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The Life Principle

of Passion
and the pursuit of extraordinary achievement.

In the all-time best selling book Think and us pursue a life of extraordinary financial news and heard of a new report
Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote “desire is the achievement. which revealed that 63% of Americans say
starting point of all achievement”. I think this they are unable to handle a $500 car
The inputs we allow into our lives will
is absolutely true. I also think that everyone repair or a $1,000 emergency room bill,
significantly affect us, whether we choose to
who has lived a life of extraordinary according to This breaks my
believe it or not. For instance, growing up I
achievement has experienced failure and heart because I grew up with this level of
struggled with feelings of poor self-worth. I
been stronger as a result. But what is it that financial hardship and I also know that life
felt as though I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t
allows us to persevere when those failures doesn’t have to be this way. That is why I
qualified and didn’t deserve success. But
seem insurmountable? want everyone to have the same chance I
through mindfulness about the things I
did, to take control of their future through this
I believe that passion is what keeps desire exposed my mind to, that were within my
incredible NeoLife opportunity.
alive, fueling our ability to fully pursue and own control, I was able to overcome those
exceed the dreams we set out to achieve. insecurities with positive beliefs about my I want to encourage you to take a moment to
Passion has been at the core of every purpose and worth. I would read books like reflect on your Life Principles – what brings
extraordinary accomplishment throughout Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, you hope, what skills do you possess, what
human history, as well as the victories I have attend events featuring inspirational speakers, brings you joy, and how can you influence
personally experienced. I consider passion to and listen to tapes like Earl Nightingale. I can your passions through input in order to reach
be a Life Principle on the path to success. still remember a quote by Nightingale that and exceed your dreams. Then invest into
inspired me early on saying “the creator of others by teaching them to do the same. It
I believe there are four key Life Principles:
the universe did not build a stairway leading brings me so much joy to continue to witness
nowhere”. the extraordinary achievements in the lives of
summary of how these Life Principles
those in the NeoLife Family. Words cannot
connect, I believe that God gives us passions With the technology of today it’s never been
express how thankful I am for your partnership
and desires in order that we fulfill the unique easier to gain access to positive, life-
and passion for our shared mission to make
plan he has for each of us. Then we need to enhancing content and receive input for
the world a healthier and happier place.
reflect on our skills and what brings us joy, success. It’s never too late to influence your
backed by hope – knowing we are destined own passions towards those aimed at
for greatness. In this message I would like to extraordinary achievement as well as lead by
focus particularly on Passion. example to encourage others to do the
I’ve been asked many times “what if the
things I am most passionate about are not My passion to change lives through NeoLife
things of importance?” My response to this is continuously strengthened through the God Bless,
highlights the fact that we can intentionally input I read, watch, or listen to each and Jerry Brassfield
influence our passions so that they help every day. I was recently watching the

2 Issue 1 | 2016


4 I News You 16 I Clean Eating

Can Use & Diet Myths
Cravings Ways to incorporate
Exposed! cleaner eating into
your daily life


10 I Founder Jerry 20 I Step-Ups

Brassfield Recognising
Dream Big achievements for
October, November
& December 2015


18 I MomPreneurs 22 I Tools at Your

Definition: A Fingertips
woman who The tools
is effective in both available to you
parenting and
owning her own



esearchers have revealed new evidence suggesting
that, under certain circumstances, food cravings can
be similar to those experienced by a drug addict!1
If you’re human then chances are you’ve experienced cravings.
See if you can relate to this…It’s been a long day at work
and the time has come to begin the drive home. You’ve
been trying to eat healthier lately and have planned
out a delicious chicken breast and sautéed bell
pepper meal to make when you get home. The
ingredients are already in the fridge and it is
simple to make. All of a sudden you hit some
unexpected traffic. ‘Great,’ you think, ‘it’ll probably
take me twice as long as usual to make it home. Then
I’ve still got to dice the bell peppers and cook the chicken
before I can eat.’ Your mind starts to wander and your thoughts
drift to that tasty burger joint just a few streets away from
your house. Thoughts of their juicy cheeseburgers, perfect
crispy fries, and refreshing soda spark an overwhelming
craving that gets your mouth watering. You know you should
stick to your plan and cook dinner at home, but you start to
justify it to yourself, ‘I’m hungry now, and with this delay it’ll
be quite late before I finish cooking… I’ve been
pretty good this week; it can’t hurt to reward
myself. Besides, I can just save the ingredients
for tomorrow’s dinner.’ Half an hour later you
arrive at the burger place and indulge your
cravings with a delicious, but unhealthy meal.
Overindulging in cravings can lead to overeating and obesity,
a state shown to be linked with various chronic diseases and
even early death.2

We are constantly bombarded by the
spread of processed food cues. Avoid
temptations such as:

