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Business Law Code -106
SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester

Brow ser Name: M

Question The Articles of Association controls ________ operations of the company.

Correct Internal

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Question The memorandum of every company shall state :-

Correct The name of the company , The registered office , The main objects

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Question Constructive delivery is also called as Delivery by :-

Correct Attornment

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Question The essence of contract of sale is :-

Correct Sale of goods


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Question Dissolution of partnership involves a change in ________ of partners.

Correct Relationship

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Question Instruments payable on demand are

Correct Cheque , Promissory Note , Bill of Exchange


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Question The Articles of Association contains the :-

Correct Rules , Regulations , Bye-laws


Question A minor can be admitted as a partner with the consent of all other partners.

Correct True

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Business Law Code -106
SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester

Question An agreement of agency must make clear the ________ of a person to act on
behalf of another person.
Correct Intention

Question Apparent authority and ostensible authority have different meanings.

Correct False

Question Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 applies to contract of sale.

Correct True

Question Goods which become ascertained subsequent to the formation of the contract
of sale are Ascertained Goods.
Correct True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following are the elements which constitute a partnership

Correct there must be a contract regarding a partnership , there must be an association

Answer of two or more persons
Your Answer there must be a contract regarding a partnership , there must be an association
of two or more persons

Question Consideration can not be a past consideration.

Correct False

Question Sections 1 to 75 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 provides for the special
Correct False

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Question Misrepresentation contains following ingredients :-

Correct Causing another party to make a mistake as to the substance of the thing ,
Answer Positive assertion , Breach of duty without intention to deceive

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Question The very important stages in the connection of formation of a company are :- Page 2
Business Law Code -106
SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester

Correct Promotion , Registration , Floatation


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Question Following persons can not be called partners

Correct minors , insolvents , co-owners without the agreement to carry on the business

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Question For obtaining recognition as an 'Appropriate Laboratory", the applicant shall
send an application in the proforma prescribed by the :-
Correct Bureau of Indian Standard

Question District Forum enjoys Revisional jurisdiction.

Correct False

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Question There can not be any partnership where a business is carried on

Correct with a benevolent purpose , where any one of the partners is entitled to total
Answer profit earned

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Question There should be a ________ and real necessity for creating an agency.

Correct Definite

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Question An unregistered firm can institute a suit against

Correct wrongful use of the trade mark , wrongful use of the firm name

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Question A hire -purchase agreement is :-

Correct Contract

Question Companies can be registered with undesirable names.

Correct False
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Business Law Code -106
SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester

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Question ________ contracts are the result of the implied promises.

Correct Implied

Question General agents are the persons who enjoy a general authority to do everything
in the course of their agency.
Correct True

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Question Agent has duties towards principal in addition to :-

Correct Conducting principal's business , Rendering accounts to principal ,

Answer Communicating with the principal

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Question Partnership business carried on continuous losses, the court may order to
________ the firm.
Correct Dissolve

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

The aggregate value of the Turnover Turnover

realization made from the sale
Confirmation by the company Change of the registered Change of the registered office
law board office from one state to from one state to another
A certificate of incorporation Conclusive evidence Conclusive evidence
given by the registrar
The period of three Relevant period Relevant period
consecutive financial years

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Question The legal existence of the company commences from the date written on the
certificate of incorporation and such date is conclusive even if :-
Correct Wrong

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Question According to Prof. Hanney, "Partnership is the relation existing between
persons competent to make contracts who agree to carry on a ________"
Correct Lawful business is common with a view to private gain
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SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester

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Question A company is :-

Correct Voluntary Association of persons , An artificial legal person , A separate legal

Answer entity
Your Answer An artificial legal person , A separate legal entity

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Essentials of valid ratification Existence of principal Existence of principal

Agent appointed for a special Special Agent Special Agent

Agency created by conduct of Implied Agency Implied Agency
the parties
Agency created by words, Express authority Express authority
spoken, or written

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Question There are certain relations, which are not created by contracts but are upheld
by law, which are known as ________ contracts.
Correct Quasi

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Question The term of Central Protection Council is :-

Correct Three years


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Question A spiritual adviser (Guru) induced his people to gift their property to him to
secure benefits to them in the next world. The contract is:-
Correct Void on the ground of undue influence as no reasonable man will do it
Your Answer Not void on the ground of undue influence as no real or apparent authority is
held by Guru

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Question In a contract of sale a condition may be reduced to warranty where :-

Correct There is a voluntary waiver of condition


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Question A Consumer has the following rights :- Page 5
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SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester

Correct To get the education of the availability of legal remedies , Seek redressal
Answer against unfair trade practices , To be informed about quality, quantity, potency,
purity, standard and price of goods

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Question Classification of companies based on the jurisdiction of functioning is :-

Correct A National Company , Multinational Company , Foreign Company


Question A Company subject to the provisions of section 32 of the companies act as

unlimited may register under this Act as a ________.
Correct Limited company

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Question A valid tender of performance should be ________.

Correct Unconditional

Question The membership of the association of company shall cease on the dissolution
of the firm.
Correct True

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Question In the absence of usage or custom of trade to the contrary, the implied authority
of a partner does not empower him to :-
Correct Admit any liability in a suit or proceedings against the firm , Withdraw a suit or
Answer proceeding filed on behalf of the firm

Question Shelf prospectus is a prospectus issued by any ________ institutions for one or
more issues of the securities.
Correct Financial

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Question Certain effects of the insolvency of a partner are as follows :-

Correct An insolvent partner ceases to be a partner , The partnership firm dissolve on

Answer the insolvency of any partner

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Question Following are the conditions needed to prove an act of a partner is an act of a
partnership firm
Correct such a act be done in a ordinary course of a partnership firm , it must be related
Answer to the business of the firm , act must have been done in the name and on
behalf of the firm Page 6
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SCDL- PGDBA- I Semester
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