IPR Topics

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Tentative Topics for IPR

 Medical process as an excluded subject matter under Patent law

 ‘Disclosure of patent’ requirements under Standard Setting Organizations: Implications
 ‘Exhaustion of rights’ under Patent law: comparison of US & Indian position
 Patent eligibility of ‘Computer Implemented Inventions’: study of US & Indian position.
 Compulsory licensing under Patent law in India: a critique.
 An analysis of ‘Injunctive relief’ as a remedy for SEP Holders.
 Patenting of genetic materials: US, EU and India
 Business Method Patents: a comparative study
 Access and Benefit sharing under CBD: implications on the patent offices
 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: a critique from IPR
 Critical analysis of section 3(d) of the Patents Act 1970.
 ‘Novelty’ as a criterion for patent protection: US, UK AND INDIAN POSITION.
 Draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty: a critique
 Limitation based on 'public order and Morality' and Patent eligibility: critique
 The impact of 'International Search Report' and ‘International Preliminary examination Report'
under Patent cooperation Treaty
 ‘Exhaustion of Rights” under Copyright law: a comparative analysis
 A Critique of the 'Three step test' under Berne Convention and subsequent Treaties.
 Limitations and Exceptions under Copyright law for Library: WIPO initiatives and Indian position
 'Statutory licensing' under copyright law in India.
 ‘relevance of idea-expression’ dichotomy under copyright law.
 ‘Originality’ requirement under copyright law: critical analysis.
 Tests for determining infringement of Copyright in computer program: a critical study.
 Protection of ‘Characters’ under copyright law: critical analysis.
 Rights of performers in relation to fixed and unfixed performance: Critique
 Right of communication to the ‘public’ & right to issue copies under Copyright law: a study.
 Fair use of artistic works: a comparative study
 Extent of rights of the Broadcasting organization & copyright owners.
 ‘John Doe orders’ for enforcement of Copyright—an analysis
 Technological protection measures & fair use under Copyright law: a study
 Scope of Copyright for computer program and Fair use exception
 Use of ‘Orphan works’ under Copyright law: aiming at a right balance.
 Protection of Transformative works under US Copyright law: a Critique.
 Copyright in social media: critical analysis
 Copyright societies and competition law: comparative study
 ‘Conceptual separability’ under copyright law in US: an analysis
 Protection of Unregistered Design: UK, EU & India
 Overlap between Copyright and Design: Critical analysis
 ‘Functionality' test under Copyright and Designs law: analysis
 Scope of IPR protection in Fashion industry
 Protection of ‘plant varieties’: Balance of rights of Breeders and Farmers.
 Geographical Indications protection for the Textiles: critique on enforcement
 Sui generis protection of Traditional Knowledge: Necessity in India?
 Effect of Traditional knowledge Digital Library on Patent claims: analysis
 Graphical representation requirements for ‘sound’ and ‘smell’ mark registration: critical analysis
 Special protection to 'wines and spirits' under TRIPs: a critical analysis
 ‘Dilution Doctrine’ under Trademark law: a critique
 ‘Comparative advertisement’ & Trademark Infringement: a study.
 Acquired distinctiveness of Non-inherently distinctive marks: an Analysis
 Assignment and Licensing under Trademark law: an analysis
 Protection of 'Domain Names' under the law of Trademark: critical analysis
 International Registration of Trademarks: a study from Indian perspective.
 ‘Refusal to Deal’ by Patentee & Copyright owner: Analysis of Competition law issues.
 Study of interface of Intellectual Property and competition policy
 Arbitrability of IPR disputes
 IPR as a secured interest for Institutional finance.
 Intellectual Property Rights and outer space
 Intellectual Property Rights and Bio-informatics
 Border enforcement of IPRs: Customs regulations in India.
 Trade secrets protection in India? Critique
 Need for 'Data Exclusivity' protection in India? : Comment

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