Sample Memo Policy

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Memorandum Policy

Date: 20 February 2020

To: All students of Dalandanan National High School

From: Board and Administrators of Dalandanan National High School

Subject: “Policy for the Safety and Protection of the Students of Dalandanan National High
School “

Effective Date: 24 February 2020


The Philippines like any other countryis experiencing threat of spread of virus which is
NCOV-19. The school acting promptly in order to avoiding and preventing cases of spreading
the virus, and its act to protect the health of its students shall release some rules and guidelines.

Due to increase rate of health issues particulary the NCOV-19, all student shall abide by the
following rules and regulation:

1. The students shall observe proper hygiene and if possible wear mask specially in case
not feeling well or feeling sick.

2. If the student is already having high fever he/ or she is advised not to go to school and
rather have his/ her guardian assist him/her to the hospital and have him/her checked up
by a physician.

3. If a student notice that one of his/ her classmates are experiencing high fever or is sick,
the same shall be reported to his/her advisor.

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