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Date: 01 Jul 2015

ABB Australia Pty Limited Ref No:

Prepared by: J Lam

How to reflash the ABB CQ930 Smart Controller

with new unit software

1. Check with ABB to see if there is new CQ930 unit software available.

2. Connect the controller to your PC with USB cable.

3. Open the re-flash application “CQ930_3Phase_ReFlash_1.3.exe” file.

4. Hit the “Select Port” button to select the correct USB/Comm port.

5. The controller should automatically connect displaying the serial number of the unit and the current
version of the embedded software

6. Click the “Direct” button. Assuming you have saved the .enc file (attached) somewhere on your PC,
you will be prompted to browse for the file. When you have selected it hit open.

7. You will see some background dialogue and then a progress bar will appear. It will show progress until
around 40% then will complete rapidly. It is recommended that other programs and activities are not
executed during this process which can crash the process. It will take about 4 minutes to complete.

6. The unit will automatically reboot (you will hear the "open" relay click during this sequence). The
dialogue box will confirm that the reflash was successful or otherwise. During the start up sequence
the software version will also appear on the unit screen. You can also confirm this when you connect
to a unit with the PC utility software (or re-connecting with the re-flash application).

ABB Australia Pty Limited

ABN 68 003 337 611

88 Beresford Road PO Box 574 Telephone Fax

Lilydale VIC 3140 Australia Lilydale VIC 3140 Australia +61 (0) 3 9735 7333 +61 (0) 3 9735 3863

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