In this issue of News You Can Use we Television Vending

take a look at the science behind advertising machines
cravings and food addiction and then
break it down to show how we can use Layout of Internet
this powerful knowledge to reverse the grocery stores advertising
obesity and disease trends plaguing
Food Social
our nation. It starts now, with our
shops media posts
families and in our homes!
of unhealthy foods, the unhealthy
What Causes responses become reinforced and
Cravings? exponentially stronger!
The root cause of cravings can be Just One More Won’t Hurt—
traced to a few key factors: external cues, Addiction
conditioning, and addiction. When these It has been proposed that there are four
factors combine, cravings can become neurocircuits that form a network involved
harder and harder to resist.3 with addiction: reward, motivation/drive,
The World Just Might memory, and control.1 Normally, these four
Be Against You— components work in harmony to make
External Cues the best decision possible based on all
A recent presentation at the annual the information available. However, in an
meeting of the American College of addicted brain, the memory and desire
Nutrition (ACN) revealed how externally- for a reward overwhelms the portion of the
cued, conditioned cravings for processed brain that controls impulse. This results in
foods may be the primary reason that a pattern of behaviour where a person is
people over eat.3 driven to seek out the reward, whether it
Your Response Matters— is food or drugs, regardless of negative
Conditioning consequences.
Craving pathways are susceptible to Published research has demonstrated
conditioning. A study published on that decision-making impairments in
Pavlovian conditioning conducted obese people and drug addicts are
experiments showing that a food made by activating the same parts of
reward is remembered, hard to forget, the brain! 5 A study showed that the
and persistent even when the subject prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain
is food-satiated.4 This can mean that associated with decision making and
when we repeatedly give in to cravings controlling inhibitions, in food and drug
addicts is overpowered by the need for

"Food cravings can be immediate rewards despite knowing that

there are more favourable, but delayed

similar to those experienced responses. Cravings resulted in an inability

to effectively evaluate long-term risk vs.

by a drug addict!" short-term reward of a behaviour.


The Biochemistry of Cravings

Believe it or not, your cravings can be
a result of biochemical signals in your
body and your brain, which may or may
not be completely in your direct control.
Your brain produces ‘GO’ transmitters
like dopamine and glutamate that may
cause you to succumb to cravings. On
"Protecting your
the other hand, ‘STOP’ transmitters like
GABA enable you to exercise control.
health is invaluable"
The ‘STOP’ systems are located in the hormones such as insulin, ghrelin, leptin, That means that by practising not
frontal areas of the brain that are the orexin, etc. succumbing to your cravings, the
last to develop in adolescents—and • Suppression of decision-making, memory, strength of those cravings will decrease
also lost or reduced in addicts.1 learning, and inhibition. over time. However, this new pattern of
• Loss of control and over eating. behaviour must be maintained and
PREFRONTAL practised, or old habits and conditioning
What Makes Cravings
CORTEX will re emerge.3
The prefrontal cortex of the Where to Start:
Cue-conditioned cravings can be
brain is associated with decision
overwhelming and persistent if:3 • Shop in places with an abundance of
making and controlling inhibitions.
• Cues are paired with processed, kilojoule- healthy options like farmers' markets.
Controlling your glycaemic dense food. Unprocessed foods do not • In chain grocery stores, shop in the
response and blood sugar can cause overwhelming cravings. periphery (the outside edges) where
destabilise food addictions. • Multiple cues at once (e.g. the sight the fresh produce is located.
and smell of food) compound the • If your television can pre-record your
CONTROLLED favourite shows, then take advantage
GLYCAEMIC RESPONSE effectiveness of the craving, making it
Supports normal blood sugar levels* stronger than having just one cue. of it and fast forward through those
• Repetition of cues makes a stronger and tempting fast food ads. Do the same for
your children who are also susceptible.

longer-lasting impact.
GLYCAEMIC • Prolonged exposure to the cue (e.g. • Carry healthy alternatives with you when
ZONE having to walk through four rows of you are on-the-go.
snacks instead of one) makes it more • Make your home a healthy oasis where
likely that one will give in to the craving. you won't be tempted. You get enough
8am 10 12 2 4 6 8pm
High - glycaemic meal temptations outside!
Controlled glycaemic response
How to • Steer clear of vending machines.
The Psychology Behind Retrain Take Inventory of
Cravings & Processed Foods Your Brain! Your Triggers
The theory that actions can be greatly Pay attention to the things that
influenced by environmental stimuli A study published in the journal tend to lead you down the path
through neuroconditioning was first Cerebral Cortex shows neurological toward processed food. Common
hypothesised by Ivan Pavlov in the support that cue exposure and response triggers include television, grocery
early 1920s. Modern day researchers prevention reduces brain reward activation, stores, restaurants, and car/highway
have now expanded on this foundation a precursor for decreases in cravings.6 billboards. Then create a realistic strategy
and use it to apply to eating behaviours. The good news is that there is data to control your environment.
Some key conclusions are that when indicating that focusing on the cost of For example, throw out or give away
we condition ourselves to an unhealthy eating and the benefits of not eating the unhealthy temptations lurking in
response through repetition, combined the food you are craving, increases the your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator.
with external cues, the result is:3 strength of an inhibitory brain region and This may feel painful at first with the
• Processed food addiction may become thus makes it easier for you to say no in thought of how much money you might
worse than drug addiction! the future.7 be wasting, but believe us when we say
• Increased cravings due to heightened
release of peripheral peptides and

