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I. Go online and list down various sources that can help you understand the
different issues on pornography. Identify the topics being discussed by these
As being discussed in this article, Pornography was originally described as any work of
art depicting the life of the prostitutes. It can be any imagery that might be considered
erotic. In contrast, It says that pornography is very much in the eye of the beholder.
This article emphasizes that the pornography of today has created an unprecedented
epidemic of sexual harm. Children and young people are being exposed to violent and
degrading content, which by default has served as their sex education.
II. Discuss possible implications (positive or negative) of the patronage of
pornography to the development of one's character.
Some of the negative implications of pornography includes the following:
1. Pornography significantly distorts attitudes and perceptions about the nature of sexual
2.The pornography industry adapted to this desire for more bizarre and uncommon
3.Those who perceive pornographic sexual scenes as depicting reality tend to be more
accepting of sexual permissiveness than others. Prolonged exposure to pornography
fosters the belief that sexual inactivity constitutes a health risk.
4.Intense use of pornography is strongly related to sexual aggression, and among
frequent viewers of pornography, there is a marked increase in sexual callousness,
including the “rape myth acceptance.”
5.Pornography also promotes sexual compulsiveness, which doubles the likelihood of
being infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

III. Discuss a different topic within the scope of sexual ethics and explain how this
might affect the development of one's virtuous character.
Premarital sex can be defined as a sexual activity practiced by persons who are
unmarried. The prevalence of pre-marital sex has increased in both developed and
developing countries. In some cultures, the significance of premarital sex has traditionally
been related to the concept of virginity. However, unlike virginity, premarital sex can refer
to more than one occasion of sexual activity or more than one sex partner. And with this,
It might affect the development of one's virtuous character in a way that a person would
take for granted the Sacredness of Marriage and eventually ignore the importance of
obeying God's will. In contrast, as Christians, we believe that it is only in marriage that we
find God's blessing upon the act of sexual love, or what is better termed, marital love. And
according to the church, premarital sex is a mortal sin.
QUESTION: Is selling one of my kidneys to a paying costumer morally defensible?
1. Determine your involvement in the moral situation.
Based from the given scenario, I will be the one to make a moral decision. Whether to sell
or not one of my kidneys to a paying customer who’s willing and able to pay a named
amount of price.
2. Gather all the necessary facts.
*Those who choose to go through an illegal organ transplant face great changes in the body
as the organs are not guaranteed to work as usual and many in fact fail after the operation.
*Selling organs is strictly prohibited here in the Philippines.
3. Identify the stakeholders.
The customer or the buyer of the organ, the family of the customer, fellow Christians, and
most especially, my family and friends.
4. Name all the alternative choices possible and their potential effects on all
As for the customer and his or her family, it would be an advantage for them if I’ll choose to
sell my one of my kidneys because it may improve his/her health situation and live a longer
As for my family and friends, they may be disappointed in me for I have chosen to risk my
own life over a material consideration.
As for my fellow Christians, choosing to sell my organ would be against them since they
believe that a person’s body is a sacred one and we aren’t allowed to remove a single part
from our body for he created us completely and thus, we must take care of it.
5. Identify the type of ethical issue at hand.
The type of ethical issue at hand with regards to Organ Trafficking, specifically selling of
kidneys constitutes Ethical Dilemma. Bringing it into action may bring good outcome or
otherwise, harm to both of the involved parties, since it is a give and take situation wherein
they can receive something they need in return.
6. Make your ethical conclusion or decision.
For me, I think selling kidneys to a paying customer is not morally defensible because my
life would be at stake and if I would sell his kidney for cash, it's like I values money more
than my organs, most especially my life compared to some amount of cash.

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