IHL Abstract

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All human being are born free and equal in dignity and rights. There are certain groups of beings
which either by nature or because of deep rooted customs are weak and vulnerable, such as
women, child, disabled persons etc., Life is unpredictable. No one knows the next minute of life.
In such case, every human has the right and wish to live the life up to their willingness. No
person shall be compelled to live a life for the benefit and name of others. Honour killing is
killing a person, maybe a male or a female, who does not accept the marriage arranged by the
family or chooses to move her marital life as per her or his wish just because it brings down the
honour of the family. The supreme authority of the family looks after the name of the family but
forgets to think about the love and affection shared with the member of the family. This type of
killing happens because of certain triggers which are also discussed with the role of law in
honour killing. No person can be left free if they violate the law and in such case this is a crime
violating many provisions set up for the protection of the citizen. Among many crimes, this
crime forms similarity with many crimes but yet is a different one. The incidence of honour
killings is presumed to increase in situations of economic crisis or conflict, or where traditional
patriarchal values are under threat as for example when minority communities where honour
killings are tolerated come into contact with mainstream societies which do not share the same
views of appropriate gender roles. With the passage of time, honour related violence has been
backed by the legal authority in many regions and modern nations of the globe.

The project further explains the factors responsible for prevalence of Honour Killings in India,
how the honour killing violates human rights as well as other international instruments and about
the steps taken by Indian Government to curb the practise.



Honour Killing – Violation of Human Rights


An honour killing or a shame killing is the homicide of a member of a family, due to the
perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonour upon the family, or has
violated the principles of a community or a religion, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter
an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their family, having sex
outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate,
engaging in non-heterosexual relations or renouncing a faith. The inhumane practice of honour
killing is not limited to India alone. This is also being practised by citizens of North and South
America, Africa, Turkey and many other countries. Though the number of incidents relating to
this crime is low, there is still a very strict punishment for committing this crime in other


 Honour Killings: The Law It Is And The Law It Ought To Be by The Law Teacher

The article reviewed intended to show that what an ‘honour killing’ actually means and what are
the reasons behind its occurrence. Also, they discuss the position of International Law over
‘Honour Killing’. Secondly, they analysed various laws are present instantly in the country
against the ‘honour killing’ while trying to find what more laws ought to be there to stop such a
heinous crime. An “honour killing" is a murder committed against a woman for actual or
perceived “immoral" behaviour that is deemed to have breached the ‘honour code’ of a
household or community.‘Honour killings’ are an extreme and brutal abuse of human rights,
violating the most basic of human right- the right to life, as well as every other article in the
International Convention on Human Rights (1948).

 Violence against woman - Issue of Honor killing by SiddarthBanke

This article has thoroughly analysed the onset of the issue of honour killing in accordance with
the laws established by protection of human rights. It has reviewed all the factors of honour
killing while taking into view its inception and the varied practices all over the world while
mainly concentrating on India. This article has also highlighted how the guardians of law have
been a party to this practice, thus making it an entangled situation. This article has also critically
analysed the violence against the victim while promoting a message that honour killing should be
curbed with the support of laws, legislations and case studies.


The project restricts its purview mainly to India while taking into account incidents of honour
killing in other parts of the world where the practice is prevalent. The objective of the study is to
clearly analyse the rise of the practice of honour killing and how it has violated human rights.
And also, to analyze whether there is a need to enact specific law or not with respect to honour


It has been hypothesized that honour killing is a new concept and it has violates principles of
natural justice and human rights and thus need to be curbed.


The researcher has used the doctrinal method of research for the conclusion of this project while
taking guidance from primary sources such as declarations, reports and commentaries or cases.
Secondary sources such as various books and articles have also been used in finalising the


 Introduction: Historical analysis of honour killing

 Honour killing in the contemporary era

 Honour killing and human rights violations

 Cases of honour killing

 Conclusion& suggestions

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