that it is well worth it. Protecting your
health is invaluable, in addition to looking
and feeling better, staying healthy can
save you potential health care costs in
the long run.
Plan Ahead!
Plan and prepare your meals and snacks
ahead of time. Planning for the week is
ideal, but if your schedule just won’t allow
for that then at the very least you should
be preparing for your day. Waiting until
you are hungry to decide what to eat is
like knowingly setting a trap for yourself,
especially since you have just now
read about how cravings can suppress
inhibitions and your ability to make
rational decisions. It’s also important to
mentally prepare yourself for situations
that used to be a trigger: vacations,
restaurants, disappointments, and
difficult relationships.
How To Put Cravings
Into Remission:
• Avoid being in environments that tempt
you to eat unhealthily.
• Disassociate eating from craving cues.
• Educate yourself about cues,
conditioning, and cravings.


DAILY PROTEIN The Power of Protein!

INTAKE† Make sure to have enough protein in your
For weight loss or to
diet. The United States Department of
build lean muscle
Agriculture (USDA) recommends daily
consumption of 0.8g per kilogram
of your body weight.8 Higher amounts
(up to 50% higher) are recommended
for those trying to lose weight or build
lean muscle. That could be up to 90g
Male Female for a 75 kg, 1.78m tall man or 75g for
75 kg 1.78m 64 kg 1.65m
a 64 kg 1.65m tall woman. Studies
90g 75g
show that higher protein diets help
suppress hunger, increase satiety and
burn fat, thereby promoting weight loss
and making it easier to stay on a weight
loss programme.9,10 It’s a good idea to
get 20-25% of your daily kilojoules from
a complete, high quality protein that has
all 22 amino acids involved in human
nutrition. Try to get protein in every meal
and snack to meet your personalised
daily target.

A rich, high quality source of protein with 18g
per serving, plus 5g of fibre to help suppress
hunger. Also biologically complete with all 22
amino acids, including the 9 essential ones.
#2912 • Creamy Vanilla
#2913 • Berries n' Cream
#2914 • Rich Chocolate

Based on USA recommendation

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

"Make your
Nutrition to
food choices to
Curb Cravings maximise nutrients"
A micronutrient-rich diet that includes the #2503 • PhytoDefence: Phytonutrient has been well documented and
full spectrum of essential vitamins and packed supplement pack, with the researchers are even expanding their
minerals can also help support optimal nutrient power equivalent of 6 optimal studies to include how nutrition can
health, leaving little room for cravings. servings of fruits and vegetables.
Nutrient-dense foods, such as dark leafy #2912, #2913, #2914 • NeoLifeShake: FRUIT & VEGETABLE INTAKE
greens and colourful fruits and veggies, Contains proprietary blend of ingredients
fill you up, pack in a big load of nutrients, that help promote gut-brain satiety
and are low in kilojoules. Making your signaling system. This enhances the
food choices so as to maximise nutrients feeling that you are full and satisfied.
per kilojoule, is key.
Addictive Foods to Avoid: 2.7
It is important to recognise that low • Refined sugar, sugar alcohols, artificial SERVINGS
nutrient eating (and toxic eating) leads to sugar substitutes, refined flours, foods Adults averaged 2.7 servings of
increased cellular toxicity with undesirable high in saturated or trans fats, high fruits & vegetables daily, but the USDA
levels of free radicals and advanced salt foods, stimulants, alcohol a nd recommends 5-13 servings daily.
glycation end products (AGE’s), lipofuscin, fermented beverages.
lipid A2E, and other toxins that contribute • Mixing sugar/refined flour/fat, refined
impact children with disabilities like
to the development of chronic disease.11 flour/fat/salt.
autism. A published study found that
Findings report that these toxic substances
children on the autism spectrum who
lead to addictive withdrawal symptoms Protect your Kids—Healthy
received macronutrient management
(toxic hunger) that result in the desire Habits Start Now
The USDA recommends 5-13 servings achieved symptom management
to eat more frequently and overeat. Low
of fruits and vegetables each day. It’s a comparable to those who were on
nutrient eating, therefore, establishes a
sad fact that the majority of Americans do pharmaceutical management.13 In fact, the
mechanism that leads to food addictions
not meet these requirements.12 In 2013, children on micronutrient management
and food cravings that can’t be ignored.
the US Center for Disease Control and experienced these advantages:
Supplement to meet nutrient needs. Prevention published a population study • Less social withdrawal
Micronutrients have been shown to surveying dietary habits and found that: • Less anger
decrease cravings. • Adults only averaged 2.7 servings of • Better spontaneity
#2595 • Pro Vitality+: Cellular energy fruits and vegetables a day. • Less irritability and lower intensity
and vitality with nutrients that give • Adolescents averaged an • Markedly fewer adverse events
you a foundation of good health. even more dismal 2.3 servings • Less weight gain
Includes micronutrients and a day.
bioactives from a wide variety of The power of good nutrition in
fruits and vegetables.* early childhood development

