man Chapter 1

Once, there was a gigantic Iron Man. No one knew where he had come from. One day, he
appeared at the brink of a cliff above a beach. Suddenly, he tumbled down the cliff and
smashed on the jagged rocks below. Pieces of the Iron Man scattered across the beach.
Nobody knew that he had fallen, and the pieces remained still all night. The next morning, a
seagull found the iron man’s eye and took it back to its nest. It thought that the eye was a
shell. Next, another seagull found the iron man’s hand and brought it back to the nest.
Strangely, the hand began to move, scurrying on its fingers like a crab. It picked up the eye,
which began to glow blue and look around. Slowly, the hand and the eye found the other
pieces, so the Iron Man started to come together again. After a while, the Iron Man found
his head buried in some seaweed. Finally, everything was in place again except for one ear. As
the sun rose, the Iron Man strode across the beach looking for his ear. The seagulls
watched. Between them, was the Iron Man’s great iron ear. At last, the Iron Man stood and
gazed at the sea. Maybe, he thought that the sea had taken his ear. He slowly walked into
the breakers until his head disappeared beneath the waves. The gulls wheeled and glided

Activity 2 – Answer the comprehension questions

1. What three of the Iron Man’s pieces did the seagulls take back to their nest?


2. Why do you think the Iron Man fell down the cliff? _______________________________


3. What do you think the Iron Man will do next? ____________________________________


Activity 3 – This text contains time connectives (highlighted yellow) and past simple
tense (highlighted blue). Find more examples in the text and highlight them.

Activity 4 – Find three new words in the text, translate them into your home language,
and put them in a sentence.

New word In my home Example sentence

Answer Key

Activity 1 – Read this summary of The Iron Man Chapter 1

Once, there was a gigantic Iron Man. No one knew where he had come from. One day, he
appeared at the brink of a cliff above a beach. Suddenly, he tumbled down the cliff and
smashed on the jagged rocks below. Pieces of the Iron Man scattered across the beach.
Nobody knew that he had fallen, and the pieces remained still all night. The next morning, a
seagull found the iron man’s eye and took it back to its nest. It thought that the eye was a
shell. Next, another seagull found the iron man’s hand and brought it back to the nest.
Strangely, the hand began to move, scurrying on its fingers like a crab. It picked up the eye,
which began to glow blue and look around. Slowly, the hand and the eye found the other
pieces, so the Iron Man started to come together again. After a while, the Iron Man found
his head buried in some seaweed. Finally, everything was in place again except for one ear. As
the sun rose, the Iron Man strode across the beach looking for his ear. The seagulls
watched. Between them, was the Iron Man’s great iron ear. At last, the Iron Man stood and
gazed at the sea. Maybe, he thought that the sea had taken his ear. He slowly walked into
the breakers until his head disappeared beneath the waves. The gulls wheeled and glided

Activity 2 – Answer the comprehension questions

1. What three of the Iron Man’s pieces did the seagulls take back to their nest?

eyes, hand and head

2. Why do you think the Iron Man fell down the cliff?

(possible answer) I think someone pushed him off.

3. What do you think the Iron Man will do next?

(possible answer) I think he will eat a ship.

Activity 3 – This text contains time connectives (highlighted yellow) and past tense
(highlighted blue). Find more examples in the text and highlight them.

Activity 4 – Find three new words in the text, translate them into your home language,
and put them in a sentence.

New word In my home Example sentence


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