Co 57a-2015 (Motorcycle Passenger) 09022016

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District HON, AVELINO 8. SOUS ‘Councilor HON, EDWIN G. GAWARAN Se SA ae von A ‘City Councilor HON: ROWENA BAUTISTA MENDIOLA ‘City Councilor HON, REYNALDO M. FABIAN. City Councilor A, RL ears ‘City Councilor HON. REYNALDO D. PALABRICA ‘City Councilor HON. HERNANDO C, GUTIERREZ Cily Counclor HON, GAUDENCIG B NOLASCO ity Councilor HON, BAYAN City Councilor HON, ‘A. DELEON ‘City Councilor HON. ROBERT R. JAVIER ~S ‘City Councilor HON, VICTORIO L. GUERRERO, JR, Clly Councilor - ABC Pres. Alasted by: ATTARHALD A. ATEGA, JR. ‘Sofggunjong Panlungsod Secretary Certified by: HON, CATHERINE S. EVARISTO Cty Vice Mayor/Presiding Offcor ‘Approved by ' HON, STRIKE BS REVILLA ‘City Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Cavite City of Bacoor OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD. CITY ORDINANCE NO. CO 57A-2015 SERIES OF 2015 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING TWO OR MORE MALE = -MOTORYCLE PASSENGERS FROM RIDING TANDEM WITHIN THE CITY OF BACOOR AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF. Sponsored by: Hon. Bayani M. De Leon Co-Sponsored by: Hon. Reynaldo D. Palabrica BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Bacoor, Cavite THAT: Section 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall also be known and referred to as the “Anti ‘Riding-In-Tandem' Ordinance of the City of Bacoor”, Section 2. Prohibited Act. The use or operation of motorcycles regardless of engine displacement by two or more male passengers riding tandem everyday from 7:00 am up to 10:00 pm within the City of Bacoor is hereby prohibited. Section 3. Public Information Campaign. The Public Information Office of the City of Bacoor is hereby mandated to distribute flyers and to prominently display posters in various public places within the City of Bacoor announcing the enactment of this Ordinance, the penalties imposed hereunder, and the act prohibited under Section 2 hereof. The said public information campaign shall begin ten (10) days after the publication of this Ordinance in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Bacoor. Section 4. Penalties. Persons who shall violate this Ordinance shall be penalized as follows: First Offense: Payment of fine of Three Thousand Pesos (PhP3,000.00) by the driver of the motorcycle at the time of apprehension. Second Offense: Payment of fine of Four Thousand Pesos (PhP4,000.00) by the driver of the motorcycle at the time of apprehension. City Ordinance No. CO 57A-2015, 7 December 2015 Page 1 HON, AVELINO 8, SOUS ily Councilor HON. EDWIN G. GAWARAN ‘City Councilor fH ¢ aS) HON, ROWENA BALTISTA-MENDIOLA ‘Clty Councilor HON. RENALDO M.FABIAN Ep ceuntor Ai Dh NUS D. DE CASTRO. ‘Giiy Councilor District: HON. REYNALDO D. PALABRICA Gy Gosnclor HON, HERNANDO C. GUTIERREZ Clly Councilor HON, GAVOENCIO # NOLASCO ‘City Cotncilor Attested by: ATTY. KHALID.A, ATEGA, JR. Sengguniong Poniungsod Secretary Cortfied by: HON, CATHERINE S. EVARISTO ‘Cy View Mayor/Presiding Officer Approved by: HON. STRIKE B. REVILLA iy Moyor Republic of the Philippines Province of Cavite City of Bacoor OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD. Third Offense: Payment of fine of Five Thousand Pesos (PhP5,000.00) by the driver of the motorcycle at the fime of ‘apprehension and imprisonment ‘of not more than six (6) months. Section 5. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the Sangguniang Panlalawigan has approved it and after it has been published at least once ina newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Cavite. Section 6. Repeal. All ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified. ORDAINED this 7!" day of December 2015 by the 2n¢ Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Bacoor, Cavite. | hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was approved in accordance with law and that all its contents are true and correct. Certified by: pa HON. CATHERIRIES. EVARISTO City Vice Mayor! Presiding Officer Attested by: \AITY. KHALID A. ATEGA JR. Secretary}o the Sangguniang Paniungsod Approved by: HON. STRI 'B. REVILLA, PhD City Mayor ee City Ordinance No. CO 57A-2015, 7 December 2015, Page 2

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