1. Volkow ND, Wise RA. How can drug addiction help us understand 6. Frankort, et al. The craving stops before you feel it: Neural 10. Weigle DS, et al. A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions
obesity? Nat Neurosci. 2006;8:555-560 correlates of chocolate craving during cue exposure with response in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite
2. Nejat EJ, et al. Predictors of chronic disease at midlife and beyond prevention. Cereb Cortex. 2014;24(6):1589-1600. compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin
– the health risks of obesity. Maturitas. 2009;65:106-111. 7. Yokum S, Stice E. Cognitive regulation of food craving: Effects concentrations. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82(1):41-48.
3. Ifland J. Lecture presented: Externally-cued, conditioned cravings in of three cognitive reappraisal strategies on neural response to 11. Fuhrman J. Eat to Live. New York: Little, Brown and
processed food addiction and overeating at the American College of palatable foods. Int J Obes. 2013;37(12):1565-1570. Company;2003.
Nutrition conference; October 15, 2014; San Antonio, TX.
8. Department of Agriculture; Department of Health and Human 12. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). State indicator
4. Harb MR, Almeida OFX. Pavlovian conditioning and cross- Services (US) Dietary guidelines for Americans, 2010. 7th e.
sensitization studies raise challenges to the hypothesis that report on fruits and vegetables 2013. National Center for Chronic
Washington: USDA; 2011. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. 2013.
overeating is an addictive behavior. Transl Psychiatry. 2014;4(4);
e387-. doi:10.1038/tp.2014.28. 9. Wycherley TP, et al. Effects of energy-restricted high-protein, low-
13. Mehl-Madrona L, et al. Micronutrients versus standard medication
fat compared with standard-protein, low-fat diets: a meta-analysis of
5. Volkow ND, Fowler JS, Wang GJ. The addicted human brain: insights management in autism: a naturalistic case-control study. J Child
from imaging studies. J Clin Invest. 2003;111(10):1444-1451. randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;96(6):1281-1298.
Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2010;20(2):95-103.



This is the story of
an ordinary guy who
dreamed big enough
to accomplish the

erry was born April 9, 1940 in Because of

Porterville, California. His parents his passion
were the typical hard-working for helping
farmers found in California’s food- others,
growing communities. They were a lower- Jerry began
middle class family, and no stranger to
sharing his
financial hardships. Jerry recalls repairing
his jeans by hand with patches, not able
to afford a new pair, and thinking to
with those
himself that he was not going to accept
a future of poverty. When he would
around him...
walk around nearby neighbours, he used Although Jerry was clever and business Jerry’s mother then embarked on
to see people living in beautiful houses, minded, as a young boy, he was often a search, determined to find relief
driving nice cars, wearing nice clothes held back from his potential because for her sick son. After realising that
with no holes, and he decided that all he suffered from severe asthma and at that time there was no modern
this would be possible in his future. allergies. So severe, in fact, that he medicine that could help Jerry, she
recalls lying in the bed of his family’s began to give him something which
He was born with a bit of an en-
farm home, hearing a sombre voice at that time did not garner much main
trepreneurial spirit, and at the age of 10
through the thin paper walls of his stream acceptance. She added quality
embarked on his first business venture
room shared with brothers. It was the nutritional products to his daily diet.
selling watermelons door to door. That
was his first taste of the ‘Protestant Work voice of his mother telling the family Discovery
Ethic’: Hard work = profit. Pastor “I’m sorry to call you over here
Supplements in the 1940’s were not
so late, I just don’t think he is going to
At the age of 13 years he set himself as palatable as they are today, so
make it through the night.”
a bigger goal, when he saw an ad in a Jerry was forced to take giant, heaping
magazine about selling doorplates with There’s nothing like a little good tablespoons of foul tasting nutrition
family names, using solar power to glow motivation... this got Jerry fired up to like cod liver oil. It was then that he
in the dark. He would walk through the fight for his life and he spent the night discovered the profound impact that
affluent neighbourhoods, knocking on gasping for breath after breath, harder quality supplements could play in helping
doors, saying “I’m saving up for College!” than ever before. restore good health. Through giving his

body the nutrition it needed, allergies something available to anyone desiring now to see people around the world,
and asthma became more of an to join the NeoLife family. people like you, reach your dreams and
occasional nuisance triggered by farm Jerry had the courage to dream big believe that if he could have success as
animals rather than a constant battle because he knows that God has a a farm boy with no advanced degrees or
for life. unique and extraordinary plan for each fancy upbringing, then so can you!
This life changing, probably even and every one of us. Jerry’s dream is
life saving experience gave Jerry an
unwavering belief in the power of
nutritional supplementation. Because


of his passion for helping others,
Jerry began sharing his powerful


testimony with those around him and
realised that most people needed a
solution to the problems created by
nutritional deficiencies.
In his teens, Jerry had a few unsatisfying DIRECT SELLING ASSOCIATION
jobs like selling furniture and tyres, yet
the ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ in which
he was raised to believe, where more U.S. retail sales through the direct selling channel
hard work equals more profit, was reached $34.47 billion in 2014, an increase of 5.5%
nonexistent in any job he could find. over 2013, and the highest in recorded history!
But at the age of 19, Jerry discovered It is outpacing the U.S. retail sales growth rate of
Direct Sales through a company 3.7% and the GDP growth rate of 3.9%!
selling supplements perfectly aligning
with his two passions: business &
health. He finally found a business
18.2 million people
where hard work means more income
involved in direct selling
and in just four years he was worth $5
during 2014
million (significantly more in today’s
terms). Then he became heart broken
when the company failed due to
mismanagement. This happened to 14.9% of households
him time and time again, the hardest with someone
part being the negative effect on the involved in direct
relationships he built with his Distributor selling*
team... his Distributor Family.

Dreams to Reality 2%
Taking matters into his own hands, Jerry 10%
Service & other
started his own Direct Selling company 17% 30% Home & family care
founded on values which ensure product Personal care
quality, unlimited income potential, and 18%
23% Clothing & accessories
long-term stability for Distributors and Leisure & educational
future generations.
Along the way he acquired the NeoLife
*Calculation: Estimated number of people involved in direct selling divided by
brand and merged it with his other estimate of current number of U.S. households, which is derived from the
companies, creating an international U.S. Population divided by the number of persons
per household 8
industry-leading gem. The NeoLife
name has become the company name
because it’s roots mean ‘new life’,




Red Hot!


Interviews featuring World Team Members who are achieving
new and noteworthy business growth. Learn about their
passions, vision for the future and why they chose NeoLife.

SAHEED & FATIMOT We both feel far more energised and
are rarely unwell.
NL You have been to several
4 Ruby Directors, Nigeria
NeoLife lifestyle events. Do you
have a favourite?
SAHEED Ever since we stepped
up to Ruby status in 2012 we have
been experiencing a lifestyle that
was way beyond our dreams and
expectations. We really enjoyed the
World Team Conference at Victoria
Falls. We just loved the detail, like
the company branded airplane that
was chartered. When NeoLife does
something they do it with great
style. They always do the best for success: If you have determination,
their team. discipline and courage you are half
way there. With those three things
NL Will you be attending World you will be making your way to the
top. Don’t be discouraged. Life is full
NL Why did you choose to be part of obstacles and disappointments.
of NeoLife? Challenges make you stronger
SAHEED I come from a very, very and fuel the desire to succeed. Be
poor background, and had very few committed to a brighter future, just
opportunities in life. My mother was like NeoLife is. Together we can
a paper seller and I dropped out of make the world a healthier, happier
school in grade 3 to start working place!
to support my family. I worked at
a factory to survive, but I still lived
below the breadline. When I heard
of the NeoLife business opportunity “Ever since we stepped up to
I leapt at the chance to improve
my life. I have never looked back. Ruby status in 2012 we have
I was told that I would be a legend been experiencing a lifestyle
in my community within five years. I Team Conference in Cape Town?
SAHEED Absolutely! Our entire that was way beyond our
am stepping up and I am sure that I
will be a legend soon. I am already team is excited to qualify to be going dreams and expectations.”
inspiring my downlines to improve to this fantastic destination. We
their lives. intend sharing the experience and
taking along some members of our
NL What have the NeoLife team. If the World Team Conference
Nutritionals done for you? at Sun City was anything to go by,
SAHEED My wife and I take a then we will have an amazing time in
range of highly beneficial NeoLife beautiful Cape Town.
Nutrionals daily. I take Fibre Tablets
and Tre-en-en, without fail. Fatimot NL What tips can you give other
has found that since using Tre-en- Distributors in NeoLife?
en and Cal-Mag she has far less SAHEED I believe that there are a
difficulty breathing and her asthma few things, from my experience that
has almost disappeared completely. are imperative for you to achieve



4 Ruby Directors,

NL What was the driving force the best out of life. When I saw other
for you joining the NeoLife people in the business making money I
Business? knew that I could succeed too.
DEO VOLENTE Finances! Life was
NL Since stepping up to Ruby
difficult for us before NeoLife. I used to
you have been travelling abroad
sell and rent out Nigerian movies in the
several times. Tell us more about
market. My little shop served as a shop
the lifestyle you enjoy.
and home for me. I didn’t even have a
DEO VOLENTE I have travelled to
mattress to sleep on - I used cardboard.
South Africa countless times, Zambia,
I dreamed of having beautiful things like
Zimbabwe, Dubai and to many central,
a nice house, a new car, travelling, eating
West and East African countries all
good food, and having a beautiful wife -
through this business. I am looking NL What have been your proudest
all the good things in life. I was motivated
forward and I’m excited to attend the moments and what do you wish
to partner with NeoLife because I wanted
World Team Conference in Cape Town for the future?
next year. My team and I are working DEO VOLENTE What I am most proud
hard to qualify so that we can have an of is that my parents, who have only
awesome experience as a team. known poverty, now own a 7 hectare
cocoa farm I bought for them with money
NL Do you believe that personal that I earned from this company. Last year
development is important? I was recognised in Sun City and in Togo
DEO VOLENTE There is no doubt in as the Number 1 World Team Member
my mind that personal development is in West Africa. I have total confidence
important in succeeding in this business. that NeoLife will always support me in
I read motivational books and try the future, as they have been doing in the
encouraging leaders within my team to past. I have the confidence that through
always strive to be better. We actually their strong leadership, comprehensive
have leadership training which we call training, and inspiring incentives I will be
“Personal Development Seminars” which able to achieve all that I wish for in the
helps motivate each one of us to be our future.
best. Positivity is something that rubs
off on others. We are who we associate
with. I am proud to be associated with
NeoLife, who have helped me to develop
into the person I am today.

4 Ruby Directors, Nigeria

NL Why did you decide to join the NL Tell us about your background
NeoLife Opportunity? and how the Opportunity has
OLUMIDE I was introduced to the improved your circumstances.
business by a friend shortly after OLUMIDE I am the oldest of five

graduating from a degree in linguistics at children. My father passed away when
a local university. I was interested in the I was young, after which the financial
business because I knew that I could burden fell on my mother and I. In my
use my skills to improve my life. With the culture it is the responsibility of the eldest
NeoLife Opportunity I have been able to child to help look after their siblings. My
build a stable future for me and my family. finances and the finances of my mom
and siblings have improved dramatically.
NL When did you start doing the I live in a lovely apartment and there is
NeoLife Business fulltime and always enough money to provide for my
why? family’s needs. We now enjoy a lifestyle
OLUMIDE I have always been fulltime that has included trips overseas to attend
in this business. I started in 2012, four NeoLife’s exciting World Team events. I
years ago. As a young entrepreneur I am could never have experienced such
serious about reaching my goals and I exciting things if I worked a “normal”
give 100 percent to this business. I feel 9 to 5 job.
that it’s really a case of what you put in, NL What role has NeoLife played
you will get out. The NeoLife Opportunity in your personal development?
rewards people not in half measures, but OLUMIDE The confidence I have
in abundance. I certainly think that if you gained since being part of this business
are focussed and hungry to succeed you is something that can’t be learnt at
need to join the business fulltime. university. My communication skills,
public speaking and relationship building Pro Vitality+ daily, PhytoDefence reg-
skills have improved drastically in the ularly, and Aloe Vera Plus when I need an
past four years. Part of my team building extra boost.
strategy is to help others in my team,
especially upcoming leaders to develop NL Do you have anything else to
and improve on a personal level. Building add?
on a team member’s specific talents and OLUMIDE Yes. The NeoLife Opp-
strengths makes for a stronger team. ortunity is not only for those who are poor
or uneducated. This business is ideal
NL What have the NeoLife for educated young professional who
products done for you? want to secure a stable financial future,
OLUMIDE As an entrepreneur with a develop on a personal level and have
very busy schedule I need extra energy freedom. NeoLife is not just a business
to get through my busy days. I use with products - NeoLife is a way of life!

Clean Eating
&Diet Myths
Five Ways to Eat Clean
WHAT IS CLEAN EATING? Simply stated, it’s a lifestyle of eating
food that’s minimally processed or in its most natural form—
also known as whole food. Rich in naturally-occurring nutrients,
whole foods have been the basis of the NeoLife philosophy
since the company began back in 1958. Here are some ways
that you can incorporate cleaner eating into your daily life.

1 3
Switch Your Pantry Staples: Give away or throw Choose Organic: When possible, buy fruits and
away refined grains stripped of their nutrients vegetables that have been grown organically whether
including white flour, white bread, and white sugar. they’re fresh (preferred), frozen or canned. Check
Replace with nutrient-rich whole grains such as the ingredient list to avoid added sugar, sodium, or
whole wheat flour or nut flours, 100% whole wheat preservatives.
bread, and agave syrup or raw honey.

Go With Healthy Fats: Heart-healthy fats including

Read the Label: When choosing packaged food, olive oil, avocado, and nut butters are a great
look for those with ingredients that you recognise and substitute for saturated fats from butter and red meat.
can pronounce. Packaged food tends to be high

Cook At Home: Cooking from scratch lets you
in added sugar which can add centimetres to your
control the ingredients and will help you reduce your
waistline, and high in sodium which can increase your
dependence on processed foods. Involve your family
blood pressure. Some not-so-obvious culprits: tomato
and friends in the creating experience—and enjoy
sauce, jams and jellies, and dairy products.
some quality time in the process!


on clean eating by circling the
3. Orange Fresh
food that’s “cleaner”: Juice Orange

1. Fresh Apple 4. Grain-fed Grass-fed

Apple Pie Beef Beef

2. Creamed Fresh 5. Brown Minute

Spinach Spinach Rice Rice

ANSWERS: 1. Fresh Apple, 2. Fresh Spinach, 3. Fresh Orange, 4. Grass-fed Beef, 5. Brown Rice


Diet Myths – foods may have artificial sweeteners

and trans-fats. Studies have shown
Finally Clarified! a relationship between drinking diet
cold drinks and packing on the kilo-
WHAT’S THE TRUTH when it comes to
losing weight? We’ve researched the Myth: Carbohydrates can make you fat.
latest diet myths and give you the
real story! False! It’s true that white pasta, doughnuts
and white bread in abundance can cause
Myth: Don’t eat after 8 p.m. you to gain weight and spike blood sugar.
Instead choose complex carbohydrates
False! Your body can’t tell time! If you’re
such as 100% whole wheat bread, quinoa,
hungry at night, choose your snack wise-
whole wheat pasta, beans, fruits and
ly. Instead of a bowl of ice cream, choose Multi-Fibre Blend
vegetables—and do so in moderation. #2504 • 284 g
a piece of fruit or handful of nuts and
These foods provide important fibre for
dried fruit.
heart and digestive health, protective Each serving
Myth: Avoid eating fat at all costs. phytonutrients, and help regulate normal provides more
blood sugar levels. Add Multi-Fibre fibre than two
medium apples
False! Avoiding fat may keep you from Blend to your food or shake recipe to
feeling full, causing you to eat more carbs boost fibre content.
to fill up. Two studies show that eating full
fat dairy can help you lose weight and Myth: It’s normal to feel hungry when
actually be healthier. Tufts University re- you’re dieting.
searchers reviewed the diets of 120,000
False! This doesn’t have to be the
people and found that those who ate
case if you choose nutritious foods
more low fat and nonfat dairy also ate
with protein and fibre at each meal.
more carbs, essentially replacing and
Don’t wait too long between meals to
adding to the fat kilojoules. Another study
eat or you’ll feel that hunger hormone
analysed the diets of 27,000 people and
kick in. Try to eat every three to four
found that eating whole fat dairy such as
hours. NeoLifeShake is a great meal
yoghurt and cheese was associated with
a 23% reduced risk of developing Type
2 diabetes, possibly due to specific fatty MYTH: You can eat as much as you
acids and other nutrients in whole dairy. want as long as you exercise.
Be sure to choose monounsaturated or False! Unless you are training for 8 hours
polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil, a day like Olympic athletes, this is simply
canola oil and safflower oil, and nut oils not true. You still need to choose healthy
rather than saturated fats. Avoid trans foods that are low in saturated fats, high
fats which are linked to heart disease. in protein and fibre, and eat in moder- NeoLifeShake • 16 servings
#2913 Berries n’ Cream
ation. Drink alcohol in moderation. Eat #2914 Rich Chocolate
Myth: You can lose weight by eating
until you are satisfied, not overly stuffed. #2912 Creamy Vanilla
foods that are “diet”, “light”, “lowfat”
or “nonfat” and “low-carb”.

False! These foods don’t always

mean low kilojoule. These claims
can fool you into eating more than
necessary, and chances are these

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane,
This is the age of the Mompreneur – Mompreneur
A woman who is highly effective in both Definition:
parenting and owning/running her own A woman who
business. Where Mom and Entrepreneur
is effective in
fuse together in perfect harmony.
both parenting
Although from an outsider’s perspective
she may often times be mistaken for and owning/
Superwoman, a Mompreneur is really running her
just someone who knows how to find own business
balance between giving her children the
love, nurturing and support they need
and choosing the right business that
will allow her the flexibility she needs in
addition to a highly lucrative return on
her investment of both time and money.

What should a Mompreneur look for

in a business opportunity?

• A company with stability, so you can

trust that the hard work and sacrifice
you put in now, will lead to a financially
secure future for your little ones. income and build a healthier and PEOPLE ARE NUMBER ONE
happier future for your family. We don’t We believe in the Golden Rule: Treat
• Low risk but big opportunity for upside,
measure this in money alone because others the way you want to be treated.
where more hard work can translate into
we value health, personal growth,
and making a difference as far more
important than just making money. But Quality without compromise. Not “me
• A company with integrity and whole-
with that said, when you love what you too” fad/trendy products. Guaranteed
some values that align with your own and
do and you know you are making a by and developed under the guidance
the ones you aspire to teach your children.
positive difference in people’s lives, then of the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board.
• Something your kids can feel they are the result of choosing a company with
part of, even if it’s as small as helping put a highly profitable compensation plan
No matter your age, gender, experience,
together samples or gift bags. backed by amazing products is that
race or creed, you can have success
you are financially rewarded.
• A company with consumable products with NeoLife and you will be welcomed
that you believe in and that will truly help NeoLife’s Company Values into our global family.
those you share them with.
For over 50 years, Mompreneurs around Absolute integrity is at the core of who Guides decisions and actions for the
the world have been choosing NeoLife we are and reflected in all that we do. We well-being of Distributors and future
as their trusted business partner. NeoLife expect the same from you as a member generation NeoLife family members.
offers opportunity to earn a residual of the NeoLife Family.


> Hear why these Mompreneurs chose NeoLife

Hope Kome Victorine Mbah Nada St. Germain

2 Diamond Director, Nigeria 5 Ruby Director, Cameroon Toronto, Canada

“As a mother, having the privilege to “Being part of NeoLife has been a truly “I saw and experienced first hand how
bring up my own children is the biggest life-changing experience for me and my the NeoLife products are life-changing
luxury that NeoLife has rewarded me family. As a single mother with three so doing it as a business was a no-
with. Freedom of time is an absolutely children to bring up alone I knew a lot brainer and made it easy to share. As my
priceless benefit of being in this of hardship. We barely survived on the business grew it replaced my income
business. I see many women in my money that I earned selling tomatoes as a Police Officer and I transitioned
community who never have the chance in our local market. I was in search of from part-time to full-time with NeoLife
to see their own children grow up - it a miracle to change my life. I found that because I really wanted to start a family
makes me sad. I never wanted a nanny miracle in NeoLife. NeoLife has in a short and have the time-freedom to be there
to look after my children. time changed my circumstances for the for my children.
better. I am grateful that because of this
Thanks to being part of the NeoLife Opportunity, my life will never be the I quit my job and got pregnant in the
Business I’m my own boss. I’m able same and my children will never know same month. When my kids were
to take my children to school in the poverty. For one thing, we were able to younger they would help me set up
morning, work during the day, and move from the swampy neighbourhood for booths and shows and it taught
be there for them in the evenings. I where we lived, to the lovely home we
found that the time I spend with my them so many positive things like how
have today. to set goals and the importance of
children while driving them to school
is very precious. I’ve been able to build What I like about this business is that good health. Taking the products has
wonderful relationships with them. I think whether you are a man or a woman also helped them tremendously to be
that it is crucial to teach your children you have an equal opportunity and healthy and excell at sports. I know
your values. Being able to spend time chance of success. NeoLife rewards that I would not have been able to be a
with them is a major part of this process. you for working hard. This is the perfect part of their lives and experience those
business for hard working women, and milestone moments, that I cherish, if I
Sure, in today’s world all woman need to moms in particular. I have the freedom would have remained a police officer. I
pull their weight and help support their to plan my day around my business and am so grateful for the time-freedom
families – but a conventional job may my family. Not many working Moms can that the NeoLife opportunity has
not be the answer. Mothers who need do that! allowed me to have!”
to make money and who would like to
spend more time with their families need The good work ethic is also rubbing off
to consider joining the business. If you’re on my children. My eldest son, Alain
dedicated, put in the work needed and is my partner in NeoLife. He is very
follow the guidelines NeoLife offers you enthusiastic about the business and
are sure to succeed. This business is the working hard. It is great to work with
ideal way to balance work and family life. your children and being able to guide
I can assure you that you will also make them in life.
a lot more money than in a conventional
job. NeoLife has offered me products that
help support my family’s wellness
Thanks to NeoLife my family and I have so that we can enjoy life. NeoLife
all the health wealth and happiness I Nutritionals keep my family healthy and
could ever wish for!” strong, we are never sick. NeoLife is just
too awesome for words.” 19
Congratulations to these directors who are reaching for the top by
moving up one or more levels.




OLADELE & ABIMBOLA - Nigeria - Nigeria
- Nigeria


- Cameroon - Nigeria

- Nigeria - Nigeria
- Nigeria



EGBUTU - Nigeria
- Nigeria
- Nigeria


- Nigeria - Nigeria - Nigeria - Nigeria

- Cameroon - Nigeria
- Cameroon - Nigeria PROMISE OHIFUEMEH - Nigeria
NOUBI SIGE - Cameroon EGEOLU - Nigeria
TANIFUM CHE - Cameroon - Nigeria
FADIORA - Nigeria
- Nigeria PRECIOUS & CHRISTIANA - Nigeria
IGANAGO - Nigeria
- Nigeria BRIGHT IHUNWO - Nigeria - Nigeria


Tools at your
Keeping up with the pace of our fast-paced digital world can be a real challenge, but as a Distributor
having information accessible on the move can be used to great advantage. With a large selection
of mobile devices now available, important and useful product information is often only a few finger
touches away. Here are our top tools that you can access via the web anywhere and anytime.

AFRICA 04/15


CLE ARLY Lifestyle Magazine
FOR LIFE! Located on Distributor Only Website / News / Publications / Lifestyle
This quarterly publication full of information relating to health, references to recent
scientific studies and general wellness tips which can all be read online or downloaded
as a pdf to share. Either way it's a great friendly way to introduce people to what
NeoLife is all about.

Product Catalogue FEEL better

Located on Distributor Only website / Business Tools / Business Support /

Product Catalogue LOOK better

One of the best ways for a quick overview on our entire range is to flip through the
Product Catalogue. Available to view online - it is even easier to show to potential
LIVE better

customers anytime.
product cata
log ue


The NeoLife website is home to all basic product information. With a complete list of
everything in the range as well as supporting information, it is usually a great place
to start. If you wish to dig a little deeper, the Distributor Only website is the place to
find many more helpful items.

Facebook & NeoLife Blog

The NeoLife Southern Africa Facebook page has handy tips, advertisements
and links to other articles that you can share easily with family and friends.
The NeoLife Blog is a good source of articles, exercise tips and other great
information suitable for sharing with others.

So you can see what is really there!
Because Golden Home Care products are so efficient and versatile in both their design
and function, you won’t need anything else when it comes to cleaning. Get ready to
have space for the things that truly matter!


• Get powerful products that • Highly versatile Super 10 • LDC is a gentle, yet effective
deliver powerful results powers through the toughest cleaner with 101 uses in and
• Definite savings ... a little goes dirt and grime around the home
a long way

Dilute 1:10 – Makes 11 litres when diluted Dilute 1:5 – Makes 6 litres when diluted


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